Wilson Stuart School
Wilson Stuart School Spring Term A Special Academy
Newsletter Spring 2013 Roll on Summer! Well, doesn’t time just seem to fly! Yet there has been an awful lot of things going on in school. We currently have 159 students on roll, which I think is the highest number of students we have ever had. This term we have had mock examinations, a whole school science day and a film crew working on making a horror film amongst many other exciting events. Behind the scenes a great deal has been going on too. We are very pleased to have Sarah Butler and Rachel Griffiths back after maternity leave. Kim Everton started work in January on secondment from University College Birmingham to develop our new 19-25 provision. (see below) We are very, very excited about the work we have been doing with University College Birmingham developing courses for students from 19-25. The local Authority has agreed to fund places, and up to 15 students will be starting this September. The aim of the programme is to find employment opportunities for these young people. We have already had a great deal of support for this work including MPs and Councillors. With the support of the City we are also bidding for money to build a new centre for these students to study in. In addition, we are also in talks with the Health Service about building a new school health centre to improve our facilities for physiotherapists and nurses. This would include new purpose-built rooms and a much needed waiting area. Our staff and students have again worked tremendously hard this term. School continues to be a happy and exciting place for everyone. May I thank you for your continued support for your child and our school, and wish that you have a great holiday.
Steve Hughes Head Teacher
“We are very, very excited about the work we have been doing with University College Birmingham developing courses for students from 19-25
Caterpillar’s Theatre Visit
Maths Impact Workshop
On 16th and 17th January the children from Caterpillars went on a trip to The Warwick Arts Centre to see a production of ‘In a Pickle’ performed by the exceptionally talented Oily Cart Theatre Company. It was a fantastic interactive experience and all the children were totally engaged and had a wonderful time. The staff at the Warwick Arts Centre looked after us extremely well and even delayed the start of the show for us as we were stuck in traffic - so a big ‘thank you’ to everyone there! On Wednesday 6th March, we held a Maths Parent Impact training workshop for parents in 3.1 and Mangoes group. The aim was to show parents the way we teach the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and the methods used. At the end of the session pupils joined in to play a fun game of snakes and ladders. Pupils have homework to complete linked to the workshop theme of snakes and ladders over the next four weeks. Actively being involved in your child’s learning can dramatically improve their year on year progress! www.wilsonstuart.co.uk
Wilson Stuart School
Spring Term
Bendrigg Residential
Loudmouth Workshop
After a long trip on the coach we arrived at Bendrigg Lodge and explored the surrounding area. In the evening, after a hearty meal, the instructors took us to the Archery range. Students did very well; some staff certainly did not! On Tuesday we went canoeing on Lake Windermere. It was something that many of us have never experienced before. The weather was perfect. Still waters, and calm conditions made it a day to remember. In fact, for many this was the best day spent together as a group. In the evening we roasted marshmallows over an open fire. Yummy. Wednesday was a trip to Ingleborough Show Cave. Two groups were formed to explore the cave and learn about the rock formations inside the limestone cave. Some students were chosen to venture deeper into the cave, which tested their endurance. In the evening we relaxed back at base in a specialised cinema room with a movie. Thursday we stayed on-site to rock climb, abseil, and try the zip-wire. This was pushing many of the students to the extremes of their comfort zone, and allowed them to experience time outside of their wheelchairs. Everybody took part, no matter how daunting they found it, with true Bendrigg tenacity. The evening was topped off with a disco, where Haseeb and Kadeem got to show off their dancing skills. Afterwards, there was a presentation of certificates to all the students who participated in the week. Friday was packing and a filling breakfast to set us up for the journey back home. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their week away and many were sad to leave. Thanks to Mr Dawson for organising and to all the staff for their constant support. Final thanks go to the students for their enthusiasm and good behaviour which made the week away enjoyable for everyone involved.
On the 6th of February 2013 Wilson Stuart had performance company ‘Loudmouth’ in school supporting the education of Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils around sexual health and behaviour. The day consisted of 2 workshops which focussed on growing up/puberty and various aspects of bullying. Children sat in their groups supported by their TAs and form teachers. The first workshop consisted of a 50 min drama scene where 2 children experience changes in their friendship and feelings from year 6 to 8. This followed by repeated scenes which contributed to discussions. The second workshop started with a 20 min drama scene on various bullying in children and adulthood. The session finished with statements which were very specific to our children at Wilson Stuart and revealing traffic light cards to show whether it was appropriate or inappropriate. The fabulous performance captured the staff and student’s attention and was enjoyed by all.
Pioneer Centre Wheelchair Abseiling On Tuesday 26th February, Monkey’s class visited the Pioneer Centre in Cleobury Mortimer for a day of activities. The Pioneer Centre is where Primary children go on residential visits and they are adapting their facilities to make their activities suitable for wheelchair users. We went to the grand opening of the Wheelchair Abseil. The children enjoyed abseiling down the tower and participating in assisted climbing. The children had a fantastic day, really pushed their boundaries and fought their fears of heights. Para Olympian Melissa Nicholls opened the wheelchair abseil and Winston Davis (retired West Indies cricketer) was also at the grand opening.
Wilson Stuart School
Spring Term
SEN Athletics Festival
Science Day
On Wednesday 13th the Monkeys travelled to Stockland Green to take part in an athletics festival along with five other primary schools from the area. Each team needed to get as many points as they could by collecting points in a variety of stations including javelin, target throw, speed bounce and long jump. All of the monkeys did their very best in all of the stations to earn points for the Wilson Stuart team. In the end they came in 3rd place, all students were also competing individually and were awarded either a bronze, silver or gold award if they got enough points. All of the monkeys did extremely well and got at least a bronze with Natalia and Haseeb and one other achieving silver and Daniel achieving Gold. The monkeys thoroughly enjoyed their morning out.
On the 7th March students from Wilson Stuart experienced their very own Science day! Year 6 students from Storywood Primary School also attended and helped out during the day. Students arrived at School to find a big rocket had landed in the car park. During the day students experienced a variety of activities all based around the theme ‘Space’. Students were given a talk on ‘cosmic chemistry’ delivered by an outside agency and some brave volunteers were able to participate in some loud demonstrations! Students also took part in a sensory experience which allowed them to interact with different light emitting objects, play and experience different materials and play games using the iPads.
Communication The Communication Group have had fun chatting to former Wilson Stuart Pupil, Victoria Bates, a communication aid user herself. They have all prepared questions at home to ask Victoria, and have been very keen to find out what she does now she has left school. Daniel (aged 9), a member of the Communication Group wrote this, independently, about her joining us.
During the afternoon students were put into mixed ability groups and had group challenges to take part in. Firstly they had to design a landing device for their astronaut (an egg) to see if they could get it to land safely. Some outstanding ideas were discussed and demonstrated. For the final activity students had to adapt and design a rocket which we then launched at the end of the day!
"This is Victoria and she come on Tuesdays to see how we communicate. We asked her questions. She talked to us. I like talking to Victoria."
Museum Trip On Friday 15th march 3.1 spent the day at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. There were some fantastic exhibits including the Egyptians and the History of Birmingham over the last 200 years. Pupils really enjoyed the day and many thanks to Jo and Shelagh for their help with the visit. Mr Jackson. www.wilsonstuart.co.uk
Wilson Stuart School
Spring Term
World Champion Irish Dancer
Sixth Form Employers Meal
The primary children were spoilt on Wednesday 13th March, when an amazing Irish dancer ‘Victoria Taylor’ performed a soft and hard dance. All the primary children congregated in the hall, carrying handmade Ireland flags and green, white and gold balloons. When Victoria started to dance the atmosphere became electric, everyone was quiet as mice and watched her elegantly float and fly around the room – it was beautiful. The second dance was not so quiet! Victoria was wearing her hard shoes, which have plates of metal attached to them. We all watched in anticipation for Victoria to start, then after a long introduction ‘BANG’ she jumped and threw her feet to the floor, everyone in the room jumped as the sound of the metal hitting the floor roared around the room. Victoria is an inspiration to us all, she has been dancing since she was 7 years old. She found Irish dancing very difficult when she started, always falling down, bruises on her legs, but she always got up and tried again. Just like children at Wilson Stuart who also don’t give up! 10 years later Victoria is ‘the best in the world’ Winning the world championships at the age of 15, a title she justly deserves.
Horror Film Over the last few weeks at Wilson Stuart something Spooky has been going on. Lurking in the Community room some of our students have uncovered something terrifying! ARK Media and First Light Productions have been running filming workshops for a number of our pupils, Filming will take place this Wednesday with David Proud as the lead actor. David played Adam Best in Eastenders a few years ago and was the first full time disabled actor on the Eastenders set. The film is too be submitted to the Edinburgh Film Festival later this year so we wish the Crew and Students the best of luck in making the movie.
On Monday 25th Febuary some of the 6th form pupils invited a range of employers and college representatives, who the school have developed strong links with, to attend an event at Wilson Stuart. The pupils provided their guests with a buffet lunch that they had planned and made themselves. They took great care in organising the event. They planned the layout of the room, the food and drink that would be served and thought carefully about how they would meet and greet their guests and make them feel welcome. The event proved to be a great success and a good time was had by all. The experience of doing this will make a positive contribution to the pupils CoPE examination course.
Dates for the Diary Apr
Snowdome For the third year running the secondary children from 3.5 have been enjoying the snow at Tamworth Snowdome with the help of disability skiing instructor Holly. Many of them have started developing their communication skills by requesting to travel faster or slower. Others have shown us their sense of fun and have smiled the whole way down the slope. We hope the parents will come and watch the children over the next few weeks. We highly recommend the Snowdome to parents!
Jun Jul
15 16 18 06 07 23 24 05 29 04 08 18 19 23
Teacher training day Students return to school Parent’s phonics training May Day Primary residential starts Students break for half-term Teacher training day Parents numeracy experience Garden party Primary parents evening Secondary Butlins residential Primary sports day Secondary sports day Last day of term