Social Report 2022

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Social Report 20 22

Words from the Board

WimBelemDon has gained increasing prominence for providing social assistance to children and young people in vulnerable situation.

Its presence is evidenced through nine pillars, which aim to promote growth of students in a comprehensive, healthy way.

Cognitive development is stimulated through educational activities, while creativity is fostered with workshops and games that encourage imagination and artistic expression.

Ecological awareness is promoted with environmental activities and contact with nature, while emotional growth is worked on in workshops that help in the recognition and management of emotions.

Spiritual development is fostered through acceptance and practice of faith, while social development is promoted with healthy, fair relationships within the community, especially with our employees and their families

Words from the Superintendent

gratitude, honesty, humility, forgiveness, perseverance, respect and tolerance. What a great social transformation we have achieved!

Often, a single activity develops one or more of the pillars. The examples are not exhaustive, but illustrative.

This work is only possible thanks to the commitment of employees involved, who dedicate their time and effort to make a difference in the lives of children. The importance of the project for society is undeniable, as it offers support to young people who, otherwise, would not have access to such opportunities.

We would like to thank everyone who supported WimBelemDon in 2022, for being part of this project of great value to the community. This report brings the materialization of our methodology and our commitment. We are working to deliver much more to society in 2023 and, in particular, to our students.

Win, Win, WimBelemDon!

Physical development is encouraged with the practice of physical activities and healthy eating, while multicultural development is worked on with appreciation of the cultural diversity represented by the children assisted. Finally, ethical development is worked on with the promotion of values as love, altruism, self-acceptance, empathy, generosity, kindness,

A survey* was recently released evidencing the power of the Third Sector. It is made up of non-profit, non-governmental organizations that provide public services in various areas. In the Brazilian economy, the Third Sector represents 4.27% of the GDP, more than double the Automobile Industry (1.73%) and very close to the strong Agricultural Segment (4.57%). Around 6 million formal and informal jobs are generated in this sector. Even with such expressive numbers, the sector is still treated with distrust and contempt. And within this scenario is WimBelemDon.

After starting 2022 with traces of the coronavirus, we returned in March to 100% face-to-face service. Since 2017 we have experienced ups and downs, but we have always relayed on creativity and innovation to overcome this inconstancy and become stronger. WBD’s good management practices and transparency continue to be recognized around the world. Our methodology continues to show excellent results: several former students who just arrived at adulthood have already entered the job market with dignity, carrying and disseminating the good values we work for.

In this report, we describe positive, significant activities and accomplishments in 2022, which will be recorded in our history. But I need to talk about one of the moments. The NGO’s vision speaks of DREAM and the ability to pursue it.

Now imagine what it means for a child to travel to Belo Horizonte and be on the court with the Spanish tennis player RAFAEL NADAL. The impossible does not exist; a dream has come true!

Well, I’m going to propose you a reflection and then make a request. The reflection: think of 5 things in your everyday life that you don’t like and that bother you. Things that happen in our city and in our country and that you criticize, that hinder your life, your business or even the realization of your dreams. I am convinced that most of them would not exist if we had a high quality education. Traditional education has been the same for hundreds of years, and worse: in Brazil we have a huge educational deficit. The request: don’t think like someone who doesn’t plant trees because they will never sit under their shade. Think big, think beyond, think of your grandchildren and generations to come. Education has to be rethought immediately, so that one day we can have a better world. Join us to start changing traditional education! Donate only R$ 30.00 per month! Read this report and learn more about our work. If you think we deserve it, don’t wait for the best time to donate; donate whatever value you can. After all, if all our supporters and followers donated any value, that would be great!

Benôni Canellas Rossi, President Marcelo Ruschel, Founder and Superintendent José Elias Flores Júnior, Vice-President
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Research “A importância do Terceiro Setor para o PIB no Brasil” –Movimento Por Uma Cultura de Doação/Sitawi/Fipe – April 2023



Advisory Board::

Benôni Canellas Rossi (President)

José Elias Flores Junior (Vice-President)

Jean Laub (Secretary)

CAEF – Council for Economic and Tax Affairs Holders:

Rafael Tostes Mottin

Guilherme Burkhart

Luciana Madrid de Madrid

Alberto Eugênio Kieling


Airton Luiz Rohde

Marcio Pinto Ramos

Ricardo Foernges Hoerde

Heitor Morsch Santos


MANAGEMENT 2021/2023

Administrative Board:

Andréa Fortes

Eduardo Bier Corrêa

Marcelo Ruschel

Rafael Pandolfo

Rodrigo Vontobel

Fiscal Board:

Leonardo Baltazar

Mauro Barcellos

Roberto Bianchessi

Investment Committee:

Alberto Setúbal

Felipe Schneider Bressani

Tiago Wallau Kretzmann


• André Anele

• Airton Luiz Rohde

• Alberto Eugênio Kieling

• Alessandro Pastoriza Rodrigues

• Alexsander da Silva Lopes

• André Flach

• Benôni Canellas Rossi

• Carlos Steffen

• Cristiano Testa

• Eduardo Pedroso Frick

• Everton Machado de Oliveira

• Fernando Bartelle

• Guilherme Burkhart

• Gustavo Calleffi


Over the years, the work carried out by WimBelemDon has been recognized at regional, national and international levels. Below are the main awards received by the NGO.

International certification

The Dot Good, prestigious independent media organization that annually publishes The World 200 Top SGOs

• Heitor Morsch Santos

• Jean Laub

• João Carlos Diglio Beltrão

• José Eduardo Soares de Zotti (in memoriam)

• José Elias Flores Jr.

• Lídia Maria Teixeira Rohde

• Liliana Sulzbach

• Luciana Madrid de Madrid

• Luciane Barcelos da Silva

• Marcelo Ruschel da Costa

• Marcelo Vellinho D’Angelo

• Márcio Jucewicz

• Márcio Pinto Ramos

2023 TEAM


• Alain Motta

• Alex Savio Pereira Pinheiro

• Carolina de Oliveira Soares

• Cristiano Alves Santarem

• Jaleska Mendes

• Luciane Barcelos

• Luciara Gomes Cambraia

• Marcelo Ruschel

• Márcio Mauad

• Mariane Fraga de Lima

• Rafael Bernardes

• Raphael Ribeiro Trindade

• Roselaine Rodrigues Camargo

• Valeria Santos da Silva


• Adriana Xavier - Oficina de Xadrez

• Cristiane Brum – Cinema em Quadra

• Martim Merg Muller

• Maurício Meirelles da Motta

• Paulo Henrique Ruschel

• Rafael Tostes Mottin

• Renato Nunes Vieira Rizzo

• Ricardo Foernges Hoerde

• Ricardo Moreira Nuñez

• Roberto Majó de Oliveira

• Rogério Weber Kirst

• Sérgio Antônio Linck de Mello Saraiva

• Sérgio Sbabo

• Silviane Vezzani

• Vanessa Conz

In 2019 we were one of the 13 Brazilian NGOs chosen to participate in the Missão em Foco Program, of Fundação Itaú Social

International certification for Transparency and Good Social Practices by Phomenta, an institution that represents Brazil in the International Committee that monitor NGOs around the world – ICFO

Award that points out the 100 Best NGOs in Brazil in Management & Transparency criteria - 2017 and 2018

ABCR Award - Organization of the Year Granted by the Brazilian Association of Fundraisers - 2016

• Dalvo Franceschetto – Oficina de Bem-Estar e Yoga

• Guilherme Barros da Luz – Psicologia

• Isadora Bulhões Sauer - Psicologia

• Janaína Xavier - Oficina de Xadrez

• Liliana Sulzbach – Cinema em Quadra

• Monica Schmiedt – Cinema em Quadra (in memoriam)


• Rafael Costa Coltro – Estagiário de Psicologia

Anamatra Human Rights Award

- Citizen Category - Awarded by Anamatra - Honorable Mention –2014

Volunteer Partners Award

- Best Social Initiative in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre – 2013

Tennis Award - Best Social Project linked to tennis - Granted by CBT and Tênis Magazine - 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015

ATP Aces for Charity Award - Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) Annual Award - 2014

Brazilian Record for Third Sector Crowdfunding - Fixando Raízes Campaign - 2015

The Nine Pillars of WBD


“All children can have a dream and the ability to pursue it, allowing a fair, selfsustaining society.”



WimBelemDon is a social project that aims to promote inclusion of children and adolescents in situations of risk or social vulnerability, to promote their full development and encourage their leadership. Tennis is the main attraction to attract and retain students, but it is connected to a much richer, more comprehensive work, formed by socio-emotional, pedagogical and cultural workshops, allowing individual and social growth.


• Innovation

• Perseverance

• Transformation

• Empathy

• Transparency

“To promote social transformation in children and adolescents in vulnerable situations, offering tennis practice and cultural, pedagogical and socioemotional activities, adopting a humanized look that respects the limits and stimulates the potentialities of each learner, encouraging them to be protagonists of their own stories, multiplying good values and inspiring the community around them.”

Together with all this, work is developed based on attributes understood as human values necessary for a fulfilling life and construction of a just, egalitarian society. Each one of them – love, altruism, self-acceptance, empathy, generosity, kindness, gratitude, honesty, humility, forgiveness, perseverance, respect and tolerance – proves to be important for students and have great influence on selfknowledge and on interaction with their peers and with society.

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The two homes of


in October

It took a two-year wait, but it was worth it! Postponed due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the exhibition WimBelemDon – A Story of Dreams, Education, Perseverance and Social Transformation was finally able to occur. Initially scheduled for October 2020, as part of the celebrations for our 20th anniversary, the exhibition was set up at BarraShoppingSul, in Porto Alegre, between October 4th and 31st, 2022.

The multimedia project planned for two years impressed guests and visitors, due to the architectural design and content of the program during the 28 days of the exhibition. It was as if WimBelemDon had gained a second home, as in addition to the exhibition’s exclusive attractions, several events were held as part of the institution’s traditional schedule.

The structure set up in the mall included a stage for activities, a wide screen, photo panels and three mini tennis courts, to accommodate dozens of activities. Through performances, lectures and workshops held by our educators and students, we are able to proudly share the history and essence of our work.

The space was also the place for the launch of the second edition of the book WimBelemDon, Uma História de Sonhos, Educação, Perseverança e Transformação Social (WimBelemDon, A Story of Dreams, Education, Perseverance and Social Transformation). Published by Entrelinhas Conteúdo & Forma, the book has 320 pages and has an English version, in print and digital format.

On the first two days, children and young people from the NGO had a lot of fun with free tickets to the HotZone. Partner restaurant, Outback provided delicious snacks for students and staff throughout the exhibition.

This “second home” for 28 days proved to be a great opportunity for more people to understand what SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION means, and to have contact with one of our main attributes: PERSEVERANCE.

Children’s Day inside the exhibition

The 12th of October, such a significant date for our students, did not go unnoticed in the schedule of the exhibition at BarraShoppingSul.

We had the presence of chef Lucas Corazza, our ambassador, who came from São Paulo for such special occasion. He baked cookies with the kids and chatted with everyone. The students of Jovem Recanto Maestro Orchestra also enjoyed the delicious cookies during their visit to our exhibition, in addition to making a beautiful presentation of their Brass, Wind and Percussion Orchestra.


Various activities at BarraShoppingSul

ART WORKSHOP: craft activities, assembly, collage, among others, with the supervision of psychologist Victoria Braga and interns Bruna, Kaio and Rafael.

TALK ABOUT BULLYING: Maria Duha, who has lived in New York for years, where she is a recognized pedagogue, created the Magic Geo platform, which we use in one of our workshops. She came from the USA to speak, on the 11th, about bullying.

GRADUATION CEREMONY: on the 17th we saluted the newly graduates of the Talents of the Future Program, from Algar Institute, in its second edition.

ATTRACTIONS: Sady Homrich and Veco Marques, members of the rock band Nenhum de Nós, together with Instructor Bob Bobspin, got together for a presentation of Musicando que se Aprende, on the 20th. The day before, Sady entertained the audience, alongside the Regional Laranjal band, playing chorinho and original Brazilian samba.

DEBATES: on the 21st, former tennis player and ESPN commentator, André Ghem, participated in the chat about sport as a quality of life, in addition to professional competition, together with tennis referee Paula Vieira and our instructor Jaleska Mendes; on the 25th, former tennis players Vania King and Nicolas Pereira joined Paula and Jaleska for a debate on female representation in the sport.

WBD’s anniversary at the mall

HalloWeenBelemDon, our traditional anniversary event, which celebrates longevity of the project founded on October 31 - Halloween, also took place during the exhibition, and was held at the mall’s Events Center.

Supporter throughout all these years, Ms. Jana (instructor) led the activities, including Halloween games and paintings. Among the attractions, the premiere of the short film “Bonecas Amaldiçoadas 3” stood out, directed by the students under the supervision of Rafael Bernardes, former student and responsible for the Movies on the Court workshop,.

SPORTS WORKSHOP: physical activities to stimulate the body, led by Raphael Trindade, Jaleska Mendes, Marcio Mauad and Caetano Alves.

To end the day and our exciting participation in BarraShoppingSul, Mr. Bob Bobspin presented, on the stage of our exhibition, the performance Musicando que se Aprende, with various interactive songs and, of course, Happy Birthday to You for WimBelemDon, which could not be forgotten.

Happy anniversary and many years of life to all of us!

LEARNING LAB: challenges involving logical reasoning with instructor Valéria Santos.

YOGA WORKSHOP: led by volunteer Dalvo Franceschetto.

Meeting idol

an Students as ball kids

The exhibition match was held at Ginásio Mineirinho (Belo Horizonte/MG) and featured a preliminary match involving other big names in the sport.

How powerful a dream coming true can be? We don’t know how to measure, but we are sure of its power. The year 2022 entered the history of WimBelemDon with the achievement of something unimaginable for us, and even more for the 16 students directly involved with this milestone.

Thanks to the support of our ambassador Bruno Soares, the enormous work of our staff and great financial investment, we managed to take 16 young people, in addition to seven employees, to a meeting with the Spaniard player Rafael Nadal, the greatest male winner of Grand Slam tournaments and a tennis legend. This exciting chapter in the history of the project took place at the end of November, in Minas Gerais, where the Spanish myth faced Norwegian Casper Ruud, number 3 in the world.

A very special tennis clinic

Before the event started, an unprecedented tennis clinic was held: the Rafael Nadal Academy team called several children to play on the gymnasium court. To experience this moment in the best way, we carried out a twoweek preparation with training and guidance for our students.

The first match marked the farewell of our ambassador Bruno Soares, in his homeland, playing alongside the legendary Bob Bryan, and facing his former doubles partner Marcelo Melo, who played with Rafael Mattos, from Rio Grande do Sul.

In addition to watching the game, our students acted as match ball kids – as if they had been doing this for a long time, demonstrating seriousness, respect and agility. Full stadium (over 12,000 people), broadcast throughout Brazil and a great reward at the end: a team photo with Nadal.

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In total, a trip of more than 70 hours and almost 4,000 kilometers, which certainly excited the participants and impacted them for life. And of the many lessons we can draw from this experience, one certainly stands out: dreams are always possible to come true when we believe and take advantage of the conditions to pursue them.

On the occasion, our founder and superintendent, Marcelo Ruschel, handed Nadal our commemorative book for the project’s 20th anniversary, highlighting the page that records the Spaniard’s help in the crowdfunding campaign to buy our land, in 2015. Then, Nadal donated three rackets and three autographed jerseys, which were sold for BRL 90,000 (around 20% of the value of the land), which was essential for us to be, at the time, Brazilian record holders of crowdfunding for the Third Sector, raising more than BRL 500,000.00 and acquiring the land, which until then was leased.

A great adventure on the road

The biggest trip in our history – and the one that took us the furthest too – took place in November 2022. Although the destination was insurmountable in terms of expectations (being close to Rafael Nadal and other big names in tennis), leaving Porto Alegre towards Belo Horizonte (MG) was a unique, memorable adventure. The whole trip took more than 70 hours.

The coach with 16 students and seven employees left on November 24th. Each stop was a chance to discover different restaurants, cultures and landscapes. After more than 30 hours traveling, we disembarked on Minas Gerais, in the city of Betim, in the metropolitan region of the capital, BH, where Fazenda Lírio dos Vales is located. There, we enjoyed the delicacies of the local cuisine, as “tropeiro” beans, practiced sports, interacted with animals and, mainly, had some rest. But the anxiety for the big event and the tennis players only increased. The day after this dream came true, we hit the road back. Our main stop was in Torres, already in Rio Grande do Sul, for lunch at Cantinho do Pescador, one of the most traditional restaurants in the region. For some of our students, an unforgettable first time in the afternoon: swimming in the sea. At night we walked along the boardwalk. Staying at Pousada Vivenda da Barra pleased everyone. And on the 29th, we finally arrived in Porto Alegre, in time to enjoy a “feijoada” on Donate Day, at our headquarters.

A dream come true approx, 4,000 km trip
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More than 70 hours and

at management A look

Our permanent concern with excellence in the work of promoting SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION makes us always look for partners capable of guiding us and promoting efficient management practices and processes. Among these partners is Fundação Itaú Social. In 2022, we took new, crucial steps to qualify the governance of our project. As part of the Missão em Foco Program, of which we have been a member since 2019, we had three face-to-face meetings with different focuses. The program is the way in which the Foundation monitors our work. Its objective is to provide flexible resources suited to the needs of each social organization that is part of the program, in order to contribute to its stability, growth and management, with a view to expanding its impact.


The ability to tell stories

The meetings of the Missão em Foco Program


Integral Development Assessment

Our students and instructors helped in the construction of a document aimed to formulate the Integral Development Index, created in 2022 by Fundação Itaú Social. In the first stage, they answered a questionnaire and evaluated it, with constructive remarks about its content, type of writing, among other aspects. This pre-test was carried out in three partner organizations – our project is the only participant in the state. In this sense, the Foundation prepared the final document, which is being provided to other NGOs, called “Integral Development Assessment”. There are several questions through which respondents report how they see themselves within their groups, within the social project they attend, among their peers and friends, in their families, about the culture in which they are inserted, the culture of their communities and neighborhoods, among other pertinent matters. The Integral Development Index serves as a reference to measure the result of organizations that cooperate in the growth of children and adolescents.

In August, Bruno Andreoni, an advisor hired by WBD with funds from Fundação Itaú Social, visited our headquarters for a special work with employees from different areas. Bruno specializes in Communication, the focus of this activity in 2022. With group dynamics and conversation, over three intense days of exchanging experiences, the consultancy aimed to improve our ability to “tell stories”. For this, the Communication team received special attention, encouraged to reflect on dreams, wishes, strategies and desires for the future. The activities did not end that month, and continued remotely focusing on the processes carried out by the area.

NOVEMBER Deepening in organizational issues

In November we reviewed our Institutional Development Plan, an instrument that serves as the basis for monitoring participation in Missão em Foco, which is analyzed annually. For two days, Nayara Coutinho, a Fio Facilitação consultant who monitors the WBD within the Program, carried out interaction and discussion dynamics on the NGO’s organizational issues. In addition, at the end, she helped define a list of priorities of aspects and matters that could be improved.

We are one of the 13 Non-Profit Organizations selected in the second cycle of the MISSÃO EM FOCO PROGRAM.


In 2022, we achieved our second international certification, directly from Geneva, Switzerland. The WimBelemDon project received recognition from TheDotGood, a prestigious independent media organization.

The organization annually publishes The World 200 Top SGOs ranking, with regional lists, which highlights NGOs with excellence in people-centered governance, and that translate this process into social impact. There are 25 Brazilian institutions on the list.

Since 2019 we have been a CSO (Civil Society Organization) validated by ICFO (International Committee on Fundraising Organizations), an entity that certifies organizations that hold international standards of Good Practices in Transparency and Management.

These two international certifications prove our permanent search for excellence in our management and, consequently, in the excellence of the result of our work, i.e., promote SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION.

SOLAR PLATES: our headquarters has 38 solar plates, and the entire energy capture system, having already produced 49 MWh since its installation in 2019.


International choices

One of the great novelties of the year was the launch of another project aligned with the goals of economic sustainability: our horizontal hydroponic garden. Care for the environment and search for sustainable solutions remain among our priorities, and are present in various initiatives and choices of the NGO.

HOMEBIOGAS: an autonomous system that generates clean, renewable and sustainable energy by transforming organic waste into cooking gas and liquid fertilizer. The equipment was donated by Rafael Pandolfo Advogados Associados, a supporter of WimBelemDon for several years.


FURNITURE: we have tables and chairs made from marine plywood, from suppliers with the Forestry Certification seal. We also have benches, tables and bins made from recycled plastic.

WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: we are able to collect and store 5,500 liters of rainwater, which is reused to irrigate our court and garden, in addition to flushing toilets and laundry.

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adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidad
Always sustainable NGO ACTIONS IN ESG
The “S” in ESG, which stands for SOCIAL, is the essence of WimBelemDon’s work, focused on vulnerable children and adolescents. Everything the NGO delivers daily is focused on Social Transformation



On the following pages we present our main activities, achievements and events of WimBelemDon along 2022, in chronological order, month by month

March Parents at our headquarters

WimBelemDon held an in-person parent meeting again after two years of the pandemic. Altogether, 34 families were represented. These meetings are part of the project’s regular activities, and take place monthly. In addition to addressing issues of the institution’s daily life, they are a time for exchange of experiences – mainly between newcomers and those who are already experienced in the project. Every speech from parents or guardians fills us with joy, increases our responsibility and motivates us even more to continue with our work of promoting true SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION.

New people in the team

Between March and April, WimBelemDon received a total of 25 new students – many of whom had been waiting in line for a long time, mainly due to restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Since 2019, the project has not increased the number of participants. With the new members, we reached 83 students - 46 girls and 37 boys.

In 2020 and 2021, activities were adapted to meet current health rules: remote meetings, face-to-face meetings only individually and then in small groups, hybrid format, with and without meals. With the “return to normality”, the entire group of students resumed activities in their periods, including lunch and snacks with us.

Review of our activities

At the beginning of the year, we released our Social Report for the first time. In order to highlight the main actions and indicators for 2021, the 40-page report and a digital English version was distributed to supporting companies, donors and partners.

Talents of the Future

Between March and September, we resumed the Talents of the Future Program – an important step in returning our face-to-face activities. In partnership with Instituto Algar, the program has six training pillars: ethics, attitude, teamwork, innovation, communication and negotiation that, together, form the needs of the world of work. Instructor Valéria Santos led the meetings. For seven months immersed in different topics, young people aged 15 to 18 had practical activities every Tuesday. Team members participated in the program as well, sharing experiences in their areas: Marcelo Ruschel (Superintendent), Cristiano Santarem (Communication Manager), Leonardo Stumpf (Project Manager) and Rafael Bernardes (Communication Assistant). The graduation of the 10 students from the 2022 group took place at the exhibition at BarraShoppingSul.

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A cultural performance

On the 3rd, as part of our commitment to providing opportunities “beyond tennis”, 19 students, accompanied by a responsible person each, attended the Araújo Viana Auditorium to watch the performance “Sbørnia em Revista”, by our great friend and supporter Hique Gomez. In 2020, we had already been invited by him to watch “A Sbørnia Kontr’atracka”, at Theatro São Pedro.

Healthy eating

On the 25th, members of the UniRitter Nutrition course carried out another nutritional activity with our students. The topic this time was healthy eating, always in a playful approach. In previous visits, children and adolescents had their body measurements taken and underwent physical tests.

More technology to study

The goal was 15 chromebooks for students, but the Doa Brasil crowdfunding campaign, at the end of 2021, raised BRL 34,000, enough to buy 20 units. In addition, Samsung donated a dozen more of them – allowing to include more students simultaneously during the arts and learning workshops, to name two of them. By April, everyone was already enjoying the new equipment.

Chromebook is a computer designed to get things done quickly and easily.

Tennis circuit

From April 21 to 24, 17 of our students took part in the Circuito de Tênis Gaúcho (CTG) – 3rd Phase, held by Associação Leopoldense de Esporte e Cultura (ALEC), and supervised by FGT (Tennis Federation of Rio Grande do Sul). The phase took place at Associação Leopoldina Juvenil, involving over 340 participants (a record).

Although the objective of our work is not to train tennis players, we are aware of the importance that experiences like this bring to our students. The invitation to participate in the CTG occurs every year.

Provided by Google, the operating system is Chrome OS, with cloud storage. The system gives access to Google for Education tools. We are integrated into the Inicie platform, our supporter which provides us with access to all functionalities. The use of equipment began in the Talents of the Future Program, of Instituto Algar, aimed to prepare young people for the job market.

We are grateful to all campaign participants and Samsung.

We were also in the 5th phase, in June, in the city of Bagé, where we took our largest delegation so far: 21 young participants in the games and four instructors. The tournament had more than 110 participants, from all over the State and from neighboring countries as well. In addition to the competitive experience, we had three days of cultural exchanges with these visitors.

More than results on the court, we are proud to witness the spirit of collectivity and brotherhood of our students.

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Youth Orchestra at WBD

Usually a place for tennis matches, the headquarters of WimBelemDon became the stage for a musical performance on the 26th. Seven members of the Jovem Recanto Maestro Orchestra, a social project located in the city of São João do Polêsine, performed with a brass orchestra. Conducted by Professor Cezar Guerra, our students accompanied the musicians playing three instruments. In turn, the visitors tried playing tennis. That was so special that the group came back during our anniversary activities in October. Their project has 135 students aged 4 to 21, coming from public schools in the central area of the state, with units in Agudo, Faxinal do Soturno, Restinga Sêca, Santa Maria, São João do Polêsine and Silveira Martins.

June Ué?!Sopa! In person

The month marked the return of the Ué?!SOPA!, gastronomic and charity event. After two years in the delivery format, the event returned to the halls of Associação Leopoldina Juvenil in its sixth and largest edition. With a special group of chefs, the debut of a curator (Rosa Moraes), dozens of volunteers, five sponsoring companies, 27 supporting companies and more than 400 attendees, the Ué?!SOPA! 2022 event represented a fresh start after the challenging years of 2020 and 2021.

At the reception, our students distributed the traditional bracelets that express our attributes. The chefs responsible for the soups were João Diamante, Jimmy Ogro, Neka Menna Barreto and Telma Shiraishi. The sweets, on the other hand, were under the talent of Lucas Corazza, Amanda Selbach and Carole Crema. At the opening of the event, Hique Gomez, Sady Homrich and Tales Melati presented a “pan concert”.

Tattoo Tennis Project

On the 23rd, our Tattoo Tennis project was resumed, together with public schools that now seeks to expand. There are weekly meetings with playful activities for children in the early grades of Elementary School. In all, more than 130 students from the Evarista Flores da Cunha schools (partner in the project in 2017, initial, and in 2019, already implemented) and Nehyta Martins Ramos (debuting in 2022) were included during the visit of instructors and students (as monitors) from WimBelemDon.

At each meeting, the children perform speed and agility physical exercises, besides having their first contact with rackets, balls and nets. On the first day, instructors Jaleska Mendes, Marcio Mauad, Raphael Trindade and Caetano Alves presented the project. In the following weeks, the activities were accompanied and assisted by two WimBelemDon students at each period.

Tattoo Tennis Edition 2022 ended in December. The intention for 2023 is to expand participation of more schools.

The Jazz Gig Group brightened the dinner. The band Regional Laranjal, with traditional samba, was another musical attraction. The public could also enjoy two tables full of bread, baked by Presstisserie and Fátima Guterres Casa de Pães, besides appetizers provided by Leiteria 639. The tables were set up by UniRitter’s Gastronomy team, with the support of Santa Clara and Ibraoliva. Dado Bier offered different types of beer; Grand Cru served wines and soft drinks were once again provided by Fruki.

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Visit to the museum

On the 27th, as part of our effort towards “beyond tennis”, 20 students visited the Science and Technology Museum at PUCRS. For two hours they could enjoy all attractions, get to know the space and learn about different subjects, including history, biology, geography and physics, among others.

Winter bazaar

On the 28th, there was the Winter Bazaar, through which we provided our students with the donations we received along the year. Children and teenagers filled their bags and backpacks with clothes, shoes, coats, caps, sporting goods and toys, among other items. Associação

Leopoldina Juvenil, Kieling Multimodal and Villa Beach, a Beach Tennis club, played an important role in the donations, in a joint action with Chocólatras Anônimos.

Short film production

On the 29th, our Winter Festival was held, a cultural event with the aim of honoring audiovisual productions carried out by our students.

This year’s festival encouraged participants to complete a trilogy of one of our most traditional shorts: “Bonecas Amaldiçoadas 3” (Cursed Dolls 3) – which was actually directed by them and presented during our anniversary celebrations, in October, at BarraShoppingSul. Like the first two productions, from 2017 and 2018, the short film suggests horror, but uses comedy to tell stories that involve our students.

Exchange and integration

From the 19th to the 21st, the 1st Exchange in Social Projects took place in Vacaria, bringing together WimBelemDon and Lapidando Cidadãos, from the Associação de Amparo a Meninos e Meninas Assistidos. The project covers over 300 young people, with tennis as its main topic, with the aim of changing the reality of vulnerable children and adolescents. On a cold weekend, 20 WimBelemDon students participated in a series of integration activities with project members – including a Davis Cup-style competition, organizing children and young people from both institutions into blue and orange teams, which are the colors of Lapidando Cidadãos. This first edition of the exchange between social projects ended with an award ceremony, in which everyone received medals and certificates.

Beach tennis lessons

On the 30th, at the invitation of journalist Filipe Gamba, nine students and two instructors were at Villa Beach for a beach tennis lesson for the first time, with local instructors. The establishment also promoted an action to collect donations to the NGO, together with Chocólatras Anônimos

Julho July 27 26


Jaleska in the USA

Difficulties were not an impediment for our instructor Jaleska Mendes to realize her dream of participating in an exchange program in the USA. It all started in 2013 when, aged 18, leaving the project as a student, she decided to continue working with tennis and saw an opportunity to study at an American college. After nine years, a lot of dedication to the foreign language, a visa denied twice and a pandemic, she managed to travel at the invitation of the US government, due to her work as an instructor at WimBelemDon. She and 11 other professionals working in sports initiatives visited Denver, Colorado, from September 16 through 25. They took part in lectures – topics as leadership and sports – and learned about various social projects and universities. On her way back, Jaleska shared her experience with all students.

WimBelemDon is intended for children and teenagers to keep their dreams and have the ability to make them come true. Jaleska’s experience touched everyone as an example and, above all, her perseverance.


Visitors from the USA

Exchange is an amazing opportunity to meet new people and learn about other cultures, which is why 14 young Americans came to experience an action promoted by the Office of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State, through the Sport for Social Change program, which included WimBelemDon in the group’s activities. Four teenagers and eight young adults practicing jiu-jitsu, capoeira, taekwondo, judo and karate, as well as two coordinators from the NGO PH International, which created and was responsible for carrying out the exchange, attended our headquarters on the 13th. Interaction with our students was instantaneous, despite the language barrier. The group participated in a yoga workshop and played tennis, volleyball and basketball. The visitors also demonstrated the martial arts they practice. They returned home with our 22nd anniversary commemorative book signed by our students.

Piscar 2022

Held at the end of the year and created to integrate the team, the PISCAR (Planning, Inspiring, Dreaming, Celebrating, Thanking and Reflecting) program was held on the 9th and 10th at Ecoland hotel, in the city of Igrejinha. With specific activities and moments for each “letter”, the event received special guests on the second day: the participants’ families. The program focuses on connection, moments of sharing and reflection, but also provides space for relaxation: games, swimming pool, sports, horseback riding etc. In this edition, the participants stayed overnight at the site. BNP Paribas sponsored the event.

Former tennis players at WBD


Book release

We have launched the second edition of the book WimBelemDon, Uma História de Sonhos, Educação, Perseverança e Transformação Social” (WimBelemDon, A Story of Dreams, Education, Perseverance and Social Transformation). It is a revised version of the 2020 book, with 320 richly illustrated pages and provides, in printed and digital format, an English version. The launch took place during a multimedia exhibition alluding to our 22 years anniversary, at BarraShoppingSul.

At the end of the month, we received a visit from former tennis players Vânia King and Nicolás Pereira, as part of the US State Department’s Sports Diplomacy Program. She is American and in-doubles champion at Wimbledon and the US Open. He is Venezuelan and youth champion at Roland Garros, Wimbledon and US Open. For four days, in addition to participating in activities at the headquarters, together with our students, they visited our 22-year anniversary exhibition at BarraShoppingSul, participating in the chat about female representation in sport, and attended the Tattoo Tennis at Escola Evarista Flores da Cunha, among other activities.

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Communication in numbers



↑22% (de 4,827 in 2021)

Repercussion in the media

Spontaneous media

127 mentions in the press throughout 2022

Online: 78 Radio: 16 Printed: 21

Television: 12

100% positive mentions


27,985 Interactions

↑74.27% (of 16,058 in 2021

130 the average number of interactions per post

↑51.16% (de 86 em 2021)


↑0.95% (of 5,714 in 2021)

45 the average number of interactions per post

Main posts:


7,175 Interactions


Main posts:

• We’ll be on the court with Rafael Nadal and Bruno Soares - 1,237 interactions

• 95% of target achieved! - 1,015 interactions

• A magical night - 555 interactions

Online media

Spontaneous media valuation

BRL 1,471,141.00

Print media


Jornal do Comércio

• Social project celebrates history with exhibition in mall in Porto Alegre


Posts Posts



989 Interactions

• Leaving Porto Alegre towards Belo Horizonte544 interactions

• We’ll be on the court with Rafael Nadal and Bruno Soares - 363 interactions

• Today is the birthday of our Superintendent, Marcelo Ruschel - 253 interactions

9 the average number of interactions per post


Jornal do Comércio

• Participants of the WimBelemDon project will act as ball kids in game with Rafael Nadal

Zero Hora - capa: Saque certeiro

Radio highlight

Rádio Gaúcha

• Interview with the Communication & Marketing manager of the WimBelemDon Project, Cristiano Santarem

Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
31 30


We ended 2022 serving 191 children and adolescents in two formats. In the “traditional” service, which takes place daily at our headquarters, after school hours, we had 69 students (an increase of 10% compared to 2021). With an average attendance rate of 70%, young people received a total of 14,732 hours of assistance in the cultural, sports, pedagogical and socio-emotional areas, added to the hours of workshops and activities. Students consumed more than 24,000 meals (lunches and snacks), offered daily. In addition to direct work with young people, the work carried out by the Psychology and Social Assistance areas provides care for 193 people

Services per pillar

who make up the families of our students who are assisted on a daily basis.

The other 122 children assisted by WimBelemDon are part of the Tattoo Tênis project, which offers sports activities in two state elementary schools: Evarista Flores da Cunha and Nehyta Martins Ramos.

The project, which has existed since 2019, serves children aged between 6 and 9 in early grades, and serves to introduce WimBelemDon to children able to join the NGO, to provide a learning moment for our young students accompanying and to conduct some activities and introduce the practice of a sport modality.


Racial profile

6,849 hours

Gender profile

Neighborhood of students


Gender profile of Tattoo Tennis students


Division per period

1,868 hours 2,940 hours

14,732 hours

Division per gender

50.72% Male Female 49.28%
68.12% White Black Brown Not informed 7.25% 15.94% 8.70% Service hours (per area of activity) Sport Total Socioemotional Cultural Pedagogical
Age Total Fem. Male 8 y.o. 5.80% 0% 11.43% 9 y.o. 2.90% 2.94% 2.86% 10 y.o. 10.14% 8.82% 11.43% 11 y.o. 8.70% 8.82% 8.57% 12 y.o. 17.39% 20.59% 14.29% 13 y.o. 21.74% 23.53% 20.00% 14 y.o. 13.04% 14.71% 11.43% 15 y.o. 7.25% 11.76% 2.86% 16 y.o. 8.70% 2.94% 14.29% 17 y.o. 4.35% 5.88% 3%
Gender / School Evarista Nehyta Male 47.44% 50% Female 52.56% 50%
Minimum Wage Geral Up to 0.50 11.76% Between 0.51 and 1.00 38.23% Between 1.01 and 1.50 35.29% Between 1.51 and 2.00 5.90% Between 2.01 and 3.50 8.82%
Family income
Neighborhood Total Belém Novo 53.62% Lami 18.84% Chapéu do Sol 10.14% Lageado 7.25% Others 10.14%
21.84% 14.24% 13.11% 12.92% 11.65% 10.49% 4.01% 3.96% 7.78%
Period /Group Total Pre Beginner Intermediary Advanced Morning 51% 62.50% 50.00% 0% 0% Afternoon 49% 37.50% 50.00% 100% 100%
Gender / Group Total Pre Beginner Intermediary Advanced Male 50.72% 50% 45.00% 62.50% 100% Female 49.28% 50% 55.00% 37.50% 0%
33 32

Balance Sheet

TRANSPARENCY is one of our values and is present in all areas of our organization. Since 2013, we have conducted an independent audit of our financial statements. The audit is carried out by Audilink Auditores & Consultores, and the result can be checked on our website.

BALANCE SHEET ON DECEMBER 31, In reais A S S E T S N,E, 2022 2021 1,126,296.27 1,047,105.79 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 4 979,731.73 895,044.69 NO RESTRICTIONS Cash 850.21 312.99 current account banks 139,289.62 55,678.01 Immediate liquidity investments 805,454.84 738,520.03 RESTRICTIONS current account banks 27,227.92 1.26 Immediate liquidity investments 6,909.14 100,532.40 CREDITS RECEIVABLE 105,399.75 104,146.18 NO RESTRICTIONS Amounts Receivable - Donations 97,589.23 95,513.19 Other Amounts Receivable 6,507.64 6,732.38 Vacation Advance - 1,090.91 Expenses Next Year 1,302.88 809.70 INVENTORY 41,164.79 47,914.92 EDUCATION ACTIVITY NO RESTRICTIONS Products Donated for sale 859.68 1,076.52 Products for Sale 40,305.11 46,838.40 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 719,291.02 731,077.11 FIXED ASSETS 5 719,291.02 731,077.11 NO RESTRICTIONS 685,934.78 681,679.40 Fixed assets 923,807.85 858,775.80 (-) Accumulated depreciation (237,873.07) (177,096.40) RESTRICTIONS Fixed assets 33,356.24 49,397.71 (-) Accumulated depreciation 152,285.10 152,285.10 (-) Depreciações acumuladas (118,928.86) (102,887.39) TOTAL ASSETS 1,845,587.29 1,778,182.90 L I A B I L I T I E S N,E, 2022 2021 RENT LIABILITIES 342,521.52 445,260.63 NO RESTRICTIONS Suppliers 2,000.00 10,569.03 Social and Labor Obligations 6 75,097.37 100,836.10 Tax Obligations 21,805.31 19,768.50 Provision for vacation 128,032.53 109,422.90 Charges Without Vacation Accrual 43,531.10 37,203.85 Execution Project Resources 7 7.94 7.94 Execution Agreement Resources 7 33,981.58 100,525.55 Goods Donated for Sale 859.68 1,076.52 Deferred Revenue - Agreements in Execution (depreciation) 5 26,417.35 33,484.26 Other Values - City Hall of Porto Alegre 10,788.66 32,365.98 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 817,320.69 826,295.25 Deferred Revenue - Agreements in Execution (depreciation) 5 6,938.89 15,913.45 Provision for Social Charges Injunction - Employer INSS and PIS 810,381.80 810,381.80 EQUITY 8 685,745.08 506,627.02 Social equity 506,627.02 1,528,205.70 (Deficit) Surplus in the period 179,118.06 (1,021,579.68) TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,845,587.29 1,778,182.90 35 34

Income Statement for the period

In reais 2022 2021 REVENUE 2,435,609.24 1,760,736.14 OPERATING INCOME - RESTRICTIONS 1,397,277.98 678,771.77 REVENUE FROM AGREEMENTS AND PROJECTS – note 7 1,381,236.51 663,358.94 Funcriança Agreement 1,206,909.47 511,990.48 FASC Agreement 174,327.04 151,368.46 REVENUE FROM AGREEMENTS AND PROJECTS – DEPRECIATION note 5 16,041.47 15,412.83 Funcriança Agreement - Depreciation 8,083.32 8,234.92 Funcriança Agreement - Depreciation 891.24 891.24 CMDCA Agreement - Depreciation 133.55 667.79 Institutional Development Project - Depreciation 3,884.88 3,884.88 EDITAL CMDCA Agreement 3,048.48 1,734.00 OPERATING INCOME - NO RESTRICTIONS 1,038,331.26 1,081,964.37 DONATIONS CONTRIBUTIONS - note 9 847,736.29 889,065.61 Donations from Individuals 59,152.99 37,504.01 Donations from Legal Entities 263,623.79 195,785.24 Donations from Legal Entities - Materials 26,566.47 5,350.70 Donations MPOI and PAYPAL - Others 148,393.04 250,425.66 Donations from Institutions/Foundations 350,000.00 400,000.00 Donations Integral Development Index -OTHER OPERATING INCOME 179,221.32 182,404.82 Financial income 77,271.97 48,001.75 Social Promotional Income - note 10 101,949.35 134,403.07 VOLUNTEER WORK 11,373.65 10,493.94
See Balance Sheets and Audit Reports of the last years 2022 2021 DOPERATING EXPENSES (2,256,491.18) (2,782,314.82) AGREEMENTS/PROJECTS EXPENSES    note 7 (1,381,236.51) (663,358.94) Funcriança Agreement (1,206,909.47) (511,990.48) FASC Agreement (174,327.04) (151,368.46) AGREEMENTS/PROJECTS EXPENSES – DEPRECIATION note 5 (16,041.47) (15,412.83) Funcriança Agreement - Depreciation (8,083.32) (8,234.92) Funcriança Agreement - Depreciation (891.24) (891.24) CMDCA Agreement - Depreciation (133.55) (667.79) Institutional Development Project - Depreciation (3,884.88) (3,884.88) EDITAL CMDCA Agreement (3,048.48) (1,734.00) OPERATING EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE (847,839.55) (2,093,049.11) Individual (293,948.01) (619,591.09) Social Charges (1,781.61) (99,143.43) Provision for Social Charges Injunction - Employer INSS and PIS - (810,381.80) Vacation Accrual (18,609.63) (2,525.66) Social Charges Vacation Accrual (6,327.25) (28,652.05) Utilities and Services (158,582.67) (68,684.51) Fight against Covid - note 10 - a (9,925.25) (158,108.28) Outsourced Services (89,781.83) (82,062.02) Maintenance and Conservation (8,803.44) (39,835.83) Materials (53,881.29) (32,732.58) Events (95,207.99) (30,925.46) WBD 20-year book - (35,114.45) General Costs (37,697.38) (21,749.67) Depreciation Expenses - note 5 (60,776.67) (50,222.26) Financial Expenses (12,516.53) (13,320.02) VOLUNTEER WORK (11,373.65) (10,493.94) SURPLUS OR DEFICIT FOR THE PERIOD 179,118.06 (1,021,578.68) 37 36

Supporters in 2023








39 38

How donate


Philanthropic Equity Fund

We are one of the first Brazilian organizations to create a Philanthropic Equity Fund following the regulations established by Federal Law 13,800/19. An independent legal structure was created to manage the resources received in donation and which have WimBelemDon as the only beneficiary entity. Donations can be financial (small or large amounts), land, real estate, works of art etc. Every amount donated is invested in a fund (managed by specialists) and only the earnings are used for WimBelemDon projects.

Monthly donation

Monthly donations allow us to improve long-term planning. This revenue enables the NGO to work independently from public financing powers and policies. You can quickly and easily define a monthly contribution amount and payment method. In addition to contributing to maintenance of our activities, you will receive advantages in participating in events promoted by the NGO, such as Rolando Arroz and Ué?!SOPA!. It takes five minutes to donate and a benefit that lasts for a long time.

Donation via Income Tax

The allocation of Income Tax can be made by both individuals (6%) and legal entities (1%). Donations are managed by FUNCRIANÇA, from Porto Alegre City Hall, which registers and supervises the beneficiary institutions. Destination of part of the Income is a true exercise of citizenship, since you choose where part of your taxes should be applied. In addition to direct support for our activities, companies that allocate their income tax have a series of brand exposure counterparts at our headquarters, social media and other actions.

Other ways to donate

• Be a volunteer and take the time to share your knowledge with our students;

• Make your registration in the Nota Fiscal Gaúcha Program and select us as a beneficiary entity;

• Take part in our events;

• Follow @WimBelemDon on social media and help increase our number of supporters;

• Show our work to friends and family;

• Contribute to our crowdfunding campaigns;

• Donate clothes, shoes and sporting goods;

• Make your company a WBD partner, through donations, pro bono work or by sponsoring our events.


Publication Coordination

Marcelo Ruschel and Cristiano Alves Santarem

Editorial Coordination and Editing

Milene Leal • Entrelinhas

Conteúdo & Forma


Loraine Luz and Milene Leal

Graphic Design and Layout

Carolina Fillmann


Bendito Design Revision

Flávio Dotti Cesa


WimBelemDon archive

Cover Photo Bruno Haddad


Comunicação Impressa

41 40
Visit the headquarters of WimBelemDon WIMBELEMDON PROJECT Headquarters: Avenida Heitor Vieira, 68 Porto Alegre | RS 91780-000 | Brasil 55 51 3242.5637

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