“For God & Country”
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
May 26, 2016 Vol. 93, No. 5
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Local 139 of Operating Engineers Work to Shape Camp Nature Trail
Special to the Badger Legionnaire by David Backman LAKE TOMAHAWK – The echo of 9/11 still is heard here, resonating against the hilly pine forests and rippling across the serene lakes of north-central Oneida County. Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, increasing numbers of physically and emotionally scarred Wisconsin veterans have signedup for a week of healing at the 300-acre Camp American Legion. Many of these survivors fought in the Wisconsin National Guard, or in Army Reserve units. They served multiple tours of duty. They witnessed friend, foe and noncombatants maimed and killed. The camp also is open to activeduty personnel. As it has served since 1925, the facility is a place offered free for weary servicemen and women to rest and decompress. It’s a place to swim, fish, play yard games and card games, to work at crafts, to try
to rebuild the soul and to begin to reconnect with spouses and children who are welcome to stay in 21 lakeshore cabins with them. Turning off Highway D, southwest of the main camp, the Operating Engineers have built a handicapped-accessible trail through 228 acres, owned by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and now leased by The American Legion. The trail is an old logging trail, roughly 12 feet wide. It winds for about a mile through the American Legion State Forest adjacent to McGrath Lake. The paving surface is milled asphalt, reclaimed this spring from the rebuilding of nearby Highway 51. Mathy Construction Co., Onalaska, supplied the milled asphalt. James Peterson Sons Inc., Medford, donated trucking services to haul the material from Highway 51 east to the trail site. Case Construction Equipment, through its MillerBradford & Risberg Inc. dealership in Sussex, furnished two dozers,
two excavators, a compact track loader, a wheel loader, a compaction roller, an asphalt paver, and a motor grader. David Kurtz, American Legion state adjutant, describes the trail as a symbolic path for veterans to follow in a manner similar to that walked by the man for whom it is named – Local 139 member and Medal of Honor recipient Gary Wetzel. “This is the trail ahead for younger veterans, following Gary,” Kurtz said. “He served in Vietnam, had injuries, found a career through the Operating Engineers, and has provided leadership for other veterans for many years. Now others have to navigate their trail ahead.” Kurtz said the Operating Engineers were a natural partner to carve out the trail largely because of Wetzel’s 41 years in the construction union and lifetime membership in Oelschlaeger-Dallmann Post No. 434 in Oak Creek. Camp American Legion Direc-
tor Kevin Moshea added, “To me, this trail is the first, initial step in an overall development plan for that land.” Future additional uses
may include camping and hunting. Local 139 President/Business Manager Terry McGowan noted (continued on Page 4)
Some of the Operating Engineers involved in the handicap-accessible trail project at Camp American Legion are pictured here from left to right Army veteran and Legion member Woody Wickersheim - Local 139 training center site coordinator; apprentices Mike Jole, Matt Melvin, Leroy Miller, and Terry Tilson; Instructor Mike Burt; apprentices Chase Freimark and Dave Sutter. Apprentice Nick Franda is on the roller. Photos courtesy of Local 139. Military veterans work on improving an existing logging road at Camp American Legion as part of their Union apprenticeship training. The improved handicap-accessible nature trail will provide better use of the land recently added to the Camp for the benefit of Wisconsin veterans and their families. Local 139 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, along with a number of corporate sponsors in the road construction industry, have donated materials, services and their time to benefit Camp.
98th Annual Department Convention Approaches
National Commander Dale Barnett and Walk for Veterans Headline Event
The 98th Annual Department Convention, scheduled for July 14th through July 17th at the Madison Marriott West is fast approaching. Delegates, alternate delegates and guests are encouraged to make room reservations and submit their registration to Department headquarters immediately. A feature event this year will be a Walk for Veterans led by National Commander Dale Barnett of Georgia and Department Commander Dale Oatman of Antigo. “The purpose of this Walk is to raise public awareness about the crucial issues facing America’s veterans and their families,” said Commander Oatman. “An estimated 22 veterans
a day commit suicide. Traumatic brain injuries have become a signature wound of the Global War on Terrorism and up to 20 percent of the men and women who served in Iraq or Afghanistan are believed to experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Veterans still have difficulty receiving health care in a timely manner and many have been waiting years to have their disability claims resolved. We owe it to those who served our country to never forget their sacrifice and devotion. We are walking for those who marched for us.” The Walk will begin at 8:00AM on Saturday, July 16th. The length of the walk is approximately 1.3
miles and will start and end at the Madison Marriott West. The registration fee is $ 20 and will include a t-shirt. For more information about The American Legion Walk for Veterans or to register, please visit: or call (608) 745-1090. Department Headquarters will establish a presence at the convention site on Wednesday, July 13th. Initial meetings that day will include the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation Board of Directors. The various standing Department Committees will begin meetings at 7AM on Thursday, July 14th. The early starting times (continued on Page 3)
2016 Membership Goal: 59,000 • May 19th Total: 55,950 – 94.83% 12th PLACE
10th PLACE
2015-2016 96.90%
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P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
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P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 5
District 8
District 2
District 7
District 6
District 1
11th PLACE
2015-2016 98.70%
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District 4
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District 3
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District 10
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District 12
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District 9
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District 11