Golden Hawk Club Newsletter - Vol 1, Iss 1

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W i l f r i d L au r i e r U n i v e r s i t y

G o l d e n H aw k C lu b

“Building Champions” Volume 1, Issue 1 Golden Hawk Club Executive Members Paul Giannelia ‘70 David Tartaglia ‘71 Randy McGlynn ‘72 Cec Joyal ‘86 Ann Weber ‘88 Peter Izzio ‘90 Peter Baxter Director of Athletics Honorary Patron Fred Nichols “A means of providing Alumni and Friends of Wilfrid Laurier University with an opportunity to help build the best Interuniversity athletics program in Canada.”

Spring 1999

OUA Champions It took overtime in the championship game but the Laurier Women’s hockey team managed to find themselves on top of the OUA in 1998-99, for the first time in their brief history. Despite playing in the OUA Women’s Hockey League for only five seasons, the Hawks were the cream of the crop this season, and the highlight of a successful season for Golden Hawk athletes who let the rest of the CIAU know that the Hawks are poised for a flight to the top. All-Canadian for- The Golden Hawk women’s hockey team brought home their first ever OUA ward Lisa Backman Championship in 1999, and went on to finish fourth at the CIAU Finals. led the way for the Coach Josh Batley as coaches of the year, was a Hawks throughout the season and fittingly true compliment to the strength of the Golden scored the winner in overtime as the Hawks Hawk Hockey program. beat York 2-1 to win their first ever OUA Another pair of Hawks and long-time title. Backman’s selection as an All-Canadian bench boss Wayne Gowing also had their was somewhat overshadowed this season by share of the spotlight this season after winthe accomplishments of her teammate Cheryl ning a bronze medal at the World University Pounder, who made headlines by first mak- Games in Slovakia in February. Forward Jeff ing the Women’s national team and then by Ambrosio and defenceman Bob McQuat rephelping them win a gold medal at the World resented the Hawks on the Canadian club that Championships in Finland. was comprised of the best players in the OUA. In total the Hawks placed three members on Gowing joined the contingent as the team’s the OUA All-Star team, and earned a spot in general manager. the CIAU Championships where they finished Golden Hawk goaltender Frank Ivankovic, fourth. who was named to the OUA West first All-Star Keeping with Hawks on the ice, the men’s team in 1998-99, also suited up at the internateam rebounded from a series of three sub-par tional competition stopping pucks for Croatia. seasons by finishing second in the OUA Far Then at season’s end, Ivankovic was back in West Division and making a return to the play- action at the international level as he suited offs. Head Coach Tony Martindale was recog- up for the Canadian National Team when they nized for his contribution to the turnaround took on the Czech Republic in an exhibition by being named OUA West Coach of the Year. game in Sarnia. The selection of Martindale and Women’s Head Continued Page 6

Coach Smith To Join the Ranks of Retired

After a twenty-nine year career that included coaching almost every sport WLU has to offer, long-time Golden Hawk Don Smith has decided to retire. As of June 30 the long-time coach, teacher, and administrator will leave his post as Manager of Recreation, and join friends and co-workers Rich Newbrough, Tuffy Knight and Fred Nichols in the ranks of the retired. After coming to WLU in 1970, "Smitty" quickly became an integral part of the Athletics and Recreation Department. As the Head Coach of the men's basketball team from 1970 to 1981, Coach Smith twice took teams to the CIAU Championships, in 1971 and 1978. In 1982 he left his post as Head Coach of the Basketball team to take on the role of Head Coach for the Men's Volleyball team, a position he would occupy until 1994. Not to be forgotten, Smith also spent 14 years patrolling the sidelines for the football Hawks as an Assistant Coach. Aside from his coaching duties, “Smitty” was also responsible for a number of administrative roles within the department, serving as Assistant Athletic Director for over 20 years, and acting Director of Athletics and Recreation in 1997-98. Throughout his tenure with the Department of Athletics and Recreation, Smitty was also a teacher in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, establishing himself as the best tour guide the Bruce Trail has to offer. Always seen smiling, his ability to re-unite old friends and teammates will allow him to concentrate on his new role, organizing alumni reunions and a variety of trips, giving a chance for former Hawks to come together and reminisce about their time at WLU. Your first chance to be part of one of these excursions will come in the winter of 1999-2000, with the organization of Smitty’s First Annual Golf Trip, while the annual Ski Trip to Whistler will take place from April 8th to 15th, 2000.

A message from the Director of Athletics and Recreation

Wilfrid Laurier University Golden Hawk Athletics has a long tradition of excellence built on the contributions of many outstanding people. Over the past year, our focus has been to enhance athletics via three main objectives:


in people

Improve the product


It is people (students, coaches, athletic staff, university administration, and alumni) who are essential to preserve and enhance the proud legacy. Wilfrid Laurier University has dedicated itself to enhancing the Athletics and Recreation program. Over the past year the Golden Hawks have made significant improvements in a number of areas. From a completely reconditioned weight room and fitness area to a renovation of the football locker room, it is clear that we are dedicated to giving our athletes the best possible surroundings. To further the development of our athletic program, the University and student government have agreed to a $2.5 million upgrade to our existing athletic facility. Half of the money required for the project will come from the University through the Operating Budget and the Millennium Projects fund-raising drive, while the other half will come from the current students. In addition, a $120,000 increase to the intercollegiate athletic budget that

will begin in 1999-2000 and is guaranteed for five years. We are also focused on the developing relationships with all Golden Hawk athletic alumni. As a department we feel that these relationships will play an integral role in helping us achieve our long-term goals. The first step is the formation of the Golden Hawk Club, which will serve as Wilfrid Laurier University’s official athletic alumni fund-raising club. The mission of the Golden Hawk Club is clear. It will serve as:

Peter Baxter

“A means of providing Alumni and Friends of Wilfrid Laurier University with an opportunity to help build the best interuniversity athletics program in Canada.” This goal will clearly be a challenge. It requires the best

Special thanks to the Document

Company XEROX and Moffat Print Craft,

Woodlawn Rd., Guelph, Ont. for their assistance in the production of the Golden Hawk Club Newsletter.

coaching, recruiting, facilities, athletic therapy, and marketing of the program. As Golden Hawk Alumni you will be directly contributing to the enrichment of the Golden Hawk athletic program. The Golden Hawk Club will contribute to new initiatives that will move Golden Hawk Athletics into the upper echelon of the CIAU. Together we can make this goal a reality. Peter Baxter Director of Athletics and Recreation

The Golden Hawk Club Newsletter is written and edited by: Mike McKenna ‘99 Co-ordinator of Sports Information If you have any questions, comments, concerns, story ideas or submissions please do not hesitate to contact me at: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3888 Fax: (519) 884-0203 email:

Baxter’s Appointment Recognizes Recent Accomplishments As it continues to rebuild and enhance its Department of Athletics and Recreation, Laurier is showing its dedication and commitment to athletics by appointing Peter Baxter as Director of Athletics and Recreation. The appointment, which was announced by David McMurray, Assistant Vice-President of Student Services and Dean of Students, on March 19, 1999, recognizes that Baxter, who joined Laurier as Director of Recreation, Facilities and Business Operations last May, has been assuming greater responsibility over areas he initially shared with McMurray and Wayne Gowing. Baxter’s portfolio includes recreation and intramural sports, facilities, operations, sports-information marketing and promotion, instructional sports skills, and alumni and development programs in athletics. “The efforts of everyone involved have allowed us to meet the shortterm goals – with respect to program excellence – that were unveiled when Peter was first hired,” explained McMurray. “Now we need to refocus our efforts as we strive for excellence both on and off the field.” The change will also allow Wayne Gowing, Manager of Interuniversity Athletics and Student-Athlete Development, to focus more attention on the needs of student athletes. The knowledge he has accumulated during 25 years of coaching has prepared him to assume a leadership role. Gowing remains an integral member of the management trio (which includes Baxter and McMurray) that has been assigned the task of fostering excellence in athletics and recreation. The Department of Athletics and Recreation has undergone significant changes in the past year – changes designed to increase Laurier’s ability to offer an athletic experience consistent with the University’s educational mission. The changes have included the first phase of a $2.5 million renovation of Laurier’s athletic facilities; the implementation of a well-rounded recreation, fitness and instructional program; the development of various marketing, promotional and alumni initiatives; and the creation of development camps for athletes and coaches. These and other initiatives will allow Laurier athletics to compete more successfully and to increase revenues without increasing student fees.

Hawks will be looking to fly high in 1999

continued from cover The 1998-99 season was also very successful for a number of Hawks on a different type of ice. The Golden Hawk women's curling team brought home Laurier’s second OUA Title of the season, after going undefeated in the OUA Championships. After a slow start to the season the team consisting of Boni Griffith, Jackie Smith, Heather Graham, Shannon McCleary, and Angela Selkirk, peaked just in time to capture the OUA title. The men’s side also had a successful season finishing third at the OUA Championships. Two members of the Laurier team wore Canada’s colours at the World Junior Curling Championship in Sweden. Skip John Morris and third Brent The women’s curling team was one of two OUA Laing brought home gold for the second Championship teams in 1998-99. consecutive year beating Scotland in the the Golden Hawks will host from November championship game. 12-15 at University Stadium. Off the ice the Golden Hawk football team On the court both the men’s and womshowed that they belong in the OUA’s elite finen’s volleyball teams posted some successful ishing the season in third place. After a disapresults as they both finished in the top 5 of the pointing 1997 season, the Hawks rebounded OUA. The men’s team finished second in the in 1998 to make the playoffs where they were OUA West Division, while the women took defeated by the Waterloo Warriors. Despite fifth spot at the OUA Championships. the loss, the Hawks seem destined for a big Despite a disappointing 1998-99 season the season in 1999. With the return of 21 of 24 men’s and women’s basketball teams should starters from last year’s team, including three improve significantly in 1999-2000. Men’s All-Canadians, the Hawks should open the Head Coach Mike Kilpatrick will have a solid season ranked in the national top ten. group of returning veterans and new recruits The loss of receiver Corey Grant, who was to move his team forward. The Hawks have selected 7th overall by the Hamilton Tiger also added a new Assistant Coach, in Tim Cats in the annual CFL College Draft will Elcombe who moves to Laurier after occusurely be felt by the Hawks but they should pying the same post at the University of have enough firepower to respond. Windsor. Elcombe will take over the recruitThe Hawks have also improved on the ing and player personnel responsibilities and sideline, where this season five new coaches assist Kilpatrick on the court. will be on staff. These include former Hawks On the women’s side, new Head Coach Stu Stefan Ptaszek and Jon Graffi, former CFLers Julius will aim to get the women’s program John Williams and Lawrence Fisher, and forheading in the right direction and will have mer Guelph Gryphon pivot Wally Gabler. some experienced players in the line-up as The future looks bright for the Golden the Hawks will lose only one player to graduHawk soccer program as well, where former ation. Hawk Barry MacLean has taken over both The 1998-99 season was also a breakthrough the men’s and women’s teams. The men’s year for the Golden Hawk swim team. Both side showed definite signs of making the teams had their highest ever finish at the OUA step to the top level of CIAU soccer, finishing Championships. Head Coach Dean Boles was the regular season on top of the OUA West named OUA Coach of the Year on the women’s Division. side and the Hawks also sent an all-time high As for the women’s team, the Hawks nine swimmers to the CIAU Championships. will lose only three players to graduation and Eight members of this contingent will return should have an exciting line-up on the field in in 1999, giving the Hawks the nucleus of a 1999. The Hawks finished the 1998 season in top- notch program. fourth place in the OUA West and came very The Golden Hawk program will also benefit close to defeating the Queen’s Golden Gaels, from Wilfrid Laurier University being named a who were ranked number one in the country national training centre for Swim Canada. in the opening game of the playoffs. Don’t forget, the 1999-2000 season kicks Laurier will look to post strong results in the off on September 11th when the Golden regular season in 1999 in preparation for the Hawk football team tackles Guelph, 4 p.m. at CIAU Women’s Soccer Championships, which University Stadium.

Hit the links at the Golden Hawk Alumni Golf Tournament The 9th Annual Golden Hawk Alumni Golf Tournament will be played on July 10th at Doon Valley Golf Club in Kitchener. This year’s tournament will honor Howard “Tex” Lockhart, one of the all-time great coaches at WLU. A former college basketball champion at Southwest Texas State, Howard came to WLU in 1966 and served as defensive coach for the football Hawks that advanced to the national championship. Howard continued to coach football for WLU, and at the same time was in command of the basketball program. In his four years behind the bench “Tex” led WLU to three Ontario Championships, and a national Championship in 1968. Howard left WLU in 1970, moving on to Lakehead University where he served as Director of Recreational Services and Co-ordinator of Intercollegiate Athletics before “retiring” to his current profession as a commercial pilot, and the owner of Lockhart Air Services LTD. If you have any questions about the tournament, contact Gary Jeffries at: (519) 884-1970 ext. 2180. At this time there are no more spots available as 120 golfers have signed up to play. If you can’t golf this year mark it on your calendar for 2000. Other upcoming Alumni events include: Pre- and post-game receptions - Home football games beginning September 11th, 1999 when the Hawks host the University of Guelph. Homecoming - September 24-26th, 1999. This year will be the biggest and best yet. Hall of Fame Dinner - September 24th, 1999, reserve your tickets now. Sport specific alumni games Homecoming weekend, former Hawks take on present stars. 1st Annual 5th Quarter Club Social - Live band at University Stadium, Saturday September 25, 1999, a new addition to the Homecoming festivities. Golden Hawk Club Reception 1999 Vanier Cup pre-game Saturday November 27th, 1999 -Toronto. 1st Annual Hawk Gathering - Spring 2000 Social interaction between Alumni and current student athletes.

Kubas and Ptaszek headline Keeping with the annual Homecoming tradition the Golden Hawk Hall of Fame Dinner will take place on September 24th, 1999 at the Paul Martin Centre. This year there will be six new inductees to the Hall of Fame, along with the 1973 Golden Hawk Football Team. Football stars Bill Kubas and Stefan Ptaszek will take their place in the Hall of Fame just five years after graduation and eight years removed from the Golden Hawks only Vanier Cup win. Kubas, who left Laurier as the CIAU’s alltime passing leader, played a key role in the Hawks’ win at SkyDome in 1991, quarterbacking the Hawks to a 25-18 win over Mount Allison. The 1994 Hec Creighton Award Winner still sits second in the CIAU in career yards passing and is amongst the top 5 in all CIAU career passing categories, a compliment to his stellar career as a Golden Hawk. The other half of the early 1990’s dynamic duo, Ptaszek, will go into the Hall of Fame as the CIAU’s career leader in both receiving yards and career receptions. These numbers are amazing considering Ptaszek battled a pair of lengthy injuries that caused him to miss parts of two seasons. Even more impressive is that Ptaszek built these career numbers in seven game seasons compared to the eight game season of present day. Joining Kubas and Ptaszek in the Hall of

Fame will be another former football great, Terry Harvey. Like Ptaszek, this former wide receiver electrified the crowd when he touched the ball. Playing in an era when WLU football lived and died by the run, Harvey still managed to achieve league all-star status in his three year playing career. Rounding out the football contingent entering the Golden Hawk Hall of Fame will be the 1973 football team. Coached by the legendary Dave “Tuffy” Knight, the 1973 team may have been one of the best ever to wear the purple and gold, as over 30 members of the team were either drafted or played professionally in the CFL. A pair of Golden Hawk soccer players who have made their mark both as players and as coaches will also be inducted this year. Barry MacLean, who currently coaches both the men’s and women’s soccer teams, was an All-Canadian in 1985. In 1992 he served as an Assistant Coach for the National Champion women’s team. He took over as Head Coach for the 1995 season and led the Golden Hawk women’s team to their second National Championship. Joining MacLean will be one of the best women’s soccer players ever at Laurier, Helen Stombous. Currently a member of the Canadian National Soccer team, Stombous was a five time OWIAA All-Star, a four time All-Canadian, and a three time President’s Award winner in her five year stay. She later coached the women’s team

Ptaszek (14), who is still the CIAU’s all-time leading receiver will be honored for his sensational play as a member of the Golden Hawk football from 1990-94.

Hall of Fame class of 1999 to a third place finish at the 1996 CIAU Championship. Rounding out the athletes being inducted in 1999, is a former Waterloo College track and field star Arthur Conrad. Often described as a one man track and field team, Conrad won nearly every event contested, including the high jump, shot put, and the 100 yd. dash. The final inductee into this year’s Hall of Fame is a man famous to all Laurier Alumni. Retired Dean of Students, Fred Nichols, will be inducted in the Builders category for his contribution over the years to WLU Athletics. Nichols was seemingly involved in every sport during his Kubas is the only Hawk to win the Hec Creighton Award as the tenure, and will now take Canada’s top university football player. his place in the athletic Centre. Tickets will go on sale August 1st, at the Hall of Fame. WLU Athletic Complex, Don’t forget the Hall of Fame Dinner will or you can reserve by phone at (519) 884-1970 take place on September 24th at the Paul Martin ext. 2184.

MacLean and Stombous pictured here with the 1995 CIAU Championship team have both made their mark on the Golden Hawk Soccer team as a player and coach.

Golden Hawks unveil new cast of football coaches Although the opening kick-off to the 1999 CIAU Football season is still over three months away, the Golden Hawks are doing what it takes to ensure this season will be one of their best ever. As the players took to the field for their annual spring camp there were five new assistant coaches patrolling the sidelines for the Hawks, and Head Coach Rick Zmich. “The restructuring of the coaching staff has brought a wealth of experienced coaches, with very impressive credentials,” commented Zmich. “All of these coaches have been successful in football, and will have a positive effect on the program.” Those associated with CIAU football and the Golden Hawks will be very familiar with the names that have been added to the staff, as three of the five bring CIAU playing experience with them. Most notable to Golden Hawk fans is Stefan Ptaszek, Laurier’s all-time leading receiver, who will now serve as Co-ordinator of special teams. A three time All-Canadian, Ptaszek still holds the CIAU career record for yards receiving and number of receptions. He most recently coached at Southwood Secondary School in Cambridge, Ont. He will be joined by another former Hawk, Jon Graffi who will coach the linebackers. Graffi, was a member of the Golden Hawks 1987 Yates Cup Champions team, and served as an Assistant Coach for the 1991 Vanier Cup Champions. He most recently coached with the Hawks in 1994. The two former Hawks will be joined by former Guelph Gryphon pivot Wally Gabler Jr., who will coach the quarterbacks. Gabler, who served as the offensive co-ordinator for Guelph in 1998, will also handle the bulk of the recruiting duties for Laurier. Rounding out the additions to the staff are John Williams (Defensive Backs) and Lawrence Fisher (Running Backs). Fisher is a former CFL player, and a very experienced coach having most recently spent time in the World League of American Football as defensive coordinator of the Rhein Fire. Williams last coached for Laurier in 1985, and he too is a former CFLer and also saw time in the NFL with the Chicago Bears.

Golden Hawk Club

Golden Hawks to launch new website

Alumni and Friends Building Champions Wilfrid Laurier University The mission of The Golden Hawk Club: “A means of providing Alumni and Friends of Wilfrid Laurier University with an opportunity to help build the best interuniversity athletics program in Canada.” The Golden Hawk Club Executive

5th Quarter Club


Hockey Hawks

Strikers Club





Accountability Donation to Swimming

Swimming Specific Charitable Account

Money spent on Enhancements to swimming program

AD reports expenditures to Golden Hawk Club Executive

Initiatives of the Golden Hawk Club: - Athletic Complex renovation - Laurier Athletics website - Golden Hawk Club newsletters - Pre and post-Game receptions - Golden Hawk Alumni Golf Tournament - Hawk Gathering to unite alumni and athletes Fundraising initiatives of the Golden Hawk Club are directed to enhancements of the Laurier program: - Protective equipment - Coaching support - Leadership and student athlete development - Academic scholarships and bursaries

One of the many current initiatives of the Golden Hawk Club is the development of a website for Laurier’s Department of Athletics and Recreation. As of August first, the official launch date of the new site, Laurier will have one of the premier athletic websites in North America, and fans will have a place to keep up to date on all aspects of Golden Hawk athletics. “The goal is to have the best website in Canadian university sport.” noted Peter Baxter, Laurier’s Director of Athletics and Recreation. “It will be an important part of the development of our program.” Production of the site began on May 3, 1999. The $70,000 project is being led by Co-ordinator of Marketing and Promotions Roly Webster, and will give Laurier athletics one of the premier communications pieces available. The site will act as a recruiting tool for incoming and current students, and allow prospective athletes to communicate with coaches and become part of their recruiting database. The site will also offer information about the Golden Hawk program and facilitate a sense of community surrounding WLU athletics. Former Golden Hawk athletes will also enjoy a photo gallery, feature stories on both former and current athletes, up-to date information on all Golden Hawk athletes, and discussion lists on current Golden Hawk news. Alumni will also be able to sign up for Hawk Talk, a free weekly update on Laurier athletics. The site will also act as a means of communication for former Hawks who may have lost contact with old teammates. In the future the Department of Athletics and Recreation will also be able to use the site for e-commerce of Golden Hawk paraphenelia, and have a site through which all intramural and instructional program registration can be completed. “The site will be an important information source on Golden Hawk athletics, and a place where our alumni can interact,” added Baxter. “It will also greatly benefit our students and staff who are co-ordinating our programs.” Your first chance to check out the site will be at the beginning of August, so log onto and connect to the Golden Hawk athletics website.

Life after Laurier Soccer still rules the day for Gilfillan

During his playing days at Laurier, Peter Gilfillan established himself as one of Canada’s leaders in the game of soccer. As a fourtime All-Canadian, and a member of Canada’s National team for close to ten years, Gilfillan was on top of the Canadian soccer scene as a player in the 1980’s. Today, not much has changed in that respect as the former Hawk is employed by adidas Canada as Business Unit Manager: Soccer. “It is great to still be so involved in the game,” noted Gilfillan, who during his tenure at Laurier was an outstanding player on one of the best interuniversity teams in Canada. “After getting so much from the game in my career it is great to be able to give something back to Canadian soccer.” Gilfillan’s current role includes co-ordinating all aspects of soccer management in Canada for adidas. From sales strategies, to promotions, communications and inventory management, Gilfillan is still as dedicated to the game now as when he was a star on the pitch. “The highlight of my career had to be winning the Francophone Cup in Morocco in 1988,” added Gilfillan. “We beat the home team in front of of over 40,000 fans, but the days I spent at Laurier were great. It is a quality school and we had a very good soccer team.” After graduating from Laurier in 1990 with a double major in Physical Education and

Geography, he continued to play for the national side with his final international appearance coming in 1994 against Jamaica. During that period Gilfillan began working for Umbro Soccer before moving to his current position with adidas, where he now outfits the Peter Gilfillan Canadian National team with uniforms instead of wearing one. “It’s an honor to put those types of deals together,” noted Gilfillan who recently signed a four-year partnership with the National team. “It allows me to come full circle in the game.” Despite his busy schedule that includes regular visits to adidas headquarters in the U.S. and Germany, Gilfillan still remains in close contact with his teammates from his days as a Golden Hawk. “I still keep in touch with those guys,” added Gilfillan. “We achieved a lot together at a closely knit school, that helps keep us together.” Achieve they did. While at Laurier, Gilfillan played on the 1987 Laurier team that could be considered the best ever men’s soccer team to wear the purple and gold. That year the Hawks won the OUA title and the Central Canada Championships, and earned a spot in the CIAU Championship game.

Gilfillan (second row, third from left), pictured here with Laurier’s 1987Central Canada Soccer Champions, now works his magic for adidas Canada after a successful tenure with the Canadian National Soccer team.

Hawks Add Sport Psychology Consultant to Aid Coaches and Athletes Aspiring to develop the best interuniversity athletics program in Canada the Golden Hawks have began to enhance the support offered to both coaches and athletes with the contracting of Dr. Scot McFadden. Currently working with the Dallas Stars of the National Hockey League, Dr. McFadden will be available to consult with both coaches and athletes in group or individual sessions, to improve performance both on and off the playing surface. McFadden brings a great deal of experience and credibility in the area of sport psychology. His first group session took place during the Golden Hawk football spring camp when McFadden engaged both the players and the coaching staff with a two hour presentation focusing on time management, motivation, balance, goal setting, visualization, mental preparation, body language, and academic counselling. A former CIAU and professional hockey player, McFadden has worked actively with the Philadelphia Flyers and the Florida Panthers of the NHL and has served as the co-director of the National Hockey League Player’s Association career counselling program. McFadden will now work closely with Director of Athletics and Recreation, Peter Baxter and Manager of Interuniversity Athletics and Student Athletes Development Wayne Gowing, to develop a comprehensive appraisal of performance and coaching style. McFadden will be available to propose recommendations on coaching style and will offer ongoing performance evaluation with specific emphasis on strengthening the coaches developmental areas. McFadden will also be consulted throughout the hiring process of all new Golden Hawk coaches. Dr. McFadden received his PhD at the University of Toronto, and has been heavily involved in the area of sport psychology ever since. He will continue to be involved with the Golden Hawk program throughout 1999-2000.

Julius named Women’s Basketball Coach The goal of building one of Canada's best interuniversity athletic programs is much closer to being a reality as the Golden Hawks have hired Stu Julius, one of the nation’s top women's basketball coaches to build a national level program. Julius brings 18 years of CIAU coaching experience at Lakehead University, where he established one of the top interuniversity basketball programs in Canada. Julius was twice named Ontario Coach of the Year and was also named Coach of the Year for the Great Plains Athletic Conference in 1985-86. "The time is right to move to Laurier," noted Julius. "I want to build a winner and be competitive over a number of years. Laurier is a great school and the commitment to winning is evident." Julius will replace Sue Lindley, who stepped down on March 10, 1999 to take on the role of Fitness Co-ordinator within the Department of Athletics and Recreation. At that time a national search began for her replacement, from which Julius emerged as the top candidate. "We are continuing with our vision of raising the competitive level of all of our athletic programs," said Peter Baxter, Director of Athletics and Recreation. "Stu is a proven coach at the national level and will become an important part of the building process." The accomplishments of Julius as Head Coach at Lakehead should provide the Hawks with instant credibility as they prepare for the 1999-2000 season. In his 18 years at Lakehead, Julius compiled a record of 311-250, and his teams missed the post season only once. Julius has also served as an Assistant Coach for the Junior National Team, and is known throughout Canada as one of the best recruiters. "Stu is a real teacher of the game and more importantly he develops student athletes in all facets of life," added Baxter. "He is a tremendous coach, and also brings an exceptional ability to recruit quality student athletes."

Ruby and Backman named Athletes of the Year President’s Trophy Male - Alan Ruby - Football Female - Lisa Backman - Hockey Academic Athletic Achievement Male - Tom Fuke - Swimming Female - Danya Patterson Swimming Coach of the Year Josh Batley - Women’s Hockey Tuffy Knight Award Bob Woodcock Unsung Hero Award Janet Heimpel Golden Hawk All-Stars Football Donnie Ruiz - 1st team AllCanadian Kevin Johnson - 2nd team AllCanadian Kojo Millington - 1st team OUA Rob Vickers - 1st team OUA Ed Becker - 2nd team OUA Dino Dimarino - 2nd team OUA Corey Grant - 2nd team OUA Scott O’Hara - 2nd team OUA

the Year Men’s Hockey Frank Ivankovic 1st team OUA Tony Martindale OUA West Coach of the Year Women’s Hockey Lisa Backman 1st team AllCanadian Jen Krog 2nd team OUA

Ruby (right) pictured here with Dr. Robert Rosehart was named the 1999 Male President’s Award winner

Kim Shillington 2nd team OUA Josh Batley OUA Coach of the Year Women’s Volleyball Stacey McCoy 1st team OUA Paula Watson 2nd team OUA

Women’s Soccer Lorraine Hodds - 1st team OUA

Backman (right) the 1999 Female President’s Award Men’s Volleyball winner, pictured here with Laurier President and Ryan Brown Vice-Chancellor Dr. Robert Rosehart 2nd team Men’s Rugby All-Canadian Neil Cruikshank Lucas Snider 2nd team OUA 1st team OUA

Men’s Soccer Mark Ignor - 1st team OUA Deci Rego - 1st team OUA Barry MacLean - OUA Coach of

Men’s Basketball Ken Hodgkins - 2nd team OUA Adam Rogers - OUA All-Rookie team

Matt Walton - 1st team OUA Swimming Dean Boles - OUA Women’s Coach of the Year

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