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Omar Hernandez Food in the Right Places
by Will Road
Food in The Right Places Omar Hernandez
Peanut Butter on toast. Next to a steamy glass of hot chocolate, because I don't really like coffee.
A plate of tacos. In a restaurant where my parents used to go on dates, In the heart of a little town in Mexico.
In’n’out burger. On the sunny California coast, with family you haven't seen in years.
A breakfast burrito. In the middle of nowhere Wyoming, served by some ladies that made you feel right at home.
A Cinnabon. In the biggest gas station, I’ve ever seen. Of course, it was in Texas.
A dollar slice of pizza. Right in the heart of Brooklyn, talking to folks you just met.
A Cubano. Right on the tip of Florida, soaking up the sunshine, and the music.
A good bowl of gumbo. Near the swamps of Louisiana, watching out for gators.
Freshly steamed lobster. Right off the boat, on a fishing dock in Maine.
A Coney Dog, with everything on it. At any coney in southeast Michigan.