The advantages of Sourcing in Chin
Presented by : Dragon sourcing
Why choose China for sourcing and spreading of busines World's biggest economic power after USA Rapidly increasing GDP and growth rate Great infrastructure and educated population to bind with
How to Invest in Chinese market and make profit out of it ?
Find a suitable china sourcing agency,Negotiate and look up for proper rates, try to manage supply chain risks and channels
Overcoming the challenges coming forth
Procuring goods from low cost countries, while maximizing cost savin ď ľ Go for the best Chinese supplier to make the most out of it ď ľ Experience and knowledge of the local market e Chinese sourcing company provides a backup,for all distribution cha
Ride on the success driven by the upcoming world leaders Spread your business in the worlds biggest market with a profit one would have never expected Launch new products and services to attract the local consu to follow leads better than ever.
Contact us
Dragon Sourcing Shanghai Suite 1502-1503, Jin Tian Di International M 998, Renmin Road – Shanghai, 200021, P.R Tel: +86 21 61 41 39 55 Fax: +86 21 61 41 39 66 Email:
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