Devotional resources for committing the parish review

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Devotional resources for committing the Parish Review to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit October, 2013

Scripture Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ Matthew 28: 16-20.

Intention For the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit upon this season of review at St. James’ and recommendations for action.

Reflection "We need to be a risk taking church. There is no safety in Christ there's absolute security but there is no safety and we have to make a big difference between knowing that we are in his arms and knowing that he calls us to do risky things. So the vision is about being a risk-taking Church and finding ways of liberating people to be risk-takers, in the service of Christ." May 17, 2013. Archbishop Justin Welby in conversation with Nicky Gumbel.

Meditation Make disciples. I am with you always.

Act of dedication O GOD the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier of the faithful: Sanctify this parish by thine abiding presence. Bless those who minister in holy things. Enlighten the minds of thy people more and more with the light of the everlasting Gospel. Bring erring souls to the knowledge of God our Saviour; and those who are walking in the way of life, keep stedfast unto the end. Give patience to the sick and afflicted, and renew them in body and soul. Guard from forgetfulness of thee those who are strong and prosperous. Increase in us thy manifold gifts of grace, and make us all to be fruitful in good works; O blessed Spirit, whom with the Father and the Son together we worship and glorify, one God, world without end. Amen. “For the Parish” (9), p.44. Book of Common Prayer, 1962,Canada.

On fasting “Abstinence” lowers the quality of food (usually by not eating meat) and "Fasting" lowers the quantity, and usually means not more than a light breakfast, one full meal, and one half meal daily each fast day. “Fasting is a Christian duty. In modern times it is customary to distinguish between abstinence (in which the quality of food is lowered, usually by not eating meat) and fasting (in which the quantity of food is reduced as well) although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably … Illness, old age, extreme youth, and heavy manual work excuse one from fasting … The desire to imitate the stricter fasts of previous ages, or of saintly ascetics such as the Tractarians, may be a moving of divine love, or sometimes it may be a love of singularity. But since the practice may be unwise, it should never be undertaken without consultation with a competent spiritual guide.” Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book. Holy Cross Publications: New York, 1967.

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