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Walking My Truth

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Sharon Maphaha is a Reiki Prac��oner and a mother of two wonderful boys. She holds the following qualifica�ons: BSc (Eng)-Metallurgy and Materials Engineering from University of the Witwatersrand (2005), BSc Complementary Health Sciences from University of the Western Cape (2021), and she is currently studying towards a Bachelor of Complementary Medicine at UWC. She worked in the mining industry for 11 years before returning to school full-�me to pursue her passion in health sciences.


Sharon Maphaha

Lindsey is a dynamic and vibrant leader, who is passionate about personal development, women empowerment and constantly curious about learning new things. Lindsey has spent 13 years in the mining industry, having obtained a Chemical Engineering Degree from UCT (2008), a PGdip from Regenesys Business College(2012), Sirdar Directorship Programme (2018), MBA exchange programme UCLA (2019) and her MBA from UCT GSB (2020). Her aspira�ons include being a board member and con�nuing to transform and shape business landscapes and delivering innova�ve solu�ons that drive sustainability. Lindsey is a mom to three amazing souls.

Lebogang is a process engineer with business advisory skillsets. She completed her undergraduate degree in Metallurgy with the University of Johannesburg (2010) and obtained a BSC Hons in Technology Management (2014) with the University of Pretoria. Lebogang has 11 years of mining experience, including 7 years in produc�on and 4 in consultancy. She is a daughter, sister, aunt, partner, friend, mentor, and an educa�on ac�vist. She is passionate about community development, with par�cular emphasis on the youth and women.

Lindsey Miyen

Lebogang Koto

Boniswa Dladla is a Transforma�on Coach, fulfilling her purpose to enable individuals to catapult their personal and professional lives to live more authen�c and conscious life experiences. She is a process engineer with over 13 years’ experience in mining, process engineering and recently digital transforma�on; she is a mother to two amazing young boys. She holds the following qualifica�ons: B Eng-Metallurgy (2008), B Eng (Hons) Technology Management (2012), Social Entrepreneurship (2018), Sirdar Directorship Programme (2019), MBA candidate (current)

Boniswa Dladla


Women par�cipa�on in the mining industry is o�en untold from the perspec�ve of those who live it, the Women themselves. The ups and downs, the challenges and opportuni�es, the failures and successes, the pure duality of life.

This book is the manifesta�on of a

dream, the pure crea�ve energy of using our lived experiences to share, empower and transform the lives of those who are touched by it.

This book was birthed over a

conversa�on by the authors a�er being in the same room again for the first �me a�er two years. It was a joyful reunion, filled with laughter, story-telling, reminding each other how worthy each one’s journey is. Many would say this is a rare occurrence for women in the

same industry with similar backgrounds. It was a moment wherein we spoke about how lessons shared with each other

have been making a difference in our lives. We shared our dreams

freely like we did while we were s�ll working together.

As always, in true crea�ve peer

pressure nature, as was common amongst the authors, the ques�on at the end of our conversa�on was:

“how can we help you advance the thing you are currently busy with?” It is this spirit of having worked together so well as professionals and being the kind of friends that take a genuine interest in each other’s lives that prompted the idea of sharing our experiences in a book. It is our inten�on with this book to

show others that there is a place for each one of us to walk our

unique path regardless of where we come from.

To the person that feels like they do not fit in, this book will encourage you to appreciate the uniqueness you bring to the table in your chosen career. It is in these pages that we give hope to those that do not know how to work with other

women, as well as those that do not know how to navigate the workplace in which they are the minority. We hope to inspire anyone that has a dream to take the guided steps men�oned herein that they may achieve their biggest dreams. It is our hope for you to walk in your truth in your career by doing the work that resonates with who you are without fear.

In this book we share where we

come from so that our diverse

background in terms of upbringing and family structures can resonate with those who might have thought their background can limit who they can be or become, we share the much-needed awareness

of who we needed to be to thrive

in our career.

This book’s purpose is to empower those who need the strength to take the next step in their career, to share our experiences such that those who are walking the same path can resonate and those who walk besides us can gain understanding, and transform the lives of those who find inspira�on in these pages.

About the Book:

Walking my Truth: A journey of Women in the Mining World is filled with inspiring real-life experiences of how 4 women chose authen�city and took ownership of their mining careers in a male-dominated industry by applying the guidelines provided within.

This book shows you how to be comfortable with who you are, how to deliver in a manner that

resonates with you and your values, how to map your own career, how to reach out for growth opportuni�es, how to cul�vate and navigate the various rela�onships, as well as how to iden�fy and act on the warning lights.

Here you will learn the value for taking ownership of your future from high school, �ps on successfully naviga�ng your way through university and prac�cal ways to take ownership of your career from graduate level and posi�on yourself to achieve your biggest dreams with masterclasses to guide you how to get unstuck and make progress in your career.

Price of the book:


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