March 2013 Edition of the Wisconsin

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March 28, 2013

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As I write this article, I keep looking out my window hoping for signs of spring, but all I see is snow. I am cerDiana Sirovina tain spring will Department eventually arPresident rive so I suppose we just have to enjoy winter in Wisconsin a bit longer. Winter has not chilled the enthusiasm our Legion Family has for Working Together on projects and events that have such a positive impact on our veterans, active duty military, their families and our communities. The past several weeks have been very busy for your Department President. I have had the privilege of attending many local, state and two national events this past month, and have seen first-hand how our Legion Family is Working Together to accomplish the mission of our organization. An outstanding event was held on February 15th at the Ho Chunk Conference Center that benefitted

our Special Project, the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund. Country Singer Ricky Lee, the WDVA and United Women Veterans partnered to host a Veterans Benefit Expo, concert and silent auction with proceeds going to our special project. Legion, Auxiliary and SAL members were in attendance to assist wherever they were needed. Special thanks to all of them for taking time out to assist at the event which raised $1,824.40 for our Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund! I also had the honor of attending the Washington DC National Conference. The primary focus of this event was to provide us with information to share with our Legislators on the “Hill Walk.” I had the privilege of participating with Department Adjutant David Kurtz and other Legionnaires as we met with Representatives and Senators from Wisconsin. Being part of this great event was very enlightening to me as I listened to Adjutant Kurtz present the Legion’s position on a variety of issues that concern our veterans and active duty military. We

all need to be better informed on these issues so we can make our voices heard to our Congressional Representatives. To learn more about The American Legion’s Legislative priorities, go to These are just a couple highlights of the many outstanding events I have been part of this year. I will be sharing more with you at your Spring Conferences and State Convention later this year. Until then, please continue to work on membership renewals and getting new members for our organization. As a Department, we are considerably short of our goal, but there is still time to correct this situation. Please make every effort to contact your nonrenewals and find new members. I know that talking membership numbers gets old after a while but remember, the greater our membership numbers are and the more we Work Together, the more we can do for our veterans, active duty military and their families. Diana Sirovina Department President

MEMBERSHIP Ann Rynes Dept Membership Chairman Ph: (608) 604-0350 Email: Happy Spring, Members! We hope this message finds you well and seeing some signs of spring around you. Wisconsin is currently 9th in the nation in membership. We have slipped from 4th place but that doesn’t mean we are giving up! There is still plenty of time to get our current members renewed and find new members for the 2013 membership year. We just need to dig in, work harder and of course work together to make it happen! Did you know that March was National Women’s History Month? The theme for the month was “Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination.” Just think back on all the many accomplishments that have happened just within our organization in the last 93 years! Did you know that in 1919 when the Auxiliary was officially formed, it took less than a year to form over 1300 Units nationwide? That is an incredible number! It just shows that if you give women a task we will not only accomplish it, we will surpass it. Our work in the Aux-

iliary has always inspired those we serve and has truly been innovative. We are not the Largest Women’s Patriotic Organization by accident! You are a member of an incredible and very special organization that not only brings together families who have served our Country, but also works to support those still serving. We all joined the Auxiliary because of different people in our lives but in the end we were also brought together by them. Throughout our history, we have always embraced the ever changing world around us, constantly improving our methods to reach out to members through new means. No matter what else has happened, members of the American Legion Auxiliary have always moved forward, thusly proving that when we work together, women will get the job done. Enjoy National Women’s History Month with your fellow members and share your inspirational stories that can bring you together. Do you know all the benefits your membership entitles you to? There is a new benefits guide available on the National website. Please visit:

sources/Member-Benefits/ and read up on the changes and how to take advantage of all the benefits available. No article would be complete without mentioning the use of social media. If you or your Unit uses Twitter to keep in touch with members, be sure you are using a “hashtag” or # with every tweet to make your message searchable and easy to find. Let’s say you tweet, “Our Unit is hosting a Pancake Breakfast this weekend! Come on down to fill up on breakfast and support our veterans! #veterans”. By using #veterans at the end, other users near you and around the world can find you! Once again, we are reaching new levels in our efforts to communicate effectively. Thank you for all you do as members for our Veterans and remember to “Take the High Road” in all you do and good will be sure to follow. YOUR TEAM: Ann Rynes, 608-604-0350,; Berne Baer, 920-680-0308,; April Kollmorgen, 360-362-2803,

The pleasure of your company is requested at a

JOINT TESTIMONIAL DINNER in honor of Commander Wayne W. Jensen The American Legion and President Diana Sirovina American Legion Auxiliary Saturday, April 27, 2013 Cash Bar 5:00 PM • Dinner 6:00 PM Klemmer’s Banquet Center 10401 West Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee, WI Menu Choices: Garlic Rubbed Sirloin Chicken ala Klemmer Shrimp in Vodka Sauce Send $35 Check or Money Order by Saturday, April 6th to: Pam Cole, 4659 S Woodland Dr, Greenfield, WI 53228


2013 1st - 92.93%

2nd - 92.85%

6th District

2nd District

3rd - 92.76%

4th - 91.00%

1st District

3rd District

5th - 90.01% 6th - 89.05%

10th District

9th District

7th - 88.86% 8th - 87.78%

8th District

7th District

9th - 86.99% 4th District

10th - 86.66% 12th District

12th - 66.87%

11th - 85.18% 11th District

5th District

MARCH 2013

Total Membership: 89.63%



Bonnie Jakubczyk Department Chaplain Music Chairman Ph: (414) 764-6752 Email:

Please send prayers for Department President Diana’s prayer book to me by May 1, 2013. While attending the Zablocki Creative Arts Festival, one performer gave his all. This Veteran had suffered a stroke that affected his speech. One of his acts was wheelchair dancing. His other act showed such courage as he sang Amazing Grace. He struggled with some of the words but never gave up and many tears were shed. His therapist said singing has been great therapy.


Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the wonderful signs of spring and ask that you please keep those serving our Country in your care. Keep us on track as we continue to serve God and Country. We ask for your guidance as we complete our year end reports. In your name we pray, Amen


I want to pass this Hymn on:

PASS IT ON Words and Music by Kurt Kaiser (1969) It only takes a spark to get a fire going, And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing; That’s how it is with God’s Love, Once you’ve experienced it, You spread His love to everyone, You want to pass it on. What a wonderous time is spring, When all the trees are budding, The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming; That’s how it is with God’s love, Once you’ve experienced it. You want to sing, it’s fresh like spring, You want to pass it on. I wish for you my friend, This happiness that I’ve found; You can depend on Him, It matters not where you’re bound, I’ll shout it from the mountain top, I want the world to know, The Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on. WORKING TOGETHER FOR GOD AND COUNTRY


March 28, 2013

GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: Special thanks are extended to the WDVA, United Women Veterans, Ho-Chunk and Country Singer Ricky Lee for co-sponsoring the Veterans Expo and Benefit Concert on February 15th. Auxiliary members came from across the state to support this successful event that raised $1,824.40 for President Diana’s special project – Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund. Auxiliary members are encouraged to attend their district spring conference. This is a great time to learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary, thank the district officers for all their hard work during the past year, and provide input as the district plans the year ahead. Please see the schedule on page A4 for more information.

There is still space available for the 2013 ALA Badger Girls State session scheduled for June 16-21. Units interested in sponsoring a delegate should contact Carrie Thrasher at Department Headquarters or their local high school to see if they have eligible junior students who wish to participate. Units that are interested in sponsoring a delegate but don’t have a local high school participating in the Girls State program are encouraged to consider sponsoring delegate(s) from another area. Department has a waiting list of young women who would like to attend ALA Badger Girls State. It is discouraging when we have to deny this great opportunity to educate the future of America due to lack of funds. 2014 Unit Membership Renewal Notice/Dues information was mailed to Unit Presidents and Membership Chairmen in mid-March. If you have not received your information, please contact Andrea Stoltz at

Department Headquarters as soon as possible. The deadline to return the information to Department Headquarters is May 3, 2013. In order to prevent the incorrect dues amount to go out with renewal notices, Units must respond by May 3rd to let us know how much they plan to collect for 2014 dues. National will not accept any changes after May 3rd. The minimum amount collected is $20 for senior members and $3 for junior members; units may charge more to offset costs of unit operations. Units must submit payments for any new members to Department by April 1st if they want these members to appear on the 2014 membership rosters and receive a pre-printed membership card. Name and address changes for current members must also be received by April 1st. 2014 membership cards will be mailed to units after department convention.

CHILDREN & YOUTH Mary Petrie Department Children & Youth Chairman Ph: (920) 261-8161 Email: The first C&Y Unit mailing quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt, “We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.” Throughout the year, members have been encouraged to form partnerships within the Legion Family as well as with other organizations, businesses, and community agencies – all for the betterment of our children and youth. To help carry out the Children & Youth mission, ideas have been presented to raise community awareness, information and contacts have been shared, and unique partnerships offering special promotions were highlighted. The generous contributions made to this program through monetary gifts, volunteer opportunities, and promotion of community involvement, have carried out the Auxiliary’s ideal of Service, Not Self. We have accomplished much, but there is so

much more to do. Continue to watch for special promotions. Last Fall, Brawny Paper Towels and Wounded Warriors partnered to raise more than $500,000 for and awareness of the needs of injured service members and their families. JC Penney collected over three million dollars for Boys & Girls Clubs of America and 4-H by ‘rounding up to the nearest dollar’ at checkout. Did you know that Tupperware has partnered with Boys & Girls Clubs for over 15 years or that since 1947 the company has sponsored the National Year of the Youth program, honoring youth who have overcome enormous odds and who demonstrate exceptional character, service to their Club and community, academic performance, and contributions to their family? Visit your favorite products’ websites to check for special promotions. For each visitor who likes the Brawny Towels Facebook page or sends a thank you on its Wall of Thanks through December, $1 will be added -- up to $350,000 for Wounded Warriors.

The red bandana-bedecked Josh Dogs and Josh’s story have comforted and prepared children for surgery for years. Now introducing…G.I. Josh Dogs, sporting camouflage and comforting small children of a deployed service member. This Josh and accompanying “I’ll Be OK” book, housed in a box featuring the American Legion emblem, will be available soon. G.I. Josh will be sold exclusively through the Legion for $26 plus shipping and handling. Check the website at Remember… Youth Hero Awards, honoring under 18-years-olds who perform a heroic act of valor, and Good Deed Awards, recognizing those who are excellent examples of community service, are available year round. Your encouragement, support, and focus through Working Together will not only make President Diana proud, it will make a tremendous difference in the lives of our children and youth, preparing them for the future.

LEADERSHIP Diane Weggen Department Leadership Chairman Are you an unconscious leader? Everyone – including you – is a leader whether you know it or not. Several times a week, you exhibit leadership traits without even thinking about it. What are some of these traits? Whenever you offer suggestions or solutions, give support or encouragement to another, clarify or add information, gather data, establish rules, or summarize, you help move someone or a group forward or toward a goal. Thus, you have demonstrated leadership, probably without realizing that you have taken the leadership role in each of these instances. This is the reason leadership workshops are for all of you. Join a number of members who are soaring to new heights by taking the challenge to become more knowledgeable about the Auxiliary and its programs while taking the National ALA Leadership Correspondence Course. Some units, like Holmen Unit 284 and New London Unit 263, have accepted the challenge and are working together to learn more about the Auxiliary to become

“Angels in Service” serving veterans, their families, and their communities and strengthening their units. Remember: recognition will be given to units who have the highest number of members and/or juniors completing the National ALA Leadership Correspondence Courses, and to units, counties, and districts with the highest percentage of members completing the course. Presidents must complete the course to be eligible for the unit, county, or district award. Mentorship is very important in membership development. Recognition will be given to one Unit Leadership Chairman who best implements the mentoring program within her unit and has the highest percent of member participation (goal is 50 percent) in the National Leadership Correspondence Course (LCC). One recognition certificate will be given for the mentoring of senior members and one for mentoring junior members. June 2nd is the deadline for taking and submitting the LCC for the unit award with the highest overall percentage of members who have successfully passed. Department can receive credit for all members passing

by June 28. Let’s work together and soar to greater heights. Holmen hosted a successful leadership workshop in January. Thorp Unit 118 will host a workshop on April 6; District 6 has a session on April 20. Everyone is invited to attend workshops including senior and junior members, Legionnaires, and prospective members. This is a great way to learn about your organization. Your Leadership Committee will work with you to establish a time for a Leadership workshop or to assist you in learning about the Auxiliary by completing the Leadership Correspondence Course. “Working together, we will help you find the leader inside yourself!” LEADERSHIP TEAM: Chairman Diane Weggen, Thorp Unit 118, District 7,; Rose Heinz, Appleton Unit 38, District 9,; Germaine Hying, Muscoda Unit 85, District 3,

March 28, 2013


HOMELESS WOMEN VETERANS Kathy Wollmer Department Chairman Ph: (262) 377-8613 President Diana’s Special Project this year, “Homeless Women Veterans Grant Program,” has attracted attention from other organizations and groups. In January, the Waunakee High School students, under the leadership of Student Council members Maddie Murphy and Kelly Morgan, designated the American Legion Auxiliary’s Homeless Women Veterans (HWV) Fund to be one of the recipients of their annual fundraiser. During their basketball game with DeForest, they raised money by taking donations for a “Hoops for Troops” shoot-off at half time and continued fundraising for a second night during a school dance. Their efforts raised $1,200 for the HWV Fund! The American Legion Auxiliary thanks the students of Waunakee High School and As-

sistant Principal Tim Momnartf for highlighting the needs of women veterans and helping them move forward to a safer and more secure life through our grant program. In February, the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Program was the recipient of all donations received at the Veterans Expo and Ricky Lee Benefit Concert at Ho-Chunk Casino, Baraboo. Carolyn Morgan, Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Women Veterans Outreach Coordinator, sponsored a Veterans Benefit Expo where more than 120 veterans visited with VA benefit specialists and learned about other available resources. United Women Veterans sponsored a silent auction during the day with many wonderful donations received and auctioned. Country Singer Ricky Lee spent the day donating his time and talents by visiting with veterans,

singing the Star Spangled Banner during the opening ceremony, and performing a lively entertaining concert in the evening. If you missed hearing his song, “She’s An American Soldier,” please listen through his website A huge THANK YOU goes to the Ho-Chunk Nation for donating space at the Casino, to Andrew Blackhawk Post 129 and drummers for their participation in the opening ceremony and flag procession, to Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, United Women Veterans, and Ricky Lee Music. A special thank you is extended to all who attended, donated, volunteered and spent the day with us. At the end of the day, the American Legion Auxiliary added another $1,824.40 to the Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund – the result of people and organizations “Working Together” for the benefit of veterans!

POPPY Laura Calteux Department Poppy Chairman Ph: (414) 379-2943 Spring is here (supposedly) and that means Poppy Days! Getting your Legion Family involved in the distribution of poppies is a great way of working together to promote the poppy and membership. Ask your juniors and SAL to distribute with the Auxiliary – and don’t forget the Legionnaires in your post! Having the entire Legion family participate will make for a great poppy drive this year. Wreaths, centerpieces, hats, jewelry, anything you can think of! The Poppy Usage Contest is still in progress so get your imaginations in gear and send me those 8 x 10 pictures of your creations. Raising money for the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival is one way to promote the poppy usage contest. The unit that raises

the most money for the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival through the poppy usage contest will receive a citation at Department Convention. Send your donation to Department using the Poppy Usage Contest form. The form is available on the department website. I need to receive all entries by May 15th. I can’t wait to see the imaginative ways you use your poppies! Don’t forget our Poppy Princess and Poppy Poster contests. Get the juniors and school children in your area involved in promoting the poppy. The rules for the contests are on the department website. Please be sure that all rules are followed, we don’t want any of our contestants to lose out because of a small infraction of the rules. Poppy posters need to be sent to me by May 15th and the Poppy Princess scrapbooks need

to be sent to me by May 1st. Promoting the poppy has never been easier. You can get all of the promotional materials that you need from department. We have a great Poppy Promotional Kit for just $5.00 each. The kit includes brochures, rack cards, bookmarks and information on our poppy program to help you promote this great Auxiliary program. Use this additional material to make your poppy program the best ever. Make sure that you keep track of your activities and write that narrative report telling me everything you’ve done to promote the poppy and the Poppy Program. If you report on other programs also, please make sure you use separate sheets. Narrative reports are due at Department by May 1st. Have fun with everything that you do for our veterans and their families!

VETERAN AFFAIRS & REHABILITATION Virginia Kodl VA&R Department Chairman Ph: (715) 669-5432 Email: Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation (VA&R) is one of the most important programs of the American Legion Auxiliary – by aiding and assisting our veterans, our heroes, in their recovery. Not only do we take care of them in our hospitals but we help them in their quest to live a better life by supporting the Creative Arts. The performing arts and visual arts are amazing. We have a lot of talented veterans, both men and women, who are finding ways to get past some of the horrors of war. Helping at Veterans Job Fairs and Career Days is another way to support our veterans

as they strive to succeed on the road to recovery. Also be sure to take care of veterans within your own communities. Sometimes we forget that they and their care takers need our support just like the support we give to our hospitals. Another Auxiliary year is coming to an end. I will be looking for reports from all of you. Please be sure to send in your narrative reports along with pictures and newspaper clippings also. Let’s make sure that Wisconsin will shine again this year. What a privilege it was to be at the 2012 National Convention and have Eau Claire Unit 53 receive one of the five Presidential Awards! Wisconsin also received the Central Division Award and we would not have been able to do

that without hearing from all of you. Remember, what you do is very important, especially to all of our veterans. The hospital tours are completed. It is amazing the changes that have been done in each of them to improve the care that is given to our veterans – both male and female. I attended the dedication of the new Veterans Home in Chippewa Falls and they are reviewing the applications and selecting the veterans who will be moving in. What a beautiful home!! If you get the chance, stop by and take a tour. The Auxiliary is working through the process to appoint a Hospital Representative to work with voluntary services at this new facility.


Event Raises Funds for Auxiliary

A Veterans Expo, silent auction and Benefit Concert were held February 15, 2013 at Ho-Chunk Gaming, Wisconsin Dells. The event was sponsored by Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA), United Women Veterans, Ho-Chunk Gaming, and Country Singer Ricky Lee.

The event raised $1,824.40, which was donated to the American Legion Auxiliary to support President Diana’s special project: Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund. The American Legion Auxiliary thanks everyone who contributed to the success of this event!

Pictured (left to right): Elizabeth Benn, President of United Women Veterans; Country Singer Ricky Lee; ALA President Diana Sirovina; Ashley Natysin of the Ho-Chunk Nation; Carolyn Morgan, Women Veterans Outreach Coordinator of WDVA; and Kathy Wollmer, ALA Homeless Women Veterans Chairman.

Members Make Quilts for Veterans

American Legion Auxiliary members Ginny Teska (left) and Nancy Fisher (right) of Unit 122 made quilts for the veterans at a local nursing home in Phillips, Wisconsin. Jenny Myers (not pictured) also helped with this caring project.


Calendar Fundraiser FEBRUARY 2013 WINNERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 500.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 945.00

03015 37562 33060 31779 41393 09333 46201 12864 11636 38445 09836 06624 27171 40817 14688 09614 21281 16393 10780 17089 35353 01639 28239 27930 26538 01300 32609 08194

Dennis O’Connor Patricia Sumstad Briana Vanden Langenberg Viola Dost Ilene Zastrow Toni Boettcher Ellen Cerney Joan Gabrish LaVone Havlik Mary Beversdorf Linda Hughes Thomas Chadek Del & Julia Flitsch Beverly Thienes Ron Gerhard Mary Radke Betty Clement Kristin Wicke Marge Nachreiner Ann Zimmer Arlene Capra Virginia Kemper Sharon Rocco Mary Koontz Kelley Schanen Andrea Heger Dale Buschmann Marilou Nemitz

Escondido CA Colfax Seymour Hawkins La Crosse Adams Merrill Milwaukee Janesville Wittenberg Cambria Racine Gays Mills Onalaska New Berlin West Baraboo West Bend Cambridge Sauk City Milwaukee Cumberland Wauwatosa Kenosha Eau Claire Grafton Cudahy Sturgeon Bay Lancaster

If not cashed within 90 days, the check will be voided without any notification sent to you. If it’s after 90 days call our office. We are open Monday-Friday 8:00am–4:30pm. Phone: 608-745-0124.

If not cashed within 60 days, check will be voided without any notification sent to you. After 60 days, call our office at 608-745-0124. We are open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm.



March 28, 2013


Waunakee High School Supports Veterans


Kelly Moran and Maddie Murphy of Waunakee High School organized two fundraising events in January to support President Diana Sirovina’s special project, “Homeless Women Veterans Grant Fund.” They raised money during the boys’ basketball game against DeForest High School through the “Miracle Minute” and “Hoops for Troops” challenges and raised additional funds during the school’s Winter Formal. Kelly, Maddie and the Student Council of Waunakee High School raised $1,200 to support homeless women veterans! We thank them for their dedication and commitment.



LUNCHEON MAKEcheck CHECK Luncheon Make COST PAYABLE Cost Payable to:TO



Twin Lakes Unit 544 989 Legion Dr., Twin Lakes

Registration: 8-9 am/ Conference: 9:00 am Fee: $15.00

Included in Registration

ALA Unit 544



American Legion Post 67 129 S Main, Lake Mills

Registration: 8-8:55 am Fee: $1.00


Dorothy Wineke, ALA Jefferson County President



Darlington Post 214 1400 Keep St., Darlington

Registration: 8-9 am Fee: $1.00


Unit 214



American Legion Post 416 6351 W. Grange, Greendale

Reg.: 9:30-10 am Fee: $2.00


ALA 4th District

SendSEND checkCHECK to: TO


Emma Chism 1189 Medinah Way Twin Lakes WI 53181

Dorothy Wineke 109 Franklin Street Lake Mills, WI 53551 Cindy Corley 11740 Center Hill Rd Darlington, WI 53530 Bonnie Jakubczyk 7441 S. Logan Ave Oak Creek, WI 53154

No District Conference 5th District Members are invited to attend the 4th District Spring Conference


Reg.: 9-10:15am Fee: .50¢


ALA Unit 329



Briggsville Legion Hall W8539 State Rd., Hwy 23



American Legion Post 100 1116 Angelo Rd., Sparta

Registration: 8-9 am Fee: $2.00


ALA Unit 100



Wisc. Veterans Home – King

Registration: 8-9 am $17.00 includes Lunch

Reg/Lunch = $22 at door

ALA Unit 161



Kimberly Community Center 515 W Kimberly Ave.

Registration: 8-8:45 am Fee: $1.00


ALA Unit 60



St. Bridget’s Church 211 E. Division St., River Falls

Registration: 8-9 am Fee: $2.00 Registration: 8:30 am


ALA Unit 121

Sue Bailey 152 Grouse Court Briggsville, WI 53920 Gail Raddatz PO Box 704 Sparta, WI 54656 Penny Joren N1894 County Road K Waupaca, WI 54981 Nancy Angell 401 W Henry St Kaukauna,WI 54130 Jeanne Williams 552 Fairhome Rd Roberts, WI 54023


Lac du Flambeau Casino



ContactCONTACT Person

DEAD DeadLINE line

Emma Chism Ph: 262-877-9498


Dorothy Wineke Ph: 920-648-2883


Cindy Corley Ph: 608-776-4229


Bonnie Jakubczyk Ph: 414-764-6752



Sue Bailey Ph: 608-981-2226


Gail Raddatz Ph: 608-487-0654


Penny Joren Ph: 715-281-4578


Shirley Hopfensberger Ph: 920-687-9313 4/30/13 Jeanne Williams Ph: 612-532-7248 4/10/13 Email: Barb Johnson Pay at registration Ph: 715-292-9835 n/a TATE RIENTATION CHEDULE



American Legion Post 185 6/1/2013 Conference: 9 am #12 with Counties an asterisk a joint Badger Girls 108 N.(*) Oakconduct St., Grantsburg

& Badger Boys Orientation. This is a partial list. Additional Counties will be posted to Orientation tab as information becomes CURRENT AS OF 3/19/13 available. Current as of 3/19/13


*Countyasconducts a joint Badger Girls & Badger Boys Orientation current of 3/22/2013

Pictured (left to right): Kelly Moran, President Diana Sirovina and Maddie Murphy

COUNTY County *Barron *Brown,Door-Kewaunee

Unit 243 Presents Deployment Gift Bags

On December 1, 2012 members of Ladewig-Zinkgraf Unit 243 in Plymouth participated in the sendoff of 121st Battery B National Guard deployment to Afghanistan. The Unit assembled gift bags for 79 families that included small gifts, snack food, and gift certificates to show that the American Legion Auxiliary cares about them and appreciates their sacrifice. Local companies contributed to the project.

Pictured (left to right): Ann Kaczkowski, Linda Wieck, and Kathy Halloran.

Thank You I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I was looking forward to turning 60, but was not ready for the number of wishes I received as they were overwhelming. You are all awesome! There isn’t an organization out there that has members who would take the time to acknowledge an employee like this great organization did – and I am humbled by this gesture. Linda “Peachy” Cason Department Bookkeeper

DATE Date 5/19/2013 5/13/2013


This is a partial list. If you do not see your county listed, check for session updates.


LOCAL LocalCONTACT(S) Contact(s)

PRESENTER(S) Presenter(s)

1:00 pm

Rice Lake Veteran’s Center 1404 Macauley Avenue

Carol Johnson: 715-458-4566

BGS: Gayle Janson: 715-463-5723 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

7:00 pm

AL Post 11 Clubhouse 1708 N. Irwin St., Green Bay

Berne Baer: 920-494-4404

BGS: Berne Baer: 920-494-4404 BBS: John Cumicek: 920-676-9597

Gayle Janson: 715-463-5723

BGS: Gayle Janson: 715-463-5723 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

*Burnett, Bayfield, Douglas & Washburn


1:00 pm

Grantsburg Legion Post 185 108 N Oak St.

*Calumet & Manitowoc


7:00 pm

Brillion HS W1101 Cty Rd HR

Jeannine Conradt: 920-986-3800 BBS: John Giese: 920-756-2024

BGS: Jeannine Conradt: 920-986-3800 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469



1:00 pm

American Legion Hall 135 Clark St., Boyd

Teresa Isensee: 715-667-3528

BGS: Teresa Isensee: 715-667-3528 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304



3:00 pm

American Legion Hall 108 S Main St. Greenwood

Nancy Hanson:715-267-6785

BGS: Virginia Kodl:715-669-5432 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994



9:00 am

Portage HS 301 E. Collins, Rm 143

5:00 pm

American Legion Post 217 Orin St., Gays Mills

Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468

BGS: Sharon Zales: 608-649-4468

Mary Curran: 608-873-9463

BGS: Mary Curran: 608-873-9463 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

Crawford & Richland


BBS/BGS: Norm Bednarek: 608-617-9839

BGS: Carol Sidwell: 608-296-4090 BBS: Norm Bednarek: 608-617-9839



7:00 pm

WPS Nordby Bldg 1707 W. Broadway, Madison

*Dunn/Eau Claire


7:00 pm

American Legion Hall 634 Water St., Eau Claire

Joan Chwala: 715-668-5661

BGS: Joan Chwala: 715-668-5661 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-583-4303

*Fond du Lac


7:00 pm

American Legion Post #43 133 E Fond du Lac St., Ripon

Sandra Smet: 920-923-6085

BGS: Betty Stone: 608-738-9542 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

*Grant & Iowa


1:00 pm

Fennimore Community Bldg 860 Lincoln Avenue

Rita Eversoll: 608-348-4126

BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994

Carol Clark: 608-325-5906 Janet Thompson: 608-325-6568

BGS: Dee Woolf: 608-348-7403 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282



7:00 pm

Brodhead Library th 1207 25 Street, Brodhead

*Green Lake & Marquette


7:00 pm

Green Lake Post 306 518 Water Street

Nancy Barke: 920-294-6097

BGS: Berne Baer: 920-680-0308 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994



1:00 pm

AL Post 67 129 S. Main St., Lake Mills

Beatrice Rothschadl

BGS: Heidi Bremer: 920-904-1448 BBS:



7:00 pm

New Lisbon Post #110 110 Welch Prairie Rd

Nancy Zobal: 608-853-0635 or Rose Clark: 608-847-4450

BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994



6:30 pm

American Legion Post 21 th 504 58 Street, Kenosha

Colleen Cramlet: 262-818-6041

BGS: Joyce Bouhl: 262-248-4533 BBS: Bob Kaczmarek: 262-552-7777

American Legion Hall 148 S. Leonard St., West Salem Location

Liz Staff:Contact(s) 608-781-6888 Local

BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 Presenter(s)

*La Crosse, Monroe & Vernon County

4/1/2013 Date

7:00 pm Time

*Lafayette *Marathon & Lincoln

5/8/2013 5/19/2013

7:00 6:30 pm

*Marinette & Florence


7:00 pm



7:00 pm

*Oconto *Oneida, Vilas, Forest & Langlade


2:00 pm


10:00 am





7:00 pm BGS 7:00 pm BBS 8:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm

*Portage & Wood *Price, Taylor, Ashland & Iron


7:00 pm


10:00 am



7:00 pm



2:00 pm

Saint Croix


7:00 pm



7:00 pm

*Shawano & Menomonee *Trempealeau, BuffaloPepin & Jackson


7:00 pm


7:00 pm



1:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm



7:00 pm

Darlington American Legion Post 214 10 1400 Keep Rd., Street 1001 Golf Course Wausau Wausaukee HS N11941 State Hwy 141 American Legion Post 180 2860 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Oconto Falls Library 210 N. Farm Rd. Three Lakes HS 6930 W School St., Three Lakes Appleton North HS 5000 N. Ballard Road AL Post 82 435 N Lake Dr., Pt. Washington American Legion Hall 139 S Oak, Ellsworth Old Polk Cty Courthouse nd (2 floor -East conf. room) 100 Polk Cty Plaza, Balsam Lake Portage County Library, Pinery Rm, Stevens Point Phillips Public Library 268 Cherry St., Phillips Union Grove Legion Hall 1027 New St. Unit 48 236 St. Lawrence Ave., Beloit Somerset Legion Hall 464 Hwy 35/64 Sauk Prairie HS Rm 14 th 105 9 St., Prairie du Sac Wittenberg Community Center 208 W Vinal St. Trempealeau Cty Courthouse 36245 Main St., #4, Whitehall American Legion Post 24 735 Henry St., Lake Geneva Allenton Legion Clubhouse 419 Railroad St (Cty Hwy W) New London Clubhouse 840 E North Water St American Legion Post 382 Main Street, Menomonee Falls Wautoma HS 566 Cambridge (Hwy 21/22)

Rose Heinz: 920-734-7570 BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BBS: Jim Lee: 262-377-1414

BGS:Diane Dee Woolf: BGS: Kranig:608-348-7403 715-341-4935 BBS: Hying:608-770-1282 608-739-3367 BBS: Jim Bill Cosh: BGS: Loretta Shellman: 920-846-2701 BBS: Butch Van Rossum: 920-360-1974 BGS: Bonnie Jakubczyk: 414-764-6752 & Laura Calteux: 414-379-2943 BGS: Loretta Shellman: 920-846-2701 BBS: Butch Van Rossum: 920-360-1974 BGS: Kay Arndt: 715-453-1613 BBS: BGS: Jeannine Conradt: 920-986-3800 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469 BGS: Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 BGS: Al Richards: 262-377-6725

Connie Berning: 715-246-5038

BGS: Connie Berning: 715-246-5038

Connie Berning: 715-246-5038

Vivian Dusek: 715-339-6062

BGS: Connie Berning: 715-246-5038 BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BBS: BGS: Virginia Kodl: 715-669-5432 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282

BGS: Marcie Perez: 262-308-8705

BGS: Joyce Bouhl: 262-248-4533

Cynthia Corley: 608-776-4229 Eunice Baumann: 715-842-2442

Loretta Shellman: 920-846-27001 Bonnie Jakubczyk: 414-764-6752 Loretta Shellman: 920-846-2701

Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935

Jennifer Shea: 608-362-4920 Connie Berning: 715-246-5038 Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 Mary Beversdorf: 715-253-2908 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 Joyce Bouhl: 262-248-4533 Mary Montag: 262-355-6467 Marla Knuettel: 920-359-1629 Kitty Larkin: 262-649-3399 BGS: Cathy Kaminski: 715-249-5263

BGS: Connie Berning: 715-246-5038 BGS: Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 BGS: Jeannine Conradt: 920-986-3800 BBS: Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 BGS: Liz Staff: 608-781-6888 BBS: Fred Berns: 715-538-4304 BGS: Joyce Bouhl: 262-248-4533 BGS: Heidi Bremer:920-904-1448 BBS: BGS: Jeannine Conradt: 920-986-3800 BBS: Russ Hanseter: 920-833-2469 BGS: Kitty Larkin: 262-649-3399 BBS: BGS: Diane Kranig: 715-341-4935 BBS:Ted Duckworth: 608-547-9994

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