DR Php api

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Share-it PHP Integrations This documentation relates to the classic PHP based storefront / checkout process on the MyCommerce Share-it platform. We are also introducing a newer storefront which may not yet qualify for your use case as some feature gaps are pending closure per our roadmap. Please contact us with questions. Traditionally integrations via vendor hosted sites and share-it checkout were solely based on URL parameters as documented in the Control Panel and the appendix of this document. The JSON based API provides a convenient alternative for vendors that want to present a product selector on their site and then send the shopper to a pre-populated cart to conclude the checkout process. It also is highly compatible with the API for the new storefront so that a future transition is made easy. This approach can be combined with SSO profile integration (see separate documentation) as well as pulling in product data from our new RESTful API (https://api.shareit.com/HelpShareit - access to help requires a valid CP login, you can sign-up free of charge any time at www.mycommerce.com ). After an order was placed successfully we will send you XML or JSON notifications (via HTTPS WebHook or email) on status updates as well as call your license key generator (if configured). See separate docs. Our classic SOAP APIs provide access to manage subscriptions. These APIs will also be ported over to RESTful endpoints in the near future.

PHP Cart API The PHP cart API can be used to create a cart in the PHP order system programmatically and then send the shopper to the cart page at a later time. https://secure.shareit.com/shareit/cartapi.php

POST – Add to cart / PUT – Replace cart { "items": [ { "product_id": "300671271", "quantity": 1, "vendor_id": "18531", "dyn_name": "Subscription 50 GB yearly [abc123]", "additionals": [ { "name": "Device", "value": "abc123" } ] }, { "product_id": "300671271", "quantity": 1, "vendor_id": "18531", "dyn_name": "Subscription 50 GB yearly [xyz456]", "additionals": [ { "name": "Device", "value": "xyz456" } ] } ] }

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Note: quantity must be 1 with dynamically named products




e.g. 2751017240


e.g. f88120eee191fdfda56bc5a683798da0




vendor_id = publisher_id

items[].product_id product_id items[].quantity

depends on valid product qty settings


string array of "name"/"value" pairs, optional items[].additionals[] "hidden" flag shopper_ip


"en", "de" - valid ISO code or numeric id chinese: "zh-tw" or "zh-cn"


valid URL


valid URL on Vendors server (see Profile Integration)

description when adding to an existing cart via POST when adding to an existing cart via POST items to be added the vendor must be owner of the products valid product_id must be 1 with dynamically named products -> qty. field is non-editable in cart dynamic product name additional data for the line item FUTURE: used to determine localized settings and VAT when setting the language via API, the selection dropdown will be hidden in the cart used for the "Continue Shopping" link in the cart used for dynamic SSO endpoint (overrides standard configuration) USE CASE: vendor has multiple subdomains

Additional values are optional and allow you to store and pass additional information with the line items. It is recommended to use additionals with dynamic products to pass the parameters back to WebHooks in a machine readable format so that there’s no need to parse names.

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Response or GET request Returns current cart data, e.g. { "count": 2, "items": [ { "product_id": "300671271", "vendor_id": "18531", "product_code": "sub_50GB_y", "dyn_name": " Subscription 50 GB [abc123]", "quantity": 1 }, { "product_id": "300671271", "vendor_id": "18531", "product_code": "sub_50GB_y", "dyn_name": "Subscription 50 GB [xyz456]", "quantity": 1 } ], "cart_url": "http://www.shareit.com/cart.html?2751016621", "session_id": "2751016621" }

Use the returned URL when sending the shopper to the checkout. Product Code (also called Publisher’s Product ID) can be defined freely by the vendor to identify the product in their own systems.

Cart info endpoint (predecessor of PHP cart API) If you are using URL-based integrations, you can use this endpoint to show a cart indicator on your site. To integrate the ShareIt cart information inside your own cart widget it required to use cookies, so the information could be exchanged without extra parameters inside the URL, basically there are needed two steps to integrate this information in your custom cart Step1) add the product in ShareIt cart invoking the specified URL with the cookies parameter enabled eg: https://secure.shareit.com/shareit/cart.html?cookies=1&productid=300167075&backlink=http://yoursite .com Where:   

cookies: enable cookies for this cart productid: represents the ID of the product you want to add to the cart backlink: URL that will be used to redirect the request after product added to cart

Step 2) make a call to the shorwcart.html script, using cookies stored on the previous call the script can read and return the cart information eg: https://secure.shareit.com/shareit/showcart.html?callback=testMethod Where: callback: is the JSONP callback method A sample of the returning values for a successful invocation can be checked below

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testMethod({ "count": 1, "items": [ { "product_id": "300167075", "quantity": 1 } ], "session_id": "2751022133" })

Sample invocation using jQuery Ajax functionality <script> $(document).ready(function () { var $el = $("#cart-badge") // indicator element if ($el.length > 0) { $.ajax({ url: "http://www.shareit.com/showcart.html", jsonp: "callback", dataType: "jsonp", success: function (data) { // update the count $el.text(data.count); } }); } }); </script>

PHP SOAP APIs Portal and listing existing orders Existing customers can return to your site/portal, sign-on and view their active products. You could show this detail based on data gathered via the XML notifications, but we added a special API endpoint to retrieve all required detail in a single call: 1. Legacy SOAP API - https://secure.element5.com/soap/purservice.php?wsdl call getPurchases(auth, username) with your credentials and the shopper email 2. New REST API work similar to above, but avoids SOAP overhead. Using a GET request to https://api.shareit.com/api/v1/Subs/{username} 3. Usernames have a special format when using SSO e.g. PREFIX#email@test.org Both APIs return the same JSON document format:

Data Returned Name




Order date



Customer token used for SSO during Up/Downgrade



Status of original order


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Original order ID



Original order item#



Product ID



Product Name





Status of subscription or null for nonrecurring orders



Renewal interval, e.g. monthly / yearly



Subscription ends after x times



Renewal date



Planned date of next rebilling



Total days in current period



Days remaining in current period



% done in current period


Future extensions:

This call will return additional data in future updates, be prepared to ignore extra data.

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Purchase Service Introduction The Purchase Service offers functions to manage orders:        

Change Rebilling date Change Purchase Item Key Cancel Rebilling Refund Purchase Refund Purchase Item Get Rebilling Status Accept Retention Discount Get "Edit CCA Data URL"

Please note that in this document the terms "order" and "purchase" are used interchangeably. The same applies to "rebilling" and "subscription".

All these functions require the publisher's ID and password. Some return/error codes are identical for most functions, like: 000 - Success. 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The purchase can not be found. Please check the PurchaseId

Endpoint The endpoint to use the Purchase Service is https://secure.shareit.com/soap/purservice.wsdl.

Change Rebilling Date This function changes the next rebilling due date and, depending on that, the date of the first payment attempt/creation of rebilling purchase and the reminder mail date. Changing the grace date is not implemented - this will not be changed, because it can cause issues.

Input data

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Authentication object with the publisher's ID and the publisher's password Rebilling object with the initial subscription purchase ID, running number and the new rebilling due date

Return Values and Error Codes 000 - Rebilling Date successfully updated 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase can not be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - RunningNo failure - The given RunningNo is wrong or does not refer to a owned product 008 - Wrong or erroneous Date - The given date is wrong or goes below the limit 009 - Date update failure - There was an internal error while updating the rebilling date 010 - Wrong PurchaseId - The PurchaseId is no original Rebilling PurchaseId

Cancel Rebilling This function cancels an active subscription. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and password Rebilling object with the initial subscription purchase ID and running number

Return Values and Error Codes 000 - Rebilling successfully cancelled 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase can not be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - Cancelling failed. Might be inactive already, no subcription etc. 008 - Cancelling failed. Internal error. 009 - Wrong PurchaseId - The PurchaseId is no original Rebilling PurchaseId

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Change Purchase Item Key This function updates an existing key on a purchase item with a new key. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and password Purchase object with purchase ID, running number and new Key

Return Values and Error Codes 000 - Key successfully updated 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase can not be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - RunningNo failure - The given RunningNo is wrong or does not refer to a owned product. 008 - Wrong or missing RunningNo - The given RunningNo is incorrect. 009 - Key replacement failure - There was an internal error while replacing the key 010 - No existing Key - There is no existing key for this PurchaseId/RunningNo that can be replaced 011 - New Key Missing - The given key is incorrect.

Refund Purchase This function initiates a publisher refund request similar to the what can be done via the Control Panel. Full refunds not supported. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and the publisher's password Purchase object with purchase ID

Return Values and Error Codes 000 - Purchase successfully refunded 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong

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004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase can not be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - Purchase not owned completely - The Purchase is not owned completely. Please check the PurchaseId. Should happen only in case of a cross cart with multiple Publisher involved. 008 - Purchase not payed completely - The Purchase is not payed completely. Please check the PurchaseId 009 - Paymenttype not supported - The Paymenttype is not supported. Valid Paymenttypes: CCA, DBC, PAL 010 - Refund Purchase failure - There was an internal error while refunding the purchase.

Refund Purchase Item This function makes a publisher refund item request similar to what is possible to do via the Control Panel. The item refund can be based on the amount value or percentage: if both are specified, the amount value is used and the percentage is ignored. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and password refundPurchaseItemData: Object containing the information for refund an item containing:

a) PurchaseId: Purchase ID of the items to be refunded b) Items: An array containing information about the items to be refunded. Each object can contain the following properties:    

RunningNo: Running number of the item in the purchase Comment: Comment for the refund AmountValue: specific value to be refunded AmountPercentage: percentage to be refunded - it will be applied in the item value.

Here is a sample XML request: <soapenv:Body> <pur:refundPurchaseItem soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <authentication xsi:type="pur:AuthenticationData"> <PublisherId xsi:type="xsd:int">19191919</PublisherId> <Password xsi:type="xsd:string">123123</Password> </authentication> <refundPurchaseItemData xsi:type="pur:refundPurchaseItemData"> <PurchaseId xsi:type="xsd:long">94949494</PurchaseId> <Items xsi:type="pur:ItemRefundData"> <RunningNo xsi:type="xsd:int">1</RunningNo> <AmountValue xsi:type="xsd:double">0.1</AmountValue> <Comment xsi:type="xsd:string">Refunding 0.1 for the item</Comment> </Items>

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<Items xsi:type="pur:ItemRefundData"> <RunningNo xsi:type="xsd:int">2</RunningNo> <AmountPercentage xsi:type="xsd:double">10</AmountPercentage> <Comment xsi:type="xsd:string">Refunding 10% for the item</Comment> </Items> </refundPurchaseItemData> </pur:refundPurchaseItem> </soapenv:Body>

Return Values and Error Codes 000 - Purchase successfully refunded 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase can not be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - Purchase not owned completely - The Purchase is not owned completely. Please check the PurchaseId. Should happen only in case of a cross cart with multiple Publisher involved. 008 - Purchase not payed completely - The Purchase is not payed completely. Please check the PurchaseId 009 - Paymenttype not supported - The Paymenttype is not supported. Valid Paymenttypes: CCA, DBC, PAL 010 - Refund Purchase failure - There was an internal error while refunding the purchase. 011 - Invalid Item - One of the items is invalid, must have comment, running number and amount value or percentage 012 - The approved amount should be less than or equal to the purchase item price. 013 - The given RunningNo is wrong or does not refer to a owned product

Get Rebilling Status This function retrieves the status for the rebilling purchase. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and password Purchase object with purchase ID and running No Here is a sample XML request:


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<pur:getRebillingStatus soapenv:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <authentication xsi:type="pur:AuthenticationData"> <PublisherId xsi:type="xsd:int">19191919</PublisherId> <Password xsi:type="xsd:string">123123</Password> </authentication> <rebilling xsi:type="pur:getRebillingStatusData"> <PurchaseId xsi:type="xsd:long">94949494</PurchaseId> <RunningNo xsi:type="xsd:int">1</RunningNo> </rebilling> </pur:getRebillingStatus> </soapenv:Body>

Return Values

When successful, the operation returns the status code and the description. In case of return code CAN (Canceled), return the cancel reason and description. Here is a sample XML for the success response <ns1:getRebillingStatusResponse> <return xsi:type="xsd:string">CAN - Canceled - RET - money back to customer by chargeback or refund</return> </ns1:getRebillingStatusResponse>

Error Codes 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase cannot be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - RunningNo failure - The given RunningNo is wrong or does not refer to a owned product 008 - Get Rebilling status failure - There was an internal error while reading the rebilling status 009 - Wrong PurchaseId - The PurchaseId is no original Rebilling PurchaseId

Accept Retention Discount This function can grant predefined retention discounts to a running subcription. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and password Purchase object with purchase ID and running No

Return Values and Error Codes

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000 - Purchase successfully refunded 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase cannot be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - RunningNo failure - The given RunningNo is wrong or does not refer to a owned product 008 - Retention discount not supported - Retention discount not supported by all specified products 009 - Wrong PurchaseId - The PurchaseId is no original Rebilling PurchaseId 010 - Wrong Paymentstatus - Paymentstatus PRQ not allowed 011 - Retention discount already pending - Retention discount already pending for at least one specified product 012 - Invalid values for Retention Discount - Invalid Retention Discount values for at least one specified product 013 - Accept Retention Discount failure - There was an internal error while cancelling the rebilling

Get Edit CCA Data URL This function returns a URL to enter new credit Card data for a running subscription in a secure web page. Input data -

Authentication object with the publisher's ID and password Purchase object with purchase ID and customer email address

Return Values and Error Codes success - unique URL to edit data returned 001 - Ordertaker running- The service is not available while running Ordertaker 002 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Password missing 003 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID empty or wrong 004 - Wrong or Missing PurchaseId - The given PurchaseId is incorrect. 005 - Authentication failure - The given authentication data is incorrect. Publisher ID and Password combination wrong 006 - Purchase not found - The Purchase cannot be found. Please check the PurchaseId 007 - Wrong PurchaseId - The PurchaseId is no original Rebilling PurchaseId 008 - Purchase not payed completely - The Purchase is not payed completely. Please check the

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PurchaseId 009 - Paymenttype not supported - The Paymenttype is not supported. Valid Paymenttypes: CCA 010 - Wrong or missing CustomerEmail - The given CustomerEmail does not fit to Customer placing the Purchase 011 - RunningNo failure - No RunningNo of the given Purchase has status topreocess or nor refers to a owned product

PHP URL parameters Description URL parameters can be used to control the look, feel, content and add or hide functionalities of the order process pages. URL parameters can be used nearly throughout the whole web system, but they can differ from one page to another.

Parameters Possible URL parameters on the product page (product.html): Parameter productid

Value A valid product id

Description Specifies product

languageid 1-21

Specifies used language


english, german, etc.

Specifies used language



Defines if the "Add to cart" button should be displayed on the page


A valid product id

Specifies used style


Specifies the URL that the backlink should A valid URL (URL-encoded) e.g. reference to. The protocol has to be entered as http%3A%2F%2Fwww.test.com well (e.g. http://,https://, or []).



Defines if a session cookie should be stored on client computer to save the content of the cart.

nolselection 1

If used, the language selection will be suppressed on the page

noquickbuy 1

If used, the "Buy now" button will be suppressed on the page


EUR, USD, CAD, all, USD_EUR, etc.

Specifies used display currencies


Reseller authentication token

Publisher Reseller authentication token

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Any string

Specifies a string needed for standard tracking and inclusion in reporting


A valid e5 affiliate id

Specifies, recognizes and tracks the order to a specific affiliate premium account in the database


Any string

Hides the product prices (used for bundle product info popup)


A valid publisher coupon code

Get a discounted price by using this code (Coupon must be setup in the control panel)


A valid e5 costumer user name Pre-authenticate known shoppers


The corresponding costumer user token

Pre-authenticate known shoppers, requires an access token (can be retrieved via API)



Hides the product family link on top right of a product page

Possible URL parameters on the cart/checkout page (cart.html, checkout.html): Parameter




A valid product id

Specifies product


E.g. PRODUCT[500349]=10

Specifies a range of products



Specifies used language


english, german, etc.

Specifies used language


A valid productid

Specifies used style


A valid URL (URL-encoded) e.g. Specifies the URL that the backlink should http%3A%2F%2Fwww.test.co reference. The protocol has to be entered as m well (e.g.http://,https://, or []).



Defines if a session cookie should be stored on client computer to save the content of the cart.



If used, the language selection will be suppressed on the page


EUR, USD, CAD, all, USD_EUR, Specifies used display currencies etc.


Reseller authentication token Publisher Reseller authentication token


Any string

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Specifies a string needed for standard tracking and inclusion in reporting



A valid affiliate id

Specifies, recognizes and tracks the order to a specific affiliate premium account in the database


Any string

Restricts possible changes during order process to product quantity and delivery type


Any string

Restricts possible changes during order process to product quantity and delivery type but allows the deletion of the product



Specifies if coupon can be entered on the cart page for immediate application


Applies automatically a discounted price by using this code that will be shown in the A valid publisher coupon code cart(Coupon must be setup in the control panel)



Specifies if the cart coupon input field is hidden because a coupon is given via the URL


E.g. DELIVERY[500349]=EML E.g. DELIVERY[500349]=SNL E.g. DELIVERY[500349]=FAX

Specifies which delivery type per item is preselected in the cart

E.g. Specifies with which value the corresponding ADD[XXXXX][identifier] ADD[500349]['Additional']=12 additional field is prefilled (Additional field 3456 must be setup in the control panel) E.g. Specifies with which value the corresponding HADD[XXXXX][identifier] HADD[500349]['Hadditional']= hidden additional field is filled (information 123456 does not need to be set up in CP UPRODUCTS[XXXXX]

E.g. UPRODUCTS[500349]=1

The upselling product (in brackets) is added to cart, the original url product is removed



Overrides the CDOD auto select option


A valid e5 costumer user name Pre-authenticate known shoppers


The corresponding costumer user token

Pre-authenticate known shoppers, requires an access token (can be retrieved via API)



displays a general information related to a possible VAT application at the end of the checkout



hides the detailed information provided by VAT calculation

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E.g. PRODUCTPRICE[500349]=20E PRODUCTPRICE [XXXXX] UR ($price$currency,$price$curre ncy,[\...],N;$md5)

Allows to change product prices on the fly (called dynamic pricing). To use the feature, the publisher has to activate it for his account and the product in question.


A valid e5 publisher id

Specifies style from publisher (used for publisher cross carts)



Enables publisher cross cart over same business model


Dynamice Product Name + ';' + Allows to change product name on the fly md5(productid + Dynamic (called dynamic name). To use the feature, the Product Name + Password publisher has to activate it for his account. Seed) SSO Profile Integration. Publishers should be able to submit a dynamic authentication URL

piauthurl piauthmd5

md5('rtg+#4987%'.$_REQUEST For checking that the Piauthurl is valid or not 'piauthurl');


Cross selling product id

Banner Cross Selling Product



Overrides IP restriction


Comma separated payment type IDs

URL Paymenttype Restriction


Comma separated productids URL Cross-Selling-Restriction


Comma separated productids URL Up-Selling-Restriction


catalog id

a certain Catalog(affiliate catalog) can be determined also as a parameter



If used, CPG will send 'Failed' as transaction status

Possible URL parameters on the checkout page (checkout.html): Parameter





Enforces returning customer login form on checkout page, overwrites publisher option settings



Enables redirect to fax order page

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