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People in transition reconstruct their identity and connect to the memories of previous environments and experiences to make compromises to fit in the new atmosphere. As international students we were our own subjects. Being a global nomad seemed to necessarily require us to adopt ad-hoc behaviours to reconcile our sense of ourselves as we had been, with ourselves in a new context. The things we choose to bring or newly acquire are invested with a tension between where we have been and where we are that gives texture to our daily lives. The way people adapt and cope varies between individuals and this publication makes this private process public and reveals the diversity of approach. The artefacts may be sentimental, cultural or practical but for each of us they are tools we use to reconstruct our identity and create meaning in a world of flux.


Davide, Italia. I due oggetti rappresentano memoria, lontananza, vicinanza, identità . Sia la macchina fotografica che l’illustrazione hanno trasformato molti momenti in ricordi, molti attimi in immagini. Davide, Italy. The two objects represent memory, distance, closeness, identity. Both the camera and the illustration have turned many moments in memories, many instants in images.


From Adelaide, Australia It is in my nature to ‘nest’ wherever I go. I need a sense of home even if I know my stay will be temporary. Part of my method of coping with my ever-moving life has been to piece together a kind of kit, without meaning to, of items with both practical and emotional value that remind me of the part of myself that is the same wherever I am and equip me to more more seamlessly adapt to the unexpected. A kind of preparation for ad-hoc possibilities. The mug is a token of the first time I travelled alone. A handmade gift from a new friend in a new place. Since then I have taken it every time I moved and it’s the only mug I ever drink from at home. Initially this was out of fondness for the object but it has become an intentional practice that can comfort me anywhere with the familiarity of the ritual. The tea might change but the experience is made the same via the mug. It reminds me that I have to be resiliently at home with myself regardless of the surroundings. A simple square scarf provides a great deal of versatility in it’s function and mine is no different. I started wearing it during a time when I was commuting between my house, work, university and my now-husband’s house with my possessions spread inconveniently across those locations. I would often borrow things from him or his sister to wear and this scarf was one. I became so attached to borrowing it that eventually I traded something of mine to keep it. I love it so much that it has become somewhat of a uniform and I often leave the house using it one way (wearing it) and come home using it for something else (carrying library books).


Ziploc bags, clip and band Because of space shortage, Ziploc bags for use with different products replaced bulky containers. It is convenient, durable, and efficient transportable bag that is compact, simple and sustainable at the same time. Swiss Army Originally the Swiss Army knife was to be suitable for self-defense. They are efficient lifesavers under one ergonomic convenience. Since it is a multifunctional tool, it provides productive settings to extremes. Passport Hard disk Besides providing vast storage space, the external hard drive can store files of hard copies across multiple devices with ease, accessibility and security. It contains catalogs, tear sheets, notes, and photos that would otherwise be left in a filing cabinet and bookcase shelf.


我来自中国。 爸爸说: 擀面杖在春节做饺子那天一定会用到。 我带着它,带着节日里的思念。 跟随我七年的手表,在到达伦敦的第一天失灵了。 直到现在, 它还在进行自己的中国时间。 I come from China. My father said to me, ‘The rolling pin must be used on Spring Festival.’ I brought it with the care and love from the whole family. My watch was broken on the first day when I arrived in London. Still now, it keep working in Chinese time.


Candle symbolized the memories of friends and family. Celebrating my beloved granny’s birthday, we will always light the birthday candles together. Now, relocating to a new environment, I could only recreate the nostalgic memories through the dim light of this digitalized candle mechanism.


在陌生中寻找熟悉,深吸一口烟,细品一杯茶, 静静地看着仙人球。感觉熟悉至极时,即是家。 I am from China. Looking for familiarity in strangeness, it might be taking a deep drag on the cigarette, enjoying a cup of tea or gazing at the cactus. when the feeling of familiar reaches high degree, it is home.

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