MARCH 7, 2019
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I need to start my message with an apology...I’m so sorry for all those invitations I have had to turn down! CHAR KIESLING I have been inDepartment vited to so many President amazing events by the entire American Legion Family but hopefully you understand that my schedule doesn’t allow me to attend every occasion. I miss meeting and being with all of you every chance I get. This is the most favorite part of my job, meeting and visiting with veterans and my fellow ALA members. I have learned so much from all these experiences. I hope the invites continue and that I can fulfill all my “rain checks” in the future. I have been busy attending some amazing places and have been to many events that I will remember for a very long time! One in particular is the recent trip to Springfield, Illinois to attend the annual Lincoln Pilgrimage. I still can’t believe that along with Commander Frank, I placed a wreath at Lincoln’s tomb along with many other Departments and local and National dignitaries. I am a history buff on the side and have been a big reader of the Civil War period and especially of Abraham Lincoln’s life. For this reason, I was even more thrilled to actually be in President Lincoln’s final resting place and where most of his life was spent. I have been to Spring-
field three times in the past two years but have never been able to find time to visit President Lincoln’s home. My body guard, Senior Vice President Joanie Dickerson, took a short walk in the rain and knocked on Abe Lincoln’s actual door! I was disappointed that it was locked so we walked a little further to the Visitor Center to get a pass but we were told their quota for the day had been met and they were sorry. We toured the center and watched a very interesting video and enjoyed our time there. As we were leaving, I mentioned that we enjoyed ourselves but was disappointed I still wasn’t able to see the inside of the President’s home. Of course, I said it very mournfully. The young lady, Vanessa, a transplant from California, was at the desk and said, “I can take you on a private tour.” I was so excited but I hope she doesn’t lose her job over this! We were so happy to tour this amazing part of our history! Then to follow this up with my opportunity to lay a wreath at his tomb on his actual birthday was worth our terrible trip home in snow with blizzardlike conditions. Seven hours later the President’s car was back safely in Neenah! I also attended a Unit and Post event in New London and travelled home again in a snow storm. I am looking forward to any sign of spring! To go back to January, The American Legion Midwinter Conference was a busy weekend that also ended in snow. Depart-
AUXILIARY EMERGENCY FUND I would like to thank everyone in the Auxiliary for their approval and help making this possible, The American Legion for allowing us the space for the raffle (especially ANGIE CHAPPELL for finding us another table among the 100 other things she was taking care of that day!) and Sons of
ment Distinguished Guests Chairman Laura Calteux did an amazing job helping me to host our Central Division National Vice President Teresa Isensee, one of our own Past Department Presidents. Such a great opportunity to hobnob with the entire American Legion Family and to learn from one another and get acquainted. Our Strategic Planning Chairman, Joyce Endres, did an awesome job addressing all members of the Legion Family with a “Team Building Seminar” as part of Goal 2 of our Strategic Plan, building trust within the ALA and TAL. After we enjoyed a record-breaking attendance of over 400 at the reception, we were all entertained by Country Singer and Marine Veteran Josh Gracin. Lastly, those who didn’t or never have attended a local, regional or Department Oratorical contest, have missed a real treat in hearing our youth at their best. They not only show us their speaking talents but also share our love of country but may know a little more about our government and especially our constitution. I have a lot of homework before next year! Timothy Davis, a young man from Watertown, was the Department of Wisconsin Oratorical winner but ALL were winners that day. It was truly informative and enjoyable. Please follow our youth and ALA events wherever they are. You will also be informed and will enjoy “Kindling the Flame” in the process!!
Diane Weggen, Dept. Chairman Email: Ph: 715-644-2668 As President Char stated, “Our FLAME needs to be kindled... membership is down...This calls for an organized Unit, County and District push--by phone or face-toface...” The strength and influence of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) comes from the members. It is time for all units to “Kindle the Flame” for membership. Thanks to all who have renewed 2019 membership. Without memberships, there would be no programs for mission delivery to serve veterans, military, their families and communities. It is each and every member’s responsibility to get involved; first, by paying membership dues, and second, by encouraging others to do the same. Invite others who are eligible to join and make personal calls to unit members who have not yet renewed. Work together as The American Legion (TAL) Family to increase membership. Teamwork with TAL Family can result in fun and increased membership for all. To keep communication open,
And the award goes to... Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF). We raised $1,300 for AEF at The American Legion Midwinter Conference!
the American Legion for the extra raffle tickets. You all helped make this a very successful fundraiser! Special thanks to the members, units and districts who donated items for the raffle and the members of the American Legion Family who purchased tickets. We had 35 raffle items (many with multiple items). Special,
special thanks to the ladies who volunteered their time to work the raffle table on Friday and/or Saturday!! It was a pleasure to work with all of you. Without you, the raffle would not have been as successful as it was!!! I am very proud of the support the AEF is able to provide our members in times of great need.
all members should make sure unit officers, especially president, treasurer and membership chair, have up-to-date contact information with correct phone number and email address. Members can’t be engaged if they are not aware of what the unit and post are doing. Culture may be the most essential contributor to an ALA unit’s success. “Service not Self” must be more than words. “Service not Self” needs to be action that makes a positive difference in the lives of others. The words “for God and Country” command consideration and love of God and others. “For God and Country” actions promote patriotism and serve America in local communities. Take to heart these Diana Ross song lyrics, “Reach out and touch somebody’s hand, and make this world a better place if you can.” Build a culture of goodwill and joy in the unit. Success will follow. 2019 MEMBERSHIP TEAM Chairman Diane Weggen Virginia Kodl, Linda Kostka Kallee LeCloux, Junior Member; Andrea Stoltz, Headquarters Staff
MEMBERSHIP RECOGNITION CONGRATULATIONS to the 41 units that reached or exceeded 100%! We have 70 units within three members of reaching 100%. Let’s ignite those flames and make 100% happen! Congratulations to MADISON UNIT #501 for winning the $100 Flaming Unit Award by being at or above 85% by January 31, 2019.
In Memoriam
The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin mourns the loss of two Past Department Presidents.
Rosalie M. Randall (PDP, 1979-1980) Nov. 17, 1934 - Jan. 18, 2019
Anita M. Kapp (PDP, 1982-1983) Sept. 16, 1920 - Feb. 23, 2019
79.48% Feb. 2019 77.98%
Becky Mueller Department Chaplain Email: Ph: 920-833-6048
1 John 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” Psalm 33:20-22 “Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His Holy name. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.” Hope springs eternal. The hope of spring is what helps us endure the cold, dark days of winter; and a warm blanket, a good book and hot chocolate! Or for those winter lovers – sleds, skis and snowmobiles. One of the greatest examples of hope is the sturgeon ice spearing fisherman. Laying on 20+ inches of cold ice, in the dark, waiting for a 150+ pound fish to swim by in the murky water, then aim the spear and pull the fish up that hole. But every year we see and hear about those who devote weeks to their passion. We should be as passionate about our faith and our mission as American Legion Family members. We have the assurance that our efforts will overcome the obstacles faced by our military and veterans. We WILL look at our accomplishments as an organization through our faith in God and each other. I know the TAL family has been called by God to serve our veterans, service members, their families, communities and the entire world to bring hope, peace and love to those hurting. We are called to be the healing hands to broken spirits and hearts. We are called to be the voice for those that can’t speak for themselves. We are called to be the light in a world full of pain and darkness. Those of us that are so very blessed to live in this country, to have our freedom defended by brave men and women, to have hopes and dreams – must use our skills, talents, gifts and resources to spread hope, peace and love around the world so that we forget how to make war. (Isaiah 2:4) We should bring our dream of healing, peace, well-being, financial stability, freedom of speech and thought to the entire world. What a day it would be if our service members were deployed to build schools and hospitals because there would be no need for weapons and bombs. We have this hope in our hearts and must use our heads, hands and feet to spread it outward. During these gloomy days, don’t forget to smile at everyone you meet and thank a military member, veteran and their families for the service they have given for God and Country. Amen and God Bless. We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday! Oh, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome someday! We’ll walk hand in hand. We shall all be free. We shall live in peace. The Lord will see us through. (Afro-American spiritual)
SAVE THE DATE! President Char Kiesling’s Testimonial Saturday, June 1, 2019 LaSure’s Banquet Hall, Oshkosh 5:30 pm ~ Social Hour 6:30 pm ~ Dinner
MARCH 7, 2019
GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: 608-745-0124 Email: Website: The national organization sent final 2019 dues renewal notices to members whose dues were not processed by department as of early December. If you believe you received a notice in error, please contact your unit and ask them to forward your dues to department headquarters. If your membership lapsed but you still want to renew so you can restore your benefits, please mail your dues today, pay online at, or call the national organization at 317-5694500 and they will process your dues with a credit card over the phone. Units that sponsor girls for ALA Badger Girls State (ALABGS) should work with their local school to help select delegates and to ensure the delegates promptly register for the session and attend an orientation. Visit the newly enhanced website ( for the latest information on the 2019 session, including orientations being scheduled. If you are interested in volunteering at ALABGS, please review the website for a description of the many volunteer opportunities available and complete a staff/counselor interest form. Speaking of new websites, did you notice that Department also has a new website?!?
Please check it out at www.amlegionauxwi. org. It contains the same information as the previous website, but in a more user-friendly design. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, look under the “more” tab at the top of the home page. If you have any suggested changes for improvement, please let me know as this is a work in progress. Auxiliary scholarship applications must be certified by a local unit and submitted to Education Chairman Diane Steinert by March 15th for consideration. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Please encourage qualified students to apply. Applications can be downloaded from the department website. Do you know any Wisconsin ALA members who could use financial assistance for college? The M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund offers interest-free loans of $800 per year for up to five years to Auxiliary members attending college. The loan is repaid in monthly payments after the student graduates or finishes school. Interested members should contact Chairman Joan Chwala for an application or more information. Unit Year-End Reports are due April 15th. The Unit Narrative Reports should be sent to Department and the Unit Impact Reports should be sent to your district president. These reports are the best tools for showcasing all
the wonderful things the American Legion Auxiliary does throughout the year. Every unit does something – from distributing poppies to hosting community blood drives. Members should be proud of their service and take time to report it. President Char Kiesling and the department chairmen will review the narrative reports to select units for special recognition at Department Convention. If you have pictures showing events you were involved with, please include them with your narrative reports as we would like to do a video collage at convention showing all the fun activities. Please take time to report your accomplishments. Last year, only 229 units submitted a year-end impact report, but the accomplishments were outstanding. More than $61,000 was awarded in local scholarships. Members contributed more than 437,000 hours in volunteer service and more than $763,000 to support our veterans, the military and their families! That’s just from the units that reported based on their members’ input. I can’t imagine what the impact would be if every member and every unit had reported! Members are reminded to attend district spring conferences to learn more about the Auxiliary and thank the district officers for all their hard work. See the schedule on page A4 for details.
CHILDREN & YOUTH/CHILD WELFARE FOUNDATION Patti Westpfahl Department Chairman Ph: 920-299-0943 All our children are the hope and future of tomorrow, so we as American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) members need to fulfill our promise, by protecting, caring for and supporting our children and youth. Particularly those of veterans and military families, to help them become responsible American citizens and community leaders. President Char’s theme is “Kindle the Flame” so we need to ignite the spark early in our children and youth so that flame will continue to burn long and strong throughout their lives. April is Children and Youth month so continue to work on your projects, involving your Juniors as well as other youth in your community. Remember the military children in your area with something special to help them get through this difficult time in their lives. Here are few of the programs that can be used to ignite that flame: 1.“Star Spangled Kids” educates our children and youth on the history of the United States, through patriotism,
Americanism and the U.S. Constitution. These are just a few things which you can do to support this program: • American Legion Oratorical Contest Scholarship Program – have your high school encourage students to participate. Visit for more information. • In conjunction with local schools, create a Unit Citizenship Award for children and youth who have demonstrated the ideals of the U.S. Constitution. • Bring a veteran or servicemember into the classroom to speak about what their service means to defend the U.S. Constitution. 2.“ALA Badger Girls State/TAL Badger Boys State” support by sending youth to ALA Badger Girls and TAL Badger Boys State. These programs are designed to train youth in the science of government and to develop their leadership skills. 3.“Youth Hero Award” recognizes youth who perform a heroic act of physical bravery. 4.“Good Deed Award” is for youth who contribute in a special way to society through community service. For additional information about these programs, visit Another program to keep in mind is The
American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. This foundation was developed in 1954 as a repository fund from individuals and groups who wished to contribute to the betterment of children in our country. Many children are challenged every day; those days are marked with pain, prayer and perseverance. In 1955, the foundation awarded grants in the amount of $22,500 and in 2018 grants were awarded in the amount of $766,761 to 24 nonprofits. Making a yearly donation to this foundation will help it continue to help children in need. For more information visit Consider placing books or comic books in your local or school library that focus on military families and children. Here are a few examples, “H is for Honor, A Military Family Alphabet” by Devin Scillian or “Klinger, A Story of Honor and Hope” by Betsy Beard. Some of the comic books are, “I Pledge Allegiance,” “Light of Liberty,” “Our Country’s Veterans” and finally “Bridging the Gap” on how to prevent and stop bullying. These can be ordered from Emblem Sales at https://emblem.legion. org/. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns and always “KINDLE the Flame”.
SERVICE TO VETERANS Joanie Dickerson Department Chairman Ph: 608-996-2152 Spring is just around the corner (at least that’s what the calendar reveals), which means it is time to tally the hours you have served veterans this past year and turn them into your unit president. I pray you all have been diligent in recording the hours you have spent enhancing the lives of veterans in your local communities. Many of you live too far from a VA center to spend time as a hospital volunteer but the hours you spend in your home creating treats and other items count as
service to veterans. When you help a veteran by picking up their mail, prescriptions, grocery items, etc. or transporting them to appointments and for other errands, you are also performing service to veterans. All the hours and money you have spent as well as the in-kind donations you have made to improve the lives of our heroes need to be reported. Your unit president will combine the information of all unit members and forward it to the district president for consolidation and transmission to department. Through your conscientious recording and reporting, our organization gains evidence for
submission to Congress of our continued commitment to our veterans. The hours you serve are cumulative and recorded at department. You may qualify for a new Service to Veterans pin or an hour bar. I ask that you also provide a narrative report and include pictures of your activities. These reports are also consolidated for presentation at convention and are forwarded to the national organization. Take the time to share how you have made a difference in the lives of our veterans. “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ~ Charles Dickens
MARCH 7, 2019
JUNIOR ACTIVITIES Lorrie Barber Department Chairman Ph: 715-498-5757 This has been quite a year so far. We had a couple of guests at the Fall Conference in Barneveld. A representative from Patriot K9 Services and her support dog joined us and brought us lots of information about the program. We got all our questions answered and really got excited about raising funds for this great Junior project. We made special gifts for Veterans and had some dance lessons from our juniors. After a great dinner, we ventured to Cave of the Mounds for a tour and lesson on rocks of Wisconsin, exploration of the caves, s’mores around a campfire and a rather chilly night tent
camping. Really a fun adventure! Ark in Wisconsin Dells on June Juniors are busy working our 2nd. Get your reservations in early. programs, joining in American The registration form is below Legion Family events and projects, and available on the department and earning patches. Encourage website. Family and friends are your juniors to work on the patch welcome to join us. We always program. These can be earned look forward to the help from our independently and from wherever senior members, too. Juniors will they reside. Send finished patch be electing new officers at this requirement sheets to me and I will conference, so talk to your juniors about the positions available and get their patches to them. Juniors went Bowling ALA-Wisconsin for encourage them to run. The Junior Project this year has raised over Veterans in Stevens Point to raise JUNIOR SPRING CONFERENCE $1,800 for Patriot K9 Services. funds for Veterans Assistance. ALA-Wisconsin SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2019 They are still short of their $3,500 Colored pin strikes got us anSPRING extra CONFERENCE JUNIOR surprise and we all went home with SUNDAY, JUNEgoal, 2, 2019so if you are still thinking of great gifts. Congratulation to the donating, please get those checks me asDells soon as June you2 atcan. Junior members will hold a SpringStevens Conference at Noah’s Arkto in Wisconsin on Sunday 10:00 am.We Junior Team from Point Unit 6 for winning the trophy this would like to present a check to the Family and friends are welcome to attend. at Senior members are encouraged attendJune also.2 We will meet Junior members will hold a Spring Conference Noah’s Ark in organization Wisconsin Dells ontoSunday at 10:00 am. in the inactivities the next month. year. picnic area for a short meeting and election of Honorary Junior Officers. Auxiliary will be incorporated Hope to inthe the into the of Conference fun the waterpark. All ages welcome. Spring will bring a are encouraged Family andday friends areatwelcome to attend. Senior members to attend We willall meet in Dells onwillJune 2nd. bigarea SPLASH as weandhead picnic for a short meeting electiontoof Noah’s Honorary JuniorWisconsin Officers. Auxiliary activities be incorporated There is a $15.00 fee (parking pass welcome. can be purchased online or pay at gate with cash only). Carpooling is into the day of fun atparking the waterpark. All ages recommended or meeting at a public parking lot in the Dells and riding in together. The conference will be held rain is orashine. is mandatory. There $15.00Pre-registration parking fee (parking pass can be purchased online or pay at gate with cash only). Carpooling is
ALA-WISCONSIN JUNIOR SPRING CONFERENCE recommended or meeting at a public parking lot in the Dells and riding in together. The conference will be held " - - - - - - JUNE - - - - - - - - - -2, - - - -2019 ----------------------------rain or shine. Pre-registration is- mandatory. SUNDAY,
Junior members will hold a Spring Conference at Noahʼs Ark in Wisconsin Dells on Sunday June 2 at 10:00 am. Family and friends are welcome to attend. Senior members are encouraged to attend also. We will meet in the picnic area for a short meeting and election of Honorary Junior Officers. Auxiliary activities will be incorporated into the day of fun at the waterpark. All ages welcome. There is a $15.00 parking fee (parking pass can be purchased online or pay at gate with cash only). Carpooling is recommended or meeting at a public parking lot in the Dells and riding in together. The conference will be held rain or shine. Pre-registration is mandatory. Please send reservation form with check payable to American Legion Auxiliary to: Lorrie Barber 3257 Minnesota Ave. Stevens Point, WI 54481
2019 JUNIOR MEMBERS SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Reservations - - - - - - - - - - -need - - - -to - -be - - in - - by - - -May - - - -5,- -2019. -----------------Form submitted by2019 (pleaseJUNIOR print clearly):MEMBERS SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Reservations need to be in by May 5, 2019. Name: District #: _____ Unit #: _____ Form submitted by (please print clearly):
Phone #: ( Name: Phone #: (
District #: _____ Unit #: _____
Email: FIRST TIME REGISTRATION/ TOTAL Junior Senior Lunch ATTENDEE? COST member Member (YES/NO) ($20.00) Per Person FIRST TIME REGISTRATION/ TOTAL Junior Senior Lunch ATTENDEE? COST member Member (YES/NO) ($20.00) Per Person
Total Amount Enclosed: $
$ $ $
Please send reservation form with check payable to American Legion Auxiliary to: Total Amount Enclosed: $ Lorrie Barber 3257 Minnesota Ave. Stevens Point, WI 54481
Jackson Unit 486: S/SGT Henry F Gumm American Legion Auxiliary Unit 486 in Jackson decorated Christmas trees for deployed troops with the help of junior members Kherington and Brookelynn Bodden.
Please send reservation form with check payable to American Legion Auxiliary to: Lorrie Barber 3257 Minnesota Ave. Stevens Point, WI 54481
January & February Sweepstakes Winners Can be Found Online!
Joyce Endres Department Chairman Ph: 608-221-1763 LIGHT THE FLAME OF AWARENESS! Do you watch Jeopardy? We were watching the other night and the answer was “The largest US Veterans Organization with its own magazine.” NONE of the contestants ventured a guess at the question! Do you know the question? “What is THE AMERICAN LEGION?” We are our own best kept secret. How can we change our secret into a FLAME OF AWARENESS? 1. Share your successes. Write newspaper, newsletter and social media articles. Publish, publish, publish! 2. Get out into your communities. Sponsor a local event. Work with other community service organizations to help them and promote ourselves. Participate in your local parades. Distribute poppies and sponsor a Poppy Princess and a Poppy Queen. 3. Contact veterans in your community. Yes, including our own veteran Legionnaires. Ask them if they need assistance. Help them understand that the
mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support veterans, active military and their families, community and youth. 4. Honor a Legionnaire a month. Honor an Auxiliary member a month. Invite a veteran to speak at your unit meeting. Host an evening to honor female veterans. The list goes on to help you raise awareness. 5. Work together as an American Legion Family. Host a public event in your community to grab the attention of your community and youth. Participate in job fairs, stand downs or military appreciation events to grab the attention of our veterans, active military and their families. 6. Celebrate 100 years of service for God and Country. Hold an open house at your post. Don’t have a post home? Rent or ask a local business to host this event. This is the perfect year to raise awareness of WHO we are, WHAT we do, and HOW we make a difference. 7. Keep the flame burning bright! Talk about YOUR why, talk about why WE make a difference and talk about why we are GRATEFUL for our veterans who protect our freedom. Light the flame of awareness!
COMMUNITY SERVICE Shirley Krier Department Chairman Ph: 262-377-5026 Now is the time to start working on your mid-year reports. It would be wonderful to have 100% reporting for the department. There are so many things that can be performed for Community Service. Some of the things that can be done are: attending funerals and memorial services for American Legion Auxiliary members, Legion members, SAL and Rider members; donating food to your local food pantries; donating meals for the underprivileged at
churches or shelters; with the cold weather we are experiencing, donating warm cloths and jackets, hats and gloves/mittens for the homeless; visiting people in nursing homes, they appreciate the company. These are just a few of the things that can be done as part of this program. With the end of the year approaching, please continue to record everything your unit is doing and the hours for the Community Service Program. I would like to hear from everyone as to what you have done. I will be using these reports as I complete my year-end report to Central Division and National.
is an opportunity to grow. In the end, your success as a leader will be predicted upon your ability to listen and understand the viewpoint of others. Because we are such a large organization, you can bet that you will receive several different points of view at any given time! A good leader must possess unquestionable character and lead with integrity. Integrity gives you so much as a leader: credibility, trust, confidence, influence and more. Keep in mind that our four divisions - The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Riders – doesn’t mean we have to be divided. As a leader, your
goal is to create a leadership style that brings harmony to the whole organization. An effective team is one that works synergistically – the whole is greater than the sum of all its parts. In doing all of this, don’t forget to have fun. Work that’s fun, gets done! Focused on the same goal United as a team Nurtured by good leadership Your Department Leadership team is here to help. Sign-up for a leadership course and empower your members to be successful for themselves, our organization and most importantly, our veterans. Donna Jensen & Judy Kuta Leadership Co-Chairmen
LEADERSHIP Amy Luft Department Chairman Ph: 414-651-7300 Use Personal Power, Not Positional Power to Lead. To some, the title “leader” implies a domineering, take-charge, charismatic individual. Leadership isn’t an adjective. You don’t need to be an extrovert or charismatic to be a leader. Leadership is a mindset in action; it stems from social influence, not authority or power. Leadership has nothing to do with titles. You can be a leader in your workplace, your neighborhood, your family, and your organization, all without having a title. In fact, the more
personal power you take into any relationship, the more effective of an influencer you become. Once you have personal power, you never have to lead from positional power! A foundational principle to maximize your potential to effectively deal with people is to live by the FIVE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS: 1. All people want to be treated with dignity and respect. 2. All people would rather be asked than told to do something. 3. All people, when asked to do something, would like to know why. 4. All people would rather be
given options, rather than threats. 5. All people want a second chance. Isn’t this how we should be leading? Yes! But that doesn’t mean you won’t ever encounter confrontations. What matters are your actions towards those confrontations: do you react or respond? When you react, the event controls you. When you respond, you are in control. Good communication is also a major building block in gaining personal power. If you exhibit a proper attitude in listening, the potential for identifying new opportunities will emerge. Instill in yourself, and others, that listening
Current as of 2/27 /2019
4/6/19 4/7/19
6/1/19 – 6/2/19
Registration Time/Fee
American Legion Post 171 1027 New Street Union Grove, WI 53182 Lindburgs by the River 1413 Oconomowoc Watertown, WI Dodgeville High School 912 W Chapel Street Dodgeville WI 53533 American Legion Post 416 6351 W Grange Avenue Greendale, WI 53129 Veterans Manor 3430 W Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee WI 53215 American Legion Post 329 W8539 State Road 23 Briggsville WI 53920 American Legion Post 81 1055 E State Street Mauston WI 53948 Plover Municipal Building 2400 Post Road Plover WI 54467 River Rail Bar & Banquet Hall N5547 River Street Shiocton, WI 54170 Northwoods Brewpub 50819 West Street Osseo WI 54758 Bad River Resort 73370 US Hwy 2 Odanah, WI 54861 American Legion Post 143 807 Pine Street St. Croix Falls, WI 54024
Luncheon Cost
8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $2.00
8:00 – 8:55 am Fee: $2.00
8:00 – 8:45 am Fee: $3.00
9:30 am Fee: $2.00
10:00 am
$17.00 Registration fee included
8:00 – 8:45 am Fee: $15.00
Included in Fee
8:00 – 9:30 am Fee: $2.00
8:30 am Fee: $15.00
Included in Fee
8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $1.00
8:00 – 9:00 am Fee: $10.00
Included in Fee
Make check Payable to:
Send check to:
Sandy Mannix ALA Unit 171 3031 Sheard Road Burlington WI 53105 Mary Petrie ALA Unit 189 808 E Cady Street Watertown, WI 53094 Ashley Foust ALA Unit 493 415 W Chapel Street Dodgeville WI 53533 Sue Hembrook th 24215 60th Street ALA 4 District Salem WI 53186 Linda Bartell ALA 5th District 4561 S. Clearwater Place New Berlin WI 53151 Bonnie Dorniak ALA Unit 329 240 Fern Drive Oxford WI 53952 Michelle Bittick American N1651 County Rd “N” Legion Unit 81 Lyndon Station WI 53944 Jessica Liebe ALA Unit 543 3228 Feltz Avenue Stevens Point WI 54481 ALA Linda Coppock Outagamie 608 Division Street County New London WI 54961 Sherry Brasda PO Box 413 ALA Unit 324 Pigeon Falls WI 54760
Contact Person
Sandy Mannix 262-716-6312
Mary Petrie 920-261-8161
Florence Wasley 608-935-3527
Sue Hembrook 262-843-4791
Linda Bartell 414-899-7479 (c)
Nancy Helms 920-231-5310 (h) 920-379-8123 (c) Sarah Rick 608-462-5013 Jessica Liebe Linda Coppock 920-851-5811 (cell) Sherry Brasda 715-533-6125
2019 ALA BADGER GIRLS STATE ORIENTATION SCHEDULE ALA BADGER GIRLS STATE 2019 ORIENTATION SCHEDULE ALABGS Delegates/Alternates, parents and school officials are encouraged to attend a county orientation
Current as of ALABGS Delegates/Alternates, parents and school officials areALA encouraged to &attend a county orientation. Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint Badger Girls TAL Badger Boys Orientation. 2/27/19 current of2/27/2019 2/27/19 *currentas as of Counties with an asterisk (*) conduct a joint ALA Badger Girls & TAL Badger Boys Orientation County
*Taylor, Ashland, Iron & Price
1:00 pm
*Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Polk & Washburn
1:00 pm
*Calumet & Manitowoc
7:00 pm
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
9:00 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
*Dunn/Eau Claire
3:00 pm
*Fond du Lac
7:00 pm
*Grant & Iowa
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
*Green Lake & Marquette
7:00 pm
1:00 pm
*La Crosse, Monroe & Vernon
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
*Marinette & Florence
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
1:00 pm
*Saint Croix & Pierce
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Shawano & Menominee
7:00 pm
6:30 pm
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Local Contact(s)
Medford HS – Rm A215 1015 W Broadway, Medford Veteran’s Center 1404 Macauley Ave., Rice Lake
Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202
American Legion Post 326 135 Clark Street, Boyd Greenwood HS Library 306 W Central Ave., Greenwood Legion HQ 2930 American Legion Dr., Portage American Legion Post 360 417 Main Street, Waunakee American Legion Post 146 300 Beichl Ave., Beaver Dam American Legion Post 53 634 Water St., Eau Claire St. Mary’s Springs Academy 255 County Trunk K, FDL Fennimore Community Bldg. 860 Lincoln Ave., Fennimore Monticello HS 334 S. Main Street, Monticello American Legion Post 306 518 Water Street, Green Lake American Legion Post 67 129 S. Main St., Lake Mills American Legion Post 51 148 S. Leonard St., West Salem American Legion Post 214 1400 Keep St., Darlington American Legion Post 413 251 Hwy 141, Crivitz
Joan Chwala: 715-668-5661
Brillion HS W1101 Cty Rd HR, Brillion
WI Lutheran College – Schwan Concert Hall 8815 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee WI
Oconto Falls HS Location 210 N Farm Road, Oconto Seymour HS 10 Circle Drive, Seymour American Legion Post 410 4200 Valleyview Dr., Waubeka American Legion Post 13 900 Flag Park Dr, Richland Cntr American Legion Post 209 3913 State Hwy 213, Orfordville American Legion Post 240 410 Maple St., Baldwin Sauk Prairie HS Rm 14 105 9th St., Prairie du Sac Wittenberg Community Center 208 W Vinal St., Wittenberg Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah HS 201 N Lincoln Street, Elkhart Lake American Legion Post 95 111 S 2nd Street, Delavan Allenton Legion Post 483 419 Railroad St (Cty Hwy W) American Legion Post 263 840 E North Water St., New London Wautoma HS 566 Cambridge (Hwy 21/22) American Legion Post 70 1332 Spruce Street., Oshkosh
TBD John Giese: 920-756-2024
Cherilyn Hare: 715-267-6408 Norm Bednarek: 608-617-9839 Joyce Endres: 608-221-1763 Lois Levenhagen:920-887-0642 Chrys Porter: 715-833-2453 Jerry Lauby Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 Patricia Westpfahl: 920-299-0943 Beatrice Rothschadl: 920-648-8424 Candace Lund Dan O’Brien: 608-776-3728 Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 Laura Calteux: 414-379-2943 Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 Local Contact(s) Glenn Dunville Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 Ann Rynes: 608-604-0350 Penny Bastian: 608-295-8100 Duke Augee 715-684-2530 Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 Mary Beversdorf: 715-253-2908 Leslie Sanzo Connie Lindloff: 262-215-7074 BGS: Mary Montag: 262-355-6467 BBS: Herb Kieferndorf: 262-644-7418 Marla Knuettel: 920-359-1629 Bill Cosh: 608-770-1282 Diane Steinert: 920-573-1846
Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 Teresa Isensee:715-577-5259 Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 Teresa Isensee:715-577-5259 Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 Jen Leahy Jennifer Grinder Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 Theresa Schindler: 715-229-2202 Jen Leahy: 920-979-3213 Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 Jen Leahy: 920-979-3213 Danyelle Thompson: 920-379-6489 Joanie Dickerson: 608-996-2152 Dee Woolf: 608-778-1936 Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 Bonnie Jakubczyk: 414-764-6752 Loretta Shellman: 920-373-5853 Presenter(s) Sue Keyzers: 920-833-2731 Shirley Krier Ann Rynes: 608-604-0350 Danyelle Thompson: 920-379-6489 Teresa Isensee:715-577-5259 Mary Walz: 608-643-5921 Sue Keyzers: 920-833-2731 Shirley Krier: 262-377-5026 Bethany Fredericks: 608-469-2875 Bethany Fredericks:608-469-2875 SuAnn Pagel-Rast: 715-366-2595 SuAnn Pagel-Rast: 715-366-2595 Jen Leahy: 920-979-3213
MARCH 7, 2019
The American Legion Midwinter Conference, January 18-20, was the location of the official visit of Central Division National Vice President Teresa Isensee from the great state of Wisconsin! The Department of Wisconsin was the first official visit of her year and she was very happy that it was in her home state. President Char Kiesling gave Teresa a beautiful basket of goodies to welcome her. We started Teresa’s visit by going to the Americanism meeting and learning about The American Legion programs. From there we went to a breakfast that the Commander’s wife and Auxiliary member Linda Kostka had for The American Legion Family. Teresa was able to visit with members before we whisked her away to attend the Camp American Legion meeting. President Char was pleased to introduce Teresa and had the honor of presenting the American Legion Auxiliary’s donation of $30,000 to help with the replacement of the lodge roof and the building of Cabin 22 for families that use the camp’s facilities. Lunch was at the hotel with many members of The American Legion Family surrounding us. Teresa visited with members and then attended the Legion Finance Committee meeting, as Teresa is the Auxiliary’s Finance Committee Chairwoman. Teresa then donated some of her time to working at the Auxiliary’s AEF raffle table. President Char had a happy hour for the district presidents and other members so that they could talk and learn more about each other. Teresa was an honored guest there too! On Friday evening, Teresa chose to visit with The Legion Family accompanied by her husband Steve
at the hospitality rooms for the Legion candidates running for the 2019-2020 year. After breakfast on Saturday, we visited the tables set up for raffles, information for veterans and their families and items for sale and attended the first Department Team Building session. This was well attended and fun to learn about our American Legion Family members. From there, Teresa was the honored guest at lunch at the High Rock Café in downtown Wisconsin Dells, which was attended by department officers, district presidents and other Legion Family members. President Char introduced Teresa and she gave us an interesting and inspiring speech. A wonderful time was had by all and we presented Teresa with a necklace that was reminiscent of her year as Department President as it was music themed. Saturday night was the Legion Banquet with over 400 Legion Family members in attendance. President Char and CDNVP Teresa were given the honor of speaking to those in attendance. Teresa shared the National President’s vision for the year, as we continue “Serving Our Heroes” with a special emphasis on women’s veterans and the issues that they face. After the banquet, everyone kicked up their heels to the awesome music by Marine veteran Josh Gracin. The weekend was completed with the Four Chaplains service on Sunday morning. We are so honored that Teresa Isensee is from the Department of Wisconsin and we are proud to know she serves our organization with dignity and honor. Laura Calteux Department Distinguished Guests Chairman
A resolution is a main motion, offered as a resolution either because of its importance or because of its length or complexity. Resolutions for this reason should always be prepared in writing. Resolutions are usually comprised of two parts, the preamble and the resolved clause(s). However, a preamble is not required for a resolution to be proper. The preamble explains the reasons for the motion, and each idea or reason therein begins with “Whereas.” The “resolved” clause is the motion itself and is written as a motion. American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin bylaws (Article II, Section 1) require that: 4. The Department President shall, not less than 30 days prior to the annual Department Convention, appoint a Resolutions Committee consisting of five members chosen from the delegates. a. Resolutions presented by an individual member must be approved by the Unit or District of which she is a member. Resolutions must be received at Department by
June 1. Copies of these resolutions shall be transmitted to Units not less than 30 days before Department convention. b. Any resolution not approved by a Unit or District, or when the District conference is held after June 1, must be approved by the appropriate Department chairman of the program to which the resolution pertains. The Department chairman will submit resolutions that she approves to the Resolutions Committee for consideration. c. The Resolutions Committee will forward any approved resolutions with a financial impact to the Finance Committee for their approval. Once the Resolutions Committee and other appropriate chairmen/ committees have acted on all resolutions, the Resolutions Chairman will report recommendations to the convention delegates. A copy of the convention resolutions form is in the March Unit Mailing and posted on the department website.