Badger Legionnaire Cover for September 2018

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The The American American Legion Legion || LEGISLATIVE LEGISLATIVEAGENDA AGENDA Support VA’s suicide Support VA’s suicide prevention efforts prevention efforts As our nation deals with the effects of nearly

Limit outsourcing, unify Limit outsourcing, unify VA’s programs VA’s programs Continued focus is needed to ensure VA can

As our nationofdeals the effects of nearly two decades war, with the need for mental health two decades ofveterans war, the will need mental health services for our nofor doubt increase in the years It is imperative to combat services for to ourcome. veterans will no doubt increase VA’s staffing shortage byisincreasing in the years to come. It imperativerecruitment to combat and budgets,by while also expanding VA’s retention staffing shortage increasing recruitment direct hiring authority medical directors and retention budgets,towhile alsocenter expanding to expedite hiring process of mental direct hiringthe authority to medical centerhealth directors professionals. Allhiring healthprocess care possibilities to expedite the of mental health should be explored and considered to find the professionals. All health care possibilities appropriate treatments, and for should be explored andtherapies considered tocures find the veterans suffering from visible and/or appropriate treatments, therapies andinvisible cures for wounds. American advocates veteransThe suffering fromLegion visiblestrongly and/or invisible for complementary and Legion alternative therapy and wounds. The American strongly advocates urges Congress to provide VA the necessary for complementary and alternative therapy and funding to increase its Integrative and urges Congress to provide VA the Health necessary Wellness Program. 28 and 165) and funding to increase(Resolutions its Integrative Health Wellness Program. (Resolutions 28 and 165)

Continued focusinisdelivering needed tohigh-quality, ensure VA can meet challenges timely meet challenges delivering high-quality, benefits and healthincare to veterans. In 2018, timely critical policy musttobe made, primarily benefits andchoices health care veterans. In 2018, the future of the Veterans Choice Program, which critical policy choices must be made, primarily expires in August. A community care option iswhich the future of the Veterans Choice Program, now a basic expectation for enrollees VA’s is expires in August. A community careinoption health-care Excessive outsourcing would now a basicsystem. expectation for enrollees in VA’s render VHA too small Excessive to function economically or health-care system. outsourcing would preserve quality careto and essentially dismantleor render VHA tooof small function economically it.preserve Congress shouldofpass to unify VA’s quality carelegislation and essentially dismantle multiple non-VA carepass programs with VA as theVA’s it. Congress should legislation to unify coordinator and guarantor of care.with (Resolution 372) multiple non-VA care programs VA as the coordinator and guarantor of care. (Resolution 372)

security strategy to ensure a strong national It is critical to maintain a well-funded national defense. The United States must enhance foreign security strategy to ensure a strong national policy, improve military intelligence, and increase defense. The United States must enhance foreign cyber and capabilities. Theand American policy,operations improve military intelligence, increase Legion advocates and for acapabilities. good qualityThe of life for cyber operations American our troops and an improved Legion advocates for a goodtransition quality ofprocess life for from military service to civilian life. The Legion our troops and an improved transition process vows to fight against wholife. desire reduce from military service those to civilian ThetoLegion the benefits of veterans, servicemembers, and vows to fight against those who desire to reduce their families to obtain short-term budget gains. the benefits of veterans, servicemembers, and (Resolutions 17 and 86) their families to obtain short-term budget gains. (Resolutions 17 and 86)

Create lifetime electronic health Create record lifetime electronic The American Legion supports VA in finally health record


implementing a quality lifetime electronic health The American Legion supports VA in finally record (EHR) system that works in concert with implementing a quality lifetime electronic health the Department of Defense system to ensure that record (EHR) system that works in concert with veterans’ medical documents transfer seamlessly the Department ofto Defense to ensure that from active service VA andsystem community veterans’ medical documents transfer seamlessly providers. (Resolution 83) from active service to VA and community providers. (Resolution 83)


Institute gender-specific health care for women Institute gender-specific veterans health care for women Women veterans face remarkably different veterans experiences than their male counterparts when

Women veterans face transitioning in and outremarkably of combat different roles, in experiences than or their male counterparts between services back to civilian life. VA when must transitioning in and out of combat in ensure an improved quality of life forroles, women between services or back to civilian life. VA veterans with gender-specific health care tomust meet ensure an improved quality their needs. (Resolution 147) of life for women veterans with gender-specific health care to meet their needs. (Resolution 147)

“For God & Country”


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Fully fund a superior Fully fund a superior national defense as the global national defense as the global war on terror continues Itwar is critical maintain acontinues well-funded national ontoterror

September 20, 2018 • Vol. 95, No. 8




Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family

The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Repeal unfair offsets that Repeal unfair offsets that penalize disabled veterans penalize disabled veterans and widows and widows Many military retirees must forfeit some of Many military retirees must forfeit some of their retirement pay to receive their VA serviceconnected disability compensation. It is their retirement pay to receive their VAequally serviceoutrageous survivorcompensation. benefits (DIC) are connectedVA disability It isoffset equally from military Survivor Benefit Plan (DIC) annuities. The outrageous VA survivor benefits are offset American Legion supports legislation to repeal The from military Survivor Benefit Plan annuities. both of these unjustsupports offsets. legislation to repeal American Legion (Resolutions 85 and 224)offsets. both of these unjust (Resolutions 85 and 224)

Provide mandatory end-ofProvide mandatory end-ofservice exams for reservists service exams for reservists Active-duty servicemembers have the right to

physical examinations when separating. Active-duty servicemembers have theAfter right to all,physical servicemembers retiring from active duty examinations when separating. After are to have such examinations. This all,required servicemembers retiring from active duty same right to an exam is only are required toend-of-service have such examinations. This partially authorized for reserve component same right to an end-of-service exam is only while for America’s wounded. Therethey are care 5.5 million caregivers who goMilitary unnoticed servicemembers. This unfair treatment must be partially authorized for reserve component caregivers rates ofwounded. depression and while theysuffer care higher for America’s Military changed. (ResolutionThis 85) unfair treatment must be servicemembers. health problems others. American and caregivers sufferthan higher ratesThe of depression changed. (Resolution 85) Legion is committed to supporting these hidden health problems than others. The American heroes. 146)to supporting these hidden Create an American Legion Legion (Resolution is committed Create an American Commemorative CoinLegion heroes. (Resolution 146)

Support those who care for Support those who care for wounded veterans There are 5.5 million caregivers who go unnoticed wounded veterans



Reclassify cannabis for Reclassify cannabis for medical research The American Legion supports increased medical research

research into cannabis part of increased the larger effort The American Legion as supports toresearch developinto complementary and of alternative cannabis as part the larger effort treatments therapies. Cannabis is classified to developand complementary and alternative as schedule I drug and drugs such as cocaine, treatments and therapies. Cannabis is classified methamphetamine and methadone are classified as schedule I drug and drugs such as cocaine, as schedule II drugs. The American Legion methamphetamine and methadone are classified urges Congress to amend legislation to remove as schedule II drugs. The American Legion Cannabis from schedule I and reclassify it in urges Congress to amend legislation to remove a category that, at a minimum, will recognize Cannabis from schedule I and reclassify it in cannabis as a drug with potential medical a category that, at a minimum, will recognize value, and further urge the Drug Enforcement cannabis as a drug with potential medical Agency to license privately-funded medical value, and further urge the Drug Enforcement cannabis production operations in the United Agency to license privately-funded medical States to enable safe and efficient cannabis drug cannabis production operations in the United development research. (Resolutions 11,160,165) States to enable safe and efficient cannabis drug development research. (Resolutions 11,160,165)

Defend veterans education benefits Defend veterans As the primary author of the original GI Bill, education benefits The American Legion continues to focus on the


As the primary author of the original Bill, sustainability of this important earned GI benefit, The American Legion continues to focus on the while ensuring that veterans sustainability ofbenefit this important receive the most possibleearned from it.benefit, while ensuring (Resolution 349) that veterans receive the most benefit possible from it. (Resolution 349)


Commemorative Coin



The American Legion will celebrate its centennial inThe 2018-2019. AnLegion American Centennial American willLegion celebrate its centennial Coin is under consideration byLegion the U.S. Mint. in 2018-2019. An American Centennial Timely congressional authorization is needed Coin is under consideration by the U.S. Mint.and your support is requested. (H.R. 2519 & is S. needed 1182) and Timely congressional authorization



your support is requested. (H.R. 2519 & S. 1182)

FRIDAY 1.18.19

Ensure those returning from active duty retain Ensure those returning re-employment rights from active duty retain The Uniformed Services Employment and Rere-employment rights

employment Rights Act protects the rights The Uniformed Services Employment and Reof servicemembers to be re-employed after employment Rights Act protects the rights returning from active duty, including reserve or of servicemembers to be re-employed after National Guard members. The American Legion returning from active duty, including reserve or wants to prohibit employers from pressuring National Guard members. The American Legion a veteran into waiving his or her veteran’s wants to prohibit employers from pressuring employment rights and protections. a veteran315) into waiving his or her veteran’s (Resolution employment rights and protections. (Resolution 315)

Continue funding programs toContinue end veterans homelessness funding programs To fully implement VA’s pledge to eradicate to end veterans homelessness veterans homelessness, Congress must continue To fullyresponsible implementinvestments VA’s pledge in toaffordable eradicate making veterans homelessness, Congress must continue housing and programs such as Supportive makingfor responsible investments in affordable Services Veteran Families that move veterans housing and programs such as Supportive and their families off the street and into stable Services for Veteran Families that move veterans housing. (Resolution 340) and their families off the street and into stable housing. (Resolution 340)

Disclaimer: The American Legion’s work is never done! These legislative priorities have been marked “achieved” because we were able to get the U.S. Congress to pass legislation that the President of the United States signed into law. It is important to note that after passage, your American Legion professional staff often participates in the federal rulemaking that translates law into VA or government policy. We are always vigilant in ensuring our veterans receive the healthcare and benefits they have earned through their service to our great nation, and we will fight every effort to reduce or curtail them. Ensuring the protections, benefits, and rights of our Disclaimer: The American Legion’s work is never done! These legislative priorities have been marked “achieved” because we were able to get the U.S. Congress to pass legislation that the President of the United States signed servicemembers, veterans, and their families, has and will always be a primary focus of the National Legislative Commission and Division.” into law. It is important to note that after passage, your American Legion professional staff often participates in the federal rulemaking that translates law into VA or government policy. We are always vigilant in ensuring our veterans receive the healthcare and benefits they have earned through their service to our great nation, and we will fight every effort to reduce or curtail them. Ensuring the protections, benefits, and rights of our servicemembers, veterans, and their families, has and will always be a primary focus of the National Legislative Commission and Division.”

Calling all Legionnaires to the Premier Legion Event of the Winter!

2019 MIDWINTER CONFERENCE January 17-20, 2019 Ho-Chunk Convention Center • Baraboo, Wis.


2nd Prize

3rd Prize

$10,000 $5,000 CASH*


$20,000 Vehicle Voucher from Stumpf Ford OR

$20,000 CASH!

4th Prize

5th Prize

$2,500 $1,000 CASH*


Department Standing Committe Meetings (Meetings begin at 8am)

SATURDAY 1.19.19 Training, Training. Training! Legionnaires have filled out questionnaires as to what type of classes they would like, and we have listened! Contact Angie at Headquarters if there is something your Post is interested in and we will try to make it happen.

Saturday Evening Commander Kostka’s Legion Proud Dinner Celebration

SUNDAY 1.20.19 Department Executive Committe Meetings (All schedules are subject to change)

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