Wilfrid Laurier Athletics and Recreation Student Athlete Handbook

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Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Athletics and Recreation

Interuniversity Student Athlete Handbook For all student athlete information visit:

www.laurierathletics.com 1st Year Student Athlete Orientation Session Thursday September 6, 2012 10:00am Science Building Room N1002 1

MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Welcome to the 2012-2013 season. Being a Golden Hawk Student Athlete comes with a responsibility to uphold the traditions and standards that were built by former Student Athletes who wore the Purple and Gold into one of the most successful Interuniversity programs in Canada. With responsibility comes accountability of each athlete. This student athlete handbook outlines those accountabilities. I encourage you to read and uphold the responsibilities outlined in this document. Excellence requires commitment to academics, athletics and good citizenship. Your coaches chose you because they believe you are character individuals committed to excellence. Good luck with your season. Go Hawks! Sincerely,

Peter Baxter Director of Athletics and Recreation


STUDENT ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The Student Athlete Development Program is a pro-active assistance program that focuses on the development of the skills necessary for success academically, athletically and personally both while attending Wilfrid Laurier University, and later, after graduation. The program takes into account the unique needs and demands of life as a student athlete and bases its core principles on the need for individuals to make the right choices in life. The Student Athlete Development Program is committed to empowering student athletes to become selfsufficient, productive, responsible citizens. It provides opportunities for academic, athletic, career, community and personal success. The program is not meant to replace existing student services on campus, but rather to act as an extension of these programs. Student athletes are encouraged and expected to use campus support services whenever possible. Statement of Commitment Laurier Athletics is committed to the following principles: We are committed to Academic Excellence - To support the academic progress of the student athlete toward his/her intellectual growth leading to graduation. We are committed to Athletic Excellence - To create and develop athletic programs that are broad-based, equitable and dedicated to the search for excellence in every student athlete. We are committed to Personal Development - To support a well-balanced lifestyle for student athletes, encouraging well-being, personal growth and decision-making skills. We are committed to Career Improvement - To encourage the student athlete to develop and pursue career and life goals. We are committed to Service - To engage the student athlete in service to his/her campus and surrounding community.


GUIDELINES ON CONDUCT FOR ALL STUDENT ATHLETES AND TEAM PERSONNEL PREAMBLE The Department of Athletics and Recreation, and the University Administration are extremely proud of the athletic and academic success of our student athletes. Laurier has an outstanding athletic tradition, witnessed by championship banners, by numerous all-star selections, and by the success of our athletes after graduation. It is extremely important to remember that participation in interuniversity athletics is a privilege, and that privilege carries with it an obligation on the part of every person involved in interuniversity athletics to behave appropriately. You are representing the whole University, when you are associated with one of our teams. All Laurier coaches understand and agree that their principal role is to assist athletes in improving their athletic performance while supporting the educational goals of the athlete’s academic program. Coaches also realize that they must be role models to athletes in conducting themselves appropriately both on and off the playing surface. All members of the Athletics community at Laurier acknowledge that university sport is governed by the rules of the CIS and OUA, supplemented by appropriate, duly-empowered bodies of the provincial or national sport associations and their affiliated international associations. In international university sport, FISU rules apply. Coaches and athletes accept these rules as a fundamental and integral part of university sport. LAURIER STUDENT ATHLETE CODE OF CONDUCT All WLU students are expected to understand that they must behave at all times in a manner consistent with the Wilfrid Laurier University Student Code of Conduct (as outlined in the current Laurier academic Calendar), and will be subject to discipline under that Code if it is violated. The WLU Department of Athletics and Recreation requires that all student athletes conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the tradition of academic and athletic excellence and high values expected at Wilfrid Laurier University. While representing Laurier at any sanctioned event, including attendance at tournaments, invitational events, league events and other related functions, student athletes and team athletic staff shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to ensure that neither the team nor the University are brought into disrepute. The same applies to team practices and to team social activities. Generally, the Head Coach is responsible for the establishment and implementation of team rules, behavioral expectations, and team philosophy. The Department of Athletics and Recreation requires that all teams establish team goals and expectations of conduct that meet the requirements of the Student Code of Conduct, and are consistent with our commitment to academic and athletic excellence, and in no way detract from the reputation and image of Wilfrid Laurier University. (* For the purposes of the Student Athlete Code of Conduct a student athlete is defined as a Laurier student who has been selected to be a member of a interuniversity team competing in OUA Conference or CIS Championship play, or a member of the Laurier Cheerleading Team.)


BEHAVIOURAL EXPECTATIONS The Department of Athletics and Recreation expects all Laurier student athletes to adhere to the following Student Athlete Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to the provisions laid out here will have serious consequences. 1. WLU student athletes are required to behave in a manner which reflects well on the image of Wilfrid Laurier University by treating teammates, opponents, officials, spectators, and the public in general with respect and consideration. 2. They must abide by all regulations of their sport as set out by the OUA, the CIS, and the sport governing body. 3. They must conduct themselves properly in the true spirit of sport and sportsmanship in all situations. 4. They must not willfully damage the property of others, which would include, but is not limited to hotel rooms, facilities at Wilfrid Laurier University and other universities, and transportation vehicles. 5. They must not consume alcohol or illegal/banned substances while en route to or from, or at, the site of athletic events/contests, in hotel rooms while participating in such athletic events/contests, or at practices. The consumption or possession of alcohol on Wilfrid Laurier University team transport is strictly prohibited. 6. They must treat others and themselves with respect and dignity, which includes, but is not limited to: refraining from all sexist, racist and discriminatory language and/or behaviour, including any behaviour prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code.

BREACHES/VIOLATIONS Any person may advise a Head Coach or the Director of Athletics and Recreation or the Dean of Students that s/he believes a breach/violation of the Student Code of Conduct or the Student Athlete Code of Conduct has occurred. Alternatively, a Head Coach or the Director of Athletics and Recreation or the Dean of Students may independently come to the belief that a breach/violation of these Codes of Conduct has occurred. If a Head Coach or the Director of Athletics and Recreation is so advised or comes to such a belief, s/he shall forward notice of same to the Dean of Students. The process that shall then be followed to decide whether a breach/violation has occurred, and if so decided, what measures shall be taken, is outlined in detail on the website of the Department of Athletics and Recreation.


Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Athletics and Recreation Student Athlete Agreement Concerning Hazing The Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Athletics and Recreation supports only those activities that are constructive, educational and inspirational, and that contribute to the intellectual and personal development of students. Laurier Athletics unequivocally opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Wilfrid Laurier University interprets hazing as any act, whether physical, mental, emotional or psychological, that subjects another person, voluntarily or involuntarily, to anything that may abuse, mistreat, degrade, humiliate, harass or intimidate the person, or which may in any fashion compromise the inherent dignity of the person. In addition, any requirements by a member that compel another member to participate in any activity which violates Wilfrid Laurier University policy, the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Athlete Code of Conduct, or law. This applies to behaviour on or off University premises. Actions and activities that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following: • Any type of initiation or other activity in which there is an expectation of individuals joining a particular team to participate in behavior designed to humiliate, degrade or abuse them, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. • Forcing, requiring or pressuring an individual to consume alcohol or any other substance. • Forcing, requiring or pressuring an individual to shave any part of the body, including hair on the head. • Any requirement or pressure put on an individual to participate in any activity that is illegal, perverse, publicly indecent or contrary to genuine morals and/or beliefs (e.g., public profanity, indecent or lewd conduct or sexual gestures in public). • Required eating of anything an individual would refuse to eat otherwise. • Any activity or action that creates a risk to the health, safety or property of the University or any member of its community. • Forcing or requiring calisthenics, such as push-ups, sit-ups and runs. • Assigning or endorsing pranks, such as stealing or harassment of another organization. • Awakening or disturbing individuals during normal sleeping hours. • Expecting or pressuring individuals to participate in an activity in which the full membership is not willing to participate. • Physical abuse of any kind. • Forcing, encouraging or pressuring someone to wear in public apparel that is conspicuous and not within the norm of what is considered to be in good taste. • Engaging in public stunts and buffoonery. • Nudity at any time or forced reading of pornographic material. • Paddling, beating or otherwise permitting a member to hit other members. • Having substances such as eggs, mud, paint and honey thrown at, poured on or otherwise applied to the body of a member. • Morally degrading/humiliating games or other activities that make a member the object of amusement, ridicule or intimidation. • Subjecting a member to cruel and unusual psychological conditions.


Note: No policy can address, in a specific fashion, all possible situations which may take place. When this policy does not address a specific behaviour, student athletes and teams are expected to conduct themselves and their activities in a spirit of social responsibility and respect for others. If any Laurier student athlete or member of a Laurier team fails to conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct or if individuals or teams have committed an act which is considered a breach of the code, the University has the right and obligation to take the necessary disciplinary measures, after due process, as may be appropriate in the circumstances. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT MEDIATION COMMITTEE PURPOSE The ADM committee is in place to resolve disputes within athletic teams to ensure that the integrity of the individual, the team, and/or the University is not compromised. It should be recognized that athletic-related disputes are best resolved by persons regularly involved in interuniversity athletics. Those with experience in this environment are fully aware of the strains and complexities that occur in sport and, therefore, are commonly better equipped than those outside, to handle the dispute. The goal of this Committee is to resolve conflicts fairly and equitably. The process that has been put in place is meant to make the Department of Athletics and Recreation accountable to its student-athletes at the same time as it supports the role of its coaches. The Committee will not deal with matters of player selection unless under the Areas of Concern below. AREAS OF CONCERN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Player to player conflicts Player to coach conflicts Player to Department staff and team support staff conflicts Team Policy Player safety Other as deemed necessary by the Director of Athletics and Recreation and/or the Coordinator of Interuniversity Sport.

ACCESS Access to this conflict resolution procedure is given to any Wilfrid Laurier University student athlete who has been deemed eligible for competition in the OUA and the CIS.


The Committee shall consist of five (5) members The members shall be randomly selected from each of three designated groups: A pool of 2 female and 2 male members of the Athletic Department staff



A student athlete pool composed of one senior athlete from each interuniversity team who has at least two (2) years of playing experience * The Student Athletic Advisory Committee * The Director of Athletics (or designate) and/or the Coordinator of Interuniversity Sport (or designate) shall randomly select each Committee member from the available pools of each group. The composition of each Committee shall be as follows: * * *

One (1) member of the Athletic Department Staff as chair of the Mediation Committee. Two (2) student athlete representatives from interuniversity teams (one male, one female). Two (2) members of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee.

GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 1. A student athlete may discuss a complaint with the Director of Athletics informally. If the complaint is resolved at this stage, the agreed resolution shall be put in writing and countersigned by the student athlete and the Director. 2. If an informal procedure fails to resolve a complaint, or if the complainant does not use this informal procedure, the complainant must forward a signed, written report to the Director of Athletics and Recreation, normally within 5 working days of the subject incident, outlining the nature of the complaint and indicating the individuals involved. 3. The procedures of the Mediation Committee will then follow the guidelines as found on the website of the Department of Athletics and Recreation. Recommendations regarding potential conflict situations: *

* *


* *

All Interuniversity teams must develop a statement of team philosophy, policy and regulations which among other things outlines the expectations of the coaching staff for an athlete to remain in good standing. The way in which players are selected for the team shall also be clearly outlined. This document must also state explicitly that all regulations laid out by the Department of Athletics and Recreation are binding for every varsity team. Each athlete must sign this agreement thereby agreeing to abide by the team and Department regulations as stated, prior to competition in interuniversity athletics. These shall be kept on file by the Athletic Department. The mediation process shall be outlined in the Department of Athletics and Recreation website and shall be presented to all athletes at the annual “athlete education session� held prior to the commencement of the athletic year. All Interuniversity Coaches must be knowledgeable of the information contained on the website and must go over this information with all members of his/her team. Athlete representatives are responsible for informing the respective teams about the mediation process. Teams are encouraged to settle disputes to the best of their ability within the team first. The Mediation Committee is to be regarded as an avenue of last resort to solve conflicts.



National and Provincial competition for university athletics is administered by the CIS and the OUA. The athletes participating represent the highest competitive level of university competition in their sport. It is to be considered an honour and a privilege to participate in CIS and OUA events. An athlete is responsible for making an honest, full, and continuing disclosure to his or her institution of all matters, which affect his or her eligibility. The institution is responsible for placing only CIS and OUA eligible athletes into competition. The following principles are observed in the formation of the CIS and OUA eligibility rules: -

The CIS and OUA shall promote ethics, fair play, and the opportunity for all eligible athletes to participate in inter-university sport while pursuing their education.


All athletes must be demonstrating progress towards furthering their education and maintaining academic success


Athletes are eligible according to acceptable course load standards as established by the CIS and OUA


The length of time an athlete may participate in CIS competition shall be restricted

The following is a brief synopsis of the CIS eligibility rules. If you require further clarification to ensure that you are eligible, please contact your coach or the Coordinator of Interuniversity Sport. 1. Fully Registered Student: a) Enrolled in at least 1.5 credits in the term that they are competing in. * Note: Dropping a Course: Students must be aware that dropping a course could affect the number of credit hours that student is enrolled in and therefore affect their eligibility status. Please consult with your coach or the Coordinator of Interuniversity Sport before dropping a course. ** A Special Needs student-athlete must be enrolled in a full-time course load (or full time equivalent as defined by their institution as a Special Needs Student), or minimum nine credit hours in the term in which they are competing. A Special Needs student must be formally designated as such by the institution’s Special Needs department or equivalent. *** A student-athlete registered in a co-op program and on a recognized work term that (i) is a recognized component of their academic program and / or (ii) is recognized for university credit, will be eligible to participate for that institution in that term and provided the university continues to declare the individual as a full-time student in that term.


2. Student in Good Standing: a) A student who enters an institution in September (Fall Semester) and successfully completes a minimum of three full courses, or six half courses or eighteen semester hours in the subsequent twelve month period. b) A student who enters an institution in January (Winter Semester) and successfully completes a minimum of three half courses or nine semester hours prior to September of that year. **A Special Needs Student must successfully complete either a full-time course load (or full-time equivalent as defined by their institution as a Special Needs Student), or minimum eighteen credit hours in order to be eligible for the following year. A special needs student must be formally designated as such by the institution’s special needs department or equivalent. ** Graduating Year- An athlete who completes a degree during a previous academic year is eligible to participate in CIS competition notwithstanding that the athlete did not, during that previous academic year, successfully complete sufficient courses to maintain the status of "student in good standing". ***Graduate Student An exception to Course Load and / or Academic Standing is available to an athlete registered as a fulltime student in any graduate program offered by a member institution. 3. Academic Standing: a) A continuing student, who has previously been a registered CIS and OUA athlete, must be a student in good standing in each subsequent year of participation in that sport. b) An athlete who is ineligible due to ceasing to be a student in good standing is NOT eligible to be registered as a CIS or OUA athlete until he or she has successfully completed within a twelve month period, six half courses at a post secondary institution whose courses are recognized for credit at the member institution registering the CIS/OUA athlete. c) An athlete who is classified as an academic exchange student is, after verification by the member institution, eligible to participate for one year only.

4. Withdrawal: a) An athlete who withdraws from any post-secondary institution before the completion of an academic term (semester, spring/summer session, year) is not eligible to participate in CIS competition for a period of one calendar year from the date of withdrawal and must have regained eligibility prior to being registered as eligible to participate. b) If an athlete withdraws from a sport during an academic year, but remains in good standing status, the athlete must not participate in a CIS sport at another institution for one calendar year from the date, which the athlete withdrew at the former institution. 5. Maximum years of Participation: Student athletes may participate in a CIS sport for a maximum of 5 years. No maximum exists for OUA sports.


6. Transfer: An athlete, who transfers from any degree granting institution to a member institution, must not participate for a period of one calendar year in the CIS sport in which the athlete participated at the previous institution in order to be eligible for CIS participation. The transfer rule does not apply to OUA only sports. A student-athlete, who enrols in either a doctorate or master’s degree at a member institution, and who attended another institution the previous academic year, shall retain any available CIS eligibility to participate immediately. This shall be a one-time allowance. This accommodation is also available to a student-athlete who enrols in any of the following designated programs: • Bachelor of Law(s) • Doctor of Dental Medicine • Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) • Doctor of Medicine (MD) • Doctor of Optometry • Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine • Juris Doctor (JD) • Additional programs may be considered upon request of the CIS Eligibility Committee.

7. Use of Banned or Restricted substances or methods: CIS is unequivocally opposed to any doping practices by student-athletes or by individuals in positions of leadership in amateur sport (i.e. coaches, medical practitioners, sport scientists, administrators, team managers, etc.). This not only includes presence of a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s bodily Sample but also: • • • • • • •

Use or attempted use; Refusing or evading; Athlete availability, whereabouts information and missed tests; Tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping control; Possession of prohibited substances and methods; Trafficking or attempted trafficking; Administration or attempted administration.

Any student athlete who has been proven through appropriate and due process to be in contravention of the rules that the CIS and/or the respective National and/or International Sport Federation will be suspended from all CIS competition, including Conference and non-conference play as per the CIS policy.


8. Football Only Subject to Policy, a student-athlete’s eligibility is limited to the time periods specified below: High School Graduates outside of Quebec A student-athlete shall complete his 5 years of football eligibility within seven years of his expected high school graduation date (*see definition below). This rule applies to students entering CIS for the first time in 2010-11 and beyond, current players who graduated from high school in 2008-09 and beyond, or to former student-athletes who are re-entering CIS football after having not been listed on a team’s Eligibility Certificate in any year prior to re-entry. * The “expected high school graduation date” is calculated as follows: A) In those jurisdictions where high school commences in grade 10; the year of entry into grade 10, plus two additional years; or, B) In those jurisdictions where high school commences in grade 9; the year of entry into grade 9, plus three additional years. An exception is granted to any student-athlete who graduated from high school in 2007-08 or prior, and who was appropriately listed on a 2009-10 Eligibility Certificate, and who continues his participation in CIS football in subsequent years uninterrupted as evidenced by his continued inclusion on his team’s Eligibility Certificate. In such cases, the rules associated with maximum years and years of participation that applied to the individual when they entered CIS will be the rules that continue to apply until the first time the studentathlete is no longer listed on his team’s Eligibility Certificate.

Quebec High School Graduates A student-athlete shall complete his 5 years of football eligibility within eight years of his expected high school graduation date (*see definition below). This rule applies to students entering CIS for the first time in 2010-11 and beyond, current players who graduated from high school in 2008-09 and beyond, or to former student-athletes who are re-entering CIS football after having not been listed on a team’s Eligibility Certificate in any year prior to re-entry. * The “expected high school graduation date” for students in Quebec is calculated as being the year of entry into grade 10, plus one additional year. An exception is granted to any student-athlete who graduated from high school in 2007-08 or prior, and who was appropriately listed on a 2009-10 Eligibility Certificate, and who continues his participation in CIS football in subsequent years uninterrupted as evidenced by his continued inclusion on his team’s Eligibility Certificate. In such cases, the rules associated with maximum years and years of participation that applied to the individual when he entered CIS will be the rules that continue to apply until the first time the studentathlete is no longer listed on his team’s Eligibility Certificate.


STUDENT ATHLETE ONLINE REGISTRATION In order for student athletes to be eligible for interuniversity participation, they are required to complete the department’s On-line Registration annually: 1. Logon to www.laurierathletics.com 2. Click on “Department” 3. Click on “Student Athlete Information” 4. Click on “Athlete Registration” 5. Follow the directions. Below is a sample of what you will see on screen: To be eligible to participate on any Golden Hawk interuniversity team, you MUST provide complete and accurate answers to each question contained on this page. The data on this form will be printed for you to verify and then sign. Student/User ID: PIN:

*** Your PIN is the same as your TELARIS/LORIS Pin # (the Pin # you use for choosing classes online) Login Sport

Football 999999999 John

StudentID Number First Name Middle Initial [Space if None]


Last Name






Height [feet & inches, eg 5-11]


Weight [lbs, eg 150 - MEN ONLY]


Email Address


[We do not distribute email addresses]



Team Captain Home Town

Waw aw

Home Town Province [eg. Ont ]


Local Address Street/Residence

King Street residence






Postal Code




Home Phone [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]


Cell Phone [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]


Permanent Address Street

1000 John Doe Way


Waw aw



Postal Code




Other Information Academic Program


Program Year [Academic Year of Study]


Eligibility Used [Years Dressed or Played]


Are You Graduating This Year? Yes

Jersey Number [0 if none/unknown]




Clothing Size


[S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL For Clothing Package]

High School [use short form for end ie. SS, CSS, CI]


Waw aw SS

Club/Last Non-University Team

Waw aw Cheifs

Name of Coach of Above Team

Mr. Johns

Academic Achievements, Bursaries, Scholarships


[Entrance Scholarships, Awards, etc..] [if None: None]

List Athletic Achievements [Top Finishes, Medals, All-Star, MVP, Championship Team member, etc..] [if None: None]

List anyone in your family that has played at Laurier [if None: None]




List other family members of interest [professional athlete, university athlete] [if None: None]

Hometown Media Outlet [Newspaper, Radio or TV]

Favorite TV Show/Movie [if None: None]

Favorite Band/Type of Music [if None: None]

Favorite Book/Author [if None: None]

Favorite Food [if None: None]



The Hills Stompin Tom Old Yeller Nachos

Last University Team [if None: None]


Last Date of Competition


[Last day competing at OUA/CIS Level, if never then last time playing sport]

Provide a description of your extra-curricular involvement for the past 2-3 years, specifically community service/voluntarism activities.




[For Athletic Financial Awards]

National Information Have you participated in Provicial, National, International level competition, FISU games or Olympic Games? Yes


If so, please explain Release of Contact Information Please check one of the following:

My home or cell phone number may be given to members of the media, upon request, so that they may contact me for an interview. My home or cell phone number may NOT be given to media unless I am contacted first and informed who is interested in doing the interview.

Parent Pass Information (Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey and Football): Parent Pass #1: NAME: EMAIL: PHONE:

John Doe Sr. johndoesr@johndoe.com 999-888-7777

Parent Pass #2: NAME: EMAIL: PHONE:

Mrs. John Doe mrsjohndoe@johndoe.com 999-888-7777


Continue to Eligibility Questions This personal information is collected under the authority of the Wilfrid Laurier University Act to administer the university-student relationship. This includes but is not limited to maintaining your academic and ancillary records, contacting you and others on your behalf, and releasing such information as is appropriate for the operation of the university. Questions may be directed to the University’s Privacy Coordinator at 519884-0710. Please visit the Coordinator’s web page at www.wlu.ca for examples and explanations of potential uses of your personal information.

Student Eligibility Questions COURSE LOAD REQUIREMENT 1. A student-athlete must be enrolled in a minimum of three (3) half courses in the term in which they are competing within the Canadian Interuniversity Sport or Yes Ontario University Athletics and in which the university continues to delcare this individual a full-time student such as a co-op students. Are you Enrolled in 3 Half Credits?



ACADEMIC STANDING / CONTINUING STUDENT ATHLETICS 2. In order to be eligible for Canadian Interuniversity Sport or Ontario University Athletics competition, a student-athlete must have been a student in "good standing" for the previous year. A student-athlete who successfully completes a minimum of three full courses, or six half courses during the previous academic year at Wilfrid Laurier University is a student in "good standing" for that academic year and in which the university continues to declare this individual a full-time student. Are you a student in "good standing"?




TRANSFER STUDENT [For Transfer Students Only] Yes


5. Did you compete in interuniversity athletics at that institution?



6. If you have attended a post secondary institution have you successfully completed, within an academic year, three full courses or six half courses?



8. Are you currently under suspension either by your sporting organization or within your competitive sport?



9. Have you read and understood the Wilfrid Laurier University Student Athlete Code of Conduct?


3. Have you ever attended another post secondary academic institution? 4. Please name any other post secondary institution(s) you have attended.

ENTERING STUDENT 7. Please name the team and sport, if you have ever competed as a professional or semi-professional athlete? [Leave Blank if Not Applicable]

* No



10. Is it your intention to comply with the CIS rules, OUA rules and the CIS Drug Yes Education policy as long as you are a student athlete at Wilfrid Laurier University?



DECLARATION I hereby state that the information contained within this form is complete and accurate. I understand that any changes to the above information must be reported immediately, in writing to the Wilfrid Laurier Department of Athletics & Recreation I authorize the release of the information on this form or any changes in the information of which the instituion becomes aware, to Ontario University Athletics (OUA) or Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) for the purposes of: receiving information; In the case of medical emergencies; Media Relations; Publishing sports information to fans and coaches; Recruitment and drafting; Monitoring eligibility; and Conducting the Canadian Interuniversity Sport Doping Control Program. I also understand that I may withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of my personal information at any time by contacting the Laurier Athletics Department or the OUA. By agreeing to be a student athlete of Wilfrid Laurier University I authorize the department to use any relevant information, as well as any photograph or video of me for the use of Golden Hawk marketing and promotion. I agree to pay the student athlete incidental interuniversity fee which includes my ticket to the athletic banquet and a clothing package Futher, I understand in the event of a incomplete or inaccurate disclosure of eligibility related information, that I and/or my instituion may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension of any right to compete in CIS or OUA athletic competition. By checking this box, I agree to the declaration above.


CCES ONLINE LEARNING AND DOPING SEMINAR Athlete and Support Personnel Instructions The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport is pleased to invite you to complete the e-learning course True Sport Clean 101 For athletes/support personnel who have taken the CCES online course previously: Please use the login information you created last year. Use the “Lost your password?” function to retrieve your password if you have forgotten it. Do not use the enrollment key again to create a new account. For athletes/support personnel who are taking the CCES online course for the first time: Please use this Wilfrid Laurier University enrollment key to set up an account on the CCES Online Education portal as follows. • Go to http://education.cces.ca • Enter the Enrollment Key: fHBybAuD • Password: E9rZemtO • Click [Login]. • You will be prompted to enter your name and your email address, which will generate a unique username. • Enter a password that you will remember. • A message confirming your new username and password will appear on screen, and will also be emailed to you so that you have a copy of it in case you forget. • Log in with your new username and password. If you return at a later date to start training or to continue a partially completed course, you must log in with your unique username and password. If you use the enrollment key again you will be creating a duplicate account and will have to start your training from the beginning. If you have trouble logging in, please contact the CCES for assistance. Sincerely, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport 1.800.672. 7775 onlinelearning@cces.ca


ATHLETIC FINANCIAL AWARDS (AFA) Wilfrid Laurier has a proud history of excellence in the classroom and in sports and as part of the university’s strategic student recruitment plan will invite academically and athletically qualified prospective student-athletes to Laurier to become a part of that tradition. The achievements of a student-athlete that make him/her a deserving candidate will be an individual possessing the requisite ability to positively impact our interuniversity program. Based on the available AFA allotment for each team, the head coach will recommend for approval a deserving student athlete for an AFA. If approved by the the Director of Athletics, the coach may offer this award for his/her upcoming academic year. The award may be renewable for up to four years and has a value to a maximum of OUA regulations per year (current 2012 maximum of $4000), designed to assist in defraying the costs of tuition and compulsory fees. In accordance with the governing bodies of university sport, CIS and the OUA and their requirements, the candidate must satisfy the following:


Entering students must have a minimum entering average of 80% on those courses used to determine your university admission


Returning CIS/OUA eligible athletes must have successfully maintained a minimum of a 70% average or equivalent (GPA 7.0) on all registered course work completed within the last academic year that they were listed on the athletic eligibility certificate at Wilfrid Laurier University

ATHLETE ACADEMIC SUCCESS PROGRAM (AASP) The Athlete Academic Success Program (or AASP for short) is an academic and athletic mentoring program for Laurier's Golden Hawk athletes. The AASP is offered through a partnership between the departments of Learning Services and Athletics. All components of the AASP are facilitated by senior student athletes who have maintained a high grade point average and demonstrated proper academic skills. These individuals are known as Academic Mentors. All Academic Mentors are both trained and mentored by professional staff at Laurier. Academic and athletic workshops are one component of the AASP. These workshops focus on developing practical time management, academic, research, personal, and athletic skills. Facilitated Homework/Study Sessions are the most popular component of the AASP. These sessions, commonly referred to as “Study Halls”, allow participants to complete their readings, assignments, and research papers; work through problem sets and discussions; complete group work; and prepare for tests. The final component of the AASP is individual consultations. These confidential consultations allow participants to discuss their personal challenges and receive appropriate academic skills instructions or referrals. Although not an official component of the AASP, Golden Hawk athletes are encouraged to participate in any SI Learning Groups associated with courses they are enrolled in. SI Learning Groups assist students to better engage, learn, and prepare within supported course. For more information about SI Learning Groups please visit www.wlu.ca/si. All Golden Hawk athletes are encouraged to participate within the AASP. The most common participants are students in 1st-year, on academic probation, or who wish to raise their overall grade point averages to become Academic All-Canadian Athletes. It is important to note that some coached require their players to participate within the AASP.


Individuals who participate within the AASP are eligible to have their participation recorded on their co-curricular record – an institutionally recognized chronicle of student engagements and involvement. Eligible participants most complete 24 hours of participation. For more information about the Athlete Academic Success Program, including dates, times, and locations of workshops and homework/study sessions, or to book an appointment with a mentor, visit us online at www.wlu.ca/aasp. 2012-2013 Mentors: Drew Galpin, Katrina Ward, Steve Fantham

ACADEMICS, ATHLETICS AND POTENTIAL CONFLICTS As a member of an Interuniversity team at Wilfrid Laurier University, you are expected to attend class. At times, however, there may be circumstances, which may make it difficult or even impossible for you to attend lectures, labs, tests or exams due to scheduling conflicts. When conflicts do arise, identify them early and use the following guidelines: 1) Practice time conflicts with class - You are expected to honour your academic commitment and attend class. Please notify your coach in advance of these conflicts so that alternatives can be discussed. 2) Practice time conflicts with a test or mid-term examination - Tests or Midterms are sometimes scheduled outside of regular class meeting times. Write the test or exam at the scheduled time. 3) Scheduled Interuniversity competition conflicts with class - Honour your athletic commitment. You are responsible to keep up with any work that is missed (notes, etc.). Notify your professor as to the reason for your absence. Sometimes classes or labs are offered at alternative times; investigate the possibility of attending that class at the alternative time. 4) Scheduled Interuniversity competition conflicts with a test or mid-term - Consult your professor about the possibility of writing the test or mid-term at an alternate time or to have the exam proctored by your coach the day of the competition. Please note that the professor or the academic department is under no obligation to re-schedule the test or exam. If the professor is not supportive of an alternate time, please contact the Coordinator of Inter-University Sport to discuss additional avenues. ** Note: refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for additional information concerning the policy of examination deferrals, pages 93-95. *** Athletes who are taking business and economic courses must inform their instructors and the Coordinator of Inter-University Sport in a timely fashion if they will be away for midterms. Advanced notice is necessary to ensure that a midterm will be available for the student. All midterms for athletes are handled through the BBA office. Questions can be directed to) the Coordinator of Inter-University Sport, Wally Gabler at wgabler@wlu.ca or 519-884-0710 ext. 3428.



The student athlete must have been enrolled as an undergraduate student or graduate student during the year of competition The student athlete must have obtained an academic average of 80% or better (10.0 G.P.A. or better) on all course work completed during the fall and winter semesters of that year The student athlete must have been a member of the institutions CIS or OUA interuniversity team(s) and have used a year of eligibility for that sport.

TRANSPORTATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1) Athletes must travel to and from athletic events on designated team vehicles. Athletes on co-op work terms or those who have specific academic circumstances may need to transport themselves, but they are not to drive other athletes who should be on the team vehicle. 2) Drivers of rented vans or cars are to be 21 years of age or older and hold a valid drivers license. 3) All athletes must bring a valid Health Card and proper identification (see below for out of country travel) 4) Out of country travel: - All members of the travel party are to bring a valid Health Card, proper identification including passport and a Green Shield Travel Assist Card (this can be obtained from the Student Union) bearing the Group # 9620). 5) No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the coach, bus, van or car according to the Student Athlete Code of Conduct, and no intoxicated individuals will be permitted to board the coach, bus, van or car.

MEDICAL POLICY Wilfrid Laurier University and the Department of Athletics require that all student athletes intending on participating in an interuniversity team are required to have completed the following: 1)

Incoming first year student athletes (including freshmen, transfer students, and WLU students not in first year who have not participated in an interuniversity sport) are required to have completed by a physician, The Initial Health Assessment Form, www.laurierathletics.com/therapy/TF1.Pdf before he / she participates in an interuniversity sport (training camp, team testing, try-out, practice or competition). 2)

Returning student athletes are required to complete The Veteran Athlete Health Assessment Form, www.laurierathletics.com/therapy/TF-VET.pdf before he / she participates in an interuniversity sport (training camp, team testing, try-out, practice or competition). This form updates the student athlete’s medical history over the past 12 months.


Any athlete who has been prescribed asthma medication must have the prescribing physician complete the CCES - Abbreviated TUE Form (Therapeutic Use Exemption) www.laurierathletics.com/therapy/TF-CCES.Pdf.

All forms must be submitted to the head coach for collection by the therapy staff.


STUDENT ATHLETE FEES Compulsory Interuniversity Incidental Fee All student athletes will be assessed a compulsory student athlete interuniversity incidental fee. This fee will include each student athlete’s athletic banquet ticket, Varsity Athlete Benefit Card and an apparel package. Student Athletes participating in the following interuniversity sports will be charged $325; Basketball, Curling, Football, Hockey, Soccer, and Swimming. Student athletes participating in the following sports will be charged $250; Baseball, Women’s Lacrosse, Cross Country, Golf and Rugby These fees will be automatically charged to each student athlete’s University account upon completion of the Student Athlete Eligibility Registration. These fees are compulsory and non-refundable.

** Please note that the Compulsory Interuniversity Incidental Fee is not equivalent to a team’s Adopt-a-Hawk (AAH) commitment. The AAH is an important component of each team’s fundraising goal and is completely separate from the Compulsory Interuniversity Incidental Fee.


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