March 2013 Edition of the Wisconsin

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March 28, 2013

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As I write this article, I keep looking out my window hoping for signs of spring, but all I see is snow. I am cerDiana Sirovina tain spring will Department eventually arPresident rive so I suppose we just have to enjoy winter in Wisconsin a bit longer. Winter has not chilled the enthusiasm our Legion Family has for Working Together on projects and events that have such a positive impact on our veterans, active duty military, their families and our communities. The past several weeks have been very busy for your Department President. I have had the privilege of attending many local, state and two national events this past month, and have seen first-hand how our Legion Family is Working Together to accomplish the mission of our organization. An outstanding event was held on February 15th at the Ho Chunk Conference Center that benefitted

our Special Project, the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund. Country Singer Ricky Lee, the WDVA and United Women Veterans partnered to host a Veterans Benefit Expo, concert and silent auction with proceeds going to our special project. Legion, Auxiliary and SAL members were in attendance to assist wherever they were needed. Special thanks to all of them for taking time out to assist at the event which raised $1,824.40 for our Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund! I also had the honor of attending the Washington DC National Conference. The primary focus of this event was to provide us with information to share with our Legislators on the “Hill Walk.” I had the privilege of participating with Department Adjutant David Kurtz and other Legionnaires as we met with Representatives and Senators from Wisconsin. Being part of this great event was very enlightening to me as I listened to Adjutant Kurtz present the Legion’s position on a variety of issues that concern our veterans and active duty military. We

all need to be better informed on these issues so we can make our voices heard to our Congressional Representatives. To learn more about The American Legion’s Legislative priorities, go to These are just a couple highlights of the many outstanding events I have been part of this year. I will be sharing more with you at your Spring Conferences and State Convention later this year. Until then, please continue to work on membership renewals and getting new members for our organization. As a Department, we are considerably short of our goal, but there is still time to correct this situation. Please make every effort to contact your nonrenewals and find new members. I know that talking membership numbers gets old after a while but remember, the greater our membership numbers are and the more we Work Together, the more we can do for our veterans, active duty military and their families. Diana Sirovina Department President

MEMBERSHIP Ann Rynes Dept Membership Chairman Ph: (608) 604-0350 Email: Happy Spring, Members! We hope this message finds you well and seeing some signs of spring around you. Wisconsin is currently 9th in the nation in membership. We have slipped from 4th place but that doesn’t mean we are giving up! There is still plenty of time to get our current members renewed and find new members for the 2013 membership year. We just need to dig in, work harder and of course work together to make it happen! Did you know that March was National Women’s History Month? The theme for the month was “Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination.” Just think back on all the many accomplishments that have happened just within our organization in the last 93 years! Did you know that in 1919 when the Auxiliary was officially formed, it took less than a year to form over 1300 Units nationwide? That is an incredible number! It just shows that if you give women a task we will not only accomplish it, we will surpass it. Our work in the Aux-

iliary has always inspired those we serve and has truly been innovative. We are not the Largest Women’s Patriotic Organization by accident! You are a member of an incredible and very special organization that not only brings together families who have served our Country, but also works to support those still serving. We all joined the Auxiliary because of different people in our lives but in the end we were also brought together by them. Throughout our history, we have always embraced the ever changing world around us, constantly improving our methods to reach out to members through new means. No matter what else has happened, members of the American Legion Auxiliary have always moved forward, thusly proving that when we work together, women will get the job done. Enjoy National Women’s History Month with your fellow members and share your inspirational stories that can bring you together. Do you know all the benefits your membership entitles you to? There is a new benefits guide available on the National website. Please visit:

sources/Member-Benefits/ and read up on the changes and how to take advantage of all the benefits available. No article would be complete without mentioning the use of social media. If you or your Unit uses Twitter to keep in touch with members, be sure you are using a “hashtag” or # with every tweet to make your message searchable and easy to find. Let’s say you tweet, “Our Unit is hosting a Pancake Breakfast this weekend! Come on down to fill up on breakfast and support our veterans! #veterans”. By using #veterans at the end, other users near you and around the world can find you! Once again, we are reaching new levels in our efforts to communicate effectively. Thank you for all you do as members for our Veterans and remember to “Take the High Road” in all you do and good will be sure to follow. YOUR TEAM: Ann Rynes, 608-604-0350,; Berne Baer, 920-680-0308,; April Kollmorgen, 360-362-2803,

The pleasure of your company is requested at a

JOINT TESTIMONIAL DINNER in honor of Commander Wayne W. Jensen The American Legion and President Diana Sirovina American Legion Auxiliary Saturday, April 27, 2013 Cash Bar 5:00 PM • Dinner 6:00 PM Klemmer’s Banquet Center 10401 West Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee, WI Menu Choices: Garlic Rubbed Sirloin Chicken ala Klemmer Shrimp in Vodka Sauce Send $35 Check or Money Order by Saturday, April 6th to: Pam Cole, 4659 S Woodland Dr, Greenfield, WI 53228


2013 1st - 92.93%

2nd - 92.85%

6th District

2nd District

3rd - 92.76%

4th - 91.00%

1st District

3rd District

5th - 90.01% 6th - 89.05%

10th District

9th District

7th - 88.86% 8th - 87.78%

8th District

7th District

9th - 86.99% 4th District

10th - 86.66% 12th District

12th - 66.87%

11th - 85.18% 11th District

5th District

MARCH 2013

Total Membership: 89.63%

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