• Order of operations, including understanding of exponents
tions, storytelling, competitions, games, and videos.
• •
and square roots Ratios, rates, and percents Pre-algebraic concepts involving variables and patterns, and the coordinate system
Science-6: “Physical Science”
Sixth grade Physical Science provides students with a core introductory course that emphasizes the methods and processes of science as it relates to sustainability. The scope and sequence of this course gives middle school students an appropriate foundation as well as a conceptual framework for further studies Students experience the including renewable energy, contemporary relevance waste reduction, and techof science to their daily nological design. Students lives and make connecexperience the contemporary relevance of science to their tions with other discidaily lives and make connecplines through various tions with other disciplines projects including the through various projects Kidwind challenge and including the Kidwind challenge and Zero Waste project. Red Carpet Waste Reduction project. This course examines the ways systems work in terms of motion, forces, matter, and energy. Course topics include: • Observing, describing, and measuring the physical properties of matter, using appropriate tools and units • Composition of matter, including atomic theory, the periodic table of elements, and molecules and compounds • Evidence of chemical reactions occurring and basic theoretical background for understanding chemical changes; • Affecting rates of change of reactions and effects of the concentration of chemicals on biological responses • Wave properties, focusing on the commonalities of different kinds of waves, including sound and light • Motion, forces, and energy, including the Law of Conservation of Energy • Technical problem solving • Metric system • Graphing • Lab safety • Scientific design including variables, reliability, and accuracy • STEM design process
World Languages, Literatures & Cultures-6
Sixth grade World Languages, Literatures & Cultures courses are introductory courses with vocabulary, grammar, and culture taught through meaningful communication. Within the first marking period, students converse with each other, not only using memorized text but also within open-ended scenarios based on broad vocabulary study. Techniques in the classroom may include the use of skits, role-playing, songs, images, presenta10
Working in the target language, students also learn about aspects of Chinese geography, customs, and culture.
Working in the target language, students also learn about the customs, and culture of France and Francophone countries.
Working in the target language, students also learn about the customs, vocabularies (dialectical differences), and cultures of different countries in the Spanish-speaking world.
Encore-6 Courses Computer Science-6
The sixth grade Computer Science curriculum emphasizes computational thinking, collaboration (including an emphasis on pair programming), and computer practice and programming, mainly through the Lego NXT robotic technology and the Scratch programming language. Through the two environments, students are exposed to the fundamentals of programming and algorithmic thinking, learning how to translate ideas into something a computer can implement. Students also complete algorithmic thinking exercises through off-line activities.
Human Dynamics and Development-6
The Connections element of this course seeks to develop students’ interpersonal and risk-assessment skills, with lessons on values clarification, self-esteem, friendship, puberty, and the effects of alcohol and tobacco consumption. Students will develop a more explicit understanding of how and why they make choices. The course, first, provides information, so that students have and appreciate the importance of having sound factual data on which to base choices; and second, builds social and emotional awareness, so that students recognize factors other than factual data that influence their choices. The Study Skills portion of the course introduces necessary strategies for learning in middle school. It focuses on executive function skills - academic behaviors that influence learning outcomes across the content areas. Students will learn organization, time management, prioritization, and metacognitive skills. The focus of class meetings will alternate between the two content areas every three-to-four seven-day cycles.
Information and Technology Literacy-6: “Technology Users”
In sixth grade, students are introduced to the Middle/Upper School Library Media Center - its organization, resources, and policies. Students learn how to use and locate information in various sources (books, e-books, databases, and the Internet) and evaluate, organize, and present information in various formats (public speaking, formal papers, wiki pages, etc.).