Badger Legionnaire for January 2019 Pages 1-7

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Badger &“Wisconsin”


Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family

January 31, 2019 Vol. 96, No. 1

The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

2019 Midwinter Boasts Record Attendance!

Gracin Becomes Newest Legion Member

Commander Frank Kostka signs up National Country recording artist and U.S. Marine, Josh Gracin as the newest member of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin Family!

The 2019 Midwinter Conference held on January 18-20 at the Ho-Chunk Convention Center in Baraboo, was a huge success. A record number of attendees celebrated "100 Years of Why" with National Country recording artist and U.S. Marine, Josh Gracin. Attendees also participated in member meetings and training.

District 8 Riders Cover King Cemetery

Photos are courtesy of District 8 American Legion Rider Pat Kulas

On December 15th, the District 8 American Legion Riders reached a goal seven years in the making. All 7274 veteran headstones at Central WI Veterans Memorial Cemetery were remembered with a wreath from Wreaths Across America. Over $73,000 was raised in 2018 by the District 8 Riders to ensure that every veteran at King Cemetery was honored and not forgotten by a grateful nation. Some 500 volunteers showed up to help lay the wreaths. Represented were many veteran organizations, business groups, general public and family members of those buried at King. A ceremony took place at 11:00 AM which coincided with the ceremony conducted at Arlington National Cemetery. This ceremo-

ny took place at the same time at over 1400 locations across the United States. We thank the speakers who graciously took part in the King ceremony. They were WI American Legion Dept. Commander Frank Kostka , WI State Auxiliary President Char Kiesling and Gold Star Mother Elizabeth Kryst. Thank you to all who supported the District 8 Riders with your donations and to all the volunteers who helped honor our veterans by placing a “Remembrance Wreath” at a headstone. A special thank you goes to the members of District 8 Legion Riders, who worked all year in many ways to ensure that our goal of covering every headstone was successful. Evelyn McSherry, ALRA District 8 Secretary






Established 1919






“Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail:

Amber L. Nikolai, Executive Editor 2018-2019 Communications Committee Rebecca Laumann, Chairman Joan Salle, Vice Chairman Greg Eirich, DEC Liaison Linda Pfeiffer Jennifer Rumbold Mike Feirer Angie Chappell, Assigned Staff Member Bonnie Dorniack, Auxiliary Member 2018-19 Department Officers Department Commander Frank Kostka Department Vice Commanders Dave Wischer John Miller Ken Schoolcraft Clarence Davister Adjutant Amber L. Nikolai Department Chaplain Mathew Harn Assistant Chaplain Todd Fanta Sergeant-At-Arms Jeremy Nordie Kendel Feilen Service Officer - James Fialkowski NECman - Robert Shappell Alternate NECman - Dale Oatman


Proud of the impact the American Legion Family, the Four Pillars and Programs have on the lives of Veterans, their Families and their Communities! Hopefully you maintain solid membership. test on Feb 9 in Ripon. March this summer, starting with had a wonderful Last year was the first in many 1st is the deadline for Schneider- my Testimonial on May 11th holiday season that we stopped losing members. Emanuel and Eagle Scout of the after our Spring Conference Frank Kostka y o u r You can help maintain that trend year Scholarships. Junior Shoot- in Portage. July 14-17 is the Department Commander w i t h family as I did. by renewing or signing up a new ing Sports Postal Match targets Legacy 100 motorcycle ride Now with the start of a new member or working a Member- must be submitted by March 1. from Ashland to Wisconsin’s year we really need your help ship Rally to transfer members Also we hope you’re sponsoring American Legion Convention focusing in on membership, at large into one of our Posts. and identifying young men for at Madison to raise money for especially those members I know we all have busy lives, our Badger Boys State Program. a cabin at Camp American that haven’t renewed yet. but I still signed up 50 new We are reviewing a Monument Legion. Our 1st annual At this point in time state wide, members, collected renewals design to be located at Camp "Celebration of Freedom" event we’re over 2,000 members be- from 20 and transferred 26 American Legion to recognize will be held at the fairgrounds hind from last year and many members into our Posts. I’m Gold Members and Posts that in Portage, September 4-8, don’t realize their membership challenging you to personally have donated to the Century Club as we celebrate 100 years has expired as of the first of the make some membership contacts Program. It’s not too late for you of The American Legion in year. Membership is not just an to help your Post which in turn or your Post to be recognized on Wisconsin. Many events are arbitrary goal, it’s the life blood will support our Department. this monument celebrating 100 being planned to include the of our organization. It has been With spring and summer years of the American Legion. Vietnam Traveling Wall, music, a passion of mine for some years around the corner we need to fo- For further information please food venders, games and other now. If we want to help Vet- cus on our upcoming Programs see our website, activities. Make your plans to erans, continue our programs and Scholarships. Leading off is or contact HQ (608-745-1090). have some Veteran comradely and keep dues low, we must our Department Oratorical conA lot of fun is planned for and fun with us this summer.

SAL DETACHMENT COMMANDER Greetings Legion Family! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Chris Sherman SAL Detachment holiday. I norCommander mally don't talk about membership, but I really need all of you to get your memberships in. I have set a goal this year to get our Detachment

District Commanders 1st – David Latimer 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Keith Lovell 4th – Raymond Pasbrig 5th – Craig Ellis 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – David Hale 8th – Ronald Fregien 9th – Jeffery Zwiers 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – Lowell Liberty 12th – Donald Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.


American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901

Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Char Kiesling, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule

All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to

of Wisconsin the Triple Nickel Award. This means we need 5 new squadrons and 105% membership, 85% or great renewals, and we are getting closer to achieving this, so PLEASE get them in soon. We are still asking for donations for the Josh Dogs fund as we are being told that, unfortunately, we have more deployments in the near future. I would like to thank the Legion

Family for helping our Detachment make this happen. This is what Team Work is all about! For February, Junior Shooting Sports kick off. Please be sure to visit our veterans on Valentine's Day, and work with your Post to see if they could use help with your County Government Day in March. Also in March is the 100th Birthday of The American Legion! Looking ahead to April is

Children & Youth Month. A great time to do something to support the Child Welfare Foundation. Squadrons, if you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or my officers. We are willing to help you. Visit us on Chris Sherman Detachment Commander 1-262-352-6902


Judge Advocate - Nicholas Lange Department Historian, Jeff Antzak

JANUARY 31, 2019

Greetings members, leaders and representatives from the American Legion! Pending Wisconsin Senate confirmation of my appointment by Governor Tony Evers, I am honored to serve as Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. Joining you as the strongest advocates for the hundreds of thousands of military veterans and families in our great state, I’m ecstatic to work together to further the impact of veteran-focused initiatives and programs. Working with you, we will continue to serve our veterans and their families by ensuring their voices are heard and needs met. Over the next few months, I will be visiting all areas of the state to meet with Veteran Service Organizations such as the American Legion, County Vet-

eran Service Officers, veterans, families and supporters. Together, we will work with legislators and others to ensure that non-partisan policy is developed that best serves our veterans, their families and Wisconsin as a whole. My grandfather, father and four brothers all served in the United States military. My mother was active in the Auxiliary. Influenced by their example, I joined the U. S. Navy, served on active duty for 28 years, and retired as a Captain (O-6). My husband, Scott, is also a Navy veteran and our oldest son is currently deployed on a Navy submarine. Our youngest son serves his community as a firefighter. Having served the Navy for nearly three decades, I know the sacrifice of service, and believe the WDVA needs to

increase its focus on serving veterans. Before any action, the question should be, “How will this best serve Wisconsin veterans and their families?” Although my military service in uniform concluded, I’ve continued to serve our veterans community through membership and leadership of veteran focused organizations. I’ve represented downtown Madison on the Dane County Board of Supervisors for six years. Even before I was elected, I worked extensively with the Dane County VSO to ensure that veterans and their families receive the assistance they need. Through my experiences, I’ve found that the most vital part of serving our extensive veteran community in Wisconsin is by working together as a team to accomplish our goals.

Veterans and their families contribute to their community in many important ways. Let’s continuously work to ensure that each of them achieves their employment, education and quality of life goals in our great state of Wisconsin. Yours in service, Mary M. Kolar, WDVA Secretary-Designee

WALLECA Applications Now Available Online

The Wisconsin American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy (WALLECA) application process was made available on January 7, 2019. Deadline to apply is February 26, 2019. The application is available on The Wisconsin American Legion website, This year’s WALLECA session will be held from June 24-28, 2019 at the State Patrol Academy at Fort McCoy.

The curriculum includes Fire Arms Training, Ethics, Crime Scene Investigation, Physical Readiness Testing, and much more. The classes are instructed by current and retired law enforcement professionals. Questions regarding WALLECA can be forwarded to Sheri Hicks, Programs Coordinator, at or by calling (608)745-1090.

JANUARY 31, 2019



Growing the Legacy that is Camp American Legion

“Surround yourself with good people and they will lift you up!” OUR MISSION Helping To Heal - those who served, continue to serve, and their families, through Wisconsin’s Northwood’s Experience OUR VISION Giving Wisconsin Veterans the pathway to quality of life OUR VALUES Honor and Stewardship

Last month there was an error in editing at the publishing company and it stated that the December Camp article was written by Camp Chairman Mike Burt. Please note that the December 2018 Camp article was written by the Camp Director Don Grundy. In last month’s article I shared with you that momentum is in our favor and that remains strong as we move into 2019. For some of us the new year marks a fresh start and with that we often derive our New Years resolutions. I like to consider them more of Life resolutions. Something that has a long term impact, is attainable and sustainable. I believe that we are all a work in progress and if we resolve to make changes to better ourselves then perhaps those changes will have a positive effect on others around us, our communities and our organizations we are connected with. It is with this in mind that drives our way forward. In early 2017, we conducted strategic planning for Camp as part of my on-boarding process as the Camp Director. Myself, along with the Department Adjutant, outgoing and incoming Camp Chairmen, and the Department Commander invested several facilitated sessions developing goals and objectives for moving forward as we transitioned. During this process many ideas, concerns and issues were considered. I want to share with you some of the key points that we focused on in developing

our goals and objectives. Keep in mind this is not all encompassing, rather the core ideas within our sessions. Safety First Lets face it, our daily lives have inherent risks that comes with just moving through the world in which we live. This is why they make band-aids and helmets. Camp American Legion is a wonderful facility with an abundance of recreational opportunities located in one of Wisconsin’s most beautiful regions. Yet all of this is mute if we do not consider safety first. Yes, accidents can happen, however, as an organization that focuses on the health and wellbeing of those we serve it only makes sense that we make a consorted effort to mitigate risks without taking away from the overall experience. As the on site manager of daily operations, I make on the spot corrections and advisory recommendations to the Department leadership to help maintain a respectful level of safety. For example, we have installed a fence between the kids play area and the parking lot. We removed an old dock system that ran parallel to the shore line to avoid anyone from slipping under it. We stopped allowing passengers to use the back rumble seats on the golf carts to avoid someone from falling off and we worked with the state and county officials to get the speed reduced along Hwy D where we cross to get to the main boat docks. Safety never sleeps and we

are always evaluating our facilities and operations to ensure we can provide the best possible experience for those we serve. In fact, at the Department Midwinter conference, I will be proposing that we move our cross-walk to the top of the hill to allow better sight lines for both motorists and our campers as they cross Hwy D. Strong Relationships This is and has been the backbone of our success. In our Mission, Vision and Values statements we developed in 2017, our vision is this: “Providing pathways to quality of life”. It is imperative that we focus on building and maintaining strong relationships within our organization and our communities. These relationships will continue to help us meet the needs of our mission. It is likely the most important garden that we care for. The seeds we plant today will be tomorrow’s harvest. Accessibility, Sustainability, Efficiency and Comfort One of the challenges we face at Camp is our aging facilities and equipment. Camp was established in 1925 and many of our buildings were built in that era. Of course, building codes and standards were different back then. It was not until the 1960’s that our society started seriously considering accessibility for folks with mobility and disabilities challenges. Many of our cabins have small bathrooms that were added on over the years because there was no running water

to the cabins in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Our equipment gets heavy use and our Northwood’s climate can be very harsh. Because of this, some of our cabins and equipment need to be repaired or replaced. Yet, we have to pause and applaud our cabin sponsors and the Legion Family for their efforts to maintain these facilities and equipment with minimal resources. These folks take pride and ownership in being an integral part of the success here at Camp and we are very grateful for their continued efforts. As the needs of our Veterans, Military members and their families continue to evolve, so will Camp. The department leadership and our Legion Family is committed to ensuring that we have the resources needed to grow forward. When we repair and rebuild, we consider costs, building efficiency, building codes, facility safety, sustainability of materials, accessibility for our ALL of our campers, our environmental footprint, comfort features and the overall experience for everyone involved. There is a Legacy that is Camp American Legion and it is these principle ideas that will help us continue this legacy. Thank you all for being a part of this. We look forward to a enjoyable and successful 2019. From our family to yours, Happy New Year. -Don Grundy, Camp Director

To learn more about the mission of Camp American Legion or to get involved with answering the call, visit or find us on Facebook.

DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Did you know benefits and discounts are available to you for being a member of The American Legion? AUTOMOBILE RENTALS • Alamo car rental: unlimited mileage and yearround discounts • National car rental: unlimited mileage and year-round discounts HOME SERVICES • Lifestation: a medical alert system to help get emergency help with the push of a button 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. • Amplifon Hearing Health Care: Custom hearing solutions to help you hear better. MOVING AND RELOCATION • Allied: members can receive discounts of 50% or more on interstate moving, in-transit storage and personal property protection coverage. TRAVEL • Best Western: members can save 10% or more at more than 2,100 North American


locations. Members are also eligible for free enrollment in Best Western Service Rewards, which rewards them for their loyalty and helps support military charities. Motel 6: all Legion and SAL members get a 15% discount at any of the 1,100+ petfriendly locations in the US and Canada. GOV Vacation Rewards: get access to FREE travel program that offers exceptional savings and discounts on vacations including cruises, hotels, flights, car rentals and resort stays. Veteran Holidays: Resort condominiums which include on-site recreational facilities, resort amenities, full kitchens in many units, washer/dryer in many units and kids activities. Wyndham Hotel Group: Legion members save up to

20% off the “Best Available Rate” at over 7,800 properties worldwide. MISCELLANEOUS DISCOUNTS • Office Depot/Office Max: provides members with up to 80% off over 93.000 items including ink, toner, printing costs, and items for the classroom, home and office. Members can shop online from any location, as well as print out a free instore purchasing card to use discounts in-store. Next day delivery is free on purchases of $50 or more. • Omaha Steaks: Legion members can enjoy free shipping on discounted packages and an extra 10% off your entire order at checkout. Where can you find these discounts and how to get them? www. Check them out and save some money the next time you need to use the above services! Julie Muhle Dept. Membership Chairman 920-382-4028

MARCH MADNESS MEMBERSHIP EVENT: READY TO RALLY? The March Madness Membership Challenge is ready to kick off on February 14th and run through March 16th. This is a double elimination tournament, so even if you get eliminated one week, you have a chance to come back to win! The numbers used will be the total renewals under the weeks listed on the weekly membership report sent by Chris. This report can also be found at – Membership tab – Membership reports. This challenge is in coordination with the National Commander’s Buddy Check week March 11th through March 16th. Our challenge will end on March 16th at the Open House at Department Headquarters from 9am to noon. We will have refreshments, kiddie activities, Josh Dog, and hourly drawings. $20 will be given to the 100th person to walk through the door. $50 will be given to the Post Commander who has the highest renewals during the challenge (as tracked on the weekly membership report). We will also be setting up phone banks. The Commander has

indicated that the person making the most transfers during the open house will get a monetary award. Mark it on your calendars and be prepared to be there! Prizes for the Challenge • Champion District Commander: $100 • Department of Wisconsin: Increase in membership renewals • Members of the Wisconsin American Legion or DMS who get a buddy check, Priceless Tips for success • Remember, each week is a new contest! In order to move forward in the bracket, renewals need to come in strong each week. • Encourage your County and Post Commanders to reach out to their membership! If their membership roster doesn’t have a phone number associated with a member, now is the time for the buddy check. • We have transferred only 299 of the over 900 members in the National DMS holding post. • Ways of communication: phone, email, text and personal visits.



JANUARY 31, 2019

Benefits Worth Over $335 Million Secured for Veterans and Families Whether I am speaking at a veteran’s center, at a college, or simply walking in a parade, I enjoy repJames Fialkowski Dept. Service Officer resenting The American Legion. Your Service Office is honored to represent The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. Your office is proud, knowing that veterans, war widows(ers) and orphans will receive their due benefits and possibly one day a college education because we were able to help. We are currently tracking 27,975 client files. Over the last 12 months, your Service Office assisted veterans and their families in attaining over 335 Million dollars in due benefits.

To accomplish this, we completed over 81,000 total services including over 26,000 database client services, almost 42,500 processed pieces of mail, over 5,000 phone calls and assisted over 2,500 walk in clients. VA Benefits administered include education, vocational rehabilitation, burial, compensation, pension, death pension, dependent indemnity compensation, automobile allowance, and adaptation for automobile and home. Our office administers the National Level Children and Youth, Temporary Financial Assistance program (TFA), our Department Troop and Family Support (T&FS) Fund, and the Veterans Assistance Fund (VAF). Additionally, we speak at events, staff Veterans Benefit

LUMP SUM RETRO AND RECOVERY FROM 1/2018-12/2018 Average Monthly Benefits ($) Recovered. Burial 13,090 Compensation 20,893,099 Pensions 2,457,454 DIC 1,355,511 Education 3,049,429 Voc Rehab 151,437 Automobile 2,672 TOTAL $27,922,690 Annual Federal Dollars


Supermarkets and Stand Downs around the state. We are in direct contact monthly with the Directors of the Milwaukee VA Medical Center and Regional Office. We are proud the word is finally getting out about the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA). I am still filing claims and I have fielded many questions on the subject. The Service Office received the WDVA Grant of $100,000. NOTE: The ongoing Veterans Benefits Administration transformation to digital submission of claim paperwork is changing the way we will track workload data in 2018. We have gone to digital processing of ratings, awards, and receipts from CVSOs (thanks again to Maynard for the hard work). These changes are focused on the reduction of office supplies cost and streamlining the process, lowering workload intensity. Look for more changes to come. October – Attended Department Fall Committee meetings and submitted report to the DEC. Attended monthly VARO and VAMC Service Officer Meetings. I was once again requested to represent the Veteran Service Organizations while training the new VA Hospital Social Workers. We provided

services at a Veterans event in Milwaukee. Represented two veterans at their hearings at the VA Regional Office Milwaukee and one veteran at their Board of Veteran Appeals Video Board hearings at the VA Regional Office Milwaukee. November – Attended American Legion tour of the Chippewa Falls WDVA Veterans Home and a meeting with the Commander. Provided services at UW Green Bay at a veteran’s event. Represented two veterans at their hearings at the VA Regional Office Milwaukee. I continue to be a VARO fire marshal. Attended monthly VARO and VAMC Service Officer meetings. Represented two veterans at their Board of Veteran Appeals Travel Board hearings at the VA Regional Office Milwaukee. December – Attended American Legion tour of the Milwaukee VA Medical Center and a meeting with the Director. Attended monthly VARO and VAMC Service Officer Meetings. Represented three veterans at their Board of Veteran Appeals Video Board hearings at the VA Regional Office Milwaukee. Attended monthly VARO and VAMC Service Officer meetings.

DEFINITIONS Burial Benefits – Includes plot and internment allowances and, in some cases transportation. Compensation – Payments related to service connected disabilities. Pension – Payments to wartime veterans or their surviving spouse who meet net worth, income, service and disability requirements. DIC – Dependent Indemnity Compensation – Payments to a deceased veteran’s spouse, if the spouse meets marriage longevity requirements, for the death of the veteran due to active duty or a service connected disability or for a death of a veteran who was rated 100% or TDIU for the required period of 1, 5 or 10 years depending on veteran’s qualifying status. Education – Includes active duty and reserve education benefits. Vocational Rehabilitation – Environmental assessment/ adaptation, education, and training benefits for veterans who, due to their service connected disability, require environmental assessment/ adaptation, training, and education to have a better quality of life or to become gainfully employable. Automobile – A vehicle purchasing allowance to qualifying veterans.

for the Department BBS and Oratorical Programs. Completed the ALEI Course, Appointed to serve on the Department CIP Oversight Committee, re-appointed to serve on the National Americanism Council 2017 - 2019, Attended various Americanism Conferences at National in Indianapolis. Jerry was appointed to serve on the Selective Service Commission State of Wisconsin, he served on the State of Wisconsin Elks Americanism Committee 2008 thru 2014, Elks Lodge 57 Americanism Essay contest Chairman 2008

through 2012, Recipient of Elks Lodge 57 Outstanding Service Commendation for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, Recipient of Elks Lodge 57 "Elk of the Year" 2014. Jerry is very active with the Knights of Columbus in Fond du Lac and is involved in other volunteer activities.

Jerry Lauby Candidate for Department Vice Commander Sixth District Commander Jerry Lauby, respectfully requests your support in announcement of his candidacy for the office of Department Vice Commander 2019 - 2020. Jerry a veteran of the US Army, 1962 - 1965, served at Fort Leonard Wood Mo, JUSMAG - Thailand, Fort McCoy WI. Among the Service Medals earned and awarded, he is most proud of the 809th Engineer Battalion "Meritiouris Unit Commendation" from the Secretary of the Army for the construction of the Freedom

Highway known as the Bangkok by-pass Road in Thailand. He retired from the construction industry as a Sr Project Manager. Jerry has the support of his wife Janet, daughter Carlene (Gregory) and son Joe (Billie Jo) along with four Grandkids, Catherine, Olivia, Ava and William. An American Legion PUFA continuous member 48 years, and member of Abler - Engel Post 0454 Mt Calvary, Lauby served his Post as Vice Cmdr 2008, Post Commander 20092012, FDL County Commander 2011-2013, District Adjutant/

ATTENTION POSTS Badger Boys State sponsorships are now being processed for the 2019 session. The cost to sponsor a Badger Boys State delegate is $300. The sponsorship packets for the 2019 session of Badger Boys State were sent out in late September to American Legion Posts and other organizations who have sponsored delegates in prior years. If the Post did not get their Badger Boys State sponsorship packet, or the packet has been misplaced, please contact Badger Boys State Programs Coordinator Sheri Hicks at Headquarters, to receive a sponsorship packet. Sheri can be contacted via email,, or by calling (608) 745-1090.

Finance Officer 2014-2016, District Commander 2017-2019. He serveed as Chairman of the Post Veterans Memorial Committee, Post Americanism Committee 2013 to current, Member of the post Firing Squad, Recipient of Post Legionaire of the Year 2013, Active in the annual FDL County Student Government Day since 2006, Recipient of the Sixth District Outstanding Legionnaire of the Year Award for 2013, District Oratorical Chairman 2013 & 2014, Department Americanism Committee Chairman 2014-2016, on staff

JANUARY 31, 2019


REGIONAL & STATE FINALS ORATORICAL CONTEST Reminder that the Regional & State Finals of The American Legion Oratorical Contest will be held on February 9, 2019 at Ripon College in the Todd Wehr Building. The schedule of events is as follows: 9:00am: Opening Ritual, Salute to Colors & Invocation 10:00am: Regional Contests begin 11:30am-12:30pm: Lunch break 1:00pm: State Final contest

Please consider supporting the fine students who have won at the Post, County and District level contests. You will be very impressed with the talent that is brought to this level of competition!

Accidental Death Insurance Membership Plan Change

To All LIT Participating Departments: Your members’ current Legion Care Accidental Death Insurance provider has recently made a decision to no longer market or service this product to Legion Department members. We are pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2019, Securian Life Insurance Company, an affiliate of Securian Financial Group (Securian) will become the new provider for LegionCare Accidental Death cov-

erage previously provided by Transamerica Life Insurance Company. Securian Life Insurance Company is an A+ Superior company as rated by independent rating organization A.M. Best. Eligible claims incurred prior to January 1, 2019, will be processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of your Transamerica coverage, while claims incurred on or after January 1, 2019 will be the responsibility of Securian.

2019 DEPARTMENT MEETING DATES AND HOLIDAYS February 9 February 11 – 12 February 24 – 27 March 1 March 1 March 1 March 10 March 15 April 1 – 12 April 5 – 7 April 21 May 8 – 9 May 10 – 11 May 11 May 27 June 8 – 15 June 8 June 14 June 14 June 24 – 28 July 4 July 14 – 17 July 15 July 17 – 21 August 4 August 11 August 22 – 29 September 2 September 3 September 4 – 8 September 11 September 18 September 29

Oratorical – Ripon College Lincoln Pilgrimage – Springfield Washington Conference Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Deadline Eagle Scout of the Year App. Deadline Jr. Shooting Sports Postal Match ends Daylight Savings Time Begins American Legion Birthday 3/15/1919 Americanism & Gov't Scholarship Test National Oratorical Finals - Indianapolis EASTER National Spring Meetings - Indianapolis Department Spring Meetings - Portage Commander Frank’s Testimonial Dinner MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY Badger Boys State – Ripon Samsung Scholarship Deadline Flag Day Army Birthday 6/14/1775 WALLECA – Ft McCoy INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY Commander Frank’s Legacy 100 Ride Baseball Scholarship App. Deadline Dept. State Conv. Madison Marriott West Coast Guard Birthday 8/4/1790 Baseball – All Star Game – Miller Park National Convention – Indianapolis LABOR DAY Department of WI Legion Birthday 9/3/1919 Celebration of Freedom Event – Portage Patriot Day Air Force Birthday 9/18/1947 Gold Star Parents Day


All Invited to VFW WI State Loyalty Day Parade on April 27 The Department of Wisconsin VFW invites all American Legion Posts and Headquarters to join in celebrating Loyalty Day on 27 April, 2019 in Freedom, Wisconsin. All Posts are welcome to be represented in the parade and participate in the program following. This is a wonderful time for veterans to come together and celebrate our freedoms—in a Town called Freedom, and showcase their colors from around the state. The nation’s founders are remembered on Loyalty Day, which is a day when people celebrate their freedom while remembering their responsibilities to continue the legacy of liberty. Loyalty Day is celebrated with parades and ceremonies in several communities across the United States. This year in Wisconsin, we have chosen the town of Freedom to be led by VFW Post 7692 for the parade and celebration. Schools, churches, Veteran’s and various community organizations will participate in this event. Loyalty Day was first observed in 1921 as "Americanization Day." On July 18, 1958, the Congress designated May 1 of each year as Loyalty Day to foster loyalty and love of the country. According to the Legal Information Institute, the President is requested to issue a proclamation, calling on United States government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings on Loyalty Day, and inviting the people of the United States to observe Loyalty Day with appropriate ceremonies in schools and other suitable places. Each year the Governor for the state of Wisconsin issues a Proclamation for Loyalty Day.

SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2019 Freedom, WI • 10:30am

Theme: Loyalty, The Cornerstone of Freedom Deadline is April 1, 2019


Your Legislative Committee is preparing for a busy legislative year. The first item of business is to finalize the Department Legislative Agenda for 20192021. I anticipate that being completed at Midwinter. After adoption by the DEC it will be available on the department website. Our agenda will also be delivered to the legislators serving on key committees. The first piece of major

legislation to be considered by the legislature is the next state biannual budget. This process will take five or six months. We will monitor the process and be present when our issues are discussed. Our agenda calls for adequate funding for veteran’s programs including the homes. Many times, policy items are inserted in the budget to ensure passage. These are usual items that will not be adopted in a

stand-alone bill. Another reason for us to be watchful. Additionally, our agenda is for jobs for veterans, and many other veteran issues. There is an old saying that applies to this “If you are not at the table you are on the menu”. We intend to be at the table. Paul Fisk Dept. Legislative Chairman



The Last


1 Germantown Glenn Weiermann V Thomas Koeppe V John Pafford II 3 Antigo Allen Parfitt II Walter Wick II 6 Stevens Point Harvey Haidvogl II Prosper Kluck II 8 Waukesha John Miller V Max Broyles II John Kaepernick V Chris Sheridan K 9 Wisconsin Rapids David Cook K 10 Wausau Terry Ludwig V Jack Schaefer V Elgart Radant II 11 Green Bay Harvey Villers K Thomas Meulemans V 13 Richland Center Glen Hewuse V 19 Hartford Ernest Fassbender K Kenneth Jochem K 32 Menomonie Helmer Debee K 33 Neenah Donald Wichman K 36 West Bend Robert Lucas V Carl Rogne V Louis Baumgartner K Dean Benzer II Roger Landvatter V John Landvatter K 41 Kaukauna Robert Toonen II 42 Platteville Leroy Genthe V Roy Shaver K Charles Bahr K Gary Wetter V 46 Beaver Dam Edward Buss K William Schulze K 48 Beloit Carl Nelson II Roland Mueller II 51 West Salem Larry Gensch K 53 Eau Claire Eugene Ringhand V Robert Woodford V Verl Carlstrom V 59 Stoughton James Hanson K 60 Kimberly Warren Jarvis II 63 Clintonville Donald Ockerlander K Edward Ward K Leslie Behnke II 64 Ladysmith Andrew Sisko II Ronald Wiesner V 68 Prairie du Chien Michael Garrity K 74 Oconto Thomas Bourassa V Edward Sherman II

11/7/18 10/26/18 11/30/18 1/2/19 12/15/18 12/5/18 11/19/18 12/11/18 12/13/18 12/17/18 1/15/19 12/28/18 8/16/18 12/26/18 1/4/19 11/19/18 1/1/19 12/12/18 1/2/19 12/31/18 2/22/18 12/6/18 6/4/18 10/31/18 11/22/18 8/17/18 3/26/18 9/23/18 12/19/18 11/28/18 12/1/18 12/5/18 12/28/18 1/3/19 1/6/19 11/8/18 12/28/18 12/22/18 12/3/18 6/28/18 12/28/18 11/23/18 12/3/18 12/24/18 1/6/19 1/12/19 12/12/18 12/6/18 12/18/18 12/20/18 12/21/18

77 Chippewa Falls Frederick Dobbs Clifford Christenson 88 Manitowoc Charles Ratigan Frederick Blashka 89 Minocqua Michael Henningsen Thadeus Blazkowski 91 Oconomowoc Frank Haines 93 Tomahawk Jay Leland 98 Cumberland Willard Johnson Harold Diesterhaft Donald Hecht 105 Shullsburg Ronald Larson 106 Seymour Harold Henn William Zahn 108 Clear Lake Eldon Robey 110 New Lisbon John Southworth 114 Eagle River Harvey Hyslop 117 Shawano Stephen Serfozo Fred Ponschok 121 River Falls Dennis Garin Norbert Fisher 143 St Croix Falls Dennis Cernhous Vernon Langenback 146 Beaver Dam James Marthaler Kim Madeline Virgil Smith Gerald Wagner 148 Bloomington Charles Paulus 149 Sheboygan Falls Warren Visser Fred Lenzen 151 Madison John Liston 154 Mondovi Larry Johnston 155 Westby Donovan Kovars Harlan Olson 157 Horicon Wayne Samplawski Frank Sauer 161 King Phillip Olson Joe Walker Fred Rasmussen 164 Jefferson Michael Bubolz Gary Lenzen 167 Korea Jerrald Ulrich 172 North Freedom Roger Frambs 180 Milwaukee Ralph Wesolowski Joseph Paczocha 185 Grantsburg Albert Dahlberg Thomas Tourtillotte Jerome Beck 188 East Troy John Ernst Donald Brook 192 Franklin Norman Konieczny 198 Marion Russell Potter 210 Waupun Carlyle Kollmann 216 Lodi James Klamer Dale Christensen 219 Milwaukee Anthony Plicka 223 Hillsboro James Hynek


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11/21/18 12/9/18


8/7/17 2/13/18 11/30/18


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12/16/18 8/1/18





Ronald Shaker 230 De Pere Dennis Baer Thomas Thomson 243 Plymouth William Heberlein 244 Westfield Eldon Wagner 246 Genoa Kenneth Wanninger Larry Johnson Duane Jambois 250 Adams Helmer Lecy Norman Sweet 258 Little Chute Eugene Gonnering 262 Luxemburg Robert Peronto Richard Simonar Hilton Schreader 270 Theresa Paul Koll 278 Balsam Lake Richard Bump Kenneth Chapdelaine 280 Coleman John Frievalt 284 Holmen Charles Olson Cecil Rochester 286 Oostburg Warren Theune 288 Cedarburg Thomas Mayer Robert Fischer William Schulze 296 Brookfield Herbert Urbashich 306 Green Lake Dan Berry 310 Racine Lyle Septon 314 Boyceville Virgil Robinson 317 Wautoma Boyd Merryfield John Manz George Janka George Janka 333 Sun Prairie Robert Herried 337 Pulaski Dallas Bierhals Dale Bundy 338 Cedar Grove Robert Musebeck 342 Lena Walter Simonson 345 Hingham Donald Doering 350 Reedsburg Raymond Matlosz 351 Montello Gordon Daniels 360 Waunakee Neil King Donald Koch 364 Winneconne Ronald Deangelo 366 Princeton Kenyon Krueger 374 Lac du Flambeau Bernard Williams 377 Elcho Jack Nelson 382 Menomonee Falls Harry Zirgibel 384 Kewaskum Leander Kempf Ronald Melichar 393 Edgar James Krause 403 Webb Lake Ellery Vollrath 409 Poplar James Meierotto 413 Crivitz Joseph Basak 416 Greendale Richard Schmid

SEPTEMBER JANUARY 31, 25, 2019 2014

George Schulist Gordon Hafeman Charles Wollert 431 Three Lakes Eugene Step Frederick Merriman 438 Norwalk Leonard Degenhardt 439 Melrose Terry Musser 440 Clinton Russell Vanzandt Gene Taylor Joan Byerley 447 Viola Ivan Joholski 449 Brookfield Ralph Fernhaber John Gamsky 451 Boulder Junction Richard Jensen Richard Kassien 452 Spirit Arlen Andreae 454 Mt Calvary Donald Moore 456 Caroline Victor Kratzke Bert Blashe


457 Mequon-Theinsville Mel Green 464 Land O Lakes John Zeibert Weston Zilis 12/16/18 469 Marathon 12/27/18 Clemens Wadzinski 474 Milwaukee 1/2/19 Bernard Gibeault 500 West Allis 11/1/18 Leroy Tezak Walter Zehm 12/15/18 501 Madison 12/19/18 Harold Schluenz 1/5/19 Donald Anthony William Lorenz 1/9/19 Billy Powell 503 Dane 1/10/19 Edward Muzatko 9/27/18 512 Shiocton 11/20/18 Donald Curtiss 9/28/18 521 Fox Lake Clarence Kiser 1/11/19 523 Abrams Donald Beckendorf 12/17/18 537 Milwaukee Raymond Antoniewicz 2930 Portage 10/18/18 James Gottfredsen II Advertising Material 11/18/18 11/29/18 8/19/18




12/28/18 12/29/18






7/16/18 2/23/18 11/29/18


12/10/18 12/8/18




12/1/18 12/8/18 12/9/18




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10/26/18 12/27/18




11/30/18 12/8/18 1/12/19










11/30/18 12/1418 12/25/18 12/25/18




12/25/18 1/4/19







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Advertising Material




1/15/19 1/19/19












12/25/18 12/30/18















9/15/18 11/21/18





II 9/30/18 II/K 12/10/18 II V V

12/1/18 11/16/18 9/8/18 8/30/18













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From Your American Legion Department

JANUARY 31, 2019


Honor a Field of Dreams

Dennis grew up in Tomah, Wisconsin. He had a gift for playing baseball. They say he could hit a ball farther than anyone. He gave the sport 100% and loved playing the game. Dennis was a quiet, unassuming young man. He graduated from high school in 1966 and was

drafted into the Marines the next year. Dennis arrived in Vietnam in September of ’67. Lance Corporal Senz was killed in action on December 18th of that year. Dennis was just 19. He was buried with full military honors at St. Mary’s Cemetery in town. The Tomah High School baseball field is named Senz Field in his honor. In addition, part of the Tomah American Legion Post is named in his honor. Dennis is remembered to this day by family and classmates alike. His spirit lives on in each high school baseball player who takes the field in his name. Their dreams were his dreams within a field of dreams. Steve Conto The Final Bridge


The Power of War Comics

In this Warrior’s Path series, we will read and discuss the graphic novel, The White Donkey, a Terminal Lance comic, by artist and Veteran, Maximilian Uriarte. Graphic novels have a way of expressing experiences 3-dimensionally through words, visuals and the ability to convey multiple events happening at once. The series will be facilitated by National Endowment of the Humanities certified Veteran discussion leaders. Vets will have the opportunity to draw comics about their own military/war experiences and coming home. All materials will be provided free of charge, including a leather-bound notebook and pizza! Parking vouchers will be available. For more information, contact MAVRC or email khooyer@mcw. edu.

2019 Baseball Tournaments Scheduled: Time to Sign Up Wisconsin American Legion Baseball had a very successful year in 2018 with 220 teams throughout the State playing Legion Ball! 2019 is shaping up to be even better! For the best in Baseball, don’t miss this year’s State Tournaments.

Catch a Class AAA tournament at Chippewa Falls, Class AA tournament at Woodside Complex (Mauston) or Class A tournament at Westby scheduled July 26-30, 2019. Or watch the 17 year olds play their State tournament at Marshfield, 16 year olds and under play at Manitowoc.

Legion Headquarters Welcomes New Communications and Marketing Specialist

I am honored to join The American Legion team as your Communications and Marketing Specialist. My role includes serving as the Legion Baseball Program Coordinator and Editor of the Badger Legionnaire. Since graduating from U.W. Madison, my career has afforded me the opportunity to work with corporate, non-profit and government entities. My previous experience includes serving as: • Building Administrative Assistant, Columbus High School • Columbus Area Senior Center Director • Activities Coordinator, City of Columbus • Regional Director, National FFA Foundation • Sales Promotion Manager, ABS Global • Independent Contractor: WI Agribusiness Foundation; WI 4-H Foundation; WI FFA Foundation; MATC • Attended Training at Indianapolis School of Philanthropy My dad, Russell Rindsig, is a member of The American Legion Post 87 located in Rice Lake. Born in Frederick, Maryland, I joined this

Marie Steffen

great country while he was serving in the Army during the Vietnam War. I have ancestors that fought in the Revolutionary War and am proud to have a daughter who attended Badger Girls State and is now a junior at Temple University in Philadelphia. My mom, Karen, also attended Badger Girls State when she was high school! James, my husband, served with the National Guard and now works as a Machinist. I have always had a strong sense of pride in our nation and respect for those who have served and continue to serve our country. I look forward to working with you and sharing your stories as The American Legion celebrates 100 years of WHY.

Those games are scheduled July 19-23, 2019. 2019 marks the 48th year Legion Baseball All-Stars par off to play nine innings at Miller Park in Milwaukee. This year’s All-Star Game is scheduled for August 11, 2019, following the Brewers vs Texas Rangers game.

All spectators welcome! For more information regarding Wisconsin American Legion Baseball contact Marie Steffen at Department Headquarters, 608-7451090 or email her at m a r i e @ w i l e g i o n . o rg .

Post 42 Assist Solider

Members of the American Legion family recently assisted a soldier in her educational endeavors. During a visit to the 105th Cavalry Regiment of the Wisconsin National Guard, PNC Denise Rohan received a request for assistance for one of the members. Specialist Rosa Spooner had a driver’s permit, but she needed ‘road time’ in order to take the behind- the- wheel test. Since she is also a student at UW-Platteville, PNC Rohan forwarded the request to Stan and Barb Erlandson, members of the Post 42 and Unit 42 in Platteville. The Erlandsons met with Rosa, and discussed a plan. It was agreed that Barb would work with her on this effort. After several hours of practice, determination and encouragement, she re-

ceived her license. She can now drive herself to monthly drills, and she will also be able to enroll in and complete first aid and EMT training. As part of her desire to broaden her education and increase world exposure, Rosa participated in an educational trip to Spain during winter break. A requirement of this course is that each student must secure a sponsor that would be willing to hear about the student’s experience upon their return. Post 42 agreed to be Rosa’s sponsor, and also provided financial assistance to her. Paul Budden, Post 42 Commander presented a check to Rosa prior to the trip. This is another example of the American Legion family working together to support a soldier.

Pictured: Stan Erlandson, Commander Paul Budden, Specialist Rosa Spooner, Barb Erlandson

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