Liturgy Academy Fall 2012

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Liturgy Academy

Fall 2012

Purpose: •

To deepen the understanding of the Mass for the children, their families, godparents and sponsors and all the adults at St. James who have made promises to support and nurture all who are baptized. To support parents in their baptismal role as the ones who pass on the Christian faith to their children. Parents are the primary educators of the Christian life for their children for it is about living life every day in all the practical, moral, and spiritual decisions that are made in the home. The Church community provides guidance, support and all the sacraments for all baptized members who are full members of the congregation.

How: • • •

The children will leave mass after the Gospel reading to gather for age appropriate learning. The adults will hear sermons related to what the children are learning. The Children will return at the offertory.

When: September 7 – October 12 •

Begins with a Friday night family gathering with food and stations on September 7. Continues for six weeks on Sundays ending with another Friday night family gathering on October 12.

Who: Co-ordinated by Mother Alexis with Mother Jessica, parents, and parishioners.

2 Age Groups: 1. 4 – 6 year olds 2. 7 – to 9 year olds 3. 10 – 12 year olds

Schedule and Topics 1. Preparing for the Mass - Friday, September 5:30 – 7:30 pm. We will begin with a meal and then process to Stations: • Preparing at home • Arriving at church • Positions of prayer, posture and gesture • Altar Guild • Sacristan • Server’s Guild • Flowers • Narthex Guild • Choir • Assignments for Sunday, September 9 – dressing of a clergy person 2. The gathering of the community – Sunday, September 16 • The procession • Introit • Kyrie • Gloria Excelsis • Collect of the Day 3. Liturgy of the Word – Sunday, September 23 • Old Testament reading • Psalm • Epistle reading • Gospel

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Sermon lectionary

4. Our response to the word – Sunday, September 30 • Creed • The prayers of the people • The confession and absolution • The peace 5. The Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist – Sunday, October 7 • The offertory • Sursum Corda and proper preface • Sanctus and Benedictus • The Prayer of consecration • The Lord’s Prayer • The Breaking of the Bread • Agnus Dei • Communion 6. Concluding Rite – Sunday, October 14 • Prayer after communion • Blessing • The Dismissal • Angelus • Final Hymn 7. Going forth into the world – Friday, October 19, 5:30 – 7:30 pm Family gathering with supper and stations. • Mass nurtures us to be in the world • Baptismal vows , purpose, and meanings • Virtues and vices • Prayers at home • Rule of Life

Learning Goals 4 – 6 year olds 1. To prepare children to participate more fully in community worship to discover the joy of living in communion with God and others. 2. To know that the Mass is meant to help us be our very best selves. 3. To help parent and child to share their faith with one another. 4. Children to recognize the order and parts of the mass. 5. To know responses to: The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Lord in thy mercy, Hear our prayer. The peace of the Lord be always with you. And with thy spirit. Go forth in the name of Christ. Thanks be to God. 6. To sing one part of the liturgy. Eg. Kyrie, gospel responses, peace, sursum corda, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, dismissal, or angelus. 7. Parents to help children to know where they are in the liturgy and to encourage. 8. To form personal intentions for Mass. Resource: What we do in Church

7 – to 9 year olds Goals: 1. To be able to tell the story of the very first Eucharist. 2. Explain what it means to be baptized. 3. What do they like best about coming to church. 4. How our life can be changed by what we do.

5. To know the responses in the liturgy. 6. Why do we say the creed. 7. What prayers do they say at home and when. 8. What can they do to follow Jesus. Resource: Life in the Eucharist

5 10 – 12 year olds Goals: 1. Learn the prayer “Glory to God” 2. With the others write the Prayers of the people. 3. Ask a member of the altar guild to show you how the altar, the linens, and the vessels are set out for the Eucharist. 4. Recite the Lord’s prayer. 5. Learn a grace to give thanks before meals. 6. Ask servers what they do. 7. In the bible, read the story of the Last Supper. Imagine you are a child at that supper. Write a story about what that was like. Resource: The Eucharist by Patricia Bays.

Resources Bays, Patricia, Anglican Learning Centres; The Eucharist, ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre, 2007. Kitch, Anne E. , What we do in Church; An Anglican Child’s Activity Book, Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2204. Moore, Gerard, We Learn About Mass, Liturgy Training Publications, 2007. The Anglican Church of Canada, Life in the Eucharist; A Communion Program for Children, Anglican Book Centre, Toronto, Canada, 1986. The Anglican Church of Canada, Life in the Eucharist; A Communion Program for Children: Leader’s Guide, Anglican Book Centre, Toronto, Canada, 1986. Webber, Christopher L., Welcome to Sunday; An Introduction to Worship in the Episcopal Church, Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, 2003.

Ideas: How can you build a better world? Each age group talk and take on a project. Teens thinking about confirmation – especially to take on a project. Children could be assigned to greeting at the door, bringing up the offertory, receiving the peace from the priest and then sharing it with the congregation. Older children could read Help with coffee hour. Why – full members of the congregation.

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