March 2017 pages 1 7

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“For God & Country”



March 23, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 3

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family

The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

80th Annual Wisconsin American Legion High School Oratorical Contest

The 80th Annual Wisconsin American Legion High School Oratorical Contest was held at Ripon College on Saturday, February 11th. Ten high school students from across the state competed for top honors. Each student appeared on stage twice, the first for an 8 to 10 minute Oration on some aspect of the Constitution followed by a 3 to 5 minute dissertation on one of 4 possible randomly drawn Constitutional Amendments. The 2017 Wisconsin American Legion Oratorical Contest winners are: Carrie Wilson, a junior who is homeschooled, prevailed in the competition and will receive a $3,000 scholarship. “America’s Guidebook” was the title of her oration. Representing the 9th District, Carrie was sponsored by Appleton Post No. 38. She qualified to compete at the National Finals scheduled April 21-23, 2017 in Indianapolis, Indiana where she is eligible for at least an additional $1,500 scholarship. The three national finalists receive $18,000, $16,000 and $14,000

scholarships respectively. The First Runner-Up is Joshua Anumolu, a sophomore who is homeschooled and was sponsored by North Shore Post No. 331 and represented the 5th District. “If You Can Keep It” was the title of his oration. He has earned a $2,500 scholarship. Taking Second Runner-Up honors was Hannah Krueger. Hannah is a senior at Winneconne High School, was sponsored by the Winneconne Post No. 364 and represented the 6th District. She has earned a $2,000 scholarship. The title of her oration was “Hand in the Cookie Jar”. Regional Participants: Joseph Washburn, is a junior at Mukwonago High School. He was sponsored by Community Post No. 375 in Mukwonago and represented the 1st District. He has earned a $600 scholarship. Ashley Hagenow, a junior at Rio High School, earned a $600 scholarship. Ashley was sponsored by Post No. 208 and represented the 2nd District.

Pictured from left to right are Department Commander Dan Seehafer, first place winner Carrie Wilson, second place finisher Joshua Anumolu and third place finisher Hannah Krueger.

Josh Weaver is a senior at Darlington High School. Josh was sponsored by Post No. 214 of Darlington and represented the 3rd District. Josh has earned a $600 scholarship. Isaac Hoeschen, a junior at Pius XI High School in Milwaukee, was sponsored by Post No. 180 and represented the 4th District. Isaac also earned a $600 scholarship. Jeffrey Yanke, is a senior at the Sauk Prairie High School and was sponsored by Post No. 167. He represented the 7th District and earned a $600 scholarship. Nathan Petri is a senior at Pulaski High School and was sponsored by Memorial Post No. 63 of Clintonville. Nathan represented the 8th District and has earned a $600 scholarship. Evan Pechacek, a homeschooled junior, was sponsored by Hudson Post No. 121 and represented the 10th District. Evan also earned a $600 scholarship. All Scholarships are paid directly to the recipient’s college upon proof of enrollment.

Commander Dan Seehafer and 2017 Oratorical Scholarship Competition winner Carrie Wilson.

COMMANDER SEEHAFER’S TESTIMONIAL DINNER Saturday May 20, 2017 Social Hour at 4:00 PM • Dinner at 5:00 PM Program to Follow St. Stephen Lutheran Church 505 N Palmatory St.• Horicon, WI 53032 Following the dinner and program, you are invited to Commander Seehafer’s home Post No. 157, 735 Hubbard St., Horicon, WI 53032 for continued fellowship and karaoke! The following are suggested lodging if you wish to stay: MAYVILLE INN 701 S Mountin Dr. Mayville, WI 53050 (920) 387-1234 Name(s):

ROYAL OAKS MOTEL AMERICINN W4419 State Rd. 33 325 Seippel Blvd., Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Horicon, WI 53032 (920) 485-4489 (920) 356-9000

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Please include all who will be attending

Number attending________@ $25/person $________ total enclosed Please send completed form with payment by May 10, 2017 to: Daniel Seehafer • W7550 Shady Lane• Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Commander Seehafer Confers with WDVA Secretary Dan Zimmerman

Commander Daniel J. Seehafer of Horicon Post No. 157 met with WDVA Secretary Dan Zimmerman at Department headquarters on Thursday, March 9th to receive an update on the Wisconsin Veterans Homes and to brief the Secretary on American Legion programs and developments.

2017 Membership Goal: 56,739 • March 16th Total: 52,362 • 92.29% District


93.61% 1st PLACE



92.12% 2nd PLACE



90.74% 3rd PLACE











88.85% 6th PLACE











87.72% 9th PLACE










10th PLACE 11th PLACE 12th PLACE

PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901

“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2016-2017 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Harold Rihn, DEC Liaison Renee Kasuboski Rory Burns Jerry Lauby Geoff Sheilds Rick McCanna, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2016-17 Department Officers Commander Daniel J. Seehafer Vice Commanders Tom Strey Frank Kostka Ensley Brown Laurel Clewell Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Arthur Biesak Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Jim Young 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – John Miller 11th – Jim Lynn 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.

“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Laurel DuBois, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.

Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to


MARCH 23, 2017

DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Carry the Legacy Forward. It’s the theme chosen by our National Commander Charles Schmidt as he leads the naDan Seehafer tion’s largest and Department Commander most influential veteran’s organization--The American Legion. As we observe the 98th anniversary of our founding this month, we would be remiss not to reflect on the momentous struggle that redefined the world and ultimately gave birth to our organization. World War I was the war to end all wars--at least that’s what many hoped its legacy would be. Technological advances such as machine guns, poison gases and explosives of greater intensity killed nearly 10 million worldwide, with almost 30 million wounded and injured. Many thought that surely nations would be too sensible and too decent to repeat such a horrific tragedy. Captain Roy Hudson was a dentist from Killeen, Texas. During the war, he commanded a medical detachment in France. In a 1918 letter to his wife Kate he wrote, “the American public will never know, for words cannot possibly express the awfulness this present war means and what our boys as well as the Allies have gone through and put up with…I will have to tell you later.” Fortunately, Captain Hudson was able to tell his wife what he experienced, for he did return home, where he became an early member of Post No. 76 in Austin, Texas.

As a Legionnaire, Dr. Hudson recited the Preamble of The American Legion Constitution which included the pledge to “preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great War.” The promise was later pluralized to include World War II and subsequent wars, the only change ever made to our eloquent mission statement. Like Roy Hudson, Legionnaires everywhere were able to share their memories with Americans in their communities. Post No. 76 attracted a crowd of 25,000 at a 1937 Fourth of July picnic, according to the Austin American Statesman. By comparison, in an age of modern transportation and greater population, the average attendance at an NBA basketball game last season was just more than 17,000. Those early Legionnaires, the veterans whose legacy we are entrusted to continue, had a missionary zeal to ensure that no veteran, no widow and no orphan would do without the care and comfort of a grateful nation because of the sacrifice that they had made. One of the most prominent Legionnaires of that era was Harry Colmery, the primary author of the GI Bill. He had started a law practice in Utah when he enlisted in the Army Air Service in 1917. Immediately commissioned as a lieutenant, he became a pursuit pilot and logged more than 500 hours in the air. He didn’t deploy because he was instead assigned to training other World War I aviators. This experience using early “combat flying machines” led to a

lifelong advocacy of proper equipment and safety for U.S. military personnel--and the message still applies today! It also unleashed the leadership potential of the young veteran who would later be elected National Commander of The American Legion. Numbers, dedication and tenacity are the reasons that Commander Colmery and The American Legion wielded enough influence to pass monumental legislation such as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, better known as the GI Bill. The American Legion was born in Paris, France, in March 1919, after which a caucus in St. Louis was held. The organization was chartered in September and held its first convention in Minneapolis in November 1919. Virtually unknown due to its infancy, The American Legion had more than 843,000 dues-paying members by the end of its first year. This was an especially remarkable feat in a world without the Internet, televisions, telephones and other media that we take for granted today. There was no interstate highway system and car ownership was still not widespread. Yet The American Legion grew to become the largest and most powerful veteran’s organization because our message resonated. While many veterans groups and other associations prohibited women from joining, The American Legion was open to all eligible wartime veterans regardless of gender, race or religion. Women were able to vote for the National Commander of The

American Legion before they could legally vote for the president of the United States. Founded on the Four Pillars of care for veterans, strong national defense, Americanism, and the wholesome development of youth, the Legion offered its members the opportunity to continue to serve America long after they hung up their military uniforms for good. It is service that continues in communities throughout the country today. Last year, Legionnaires volunteered more than 645,000 hours to the VA Voluntary Service Program. Posts sponsored more than 2,400 Scouting units benefiting approximately 61,000 young people. More than 75,000 pints of blood were donated by Legionnaires, according to the latest consolidated post reports. Post service officers also processed 149,216 benefit claims for veterans, free of charge and regardless of membership status. Ninety-eight years is a remarkable stretch of service for an organization whose founders hoped that it would one day have to close due to the end of all war. That idealism was replaced by realism and while veterans love peace, they love their country more. But even something as destructive as a world war was able to produce a light. That light shined upon our four pillars and a legion of veterans who continue to serve our communities. Quite a legacy. It’s up to us to carry it forward. And we will, to our God-given ability, because “It’s Personal.” Happy Birthday, family!

DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT Now that spring is arriving and winter recedes, the attention of Department staff is focused on the major upcomDavid Kurtz ing events on the Department Adjutant horizon. Districts across the state will gather shortly for spring conferences. Spring Conference dates and locations appear at on the calendar of events. Significant reports are due at this time of year and all of them are nec-

essary to ensure the smooth operation of our organization at all levels. The Consolidated Post Report (or “CPR”) is due June 1st. Both the Children & Youth Report and VA & R Report are also due from posts by June 1st. These tools help us in compiling reports to Department and National leadership. We also use this data to assist in developing the applications that are submitted for national awards. Last year Wisconsin received the William F. Lenker National Service Award, one of the highest distinctions the National American Legion can bestow upon

a Department. The data gathered from the CPR, Children & Youth and VA & R reports were instrumental in the Department receiving this award. Individual awards are also processed at this time of year in preparation for the Department and National Conventions. Details and deadlines for the various awards can be found in the Administrative Manual which was provided to each post at convention last year. The Administrative Manual is also available on-line at Staff is also well into the process of planning the 99th Annual De-

partment Convention to be held July 14th-16th in Appleton. Delegate strengths for the Department Convention are determined by the post membership as of June 14th. All resolutions to be considered at Convention are due at headquarters by May 30th. Resolutions are reviewed by the Department Policy committee at their annual resolutions meeting which will be scheduled to occur within 45 days of the convention. An abbreviated version of all the resolutions to be considered will be provided to each post for review no later than June 14th.

WDVA SECRETARY Greetings! It was my pleasure to recently meet with Department Commander Dan Seehafer and Adjutant David Dan Zimmerman Kurtz – two great WDVA Secretary leaders of your fabulous organization. Our exchange of ideas was enlightening and productive. I look forward to further engagement with them and with you at your local Legion posts as I travel the state. Although I’m very new to my position, each day I’m gaining a better sense of the challenges we face supporting Veterans. I’ve already

met many wonderful Veterans and VSO leaders who share my vision of delivering to our Veterans everything they have earned. That common mission is something on which I look forward to collaborating. I’ve met with our dedicated work force in Central Office, at King and Union Grove, CVSOs and their representatives of the CVSO Association, VSO representatives, numerous legislators, and many other well-wishers and concerned Veterans. We certainly have some challenges, but I have been absolutely impressed by everyone’s passion, dedication, and professionalism. On day-one I re-oriented WDVA with a downward, local focus that is

open, forthright, and transparent. I explained to all WDVA staff that we exist to serve those who have served. This is our guiding principle. I also shared my very straight forward philosophy for WDVA operations. If there is a practice at WDVA that does not serve the delivery of services to Veterans at the local level, we will change it. If there is a policy that does not support CVSOs, VSOs, and Veterans and their families, we will change it. If we find obstacles to nothing but the best care for our Veterans at our homes, we will remove those obstacles. We will not fail. Changes at WDVA have already been made to better serve our Vet-

erans and I will continue to initiate change that positively impacts the services available and how Veterans receive them. I will spend most of my time away from Madison personally meeting with Veterans, advocates like you, community leaders, and others who support the Veteran community. I’d very much like to visit local Legion posts as you host various events. I ask that you send invitations to my office. I look forward to meeting you where you live and seeing first-hand the great work that you do. Thank you for your service and for The American Legion’s continued support of our Veterans and WDVA.

MARCH 23, 2017


Legion Members Hold Grave Vandal Accountable

During the past year, several members of The American Legion and other veteran’s organizations in Southwestern Wisconsin have attended the trial of David Voltz, who was charged with desecration of Veteran’s graves. This case first came to light near the end of May, 2016, when local newspapers reported that Voltz had been arrested and charged with vandalism for stealing veteran’s grave markers and selling them for scrap metal. Because the media reports seemed to dismiss the crime as trivial, Boscobel Post No. 134 Commander Ken Leifheit brought the incident to the attention of his

post and the local veteran’s community. He also notified fellow post commanders in the surrounding counties. This resulted in a

David Voltz

group of veterans, over a dozen strong, attending each of the 8 hearings during the trial. At sentencing hearing held March 6th, the Vernon County courtroom of Judge Michael Rosborough was crowded with veterans seeking justice for their now mute comrades who were the victims of this despicable act. In the Judge’s review of the case, he specifically commented about the tenacity and very visible presence the veterans who had attended the trial. Voltz was sentenced to 60 days jail time and ordered to pay restitution of several hundred dollars.

On-line A&G Scholarship Program to Run Live April 3rd–14th

Over 5,000 Wisconsin students took the online Americanism and Government Scholarship test in 2016 and the Department is hoping even more will participate in 2017. Students will be able to access the test from April 3rd through April 14th at and compete for scholarships. The test fo-

cuses on student knowledge of the U.S. Federal government, Wisconsin State government, County government, our Constitution and flag etiquette. They are also required to answer an essay question to qualify for the scholarships. Students have the option of printing a “Certificate of Participation” from The

American Legion upon completion of the test. Schools across the state have been notified that this year the total number of scholarships offered has increased to 45 with 13 - $500 scholarships going to Seniors; 16 - $250 scholarships going to Juniors and 16 - $250 scholarships going to Sophomores.

Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial Ceremony June 4th The Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Committee and Village of Plover officials are pleased to announce that the 2017 Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial Ceremony and Program will be held on Sunday, June 4th, beginning at 10:45AM. This event will be held at the Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial in Plover. Korean War veterans and their families, veterans from all branches of service and the public are invited to attend. Representatives from the Korean Consulate, Wisconsin National Guard and Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs have been invited to speak at the program. The Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial pays tribute to Wisconsinites who fought, died or are still missing as a result of the Korean War. The memorial features a series of larger-thanlife bronze statues as its centerpiece. The figures represent various U.S. armed forces that

took part in the war. None of the figures carry a weapon, conveying that peace is ardent hope of all veterans. A Memorial Tile Program has been established for those who wish to honor a loved one who served in the Korean conflict. For more information on ordering tiles please visit the Wisconsin Korean War Veterans Memorial website at: To get to the Memorial take Interstate Highway 39 to County Highway B in Plover. Head west one block to Village Park Drive. Turn left on Village Park Drive and you will be directed to the parking area. The Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Committee and Village of Plover officials hope to see you at the program!


Former Milwaukee Mayor Keynotes Zablocki Salute to African-American Veterans

Former Milwaukee Mayor and retired Air Force veteran Marvin Pratt delivered the keynote remarks to the 16th annual salute to AfricanAmerican veterans recently at the Zablocki VA Medical Center, which sponsored the event. The program celebrated the contributions and achievements of African-American veterans throughout history, from the Revolutionary war to current conflicts. Mayor Pratt is a member of the Corporal Cornice D. Grace Post No. 455 in Milwaukee and is pictured here with members of Post No. 455, John F. Kennedy Post No. 479 and Wisconsin Post No. 490. --Photo by Yvonne Kemp

Midwinter Conference Historian Training

Past Department Historian Nellie P. De Baker helped to conduct Training for Historians at the recent Midwinter Conference on Saturday, January 21st. Shown here receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from left to right are three of the presenters at the training session; Jeff Antczak - Photography, Nellie De Baker - National Legion Resources and David Schindler - Technological Aids.

Legion Riders Receive Donation from Kenosha County Tavern League

Wisconsin American Legion College Spring Training 2017 The Wisconsin American Legion College will be holding the Basic Course on June 10th and the Intermediate Course on June 11th in Oconto at Crivello’s American Restaurant. Basic Course on Saturday and the Intermediate Course on Sunday. Take 1 or both courses! Register online at All training will be held at Crivello’s American Restaurant located at 818 Main Street in Oconto For more information about the college go to http://www.wilegion. org/page/content/about/wisconsin-american-legion-college

District 1 American Legion Riders recently received a substantial (and totally unexpected) $2,500 donation from the Kenosha County Tavern League to further our support of area veterans. In addition to the Riders shown here are a number of members of the Kenosha County Tavern League. The District 1 Riders truly appreciate the Tavern League’s support of SE Wisconsin veterans.



Shopko Supports Badger Boys State

Shopko Manager Bryan Miller and PDC Robert S. Batty, Chairman of the Badger Boys State Board of Directors, are shown here at the Shopko Hometown store in Columbus on Wednesday, March 8th when PDC Batty accepted a $1,600 grant from the Shopko Foundation to support the Boys State program.

New Veteran’s Café at Festival Foods

On Wednesday, March 8th, the Color Guard of the Hawley-Dieckhoff Post No. 33 helped Festival Foods in Neenah dedicate a new Veteran’s Café. The café is a space in the store where military veterans can gather and spend time. Post No. 33 also donated an American flag for the new space. Pictured here from the Post No. 33 Color Guard from left to right are; Vice Commander Bruce Schinke, Commander Bob Borszich, Vice Commander Darnell Greening and Treasurer Clary Reinhardt. Also pictured are members of the staff of Festival Foods.

Tomahawk Post No. 93 Donations

On February 21, 2017 Commander Lowell Liberty of Post No. 93 in Tomahawk presented $500 donations to the Tomahawk Emergency Food Pantry, Camp American Legion and the Open Arms Soup Kitchen. Commander Liberty also stated that a $500 check has been sent to the Never Forgotten Honor Flight. The donations were made to organizations that help veterans and take care of the needs of our community. Shown here from left to right are Jim LaPointe, Director of the Tomahawk Emergency Food Pantry; Camp American Legion Director Kevin Moshea; Commander Lowell Liberty of Post No. 93 of Tomahawk and Heide Merwyn, Director of the Open Arms Soup Kitchen.

MARCH 23, 2017

Legion Officers Meet with House Speaker Paul Ryan

House Speaker Paul Ryan met with a Wisconsin Legion Family delegation on Tuesday, February 28th. From left to right are; Past National Vice Commander David Gough, NECman Ken Rynes, Representative Ryan, Department Commander Daniel J. Seehafer of Horicon Post No. 157 and Past Department Vice Commander Jim Schmidt.

Please Support the Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes The American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin is holding their annual sweepstakes to benefit the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The Legacy Scholarship Fund provides college scholarships for children who have had a parent killed in the war on terror since September 11, 2001 and post 9-11 veterans rated by the VA at 50% or greater disability. Last year Wisconsin raised over $48,000 which was included in the more than $1,000,000 total collected. This year we will be working in conjunction with Commander Dan Seahafer’s Rev’s Run - the 2017 Wisconsin Legacy Run, with a goal of

$59,600. This April, 12 sweepstakes entry forms will be sent to all Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units and SAL Detachments across the state. A donation of $5 each, 6 entry forms for $20 or all 12 entry forms for $25 is encouraged. A reply envelope will be provided for your convenience. We encourage every Post, Unit and Squadron to return the forms with a donation to help support the Legacy Scholarship Fund. The awards are 1st – $1,000, 2nd – $500, 3rd – $250, 4th – $100, 5th through 7th – $50 each. The drawing will be held on Sunday, August 13th at 12:00 Noon at Post No. 59, 803 N. Page Street

in Stoughton. If you would like to help Commander Dan Seehafer and the American Legion Riders by distributing additional entry forms, please contact Bob Lloyd at (608) 873-5926 or All checks should be made payable to ALRA of WI and mailed to: C/O Bob Lloyd, P.O. Box 16, Stoughton, WI 53589. Visit for official rules.

Marshfield Post Bean Feed Supports Scouting

On February 2nd, Post No. 54 in Marshfield hosted an evening Bean Feed for over 60 area Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of all ages, from kindergarten to high school. The Scouts were treated to a meal of hot dogs, baked beans, chips and ice cream. After the meal, the Post No. 54 Honor Guard demonstrated the proper care and folding of our nations flag. The scouts were then able to practice these tasks in small groups. Past Department Commander Jim Reigel called four games of BINGO with prizes given to the winners. Everyone involved had a great time learning how to care for our flag and the event ended at 8 PM just in time for a good night’s sleep in order to be rested for school in the morning. American Legion posts in Wisconsin sponsor 108 Scouting units, with 2,679 Scouts across the state. Nationally, The American Legion has supported Scouting since our first National Convention in 1919. Across the country Legion posts sponsor more than 2,700 Scouting units, serving more than 71,000 young people, at a cost of more than $1.7 million.

Post No. 54 Honor Guard members offer guidance and instruction on flag etiquette to the scouts.

PDC Jim Reigel calls BINGO for the Scouts at the February 2nd Bean Feed.

MARCH 23, 2017



Efforts to Reopen Tomah VA Golf Course Advance

By Steve Rundio of the La Crosse Tribune — Reprinted by permission

has been closed since 2014. “One of the first things I heard when I came here as acting (director) was ... opening the golf course,” The Tomah Veterans Adminis- Brahm said tration Medical Center remains The nine-hole course was closed committed to its golf course. due to federal regulations that Tomah VA medical director Vic- prohibit the VA from using “gentoria Brahm told a veterans town eral post funds” to operate the hall Saturday, March 4th that the course. Prior to that, it had been VA is actively seeking an outside open to the public with volunteers vendor to run the course which staffing the clubhouse and colAdvertising Material

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lecting greens fees. It also was part of the hospital’s therapeutic recreation program. VA public affairs officer Matthew Gowan said The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin has been heavily involved in getting the course reopened. He said Wisconsin American Legion Adjutant Dave Kurtz “has been carrying a lot of water for us” and has worked with Wisconsin PGA and University of Wisconsin men’s golf coach Michael Burcin. “They have put a business plan together specific to the operation of the Tomah golf course,” Gowan said. “The Legion has done a fantastic job to get us to this point.” Gowan commented it would cost $375,000 to rehabilitate the course. “Obviously the greens haven’t been taken care of the last three or so years,” he said. Gowan added that the goal is to reopen the course by spring 2018. Prior to closure, greens fees were $9 on weekdays and $10 on weekends. A season pass was available for $200. Senior citizens, active duty military and students received a special rate of $7 both weekdays and weekends. It was the home course for the Tomah Middle School boys and girls golf teams. Brahm said reopening the course is a priority. “We want that golf course back up, so we aren’t going to build anything on it,” she said.

It’s Never too Late... 101 Year Old Joins the Legion

101 year old World War II veteran Bill Gambley recently joined the Hawley-Dieckhoff Post No. 33 in Neenah. Bill keeps active by building craft dollhouses for his daughter, granddaughters, great-granddaughters and special friends.

Mark Toll

Mathew Harn

Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms

Candidate for Assistant Department Chaplain

Mathew Harn is a candidate for the high office of Assistant Department Chaplain. After graduating from Nekoosa High School in 1972, Matt enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and was served in a Reconnaissance Battalion, and as an inspector. Mr. Harn received an Associate Degree in Marketing in 1976 and operated a furniture retail business. He attended seminary school in Hillsboro, Missouri and graduated with a Ministry of Arts Degree in 1984. Upon returning to Wisconsin he became director of Youth for Christ ministry in Nekoosa and was an assistant for the Wisconsin Rapids group. In 1994 he received an Associate Degree as Engineer Technician and worked part

time for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as a road construction materials specialist. He also worked as a rural carrier for the U.S. Post Office, retiring in 2012 Legionnaire Harn is a member of the Ryan Larson Post No. 65 in the Town of Rome, the 40 et 8 and the Sons of The American Legion. With the help of his wife Jeannine, Mr. Harn has raised thousands of dollars for Camp American Legion and Veterans Assistance of Tomah, either in food or merchandise. They both enjoy traveling and have visited 46 states. They are planning to visit the other 4 soon and have traveled in 7 countries experiencing other religions of the world.

Department Sergeant at Arms Candidate Mark Toll is a Paid Up for Life member of Appleton Post No. 38 in the Ninth District. Mark’s eligibility in The American Legion is a result of his service in the United States Army as a programmer/analyst at NSA during the Vietnam Era. Mark has been married to his wife Deb for 25 years. Deb is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. His son, Michael, is a member of the Sons of The American Legion. Mark has held several positions at Post No. 38, including two years as Sergeant at Arms, three years at the Vice Commander levels and Commander in 2012-13. He is a graduate of The American Legion Extension

Institute, has completed the Basic and Intermediate courses of the Wisconsin American Legion College and Funeral Honors training. At the District level, he has served as Sergeant at Arms for four years. He is a regular at Department Conventions and has served many times as Assistant Department Sergeant at Arms. He has served on Post No. 38’s Convention Corporation four different years and was the 2015 Convention Corporation President. He currently serves as a Department Sergeant at Arms. He is endorsed by his Post, the Outagamie County Council and the Ninth District. Mark Toll seeks your support in being reelected to the high office of Department Sergeant at Arms.



The Last


3 Antigo Carl Hollquist K 8 Waukesha Harold Madden II Lawrence Petty II James Lavine II John Buhl II 13 Richland Center Elroy Pampuch K 28 Valders Allen Fenlon K William Morgan K 32 Menomonie Glenn Holerud V 33 Neenah Edward Briesemeister II Robert Kroll K 35 Evansville Robert Olsen II 36 West Bend Robert Schoenhaar V 38 Appleton Thomas Walker V Richard Thompson K 40 Bangor Edwin Niedfeldt II 41 Kaukauna Raymond Borree II Ronald Gassner V 47 Portage George Sparks K 51 West Salem Mayland Metzger II 53 Eau Claire Robert Field V David Morgan II Donald Litchfield II James Smith K Wallace Stokes II Gerald Rasmussen K Eugene Miles II 59 Stoughton Richard Sorenson V Richard Dickman K James Olson V Gary Brenz V Ervin Erdahl 60 Kimberly Andrew Stumpf K 62 Columbus John Caldwell II 63 Clintonville Donald Lichtenberg II 67 Lake Mills Michal Elliott V 71 Pewaukee Marilyn Adamitis V Ronald Meyer V 72 Sturgeon Bay Allen Hanson K David Barta K Donald Petersilka K Charles Schommer V Clarence Cihlar II 77 Chippewa Falls Robert Loew II Michael McLean V Ralph Schumacher II 81 Mauston Gerrit Haima K

02/06/17 02/04/17 02/16/17 02/28/17 03/05/17 02/17/17 02/04/17 03/01/17 02/20/17 01/14/17 03/06/17 02/22/17 01/05/17 02/26/17 02/28/17 02/03/17 12/18/16 03/06/17 02/18/17 02/07/17 02/06/17 02/02/17 02/18/17 02/22/17 02/20/17 02/24/17 02/27/17 02/07/17 09/01/15 11/12/15 02/26/17 03/10/17 12/20/13 02/04/17 03/01/17 11/05/15 12/11/16 02/07/17 02/12/17 02/12/17 12/24/16 09/09/16 08/16/16 02/05/17 11/20/16 12/27/16 02/28/17

83 Sheboygan Victor Guenther V Walter Meyer K 84 Monroe Charles Soddy K Allen Schroeder V 85 Muscoda Joseph Rattinger II 88 Manitowoc Albert Ciha K 89 Minocqua Joseph Marshall K 93 Tomahawk John Haring II 95 Delavan Howard Borchardt II Thomas Leitzke V 97 Dodgeville Gifford Kidd V 100 Sparta George Lundy II 109 Lancaster Robert Eck V 111 Somerset Gerald Belisle II Wilfred Maitrejean II 117 Shawano Richard Rodefer K 118 Thorp Malen Teclaw II 121 River Falls Donald Madsen II Richardson Farmer K 133 Camp Douglas Dennis McDonough V 146 Beaver Dam Russell Winn II Howard Wolfgang V Ralph Arndorfer K Clarence Cullen II Lorence Schuster II Robert Tabb P Paul Weber K Leo Wehner K Joseph Roman V Harvey Schoeffel II Virgil Lauth K Harris Neitzel K Eugene Karl II Frederick Kuenzi II Robert Evans K Walter Fischbach II Ronald Callies 150 Wausaukee Lorin Philipps II 152 Menasha Donald Kuehl II 153 Pittsville Richard Hemminger K 154 Mondovi Alton Olson K Louis Pospishil II 164 Jefferson Donald Lane K 166 Fort Atkinson Harold Buckingham II Eugene Johnson V 172 North Freedom Walter Darling K 173 Whitewater Clarence Kozlowski II Robert Koenitzer II 179 Chetek Russell Hoel K Herbert Isaacson II Laverne Henning K 183 Genoa City Arthur Gollwitzer 186 Independence Ardell Melby II 188 East Troy Dean Hartje PG 189 Watertown William Connor K Jerome Peters V

02/09/17 03/04/17 01/25/17 04/20/16 01/30/17 02/11/17 10/10/16 02/19/17 02/22/17 02/25/17 03/05/17 02/11/17 02/17/17 02/07/17 02/15/17 01/23/17 02/05/17 02/05/17 02/23/17 04/24/16 05/26/16 05/11/16 02/09/17 07/05/16 07/26/16 07/10/16 02/07/17 09/29/16 01/18/17 12/22/16 09/18/16 02/02/17 01/07/17 10/22/16 01/26/16 08/29/16 03/08/17 03/03/17 01/30/17

Elayne Senn II 198 Marion Roy Moericke II 200 Black River Falls Richard Brown II 201 Tomah Robert Boehm K Howard Scott II William McCartney II Charles Rupp K John Champlin V 202 Chaseburg David Johnson K 204 Ellsworth Thomas Ryan II 205 Janesville Ray Benton II John Cullen II 212 Barron Vernon Bryngelson II 214 Darlington Ernest Zimmerman K Dennis Murphy V 217 Bonduel Lavern Klosterman K Richard Gruenewald K 220 Soldiers Grove Rick Dull V 234 Omro Gordon Stiller V 237 Footville Ward Rote II 238 Greenwood William White V 242 LaValle James Goodyear K Bill Tennison V Anthony Zgorski II 243 Plymouth William Maser II 258 Little Chute Clarence Pennings II 262 Luxemburg Donald Kollross K 263 New London Russell Gerhard K 267 New Auburn Earl Ladendorf II 272 Butternut Charles Hilgart V John Hoppe II 283 Suring Guy Erb V 286 Oostburg Burt Wykhuis II 288 Cedarburg John Delorme II

03/11/17 03/01/17 02/03/17 02/02/17 01/16/17 02/02/17 01/05/17 01/07/17 02/03/17 02/19/17 02/08/17 02/12/17 02/15/17 12/25/16 03/02/16 02/19/17 03/10/17 03/09/17 02/11/17 03/08/17 03/01/17 02/07/17 01/08/17 01/08/17 02/20/17 02/17/17 03/11/17 02/10/17 02/28/17 01/19/17 02/11/17 02/07/16 02/06/17 02/13/17

302 Oconto Falls Harvey Wellnitz 303 Winter Robert Zett 315 Stoddard Reuben Lorenz 317 Wautoma David Stelter 336 Onalaska George Osterhout 339 Almond John Wied 351 Montello Donald Schumann 355 Grafton George Zajdel John Teuscher Dirk Verhey 357 Bay City Dean Loree Robert Phillips Gene Seguin 359 Gilman Stanley Sromek Martin Prasnicki 360 Waunakee Eldon Smith Frank Pavelec 363 Denmark Edward Phelps 370 Wild Rose Emil Zak Harland hansen William Bross Martin Inda Clyde Urban William Saarinen 376 Fall Creek Harvey Hite Gary Hagedorn 384 Kewaskum Ralph Seefeld Jerome Metz 385 Verona Linus Stampfl 386 Cascade Donald Schroeder 392 Cecil Lawrence Coon 415 Milwaukee LeRoy Jahnke Paul Vierck 431 Three Lakes James Levandoski 435 Superior Leroy Seemuth 436 Wrightstown Ari Fafnis

SEPTEMBER MARCH 23, 25, 2017 2014 K















02/02/17 03/02/17 02/24/17




12/20/16 12/28/16


02/02/17 02/05/17




09/12/16 07/16/15 01/14/17 12/15/14 12/05/15 01/10/17


02/01/17 03/03/17


11/01/16 02/27/17








02/03/17 02/13/17








Timothy Eiting V Dale Berken K 437 Mazomanie Donald Wallace V 440 Clinton Phillip Brown V Frank Shuler II David Dahle V Robert Larsen K 443 Blue River Milton Knoble II 448 Milwaukee Phyllis Perk K 449 Brookfield Richard Strehlow II Robert Dueno K Robert Steltz II William Bergner II Elroy Weiss V Rueben Ziehsdorf K 451 Boulder Junction Joseph Wirkus K 457 Mequon-Thiensville Ralph Stevens K Thomas Clark V 477 St Nazianz Leonard Meyer V 480 Presque Isle James Clark II Glenn Harris K 481 Madison Tim Donovan PG 486 Jackson Paul Plum V Peter Gonnering K 487 Cable Harold Levandoski II 501 Madison Donovan Olday K Richard Teskoski K 508 Wilton James Bever V Paul Udulutch V Bernard Johnson V 519 Stetsonville Lawrence Schlais II 521 Fox Lake Herbert Feil V 538 Carlton Joseph Tadisch K 543 Plover Robert Shannon K Lavern Shannon K John Worzalla II 544 Twin Lakes Marvin Vincent V

03/04/17 03/13/17 02/10/17 02/14/17 01/15/17 10/28/16 02/18/17 01/31/17 10/14/16 01/15/17 02/20/17 02/23/17 02/28/17 03/03/17 03/09/17 12/30/16 01/19/17 12/26/15 02/21/17 02/20/17 02/10/17 01/19/17 12/28/16 03/07/17 01/04/17 02/19/17 02/25/17 01/09/15 03/06/17 11/04/16 02/21/17 03/05/17 01/23/17 01/21/17 11/19/16 09/20/16 01/27/17

01/30/17 01/26/17 02/22/17 02/25/17 01/08/17 12/06/16 01/19/17 01/27/17 02/14/17

Prepared and confident Choose the medical alert service that has saved more lives than any other

01/31/17 02/06/17 06/01/16 02/06/17 02/01/17 02/03/17 02/09/17 02/11/17

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MARCH 23, 2017



Post No. 63 - Clintonville Dan Rindt

Post No. 35 • Evansville Dave Burrow

Post No. 243 • Plymouth Kelly Wilfer

Post No. 132 • Siren Chris Sower

Post No. 486 • Jackson Glenn Petrick

Post No. 103 • Galesville Butch Vaugh Don Stoner

Post No. 447 • Viola Tom Simonson

Post No. 309 • Kendall Doug Rogalla

Post No. 113 • Mt. Horeb Adj Craig Mortavendt / Cmdr Jerry Hook

CHECK YOUR MAILBOX! Sweepstakes tickets should be arriving in your mailbox in early April! Excitement over the 2017 Department Convention Sweepstakes continues to be big news. The Grand Prize is your choice of $20,000 cash OR a new vehicle.* Second Prize is a $10,000 allowance toward any vehicle in the Boucher Automotive Group inventory. Third Prize is $5,000 cash

or a Hawaiian Vacation.* Fourth Prize is $2,500 cash or a hunting rifle.* Fifth Prize is $1,000 cash or a big screen TV.* Get in on the excitement! The drawing is set to take place at Noon on Sunday, July 16, 2017 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel and Convention Center in Appleton. Plan on attending the Convention and be part of the excitement. Please be generous in your do-

Post No. 74 Supports Oconto Schools

On December 12th the Jones-Modrow-Young Post No. 74 donated 30 copies of the book, Indivisible - The Story of our Flag, to the Oconto Elementary School and 35 copies to the Oconto Middle School. Post members made the donation to help educate our younger generation about the history of the American flag and what it stands for. Oconto Elementary Library Media Specialist Bonnie Wusterbarth is shown here receiving a copy of Indivisible - The Story of our Flag from Post Finance Officer James Jenkins, 2nd Vice Commander William Leigh, 1st Vice Commander Edward Weigelt, Athletics Officer Kenneth Exferd and Adjutant John Windross.

nation and support the important work of The American Legion. *All prizes subject to Federal Tax withholding requirements. See Official Rules at;


TEAM WISCONSIN Once again, our Candidate Denise Rohan is thanking The American Legion Family across the nation for their prayers for both her and her son Nick. Nick who serves Team Wisconsin as both the Finance Chairman and Team Photographer went in the hospital on February 16th for a simple appendectomy. There were complications during the surgery that caused a tear in his colon and required four additional surgeries with an additional surgery scheduled. After 21 days in the hospital, he has been transferred to a rehabilitation hospital in Madison where he remains. Nick is still not out of the woods yet and has a long recovery ahead of him. Please continue to keep Nick and our Candidate Denise Rohan in your prayers. Leading Candidate Rohan continues with her travels to Departments across the nation. She just returned from the Department of Michigan where she met with their leadership and the Legion Family. Denise was able to discuss a wide range of issues that affect the veterans of Michigan as well as those that affect veterans across the nation. With her visit to Michigan complete, she has 17 more departments to visit. The Department of Utah is next, then Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Wyoming, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Arizona, Maryland, Delaware and Illinois. In addition to these visits, she has national meetings in Indianapolis and Washington DC. In her visits, many of you have asked how you might help her become National Commander of The American Legion. Denise’s first response is for you to keep working as an American Legion

Family helping our veterans and the children in our communities. It is because of your work in our communities that she was chosen to be our candidate for National Commander. Another way you can help Denise in her campaign is to make a donation to cover the costs of traveling. You can go to her website where you can follow her travels and see pictures of her visits. You can also purchase campaign shirts and coins or just make an online donation, or you can mail your donations to Denise Rohan for National Commander, PO Box 930100, Verona, WI 53593. Post and County Commanders please consider hosting a fundraiser for Denise’s campaign. On Sunday, March 5th, Darlington Post No. 214 held an auction that raised over $8,000.00. Past National Vice Commander Dave Gough and his wife Donna organized this event getting others involved as well. Another example is the Waukesha County Council who held a meat raffle a few weeks ago and raised over $1,000 for the campaign. We just have five months until the election. Are you planning to attend this historic National Convention in Reno, Nevada? Team Wisconsin hopes you are and we look forward to celebrating with you on August 24th.

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