3 minute read
Art Art
In order to understand our increasingly visual world, we need to have a basic working knowledge of the art and design practices, processes and skills involved in creating and interpreting images.
IS THIS THE RIGHT SUBJECT FOR ME? If you are considering studying Art and Design you should have a commitment to, and love of, the subject and feel motivated to develop your visual skills in order to express your ideas. Ask a member of Year 11 whose GCSE course is reaching completion and she will tell you it is challenging and fun.
This course is suitable for students who are: • keen to develop their visual skills; • creative, enthusiastic and imaginative; • able to sustain an investigation; • keen to visit galleries, museums, workshops and studios; • willing to experiment and take risks; • willing to review their progress and make improvements. WHAT WILL I LEARN? GCSE Art and Design covers a range of activities and in-depth assignments. How many different ways are there of approaching and solving a problem? You have the exciting prospect of discovering your own personal solution and the satisfaction of seeing your own progress and development. You will be able to explore your own strengths and preferences and build a portfolio of work. This specification explores drawing, painting, collage, mixed media, printmaking and three-dimensional work. The prime intention is to emphasise the importance of a wider understanding of the nature of art and design. You design the course within the broad outline of the syllabus. Lots of encouragement, help and constructive criticism will be given to you throughout the two years, and the atmosphere in the studios is friendly and informal.
Edexcel’s GCSE Art and Design Fine Art is made up of two units, each assessed separately out of 72 marks.
Component 1
Personal Portfolio – This constitutes 60% of the overall marks. Internally set and marked; assessed through controlled assessment. The best work produced will be selected for the final assessment of the Personal Portfolio. There are usually 2 separate themes.
Component 2
Externally Set Assignment – This constitutes 40% of the overall mark Externally set theme and internally marked Preparatory period: approximately 20 hours Sustained focus: 10 hours Single theme
Life drawing Life drawing is one of the best ways to improve your powers of observation there will be compulsory weekly Life drawing sessions throughout the year, running at lunchtime.
You will be assessed using the following 4 Assessment Objectives:
Assessment Objective 1
Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources
Assessment Objective 2
Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes
Assessment Objective 3
Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses
Assessment Objective 4
Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language. The development of the above should be evident in all aspects of your artwork and combined with the appropriate processes and practices. There is a strong critical and historical component where you study the work of other artists, cultures and contexts in relation to your own work. Visits are made to current exhibitions and are often used as a starting point for a theme. Students are expected to be both practitioners and critics. You will be assessed formally at the end of each cycle of work, approximately twice a year. Emphasis is placed on joint discussion, evaluation and presentation. At the end of the two year course you will mount an exhibition of selected pieces of your work and celebrate this with a private view evening.
NEXT STEPS You can find out more about GCSE in Art and Design, by accessing the website:
www.edexcel.com, and by talking to Year 11 /12 students and art teachers.