when waiver of a specific course is involved, the department head. Seniors, including post-graduates, who are in jeopardy of failing a year-long course, or who
have failed a first trimester course, may be asked to withdraw from the school at the end of the fall trimester.
ACADEMIC POLICIES COURSE LOAD Students in grades 9 through 12 are expected to take five courses each trimester, and students should expect about 45 minutes of homework from each class every day. Occasionally, a student might be permitted to take six courses for a trimester, but only after approval by the academic dean.
courses, placement in these courses is ultimately made by the academic dean in consultation with the academic departments. In the Upper School, there are sometimes more courses offered in a trimester than will actually be taught. For most courses, it is necessary to have a minimum enrollment.
When a student enters the Upper School, his or her academic program is designed by the academic dean after a review of the student’s records and any notes made by an admission officer during the student’s interview. For returning students in both the Middle and Upper Schools, the academic program is drawn up initially by the student and the student’s faculty advisor. Students are advised to talk with their teachers about course choices and placement, and parents are urged to participate early in the process through consultation with the faculty advisor in April and May. In June, the academic departments and the Middle School faculty provide the academic dean with the names of those students who are recommended for placement in honors and/or Advanced Placement (AP) sections. While every effort is made to respond to legitimate requests for specific courses and to keep students and parents informed about the status of requests for honors and AP
All AP courses follow approved syllabi, which prepare students for the AP exam in May. All students enrolled in AP courses are expected to take the associated exam. (The cost of each exam in 2020 was $94.) The very rare exceptions to this policy are reviewed by the AP teacher, the academic department head, and the academic dean.
ADD/DROP (UPPER SCHOOL) At the beginning of the fall trimester (for year-long courses) and at the beginning of each trimester (for trimester electives), an Upper School student may use the established course change procedure to withdraw from a course. No record of the course will appear on the transcript if the withdrawal occurs before the Friday before interim comments are recorded. With the exception of these time periods, all withdrawals are recorded Withdrawn/ Passing or Withdrawn/Failing. No requests for withdrawal from a course may be considered or approved more than seven days after interim com2020-21 COURSE OF STUDIES 3