Vijay Driving School

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Vijay Driving School Driving Lessons in Coventry

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About About Us Us

For Fordriving drivinglessons lessonsininCoventry, Coventry,Coventry CoventryDriving DrivingLessons Lessonsand andSchool Schoolisiscertainly certainlythe the best bestchoice choiceone onecan canmake makeand andlearn learnthe theskills skillsininvery veryless lesstime. time.We Wehelp helpyou youget getthe the driving drivingcertificate certificatefrom fromthe thecompany companyand andmake makeyou youindependent independentand andconfident confidentinin driving. driving.

Why Why Join Join Us? Us?

••Fully Fullyqualified qualifiedGrade Grade55driving drivinginstructor instructor ••24 24years yearsof ofexperience experienceininCoventry Coventry ••Very Veryhigh highpass passrate rate ••Speaks Speaksmultiple multiplelanguages languages ••Welcomes Welcomesnervous nervousstudents students ••Pass PassPlus Plussupport supportafter afteryou youpass pass ••We Wework work77days daysaaweek week––Flexible Flexiblefor forlate lateevenings eveningsclasses classes ••Door DoorTo ToDoor DoorService Service ••Most Mostrecommended recommendeddriving drivingschool schoolininCoventry Coventry

Wide Wide Range Range of of Satisfied Satisfied Customers Customers

••Mohammed MohammedOsman Osman ••Sujeet Sujeetnatrajan natrajan ••Reena Reena ••Siddharth SiddharthThakur Thakur ••Asha AshaNanjappa Nanjappa ••Peter Petervowles vowles ••Vishaal VishaalSharma Sharma ••Mateusz MateuszRozmyslowicz Rozmyslowicz ••Robert RobertHarris Harris

••Samir SamirBendale Bendale ••Kunal KunalDhande Dhande ••Manju ManjuBharadwaj Bharadwaj ••Sandeep Sandeep ••Ishwar Ishwar ••Zohra ZohraNadat Nadat ••Sunny SunnySandhu Sandhu ••Manisha ManishaTaggar Taggar

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Vijay VijayDriving DrivingSchool School Address: Address:33 33Rollason RollasonRoad RoadCoventry CoventryCV6 CV64AP 4APUK UK Phone PhoneNo: No:07958 07958594165 594165 Website:

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