Introduction from Assistant Head Co-Curricular & Partnerships
Dear Parents Welcome to Arcadia, our new co-curricular programme, which
Proud to be Me and Nick Carter’s Jungle challenge will still go
encompasses all co-curricular opportunities including clubs and
ahead, with external speakers appearing online. There will be two
enrichment weeks for girls across the Junior School. Our main aim
charity events this term; one in support of Macmillan and a house
this term is to provide your daughter with as many co-curricular
charity that will be decided by our house captains.
experiences as possible, whilst maintaining social distancing and most importantly, keeping everyone safe.
The co-curricular provision for the Junior School will be reviewed as the term progresses and we do hope that our usual extensive
In this booklet you will find details about the opportunities on
range of opportunities will be up and running as soon as it is safe
offer to your daughter, including our Wednesday afternoon club
to do so. At this time, we will not be offering any clubs before or
enrichment programme, lunchtime clubs and our after school
after school.
virtual programmes. Each year group will have the opportunity to visit Wimbledon Common to take part in our Wild Girls
Many thanks
programme, and curriculum trips will take place virtually via
Kate Harper-Tarr
google expeditions. Themed weeks for Anti-Bullying,
Assistant Head Co-Curricular & Partnerships
On Wednesday afternoon
By February half term, your
girls in Years 1-6 will be able to
daughter will have taken part in
participate in our enrichment
three x 6 week club programmes
co-curricular afternoon, which
provided for her year group.
will run until February half term. Please note that you are not Each year group will take part in
required to sign your daughter
three different clubs, which will
up to these clubs as she will take
be run on a rotational basis and
part in all three available for her
led by WHS staff.
year group.
We have tried to make this
There is an additional option for
programme as varied as
Year 4 & 5 during this time to
possible with the space and
take part in the Rare Instrument
staff available.
Wednesday Clubs Enrichment afternoon
Wednesday Clubs Provision Year Group
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
1L Reading Orchard
Miss Millar Miss Hughes Miss Shufflebotham
Drawing Club Photography & Build a Book Club Reading Club
2J 2k KS2 Playground
Miss Goode Miss Palmer Mrs Hussain
Reading ‘Rock Stars’ Drawing Club Leadership & Teamwork games
3H 3G KS1 Playground
Mrs Leaning Mrs Thompson Mrs Bond
Problem Solving Club Embroidery Club Science and the Environment
4E 4F Art Room
Mrs Kempton Miss Barnes Madame Dubois
Mindfulness Games Compendium Embroidery
5D 5C Music Room & Junior Hall
Miss Jenkins Mr Smith Miss Norford
Problem solving Debating Rare Instrument Scheme
6A Hastings Science Lab
Mrs Wallace Miss Brierly Mrs Farrer
Drama & Poetry Wild Girls Teen tech city of tomorrow
Rare Instrument Scheme for Year 4 & 5 This scheme will take place during our
therefore, the chances of your daughter
Wednesday club enrichment afternoon.
being able to participate in a larger amount
This means that the Rare Instrument Scheme
of musical clubs earlier on in their musical
will be an ‘opt-in’ scheme for girls going into
career would be increased. If girls do
Year 4&5. The Rare Instrument Scheme is
choose to continue with their instruments
a great opportunity, as the name suggests,
at the end of the scheme, then there will be
to embark on one year, small group tuition
opportunities to encourage continuation.
programme in one of the rarer orchestral
The instruments on offer will be the
instruments and has been much loved by the
trumpet, trombone, oboe, bassoon and
girls who have taken part in it so far.
viola. You will be asked to rank these instruments in order of preference when
Over 10% of our current Y6 girls have
you sign up for the scheme (with 1 being
continued their instrumental studies and we
first choice and 5 being last choice) in order
are now in the process of hiring a bassoon
to give us an idea of numbers.
teacher, the first to be employed at the school in over seven years, as a result of this
Do encourage your daughters to explore
scheme, which is very exciting news to both
the different instruments such as the
Music Departments!
opposite YouTube links so they can make an informed decision:
The instruments offered within the scheme are often harder to come by both in schools and within the wider musical community,
Trombone watch?v=DAcorIQImbU (3 minutes in)
Trumpet watch?v=om2kZMapLEg Oboe and
Bassoon watch?v=LHxaPpLkzMY (Ob at 0:00 & Bsn at 6:30) Viola: https://www.
Rare Instrument Scheme for Year 4 & 5 We will showcase these instruments ‘live’ as
cost a total of £120 which equates to £40
much as possible at the beginning of term
per term. This payment can be made, in full,
but, due to Covid-19 restrictions, a hands-
through ParentPay in the Autumn Term.
on approach may not be possible. Your
You will also be given a hire agreement
daughter will be assigned an instrument
which you will need to sign and return to
which the specialist instrumental teachers
school before your daughter will be able to
think would best suit them.
take home her instrument.
We will take into account any instruments
Of course, girls will be expected to practise
the girls are already studying and, where
in-between lessons in order to make the
possible, the girls’ preferences that you
most of this opportunity. We do appreciate,
send in. The girls will not be able to change
however, that this may well be a second or
instrument halfway throughout the year.
even third instrument for some girls.
There are only a certain amount of each instrument available.
We would recommend that two sessions of 15 minutes a week would be a good amount
As in previous years parents are expected
of time which should not impose too much
to hire the instruments for the year. This will
on their other instrument routines.
For more information, please contact Gemma Norford, Head of Junior Music at
(virtual) After
school paid clubs
Paid clubs will run virtually with students accessing them from home. The schedule will run from 4.00-5.00pm for KS1 students and 4.30-5.30pm for KS2. This is a private arrangement between parents and the club provider, so please look at the timetable below and read the flyers attached. We are pleased to be introducing two new ventures; Coding offered by Cypher
Day KS1 4-5PM KS2 4.30-5.30 Monday
KS1 Robotics KS1 Brain Builder maths
Tuesday KS1 Theatre skills
KS2 Theatre skills
KS2 Robotics
Thursday KS1 Beginner Mandarin Please see the back of this booklet for further information
Year 3 & 4 Brain Builder Maths
KS2 Touch Typing (from 4.45-5.30)
KS2 Beginner Mandarin
Coders and Brain Builder Maths, led by external specialist Maths teachers. Due to the virtual nature of coding, places will be limited to just six girls from each Key Stage. This number will increase in the Spring term when the clubs are able to take place in school.
Year 5 & 6 Brain Builder Maths Year 3-6 Chess Club Thursday
Weekly Lunchtime Club provision In KS2, each year group will have the opportunity to take part in one lunchtime club per week and your daughter will be able to choose between a sports or music club. If your daughter is keen to attend both, she will have the option to switch at half term. You do not need to sign your daughters up to these clubs; we will be letting the girls know how to sign up during their first week back. We are unable to provide lunchtime clubs
KS2 Music
Bubble Band Year 3
Music Room
Miss Norford
Bubble Band Year 4
Music room
Miss Norford
Staff Member
Wednesday Clubs Provision
Bubble Band Year 5
Music room
Miss Norford
Bubble Band Year 6
Music room
Miss Norford
KS2 Sport Clubs
Year 3 games
Mrs Hussain
Year 4 games
Miss Sheldon
for KS1 at this time.
Wednesday Clubs Provision
Year 5 games
Miss Hampson
Year 6 games
Mrs Hussain
Weekly Lunchtime Club provision ‘Music clubs this term going to look different from usual. That being said, the ‘The sports clubs programme this term will
focus will remain very much on ensemble
focus on getting the pupils active, boosting
skills, musicianship and most importantly,
their self-esteem, developing their skills and
the fun and sheer joy of making music
releasing lots of endorphins! The girls will
with others - something that just can’t
be developing their aerobic and anaerobic
be matched on a screen! I am very much
fitness, muscular strength and endurance,
looking forward to getting live music clubs
balance and flexibility through different
back at WHS!’
sports. Above all, we will be having lots of fun and encouraging everyone to find
Miss Norford,
enjoyment through different activities
Head of Junior Music
Kasha Hussain
Head of Junior PE & Sport
Themed weeks & Charities Themed weeks
‘Proud to be Me’. They are allowed to wear anything that
Jungle Challenge - 14th-18th September
their strengths and achievements
they think represents them as a person, or is symbolic of
Nick Carter has launched a new series of adventures in the jungle which will encourage the girls to be fierce, resilient
Anti-Bullying - 16th-20th November
and to try new things. The girls will remember Nick from his
We are pleased to announce that the theme for Anti-Bullying
‘Deep Fear ’project last year and his exciting ‘live ’satellite
Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying. This year more than
phone call from the rainforest.
ever, we’ve witnessed the positive power that society can have when we come together to tackle a common challenge.
Proud to be Me - 12th-16th October
On the first day of the week, Monday 16th November,
During this week, the Senior School will be celebrating
girls will be encouraged to wear
‘Pride’ week. In the Junior School, we will be having our
odd socks to school to highlight
own celebration of the event named ‘Proud to be Me’. The
their individuality and
emphasis of the week will be upon embracing individuality
the fact that we
and the freedom to be one’s self. We will be encouraging the
are all unique
girls to consider the ways in which we are all different and the importance of accepting others. On the last day of the week, Friday 16th October, your daughters are invited to dress down to celebrate being
Themed weeks & Charities Charities Jeans for Genes Day - 25th September On Friday 25th September we will be supporting the nationwide fund-raising campaign ‘Jeans for Genes’. The money we raise will be used for a number of research teams that are working towards cures or better treatment for children with genetic disorders. All girls will be asked to contribute a suggested minimum donation of £1 to the charity and will be invited to wear clothes of their own choice but which should include a denim item. Girls are permitted to wear trainers or school shoes on this date. Money will be collected by the form teacher.
Outdoor Education ‘Wild’ Girls. This term, each year group will be visiting Wimbledon Common to take part in the WHS outdoor education ‘Wild Girls’ programme.
Outdoor Education is an umbrella term for any educational session which takes place outside the classroom; from maths lessons in the playground, to visits to the Tower of London. For us, Wild Girls provides our pupils with the opportunity to jump in puddles, build shelters, write poetry in the woods, fly kites and learn to love nature. As we like to say, there is no Wi-Fi in the woods, but you’ll find a better connection! Children are also given permission to play freely, to explore their natural environment and take controlled risks.
The importance of learning beyond the classroom
Outdoor Education We can learn so much from nature.
Holistic pedagogy
The trees in a forest care for each other, communicating
The holistic approach is naturally engrained in the structures
through their roots.
of a Wild Girls’ session, as emotions, fears, conflicts and friendships form an intrinsic part of each session.
They warn each other about dangers and use this network to
This offers children the opportunity to grapple with
decide when to seed. We can learn so much from this ‘wood
challenging processes, as they play freely within the
wide web’ (Flannary, 2016.) The lessons trees provide us
woodland setting.
about team work are endless. In an urban environment, it is essential for children to Isolated trees have much shorter lifespans than those living
have access to nature. For us to be able to extend these
connected together in the woods. (Wohlleben, 2016.) Surely,
opportunities as part of our Wild Girls programme is
this is a lesson that will support our girls as they progress
through life. In addition to this, children need nature for the healthy development of their senses and consequently their learning and creativity. Asking children to use their senses to interpret the world around them can be challenging for those who have not had the opportunity to develop these faculties.
Outdoor Education These classrooms come cheap too. London provides the
Personality types who may be naturally more reserved,
world’s largest urban forest, ‘8.4 million trees for 8.6 million
have been given the space to show the qualities of
people’ (Wood, 2019.) In London, most areas of outdoor
leadership and collaboration.
space are free to access and close to transport networks making it easy and free for schools to use them.
In an ever-changing, evolving world, giving children the space and freedom to be a child, has never been
This opportunity to roam unchecked and learn life skills in the outdoors is arguably the most important education any child can have. It is enriching for the soul and brings out character traits that may be hidden whilst learning indoors. In the short space of time that we have been delivering ‘Wild Girls’, we have observed social connections becoming stronger and more universal, and an even more cohesive sense of community emerging.
more important.
We are very excited to be working with Wimbledon High School students this term. Cypher will be running creatively themed coding clubs at your school to inspire students to learn the language of the future - for this term we will be running these in virtual classrooms.
Wednesday, KS2, 4.50-5.30pm:
Our students will develop their knowledge and experience of programming principles and computational thinking through fun, interactive lessons that extend the National Curriculum.
We have worked with 400+ students live online since 30th March 2020 (working with 1000’s of children in-person before the lockdown) - we can’t wait to get your children future ready! For more information and to book: wimbledon-hs
We will be running the following virtual clubs below: Monday, KS1, 4-5pm: Students will be learning to code in Scratch - a block-based programming language. This club starts on 14th September and ends on 7th December (no club during half term).
Students will be learning to code in CoSpaces - students will code in virtual worlds. This club starts on 16th September and ends on 9th December (no club during half term).
Dear Parents,
Dear Parents,
China’s fast-growing economy has placed Mandarin as one of the most desired modern languages on the world stage. More and more schools in the UK have started offering Mandarin as an alternative modern language to pupils from a young age. Nihao Mandarin Language School is offering to run an After-School Club for Wimbledon High School pupils in Y1-Y2. This will provide the opportunity to explore the language and Chinese culture.
China’s fast-growing economy has placed Mandarin as one of the most desired modern languages on the world stage. More and more schools in the UK have started offering Mandarin as an alternative modern language to pupils from a young age. Nihao Mandarin Language School is offering to run an After-School Club for Wimbledon High School pupils in KS2. This will provide the opportunity to explore the language and Chinese culture.
Due to the current Covid-19 states, our 2020 Autumn term arrangement is as follows:
Due to the current Covid-19 states, our 2020 Autumn term arrangement is as follows:
The online virtual club through ZOOM CLOUD MEETING will run on from 4:00 – 5:00pm every Thursday for 10 weeks. Clubs do not run on the first or last week of term.
The online virtual club through ZOOM CLOUD MEETING will run on from 4:30 – 5:30pm every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Clubs do not run on the first or last week of term.
Total lesson hours: 10 hours per term, 1 hour each week.
Total lesson hours: 10 hours per term, 1 hour each week.
Term Dates:
Term Dates:
Dates: 17th, 24th of September; 1st,8th ,15th of October; 5th ,12th ,19th ,26th of November; 3rd of December.
Dates: 16th , 23th , 30th of September ; 7th ,14th of October; 4th ,11th ,18th ,25th of November; 2nd of December
The tuition cost is £10.00 per lesson and payable in advance. Please note that for the club to go ahead we will need a minimum class of 10 students.
The tuition cost is £10.00 per lesson and payable in advance. Please note that for the club to go ahead we will need a minimum class of 10 students.
The course is designed follow YCT curriculum (YCT certificate does give your child/children extra credit when the apply for Private Schools. Details can be find at ). In addition, if the student wishes more homework could be given.
The course is designed follow YCT curriculum ( YCT certificate does give your child/children extra credit when the apply for Private Schools. Details can be find at ). In addition, if the student wishes more homework could be given.
For more information about Nihao Mandarin Language School, please visit or phone Mrs Tongyu Li - Penman on mobile: 07412609998. Email:
For more information about Nihao Mandarin Language School, please visit or phone Mrs Tongyu Li - Penman on mobile: 07412609998. Email:
Kind regards Xiuli Pasey Head Teacher : Nihao Mandarin Language School
Kind regards Xiuli Pasey Head Teacher : Nihao Mandarin Language School
£100 for ten sessions
£100 for ten sessions
Payment Method:
Payment Method:
Online Payment: Sort Code: 30-91-72 Account Number: 03004947 (Please reference WHSKS1 + Student’s Name)
P O Box 377, Sutton, SM1 9GS
Mobile: 07794524313 Email:
Online Payment: Sort Code: 30-91-72 Account Number: 03004947 (Please reference WHSKS2 + Student’s Name)
P O Box 377, Sutton, SM1 9GS
Mobile: 07794524313 Email:
Weekly school touch typing club
Tuesdays 15 Sept – 1 Dec 2020, 4:45 – 5:30* pm *This term at WHJS we are running a live online Zoom club. We hope to revert to Tuesday lunchtime in due course. Typing’s Cool aims to teach your child how to touch type 10 -‐ 30 words per minute with 95% accuracy. By using all ten fingers and thumbs, rather than pecking at a keyboard with two fingers, pupils can learn to type four to five times faster. The educational programmes we use have been especially designed by experts to encourage every child to learn to touch type. Developed in line with the National Curriculum, Typing’s Cool also promotes spelling, writing and presentation skills. For pupils the fun is in dodging asteroids, zapping aliens, slaying fire breathing dragons and racing Nessie, the Loch Ness monster. Typing’s Cool was set up in 2009 to teach children how to touch type and currently works with 8-‐16 year olds, including pupils of all abilities. We run before school, lunchtime and after school clubs in local independent schools, and run intensive one-‐week holiday courses. Prior to setting up Typing’s Cool, Sarah Holt worked as a teacher at Weston Green School and Nick Holt was a secondary school Head of English. We are both passionate about helping all pupils to fulfil their learning potential. &-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐
Typing’s Cool Autumn term 2020 parent reply slip
Pupil’s name: Pupil’s year group: Pupil’s school: Parent/ carer’s name: Parent/ carer’s email: Parent/ carer’s mobile:
Are there any medical or special educational needs that the tutors should be aware of? Yes/ No If yes, please give details overleaf. To book a place, we must receive payment of £125.00 by THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK OF TERM.
Late payment after this date will incur an extra administrative charge of £15.00. Post this reply slip and payment of £125.00 to the address below or BACS to: Sort code: 09-‐01-‐27; Account: 44600440; Ref: daughter’s first and last name/ WHJS
Nick and Sarah H olt, Typing’s Cool Ltd, 17 Canbury Avenue, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 6JP; 07812 632238;;
Drama Clubs For KS1 & KS2
Explore, play, learn
The Arts Place Drama Club for KS1 (Years 1&2) helps children to build their confidence, use their imaginations and think creatively. Most of all it’s lots of fun!
When: Every Tuesday from 3:45-4:30PM (Tuesday 15th September to Tuesday 8th December) Where: Sessions are run virtually from home Price: £80 for 10 x 45-minute sessions
The Arts Place Acting & Performance Skills Drama Club for KS2 (Years 3-6) develops childrens' talents as performers, as well as building their confidence. Classes include voice, movement, improvisation, creating characters & script work. When: Every Tuesday from 4:30-5:30PM (Tuesday 15th September to Tuesday 8th December) Where: Sessions are run virtually from home Price: £100 for 10 x 60-minute sessions
How Does Online Drama Club Work? Sessions are led by Emily Plumtree and are run virtually from your home. "I have been running Online Drama Clubs & Camps with Arts Place students since the start of lockdown. Everyone has adapted so well to the online platform. Our weekly sessions are such a morale boost and it's wonderful to see the girls interacting virtually through
We’re the club that brings maths to life! Fun
No two clubs are ever the same.
drama together. There's plenty of laughter, imagination and creativity!" Emily Plumtree Founder/Director The Arts Place
“I never knew maths could be so fun!”