3 minute read
from Transformation
by williamsto
open your heart let it bleed down your chest and the stream of red
run down your arms, stomach, and legs
learn [again] not to trust anyone
the wound is too deep and you are already far too gone to attempt to fix wait for the signal and i’ll meet you after dark -Taylor Swift
i will call to you in the night my love and we will meet a new chance for love and a new start to life we will share.
trust the lover write to them
i will go where you call let me know the time and place and i’ll be there to meet you to take our chance to flee this hell.
trust the lover again and again
wait for the signal and i’ll meet you after dark
the lover writes to you so you wait three nights and three days impatiently awaiting the signal, letter, final call
on the fourth night you cannot wait for any longer so you pack your small bag full of food, cloths, and herbs grab your dagger and coat as you dash out into the darkness of the night
towards your lovers’ home you travel across the village through the town, down back streets and allies in order to not be seen
once you see your lovers’ home you walk secretly through the yard and go towards the window
throw small rocks and stones to
summon your love toss them gently enough to not break the glass with every throw there is a tap tap tap!
the lights are on your lover must be home! climb the ivy railing up the side of the house onto the roof
and reach the window
look inside see the warm yellow light your eyes shine and smile grows when you peer through the window and see your lover as they walk through the door
wave your arms and knock on the glass signal to them that it is time to run it is time to finally go and start a new life
your lover doesn’t see you but they smile
your eyes dart towards the direction of theirs to the large bed against the back wall of the room on the bed lays another [someone that isn’t you] completely naked in the warm glow of the window light you see your lover stride towards the bed
your eyes now wide and your smile forgotten
your heart pounds and you lose all hope and happiness that you had before as you watch in horror your lover kiss the other on the bed
you can’t look away you see the movement of hands and watch a horrid gasp escapes your mouth tears begin to spill out of you as your throat tightens and constricts the air inside you
you jump away from the window but crawl back to make sure you really did see what you thought and sure enough you see your lover (who loves too much) with the other in the bed
you want to leave, run, escape from what you see but this anger and betrayal keeps you locked in on this scene of the loveliest treachery
you move on instinct and break through the small window and land on the floor in the room
the culpable couple cease their love and scream you rise from the floor and swing out the dagger from your small bag, you tackle the unknown lover
you hold them down and threaten the blade at their throat but you see how beautiful they are and how afraid … you release them as the tears streak down your cheeks turn to your once known lover standing against the wall they begin speaking fast nonsensical things you stand and face them
you look at them, the lover, in disgust and you jump with all of your strength and sink the dagger into your ex lover’s chest
open your heart let it bleed down your chest and the stream of red
run down your arms, stomach, and legs
learn [again] not to trust anyone
the wound is too deep and you are already far too gone