When we leave Williston Northampton, we may not remember the math equation that tormented us for days. We may not recall all the kings and queens of England like we did our sophomore year in AP European History class. We may even forget the novels we annotated page by page for our junior year term paper. There will even come a time when we think of Williston, we may not be able to name all the teachers we connected with every day for as many as six years. We will, however, always remember moments and feelings: when we met our first roommates, our first advisors, our first classmates. Joy, as we screamed at our college acceptance letters from colleges. Fun, cheering under the lights on the turf. Many of us will remember the October snow our freshman year that shut down school for an entire week. We will, too, remember the dances, the plays, and the musicals. The elation of that a teacher. Regardless of the length of our time along this Williston journey. These are outlast our physical years on campus. Now, These pages celebrate the times we have us gather for one last PARTING SHOT to see pat ourselves on the back for having ride.
hard-fought win; the sadness of losing here, we have shared highs and lows the feelings and memories that will let us be together for one last moment. raced through. With these pages, let how much we have grown,to survived one heck of a fabulous
ns and Justin Park glimpse into U.S. ' politics during a PAC debate.
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Mr. Barnehama speaks at the dinner.
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Dedication: Ms. Susanna White
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at1 mine, iiA.ecl 6.041, Mat aitizeAs yexu, paint a metiontain, AGM a,nci Me, mot&titain, aize, dl,a,nyed Ay, Me. act. PeAficep can, he, 41Me4 át pon, mai&ntain, 6,t&t in, teaci, Mcme, cizaincitA, aiz& pizoleti&nd a,nci powe4% 2 kav& with, &iefizteil„ 1:3tv& and a3Lni,pwithpn 134, all e te4, aincl it Mom,6mall mome4s& inte4action, Mat t&tile e.fis&nsbeir, with, actite, 19,ncine. 4 npeizo' caz Pain#41 the,a9A,paibtit-1,t&„2 hot&t.tctpu,a 6.ee, yo.ci ta c&tatit c43,t6d4,.' - /14. White,
In 1998 while many of the graduating seniors celebrated their first birthdays, this faculty member first arrived on the Williston Northampton campus as a sabbatical replacement painting teacher, but soon returned to Williston in a full time capacity. In the subsequent 15+ years here, she has served as the Assistant Dean of Student Residential Life, been a longtime member of the Diversity Committee, acted as Department Head of the Fine and Performing Arts Department, taught, and advised many. In 2012, she assumed her current role as a painting teacher and has worked with numerous students and artists in and out of the studio and since.
Anyone who has taken a class with Ms. White will testify to her immeasurable patience and love for teaching. Ms. White is positive, passionate, and interactive; she provides each student with undivided attention and constructive feedback. At the same time, she challenges her students to take risks. When not teaching, Ms. White can be found on campus in her office sipping a cup of tea, organizing the painting studio, making her own art, taking a walk with her dog Bella, or further connecting with her students. For many, what is particularly distinct about Ms. White is the tight relationships she creates with her students, a direct result of her respect for others' thoughts and opinions. In turn, many students seek her out to be their listener and for comfort. Her way of building trust with people in and out of class inspires many to be try to be like her. Certainly, it would take far more than just a few words here to do justice to her role as a teacher, a colleague, a mentor, an advisor, and a friend to so many.
To teach is to touch lives. Thank you, Ms. White, for what you have taught us and for how you have touched us. We will remember how you made us laugh in your office with your stories, how you offered a different outlook on life, and how you walked into class each day full of enthusiasm, ready to both learn and teach. It is with gratitude and appreciation that we, the class of 2015 dedicate our senior yearbook to you, Ms. Susanna White.
Anthony Aquadro Northampton, MA
Alec Bickerstaff Greenwich, CT
Jennifer Carellas Westfield, MA
Natalia Baum West Springfield, MA
Brandon Bork West Seneca, NY
Theodore Carellas Winchester, MA
Aubrey Berghoff Easthampton, MA
James Brennan Longmeadow, MA
Janyce Carey Nassau, Bahamas
Sonia Berghoff Easthampton, MA
Colin Brown Vallejo, CA
Evan Cavanaugh Florence, MA
Joy Chen Xizhi City, Taiwan
Benjamin Cuca Lincoln, NE
Nicholas Dalzell Nashua, NH
Taylor Cheria Ludlow, MA
Matthew Cullen Amherst, MA
Cree Daniels Southwick, MA
Lobo Janessa Cheung Guangdong, China
Margaret Cummings New Monmouth, ME
Chris Dumont Oakville, Canada
Milo Cowles Franklin, NY
Dina Dahdul West Springfield, MA
Brittany Engleman Longmeadow, MA
AlexanderFabbri Belchertown,MA
MelissaFalcone Longmeadow,MA
RourkeFerguson Campbellville,Canada
AshleyFitch Conway,MA
SummerGraceFlemister NewYork,NewYork
CharlesFogg NewYork,NewYork
AlisaGaleeva Moscow,Russia
LenaGandevia Hadley,MA
AlexanderGanter Lynnfield,MA
JohnGethings Wallingford,CT
MargaretGlick Chesire,UnitedKingdom
StephenGoldsmith Longmeadow,MA
Benjamin Greeman Florence, MA
Maranie Harris-Kuiper Milltown, NJ
Bryan Hong Incheon, South Korea
Aidan Greenwood Easthampton, MA
Emily Herbst Livingston, NJ
Violeta Ilina Almaty, Kazakhstan
Emily Grussing White River Junction, VT
Cameron Hill Easthampton, MA
Marie Innarelli Ludlow, MA
Soo Jeong Han Seoul, South Korea
Chi Anh Hoang Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Noah Jackson Easthampton, MA
Gabriel Jacobson Florence, MA
Emma Kaisla Easthampton, MA
Umi Keezing Easthampton, MA
Maddy Jerolman Hamden, CT
Jared Karas Port Matilda, PA
Yoonji Kim Daegu, South Korea
Sameer Jhaveri Massena, NY
Sabaat Kareem South Hadley, MA
Hannah King Easthampton, MA
Dane Johnson Granville, MA
Elyssa Katz South Hadley, MA
Ryan King Easthampton, MA
Julia Krupp Carlisle, MA
Anthony Leung
Tai Po, Hong Kong
Justin Lindsay Tacoma, WA
Jonathan Labrecque Farnham, Canada
Jeremy Levine Granby, MA
Andrew Liu Piedmont, CA
Emma Lawrence Wilbraham, MA
Alexander Li Longmeadow, MA
Katherine Lucchesi Longmeadow, MA
Hannah Lee Seoul, South Korea
Fiona Li
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Myro Marioghae Abuja, Nigeria
MaryMcCarthy Scituate,MA
CurtMcLeod Hingham,MA
CharlesMercier Granby,MA
BenjaminMoffett Easthamton,MA
KatieMurray Blandford,MA
SamanthaNewman Medfield,MA
TerrenceO'Brien Wilbraham,MA
AidevoOkaisabor Abuja,Nigeria
EmmettO'Malley Corvallis,OR
CalebParker Amherst,MA
ChristianPetty Warwick,Bermuda
EmilyPeirent Easthampton,MA
Jenna Phelan East Longmeadow, MA
Brenna Quirk Easthampton, MA
Harshvardhan Shah Mumbai,India
Loren Po Florence, MA
John Rizzuto Port Matilda, PA
Pun Shusang Bangkok, Thailand
Mackenzie Possee Milford, New Hampshire
Joseph Sansone Hanover, NH
Emily Sillars Northampton, MA
Callum Poulin Easthampton, MA
Tara Sarper Somerville Park, Singapore
Joshua Simpson Easthampton, MA
ElieSmall HighlandPark,IL
MatthewSteinberg Florence,MA
MichaelTran Hanoi,Vietman
AnnikaSmith Dover,AR
StevenSun Beijing,China
JuliaValine Easthampton,MA
OliviaSmith Belchertown,MA
ChaseTanguay Easthampton,MA
YuChenWang Beijing,China
EvanStark NewYork,NewYork
GabrielleThomas Florence,MA
KyleWatson Westhampton,MA
MollyWilder IndianHarbourBeach,FL
ZigianZhang Zhejiang,China
niors Not Photographed:
poveta Aluya Hyun Woo Kim
in An Tae Hyung Lee
muel Atkins Alicia Lima
sephina Auferoth
hn Aylward
ranapong Buranasiri
k Hin Chan Nathaniel Manwell
n Fung Chan Etitoghene Ovhori
axvvell Chipouas
aleed Eltigani Willis Pollard
inn Griffin Ryan Richmond
arcus Gould Jacob Salerno
eran HamiltonNoam Saul
angwen Hu
n Kay
ng Ho Kim Tyler Scroggins Harrison Shea Grace Simpson
CadeZawacki Easthampton,MA
YitingZhang Shanghai,China
year at
Williston and Sophomore year because
Remember When.
Alex Li
abby Thomas, Um i Keezing,
Johnson, Summer Flemiraster, and S,,n1,1 Ulcili II
6 year Seniors
Aldan Greenwood
s. King, Emily Peirent, Julia Valine, and Cameron Hill.
I, Ashley Fitch, leave David Fitch car rides to school filled with jam sessions, our love for DMX and Ludacris, many laughs and millions of random inside jokes.
I, Ashley Fitch, leave Elyssa Katz with the bus ride to Becket, Dunkin iced coffee, LSD runs, and the choked out "I love you"s in the middle of every 5k.
I, Ashley Fitch, leave Cree Daniels One Direction concerts, reading each other's minds, boy shirts, muffin, all the serpents in the world, WP,cupcake,4 hour face time dates, and a lot of selfies.
I, Ashley Fitch, leave Brittany Engleman with DSL car parties, our 9th grade swimming and field hockey experiences, and picture collages that only make sense at 3 in the morning.
I, Ashley Fitch, leave Lena Gandevia with jokes we always take too far, always 5th/6th wheeling with me, borbagoramous,and being my twin for life.
I, Ashley Fitch, leave Gabby Thomas our trip to Canada that will always be a highlight and when I held your starting block that one time you won the 200 at New England's
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Erin An all the chocolate I've ever stolen from her and my heater.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Grace McMeekin period D,Tandem,and my side of room 307.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Chris Lansill my personality and everything he's ever wanted to know about me.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Aubrey Berghoff Dunkin, heart palpitations and Mr. Seamon's Alg. 2 math class.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Sonia Berghoff unicorns, chocolate milk, croissants, and 3rds lax.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Emily Herbst nature peeing in NoHo, 1,000 hugs, and all of the clothes I've ever borrowed from her and still have not given back.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Mary McCarthy room 209, my Lana Del Rey CDs,and the hope that she'll be on SNL one day, because seriously she is the funniest person alive.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Molly Wilder 3rds soccer, Espanol con Senor Garcia, and St. Mark's place.
I, Summer Grace Flemister, leave Emily Grussing rooms 307 and 300, all of my shoes, sharknado 1 and 2, graph paper, biology study guides, my hair straightener, 7/11 burritos, Long Beach, caesar salad croutons, the memory of our fish (Lana), our favorite Australian movies, all my flannels, snaps from Xander, my promise to her to get matching tattoos, and everlasting, undying and endless love / best friendship / soulmateship.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Maddy Scott my horse, our triple jump PR to break, and the best hugs.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Jen CareIlas a trip to Maine and "Africa" by Toto.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Julia Krupp long-slow-distance runs, vent sessions, and nerding out.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Ashley Fitch twinning, the Deerfield River Ensemble, runs to Vermont,and a promise to ALWAYS tell you this before.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Brittany Engelman my bad jokes, Friends, the best pancakes we've ever had, high school musical duets,and a pair of bent ski poles.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Emily Grussing Iodine, Lutetium, Vanadium, and Uranium.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Cree Daniels all my Ticonderoga pencils, Alejandro the rocket, Polaris, Orion, and Zoom, Clink, Hugs—The Universe.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Josie Auferoth the dangerous horse, essays on societal isolation, and lots of laughs.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Loren Po a parallelepiped, Oren Ko,and over a decade of friendship.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Elyssa Katz Tony's Pizza and electrolysis and mental twinning and existential crises and FOL and polysyndeton.
I, Lena Gandevia,leave Gabby Thomas a voicemail, family dinners, The Lion King, NUNUNU,"Call Me Maybe", track, Easter egg hunts, a marriage proposal, and enough laughter to last a lifetime.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Anthony Aquadro The Knowing,Sweeb,and a thanks for putting up with me for the past fourteen years.
I, Lena Gandevia, leave Sima Gandevia sing-alongs in The Shrimp, Christmakwanzakka, several cases of mistaken identity, Mama's cannoli, Malvolio, and the greatest friendship of all time.
Senior Wills
I, Maisy Glick, leave Josie Auferoth Tandem dates, Gina and Jessica, and AP Stats giggles. I, Maisy Glick, leave Maggie Cummings the 3rds ball lifestyle, indecisive grocery runs, and our first name.
I, Margey,leave Jenna Pheline Penggy, hobo chic outfits, the best birthday, and three years of advisory memories.
I, Maisy Glick, leave Loren Po maize jokes, daily Skype calls, CTC, and Nickel-less Careaway.
I, Maisy Glick, leave Emmett O'Malley all my mencils and a check for 50 packs of gum.
Margaret Elizabeth, leave Beatrice Morgan fabulous Anabaptist bonnets, Lizzie Sheline, a man like Putin, and II Ultimate Assistant Head Coach responsibilities.
Maisy Glick, leave Kenzie Possee our French House bathroom, Scottish Hamlet readings, bitterness, and a lank you for my Webkinz addiction.
Glaisy Mick,leave Evan Stark train journey memories, waffle shirts, and the crown for King of Puns.
Maisy Glick, leave Dane Johnson a Disney Princess ball, my pasta necklace, and an appreciation for Dane ixes 1, 2 and 3.
Large Marge, leave Not Dane baby burritos, my secrets room,and a mother's love.
Maisy Glick, leave Dane, Evan,and Nick family dinners and our favorite conversation topic.
Marcus Gould,leave Bickerstaff all of the votes that I took out of the ballot box, the front middle seat in PUSH,and the group chat naming rights.
MG,leave Jeremy Levine the keys to the Volvo and my college counseling skills.
MG,leave Greenwood my skills as a diesel mechanic and your truck, which is somewhere in the back of the Volvo.
MG,leave Lui four Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos®.
MG,leave Alex Fabri the second B in his last name and the US Open hat.
MG,leave Danger and Merc a Boys HS Red Championship and charged surfaces for physics.
MG,leave Jesse the trash.
MG,leave the Honors/AP Spanish Crew my meticulous notes and fully corrected tests.
MG,leave BSods my non-captainship and the rest of the ski team my sage wisdom and positivity.
MG,leave Caroline Borden the DSL.
Emily Grussing, leave Erin An chocolate, every honors math class at Williston, AP Chem, AP Bio, edited college supplements, hester, her heating blanket that I stole, and 100 years of pain.
Emily Grussing, leave Sam Newman Trunk River, Blonde Newman,the potted plant I knocked over on her porch, my sheets om freshman year, the phone caddy, peanut butter M&Ms, unreplied-to Snapchats, and the floor of room 300.
Emily Grussing, leave Annika Smith every February long weekend at my house.
Emily Grussing, leave Taylor Cheria "Get her, take her socks off," 4-hour long phone calls, Bonzei and Zebra, assessment week oup naps in my bed, her favorite Grussings, her senior boyhood, and an endless supply of summer stories.
Emily Grussing, leave Coco all the clothes I've ever stolen from her,showers,fuzzy Christian socks, and my superior Cum Laude mmunication skills.
Emily Grussing, leave Ben Cuca our similar interests, best friendship since orientation, accidentally- sent selfies, and AP English.
Emily Grussing, leave Emily Yeager Community Service Club, swimming,infinite hugs, and adorable pictures of puppies.
Emily Grussing, leave Grace McMeekin white cheddar cheese rice cakes, toothbrushing, and secrets.
Emily Grussing, leave Gabriel Joel Jacobson based.
Emily Grussing, leave Matt Steinberg my eternal gratefulness for his presence in AP Chem,lots and lots and lots id lots and lots and lots and lots of tears, my creepy love, unwanted hugs, and never being more than a text away.
Maddy Jerolman, leave the Girls Varsity Hockey team dances in the locker room, undefeated season so far, group chat, my love for ernity, my family forever, and regrouping.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Coco gagging attacks, pizza,5-way group chat, my girl no matter what, massages, penning, and my blonde
Maddy Jerolman, leave Sam Newman M&M's on her floor, double dates, Jeff FeIlion, roommates,freshman year, and sleepovers. Maddy Jerolman, leave Jack Gethings long walks on the beach, back scratches, cherry, blue eyes, day student lockers, the dugout, ghts in the lib, my best friend, sushi, and sweet summer time.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Delaney B my twinny, texts after midnight, babysitting, all 3 seasons together, lifting, boyfriends, and a e-long friendship.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Meg Rickard our secrets, talks about everything, going to Providence, dying in Hamden,cuddles after acy, Journalism, crazy fathers, and a life-long friendship.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Hannah Touzos boyfriends, Latin, spitfire days, laughing buddies, Ferda groupchat, secrets we would never II, stall buddies, horse stalls, and a life-long friendship.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Emmy Mac summer 2013, twin boyfriends, hotel rooms, knifes, car hangouts,sleepovers in NY, Ry Ry, ways having my back, no eye brows,and a life-long friendship.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Chloe Harris twins, heart to hearts, back massages, singing, bruised elbows, and blonde bombshells.
Maddy Jerolman, leave Davey and Talbot four amazing years of hockey, my second mothers,shoulders to always cry on,two 'ople to always laugh with, and two people who helped shape who I am today.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Emmett the first month of our Freshman Year when we hated each other.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Matt all the Sameer Questions that are still to be asked in the future.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Mook and Zach the alarm clock that wakes the 3 of us up at 7:00 AM each morning.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave the JV squash team and Greenwood the infinite talent I possess, and all the broken uash racquets I have destroyed out of anger.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Marie the only two lines I remembered from my freshman year Romeo & Juliet citation, as well as Ophelia's dress.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Julia Maclean everything she wants.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Gabby, Tori, Rob, and Mika an attendance promise to your graduation.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Scroggins, Marshall, and Curt, all the Chipotle Sour Cream Antonio's can produce.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Coach Conroy all my attendance units and lates and every football I have "accidentally" taken after practice.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Jake Ross all rights to number five to wear it proud.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Natalia and Dina my diploma.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Imran and Veta Adey's EYBL jacket.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Conant all my Cuddi Robinson dude's and Gingy Ails.
Sameer Jhaveri, leave Steph the strings on my neck.Lapolla, Rutherford, Blayne, Biddie, Chambers, Choo, Davey, Doubleday, Ms. rsland, Syfu, Talbot, Pelliccia, and every other teacher in the school my loud annoying voice; leave Tammay, Vikram, and Nithish crown to the up and coming Indian Brotherhood.
Dane Johnson, leave Maisy, Nick, and Evan (the family) no-phone diner trips that I will miss next year.
Dane Johnson, leave Charley Mercier a small black iced coffee and two donuts totaling $3.57, and soccer uments.
Dane Johnson, leave Terry O'Brien my pair of boxers that blocks the flashing light and THE pizza box.
Dane Johnson, leave Morgan Fogleman the one and only purple jacket.
ane Johnson, leave Ted Carellas the face that I make that I know you love and sarcastic remarks.
Dane Johnson, leave Bryan Hong the memory of an unstoppable combo in the first four games of the soccer season.
Dane Johnson, leave Anthony Aquadro a figurative use of the word "literally".
Dane Johnson, leave Jenna Phelan my correctly shot bow and arrow.
Dane Johnson, leave Charley Fogg the mercy rule in FIFA.
Dane Johnson, leave Elie Small cream and sugar for your coffee.
Katie Lucchesi leave Melissa Falcone Tandem in health services, Lancer Pride, how not to write a screen play, The Williston Book Club, Mt. Toms for 2 weeks, a very high pedestal, lots of black clothing and Prada, and the illuminati.
I, Katie Murray, leave Jen CareIlas awkward parties, twin day, Emily Mr. Hill's House,Sophomore year, crying spells in European History, and forever friendship.
I, Katie Murray, leave Hannah King countless debates, family dinners, Ms. Brown's advisory, secrets, What do you call a sleep-walking nun?, and endless compassion.
I, Katie Murray, leave Loren Po disruptive laughing fits, Writing Center discussions, first free, popcorn chicken and Tumblr every morning, physics help, y risas para siempre.
I, Katie Murray, leave Cameron Hill, Nate Gordon, and Ava McElhone Yates sleepless nights of copyediting, three-hour-long conference calls, editorial meetings in Starbucks, and the feeling when we open the new box of print newspapers.
I, Katie Murray,leave Kenzie Possee relationship advice, The Roar, the bae, and finding out all my jackets are from a children's store.
I, Katie Murray,leave Ms. Maisy Glick lunches, ridiculous voices, laughs, never having each other's number, and pre-calc.
I, Katie Murray,leave Ms. Mantegna, Ms. Brown, Ms. Klumpp,and Ms. Magovern endless thanks for teaching me more about myself a the world around me than I ever thought possible.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Coco walks to the gym, my blanket, Gus, Johnson, my driving skills, FBI missions, wasting gas, my Cape house, my bed, massages, sandy sheets, surprise visits, 11.9%, forever bestfriendship, and anything anyone ever tells me.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Annika Canada, cold wars, DMCs,and just one skittle.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Jen secret relationships and JV hockey.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Taylor the spot, Surf Drive beach, the tree Coco hit three times, and of course room 30
I, Samantha Newman,leave Emily the bottom bunk of Beckett, hundreds of pictures to T,Trunk River, and my do couch.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Maddy shark attacks, Jeff FeIlion, my yogibo, and all of my belly button rings. I, Samantha Newman,leave Tara prosciutto, bus rides, and non-existent boundaries.
1, Samantha Newman,leave Ben the stairs of Coco's house and that walk to Dunkin.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Mel the waiter at Toni's, and head massages.
I, Samantha Newman,leave Justin an amazing next three years at Williston as you're going to do great things.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Dane Johnson, Ted CareIlas, Colin Brown, and Elie Small late night cards against humanity games, House Hunt International, Fifa, and tons of pickup basketball.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Steve Goldsmith and Anthony Aquadro mangos.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Connor Murray Lysosomes.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Evan Stark puns.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Charlie Fogg SportsDorks.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave John Kay competitive wrestling matches.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Matt Cullen D free and Muji.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Jay Brennan the boys.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Noam several chill sessions.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Milo Cowles unproductive study sessions.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Evan Cavanaugh a gallon of water.
I, Terry O'Brien, leave Jacob Zaranek and Tim Fay the Orange Line.
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Sameer Jhaveri a yumper,a yoyo,a bop,a ratchet, ape-ing, #ClassOf2020, and four unforgettable years.
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Waleed Eltigani Reese's, Sprite, kindness, Eliteness, high pain-tolerance, and beans.
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Matt Cullen Taylor Swift singing, JV Ball, the title of "Senior Stats Master," and four superpower-filled years.
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Nick Hill a long-sleeved orange shirt, grey shorts, and plain white socks.
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Tyler Greenwood the best paper plate award of all time.
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Cade Zawacki meditations and a cynical viewpoint on economic proposals
I, Emmett O'Malley, leave Nate Gordon never-ending bad, bad, bad jokes and the Root Beer Tree.
Senior Wills
Emmett O'Malley, leave Rob Champigny my imaginary spot on the Honor Roll.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Maddy Scott Elmett O'Katz, endless impersonating, and dessert for breakfast.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Lena Gandevia something ethical,"Uggs? No?", and unoriginal nicknames.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Paisy a Mensil and Josie the memory of my friend Jessica.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Natalie Aquadro all of my Nataquanfidence.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Brittany Engelman the best handshake Williston has ever seen.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Marshall Rizzuto "Yeo!"
Emmett O'Malley, leave Michael Dareus something in my will because as his father it's the least I can do.
Emmet O'Malley, leave Ray Kim and Bryan Hong, Chinese Checkers, and rude comments in Chinese.
Emmett O'Malley, leaf Evan Stark a tree-full of puns, and a pun bell that will reverberate through the English halls for generations to me.
Emmett O'Malley, leave Elyssa Katz #GNOAT and something ineffable.
Jenna Phelan, leave Beatrice Morgan Fogelman a flight of stairs to fall down, memory of Dane Johnson,and the JV Puck squad to ach.
J, leave Jules the wilderness buddies, and my friendship forever.
enna Phelan, leave Marge December 26th, twin day, and Pengie.
Jenna Phelan, leave Lo chipotle and Bae.
Jenna Phelan, leave Calvin Palo Alto and buffalo chicken quesadillas.
Jenna Phelan, leave Ted sarcasm, my sides, and lots of laughs.
Jenna, leave Em Dunkin and my only friend.
Jenna Phelan, leave the Varsity Ultimate Team a whole lot of beggles, tournament wins, and peanut butter.
enna Phelan, leave Marcus Tandem lunch dates, memory of Bickerstaff, and JK's blue-flowered shirt.
sa, leave JackJack lots of JV Puck games to win and all of my coolness as it's still more than yours.
enna Phelan, leave Sam Atkins basic algebra skills and messing up every chemistry lab.
Jenna Phelan, leave Bickerstaff Ronaldo's hair, perfect high-fives, and a hug from Mr. Teller.
Jenna Phelan, leave Noah the mob.
Jenna Phelan, leave Dane Welcome to the Jungle, the seat next to me at breakfast, and almost a dozen donuts per week.
Jenna Phelan, leave Williston the best four years of my life and a huge thank you.
I, Emily Peirent, leave Alex Li many heart-to-hearts on walks, in the library, and random times waiting to be picked up where we tried to figure out our lives; I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.
I, Emily Peirent, leave Nate Manwell a couple of pencils, so he doesn't have to take mine, and a schedule, so he might finally know where he's supposed to be going.
I, Emily Peirent, leave the gang(you know who you are)the view from on top of Mt. Tom,a day at the beach, • survival of NYC, various movie nights at the Hill's, and the promise of many more adventures and memories to come.
I, Emily Peirent, leave Umi Keezing similar food and book preferences, birthday cards, numerous shared classes, and many happy memories with many more to come.
I, Emily Peirent, leave Noah Jackson a birthday dessert that will be more than situationally appropriate, sass, and thanks for keeping the rest of us grounded.
og staff member Emily Peirent, leave Editor-in-Chief Hannah Lee no blank pages, flurries of panicked late-night emails, and various Ils that must be useful sometime later in life such as pestering people,sending mass emails, delegating, and organizing; we did it!
mily Peirent, leave Hannah Banana many shared classes, lots and lots of laughs, so much love, and four years that are just the ginning of an amazing friendship.
mily Peirent, leave Matt Steinberg a pair of gloves, a newfound appreciation of The West Wing,a better understanding of my sarcasm. wonderful years of friendship, and a difficult-to-categorize whatever.
mily Peirent, leave Cameron Hill a bowl of popcorn to enjoy while laughing about a year that turned into a soap opera, long phone Is about everything,laughing, crying, mutual support and advice, a huge amount of thanks, and so much continuing love.
mily Peirent, leave my entire Williston community a deep gratitude for some of the best moments in my life, support during the harder es, and the opportunity to grow from the shy girl who stepped on campus six years ago to the person I am today.
rem Natalia Baum. Janycc Carey, Taylor Chcria, Olivia Cue‘as, cone, Gabby Foderaro, Morgan Fogle
Mi Kim, Mary Koback, Sarah Lee, Zo n. Myro Marioghae, Mary McCarth. Peranowski, Grace Quiscnberry,sone, Erika Sasaki. Elizabeth Sheline. Annika Sri
Dina toto, -Jade ewin iona aroli e Mu ant, exis yan, rina , haying Tan and ioya-J ade Le wi
Mrs. McDowell
Melissa Falcone '15 and Janyce Carey '15
ka Smith '15 and Yoonji Ki
Caroline ..\111icant
: . n An,• i s, Delaney Beh skas, Abby Berry,.len Cavazuti, Serena ling Joy Chen, Janessa Cheung, Morgan Fisher, Summer Flemister, Alisa Galeeva, Regina iryunova, Danielle Grant, Emily Grussing, Soo Jeong Han, Chloe Harris, Mar Harris-Kuiper, Emily Herbst, Chi Anh Hoang, Violeta Ilina, Madd Jerolman, Julia Krupp, mily MacDonald, Grace McMeekin, Gabriella Moiv o, a.i ovassaghi, Sam •enia Nosyrye4a, Jenna Phelan, Meg Rickard, Tara carper, Grace Simpson, Tara elle Tegtme)er, Hannah Touzos, Yu Chen Wang 1- .-th Warneke, Molly u Zheng
ma, n Eu , Isa and
Delaney Dclinskas and Chloe Harris
Meg RoampipilirseD
ckard and E acDonal
Alicia Lima'15 and Julie Lord
Julie Lord a, Yuchen
Akpoveta lres Barreia Jain _la Breni Colin lhown, Sam Cawley Chen, Max 'hipouras, tdl Depbey, Ky Douccit,( lie Fogg, Alex (ianter, Nit Hamilton. Inn an I lavani-Deen. Ryan Jeong. Dime J ras, John Kay, l)ong lb Ki Zach Maddox, Nate Manyk ell, Teti v O'Brien. rinmett °Ala e , hori, Caleb Parker, Christian Pen . RVAn Richmond.(doh RomacV„facob Salerno..loe Sansone. N' Harry Shea. Hic Small. 1 -r,ii •;torl:. Ste\ cn mi. Kolhy lenchnge. and Emmen Vint
Norio Chan '15, Ray Kim '15, Evans Ch en '16, Ant 15 and Mr. Lipnick
Teddy Ca Gandano, I, Chris L leb as. Notio Ch' ni Geschickt 11. , Evans Quinn Anthon
t C'hin-Yu In, Kieran ung, Tingchi Pashchenko, Saul.
Ford Hall scilior bo s enjoy a nht out.
Kenzie ssee, Hannah
ssie Park '16. Maisy Glick '15 and ivian Ting '16 excited to see what's itside French dorm.
Brandon Bork, Henry Broeksmit, BradterBudimit+r uson, Isaiah Fontaine Patrick Gallagher, Jack R.J. Guardia,James Hatch,Chns Tan may41.111111111e4 Killeen. que,Cody Lindsay, Justin Lindsay, Andrew Lui, Shane Mason,Curt McLeod, Aidan Rai. izzuto, Zachary Rouleau, Daisuke Sasakawa, Tyler Scroggins, Chia Hung Wei, and Yifu
Waleed Litigani 1
Mark Wei '17 and Sitai Chen '1 7
Isaiah Fontaine
Chris Hudson
g Jt , Nicholas Dalzell, Micha, D' mbrosio,John Kelly, ame Mahoney, Long Nguye Phillip ParenNKhanh Pham, Cole,Reynolds, Nicholas Schofield, Brendan\ aeffe - t Ju Sheri, and Jacob Wiki
1)anny Mahoney and Jack Kelly
Gao,Seungill ngt, e Li, Harshv h •Andrew ShiaTirmi m
'ndrew Shia + Huang, and N
James Kim '15 and Bryan Hong
Pun Shusang '15 and Sean Hu '16
Jordan Sansonc
.1 laying Tang and Grace Quisenhcrry
cca Sundel '17 andAlphSlaugluci '
Vials Glick 'I5 and Kenzie Possec I
Sidcv;i 1)ill '16 4arie Innare
Car ne Musicant'17, Alexis Ryan '17, and Gabby Foderaro '16
Senior Day Students: Anthony Aquadro,Josie Auferoth, Aubrey Berghoff, Sonia Bergh()fl, Jen Carellas, Evan Cavanaugh, Cree Brittany Engelman, Alex Fabbri, Ashley Fitch, Lena Gandevia, Stephen Goldsmith, Marcus Gould, Ben Greernan, Alden Greenwood, Cameron Hill, Noah Jackson, Gabe Jacobson, Emma Kaisla, Sabaat Kareem, Elyssa Katz, Umi Keezing, Hannah King, Ryan King, Emma Lawrence, Jeremy Levine, Alex Li, Charlie Mercier, Ben Moffett, Katie Murray, Emily Peirent, Lorct Po, Callum Poulin, Brenn Quirk. Emily Sillars, Josh Simpson, Olivia Smith, Matt Steinberg, Chase Tanguay,Gabby Thomas, Julia V.,.ine, Kyle Watson, Maya Wilson, and Cade Zawacki
Junior Day Students: Leeanna Albanese, Caroline Borden, liana Brown, Ben Chmielewski. Maitri Dalal, Amelia Derr Foster, 'Justin Frorneta, Calvin Frye, Bella Gibson-Luikart, Lacey Gillis, Nate Gordon, Kail Hastings, Caleb Holmberg Josephine King, Genevieve Koumentakos, Mike) Lloyd, Sarah Lucia, I laley McCreary, John Ross, Maddy Scott, Jia Smith, Cam Stanley, Alyssa Stevens, Megan Szawlowski, Neysa Tapanes, Calvin Ticknor-Swanson, Jess Wendelken, \Vise, Teddy Wolfe, and Caroline Wysocki
mcis. Flannah Fitzgerald. Abbie , Aaron James, Quinn Johnson, un Shao,'Fonla Sierros, Davis Maggie White. Kira Wilson, Juli
:.%iy , Natalie Aquadro, a Baker, Saul Blain, phyla Bpnavita, Ale& Bzdel, Cody Cavanagh, Matt Ch. ty, Noah DeVos, an, Henning Fische', id Fitch, Sima Gandey#Qain Greeman,TytirGreenwood, Makenna Hambley, • it-eem, Caitlin Keef • Kim, Owen King, EmilyteRolland, Sarah Maridn, KiranNarv,qtha, Ava McElhone Yates, Gabby Mercier, Michael 'sowski, Emma Morehouse-Hulbert, Neha Nascimento,',,lan Ostberg, Matt Oiling, Tomasz Rduchow • ich Randolph, Gabby Record, Emma Ids, Natalie Richard,Brian Sullivan, Parker Sweet, Catil Ward, Mich. /aranek. and Molly Zawacki, Derek Zewinski
W.:14 Wilinsky, Emil ,sager, Chris Young,
Day Students:
er, Maya Soley, Mika Sovjani, Jaden Tanguay, Risa Tapanes, Jackson Whitlock. and Cameron Ziomek
Owen Albanese, Fiona Bundy, Sophia Carellas, A'Shaela Chaires. Robert Champigny. Caroline Channel', Anabelle Farnham, Fay, Sofia Flores, Maddy Fulcher-Melendy, Megan Fydenkevez, Couper Gunn, Anna I larvey, Josh Holmberg, Michael Janocha, Gabe Moon,
Most, Roya Mostafavi, Jack Phelan, Henry Poehlein, Emma Prouty, Natalie Romain,Sophia Schaefer, Eleanor Scott, Alana Serafino, Bryan
English Department: Kate Biddiscombe, Ryan Tyree, Kyle Hanford, Lynn Magovern, Andrew Shelffo, Matthew Sawyer, Sarah Sawyer, Jennifer Gross, Emily Jablonski, Adrienne Mantegna, Douglas Niedzwecki, Lori Pelliccia, and Emily Vezina
Campus Store: Jane Hannigan and Carolyn Ketcham
Library Department (far right): Catherine Flynn, Mattie Byrd McHold, Mary Paige, and Richard Teller
Science Department: Kenneth Choo, William Berghoff, Erin Davey, Kevin Garrity, Matthew KaneLong, Elizabeth Kay, Michelle Lawson, Jane Lucia, Paul Luikart, Christopher Pelliccia, and Paul Rutherford
sicalPlantStaff(aboveleft): William Archambeault,Wesley Bertrand,Jeffrey Brooks,Daniel Cavanaugh, eHall,JohnLeBlanc,Mark Nadeau, BruceOlander,Thomas,Ouimette.BrucePunska,RandySnyder,and •sopherWerzensky.
14. Mr. Spearing, 15. Mr. Hill, 16. Mr. Cheney, 17. Mr. Berghoff, 18. Ms. Cody, 19. Ms. Michals
20. Mr. McKillop, 21. Mrs. McDowell, 22. Mr. Rivenburgh, 23. Ms. Flynn, 24. Ms. Chambers 25. Mr. Simps
, ,Ms.
Mr. Hanford holds down the Conant fort.
Ms. Noble shows off her dance moves at opening assembly
Ms. Davey and Mr. Koritkoski get "Brave- at opening assembly
Own, Ms. Ram- atib a Brown congratulate Als. Michalski(centr)Q14 recipit4VOT the Hagedorn Chair.
MI Miller and Mr. Harper enjoy refreshments.
Is. Nlantegna kes notes her tablet
Mr. Tyree in hk I ialloween costume.
and LO
Mr. Lipnick, Mr. Hanford, an4 Mr. Cunha take a
enjoy a fall day • pi e during parent-te er meetings. A Mr. Rutherford sel fie.
Mr. Conroy leads the school in applause at assembly.
Mr. Choo
"C-R-O-S-S Cross Country is the best."
Boys' Cross Count
Boys' Cross Country: Billy Ashenden, Nithish Athavan Raja,Bryan Bates, Sam Canney,JJ Celentano, Rob Champigny,Eric Chen,Henry Chen,Jaylen Coaxum, Milo Cowles, Vikram Dalmiya, Oscar DeFrancis, Verdi Degbey, Devin DeVerry, Alex Fay, Arvin Fieldman, Nate Gordon,Samuel Greeman,Tyler Greenwood, Nicholas Hill, Tim Jacques, Adam Johnsrud, Conrad Kang,Tanmay Khale, Ryan King, Alex Li, Afzal Mahmood, Nat Markey ,Emmett O'Malley, Tomasz Paluchowski, Henry Poehlein, Gleb Romaev,Bryan Soder, Andrew Spiegel, Evan Stark, Brian Sullivan, Parker Sweet,Cam Ward,Kyle Watson,Chip Young,and Cade Zawacki. Coaches: Mr. Gunn, Mr. Pelliccia, and Ms. Talbot Syfu
Milo Cowles, Cade Zawacki, and Emmett O'Malley
Cade Zawacki
Start of race
PEPS1A IC ChamponshiP
Scoreboard 10-4
"It's one hill of a sport.'
Captains: Annika Smith, Ashley Fitch, and Rachel Rockwell
Captains: Curt McLeod, Stephen "Bald Eagle!!! _ _ 99
NickGarofaiio Goldsmith, and Evan Cavanaugh '1
Varsity Football: Hunter Adams,John Aylward, Alec Bickerstaff, Jay Brennan, Henry Broeksmit, Cody Cavanagh,Evan Cavanaugh, Matth Channell, Max Chipouras, Noah Clack, Michael Dereus, Chris Espinal, Charlie Fogg, Will Fokas, Alex Ganter, Nick Garofano, Stephen Goldsmith, Guardia,Caleb Holmberg,Josh Holmberg, Mike Janocha,Sameer Jhaveri, Quinn Johnson,John Kay,Kelly Killeen ,Dome Klonggumrai, Curt McLe( Connor Murray, Justin Newman,Julien Nicolas, Kevin O'Sullivan, Ian Ostberg, Phillip Parent, Jake Prossner, Marshall Rizzuto, Zach Rouleau, Andr Shiau, and Derek Zewinski. Coaches: Mr. Conroy, Mr. Doubleday,Mr. Lapolla, Mr. McKillop,and Mr. Sawy
Scoreboard 7-2
Date School Us Them
Field Hockey"
"Team together."
Julia Valine and Maddy Jerolman
Varsity Field Hockey: Hannah Baker, Delaney Belinskas, Caroline Channell, Morgan Fisher, Hannah Fitzgerald, Mo Fogleman,Lauren Helm, Maddy Jerolman, Caitlin Keefe, Julia Lustenader, Tori Palumbo,Alexis Ryan,Lizzie She Meg Szawlowski,Izzy Tegtmeyer, Hannah Touzos,Julia Valine, Jessica Wendelken, and Julia Coaches: Ms. Jablonski and Mrs. Ga
; Alexis Ryan
Julia Lustenacl
JV Field Hockey: Joy Chen,Gabby Dicomitis, Maddie Elsea, Megan Fydenkevez, Maisy Glick, Anna Harvey, Maisie McDonald, Gabby Monaco, Neha Nascimento, Leah Pezanowski, Emma Prouty, Grace Quisenberry, Addie Rogers, Erika Sasaki, Jordan Strum, Lindsay Whipple,and Ellie Wolfe. Coaches: Ms. Anderson and Ms. Klumpp
“Two lines Eagan and IIII focus up."
Captain: Anthony Aquadro
Boys Socce derailfal alma
MO ims smili a I am oda 00it, NO wog i
Boys'VarsitySoccer:AnthonyAquadro, au am, ohn crown, ie uranasin, att ullen, aee tigani, arcus ou , Griffin,ImranHayatu-Deen,BryanHong,DaneJohnson,JoLabrecque,PhillipLee,NateManwell,CharleyMercier,TerryO'Brien, Parker,GlebPashchenko,ChristianPetty,JackPhelan,DaisukeSasakawa,DavisSmith,KolbyTerrelonge,andJacobZaranek.Coach:
or(above): Eric Albanese, Jason Albanese, Ethan Bradway, inDeMaio,ChristopherDenham,MilesGillett,JessupGoldberg k,William Gunn,Robby Hill,Tom Jacques,Benson Luddyn, Aidan McCreary,Luke Po,Owen Randolph,Ben Robesworthy,andMatthewSeltzerCoaches:GarciaandLuikart tr-wallarm11111111%
JV B: Wahabi Al-Nafisi, Veta Aluya, Jo Jo Carbone, Jesse Cassuto, Tiger Chen, Michael D'Ambrosio, Alex Fabbri, Sebi Herrera,Danny Hong,John Kim, Jack Lee,Tiger Lindsay,Gabriel Moon,Tito Ovhori,Joe Sansone, Pun Shusang, Elie Small, Jaden "alTanguay,MichaelWarren,Jackson Whitlock,andDerrickZhao(Left) Coaches:NiedzweckiandBagley
Girls' Soccer
"I will, we will.
Jen CareIlas, Emma Lawrence, and Gracie Simpson
Girls' Varsity Soccer: Dani Anastasovites, Olivia Berk-Krauss, Caroline Borden,Fiona Bundy,Jen Carellas, Sideya Dill, Madison Ful Melendy, Chloe Harris, Gabby Jones, Genna Koumentakos, Emma Lawrence, Emily MacDonald, Julia MacLean,Haley McCreary, Ja Movassaghi, Meg Rickard, Sophia Schaefer, Alana Serafino, Gracie Simpson, Mika Sovjani, Gabby Thomas, Caroline Wysocki,and Zawacki. Coaches: Davey and Co
15 Ntamzitimalfusamis milltaa.,,Ammi1 Nu ykykwakitatumumlatlavglats EN ilk vine-IIIRP-.1r. a mi
s 3rdsVolleyball:SuzyAbreu,KatherineBorden,SerenaChen,Emma erath,GabbieFoderaro,Zoya-JadeLewin,AtahOkaisabar,Sabrina pson,RebeccaSundel,CiaraTapanes,and lyWu.Coach:EmilyGrussing
past your boundaries in all aspects of life, embrace the pain of losing with open arms and take victory with grace, and most importantly never stop giving everything your best effort."
Captain: Ben Moffett
iliffittradv4-1 itititiraiffilaIftfittittIt'ffee.
Noah DeVos -
Boys' Varsity Water Polo: Sitai Chen, Noah DeVos,David Fitch, Alex Foster, Calvin Frye, James Hatch,Francois Kaeppe Ray Kim,Christopher Lansill, Ben Moffett, Nick Randolph, and Mark Wei. Coaches: Berghoff and Biddiscor
Scoreboard 2-13
"Let's get tropical."
Captains: Loren Po and Josh Simpson
Crew Tea
Crew: Alara Akisik, Josephine Auferoth, Camila Brown, Amelia DeFrancis, Theo King, Oliver Lawrence, Michael Lemme, Matt Nguyen, Skylar Nieman, Loren Po, Josh Simpson,Sofia Triana, Maggie White, Emmett Wint, and Teddy Wolfe. Coach: Mr. Ga
Boys' Fourth:(above)Jackson Coyne, Jerry Gao, Miles Gillett, Jessup Goldberg Cook, Ben Comes-Rapoza,Samuel Greeman,Tom Jacques, Oskar Lee, Issei Nakano, Michael Otting, Luke Po,Daniel Simpson, Jack Spence, and Kenneth Ang. Coach: Willis Pollard and Mr. Miller
Boys'JV (above left): Evans Chan,Eric Chen, Henry Chen, Charlie Fogg, Sebi Herrera,Soma Mizobuchi, Connor Murray,Ian Ostberg, Matt Otting, Phillip Parent,Zach Rouleau, Brian Sullivan, and David Yu. Managers: Will Fokas and Derek Zewinski. Coaches: Mr. Ketcham and Mr. Collin
Boys' Third (left): Nithish Athavan Raja, Cody Cavanaugh, Noah Clack, Chris Denham,Chris Espinal, Robby Hill, Jack Lee, Michael Mieczkowski, Julien Nicolas, Jake Prossner, Jason Rhett, Quinn Serafino, and Derrick Zhao. Manager: Imran Hayatu-Deen,Jay Brennan and Kolby Terrelonge. Coaches: Mr. McKillop and Mr. Conroy
"Can you feel the love tonight?"
Captains: Natalia Baum, Dina Dahdul, and Mary McCarthy
Girls' Basketba
Natalia Baum
Girls' Varsity Basketball: Natalia Baum, Olivia Bonavita, Fiona Bundy, Dina Dahdul, Madison Fulcher-Melendy, Maranie Harris-Kuiper, Caitlin Keefe, Sam MAdden,Sarah Marion, Mary McCarthy and Gracie Simpson. Managers: Hannah Baker, Kyle Doucette, Janyce Carey, and Summer Grace Flemister. Coaches: Ms. Fulcher and Mrs. Whipple.
Scoreboard 18-4
Girls' JV Basketball:(below left) A'Shaela Chaires, Caroline Channel!,Isabelle Cheney, Abigail Coscia, Julia Farnham, Sofia Flores, Dylan Fulcher-Melendy, Megan Fydenkevez, Anna Harvey,Fuka Iwama, Ameesia Marold, Campbell Nyarady, Natalie Romain,Ellie Scott, Alex Sugarman,and Ciara Tapanes. Manager: Afzal Mahmood Coaches: Ms. Schneider and Mr. Johnson
"You don't strike people with fists in judo. You hit them with the force of the earth."
Emily Sillars and Henning Fishel
Emily Siliars and Margaret Sirange
Judo: Papa-Sam Essuman, Alex Fay, Henning Fischel, Ben Greeman, Sean Hu, Ryan King, Dome Klonggumrai, Eason Law,Sam Mahmood, Khanh Pham,Tom Pham, Emily Siliars, and Margaret Strange. Coach: Mr. Luikart
Atala Williams, Calvin Ticknhr-Swanson, Makenna Hambley,and
If° "
r n ie Inarelh '15, GabR y ord, Alley, and Leeanna Albanese
..1" aruka Ikemoto, Destiny Nw1a or, Makenna
Haruka Ikemoto
Calvin Ticknor-Swanson, Trinity Sla hter, Gabb and Destiny Nwafor „
Marie Innarelli '15, Makenna Hambley,Leeanna Albanese, nd Destiny Nwafor
Obstacles in Communicatio
Theater Lab includes:
Nick Dalzell
Noah DeVos
Noah Jackson
Umi Keezing
Roya Mostafavi
Neha Nascimento
Matthew Steinberg and Caleb Stern.
Advisor: Charles Raffetto
Tech Theate'
Fall Tech Theater: Shengfu Shen, Aileen Park, Minh Ha,Emily Sillars, Hana Brown, Alice Galeeva, Justin Frometa, Pham,Cameron Stanley, Noah Jackson, Matt Steinberg, Caleb Stern, and Nick Dalzell, Advisor: Raf
Fall Robotics: Eason Law,Jordy Green, Cole Renold,Papa Sam, Margaret Strange, Jerry Gao,Henning Fischel, Luke Po,Tom Pham,Evans Chan, Justin Park, and Ryan Jeon.
Rob Champigny,0I'verLa c" c. K viii O'Sullivan,
Brcnna Quirk '1
inning Painting class wo
Janessa Cheung '15
Dev Okaisabor
NancyKang 17
Harsh Shah '15
rossner'17(top)and Mark Wei'17(botioitI)
Community Service Club: Emily Yeager, Emily Grassing, Natalie Aquadro, Summer Fleminster, Ameesia Marold, Lizzy Warncke,Serena Chen, Grace Quisenberry, Erin An, Grace McMeekin,Genna Koumentakos, Hannah King, Afzal Mahmood,Chris Lansill, Josie Auferoth, Emma Reynolds, Sima Gandevia, and Gabby Mercier.
Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Garrity
PRIDE Club: Molly Zawacki,Erin An,Summer Fleminster, Ann Hoang, Regina Garyunova, Harsh Shah,Janessa Cheung, Henning Fischel, Kiran Marwaha,Pinky King,and Alice Galeeva
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Vezina
The Willistonian: Cameron Hill, Katie Murray, Nate Gordon, Ava Yates, Alec Bickerstaff, JJ Celentano, Cree Daniels, Sideya Dill, Rourke Ferguson, Charlie Fogg,Sam Geschickter, Jack Gethings, Danielle Grant, Maranie Harris-Kuiper, Maddy Jerolman, Kenzie Possee, Meg Rickard, Rachel Rockwell, and Yu Chen Wang
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Mantegna
Sustainable Life Club: Milo Cowles,Evan Stark, Afzal Mahmood,Hannah King, Alex Fay, Kevin Li, Serena Chen, and Alicia Lima
Faculty Advisor: Mrs Lucia and Fred Goldberg
Williston Film Club: Cade Zawacki, Francois Kaeppelin, Sideya Dill, Josie Auferoth, Afzal Mahmood, Yu Chen Wang, Alex Fay, and Tomasz Paluchowski.
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Hing
Girl up Williston: Sofia Triana, Maitri Dalal, Amelia DeFrancis, Maggie White, Pinky King,and Justin Frometa
Williston Fishing Club: Stephen Goldsmith, Mikey Lloyd, Alex Fabbri, Marie Innarelli, Connor Murray, Alec Bickerstaff, Nick Randolph, and Jacob Zaranek
Indoor Soccer Club: Bryan Hong,Issei Nakano, Justin Park,Soma Misobuchi, Nile Buranasiri, Dane Johnson, Imran Hayatudeen, Daisuke Sasakawa, Gleb Pashenko, Sam Atkins, Mikey Lloyd, Phillip Lee, Andres Barrera Jaime,Zack Robbins, and Sebi Herrera.
Williston Academic Team: Ryan King, Danny Hong, Callum Poulin, Kenzie Possee, Alec Bickerstaff, James Kim,and Sarmad Mahmood.
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Swanson
Book Club(farright):MelissaFalcone,KatieLucchesi,MarieInnarelli, TaylorCheria,ConnorMurray,ChristopherLansill,NataliaBaum,Colin Brown,ErinAn,GraceQuisenberry,DestinyNwafor,MaranieHarrisKuiper,SamuelCanney,SummerFlemister,MiloCowles,Isabelle Tegtmeyer,IsaiahFontaine,SamGeschickter,PinkyKing,JenCavazuti, TaraSarper,LizSheline,AbbieFoster,DinaDahdul,JosieAuferoth,Ray Stein,StephenGoldsmith,ChrisLansill,andWillisPollard.
Investment Club: Cade Zawacki,Emily Yeager, Milo Cowles,Fiona Li, Alec Bickerstaff, Alex Fabbri, Terry O'Brien, Matthew Channel, Sarmad Mahmood, Billy Ashenden, Marie I nnarelli, Stephen Goldsmith, and Morgan Fogleman.
OWL!Club: Milo Cowles, Evan Stark, Afzal Mahmood, Hannah King, Alex Fay, Kevin Li, Erin An,Serena Chen, Alicia Lima
Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Lucia and Fred Goldberg
Caterwaulers: Justin Park, Jerry Gao, Calvin TicknorSwanson,Ben Cuca,John Kay, Colin Brown,Elie Small, Chris Lansill, Teddy Wolfe, Danny Mahoney,Patrick Gallagher, Henry Poehlin, Bryan Soder, Josh Holmberg,Jake Salerno, Joe Labrecque, and Kyle Douchette.
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Harper
The Wildest Cats: Isabelle Tegtmeyer, Megan Szawlowski, Dev Okaisabor, Myro Marioghae, Morgan Fogleman, Dina Dahdul, Melissa Falcone,Emma Lawerence, Jasmin Movassaghi, Jacob Salerno, Ray Stein, Janyce Carey, Willis Pollard, Taylor Cheria, Tara Sarper, Jesse Cassuto,Jen Cavazuti, Josie Auferoth, Katie Lucchesi, Haley McCreary, Ashley Fitch, Rachel Rockwell, Curt Mcleod, Maisy Glick, Hannah BAker,John Gethings, Ben Cuca, Charlie Fogg, Mikey Lloyd,Jay Brennan, Annika Smith, Coling Brown,Evan Cavanaugh, Quinn Griffin, Milo Cowles, Matt Cullen, Sameer Jhaveri, Waleed Eltigani, Stephen Goldsmith, Maddy Jerolman,Zach Maddox,Cade Zawacki, Noah Clack, and Rebecca Sundel
Faculty Advisor: Ms. Davey
Widdigers: Sonia Berghoff, Leana Albanese, Summer
Grace Flemister, Sarah Lucia, Marie Innarelli, Grace McMeekin, Molly Wilder, Cameron Stanley, Alice Galeeva, Cameron Hill, Grace Quisenberry, Jen Cavazuti, Sam Madden
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Harper
Janus: Emma Kaisla, Sabaat Kareem, Olivia Smith, Brenna Quirk, Cameron Hill, Kenzie Possee, Alex Li, Emily Yeager,Pinky King, and Maitri Dallal
Caleb D. S. Parker, WNS Class of 2015 Hikes, Cape Cod oysters, endless soccer workouts..we have reated so many important memories with you that will last a lifetime. With all of our love!! Gia and Jennifer Type a message here.
Studywhileothersaresleeping; Workwhileothersareloafing; Preparewhileothersareplaying; andDreamwhileothersarewishing - William Arthur Ward
Keep working hard and dreaming big!
We love you and are so very proud of you. Love, Dad, Mom. Cameron & Molly
All our Love
Brittany Engelman
Congratulations Brittany! We are and always will be proud of you. Continue to laugh and enjoy every day!
Love, Mom, Dad, Alexa, and Cosmo
Julia Krupp
Congratulations. We are so proud of you.
Mom,Amah & Katie
We are VERY PROUD of you and look forward to sharing the future with you!!!!
Aeron, Elan, Ariel, Ean, Mom and Dad
Mom, Dad, Chuck, Ted, Hank, Lucy (and Cici)
Matt Cullen
Taylor Cheria
Taylor, congratulations on your outstanding achievement. We are extremely proud of you. "Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and wiser than you think".
Love, Mom and Dad
C.ongratulations Grace! We love you! Morn, D d, Karly & Brigid
Congratulations Antho! We are so proud of you!
Love, Dad, Mom, Courtney and Natalie ti:5G /Arnow
Alec J. Bickerstaff
A man does what he must- inspite of personal consequences, inspite of obstacles dangers and pressuersand that is the basis of all human morality
-Winston Churchill
Alec, we are so proud of your accomplishments and the young man you've become. We look forward to your continued success and may all your dreams come true!
With love, Mom, Mike, Jane & Sam
e'-)?,a•Je golit,eA.
You've been a joy from the moment you entered our lives. We are so proud of the young woman you've become.
Love, Mom, Dad, Dino & Eddie
MacKenzie Ann Possee
A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievementCongratulations! Love from Craig, Trish, Liz and Scout
Congratulations to the class of 2015
William Fogg and Julie North
Alex Fabbri
e years have gone by so quickly. It s been fun watching you grow into landsome young man! Anything is possible! Congratulations! We are very proud of you!
Love, Mom,Dad & Cam
To the most wonderful smidge in the world! We love you and we are so proud!! Mom,Pop and Jillian
It's a long and splendid paddle you have made. And you put yourself--and your back--on the line as The World is next. We are on the edge of our seats with lovefrom Momo, Dad, Ben & Buddy
Congratulations Dina!
We are so proud of you, your potential for success in life is unlimited and so is our love for you.
Love, Dad, Mom,Somyah & Tarek
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Meg yow &oh ove/taidim ow fatel, hcoui thatyou,tomtla tealoor, mib4fjq. Yow Am*weak al mow peva
Mow, Oad, ,ad h4
You bring a fabulous sense of humor to OUP lives. You have always been loyal to your interests (friends, H20 polo, DD)without compromising who you are. WE appreciate your outlook on life! WE are proud of you and love you for all that you are!
Aubrey Sylvia BErghoff
Sonia Vona Berghoff
You are passionate, creative and thoughtful ....you have kep us on our tOES! WE have , IOVEd watching you develo your talents! You have been an inspiration. WE ar#. so proud!
Laughter is timeless, imaginatation has no age, and dreams are forever. -WaltDisney
"The worldisyourstage." Congratulations! WithPrideandLove, Mom,Dad,Abby&Elsa
Kyle Watson
Congratulations, Lena! We are so proud of you! Lots of love, Sima, Mom, Dad, Jon, Mimi, Anjali, Neelesh, and HungHung
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Congratulations, CSP!
You make us proud every single day. May you always share your love for knowledge with the world and with us! Follow your dreams, be confident, be brave and be true to yourself and continue to amaze us. We can't wait to see what you do next.
Love, Mom,Dad, Mairead and DJ (and two very sweet little dogs who will miss you like crazy!)
Congrats JKG! Love, Mom, Dad and Ky
We are so proud of all your accomplishments. You are a smart young lady with passion and integrity and we know you will find your purpose and pursue it to the fullest.Thank you for being such a great daughter and bi sister. We love you more than words could ever describe Best of luck in all you do and hold on tight to your dreams.
Love, Mom,Dad, Alex, Sophia, Julia and Molly
Congratulations Jen and Ted
You have always been close to each other and to us. We wish you continued success and happiness in your endeavors. With love from your Moms and Dads, Sophie and Families.
Emma Lawrence '15 and Dani
Jay Brennan '1 and Charlie Fogg '15
Olivia Bonavita, Julia Wise, aild Hannah Fitzgerald
The Cheshire Cat: That depends on where you want to end up_
_ Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking-Glass
The Log Staf
The Log Staff includes: Hannah Lee '15, Emily Peirent '15, Emily Yeager, Loren Po '15, Jessi Park, Fiona Li '15, Emily Wu, Pun Shusang '15, Gabby Mercier, and Grace Quisenberry.
Special Thanks to: Susan Happel, Rick Teller, Traci Wolfe, Peter Valine, Paul Rutherford, Jay Grant, Jenna Motyka, and Rachel Hanley.
Photo Credits:
Fall play photos: Joanna Chattman; Fall dance photos: Matthew Cavanaugh; Theater lab photos: Communications
Opening photograph, page 1, Matthew Cavanaugh; Dedication photos: Williston Archives and Communications
Dear Readers,
Four years have passed since I first stepped into my first yearbook meeting, when I was a freshman with little knowledge of what to expect on this journey. "Yearbooking" takes much more than just interest - the book you are holding now is the product of countless hours spent online, just as much running around the campus, far too many emails, arguments, stacks of edits, prioritizing, and definitely a lot of stress. hile the cooperation of the whole school was crucial to this year's success, I would like to take this moment or us to recognize and thank the following heroes without whom the book would not exist.
s. Michalski: Thank you beyond words for all that you do to make this possible each year. You, above veryone else, deserve much more recognition for your dedication to the yearbook. Your careful checks for very picture, caption, and pagination keeps the crew on track for deadlines after deadlines. I give you all my espect for your integral part of the whole process and a huge thank you for having supported me through it 11
mily Peirent: We did it! I cannot thank you enough for having been the supportive, organized, and incredibly eliable editor and friend that you are throughout our time at Williston. You are the most diligent, responsible, nd caring person I have ever met, and I am so glad to have had you by my side. Truly, love you and thank ou.
mily Yeager and Loren Po: The biggest photo credits go to you. Thank you for your selfless commitment to aking each page possible and for bringing your positive spirit to the whole process! Thank you for choosing e book over your other busy schedules and your invaluable part in it.
Emily Wu, Jessie Park, Pun Shusang, Gabby Mercier and Fiona Li: Your priceless dedication to the yearbook is fully appreciated. Thank you for devoting your precious time to hold up to whatever tasks you were assigned with grace.
To the Emily's, Jessie, and Gabby: I am sure of your success as you soon approach your own editions - I wish you my best luck and please know that I will be here for you!
On behalf of the whole log staff, I am proud to present the 2015 edition of The Log to all of you. It is to celebrate our times spent together, both the goods and the not-so-goods. With our theme "A Parting Shot," we tried to capture our best moments when we laughed together, cried together, and grew together as people. Our biggest hope is that one day, you will read this ook and recall the gleaming moments of your life when we were all one, here, at the Williston Northampton hool.
Yours Truly, Hannah Lee '15
Dear Class of 2015,
Writing my annual yearbook letter this time around is a little different, since I do so both as a parent of one of your classmates, and as head of school. In each of those roles, I am incredibly proud.
The Class of 2015 accomplished so much—those of you who have been on the long six year journey, and those of you who joined Williston for just one year. Together, you have left your imprint on the school's long history, the last class to graduate before we celebrate Williston's 175th anniversary.
Of all that happens in a year, especially in such a pivotal year as the one you have just completed, what will be your most salient memories? I doubt any of you will forget one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record. Just to remind you as you read this in later years, we had a record cold day of minus eighteen degrees below zero, and a Head's holiday on the day of the blizzard.
In an age when everything gets documented by "selfies" or other forms of social media, you have many parting shots for Williston's record books. The football team's epic bowl game,falling one point short in a true-grit Williston come from behind effort; girls' varsity hockey team's incredible run while skating a dozen players; All My Sons, and As You Like It; varsity girls' and boys' basketball; the Caterwaulers and Widdigers singing with big numbers; and memorable speakers gracing our new space in Steven's Chapel.
So my parting shot to you is to ask that you never forget those who helped get you to where you are today or at some future point in your lives as you look back on your Williston experience.
Hail to Williston Northampton!
Mr. Hill
The paper fiber used in this yearbook was responsibly sourced.