FEBRUARY 15, 2018
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Thank you to American Legion Detachment happy to see him. He was given to the units that sent Commander Chris Sherman at a child who was a little fussy durmid-year reports The American Legionʼs Midwin- ing a meeting and he managed to to our program ter Conference, he mentioned that keep him quiet. chairmen. This there is going to be a huge deploy- 10 Reasons to Smile helps the chair- ment this summer and the SAL • You will look attractive. men write their needs some help with funding • It changes your mood. reports for Cen- the Josh Dogs. Created by Sons • It is contagious. BONNIE tral Division. It of The American Legion Detach- • It relieves stress. JAKUBCZYK is important that ment of Arizona, the GI Josh • It boosts your immune system. Department President every member Dog is a stuffed animal wearing • It lowers blood pressure. report to their unit president or a camouflage bandana, meant to • It is a natural pain killer. secretary all their donations and comfort the child of a deployed • You will look younger. volunteer hours by April 1st. The service member. Each dog comes • It makes you seem successful. Annual Report can be found on with a book entitled, “Iʼll Be OK.” • You will stay positive. Membership is all of our rethe department website (www. This is a great way to support our amlegionauxwi.org). Think how American Legion Family and con- sponsibility, so remember to share proud Wisconsin will be with tinue to make Wisconsin proud. your “why” (why you belong) as 100% reporting as we show Con- Look for the donation form in the you promote membership through your community activities. gress how much we care about our unit mailing. “Sometimes it is better to just Veterans. Josh has been busy traveling While talking to Sons of the with me and everyone is always remain silent and smile” SUPPORT MEMBER INVOLVEMENT LET’S ENCOURAGE
THE ALA FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND Since June 1, 2017, ALAWisconsin has contributed $8,731.50 to the ALA Foundation Endowment Fund, the special project for both Department President Bonnie Jakubczyk and National President Diane Duscheck. This donation was made possible by gifts received from members
and units across the state of Wisconsin. Thank you for your generosity and edging NP Diane closer to her $60,000 national goal. Anyone interested in supporting this cause may send a check payable to “ALA-WI” designating to “#4843-ALA Fdn” in the memo field.
MEMBERSHIP Mary Krutz Membership Team What Do I Get Out of My Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary? Members forging lifelong friendships Encouragement to step outside my safety zone and experience new things Memories and laughter as we work helping others Benefits offered to members by the American Legion Auxiliary Enrichment of our lives in service not self Resources to become better leaders and citizens Support from our fellow members in times of need Help through scholarships and the Auxiliary Emergency Fund Inspiration to live my life for God, Family, and Country Participation in the largest womenʼs patriotic service organization “Remember, your smile is your logo. Your personality is your business card. And, how
you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” - LuAnn James, Past Outagamie County President Are you interested in becoming a Paid Up for Life (PUFL) member? As you know, the 2019 membership rates are increasing. As of January 1, 2018 all members wishing to become PUFLs must have their 2018 dues paid first. Once 2018 dues are paid, a member has until June 1, 2018 to purchase their PUFL at the current unit rate. After June 1, 2018, any member wishing to become a PUFL will need to use the higher 2019 rates when figuring the total amount due. Remember, your PUFL rate is the sum of the National dues + Department dues + Unit dues. Congratulations Ladies! According to the January 23 membership report, we are at 81.56% of our goal. Thirty-one
7 - 20 1 01
Thank You A sincere thank you for all the cards, calls and prayers I received while I recuperated from my recent hip replacement. It was great to hear from so many American Legion and Auxiliary friends. Therapy went very well and I was finally able to get to Florida on January 15th. ~ Past Department President Kay Arndt
(31) units are at or over 100% and 72 units are at or over 90%. Donʼt stop! We are on our way to 100%. Remember, you are not alone. The District and Department membership teams are ready to help. Just give us a call, or contact Department Headquarters. We will be happy to meet with you and offer assistance. Thank you to all the Unit and District membership chairmen for the hard work that you do processing the memberships. It is a very time consuming job. A special thanks to LuAnn James for her contribution to this article. We certainly have some creative members. 2018 DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP TEAM Chairman Joanie Dickerson, jomaried@gmail.com Nancy Helms, nhelms420@att.net Mary Krutz, wkrutz@new.rr.com Renee Calteux, Junior Member Andrea Stoltz, Headquarters Staff alawi@amlegionauxwi.org
CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Judy Kuta Chaplain/Music Chairman Ph: 262-377-8613 Email: judykuta44@gmail.com In Galatians 6:9-10 we read, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” Did you ever hear of the Pareto Principle? This principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Looking at the Legion Family the principle reveals that 80% of the volunteer work is done by 20% of the members. If you are among the 20%, do you ever lament: “If only more people would help!” In other words, the 20% can become weary of doing good. Volunteer fatigue is real. We all get tired. But encouragement is found in these scripture verses, “… for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” As we look at the month of February we see examples of many people that did not give up. They kept serving and working for the good of our country and for others. The four chaplains are a prime example of men who never gave up working for others. They gave their life jackets to other men on the SS Dorchester and ended up giving the ultimate sacrifice to save others. We also remember past United States Presidents during the month of February. Lincoln and Washington both served during hard times, but they never gave up. They kept working to make our country stronger, better and blessed with many freedoms. Are you one of the 20%? Will you keep working to make our organization stronger and better for the benefit of our veterans? Will you never give up? Will you encourage others to become like you? Will we all do good to all people? Will our 20% become an even greater percentage? Will you encourage everyone to help? Dear Lord, Help us to be willing volunteers for our veterans. We want to do good for them. Please strengthen us with ideas that will be pleasing in your sight and beneficial to our veterans. Help us to grow in faith toward you and in greater love toward one another. We ask this all in your holy name. Amen Music: God Bless Our Native Land God bless our native land: firm may it ever stand through storm and night. When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of wind and wave, do thou our country save by thy great might. So shall our prayers arise to God about the skies on whom we wait Thou who are ever nigh, guarding with watchful eye, to thee aloud we cry: God save the state!
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: 608-745-0124 Email: deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org Website: www.amlegionauxwi.org The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) national organization sent final 2017 dues renewal notices to members whose dues were not processed by department as of early December. If you believe you received a notice in error, please contact your unit and ask them to forward your dues to department headquarters. If your membership lapsed but you still want to renew so you can restore your benefits, please mail your membership dues today, pay online at www.ALAforVeterans.org, or call the national organization at 317-569-4500 and they will process your dues with a credit card over the phone. Units that sponsor girls for ALA Badger Girls State (ALABGS), should work with their local school to help select delegates and to ensure the delegates promptly register for the session and attend an orientation. Visit the ALABGS website (www.badgergirlsstate.org) for the latest information on the 2018 session, including orientations being scheduled. Auxiliary scholarship applications must be submitted to Education Chairman Bethany Fredericks by March 15th for consideration. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Please encourage qualified students to apply. Applications can be downloaded from the department website.
Do you know any Wisconsin ALA members who could use financial assistance for college? The M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund offers interest-free loans of $800 per year for up to five years to Auxiliary members attending college. The loan is repaid in monthly payments after the student graduates or finishes school. Interested members should contact Chairman Joan Chwala for more information or an application. Unit Year-End Reports are due April 13th. The Unit Narrative Reports should be sent to Department and the Unit Impact Reports should be sent to your district president. These reports are the best tools for showcasing all the wonderful things the ALA does throughout the year. Every unit does something – from distributing poppies to hosting community blood drives. Members should be proud of their service and take time to report it. President Bonnie Jakubczyk and the department chairmen will review the narrative reports to select units for special recognition at Department Convention. If you have pictures showing events you were involved with, please include them with your narrative reports as we would like to do a video collage at convention showing all the fun activities. I ask each unit to take time to report their accomplishments. Last year, only 276 units submitted a year-end impact report, but their accomplishments were outstanding. More than $97,000 was awarded in local scholarships. Members contributed more
than 387,000 hours in volunteer service and donated almost one-half million dollars to support our veterans, the military and their families! Thatʼs just from the units that reported. I canʼt imagine what the impact would be if EVERY unit had submitted a report! Letʼs see if we can improve on last yearʼs reporting so National President Diane Duscheck and National Commander Denise Rohan can brag about their Wisconsin Legion Family. At the last Department and National Conventions, delegates approved a dues increase for the 2019 ALA membership year. Dues will increase to $28.00 per senior member and $5.25 per junior member. Although this may seem like a steep increase, itʼs less than a total of 8¢ per day, which is still a small price to pay to honor those who were willing to sacrifice so much for us and our freedom. Please make sure everyone is aware of the increase. Members who have been considering a Paid Up For Life (PUFL) membership should submit their paperwork to Department Headquarters by June 1, 2018 before the rate increase goes into effect. Depending on your age and the amount collected by your unit, the cost savings may be significant. Members are reminded to attend district spring conferences to learn more about the Auxiliary and thank the district officers for all their hard work. See the schedule on page A4.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Sue Keyzers Department Chairman Ph: 920-246-9044 Email: Suekeyzers.ala@gmail.com The emphasis for Community Service projects should be to identify the needs of the communities we live in and to involve ourselves and our units in meeting those needs. To do this, we need to be active in our communities and to cooperate with other organizations and groups to succeed in our goals. Contact your local food pantry or homeless shelter. At this time of year, there is a great need for food, warm clothing and shelter. Check with your local domestic violence centers. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, with children being especially vulnerable. Contact your local schools and retirement centers. The young and the old like to have visitors, someone to talk to and to read to them. These are just three
examples of community-based service. When you have completed your service project, please report it. I would like to thank the units that took the time to complete a mid-year report. I sent a report to ALA National, Central Division and Department of Wisconsin. Central Division Chairperson Martha Setlock reported that our Division was 100% in completing the mid-year reports. She also gave a few ideas for different activities for community service. She calls these activities “Acts of Love.” • Take treats to your local fire or police station. • Pay for someone behind you in line. • Donate used books to schools, nursing homes, or homeless shelters. • Take valentine treats to a neighbor. • Take valentine cards to retirement or nursing homes. • Donate clothes to a childrenʼs home.
• Leave something sweet for your mail carrier. • Pack small non-perishable snacks to pass out to the needy. • Give five people compliments in one day. • Tell your family and friends how much you love them. With our commitment to our communities, we are making a better place for our veterans and their families to live. Remember, per the Program Action Plan for Community Service, each Community Service chairman is requested to submit a narrative report by April 13, 2018. Please add pictures to add interest to your report and fill in the National Award Cover Sheet for any awards you are applying for, either as an individual or as a unit. If you have any questions on completing your report, please contact me at suekeyzers.ala@gmail.com.
EDUCATION Bethany Fredericks Department Chairman Ph: 608-469-2875 Email: Fredericks.bethany@gmail.com With the cost of tuition continuing to rise, there is an ever-increasing need to financially support our students in the form of scholarships. As someone who funded her own post-secondary education, I relied on the scholarships I received to be able to stay in school. I hope that your unit is promoting the scholarships of both Department and National to your local schools; suggestions are outlined in the Education Program Action Plan. Things to remember: • Deadline Dates: Applicant to Unit is
March 1st. Unit to Department Education Chairman is on or before March 15, 2018 for National scholarship applications. Department level scholarships must be postmarked by March 15, 2018. • Unit President: Verify the application is complete according to the rules of the scholarship. Please be sure to sign the application. • Unit may enter only one candidate per scholarship. Applicants may apply for each scholarship for which they are eligible. • Some of our scholarships can be awarded to current college students or graduate students. • Technical College students may also apply depending on scholarship rules.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a mid-year report. It was really fun to read about all of the wonderful things you are doing for our students. While the focus of this writing is to promote the scholarships, you can still participate in any of the other activities in the Education Program Action Plan. Schools are always in need of supplies, so continue to promote Give 10 to Education within your units. Keep this in mind as you begin working on year-end narratives which are due in May. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Joyce Endres Department Chairman Ph:608-221-1763 Email: ljendres@charter.net “The Beginning is Always Today” Mary Shelley National Commander Denise Rohan said, “Numbers equal influence…” Every member and donated dollar and service hour makes a difference. ALA POWER equals influence! American LegionAuxiliary (ALA) members are strong women who are direct descendants of a wartime veteran, plus courageous female veterans. Proud members INFLUENCE Wisconsinʼs ALA POWER. ALA=Awareness; Love, Auxiliary Member. POWER=Positive, Ownership, Women Veterans, Energy, Resilience. ALA POWER and how it influences our 2014-2019 Centennial Strategic Goals: GOAL 1 Enhance Membership Strength: MEMBERSHIP equals influence! Your membership honors veterans in your life. Become a PUFL member. 2018 is the time to become a PUFL member, prior to the 2019 dues increase. Recruit a new ALA member (mother, sister, daughter or granddaughter of wartime veterans; a Legionnaire, SAL, or American Legion Rider). Ask a women veteran to join the ALA. Women Legionnaires may join the ALA as a “DUAL is COOL” member.
GOAL 2 Create an Internal Culture of Goodwill. KINDNESS equals influence! Ellen says, “Be Kind to one another.” Love, positive, and ownership come to mind. I took a class called ʻManagement by Responsibilityʼ and learned to share often: How often do you hear someone take responsibility when something goes well, but blames someone else when something goes wrong? Listen to yourself and others. Share successes and shoulder the blame when things donʼt go as planned. Itʼs OK, move on. “Every failure I have considered my own, every success has been shared” Michael J. Fox, Actor GOAL 3 Develop Leadership at all Levels: Quality LEADERSHIP equals influence! What makes a good leader? Keep learning and build on the energy, resilience, ability, skill and talent of your team. Become a leader by learning. Attend and engage in Department Convention, ALA-In-the Know conferences, District Conferences, ALA Leadership Workshops, online ALA Academy, and The American Legion Midwinter Conference. GOAL 4 Strengthen Department and Units: Clear COMMUNICATION equals influence! Share honest, positive and kind words with our members, the American Legion Family, and all we serve. We need new strong
leaders. Share your knowledge, skills and talents with members and future leaders at the unit, county, district and department level. Find new ways to conserve resources and suggest new revenue sources at all levels to ensure ALAʼs financial stability. GOAL 5 With The American Legion, Build Brand Loyalty: AWARENESS equals influence! BRAG about your accomplishments to raise awareness of all the good work we do as we serve the ALA mission. Wear your ALA and Centennial emblems. Celebrate your pride and service for God and Country. Be proud to be an active American Legion Family member. Strategic Planning for today and the future: SERVICE equals influence! The American Legion Family has close to a 100-year history of achievement and success. 20172018 is a year of ʻWisconsin Prideʼ as two strong Wisconsin women lead the National American Legion and the National American Legion Auxiliary. Commander Denise Rohan, a dual member of TAL and ALA, and President Diane Duscheck lead by example. TEAMWORK equals influence! Unit, county, district, department and national organizations work together as one team. TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More. ALA POWER equals influence!
JUNIOR ACTIVITIES Lorrie Barber Department Chairman Ph:715-343-1947 Email: Lorrie.barber@gmail.com Excitement is brewing for the Junior Spring Conference. Pack your sleeping bag and pajamas for a fun weekend at Boston School Forest in Plover, Wisconsin. We have the whole facility and there are lots of fun activities planned. The conference begins at 1:00
pm on Saturday, March 3, 2018 and will finalize in Stevens Point where we will “Bowl for Veterans” on Sunday, March 4. Registration, information sheet, and pledge sheets were in the unit mailing and are posted on the department website. Go out and get lots of pledges for bowling, because those pledges will help support the Junior Project (Military Kids Camp). Juniors will also be
electing their new honorary junior officers at the conference. Thank you to everyone that sent Junior mid-year reports. Those reports really help as I prepare my report for Central Division and National. The juniors are really busy carrying on our mission. I hope to see everyone on March 3rd and 4th for an exciting weekend at the Junior Spring Conference.
POPPY PROGRAM Maggie Geiger, Chairman Ph: 262-377-0329 Email:geigermaggie2@gmail.com Tiny pieces of thin red crepe paper are twisted together on green covered wire that has green and black center attached. A slip of white paper with the words “The American Legion/ American Legion Auxiliary in Memoriam; Handmade by Veterans” is placed below the pedals of the poppy. The red pedals represent the blood shed during battles and the green stem is symbolic of the forests, meadows and fields where generations of Americans perished to make this land free. The traditional day for poppy distribution is just a few months away. If you have not contacted the local businesses that have graciously allowed your unit/ post to distribute poppies, now
would be a good time to reach out to them to thank them and ask if they would like to partner again this year. Check your supplies for distribution. Have you considered having a Poppy Program poster, “Where does your Poppy Donation Money go” at each distribution site? You could have it laminated and display it. It will help strike up conversations at your distribution sites. Do your canisters need a face lift? These items can be purchased from Emblem Sales. You can also go to www.ALAforVeterans.org, for poppy program media fact sheets, poppy bookmarks or for other items to help your unit/ post educate members of the community. Place an article in your local newspaper(s) explaining to the community what the poppy
symbolizes and what the donated money is used for. You can also place the Flanders Fields poem by Lt. Col. John McCrae and/or “We Shall Keep the Faith” by Moina Michael in your community papers before your chosen distribution day(s). By planning early, you can achieve a very successful poppy distribution this year! Work with your local businesses, community members and your Legion Family to help raise awareness of the needs that our veterans, active duty personnel and families of veterans face. Their needs are many, and with your hard work and support, many of their needs will be met! If you have any questions or need assistance with the Poppy distribution or the Poppy Poster Contest, please feel free to contact me.
LEADERSHIP Rose Heinz Department Chairman Ph: 920-734-7570 Email:rozkar@new.rr.com “Leadership: How to discuss without defense.” This was the theme as written in the ALA In the Know eBulletin in December 2017. As potential American Legion Auxiliary leaders it is so important to assess our own attitudes about our relationships with others. Itʼs the simple process of spreading goodwill. We can help you identify your strengths by confirming the knowledge you already have as well as gaining new information so that you may become a more effective leader. Donʼt you want to attend a presentation about the American Legion Auxiliary? Benefi ts include: • Gain basic knowledge of its history. • Learn the basics of parliamentary procedures. • Understanding-set your goals • Learn how you can be a more effective leader. • Learn to assess attitudes about yourself.
• Utilize your seasoned members to provide mentor support • Learn how to build a firm culture of goodwill (Strategic Plan Goal 2). • Learn about the different layers of leadership. Workshops are offered and are needed to help us as Auxiliary members to help the organization grow and survive. When we have a lack of information, it is a barrier to leadership development. That is why our committee members are there to help you become knowledgeable and show you how to use your hidden tools. Donʼt you want to be part of a leadership development? We must leave a legacy for the new leaders to cultivate the next generation of ALA leaders. Please contact me via email or phone so we can come together and plan a workshop. Also please take the opportunity to take the Senior and or Junior Auxiliary Basics Course. If you have done so already, I find it never hurts to read the information again. You could also take the ALA Academy courses online, too, which are available at www.alaforveterans.org.
WANTED: A MEMBER FOR THE DEPARTMENT FINANCE COMMITTEE ALA-Wisconsin revised the Department Bylaws at the 2016 Annual Convention to allow any member with appropriate experience to serve on the Department Finance Committee. Candidates for this position need to have experience in accounting, finance, budgeting, auditing or other relevant experience to be considered. A resume highlighting this experience must be submitted to Department Headquarters by April 15, 2018. Resumes may be sent via email (preferred) to deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org or mailed to ALAWisconsin, Attn: Dept Executive Secretary-Treasurer, PO Box 140, Portage, WI 53901-0140. The Department Vice Presidents, with input from the Department President and the Department Executive Secretary-Treasurer, will appoint one member annually to serve for a three-year term on the Finance Committee. Candidates to be considered will be contacted by the appointment committee for a telephone interview and subsequently will be notified by mail once a decision has been reached. Questions regarding the responsibilities of a Finance Committee member may be directed to Finance Chairman Teresa Isensee at isensee@centurytel.net or 715-667-3528.
FEBRUARY 15 , 2018
Registration Time/Fee
Location American Legion Post 21 504 58th Street Kenosha WI 53140 American Legion Post 157 735 S Hubbard Street Horicon WI 53032 American Legion Post 84 1627 12th Avenue Monroe WI 53566 American Legion Post 537 9159 W Beloit Road Milwaukee WI 53227 The Veterans Center 3430 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee WI 53208 Eagles Club 823 Hamilton Street Manitowoc WI 54220
Lublin WI
American Legion Post 96 7421 W Main Street Webster WI 54893
Make check Payable to:
Send check to:
Contact Person
Nadine Gadow 920-647-0480
American Legion Post 51 148 S. Leonard Street West Salem WI 54669 Moose Family Center 1025 2nd St N Stevens Point WI 54481 Oconto Falls HS 210 N Farm Road Oconto Falls WI 54154
Luncheon Cost
Current as of 2/6/18
8:00 – 8:55 am Fee: $2.00
ALA Beaver Dam Unit 146
8:00 – 8:45 am Fee: $3.00
ALA Unit 84
9:30 am Fee: $2.00
ALA 4th District
10:00 am
$17.00 Registration fee included
ALA 5th District
8:00 -8:45 am Fee: $2.00
Manitowoc County
8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $2.00
American Legion Unit 51
ALA Unit 6
ALA Oconto County
8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $3.00 $5.00 more at door
8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $1.00
Patricia Lampert 104 N Roosevelt Drive Beaver Dam WI 53916 Janet Thompson 2121 – 4th Street #2 Monroe WI 53566 Sue Hembrook 24215 60th Street Salem WI 53186 Linda Bartell 4561 S. Clearwater Place New Berlin WI 53151 Jan Mulhaney 314 S Calumet Drive Valders WI 54245 ALA Unit 51 Attn: Andrea Page PO Box 40 West Salem WI 54669 Lorrie Barber 3257 Minnesota Avenue Stevens Point WI 54481 Patricia Lindsten 5110 County Road J Oconto WI 54153
Donna Douglas (608) 325-7728 just4u@tds.net Kathy Baranzyk 414-628-0360 kbaranzyk@wi.rr.com
Linda Bartell 414-899-7479 (c)
Nancy Helms 920-231-5310 nhelms420@att.net
Andrea Page 608-786-0299
Lorrie Barber 715-343-1947 lorrie.barber@gmail.com Ann Lotter 920-373-5337 lotterann@yahoo.com
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 143 in St. Croix Falls participates in numerous fundraisers throughout the year to support veterans, but one of their most successful was a huge garage sale. Items were donated for the sale, which raised $1,700! The unit donated this money to the Polk County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) to help local veterans with day-to-day needs such as buying gas to get to a job, fuel assistance for their homes, winter clothing, household supplies and food. Pictured (left to right): Jim Chapin, Post Vice Commander; Rick Gates, Polk CVSO; Jenny Chapin-Culver, Unit President; Bev Warner, Unit Treasurer; and Wayne Hancock, Post Commander.
9:00 – 10:00 am Fee: $2.00
ALA Unit 96
Paula Smith 715-791-8096 mspaula1003@gmail.com
It is truly a family affair at Sullivan Wallen Post 11. Legion, Auxiliary, and SAL members joined together to serve breakfast for members and guests at the Green Bay Legion Hall. Chefs Keith Goodman (front row left) and Lena Goodman (front row center) created a delicious buffet of eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy, homemade biscuits and muffins. Keith and Lena are new members who bring their talent and passion for cooking to our Legion Family. The next event is a soup and sandwich dinner on Saturday evening, February 17, 2018.
Once again, community members and supporters helped American Legion Auxiliary Unit 251 in Argyle donate over $6,500 worth of items to their 12th Annual Christmas Drive for the Veteran’s Hospital in Madison. The items are collected and packed up by Auxiliary and Legion members and then delivered to the hospital. Appearing in the photograph are ALA members Pat Baumgartner, Linda Flanagan, Nancy Dammen, Berni Ostby and Linda Hanson. Anyone with questions about the annual collection may contact Linda Hanson at rlhanson1@yahoo.com.
2018 DATES TO REMEMBER Mar 3-4, 2018
Mary Bressers, age 90, was recently honored by members of Daugherty Hamilton Unit 234 in Omro for being an American Legion Auxiliary member for 80 years. ALA Unit 234 President Diane Steinert presented Mary Bressers with her Continuous Service Certificate.
Paula Smith 7324 Main Street E #33 Webster WI 54893
Ms. Bressers started her Auxiliary service with General William Mitchell Unit 388 in Milwaukee. Mary (far left) is pictured during a Unit 388 Junior Group event.
Department Junior Conference Boston School Forest Plover, WI
Apr 7-8 and Apr 14-15, 2018 ALA State Bowling Tournament (9-pin tap) Pioneer Lanes, Platteville, WI May 19, 2018 Sweat 4 Vets Walk Grafton/Cedarburg Posts May 19, 2018 Poppy Trot 2018 American Legion Post 83 Sheboygan, WI June 8-9, 2018 Department Leadership Conference Department Headquarters Portage, WI
June 10, 2018 Department President’s Testimonial American Legion Post 434 Oak Creek, WI June 17-22, 2018 ALA Badger Girls State UW-Oshkosh June 28 to July 1, 2018 National President Diane Duscheck’s Homecoming Various Milwaukee-area activities (Details to follow) July 12-15, 2018 2018 Department Convention Oshkosh, WI Aug 24-30, 2018 2018 National Convention Minneapolis, MN