High mass pentecost 4 jun 16 2013 for web

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High Mass

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost | June 16, 2013 | 10:30 am

Welcome Welcome to St. James’, especially if you are a newcomer or visitor. Children of all ages are fully welcome at every liturgy. We hope that you will enjoy your visit here with us. Please help us to get to know you by introducing yourself to one of the clergy. VISION STATEMENT Discovering the beauty of holiness in our lives and neighbourhood, by living a Christ-centred sacramental life rooted in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. MISSION OBJECTIVES •To be a beacon for all as a neighbourhood and destination church where we invite and welcome friends, family and strangers into our midst; • To deepen our life of prayer and formation in Christ; • To develop relationships and fellowship in open, honest and spiritual ways among parishioners, with our neighbours, and those in need; • To pursue and practice justice and mercy for the imparting of the Kingdom of God within and beyond the Parish; •To maintain financial equilibrium, develop our reserves and optimize the use of our assets to ensure the preservation of our sacred space and ministry from generation to generation, to the everlasting glory of God.

TODAY 10:30 AM

High Mass

The image on the front page is from a photograph by Christine Hatfull. This booklet is printed on recycled paper. Discarded copies will be recycled.


Before Mass If you require assistance at any time, please speak to one of the welcomers at the Church entrance (narthex). As a friendly reminder, please turn off all electronic devices that might disrupt worship. In the interest of security, please keep purses and other valuables with you at all times. Wireless hearing amplifiers are available. Washrooms can be accessed through the doors on the left hand side at the back of the church on the opposite side to the entrance. Your family is welcome at St. James’. Children may remain in the Church during the service: there is a play area with toys and colouring books in the back of the church. The sacrament of reconciliation (confession) is available. Speak with a priest to make an appointment. The Mass booklet contains all the prayers and information required to participate in the Mass. The directions given in this booklet to stand, sit and kneel are offered as guidelines to those who are able. The symbol + indicates when to make the sign of the cross. It is also customary to make a discreet bow at the name of Jesus. You are encouraged to take the opportunity before Mass for silence, stillness and prayer. Please refrain from talking before Mass begins. We adore you, most Holy Lord Jesus Christ here and in all your churches throughout all the world; and we bless you because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world. St. Francis of Assisi


A Reflection Culture is an expression of a worldview which in turn is the core of a person’s identity. Since the beginning of time First Nations people have had very distinct and unique cultures. Overall, most First Nations, regardless of where they were located, had a connection to and respect for the earth, were communal in nature, practiced sacred spiritual ceremonies, and were oral-based peoples who passed on our history through storytelling, pictographs, art, songs and dances. While dancing, regalia, food and many other things are an important expression of culture, they are not culture itself. Culture provides people with a sense of belonging, a connection to their Creator and each other, and a feeling that they are part of something bigger than their individual selves. Culture provides a communal bond and common understanding of our roles within a community and the world. First Nations culture was centered on spirituality. This was evident through most everything we did in our daily lives. We were a prayerful people, practiced many sacred ceremonies, and had a strong connection to the land, each other, our families, communities, and our ancestors. Prayer and giving thanks to the Creator and other living beings that had given up their lives so that we could eat or clothe ourselves was a normal part of our everyday lives. We understood that life itself was a gift from the Creator, so we must value it. We also understood that the Creator provided for us in many ways so that we could live and fulfill our responsibilities as human beings. That is true culture. It defined us, inspired us, made us accountable, gave us purpose, ensured we were thankful, and ensured that we were mindful as we knew that our actions could either positively or negatively affect the next seven generations to come. Lynda Gray, First Nations 101, (Vancouver: Adaawx Publishing, 2011), pp. 22, 23.

On National Aboriginal Day, Friday, June 21, everyone is invited to come together to with our First Nations people as they celebrate their culture and share it with the community. (See the announcement at the back of this bulletin for details.)




Entrance Rite At the entrance of the clergy and servers all stand.


INTROIT Consider, O Lord, and hear me when I cry unto thee: be thou my succour, O cast me not away, neither forsake me utterly, O God of my salvation. Psalm The Lord is my light, and my salvation: whom then shall I fear? Glory be . . . Exaudi Domine (Mode VI)


GLORIA IN EXCELSIS (See facing page) COLLECT OF THE DAY Celebrant All

The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit.


Let us pray. Almighty God, without thee we are not able to please thee. Mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.




The Liturgy of the Word OLD TESTAMENT READING Reader

Be seated

A reading from the First Book of Kings. Later the following events took place: Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard in Jezreel, beside the palace of King Ahab of Samaria. And Ahab said to Naboth, "Give me your vineyard, so that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near my house; I will give you a better vineyard for it; or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its value in money." But Naboth said to Ahab, "The Lord forbid that I should give you my ancestral inheritance." Ahab went home resentful and sullen because of what Naboth the Jezreelite had said to him; for he had said, "I will not give you my ancestral inheritance." He lay down on his bed, turned away his face, and would not eat. His wife Jezebel came to him and said, "Why are you so depressed that you will not eat?" He said to her, "Because I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite and said to him, 'Give me your vineyard for money; or else, if you prefer, I will give you another vineyard for it'; but he answered, 'I will not give you my vineyard.'" His wife Jezebel said to him, "Do you now govern Israel? Get up, eat some food, and be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite." So she wrote letters in Ahab's name and sealed them with his seal; she sent the letters to the elders and the nobles who lived with Naboth in his city. She wrote in the letters, "Proclaim a fast, and seat Naboth at the head of the assembly; seat two scoundrels opposite him, and have them bring a charge against him, saying, 'You have cursed God and the king.' Then take him out, and stone him to death." As soon as Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, Jezebel said to Ahab, "Go, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead." As soon as Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, Ahab set out to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it. Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying: Go down to meet King Ahab of Israel, who rules in Samaria; he is now in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone to take possession. You shall say to him, "Thus says the Lord: Have you killed, and also taken possession?" You shall say to him, "Thus says the Lord: In the place where dogs licked up the blood of Naboth, dogs will also lick up your blood." Ahab said to Elijah, "Have you found me, O my enemy?" He answered, "I have found you. Because you have sold yourself to do what is evil in the sight of the Lord, I will bring disaster on you." 1 Kings 21:1-10 (11-14), 15-21A


Reader Alll

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


A cantor sings the antiphon first; all repeat it thereafter.

Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my meditation. Hearken to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I make my prayer to you. Antiphon For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, and evil cannot dwell with you. Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness, because of those who lie in wait for me; make your way straight before me. Antiphon Psalm 5:1-2, 4, 8


A reading from the Letter of Paul to the Galatians We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners; yet we know that a person is justified not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ. And we have come to believe in Christ Jesus, so that we might be justified by faith in Christ, and not by doing the works of the law, because no one will be justified by the works of the law. But if, in our effort to be justified in Christ, we ourselves have been found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? Certainly not! But if I build up again the very things that I once tore down, then I demonstrate that I am a transgressor. For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing. Galatians 2:15-21

Sub-deacon Alll

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.



A cantor begins the alleluia; all repeat it thereafter.


Alleluia. The King shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord: exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation. Alleluia. For thou hast given him his heart’s desire: and have not withheld the request of his lips. Alleluia. Domine, in virtute tua (Mode V)


All stand and turn to face the book of the Gospels

One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee's house and took his place at the table. And a woman in the city, who was a sinner, having learned that he was eating in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster jar of ointment. She stood behind him at his feet, weeping, and began to bathe his feet with her tears and to dry them with her hair. Then she continued kissing his feet and anointing them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw it, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him - that she is a sinner." Jesus spoke up and said to him, "Simon, I have something to say to you." "Teacher," he replied, "Speak." "A certain creditor had two debtors; one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he cancelled the debts for both of them. Now which of them will love him more?" Simon answered, "I suppose the one for whom he cancelled the greater debt." And Jesus said to him, "You have judged rightly." Then turning toward the woman, he said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has bathed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not 10 | HIGH MASS

anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. Therefore, I tell you, her sins, which were many, have been forgiven; hence she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little." Then he said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." But those who were at the table with him began to say among themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?" And he said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources. Luke 7:36-8:3


Be Seated Canon Douglas Williams (At the conclusion of the sermon, silence is kept)






In peace, let us pray to the Lord.


After each petition this response is said: Lord in thy mercy. Hear our prayer.

All All


After the petition for the departed: + Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord. And may light perpetual shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.



Let us humbly confess our sins to almighty God. Kneel


Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things and judge of all people: We acknowledge and confess our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we from time to time most grievously have committed, By thought, word, and deed, Against thy divine majesty. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings. Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, Forgive us all that is past; And grant that we may ever hereafter Serve and please thee In newness of life, To the honour and glory of thy name; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of his great mercy hath promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto him: have mercy upon you; + pardon and deliver you from all your sins; confirm and strengthen you in all goodness; and bring you to everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




The ministers and people may greet one another in the name of the Lord in the customary way. You may choose not to shake hands at the Peace. A simple exchange of “Peace be with you” with eye contact and a nod, or a bow, is a good substitute. 14 | HIGH MASS

The Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist OFFERTORY & PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS

Be seated

I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: I have set God always before me; for he is on my right hand, therefore I shall not fall. Benedicam Dominum (Mode I)



The People sing the hymn while the People’s gifts of bread, wine and money are brought forward. 486 Blue Hymn Book (Common Praise) – Love Divine, All Loves Excelling




It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times and in all places, give thanks unto thee: O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God: creator and preserver of all things. Through Jesus Christ our Lord; who on this first day of the week overcame death and the grave, and by his glorious resurrection opened to us the way of everlasting life. Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name; evermore praising thee and saying:





All glory be to thee, O Lord our God, who didst make us in thine own image; and, of thy tender mercy, didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to take our nature upon him, and to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption. He made there a full and perfect sacrifice for the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory of that his precious death and sacrifice, until his coming again; who, in the same night that he was betrayed, took bread; and, when he had given thanks to thee, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” + Likewise, after supper, he took the cup; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink this, all of you; for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins: Do this, as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of me.” + Wherefore, O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy people do celebrate and make, with these thy holy gifts which we now offer unto thee, the memorial thy Son hath commanded us to make; having in remembrance his blessed passion and precious death, his mighty resurrection and glorious ascension; and looking for his coming again with power and great glory.




And we most humbly beseech thee, O merciful Father, to hear us, and, with thy Word and Holy Spirit, to bless and sanctify these gifts of bread and wine, that they may be unto us the body and blood of thy dearly-beloved Son Jesus Christ. We praise thee, we bless thee, we thank thee and we pray to thee, Lord our God. And we earnestly desire thy fatherly goodness to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, whereby we offer and present unto thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies. Grant, we beseech thee, that all who partake of this holy communion may worthily receive the most precious body and blood of thy Son Jesus Christ, and be filled with thy grace + and heavenly benediction; and also that we and all thy whole Church may be made one body with him, that he may dwell in us, and we in him; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord; By whom, and with whom, and in whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honour and glory be unto thee, O Father Almighty, world without end. Amen. HIGH MASS | 17





AGNUS DEI Alll sing

All who are baptized and believe Christ present in this sacrament are invited to come forward for communion. Those who are unable to receive communion, or do not yet receive, are invited to come forward for a blessing. To indicate you wish a blessing, fold your arms rather than holding out your hand for the Sacrament. When coming forward to receive, please approach from the centre aisle only and follow the directions of the attendant standing at the head of the aisle. Please return to your seat via the side aisles. When you receive the Holy Bread consume it immediately. It is no longer permissible to intinct the Holy Bread in the Holy Wine. You may choose not to receive the Holy Wine from the chalice at this time. If so, once you have received the Holy Bread please remain kneeling and fold your arms to indicate that you do not wish to receive from the chalice. HIGH MASS | 19

COMMUNION ANTIPHON One thing have I desired of the Lord, which I will require: even that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Unam petii a Domino (Mode I)


Sit or kneel

305 Green Hymn Book (New English Hymnal) – Soul of my Saviour

Concluding Rite PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Celebrant All




The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. Holy and blessed God, as thou givest us the body and blood of thy Son, guide us with thy Holy Spirit, that we may honour thee not only with our lips but also in our lives. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


BLESSING Celebrant


Kneel The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the blessing of God Almighty, the +Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always. Amen. Notices and announcements may be given.

Be Seated





FINAL HYMN 345 Blue Hymn Book (Common Praise) – King of Glory, King of Peace POSTLUDE Fugue in D minor (BWV 538) — J. S. Bach During the postlude you are encouraged to remain quietly in the nave, or to move to the Bishops’ Room to enjoy coffee hour conversation. For prayer requests, please contact the office or speak to a member of the clergy. Please notify the Parish Office (604-685-2532) when a parishioner/friend/family member is hospitalized or housebound. The Office will arrange visitation, Holy Communion or Anointing with the Parish Clergy Team and Pastoral Care Ministry Coordinator. If entering hospital, please inform the hospital on arrival that you (or the patient you are with) are Anglican and ask for the hospital’s Anglican chaplain.




With apologies for the printing omission, on Sunday, June 9th, the flower dedications were as follows: The flowers at the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Shirley McAllister from her daughter Patti and son Robbie. The flowers in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel are given to the Glory of God in memory of Sanctuary Guild members Nell Fedden, Sadie Garrett, Barbara Gillett, Mollie Hay and Inez Hills and in thanksgiving for ten years of healing ministry at the Coming Home Society’s Young Wolves Lodge

The flowers at the High Altar are given to the Glory of God in loving memory of my father Winston Sandiford, my cousin Otho St. Hill, and all relatives and friends whose anniversaries are at this time from Anita Sandiford The flowers in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel are given to the Glory of God in memory of Sanctuary Guild members Bertha Hoer, Kay Knight, May Knight, Gwen Manuel and Maude Meal and and in loving memory of Millicent Springer, Catherine Williams and Cleo Dove from Anita Sandiford HIGH MASS | 23

THE MOTHERS’ UNION EDWARDIAN STRAWBERRY TEA Sunday June 23rd - noon to 2pm -local strawberries -home-made sponge cake -real whipped cream -fancy sandwiches -live music Back by popular demand is the Mothers’ Union Edwardian Strawberry Tea to be held Sunday, June 23, after High Mass, in the Parish Hall. It will be replacing the normal coffee hour on that Sunday. Again we will be offering home-made sandwiches, strawberry shortcake with freshly picked BC strawberries and whipping cream, and tea and coffee. There will be musical entertainment and recitations. It is hoped that parishioners will get into the spirit of Edwardian England by wearing a fancy hat or fascinator for the women; bowtie, cravat, waistcoat and/or boater for the men. If you have holiday plans for that weekend and know you will be away, but would like to purchase a ticket for someone who cannot afford the $10 charge, this would be most appreciated. Last year we were able to give away approximately 10 tickets. Children under 8 are free. The proceeds will be donated to the MU Northern Clergy Families’ Fund, our primary national fundraiser. Tickets are available from members of the Mothers’ Union.


St. James’ News & Announcements PARISH REVIEW UPDATE (3) The preliminary findings of my study leave and the proposed period of review for the Parish have been scrutinized by the Trustees and the Clergy – I am grateful for their support and encouragement. The term ‘sabbatical’ was used initially to describe the fact that I am in my seventh year as Rector. However, ‘sabbatical’ has been mistaken as signifying that I will be taking time away from the Parish this year, which is not planned, nor anticipated. So we will not use the term any further. The remainder of 2013 is an opportunity for a period of review and recommendation at St. James’. During this time the leadership (lay and ordained) of the Parish plan to work together in creating opportunities for us to listen to one another (and the direction of the Holy Spirit), to take stock of where we are in our journey together in Christ and to seek direction as we plan for the next few years. One might say this is an invitation to an exercise in faithfulness. It is as if I were arriving at St. James’ as your new Rector this year. Who and what is the Parish of St. James’? What is our vocation? How shall we offer our spiritual resources, physical resources, Church programmes and personnel (staff, lay leaders and all Church members) to the glory of God and the pursuit of the Kingdom of God? What will be our focus and our priority as we seek to live into our vocation in Christ? What are we being called to leave behind and to give up? What are we being called to take up that is new? What are we being called to maintain and strengthen? It is hoped that by Advent specific recommendations will have emerged and be supported by the Parish.

How we ask these questions with deep and attentive listening I will explore with you in an update later in June. Please speak to me, or the Wardens, directly if you have a query, or would like to support this season of review. Fr. Mark. SYLVIA MURPHY - RIP With regret we announce that long-time parishioner Sylvia Murphy has died. Vespers for the Departed will be held on Friday, June 21st, at 8:00pm. A Requiem Mass for the repose of her soul with an interment into the Columbarium will occur the next day, June 22nd, at 1:00om. A reception will follow in the May Gutteridge Room. Rest eternal grant to your servant Sylvia, O Lord. May she and all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. EDUCATING FOR RECONCILIATION St. David of Wales (2475 Franklin St.) Saturday, June 22, 2013, 10 am to 1 pm Everyone is invited to this free study day with Dr. Rosalyn Ing to help prepare for the upcoming Truth & Reconciliation event in September. Dr. Ing is a Cree elder who attended Residential School. She has had a long teaching career, first at the Native Education Center, and then at UBC as coordinator of First Nations Health Careers programs. She will be talking about First Nations colonization through education in Canada, and its intergenerational impacts.


St. James’ News & Announcements THANKS FOR YOUR PRESENCE AT THE YOUNG WOLVES LODGE 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Thank you to everyone who attended the 10th Anniversary celebrations of the Coming Home Society’s Young Wolves Lodge. The young women were enormously touched by the overflow crowd, and felt safe and loved as they opened their hearts to share their stories and songs. Our deepest appreciation to you for being there for them. Linda Adams, President, Coming Home Society

SJMA THANKS YOU! The Saint James Music Academy would like to thank the Church for the generous use of its space over the previous school year. In addition, we would also like to specifically acknowledge and express our deep gratitude to those parishioners who have supported the work financially as we have served the children of our parish. They are: Cynthia Best, Elizabeth Branson, Mary Brown, 26 | HIGH MASS

Andrew Campbell, David Crerar, Alexander & Mary-Ann Currie, Michael & Jennifer Dezell, Celia Dodds, Eric Dodds, Frankie & Janet Foo, Peter Goodwin, Robert & Patricia Harris, D. Gayle Higginson, Julia Lawn, Robert Maxwell, David McKenzie, Patricia McSherry, Dianne Palgova, Rev. Alexis Saunders, Jennifer Scott, Peter Symons, Helen Tataren, Jean Wilson, and Nancy Zimmerman. PAX CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS St. James' Day 2013 The PAX editorial team welcomes submissions for the upcoming St. James' Day issue of PAX, to be released at the celebration of our patronal feast day on July 28. The theme of this issue will be pilgrimage in the Christian tradition. Have you participated in a pilgrimage to a particular site, and would like to share a reflection or images from your experience? Or, in what way is your participation in a guild or ministry at St. James' part of the pilgrimage of your Christian journey? We encourage any connections you wish to make with the theme of pilgrimage, and also welcome other ideas you may wish to explore. Written submissions (maximum 500 words) as well as photos and artwork are most welcome. The submission deadline is July 2nd. All submissions may be sent to tracylee.russell@gmail.com, or left in the PAX mail slot outside the office. SOUP SALE TODAY LAST SALE UNTIL THE FALL Please see Mary Brown in the Bishops’ Room after High Mass today. The next sale is September 8th.

St. James’ News & Announcements All events are free, and all Aboriginal community members & supporters are welcome. This is a family-friendly event. Make sure you bring your cameras & video-recorders! To find out more, visit www.bcnationalaboriginalday.com. Look under ‘Photos’ to see great pictures from last year’s event. See you there! A MORNING WITH DAVID HALL

CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DAY National Aboriginal Day, June 21st, was first declared a national day of celebration in 1996. It is a day for Aboriginal communities to come together to share their culture and history with non-First Nations people. There are events in communities across Canada, including two in our immediate area. There are activities in Oppenheimer Park, and an even larger celebration at Trout Lake. The Trout Lake celebration is a community-based full day of events that celebrates the diversity of Aboriginal people from across Canada. First Nations, Métis & Inuit peoples gather to share their experiences, stories, songs, traditional games, dances & spirit with each other & the general community. The day begins with a pancake breakfast at the Aboriginal Friendship Center (Hastings at Commercial) followed by an on-foot procession from there to Trout Lake. Festivities at Trout Lake begin at noon and go until 5:00 pm. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and settle in!

David Hall is a member of the Auckland Anglican Social Justice Council and has recently become part of the interim Management Committee of the Living Wage Movement, Aotearoa New Zealand. He represents the Anglican Diocese of Auckland on the Auckland Community Development Alliance. He is the author of a number of articles concerning social justice including "Equality, Health, Tax and Welfare", "Inequality: Don't Confuse Me With the Facts", and "One Measure for All". He is a member of St. John's Cooperating Parish, Bucklands Beach, Auckland which involves Anglicans, Presbyterians and Methodists. To read some of David's articles and find out more about his social justice work on behalf of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, go to the Auckland Diocese website, www.auckanglican.org.nz. We are fortunate to have David in our diocese on July 4. You are invited to engage in dialogue with him and share his vision of the role of the Church in key social justice issues. July 4, 2013, 10:00am to 12:00pm St. Thomas Anglican Church, 2444 East 41 Ave. Refreshments will be provided, courtesy of St. Thomas parish. Please invite those who are involved in social justice development in your HIGH MASS | 27

St. James’ News & Announcements parish. To confirm numbers attending, please email Rev. Margaret Marquardt at mmarquardt@telus.net or Rev. Steve Bailey at sbailey1047@shaw.ca. COME SEE THE PLANS FOR THE NEW LIBRARY BRANCH Thursday, June 20 Strathcona Community Centre – Activity Room 601 Keefer Street, 4:30pm to 7:30pm The plans for the new Library Branch and YWCA safe, affordable housing at 720 East Hastings have been submitted to the City for a Rezoning and Development Permit. On Thursday, June 20, the City is hosting an Open House so that you can see the plans, meet with the City of Vancouver, VPL and YWCA staff, and the project team. Your feedback on this exciting joint project is welcome and needed. http://vpl-ywca-project.ca/ MOTHER JESSICA SCHAAP’S INDUCTION AT ST. PAUL’S Mother Jessica will be inducted as the rector of St. Paul’s Church in the West End on Tuesday, August 6, at 7:30 pm. If you wish to attend the service, please mark the date on your calendar. DO YOU LIKE TO RECORD VIDEO? Videographers needed ASAP - all training provided We are looking for a few volunteers to assist with the video recording of the sermons during Low Mass on Sundays. We’ll show you exactly what to do. It is pretty straight forward. The camera tripod needs to be set in place before the sermon begins, 28 | HIGH MASS

and there are three ‘X’s’ on the floor marking the spot to make it easy. After the sermon the camera needs to be put away. It is a one-person job, but we would like to train several people to ensure that someone is always available. Starting in September, we would also like to record Formation Sessions. Please contact the office ASAP for more information. This is an excellent opportunity for parishioners who are looking for experience and references for their resume. REFUGEES RESCUED The Outreach Committee has learnt that the refugee family stranded in Syria who are being sponsored to come to Canada by the PWRDF have at last arrived in Halifax. Hamdan Nagie, his wife Wagida and son Ahmed, originally fled from Iraq and took refuge in a UNHCR camp near Damascus. Their daughter, who had immigrated to Halifax earlier, was advised that they could come to Canada if privately sponsored. So she appealed to the PWRDF for help. We made a small financial contribution towards this sponsorship. But before the funds could be collected, the civil war broke out in Syria. Canada closed its embassy in Damascus, and the visa office was moved to Jordan. More delays. Finally, last month the family were advised that they would be moved to Beirut to catch a flight to North America. But, when they reached the Syrian border, Hamdan was ordered off the bus and detained by the border guards. Somehow he managed to overcome this last hurdle, and the whole family has now been reunited. The PWRDF representative in Halifax has kindly sent us photos

St. James’ News & Announcements of their reunion at the airport. John Conway COMPOST SALE TOMORROW!!! Monday

June 17th

$5 large bag

Please tell your friends and neighbours! We need more volunteers to bag up the compost between 7:30am and 9:00am, before the YouthWorks teens are available, because the sidewalk will need to be cleared quickly. The sale will run all day long, until all the bags are sold.


Offices and Mass Times MON. JUNE 17


MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS 12:10 pm in the Lady Chapel


For catechists and teachers of the faith 6:00 pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Bernard Mizeki, Catechist in Rhodesia, Martyr, 1896 WED. JUNE 19

For the people of Zimbabwe 12:10 pm in the Lady Chapel For all who are penitent

T. Romuald, Founder of the Camaldolese Order, 1027 THU. JUNE 20

9:30 am in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

St. Anthony and Padua, Priest and Teacher of the Faith, 1231 FRI. JUNE 21 SAT. JUNE 22 St. Alban, 1stMartyr of Briatian, c.304 SUN. JUNE 23 Pentecost 5

For the street nurses in our neighbourhood 12:10 pm in the Lady Chapel For all indigenous peoples in Canada 5:30 pm in the Lady Chapel For all who are persecuted for their faith and conscience 8:00 am Morning Prayer 8:30 am Low Mass 10:30 am High Mass 5:00 pm Evening Prayer

Meetings and Events at St. James’ June


16 Sun | 7:30 PM 17 Mon | 10:00 AM 17 Mon | 7:00 PM 17 Mon | 7:00 PM 18 Tues | 7:00 PM 20 Thu | 8:00 AM 20 Thu | 7:30 PM 21 Fri | 8:00 AM 21 Fri | 12:00 PM 21 Fri | 7:00 PM 22 Sat | 9:00 AM 22 Sat | 9:30 AM 22 Sat | 12:00 PM 22 Sat | 12:30 PM 22 Sat | 7:00 PM

Narcotics Anonymous, May Gutteridge Room Women’s Guild, Bishops’ Room Private rental, Bishop’s Room Latino AA Group, May Gutteridge Room Latino AA Group, May Gutteridge Room Latino Lunch Group, Crypt. Lunch served at 12 noon Narcotics Anonymous, May Gutteridge Room Sanctuary Guild, Parish Hall Spectrum Society Art Therapy, May Gutteridge Room Vespers S. Murphy, Church Latino Community Kitchen, Crypt MU Tea Prep, Parish Hall Funeral S. Murphy, Church Funeral Reception S. Murphy, May Gutteridge Room Latino AA Group, May Gutteridge Room

Daily Lectionary DATE





2 COR 6:1-10 PS 98 MT 5:38-42

PS 80 1 SAM 1:1-20 ACTS 1:1-14


BARUCH 4:21-24 PS 116:1-8 LK 12:4-12 2 COR 9:6-11 PS 112:1-9 MT 6:1-6, 16-18 2 COR 11:1-11 PS 111 MT 6:7-15 2 COR 11:18, 21B-30 PS 34:1-6 MT 6:19-23 1 KGS 19:1-4, 8-15A PS 42, 43 GAL 3:23-29 LK 8:26-39 1 KGS 19:1-4, 8-15A PS 42, 43 GAL 3:23-29 LK 8:26-39

PS 78:1-39 1 SAM 1:21 – 2:11 ACTS 1:15-26 PS 119:97-120 1 SAM 2:12-26 ACTS 2:1-21 PS 83 1 SAM 2:27-36 ACTS 2:22-36 PS 88 1 SAM 3:1-21 ACTS 2:37-47 PS 87, 90 1 SAM 4:1B-11 ACTS 4:32 – 5:11

PS 77 NUM 9:15-23; 10:2936 LK 20:9-19 PS 78:40-72 NUM 11:1-23 LK 20:19-26 PS 81, 82 NUM 11:24-33 LK 20:27-40 PS 85, 86 NUM 12:1-16 LK 20:41 – 21:4 PS 91, 92 NUM 13:1-3, 21-30 LK 21:5-19 PS 136 NUM 13:31 – 14:25 LK 21:20-28






PS 66, 67 1 SAM 4:12-22 JAS 1:1-18 MT 19:23-30

PS 103 SIR 48:1-11 LK 1:5-23

Please take this booklet away with you to aid in your own reflection, prayers, and for your information.




Father Mark Greenaway-Robbins rector@stjames.bc.ca

days off: Friday, Saturday Street Outreach Father Matthew Johnson streetoutreachinitiative@gmail.com 604-685-7522 (non-emergency number)

days off: Monday, Saturday

Office Managers Linda Adams Mon - Wed 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Janet Hamilton Thu - Sat 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Building Manager & Assistant Art Cuthbertson Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-2:00 PM 604-329-7567 Darren Campbell Sat 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Honorary Assistants Mother Alexis Saunders, Priest Brother John Blyth, Priest Sister Mary Christian Cross, Deacon

Organist & Choirmaster Assistant Organist

Any of the clergy may be contacted through the Parish Office: 604-685-2532

Rector’s Warden

CLERGY AVAILABILITY For immediate contact or within a few hours please contact the Rector on his cell phone at: Father Mark Greenaway-Robbins 778-316-7941

You may need to leave a message if we are engaged in a pastoral matter and we will promptly return urgent calls. We seek to be available to all in any circumstances and encourage you to contact us and request an opportunity for a pastoral appointment.

For pastoral care and support you may also contact our Pastoral Care Ministry

Gerald Harder Bruce McKenzie

PARISH OFFICERS Brian Rocksborough-Smith 604-291-9852 People’s Warden Reece Wrightman 604-872-4129 Assoc. Warden Betty Carlson 604-522-4412 EMAIL: wardens@stjames.bc.ca Building Project Communication project@stjames.bc.ca Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer

Leslie Arnovick Graham Murchie Paul Stanwood Angela Van Luven

Envelope Secretary Philip Green Parish Privacy Officer & Vestry Clerk Linda Adams PARISH COUNCIL Chair Secretary

Jane Turner Erin Kenny

Coordinator : Joyce Locht 604-614-9915 (cell) EMAIL:

joyce.locht@gmail.com 303 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC, v6a 1l4 telephone: 604-685-2532, fax: 604-685-7605 email: office@stjames.bc.ca Web: www.stjames.bc.ca parish office hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 am-4:00pm

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