June 2017 pages 1 7

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Badger &“Wisconsin”


June 1, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 5

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family


The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Commander Seehafer Invites You to Join “The Century Club”

As part of the 100th Anniversary celebration to mark the founding of The American Legion, invitations to join “The Century Club” were recently mailed to Legion family members across the state. The Century Club is a unique fundraising program designed to build and preserve the tremendous programs and services that The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 1919 has delivered to veterans across Wisconsin since 1919. The program will run through 2019 and individual donors who donate $100 this year will receive a challenge coin with The Century Club logo. Donors will also receive a handsome lapel pin for a donation of $100 in 2018. For those who participate with a $100 donation again in 2019 or give a total of $300 during the three year campaign, they will also receive permanent recognition and have their names engraved on a monument to be erected at Camp American Legion. American Legion Posts, County Councils and Districts will also have three options to be recognized during The Century Club campaign. Certificates of Appreciation will be issued for $100 donations and engraved recognition of the organization on a memorial wall at Camp American Legion will be made for $300. For a $500 donation the Posts, County or Districts will receive a commemorative “Century Club” clock. Since 1925 we have operated Camp American Legion for the benefit of honorably discharged Wisconsin veterans. There’s noth-

ing like it anywhere else in America. Located on Big Carr Lake in our beautiful north woods, it’s more a resort than a camp. We accomplish our “Help to Heal” mission by offering rest, rehabilitation and recuperation to veterans and


were chosen to play at Miller Park in our all-star game, which has been played at the home of the Milwaukee Brewers since 1972. Legion Baseball provides wholesome activity and lots of scholarship opportunities for young players! All year, every day, since our founding in 1919 the Legion team of Veteran Service Officers has assisted Wisconsin veterans with com2019 pensation, pension, appeals, education and vocational rehabilitation issues. The Wisconsin Legion Service Office performed over 60,000 client services in 2016 and recovered over $210 million in benefits for state veterans! The American Legion Service Office, located at the VA Regional Office in Milwaukee is a cornerstone of our veterans affairs & rehabilitation program. These are only a few of the vital programs and services we have provided Wisconsin veterans and their families for nearly 100 years. I’m proud of what we do and think you should be, too. In order to ensure that we will be able to continue to fulfill our mission of providing service to Wisconsin veterans, their families and their communities we need to remain strong financially. That’s why Commander Seehafer is inviting you to join “The Century Club” as part of our 100th Anniversary celebration. Your tax-deductible donation of one hundred dollars will help us preserve and build upon what we have inherited from the World War One veterans who had the vision and determination to establish The American Legion.


their families. Last summer, we provided rest and recuperation for over 1,200 Wisconsin veterans and active duty military personnel. We want to ensure that we can continue to provide the Camp American Legion experience to them throughout our next century of service. This February marked the 80th Annual Wisconsin American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Competition. This important program for high school students has been held since 1938. Over 200 young people participate each year with the state finals taking place at Ripon College. The competition helps develop public speaking skills, teaches the workings of the US Constitution and helps to fund higher education opportunities. It’s a great exercise in Americanism and builds lasting knowledge. Preserving this program for years to come is one of the major goals of The Century Club campaign. Wisconsin American Legion Baseball began competition in 1926 and last summer, over 200 teams participated in Wisconsin Legion ball. The top 54 players

Appleton to Host 99th Annual Convention

The Radisson Paper Valley Hoel and Convention Center in Appleton is slated to host the 99th Annual Department Convention July 12-16. The Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center is a beautiful facility located in the heart of downtown Appleton and will be once again hosting a Department Convention. The hotel and surrounding area is a popular destination with ample parking and features a number of popular shopping venues and restaurants including the famous Vince Lombardi Steakhouse. There are also additional housing choices for Legion Family members to choose from. The Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 of Appleton is proud to sponsor the convention and have planned a number of special activities to entertain visitors. Department Headquarters will establish a presence at the convention site on Wednesday, July 12th. Initial meetings that day will include the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation Board of Directors. The various standing Department Committees will begin meetings at 7AM on Thursday, July 13th. The early starting times are necessary in order for the business of the sub-committees to be completed in advance of the Department Executive Committee meeting scheduled for 4 PM. The convention will begin in earnest on Friday, July 14th with District Caucuses at 7:30 AM and Opening Ceremonies at 9:00 AM. First time attendees will have a great opportunity to socialize and learn about the business of The American Legion first-hand. Convention Committee Meetings will take place

at 2:00 PM and consider a number of Resolutions related to Legion business and veterans issues at the state and national levels. The ever popular “GNUTS” meeting will take place at 4:30 PM with a “TET” party to follow. Candidates for Department offices will be hosting Hospitality Suites at the Paper Valley Hotel later in the evening. Saturday will be a busy day at convention with the election of Department officers beginning at 8:30 AM. The convention will reconvene at 9:00 AM and many prominent speakers are expected. Department award winners will also be recognized for their accomplishments. Every one is welcome to attend the annual Past Commander’s Club party and reception Saturday evening. The 99th Annual Department Convention will wind up on Sunday. The Memorial Service will begin at 8:00 AM in the convention hall. Following the installation of the newly-elected officers and the closing ceremonies, the Grand Prize winner of the Convention Sweepstakes will be drawn. The grand prize is the winner’s choice of either $20,000 in cash or a new vehicle from the Boucher Automotive Group. All in all it is anticipated to be a busy and exciting weekend in Appleton. More details and a comprehensive schedule will appear in the next edition of the Badger Legionnaire. Register for the event by using the Registration Form in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire or log on to www.wilegion.org. Registration on-line is fast and easy.

2017 Membership Goal: 56,739 • June 25th Total: 53,632 • 94.52% District


95.14% 1st PLACE



94.14% 2nd PLACE



93.21% 3rd PLACE











91.51% 6th PLACE











90.64% 9th PLACE










10th PLACE 11th PLACE 12th PLACE

PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: info@wilegion.org David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2016-2017 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Harold Rihn, DEC Liaison Renee Kasuboski Rory Burns Jerry Lauby Geoff Sheilds Rick McCanna, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2016-17 Department Officers Commander Daniel J. Seehafer Vice Commanders Tom Strey Frank Kostka Ensley Brown Laurel Clewell Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Arthur Biesak Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Jim Young 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – John Miller 11th – Jim Lynn 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.

“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laurel DuBois, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to info@wilegion.org


JUNE 1, 2017

DEPARTMENT COMMANDER One of the most moving reflections about Memorial Day is the story of a boy named Myles Eckert. A few Dan Seehafer Department Commander years ago Myles was excited when he found a $20 bill in the parking lot of an Ohio Cracker Barrel. The 8-year-old boy planned to buy a Lego video game with his unexpected windfall. But God took him in a different direction. While dining in the restaurant with his family, he noticed a uniformed member of the Air National Guard at a different table. Myles wrote a message on a post-it note and presented the $20 to the man, who was dining with his own family. “Dear Soldier,” the note started. “My dad was a soldier. He’s in heaven now. I found this $20 in the parking lot when we got here. We like to pay it forward in my family. Today is your lucky day! Thank you for your service. Myles Eckert, a Gold Star kid.” The recipient of the note, Lieu-

tenant Colonel Frank Dailey, was deeply moved. “It’s incredible being recognized in such a manner. I look at it every day,” Dailey later said. Myles was only four-weeks-old when a roadside bomb in Iraq took the life of his father, Army Sergeant Andy Eckert in 2005. While Andy was denied the opportunity to raise this outstanding young man, we can all imagine how proud he would have been of his son’s commitment to ‘pay it forward.’ With this illustration before us, I cannot help but think of our National Commander’s theme, Carry the Legacy Forward, and mine, It’s Personal, in connection with Myles. Isn’t that why we gathered on May 29th throughout Wisconsin to remember? In fact, we remember those who are no longer with us, because they sacrificed their lives in defense of our freedom. These sacrifices have occurred throughout our nation’s history. That’s why it’s also fitting to remember heroes like Private First Class Jesse A. Givens. Before going to Iraq, PFC Givens wrote a letter that he hoped his family would

never read. Like many service members, he wrote the letter to be given “just in case”. Well, “just in case” happened in May 2003. To his 6-year-old daughter, Dakota, he wrote, “Never be afraid to be yourself. I will always be there in our park when you dream, so we can play. I love you, and hope someday you will understand why I didn’t come home. Please be proud of me.” Well, the Legion Family is proud of Jesse and ALL of his brothers and sisters-in-arms that loved America enough to die for it. We are also proud of their families, who have sacrificed so much. Long after the battlefield guns have been silenced and the bombs stop exploding, the children of our fallen warriors will still be missing a parent. Spouses will be without their life partners. Parents will continue to grieve for their heroic sons and daughters that died way too early. The American Legion family needs to stay strong and be there for them. While no one can replace these fallen heroes, especially in the eyes of their families, we can offer shoulders to cry on, assis-

tance with educational expenses through the Legacy Scholarship Fund and assurance that their loved one’s sacrifice will NEVER be forgotten. Remembering our fallen once a year is certainly not enough. The loved ones they leave behind remember EVERYDAY, don’t they? They have to face that empty seat at the dinner table and experience the smaller gathering on Thanksgiving and Christmas. They will always long to hear the voice of a loved that only echoes as a distant memory in one’s mind. These are constant reminders that they are gone. Reminders to all of us that freedom isn’t free. Our freedoms are only possible because our fallen heroes have paid the high price of their lives so that we would have a better life. Thus, we owe it to the heroes that died and the loved ones left behind to make sure that their sacrifices are remembered and that their service to this nation will always be honored. Let us continue to Carry their Legacy Forward, and pay it forward, because It’s Personal.

CAMP DIRECTOR Transition -Tran-si-tion; / tran’ziSH(e)n/; the process or period of changing from one state or condition to Don Grundy another. Camp Camp Director American Legion is open for business for the 2017 camp season. This is Kevin (that “old” Director who isn’t quite gone yet) writing the first half of this article. As we welcome our veterans, service members and families to another new camp season we also welcome a new Camp Director. Don Grundy is now on site and is learning the lay of the land, getting to know staff, integrating into the operation and enjoying it all. Change is taking place, but as is

normal, at times it can feel awkward and uncomfortable. Camp’s future is in good hands and it will grow to new heights. I can see it. Every day; I take a step back, and Don takes another one forward. I speak less; he speaks more. That is what a transition is. That is what a transition does. Now as I have said many times; to the point that you all know; camp’s future success is not just with Don. It was never just with me. It is with all of us. Camp’s success has always come from the whole American Legion Family, all of us, right down to each of us working together as a state-wide team and performing our role, either as an individual or as part of a post, unit or squadron. It is “our” camp and it takes all of us working together to make it successful. We have proven that year after year. I

have heard people say Don has big shoes to fill. It has nothing to do with filling one person’s shoes. Success has to do with all of our shoes; your shoes, your AL Post’s shoes, Your ALA’s shoes, the ALR’s and SAL’s shoes. All of us, including you stepping forward, marching together in support of Camp American Legion. Don, I transition to you……. Humility – hu·mil·i·ty [(h) yōōmilədē] As the absence of self, grounded in the character of God. In the book “The Ideal Team Player”, Patrick Lencioni defines the ideal team players as those who share credit, emphasize team over self and define success collectively rather than individually. My belief is that humility is the cornerstone of a successful and sustainable team. “As go the leaders, so does the culture”…In

my short time here at Camp I have found that the spirt of humility lives strong and is embedded deep into the culture. Kevin, I will continue to foster the spirit of humility and servant leadership as you have. To the Wisconsin American Legion family; I am eager to work with you all to continue to grow the success of Camp. My family and I are excited to meet and greet our guests and volunteers as they arrive for the 2017 season. As I transition from the Active Duty Army National Guard to Director here at Camp, I can’t help but feel that everything I have done to this point in my career has led me to here. Of course, that is not say that I will not experience a learning curve. In fact, thanks to many, the learning has begun already. I (continued on page 3)

WDVA SECRETARY Dear Fellow Legionnaires, Thanks in part to our selfless VSO volunteers, our state Vethomes Dan Zimmerman erans WDVA Secretary reached another stellar milestone last week. With Boland Hall achieving a 5-star rating in “Quality Measures”, all of our homes combined now average an overall care rating of 4.7 stars while, in comparison, state and national averages are 3.5 stars and 3.2 stars, respectively. Additionally, our homes routinely earn lower citation rates than others locally and statewide and employee retention is 10-20% higher than our private sector competition in almost every category. We could not have achieved

and cannot sustain this degree of success in all our homes without our dedicated VSO volunteers. You’ll soon begin to see more transformation specifically at King where we have begun better aligning the workforce with member acuity. You might also notice organizational changes that will posture us for sustained long-term success. And, in addition to the $38 million in capital improvements at King since 2006, you’ll also see progress on numerous improvement projects like the $80 million Moses Hall, the King museum, the coffee shop, and an unscheduled emergency repair of the retaining wall between Marden Center and the Commandant’s House. Beginning this fall and ending Summer 2018, you’ll see the King Memorial Cemetery undergo its

most significant renovation in its almost 130 year history: construction of a dedicated entrance, more accessible 2-way roads, new ADA-compliant administration and maintenance facilities, an urn garden and columbarium walls. We are essentially bringing the quality and amenities of our Spooner facility to King. It was also great to see numerous Legion members at the grand opening of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum’s World War I exhibit in Madison. I highly encourage everyone to check out this great addition to the museum during your next visit to Madison. And if all goes according to plan, we’ll be celebrating Veterans Day 2017 in our renovated museum space at King. Last, WDVA continues its reinvigorated engagement with Coun-

ty and Tribal Veterans Service Officers, with numerous Central Office staff accompanying me to the Association’s state conference in Bayfield. It was an honor to address such a great assembly of dedicated professionals. As anyone with open eyes can see, the backwards-looking reports and hyperventilating headlines that have been the negative mainstay over the last year are in no way representative of what is actually occurring in our Veterans community statewide. Our top notch, dedicated staff and volunteers need and deserve all the gratitude we can give them so please shout the great news and stellar achievements from the highest rooftops. Together we are all making a huge difference.

JUNE 1, 2017


The Rev’s Run Ready to Roll... Statewide Benefit Set for June 9th - 11th

Excitement is building for Commander Dan Seehafer’s 3-day motorcycle fundraising effort scheduled June 9-11. The ride will leave from Ashland Post No. 90 at 8AM on Friday, June 9th and finish on Sunday, June 11th at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center in Milwaukee.

En route the Riders will participate in the Appleton Flag Day Parade on Saturday, June 10th. During their travels, Riders will also visit the following American Legion posts; Eagle River Post No. 114, Green Bay Post No. 11, Appleton Post No. 38, Fond du Lac Post No. 75, Horicon Post No. 157, Port Washington Post No. 82. Funds raised by the event will fund scholarships for children of military personnel who died while on active duty since 9/11 and veterans with a disability rating of

The 2017 parade is paying tribute to the US Coast Guard and US Coast Guard Auxiliary. The day starts with a free patriotic concert from the 484th Army Band of Milwaukee. They will perform at Houdini Plaza in downtown Ap-

Pictured here are Department Vice Commander Laurel Clewell and Eric Stadler of the Scarlet Guard Color Guard of Appleton Post No. 38. The Scarlet Guard will lead the Flag Day Parade in Appleton on June 10, 2017

Fond du Lac County Youth Day

50% or higher as a result of service during the Global War on Terror. Commander Seehafer is encouraging posts, units and squadrons to raise funds locally and present the proceeds at stops along the way. Individuals interested in supporting with their donations or taking part in “The Rev’s Run” can register on-line at http://www.alrawis.org/ revsrun/index.html. All registered will receive a patch, pin and commemorative booklet, whether or not they participate on the “Run”.


Please join members of the Appleton American Legion Family at the Flag Day Events on Saturday, June 10th. This year the parade theme is United We Stand to celebrate our community, family traditions, and respect for Old Glory.


pleton at 12 noon. Rev’s Run, the Wisconsin American Legion Legacy Scholarship Run, will arrive at the JohnstonBlessman American Legion Post No. 38, 3220 W. College Avenue for lunch. If you have donations for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, please bring them to the post. The Legion Riders will lead the parade by riding East on College Avenue through downtown at 1:45PM. It will be a historic legacy ride during the 67th Annual Flag Day Parade. If you want to join the Rev’s Run, visit http://www.alrawis.org/ revsrun/index.html. The day ends at Post No. 38 with performances from the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band from Cherry Point, North Carolina and Marty’s Goldenaires Drum and Bugle Corps from The American Legion in Bessemer, Michigan. These free concerts start about 5PM with plenty of food and refreshments available. Please mark your calendar and join us.

Department Commander Daniel J. Seehafer addressed the students in attendance at the Fond du Lac County Youth Government Day held on Wednesday, April 26th at the City/County Building in Fond du Lac. The event is sponsored by the Fond du Lac County Council of The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. 69 students represented 11 charter, home school and high schools across Fond du Lac County.

Camp Receives Bakery Donation

Stellas Bread of Madison provided a large donation of delicious bread and assorted bakery for Camp American Legion. Their famous cheese bread is a real treat for all the campers and the assorted pastries are a treat that all can't wait for. Mathew Harn of Post No. 65 in the town of Rome and a neighbor Dick Craubaugh made the delivery.

CAMP (continued from page 2) will rely on the tribal knowledge of our staff, our seasoned volunteers and my leaders. I’ve been listening to and engaging with the team regarding daily activities and tasks. My past professional experience has taught me to access the process behind the activity and the importance of maximizing resources to deliver the best possible experience for our Campers. As Camp continues to evolve I will focus on three major tenets: Continued relevant programing, continued integration of Veteran and Military family member involvement and infrastructure improvements to support our evolving mission. This can only be done by fostering strong relationships with the Wisconsin American Legion Family, our community partners across the state and our Veteran and Military organization leaders. This past winter the Department leadership, Camp Committee leadership, Director Moshea, select stake holders, my wife Lilly and I all met several times with professional Strategic Planning facilita-

tors from the Wisconsin Army National Guard. The purpose of these meetings was to review, evaluate, and revise the mission, vision and values of Camp American Legion. We did all this with the understanding of the overarching mission of the Department of Wisconsin and the ever-changing needs of our Veterans and actively serving Military. Our meetings were productive and very value added.

Advertising Material I am honored to accept this responsibility and I would like to leave you with this; Our Mission: Helping To Heal those who served, continue to serve, and their families, through Wisconsin’s North Woods experience. Our Vision: Giving Wisconsin Veterans the pathway to quality of life. Our Values: Honor and Stewardship. Camp recently received the donation of an Action Trackchair for use on the Gary G. Wetzel Nature Trail. The chair was presented to Camp American Legion by Tom, Kelly and Karen Schneider of TSS Equipment Company and the Independence Fund who give thanks to the men and women that serve, or have served in the armed forces. Shown here from left to right are; Don Grundy; Kevin Moshea; Tom, Kelly and Karen Schneider of TSS Equipment Company.

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The American Legion Department of Wisconsin TH

99 ANNUAL DEPARTMENT CONVENTION Radisson Paper Valley Hotel 333 W. College Avenue Appleton, WI 54911

REGISTRATION FORM This is your registration form only, NOT your delegate form. Delegate forms are mailed to the post 30 days prior to Convention (June 14, 2017) per the Constitution and Bylaws. It is advised however, to register and book your rooms prior to this date. Remember all Legionnaires are encouraged to attend the Department Convention, not just Delegates and Alternates. You can also register online at www.wilegion.org. First Name__________________ Last Name _____________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________ City ___________________________State_____________Zip _______________ Email _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone (__________ ) __________________________________________ Cell Phone (__________ ) ____________________________________________ Member ID # __________________ District ______________________________ AL Post # ________

Auxiliary Unit # ______


SAL Squadron # _________




Registration Fee




Reg. Fee after July 10, 2017




Total Enclosed


Make check payable to The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin or enter credit card information below. Cash



CHICAGO, Illinois (May 2017) - The Board of Directors of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) recently held their annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. Forty-six of the fortynine participating Departments of The American Legion were represented at the meeting. Since its inception in 1966,

JULY 12-16, 2017

Credit Card

Card Type__________________Card # __________________________________

JUNE 1, 2017

the LIT has returned over one billion dollars in benefits to insured Legion families and over $80,000,000 to the participating Departments for their use in areas such as veterans’ affairs & rehabilitation. The meeting was presided over by Frank Barrett of Maryland – Chairman of the LIT. This year,



the Board met to receive the financial report for the past year, and to distribute over $4 million to participating departments. The report outlined both the 2016 activities and 2017 plans on behalf of the Trust and introduced the proposed changes and additions to the Trust’s portfolio of products.

FREE OUTDOOR CONCERT, HONOR WALK TO KICK-OFF JULY 4TH WEEKEND IN BROOKFIELD On Friday, June 30, 2017, members of the public are invited to attend a free live outdoor concert to celebrate service, family, community, and music performed by the Wisconsin Philharmonic at the Sharon Lynn Wilson Center for the Arts at 19805 West Capitol Drive in Brookfield. The Big Band 4th concert is the opening night celebration of the Center’s Starry Nights Festival. Before the concert begins, veterans and their families are invited on an honor walk around Mitchell Park, inspired by Veterans Treks to provide therapy for veterans and awareness of the issues they face. For more information visit the Wisconsin Philharmonic website at www.WisPhil.org or call (262) 547-1858.

WHAT: Honor Walk for Veterans and Big Band 4th of July Concert WHEN: Friday, June 30, 2017 TIMELINE: 5:00 pm - “Veterans Trek” 1.5 and 2 mile walk for Veterans and their families through Mitchell Park; 6:10 pm - All eras of Veterans and their families recognized; 6:30 pm - "A Big Band 4th!" concert performed by the Wisconsin Philharmonic - opening night of the Sharon Lynne Wilson's Starry Nights Festival LOCATION: Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts Gerlach/Haack Outdoor Theater 19805 West Capitol Drive - Brookfield, WI This event is a partnership between the Wisconsin Philharmonic, Waukesha County Veterans Service, Veterans Trek, and the US Forest Service. For more information visit the Wisconsin Philharmonic website at www.WisPhil.org or call (262) 547-1858.



Expiration Date ______________ Security Code _____________ Return to: The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin Attn: Chris Schmidt • P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901

(Rain Date June 17th)

BIKES OR CARS Registration: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Stingrays Bar & Grill 134 HWY 51 N in Arbor Vitae, WI

For Hotel accommodations at the Radisson Paper Valley call 800-333-3333 and ask for the WI American Legion Conference block. All reservations are on a first come first serve basis, the cost is $93.00, plus applicable tax, for a double occupancy. A list of alternate hotels can also be found at www.wilegion.org. The cutoff date for rooms is June 13, 2017 provided there are rooms still available.

Legacy Stone at The High Ground


Ride Ends: 5:00 PM in Lake Tomahawk — $10 donation per sheet — AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS ASSOCIATION OF WISCONSIN DISTRICT 11

For more information call Jim Sprague (715) 277-4938

– Wartime veterans of any era – Any type motorcycle of 500cc or greater – Member of The American Legion Family (Legion, Auxiliary or Sons) • Participate in parades • Provide color guard services

• Provide support to other veterans and veteran organizations Legionnaires from Post No. 270 of Theresa recently traveled to The High Ground at Neillsville for placement of a Legacy Stone purchased by the post. From left to right are; Jerry Stark, Gary Erdmann, Virgil Krueger. Back row left to right; Paul Schellinger, Dennis Lau, Chuck Bernhard and Robert Herbst.

• Fundraising for the Legacy Scholarship Fund (a fund for children of military persons killed in the current war and disabled veterans)

Contact: State President Ray McSherry (715) 421-4117 or mcsherry wctc.net

JUNE 1, 2017




Americanism & Government Scholarships Total $12,500!

Nearly 3,000 Wisconsin high school students took the online Americanism and Government Scholarship test during the weeks of April 3rd – April 14th. Students were able to access the test from www.wilegion.org and were tested on their knowledge of U.S. government, Wisconsin government, County government, the Constitution and flag etiquette. DIST 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 9 9

STUDENT GRADE Kiana Fall 10 Hunter Levy 11 Travis Rosin 12 Taylor Shilts 10 Hadley Kruse 11 Shelby Foster 12 Jordynn Hendricks 10 Kailey Brenner 10 Nolan Smith 11 Jake Wittstock 11 Greta Haas 12 Grant Mathu 10 Amanda Linskens 11

9 8 8 8 8

Calvin Schroeder Chris Parker Trevor Frane Lily King Keegan Delforge

12 10 10 11 11

8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Andy Tepp Grace Hilbelink Holden Manhart Matthew Ryherd Courtney Fanta Jack Richter Nick Schultz Emily Zilliox Kyle Conrad Katie Schneider Shelby Williams Colleen Webb Kathryn Harris Micheal Griglak Abigayle Shannon Caleb Johnson Alyssa Blair Ryan Hoffman Matt Haasch Madeline Graefe Korey Alder Mitchell Larson Amber Rothe Arjun Shreekumar Kris Cisek Joe Morouney Julien Riviere

12 12 10 10 11 11 12 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 10 11 11 12 10 10 11 11 12

They were also required to answer an essay question to qualify for the scholarships. This year, a total of 45 scholarships were awarded to 13 Seniors who each received a $500 scholarship; 16 Juniors who each received a $250 scholarship; and 16 Sophomores who also each received a $250 scholarship. Congratulations to the following students! SCHOOL Clayton High School Clear Lake High School Northwoods High School Tomahawk High School Northland Pines High School Northland Pines High School Durand High School Ellsworth High School Menomonie High School Somerset High School Menomonie High School Wrightstown High School Seymour Community High School Homeschooled - DePere Shawano High School Pacelli High School D.C. Everest High School Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School Pacelli High School Marshfield High School Necedah High School Reedsburg Area High School Hillsboro High School La Crosse Central High School West Salem High School Aquinas High School Valders High School Oshkosh West High School Berlin High School Pius XI High School Franklin High School Greendale High School Mineral Point High School Riverdale High School Sun Prairie High School Cedarburg High School Cedarburg High School Cedarburg High School Slinger High School Homestead High School Brookfield East High School Brookfield Academy Oconomowoc High School Clinton High School Delavan-Darien High School

The Sheboygan County Council of American Legion posts held their Youth Government Day on Wednesday, April 19th, at the Sheboygan County Court House. School's participating included Oostburg High School, Random Lake High School, Plymouth High School, and Cedar Grove/Belgium High School. Nearly 150 students attended. Legionnaires from throughout Sheboygan County assisted the students during their visit.

Jeremy Nordie Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms Department Sergeant at Arms Jeremy Nordie is a member of Post No. 354 in Ettrick in the 10th District. Jeremy’s eligibility in The American Legion is a result of his service in the United States Marine Corps during the Persian Gulf conflicts. Jeremy has been married to his wife Laura for 25 years. Laura is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, as is his grown daughter Kathleen. He also has a grown son, Michael. He and his family are active members of their church. Jeremy

works for the US Postal Service as a rural mail carrier. One can easily say Jeremy lives by the principles and values of a “good American Citizen.” Jeremy is an active member at his post and has been the Trempealeau County Adjutant for five years. He has been the 10th District Sergeant at Arms the past four years as well. He is also a charter member of the 10th District American Legion Riders. Jeremy is a regular face at all Department Conventions and Midwinter Conferences. He is also proud to have served on the Departmental Commu-

nications committee for two years. He currently serves as a Department Sergeant at Arms. Having received endorsements by unanimous vote at his Post, Trempealeau County and the 10th District, this “young” Legionnaire Jeremy Nordie, seeks your support in being re-elected to the high office of Department Sergeant at Arms.



The Last


1 Germantown James McKinnon II 8 Waukesha Elmer Sedivy II 9 Wisconsin Rapids Neil Wittrock K Henry Smith K 10 Wausau Alfred Janz K Richard Borski V Joan Carlson K Frank Richie II Richard Erdman V Herman Westerdyk V 11 Green Bay Willard Duerr V 14 Iola Forrest Torgerson II 21 Kenosha William Bornhuetter V 38 Appleton Rodger Reichardt K Kenneth Berner V 44 Wabeno Russell Prell II 47 Portage Edward Rebholz V 51 West Salem Marlin Schmidt V 53 Eau Claire Melvin Gleiter K James Thompson K Robert Bauer II Thomas Murphy K 54 Marshfield Donald Hoefs K Lawrence Toelle II Jack Burk II Lawrence Schubert II 59 Stoughton Robert Larson K 63 Clintonville Richard Rohlf V Roy Behnke II 67 Lake Mills William Beckman K Harold Eberhardt II George Sloane II 68 Prairie du Chien Lewis Marfilius K 73 Neillsville Radford Reither V Robert Krultz V 83 Sheboygan Mylon Bubb II Ronald Edler V 87 Rice Lake Donald Holmstrom V Richard King V Ellwood Thomas II 89 Minocqua William Spetz K Jerry Cisar II William Kovarik K Wilbur Werling II Joseph Picciuca K 93 Tomahawk John Walsh K 95 Delavan Jerry Peters K Richard Sievert II

03/27/17 04/27/17 03/26/17 04/27/17 03/14/17 04/14/17 03/03/17 05/02/17 04/19/17 02/14/17 05/01/17 02/17/17 05/01/17 05/03/17 05/06/17 02/03/17 05/07/17 05/03/17 04/16/17 04/20/17 05/05/17 11/07/14 02/23/17 03/17/17 03/10/17 04/15/17 04/12/17 05/12/17 05/10/17 04/18/17 05/11/17 05/16/17 02/17/17 04/24/17 05/13/17 05/04/17 05/06/17 03/23/17 03/12/17 01/28/17 04/12/17 03/28/17 04/04/17 04/01/17 05/06/17 01/28/17 04/27/17 04/29/17

96 Webster Howard Krueger K 97 Dodgeville Forrest Erickson K 98 Cumberland Michael Perzichilli II 106 Seymour Donald Reed II 111 Somerset Allan Powers K 113 Mount Horeb Francis Collins V 117 Shawano Thomas Suttner K Donald Pleshek K 123 Owen Andrew Smith K 133 Camp Douglas Clifford Abrahamson II 141 New Glarus Alfred Ufken K Harlen Duerst K 143 St Croix Falls Carlos Bergeron V Allen Lucken K Lloyd Olson II 151 Madison Dante Renzoni II 162 Alma Center Bradley Seguin II 168 Glenwood City Loran Standaert II David Klatt V 171 Union Grove Wayne Rice V Jerome Chadek II 180 Milwaukee Ronald Rutke II Adam Berefsky II 184 Fennimore Loren Welsh K Donald Noyes K 188 East Troy Gerard Januszewski V 192 Franklin Gordon Kriehn II 201 Tomah Robert Raese V 204 Ellsworth John Trok V Robert Donnelly K Bernard Meacham II 205 Janesville Wayne Gilmore K 208 Rio Alvin Erstad II 212 Barron Dale Lane II 223 Hillsboro Carl Nickey V Harry Barz K 256 Monticello Thomas Runkel II 258 Little Chute John Wirth K Benjamin Vandenheuvel K Raymond Sanders II 262 Luxemburg David Baierl V 263 New London Donald Pederson II William Holtz K 270 Theresa Norman Giese V 272 Butternut William Kleinsteiber K 274 Rib Lake Peter Matyka K John Marshall V 283 Suring Leroy Otto V 288 Cedarburg Walter Huebner K Robert Hmircik II

02/27/16 05/01/17 05/06/17 04/11/17 05/17/16 04/21/17 05/13/17 05/17/17 02/10/17 11/23/16 04/05/17 04/23/17 04/18/17 04/25/17 04/20/17 05/08/17 05/19/17

294 Hartland Richard Serres V William Merkow II George Miller K 301 Woodville John Wallesverd K 306 Green Lake Sylvia Froehlicher K 317 Wautoma Richard Boedecker K 318 Lake Tomahawk Robert Williams V 326 Boyd Robert Kroeplin V 329 Briggsville Bill Anderson II 332 Black Creek John Banker K 336 Onalaska Keith Darneal V Ray Kelly II Robert Dettinger K Leonard Resler II 337 Pulaski James Schweda K 340 Berlin Ted Chipman K Rolland Onstad II James Jaroch V Rudolph Vesely K

SEPTEMBER JUNE25, 1, 2017 2014

Edward Butts V 348 DeForest Paul Anderson K Harold Schrader K 350 Reedsburg Gerald Greeley K 351 Montello George Raymond K 357 Bay City Allyn Olsoin K 360 Waunakee Raymond Stewart K John Fassbender V Ralph Brandenburg V 368 Hixton Roger Waller II 385 Verona Carl Schwartz II 405 Dousman Clifford Leibundgut II 406 Milwaukee Henry Schnuell II Franklin Payne V 410 Fredonia Edward Neuens K 414 Bowler Earl Nelson II 416 Greendale Joseph Schulein II Claude Rogan II

04/27/17 09/20/16 04/26/17 04/13/17 04/18/17 04/19/17 04/15/17 04/14/17 05/11/17 04/26/17 03/25/17 04/11/17 05/01/17 04/17/17 05/17/17 09/22/16 04/11/17 01/22/17 12/06/16

10/18/16 04/18/17 04/21/17 05/04/17 04/05/17 12/31/16 03/17/17 04/20/17 05/12/17 04/25/17 05/02/17 03/16/17 04/12/17

05/15/17 05/03/17 04/20/17 04/18/17

438 Norwalk Dean Wallace 449 Brookfield Stephen McClinton Paul Stanko George Stokes Daniel Lajsic 453 Belmont James Engelke 477 St Nazianz Steve Saunders 487 Cable Walton Lappley 488 New Berlin Ronald Wilcox 494 Caledonia Clarence Haasch 496 Sherwood Wallace Beedle 501 Madison Douglas North 508 Wilton Mahlon Denter Roger Todd 521 Fox Lake Wayne Ruenger 525 Phlox Robert McCall 534 McFarland Kenneth Alt




02/24/17 03/13/17 04/13/17 05/01/17
















04/24/17 04/30/17







05/10/17 05/01/17 04/26/17 05/15/17 03/12/17 05/03/17

What if you were Bob?

George and Bob both go on a solo fishing trip to a beautiful, but remote, town in Alaska every summer. While enjoying the idyllic scenery, they both notice chest pains — they are having a heart attack!

11/08/16 05/11/17

What happens next?

04/29/17 03/28/17 05/16/17 04/08/17 04/05/17 05/01/17

They call 9-1-1 and are admitted to the hospital

George has Emergency Assistance Plus George pays $0


Bob does not

Both require

Bob pays $16,000 Medical evacuation to a facility that is able to properly treat their condition

04/20/17 05/02/17 04/21/17 05/07/17 12/24/16 04/08/17 04/13/17 04/08/17

George pays $0

George pays $0


04/21/17 04/15/17 01/14/17 05/07/17 04/24/17 05/12/17

Bob pays $400

Bob pays $1,100 Travel assistance to bring a loved one to their bedside

04/18/17 04/18/17 04/15/17

Medical specialists to monitor their care

George pays $0


George’s Total:

Bob pays $1,800 A driver to drive their car/ RV back home since they are unable to drive



Bob’s Total:


Emergency Assistance Plus is an emergency medical transportation service that goes beyond health and travel insurance. It covers expenses for medical transportation, medical evacuation and travel and companion assistance — services that your insurance usually does NOT pay for. You must call EA+ during your emergency so EA+ can make the arrangements for you. **This is only an outline of the plan’s features. Please read your Member Benefit Guide carefully to understand all the services available to you, as well as any terms, conditions and limitations.

Learn more about how you can be protected by EA+. Call today to speak with a customer service representative at 1-888-310-1547. Or to apply online, visit www.thelit.com/Emergency-Assistance-Plus


From Your American Legion Department

Emergency Assistance Plus® Program

JUNE 1, 2017




Post No. 510 • Hollandale Mark Chrostowski


Post No. 479 • Milwaukee Joseph Stocks

Post No. 440 • Clinton Michael Morouney




Post No. 490 • Milwaukee Leon Staples


Pictured here is Ralph Wesolowski of Post No. 180 in Milwaukee receiving his 70-year membership certificate. Shown from left to right are Past Post Commander Greg Roth; WWII veteran Ralph Weslowski; Post No. 180 Commander Steve Wesolowski (no relation) and 1st Vice Commander Ian Nunn.


Post No. 354 • Ettrick Adjutant Zach Hynes & Commander Willy Vehrenkamp


Department Vice Commander Frank Kostka recently presented 94 year old Bernhardt Hogstrom of Post No. 516 in Mason with his 70 year membership award. Bernhardt served in the Pacific theatre during WWII with the US Army. He and his wife live in Marinette with their son Randy. Bernhardt was born and raised in Mason. Vice Commander Kostka took the opportunity to recruit Randy Hogstrom, an 11 year Air Force veteran and made him the most recent member of Post No. 516. When asked why he wasn’t a Legion member, Randy said it was just procrastination and the problem was resolved on the spot.



Post No. 348 • De Forest Bill Ridgely

Post No. 267 • New Auburn Dan North

Post No. 51 • West Salem Vern Tranberg


Post No. 141 • New Glarus Membership Chair Allen Fjelstad & Commander Steve Hodgson


Alois Van Asten is a 70 year member of the Elmer F Blonien Post No. 485 in Rudolph. Five of his sons attended the presentation of his 70 year continuous membership certificate. Alois is a WWII army veteran and was wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. He is the last charter member of Post No. 485, which was formed in April 1946.


Golf Outing Fundraiser

Past Department Commander Ted DeMicchi is pleased to announce a Friends & Family Golf Outing Fundraiser for Denise H. Rohan, Candidate for National Commander of The American Legion. Among other raffles and prizes there will be four (4) 50/50 PAR 3 holes, as well as two (2) $100.00 par 3 First Hole in One, and a $50.00 par 3 first hole in one. We are looking for up to 144 golfers. Forms can be downloaded at: http://www.deniserohan. org/fundraising.html If you only have 1, 2 or 3 people, we will pair you up with others. The golf outing is open to everyone; you do not need to be a member of The American Legion Family to enter. (Make it an outing with your co-workers.) The price is $70.00 per person and includes 18 holes, Cart, Lunch and Door Prizes. If you have non-golfers that would like to come enjoy the day and en-

ter the raffles, the cost for lunch would be $10.00 per person. The event takes place on June 24th at the Reedsburg Country Club with a shotgun start at 9:30AM. We are also asking for donations of Raffle Prizes. We also ask your post to sponsor a hole at the cost of only $50.00. Hole sponsorship is not just for your Post but for Auxiliary, the SAL, Legion Riders, businesses and individuals. See the sketch to see how the sponsorship signs will look. If you sponsor a hole, you will also receive a signed “Team Wisconsin” license plate. The committee needs the money and prizes by June 16th. Make checks out to “Wisconsin Candidate for National Commander” and send them to: Ted DeMicchi, PO Box 123, Somers, WI 53171 I f you need any more information, contact Ted at deminkp68@wi.rr.com or (262) 945-1496.


$50 Please help suppost the event and sponsor a hole or take this form to businesses in your community and ask them to sponsor a hole. Thank you!

Sponsor Name __________________________ Address _______________________________ City, St., Zip ___________________________ Email _________________________________

HOLE SPONSORSHIP & GOLF REGISTRATION Please make checks payable to: Wisconsin Candidate for National Commander Mail to: Ted DeMicchi PO Box 123, Somer, WI 53171 or call Ted at (262) 945-1496 Golf Event is held at: Reedsburg Country Club 3003 E. Main Street • Reedsburg, WI (608) 524-6000

Whether you have a foursome, or want us to pair you up with other golfers, please sign up below. The price is $70.00 per person and includes 18 holes, Cart, Lunch and Door Prizes. If you have non-golfers that would like to come, the cost for lunch would be $10.00 per person.

Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, St., Zip _______________________________ Phone # ___________________________________

GOLFER #2 Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, St., Zip _______________________________ Phone # ___________________________________

GOLFER #3 Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, St., Zip _______________________________ Phone # ___________________________________

GOLFER #4 Name _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, St., Zip _______________________________ Phone # ___________________________________

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