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Physical Education
Physical activity is a key part in leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
Physical Education at GCSE level is a brilliant introduction to the academic aspect of PE and the wider world of sport. It is an academically rigorous subject which focuses primarily on the science of sport that complements excellence in physical performance as well. Theory: The study of applied physiology and anatomy allows the exploration of the body’s adaptations through diet whilst looking at how training can optimise performance. In the topic of socio-cultural influences, the relationship the media and commercialism when linked to sport is studied, and when studying sport psychology, pupils will gain understanding of the impact of the mind on performance. Practical: The practical section of the syllabus assesses candidates in three sporting activities. These must be sports that you take part in (regularly) whether inside or outside of school. In addition, students will write a piece of coursework (AEP) where candidates will need a good knowledge of the skills, rules, techniques and tactics used in a particular sporting area of their choice. They will learn how to analyse and improve their own/ others’ performance by identifying strengths and areas for development.
PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES This is the list of activities students can perform in for their individual and team activities:
Individual Activity Amateur Boxing, Athletics, Badminton*, Boccia, Canoeing, Cross country running, Cycling, Dance*, Diving, Equestrian, Figure Skating, Golf, Gymnastics, Kayaking, Ice Hockey, Inline Roller Hockey, Kayaking, Polybat, Rock Climbing, Sailing, Sculling*, Skiing, Snowboarding, Squash*, Swimming, Table Tennis*, Tennis*, Trampolining, Windsurfing.
*Some activities cannot be assessed as both individual and team e.g. Badminton singles & doubles.
Applied Anatomy and Physiology Physical Training
Socio-cultural influences Sports Psycology Health, finess and well-being
Practical activity assessment Analysing and Evaluating Performance (AEP) Physical factors affecting performance (01) 60 MARKS 1 hour written paper
Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology (02) 60 MARKS 1 hour written paper
Performance in physical education (03)* non-exam assessment (NEA) 80 MARKS 30% of total GCSE
30% of total GCSE
40% of total GCSE
All elite sportswomen have access to:
sports nutritionists, sports psychologists, physiotherapists, sports scientists, exercise physiologists, dieticians, life-style managers, event managers and sports agents. This course covers many of these areas.
Performance of three activities taken from two approved lists. • one from the ‘individual’ list • one from the ‘team’ list • one other from either list. Analysing and Evaluating Performance: written task
Team Activity Acrobatic gymnastics, Association Football, Badminton*, Basketball, Blind Cricket, Camogie, Cricket, Dance*, Figure Skating, Futsal, Gaelic Football, Goalball, Handball, Hockey, Hurling, Ice hockey, Inline roller hockey, Lacrosse, Netball, Powerchair Football, Rowing, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Sailing, Sculling, Squash*, Table Cricket, Table Tennis*, Tennis*, Volleyball, Water polo, Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Rugby, Some activities cannot both be taken together e.g. Snowboarding & Skiing/Rugby League & Union
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? The emphasis throughout the course is on introducing the theoretical concepts within Physical Education and Sports Science and then relating them to performance. At the same time you will develop interest, knowledge, competence and confidence in a range of skills that will support you in other areas of your life including: • Analysis, evaluation and planning • Leadership • Research • Becoming an effective decision maker as a team and individual • Skill development in practical activities WHAT CAREER CAN GCSE PE LEAD ONTO? It complements subjects such as Biology, Physics, and Sociology at A level. Beyond A Level it can lead onto: Medicine, Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy, Sports Science, Exercise Physiology, Biomedical Sciences, Sports Marketing and Journalism, Sports Psychology, Sports Engineering and Product Design, lecturing, working for large organisations such as the English Institute of Sport or the International Olympic committee.
NEXT STEPS! You can find out more about GCSE Physical Education (9-1) by accessing the website: www.ocr.org.uk and by talking to Year 10 and 11 GCSE PE students as well as the PE department. If you enjoy PE and Sport then this is a GCSE course for you!