Packaging Design by Ross Sinclair
Step 1 I took a photo of a sea horse that i own.
Step 2 I then copied and pasted the seahorse and flipped the 2nd sea horse horizontally
Step 3 Step 4 I realized that the negative space in-between the sea I took an image of a black cat from the Internet horse resembles the shape of a cat. and pasted it into the document. Step 5 I lowered the opacity of the cat so I could place it perfectly in-between the seahorse and rubbed out any sections that went beyond the sea horse. Step 7 I filled the background in black.
Step 6 I merged the two-seahorse layers .I then played around with the curves in Photoshop for the sea horse layer until the shading and color was rite. Step 8 Last of all I brought it into light room and added these settings. Tone : contrast +100, shadow+20,blacks -8. Presence: clarity -10 Sharpning: amount +150, radius 3.0 , detail 100 , masking 100 Noise Reduction : luminance 100, detail, 100 , contrast 0
My original idea was to make a cat head out of or Step 1 gamy but after much though I decided that it was too I downloaded this rectangle box template from the tacky and flimsy for an upper class cat food product . web
Step 2 I filled the template black using the marquee tool and pen tool.
Step 3 I placed the image of the cat and seahorse at the top of the box so to look as though it is the head.
Step 4 Step 5 I scanned this soft paper image and then brought it I added these setting to get this gold texture into light room . Amount 150 ,Radious 3.0,Detail 100, Masking 100,Next I went to post crop settings Highlight priority ,Amount -63,Midpoint 100,Roundeness + 100,Feather 62, Highlights 80
Step 6 I used font Baroque Script in various sizes also stretching words to give a triangle look.
Step 7 To get this gold type I wrote over the gold texture with the pink color. Then using the magic wand tool I selected all the type, then hid the pink font layers so the selection was gold, I then copyed merged and pasted.
Step 8 I placed the gold type where the back of the box will be showing .
Step 9 I wrote 9 lives limited edition and followed the steps from 6- 7 to get the same gold type.
Step 10 I then added the Sheba logo.
Step 11 I added a tail which is going to be the handle which startes next to the Sheba logo and ends before the cats head.
I was thinking of doing this compartment where the food would come out of the cats mouth but then it would completly takeaway from the cat image so im just going to add a little slit underneath the image where the food pores out .