Badger &“Wisconsin”
aire Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
JULY 5, 2018 Vol. 95, No. 6
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
2018 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION SCHEDULE Schedule (for meeting locations, please visit; or check your copy of the schedule once you get to Convention)
Saturday, July 14th
Thursday, July 12th
This year’s Convention is one that you don’t want to miss! Join members of The Legion Family at the 2018 Department Convention and Celebrate a Century of The American Legion. • THURSDAY, JULY 12TH: Committee Meetings and Department Executive Committee Meeting • FRIDAY, JULY 13TH: District Caucuses; Convention session with engaging speakers and awards; Convention Committees reviewing and voting on proposed resolutions; Meet the Officer Candidates in Hospitality Suites • SATURDAY, JULY 14TH: Vote for your 2018-2019 Legion Officers; Convention session with more speakers and awards; Community Picnic and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Post 70 (All Legion Family invited); Church services; Past Commanders Club Party • SUNDAY, JULY 15TH: Memorial Service at 8 am; Convention Session/Officer Installment; Post Department Executive Committee Meeting. Full Schedules are available online at See you in Oshkosh as we Celebrate a Century!
Legion Office and Registration Open Exhibits open
7:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Committee Meetings: Americanism, VA&R, Credentials, Fundraising, Religious Emphasis
7:00 am – 9:00 am
Membership, National/Homeland Security, Policy, Children and Youth 9:00 am – 11:00 am Communications, Finance, Convention & Activities Commission, Legislative, Hospital 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Legion/Auxiliary/SAL DEC Luncheon WALCCA Meeting DEC Meeting District Commanders Convention Briefing Past Sergeant At Arms Club
Legion Office and Registration open Exhibits open Blood Drive District Caucuses Sergeant At Arms Meeting Convention Session Dual Members Club Meeting Backwards Club Wisconsin American Legion Press Association
7:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 9:00 am – 2:00 pm 7:30 am 8:00 am – 8:30 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Convention Committee Meetings: Americanism, Children and Youth, Finance, Constitutional Amendments, Membership, Legislative, National/Homeland Security, Resolutions, VA&R Credentials Committee Legion Ballot Clerk Meeting GNUTS Social Meeting Wisconsin Historians Association Meeting
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm 4:00 pm
Legion Office open Memorial Service Legion Convention/Installation Session Post-Convention DEC Meeting
7:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am Close of Convention
7:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 7:30 am 8:30 am – 10:30 am 9:00 am 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 – 3:30 pm 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Sunday, July 15th
Friday, July 13th
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm Post DEC 6:00 pm
Legion Office and Registration Open Exhibits open District Caucuses Legion Election Convention Session Chaplain’s Luncheon PDC Luncheon PDC Spouses Luncheon Legion Run-off Election Catholic Church Service Protestant Church Service Memorial Service Practice Past Commanders Club Board Meeting Past Commanders Club Party
Established 1919
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail:
Amber L. Nikolai, Executive Editor Dawn Brauner, Co-Editor
2017-2018 Communications Committee Rebecca Laumann, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Jennifer Rumbold Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant Amber L. Nikolai Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Bonnie Jakubczyk, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
JULY 5, 2018
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER This is my last article for the Badger Legionnaire. I want to say a Big THANK YOU. So much has Laurel Clewell this Department Commander happened year and I feel honored to have the opportunity to serve you, Wisconsin, our veterans and their families. The State of Wisconsin is blessed to have many wonderful legion family members. This is what I KNOW about
the Wisconsin American Legion. Many of our Wisconsin Legion Posts have very dedicated blue cap members and family members that donate their time and talents for their programs and events. They continue to promote the 4 pillars of the American Legion and succeed in their communities. I KNOW that Wisconsin has an ambitious Membership Chairman and Membership Team. I want to thank Julie Muhle and everyone that recruited a new member or
took time to make phone calls. The dedication of these Legion Members should be emulated by all of us. Their determination made Wisconsin reach 100% in membership which we have not accomplished in over 20 years. I KNOW that we need to continue this trend and stop the slide. We need to GROW so please reach out to your neighbor, family, and friends and ask them to join our family. I KNOW that we can always be a 100% Department and we can
GROW if we continue to do what is right! Remember to do what is good for the American Legion and promote our great programs and events. Thank you to Everyone for the support and the invitations to your post events. May God Bless the Wisconsin American Legion in the future and guide our leadership to further our mission. We Need to Know to Grow, Laurel Clewell, Dept. Commander
LEGISLATIVE CHAIRPERSON This fall we will be conducting both state and federal elections. Each of us has a right and a Paul Fisk responsibility to Legislative Chairperson participate in the campaign process and the election. We all have candidates whom we support. It is an individual choice and one of the foundations of our political process. As members of the American Le-
gion we have no restrictions on participation that is an individual decision however, we must never make it appear as if the American Legion is supporting a candidate. Our charter from Congress states that we are nonpolitical. As a veteran’s organization, we do not endorse or appear to endorse anyone seeking office. We also do not donate monies to political campaigns as an organization and that includes through our individual posts. Some posts hold candidate forums
to educate the post members and the public on the issues. This is permissible as long as all candidates for an office are invited. If these forums are held at a post facility, the Legion flag should be removed from the site, along with other legion emblems to ensure it is not creating the appearance of endorsement. Some posts provide transportation to the polls for citizens. This is permissible as long as it is not done to favor one candidate over another. When attending a political rally,
you should never wear your Legion cover or other items that identify you as a Legion member. The wearing of these items promotes the appearance of endorsement by the organization. As US Citizens, we should take our voting responsibility seriously. Work for the candidates we favor and above all vote. We can fulfil our civic duties and responsibilities as citizens and still not make our individual political choices a Legion matter.
SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Congratulations to The American Legion for 100 years of Service to Veterans. The American Legion Family has Chris Sherman Detachment accomplished Commander amazing things over the past century in support of the Four Pillars of The American Legion, Americanism, Children & Youth, Veterans Affairs and National Security. Your Sons Thank You! Wisconsin has had Sons of The American Legion Members even before The American Legion offi-
cially adopted them as a program in 1932. In 1968 we officially started our Detachment (State Level), so 2018 will mark the Sons of The American Legion Detachment of Wisconsin’s 50th Annual Convention. An amazing milestone. Fifty years of supporting the 4 Pillars of The American Legion. Fifty years of learning and applying the 5 Star Points of Service; Patriotism, Citizenship, Discipline, Leadership and Legionism. Fifty years of teaching and living the ten Ideals of the Sons: Patriotism, Health, Knowledge, Training, Honor, Faith, Helpfulness, Courtesy, Reverence, and
Comradeship. Over those fifty years we have grown, learned and applied ourselves. Each year our Squadrons (local level) have had a bigger impact in our communities, in our counties and our state. This year our squadrons have surpassed one million dollars in total contributions to the American Legion programs and their communities. Talk about impacting the world around you. Congratulations to our Squadrons and their Legion Families for having an outstanding year. As we close this year, I would like to thank the Detachment and
Squadron officers for the accomplishments we made this year. I would also like to thank the American Legion Family for helping me with my Commander’s project, G.I. Josh. We continue to provide G.I. Josh Dogs to children of deploying military and Hospital Josh Dogs to hospitalized children. Convention Delegate forms have been sent to your squadrons. Please come participate in the anniversary festivities, help celebrate our achievements and award winning Squadrons. Come to Convention to elect our new officers and make new friends.
WDVA SECRETARY Through the window of my house I’m watching the hustle and bustle of Ripon College as BadDan Zimmerman ger Boys Staters WDVA Secretary arrive for what is one of our nation’s greatest youth educational experiences. It’s encouraging to see so many young people involved with events like Badger Boys, Loyalty Day, Memorial Day, and other events and commemorations around the state that honor our Constitution and those who have sworn to support and defend it. We’ll see the same for Independence Day. Youth involvement is critical in these events as professional historians lament that we, as Americans, are fast losing our historical literacy. This lack of historical understanding has contributed to political acrimony, an unhealthy division among the nation’s citizenry,
and often dysfunctional public discourse. David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and “America’s Greatest Historian,” recently stated: “We are raising a generation of young Americans who are byand-large historically illiterate… We’ve got to teach history and nurture history and encourage history because it’s an antidote to the hubris of the present…” In my travels around the state, it has been great to see young Americans honoring our Veterans and experiencing the history these courageous Americans embody. This youth presence inspires hope in an age where cynicism rules. To some extent, that cynicism is understandable. One quick glance at social media reminds us that the principles of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are foreign to many Americans regardless of age. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness, unalienable rights endowed by our Creator, are today instead mere words to some, re-defined as needed to support the narrative of the day. In word, we are told that all men are created equal, but then shown, in deed, that some men are somehow more equal than others. In the mid-19th Century, Americans of all political persuasions thankfully understood our founding principles and made them the underpinning of the American Ideal. Disaffected citizens in towns large and small across the northern tier of states met to rally around that Ideal, ultimately saving a fledgling nation for generations to come. The most famous of these meetings occurred over 164 years ago just a few blocks from where I live in Ripon. Wisconsinites led the charge that saved this nation and the freedom it represents to the world! We ultimately fought the Civil
War to preserve the American Ideal, losing upwards of 750,000 Americans, North and South combined. And we have fought many other wars since then, preserving the Ideal not only for us, but for others as well. As President Abraham Lincoln said in Philadelphia in 1861, two months before the Civil War began, there is "something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time." On Independence Day we celebrate that liberty, that freedom, and those that sacrificed so much to protect it. The United States is truly, as Abe Lincoln also said, “the last best hope of Eearth.” This Independence Day, let’s remember that Ideal and get as many youth involved in our commemorations as possible to perpetuate it. Our future and the world depend on it.
JULY 5, 2018
Eagle Scout of the Year Presented Certificate The St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy recently held an awards ceremony for its students. During this ceremony, John Rodas had the opportunity to present The American Legion Department of Wisconsin’s Eagle Scout of the Year Award to his son, Benjamin Kelley. Mr. Kelley will be recognized for this accomplishment again at Convention.
Post 44 Presents Awards
Post 44 recently recognized Dennis Larsen with three awards: the Legionnaire of the Year Award, 50 Years Continuous Membership Award, and an award for recruiting the most new members to their post. Larsen spends his time helping at the Wabeno Legion Post 44 and volunteering for VFW projects. He is a life member of both organizations and serves on the Color Guard honoring Veterans on their "last call.” Larsen was also recognized for his assistance at the Fisheries, Poultry Shoots, and Wienerfest Fundraisers, and the spring and fall clean-up at the Wabeno Veteran’s War Memorial Park.
Larsen has been married to his wife Donna for 47 years. They have 3 children and 4 grandsons. When he’s not volunteering at the Post or VFW, Larsen enjoys golfing, playing with his grandsons, watching the Packers, and retirement.
District 1 Legion Riders out in Force for Memorial Day
Matthew Turkiewicz
The American Legion Family of Bronsted-Searl-Ingman Post 93 congratulates our Eagle Scout graduates.
The District 1 American Legion Riders turned out in force for Memorial Day activities. They led 4 parades, in Delavan, Lake Geneva, Twin Lakes and eventually Rochester. This feat was performed in 90+ degree
Advertising Material
From left, Thomas Reiter, William Russell, Jacob Fondie
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Angels of the Road Ride for Veterans The Henrizi-Schneider American Legion Post 382 in Menomonee Falls, WI will be hosting its inaugural motorcycle benefit ride, Angels of the Road Ride for Veterans, on Sunday, September 9th, 2018. Proceeds from this ride will benefit the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI). Since 2008, MHVI has been providing the services that homeless and atrisk Veterans need to reach and maintain their highest level of independence. An estimated 300 riders will begin their day at Post 382 with check-in and breakfast before
embarking on their travels to four partnering Legion Posts in Waukesha County. Those Posts include: Post #71 in Pewaukee, Post #196 in Delafield, Post #294 in Hartland, and Post #449 in Brookfield. Each Post will offer up its own unique activity or food for the riders to enjoy. After visiting with Veterans at each location and getting their Checkpoint Charlie Card stamped, riders will return to Menomonee Falls for a wrap up party at 3 pm which will include beverages, raffles, entertainment and food trucks. The cost to participate is $25
per bike/car plus $15 per additional rider/passenger if registered before August 1, 2018. After August 1, 2018 the cost is $30 per bike/car plus $20 per additional rider/passenger. Individuals who pre-register by August 1, 2018, will receive a commemorative ride bandana. Register online: or by visiting the registration link found on our Facebook Page – Angels of the Road Ride for Veterans. Submitted by Dawn Mariscal
weather and while putting over 100 miles on each of their bikes. The Riders will NEVER FORGET and are always ready to honor our deceased veterans. Submitted by Don Stone, District 1 Riders Historian
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JULY 5, 2018
2018 Department Election Candidates Bob Shappell Candidate for National Executive Committeeman Bob Shappell requests your support for his candidacy for the high office of National Executive Committeeman. He is a PUFL member of Cedarburg Post 288. He has served The American Legion as Alternate National Executive Committeeman, Department Commander, Second District Commander, Ozaukee County Commander, and Post Commander. Shappell has also served on the Department Membership and Children and Youth Committees. At the National level, he is a member of the National Guard and Reserve Forces Committee. He is also a member of the SAL, 40 ET 8 Voiture 1330, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Officers Association of America, and the Air Force Association. He is a member of the 128th Air Refueling Wing Community Council, and the Wisconsin Army Community Advisory Board. He is the Dean of Education for the Wisconsin American Legion College, dedicated to making it the finest Department educational program in the nation; and is the 2018 Director of Badger Boys State
Todd Braun Candidate for Department Commander My name is Todd Braun and I am requesting your vote for Department Commander. I am currently Department Vice Commander and have served in the Legion positions of Post Adjutant, 6th District Sgt at Arms, Department Sgt at Arms, and 6th District Commander. I am also a Legion Rider and a member of the Past State Sgt at Arms Club and Past Commanders’ Club. I have attended and graduated from all courses offered through the Wisconsin American Legion College. I have served on committees at Post, District and Department levels. While it is true that membership is an important piece of The Legion, my focus as Commander will be on preparing for tomorrow, today. I feel that if we do not mentor our new, younger members, our organization and our veterans will suffer in the future. We owe it to those filling our shoes, to our veterans, and to the American Legion to mentor our future leaders.
Dale Oatman Candidate for Alternate National Executive Committeeman Dale Oatman requests your support for his candidacy for office of Alternate National ExecutiveCommitteeman. Oatman is a graduate of The American Legion Extension Institute and Department Legion College basic and intermediate courses. He served on several Department Committees and is on the DEC as a second year PDC. He is a member of the National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission; a member of ANAVICUS; a past Badger Boy; volunteer at BBS and President of the BBS Board of Directors. Oatman was named Post Legionnaire of the year, 2006. He is a life member of Post 524 and VFW Post 9438 (where he served as Commander); life member and past officer of DAV Chapter 23; life member of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 206; Passe Chef de Gare of Locale 1204; Passe Grand Box Car Directeur; Grand Guarde De La Porte, Grand Child Welfare Directeur and National Sous Directeur Special Awards in the 40 et 8.
Frank Kostka
Todd Fanta Candidate for Assistant Department Chaplain Todd Fanta announces his candidacy for the office of Assistant Department Chaplain. Fanta is a member of Post 100 in Sparta. He joined The American Legion in 1981 as a member of John Wayne Post 79 in Heilbronn, Germany. He attended the International Convention at Der Sauerland Stein while stationed there. He served in the US Army from 1967-1992 as a Chaplain. Since his time in the Army, he has served as a Pastor, Psychiatric Nursing Assistant and Combat Life Instructor. Fanta has over 30 years of professional management experience, over 25 years as a Career Military Officer and excellent oral and written communication. Fanta is a 6th generation farmer on the same land started by his ancestors. He is a member of the DAV, VFW, Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels and the Masonic Lodge. He is looking forward to taking an active role in The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin.
Clarence Davister
Candidate for Department Commander
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Frank Kostka respectfully requests your support for his candidacy of Department Commander. Frank's experience in The American Legion includes serving as Post No. 90 Commander from 2004 to 2017. He worked to established the SAL Squadron No. 90 in Ashland; served as 11th District, 2nd and 1st Vice Commander; and 11th District Commander. His experience at Department level includes working on the Camp and Communications Committees. Frank currently serves as a National member of the Media and Communications Council and Legislative Council, liaison to US Congressman Duffy. He served as DEC liaison to the Americanism, Camp American Legion, Legislative, Communications and VA&R Committees. He's also a member of the Legion Riders. Kostka is passionate about The Legion and promoting membership, earning the National Silver Brigade and Gold Brigade Awards multiple times. He's recruited nearly 300 new members. He's promoting Posts and recognizes the value of Posts and their members. Frank will work hard for our Department and its Legionnaires.
Clarence Davister requests your support for his candidacy for the high office of Department Vice Commander. Davister has been a Legionnaire for 9 years and is currently the Adjutant of A .brams Post 523. He has previously served as both Vice Commander and Commander for District 9. As Commander of the 9th District, Davister continues to promote membership at all levels of the Legion, having participated in 3 membership rallies during his tenure. Davister has attended the 2016 American Legion workshop; two National Conventions and served on the Military Benefits and Quality of Life National Committee and the Department Convention and Activities Committee, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee, also for the Department. Davister is an active member of the American Legion Blood Donor Program; and has graduated from the American Legion Extension Institute, completing the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Courses of the Legion College.
JULY 5, 2018
Harold Rihn, Jr.
Ken Schoolcraft
David Wischer
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Harold E Rihn Jr. requests your support for his candidacy for the high office of Department Vice Commander. He is a 14 year PUFL member of Mineral Point Post 170. In 2005, he joined The American Legion via the DMS program and transferred to Post 170. Positions that Rihn has held within The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin include: • Third Vice Commander of Post 170. • First Vice Commander. • Iowa County Commander. • 3rd District Oratorical and Children and Youth Chairman. • 3rd District Vice Commander for Iowa and Green Counties; Vice Chairman of the Department Americanism Committee, Chairman at Midwinter and State Convention. • Vice Chairman of the Communications Committee. • Iowa County school liason to improve participation in Legion programs. • 100% membership County Commander. • County Commander of the year. • Chairman of Communications Committee. • Iowa County Adjutant. • Communications Committee Member. • DEC Liaison to Communications Committee. • DEC Liaison to Fundraising Committee.
Seventh District Commander Ken Schoolcraft requests the support of his candidacy for the office of Department Vice Commander. Schoolcraft is a member of Post 200 where he’s served as Americanism Chairman and been the contact for all Community patriotic endeavors. He’s had active roles in the Post Oratorical, Americanism and Government Scholarship Testing, and other school related programs. Schoolcraft is also active in the Veterans Cemetery Flag Project and The No Vet Dies Alone program at the Tomah VA. He has been a member of the Jackson County Volunteer Caregivers since 1989. He was recognized for his service hours, including those donated to the veterans in the Black River Falls community. He has also b een recognized by the Black River Falls Rotary Club and the Community Education Support Group. Schoolcraft also served as Post 200’s Commander, and the Jackson County Commander. His Legion passion is with the Americanism Programs.
David Wischer requests your support for his candidacy of Department Vice Commander. Wischer is a 37 year Honorary Life Member of Post 537 where he was Commander, Membership Chairman and Post Parliamentarian. Wischer was the Fourth District Sergeant at Arms; recognized by Nationals in revitalizing Post 47; Parade Marshall for the 2010 National Convention; Department Sergeant at Arms and Member of the Membership Committee. He’s served on the Department Fundraising Committee, and is Chairman and Consultant to the Department Finance Committee. He is a member of the National VA&R Committee; a graduate of The American Legion ALEI Course, and has completed the Basic and Intermediate Courses of the Wisconsin Legion College. Wishcer received the “Badger Big 10” Membership Award; volunteers at Badger Boys State; is Head Sergeant at Arms for Department Oratorical Contests; is a Member of the Past Department Sergeant at Arms Club, Past Commanders Club, Department Golf Committee and Member of Voiture #1519 of the 40 et 8.
John Miller
Jeremy Nordie
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms
John Miller is asking for your consideration in regards to the election of high office of Department Vice Commander. Miller is a 23 year PUFL member of Menomonie Post 32, currently serving as Post Adjutant. Miller has also been a Past District Commander, Past County Commander and Past Post Commander, Finance Officer, Service Officer and Vice Commander at Post, County and District levels. Miller has served as a VAVS Committee Member and Hospital Representative at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center; and has also served on the Department Convention & Activities Commission, VA&R Committee and Hospital Committee. Miller also holds membership with the SAL, Legion Riders, DAV, Am Vets, VFW, the VVA, and Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH). Miller took a short hiatus to recover from a surgery related to war injuries. He is fully recovered and excited to once again be serving fellow veterans and Legionnaires.
Jeremy Nordie requests your support for his candidacy for the office of Department Sergeant at Arms. Nordie resides in Ettrick and is a member of Post 354. Shortly after joining Post 354, Nordie was voted in to be the Trempealeau County Adjutant and Treasurer. Along with being the County Adjutant and Treasurer, he has also served as the 10th District Sergeant at Arms for the last seven years. Nordie has served two years as Assistant Department Sergeant at Arms and is currently serving his fourth year as Department Sergeant at Arms. He also served two years on the Department Communications Committee. Outside of The American Legion, Jeremy is a charter member of The American Legion Riders, and a member of the 40 et 8. Having received endorsement by unanimous vote in his post, Trempealeau County, and the 10th District, this “young” Legionnaire seeks your support by being re-elected to the high office of Department Sergeant at Arms.
Kendel D. Feilen Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms Kendel D. Feilen is a 27-year PUFL member and current Commander of Milwaukee Police Post 415 and is requesting your support in his candidacy for Department of Wisconsin Sergeant-at-Arms. Feilen served on the Milwaukee Police Department for 28 years, retiring at the rank of Sergeant in 2002. He earned the privilege of membership in the American Legion as a member of the Coast Guard Reserve, Port Security Unit 303, and deployed to Saudi Arabia in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 1990-1991. He was on duty as the Force Protection Crisis Action Team Chief at USTRANSCOM on 9-11-2001 and was activated for two years thereafter. He retired in 2004 with the rank of Captain (O-6) after 26 years of service. Feilen’s service to the Department of Wisconsin consists of duties including: 2009 Department Convention Committee-Milwaukee; 2010 National Convention Provost and Parade Co-Chair-Milwaukee; 2010-2012 Legislative Committee and Vice Chairman; 2012-2013 Department Historian; 2013-2018 Communications Committee and Chairman. Additionally, he has been the Director of Security for Badger Boys State since 2014. Feilen served as Assistant Sgt-at-Arms at the National Conventions in 2011 in Minneapolis, 2013 in Houston and 2015 in Baltimore. He looks forward to serving the Department of Wisconsin at Conventions, Spring and Fall meetings and Midwinter and thanks you in advance for your vote.
The Last
1 Germantown Edward Genrich 10 Wausau Ronald Christian Eugene Eckes Daniel Hauer 11 Green Bay Dick Deschaine Gale Basten 18 Milwaukee John Brown Terry Kobes 19 Hartford Cyril Rohde Jack Wirth 21 Kenosha Raymond Kontof 35 Evansville Richard Haakenson 38 Appleton Peter Tracanna Clyde Jenkins Robert Schroeder 52 La Crosse Donald Wateski Clarence Geier Philip Thaldorf Kenneth Kramer Richard Stephen Laurence Clark William Fregin
04/12/18 06/09/18 06/12/18
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01/02/18 01/06/18 01/06/18 01/12/18 03/08/18 03/14/18 03/18/18
Stephen Oestriech LaVerne Baumgartner James Bina Robert Nelson 54 Haugen Robert McCarthy 55 Hortonville Karl Korth 59 Stoughton Paul Rodgers Duane Buchwald David Read 62 Columbus Robert Behl Russell Fredrick 64 Ladysmith Joseph Moreau 71 Pewaukee Herbert Strauss 74 Oconto Myron Klika 95 Delavan John Eslick Emory Carlson 98 Cumberland James Erlewine 106 Seymour Lowell Thomas 108 Clear Lake Arthur Anderson 118 Thorp Earle Knopf Henry Lane 121 River Falls Peter Muto Leonard Hetland 123 Owen Edmond Rohland 134 Boscobel Richard Collins Donald Watson Lester Faulkner Donald Watson 137 Turtle Lake Darwin Platter Stephen Vorwald
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05/19/18 04/16/18
141 New Glarus Gerald Dorst 145 Random Lake William Mitchell 146 Beaver Dam Robert Budde Ronald Miller Lawrence Braker Melvin Tielens Raymond Manzer Russell Olson Robert Frankenstein Marvin Klawitter Robert Budde Eugene Becker Vincent Matusewick 147 Medford Walter Ertl Allan Thielke Michael Roiger 154 Mondovi Vince Haas Larry Johnson 157 Horicon Donald Glamann Marvin Roggenbauer 161 King Darrell Cornell 164 Jefferson Richard Radtke 171 Union Grove Bernard Lamon 173 Whitewater Eugene Wagie 180 Milwaukee Tony Paniaqua 185 Grantsburg Connie Martinson 191 Whitehall Gale Gabriel Francis Foss 192 Franklin John Voll 198 Marion Marshall Robenhagen
09/16/17 11/24/17 12/27/17 01/16/18 02/12/18 09/29/17 02/03/18 01/26/18 09/16/17 11/26/16 07/29/17
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06/15/18 06/06/18
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05/16/18 05/31/18
216 Lodi Charles Zeman 238 Greenwood Delbert Mondloch 239 Tigerton Michael Sambs 243 Plymouth Joseph Benauer Jeffrey Otto 251 Argyle Douglas Caldwell 258 Little Chute Marvin Lamers 262 Luxemburg David Conard Elmer Renier 263 New London Robert Christ 286 Oostburg Norbert Schreiber 301 Woodville Stanley Hanson 303 Winter Donald Gilboy 306 Green Lake Carl Stracka 316 Sheldon Richard Johnson 329 Briggsville John McFaul Anthony Venegas 333 Sun Prairie Jerry Lamb 340 Berlin Alonzo Gimenez 343 Hancock George Sherman 355 Grafton Eugene Thgelen 358 Unity Thomas Much 363 Denmark Allen Chvala 366 Princeton Anthony Soda
SEPTEMBER JULY25, 5, 2018 2014 K
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NO-COST-TO-YOU BENEFIT* Endorsed by Your American Legion Department
Anyone enrolled in LegionCare will be covered for as long as they maintain their membership in the Legion Family — TAL, ALA, & SAL. This new “one and done” approach will save you from needing to re-enroll every 5 years. The LegionCare program will continue to cover you for $1,000 of AD&D coverage. If the accidental loss occurs when on official Legion Family Business, we will cover you for $5,000 of AD&D coverage.*
• Coverage has been arranged on your behalf by Your American Legion Department. • This coverage is Underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, (Cedar Rapids, IA), and paid for by The Legionnaire Insurance Trust.
• Regardless of your age, health or occupation, your acceptance is guaranteed.** • Your coverage will become effective the date your Enrollment is received by the Administrator.
We want you to know too, LegionCare is now available to all members of the Legion Family including the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion members 18 years and
older. The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been working hard with Transamerica to provide valuable benefits to your entire family and we look forward to continuing to serve veterans’ insurance needs.
• This No Cost to you coverage is endorsed by your Department. It qualifies for complete approval and endorsement. • Your Department has arranged this coverage at No Cost to you because of the need for this type of protection and the recognition that many Members may not have enough protection. EXCLUSIONS: suicide; self-inflicted injury while sane or insane; sickness, disease, bodily or mental infirmity or medical or surgical treatment thereof; war or acts of war (declared or undeclared); while serving in the military; flying, except as a fare-paying passenger on a scheduled airline; participation in any speed or endurance contest; bacterial infections.
*For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of the Legion Family, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from a function at which the member represents his/her local, state, or national Organization in an official capacity. Bonus Benefit Rider is not available in MN and NH. **This is a supplemental health insurance plan that requires you to have major medical coverage, Medicare, or other health coverage that meets "minimum essential coverage" as defined by the Affordable Care Act. Accidental death coverage underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, IA. Coverage is paid for through the Legionnaire Insurance Trust. For more information please call 1-800-235-6943 ©2017 AGIA AT#1384937
377 Elcho Gordon Kramer II Alfred Joyce K 382 Menomonee Falls Joseph Fox K 387 Franklin Gerald Voss K 394 Loretta Robert Foley V 406 Milwaukee Frank Collura K 409 Poplar William Roenitz K Robert Olson V Edwin Hall II John Longtine II 416 Greendale Michael Tomczak V Ronald Olson V Carlton Carter K Leonard Zwier II Michael Wielichowski V Edward Kowalkowski V Edward Grzeszczak II James Lemanski K Sylvester Nieznanski II Robert Jablonski II Harold Kuehnel II Victor Mikecz II Leland Cooklock K Joseph Dziobkowski II 449 Brookfield Jerry Hill II Gary Gromacki V Harry Crandall K Siegfried Hausmann K 454 Mt Calvery Delmar Petrie K 457 Mequon-Thiensville Dennis Bersch K 483 Allenton Kenneth Sohrweide K 485 Rudolph Gerald Ashbeck V 486 Jackson Roger Clement V Roger Schultz K 494 Caledonia Bernard Wade V 497 Keshena David Corn V 501 Madison Larry Adams V Kendall Finger II 511 Ridgeland Jalmer Pederstuen K 521 Fox Lake Warren Westover V 525 Phlox Matthew Menting K Donald Heinzen K 534 McFarland Robert Schoville V 537 Milwaukee Louis Saje II 538 Carlton Thomas Kunesh V 547 Lublin Edward Budrus II
05/31/18 05/20/19 06/02/18 05/05/18 05/20/18 02/04/18 05/30/17 07/31/17 04/24/18 05/18/18 04/10/17 02/20/16 07/04/16 06/10/17 06/02/17 01/09/17 02/17/18 08/05/16 03/15/18 03/05/18 04/11/18 04/16/18 05/07/18 06/09/18 06/05/18 06/12/18 06/15/18 05/12/18 06/08/18 06/04/18 03/05/18 02/18/18 05/12/18 04/30/18 06/11/18 03/05/18 04/21/18 05/19/18 05/19/18 05/22/18 05/14/18 05/22/18 05/19/18 06/16/18 05/13/18 04/28/18
JULY 5, 2018
Post 416 Tim Baranzyk
Post 335 Adjutant Jerome Bischoff
Post 273 Paul Loumos
Post 262 Cdr Dennis Langteau
Post 544 Presents Check to WI Veteran’s Outreach
Twin Lakes Post 544 Service Officer Jim Schmidt (L) and Executive Committee Member at Large Jeff Martin (R) present a check to Mr. Jeff Gustin at the Wisconsin Veteran's Outreach of Wisconsin Tiny Homes Village. The organization is committed to assisting homeless and at-risk veterans in returning to a life of normalcy.
Forestville Wall of Honor
Post 205 Susan Knudson
Post 102 Peter Kahl
Post 231 Adj Kevin Lisowski • Cdr Lannie Howe
Post 21 Carl Bogar
Post 518 Cdr Doug Sandy and Adj Tom Carlson
Post 508 Jerome Von Haden
Post 391 Adj Richard Tellock • Cdr Michael Budaj
Post 366 Brat Fry
Members from Post 219 recently celebrated Tony Plicka’s 100th birthday. Pictured with Plicka are Department Vice Commander Mark Sandow, Post 219 Commander Gary Ferguson, Wally Bonnett, Jack Plicka, PDC Chuck Cooney, Bob Plicka, Mike Plicka, Steve Hartung, and Tom Hoffman. Plicka was a member of the 82nd Airborne’s Glider Division. His birthday was June 2nd.
Badger Boys State (continued from Page1)
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, and Charles Wiley from the National Press Corps, provided real world experience to the citizens. The fast-paced week is rewarding for both the citizens and the volunteer staff. Many in attendance describe the program as “one of the most challenging, rewarding, and fun experiences of my life.” To learn more about Badger Boys State visit You will also find links on the site to a 2018 video recap as well as other products from this year’s session on YouTube by searching for Badger Boys State.
The Forestville Post 372 recently held a dedication ceremony for their Wall of Honor. Legion officers in attendance included: 9th District Commander Clarence Davister and Commander Laurel Clewell. Door County CVSO Scott McFarlane and other Legionnaires are pictured as well. There are currently 300 men and women recognized on the wall whose purpose it is to honor the graduates of Southern Door High School who served in the military, are currently serving, and will serve in years to come.
Post 33 Honor Guard
Post 33 Neenah Honor Guard at Honor Guard marching in the Armed Forces Day Isle Of Valor Neenah Memorial Day Parade. Ceremony in Menasha, WI. Photos by Post 33 Photographer Larry Peterson
65 Year Continuous Service Recognized Post 366 in Princeton has one of the most successful brat fries in the state. Menu items include burgers, pulled pork and roast beef sandwiches, fried chicken, soft drinks and beer. Retired Army Nurse Bill Smith, RN (also the Post Adjutant) is pictured cooking brats and burgers, as he does every Friday and Saturday, mid-April through mid-October. Smith grilled over 7000 quarter pound bratwurst and an equal amount of quarter pound burgers last year alone. Post 366 is on Highway 23 on the west side of Princeton. The brat fry is open from 9 am – 4 pm every Friday and Saturday.
American Legion Post 33 Commander Bob Borszich recently presented a 65 year Continuous Membership Certificate to Korean War Veteran Joyce Burden.