Sourcing Services
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For efficient sourcing, it is very important to locate the resource areas which are rich in any of the factors; technology, materials, and skilled manpower.
Services •Understanding your requirement •Supplier selection •Production monitoring •Inspection •Delivery
In a global viewpoint costing is for eternity a key determinant in keeping end-user price within sensible limits. The most feasible way of reducing costs in through economization of resources, which is facilitated by sourcing services.
The principle of blocked economy worked flawlessly for a well endowed nation, but not too well for a less resourceful country. This resulted in the prosperous economies becoming wealthier.
Contact Us
Dragon Sourcing Shanghai Suite 1502-1503, Jin Tian Di International Mansions 998, Renmin Road – Shanghai, 200021, P.R.China Tel: +86 21 61 41 39 55 Fax: +86 21 61 41 39 66 Email: Website:
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