St. James' 2013 Ordo Kalendar

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Gospel procession The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Photo: Sean Birch

Proclamation of the Gospel Praise be to thee, O Christ.

Photo: Tracy Russell

Homily In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Photo: Sean Birch

Creed I believe in one God.

Photo: Sean Birch

Peace And with thy spirit.

Photo: Christine Hatfull

Presentation of the gifts All that is in the heaven and the earth is thine.

Photo: Sean Birch

Offertory: censing of the People Accept this our sacrifice of praise.

Photo: Sean Birch

Great Thanksgiving Lift up your hearts.

Photo: Christine Hatfull

Sanctus and Benedictus Hosanna in the highest.

Photo: Sean Birch

Prayer of Consecration Do this in remembrance of me.

Photo: Sean Birch

Communion Behold the Lamb of God.

Photo: Sean Birch

Narthex Go forth in the name of Christ.

Photo: Sean Birch

Veneration of the Blessed Sacrament on Maundy Thursday O Saving Victim.

Photo: Elaine Jan

303 East Cordova St. Vancouver, BC Telephone: 604-685-2532 Email: Website:

St. James’ Anglican Church, Vancouver, BC The Kalendar of the Church Year General Instruction

THE LITURGICAL YEAR 1 The liturgy of the Church celebrates but one mystery: the life, the death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each Sunday is the weekly commemoration of that mystery of Christ. Christians gather each Sunday to celebrate, in word and sacrament, their participation in Christ. The Lord’s Day is consequently given primacy over other commemorations. Each year the weekly commemoration is celebrated with particular joy when the Church keeps Passover or Easter. The observance includes forty days of preparation in Lent and fifty days of celebration in the Easter season. Easter is the central festival of the Church Year.

The commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas provides the focus for the other seasons of the Church Year. The festival, much later in origin than Easter, is associated with the Epiphany in some parts of the Christian world. Advent is a period of preparation for this celebration. Sundays which are not immediately related to Easter or Christmas are numbered as Sundays after Epiphany and Sundays after Pentecost. The Church celebrates the victory of Christ in the lives of particular individuals in the commemoration of saints. The calendar of saints’ days varies among the various Christian Churches and among the various Churches of the Anglican Communion.

Some saints’ days are of great antiquity and universal observance and take precedence of certain other days. The Calendar also includes the names of a variety of Christians who are remembered for a number of reasons: some inspired the reverent wonder of another time and place; some are associated with the heroic struggle involved in the development of the Church in this country. In addition to those whose names appear in this Calendar, it is appropriate for the Church, at regional and even local levels, to add the names of Christians whose lives have reflected the mystery of Christ.

1. “The Calendar of the Church Year” in the Book of Alternative Sevices quoted in the Introduction to The Kalendar (Vancouver: St. James’ Anglican Church, 2011)

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