IFSMA Resolutions 2013
IFSMA Resolutions 2013 comprises the resolutions as approved on 17 April 2013 by the delegates (15 National Member Associations and 4 Individual Members) of the 39th Annual General Assembly of IFSMA, the International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations, held in Melbourne, Australia. The resolutions passed by the AGA form the basis of the future IFSMA policy. IFSMA, supported by its National Member Associations and Individual Members, is the Serving Shipmasters‘ International Voice with Consultative Status at both, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Drafting Group for Resolutions of the IFSMA 39th AGA Captain John Dickie Captain Peter Turner Captain Willi Wittig (Chair) Edited by Captain Willi Wittig Proofread by Mrs. Roberta Howlett Printed by RICOH, Bremen, Germany IFSMA Executive Council President: Captain Christer Lindvall Deputy President: Captain Koichi Akatsuka Vice President: Captain Jerome Benyo Vice President: Mr. Marcel van den Broek Vice President: Captain Remi Boissel Dombreval Vice President: Captain Marcos Castro Vice President: Captain Bjorn Haave Vice President: Captain Hans Sande Vice President: Captain Willi Wittig IFSMA Secretariat Secretary General: Captain John W. Dickie Assistant Secretary General: Captain Paul R. Owen Administration Officer: Mrs. Roberta Howlett International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations 202 Lambeth Road London SE1 7JY • United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 7261 0450 Fax: +44 20 7928 9030 Email: HQ@ifsma.org Website: www.ifsma.org © IFSMA, the International Federation of Shipmasters‘ Associations, April 2013. All rights reserved. © Cover Photo: www.orlandespero.blogspot.com
IFSMA RES 1/2013 (39TH AGA)
Dealing with Fatigue The delegates of the 39th IFSMA Annual General Assembly held in Melbourne on 16 and 17 April 2013 Recalled with concern the findings of the European-study “Project Horizon”; Realized the urgent need for further dissemination of the findings and recommendations of the “Project Horizon”; Request the active, professional involvement of all IFSMA Member Associations in disseminating the outcome of the “Project Horizon” to their member Shipmasters, national administration, port state and flag state authorities and national ship-owners. Request further that IFSMA Member Associations make use of the MARTHA prototype maritime fatigue prediction tool when addressing the aforementioned parties. IFSMA RES 2/2013 (39TH AGA)
Criminalization of Shipmasters The delegates of the 39th IFSMA Annual General Assembly held in Melbourne on 16 and 17 April 2013 Noted with the greatest concern the ongoing trend to criminalize Shipmasters as the result of many maritime incidents; Noted further the recent tendency of some administrations to also charge the Shipmaster and other seafarers with offences arising from pollution, environmental damage, other offences arising from international conventions, in particular the Maritime Labour Convention; Noted that the interest of the ship-owner may not coincide with those of the Shipmaster; Recommend that Shipmasters should take advantage of the opportunity to purchase identified covers, e.g. the IFSMA MasterMarinerProtect Benefit Scheme. IFSMA RES 3/2013 (39TH AGA)
Shipmasters Administrative Workload The delegates of the 39th IFSMA Annual General Assembly held in Melbourne on 16 and 17 April 2013 Recognized the findings of a recent survey and study conducted by the Danish Maritime Officers (DMO) which identified that there is an unsupported amount of time being spent on administrative burdens having little bearing on the operation and safety of navigation; Support the survey and study and will further the aims of the DMO.
International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations 202 Lambeth Road London SE1 7JY United Kingdom Phone: Fax: Email: Website:
+44 20 7261 0450 +44 20 7928 9030 HQ@ifsma.org www.ifsma.org