FAMA Fyler Summer 2009

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Everyone’s Safety Matters Summer 2009 Issue

“United We Stand” FAMA and FEMSA Fall Meetings and Capitol Hill Day October 8-9, 2009 Arlington, Virginia

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A Publication of Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association, Inc.


President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Welcome New Members . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Preview of FAMA Fall Meeting . . . . . . 4 Legislative Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Capitol Hill Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 “Home Day” Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GAC Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Report of the Technical Committee . 8 2009 FAMA Scholarship Sponsor . . . . 9 NFPA Technical Committee Dates . . . 9 With Thanks to FDIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Spring Meeting Highlights . . . . . . . . . 10 CFSI Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Preparing for Interschutz 2010 . . . . . 14 U.S. Exporters – Last Remaining   Export Tax Incentive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 U.S. Census Bureau Reports . . . . . . . 16 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 On a Personal Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 “All In The Family” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Member News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . Back Cover

|| President’s Message

Crimson Fire Aerials

By: John E. Sztykiel


irst, I wish to thank all who attended the FAMA Spring Meeting in St. Augustine, Florida, as time and schedules are the most difficult hurdles to overcome. I also wish to thank our sponsors. Their support is critical as very few things in this world are free: • Fire Engineering magazine (Corporate Sponsor) - reduced meeting fees • Spartan Motors, Inc – Monday banquet open bar • United Plastic Fabricating – Monday coffee break and cups for the Hospitality Suite • Havis-Shields – Tuesday coffee break Overall, this was a great meeting; however, there were some issues. Over half (57%) of the surveys we received rated the guest speaker at a three or below. This is something that we will work to address. The breakout notes for this event have been summarized and will be posted on the FAMA website. The comments are great, and critical to our long term success. Next, the Obama administration has submitted a 70 percent reduction in the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program for fiscal 2010. This is a very large decrease considering the AFG purchases about 10 to 15 percent of the industry’s trucks each year. Already I have had numerous emails and calls from people asking, “What is the GAC going to do?” The GAC has already sent the appropriate response. However, it is important to note that it is not just the GACs job to turn this around, it is yours, mine, and ours. For the past three years, Bob Kreps, Mike Power and I have been preaching that FAMA membership needs to get involved (a 2009 top three GAC objective). Contact your elected officials today and have state and federal representatives, senators, and staffers visit your location. In addition, you could visit their state offices or meet in Washington, D.C. If you are not certain what to do please contact Mike Power or refer to the Home Day Tool Kit that can be found at www.famafemsagac.org. Business is about relationships...what kind of relationship do you have with your state and federal legislators? The GAC will help facilitate the correct effort, but that is a small group of people. FAMA as an association consists of many people and there is strength and influence in numbers. In closing, while we are strong, there is work to do. Thank you again for your attendance in St. Augustine, and we look forward to seeing you in the fall.

“United We Stand” FAMA and FEMSA Fall Meetings and Capitol Hill Day October 8-9, 2009 Arlington, Virginia


Welcome New Members

Summer 2009

James A. Salmi, President 1828 Freedom Road Lancaster, PA 17601 Tel: (605) 582-4000 Fax: (717) 735-0842 Email: jsalmi@crimson-fire.com Web: www.crimson-fire.com Manufacturer of fire apparatus

Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment

Travis Rakestraw Manager-Sales/Engineering 2158 Atlanta Road Smyrna, GA 30080 Tel: (770) 431-0216 Fax: (770) 438-1504 Email: trakestraw@fouts brosfire.com Web: www.foutsbrosfire.com Manufacturer of fire apparatus and rescue vehicles

Maintainer Custom Bodies, Inc. Michael Preston General Manager 909 So. East Street Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246 Tel: (712) 472-4725 Fax: (712) 472-4727 Email: mpreston@maintainer custombodies.com Web: www.maintainer custombodies.com Manufacturer of rescue vehicles

Southeastern Apparatus Sales

John E. Lovell, President 1420 Nimitz Avenue Talladega, AL 35160 Tel: (256) 362-9280 Fax: (256) 362-9299 Email: john@seapparatus.com Web: www.seapparatus.com Manufacturer of rescue vehicles/quick attacks

Southern Fire Service & Sales, Inc. Randy Willoughby, President 229 Confederate Avenue Jasper, GA 30143 Tel: (706) 253-7319 Fax: (706) 253-0019 Email: rwillo1438@ellijay.com Manufacturer of fire apparatus and rescue vehicles


Safe Trucks Save Lives The facts – There are approximately 40,000 fire apparatus in the U.S. built prior to the 1991 version of NFPA 1901. – That’s over 50% of the apparatus in service today. The figures of those 40,000 apparatus: • 10,000 units are older than 30 years • 17,000 units are 20 – 29 years old • 13,000 units are 15 – 19 years old

Most communities do not have 15 year old garbage trucks, police cars or school buses... So, why do we allow more than half of our firefighters to ride in vehicles older than 15 years?

Annex D – You Can Live By It! NFPA 1901 Annex D addresses the problem of older vehicles that do not incorporate current features and safety standards. The annex recommends replacement of any vehicles that were built prior to 1979. It further recommends refurbishment or replacement of any vehicles built between 1979 and 1991. If units are refurbished and retained, they should be placed in reserve status. Annex D helps fire departments determine if an apparatus is in need of upgrading or refurbishing. Beginning with the 1991 edition of NFPA 1901, a number of significant safety features were incorporated into the standards: Fully enclosed riding areas, stronger aerial ladders, auxiliary braking systems, reflective striping, improved warning lights and no roof-mounted audible warning devices, to name a few. By upgrading to equipment that meets the newer NFPA 1901 standards, you can significantly reduce the potential of serious injury or death sustained in accidents or operation of these vehicles.

Together we build safe fire and rescue apparatus that save lives


By: Peter Darley, Vice President


ill Darley likes to tell his grandkids a story about 3 frogs on a log. One decided to jump off the log….so how many were left asks Bill? Well the answer is three, as just because he decided to jump, because he didn’t take action, there he sat. It is easy to complain that the fire service is not getting enough federal monetary support and it is easy to say that I am going to get involved and help get the message of need out to those that can do something about it. It’s also pretty easy to sign up now for this year’s fall meeting because it is good for you, for your company and for the industry as a whole. Like last year, this year’s fall meeting will offer great networking and learning opportunities for everyone attending. On top of that we need to have a strong presence and voice on Capitol Hill. The FAMA Board is asking for your continued support and the timing for your involvement has never been more important. United we stand. Get off the log. You will be glad you did!

Programs In answer to your survey comments from last year, you can expect to see a lineup of quality speakers and presentations that will provide great take-away. We are asking for your valuable input and suggestions for the Buyers’ Roundtable as we look to attract a variety of experts including people with federal agency purchasing expertise. Please pass them along to Karen – info@fama.org. FAMA has been invited to join FEMSA members for a “Fire Drill” – an opportunity to participate in business discussions of your choice such as dealing with Nexus, human resources issues, distribution relationships, trendy tasks like how to “Twitter”, along with other social networking and marketing tactics. More topics will be featured. In addition, industry and governmental leaders will speak about the state and future of the fire service in these tougher economic times. Joe Mancusi is this year’s business speaker for the Friday afternoon joint session with FEMSA. Dr. Mancusi’s mission is to inspire personal and organizational excellence through dynamic programs tailored to manage change, build leadership skills, and enhance teamwork. His goal is to help people go from Existing to Excelling.

Sponsorship Opportunities

TO: FAMA Members Pursuant to Section 5.3 of the bylaws of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA), notice is hereby given that a meeting of the general membership will be held October 8-9, 2009, at the Crystal City Marriott Hotel 1999 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Arlington, VA 22202 FEMSA will host its Annual Meeting during this time, and will share some meeting time and events with FAMA. Critical to this meeting: “Capitol Hill Day” - Thursday, October 8th.


The following sponsorship opportunities are available to all members attending the 2009 annual/fall meetings and events: FAMA Friday Member Breakfast - $2,000 FAMA/FEMSA Friday Member Lunch - $6,500 FAMA/FEMSA Friday Reception (preceding banquet) - $4,200 FAMA/FEMSA Friday Banquet Open Bar - $2,500 (Please email Karen – info@fama.org – if you have interest in any of these opportunities.) A Sincere Thank You to the following FEMSA members for their sponsorship commitments that benefit FEMSA and FAMA members: FEMSA/FAMA Business Speaker - $4,000 – Fire Chief Magazine FEMSA General Meeting Breakfasts - $4,200 – FireRescue companies FEMSA/FAMA Coffee Breaks - $4,500 – Firehouse companies FEMSA/FAMA Hospitality Suite - $11,000 – Fire Engineering Magazine & FDIC

Sponsorship Benefits

August 14, 2009 www.fama.org/meetingReg

• Formal recognition in meeting materials and from podium each day • Opportunity to place signage and promotional materials during your sponsored event * • Exposure to the FAMA and FEMSA memberships • Build new relationships with potential customers

The preliminary meeting events schedule that follows outlines all business meetings and functions planned during your stay in the Washington, D.C. area.

(* Sponsors will be recognized from the podium and will be allowed to place banners, literature and promotional materials on the table(s) provided during the sponsored event. Promotional materials must be approved, in advance, by FAMA.)


Summer 2009


Periodic updates will be e-mailed to you providing additional details on the roundtable panelists, breakouts, other presentations, as well as the hotel and area attractions. On-line registration is now available at www.fama.org/meetingReg. If you do not receive an electronic confirmation from Bob Grimaldi within 48 hours of submitting your on-line registration, contact Bob directly at bobg@rometravel.com. Your confirmation will include a receipt for your requested booking. In addition, we will e-mail broadcast a list of registered attendees periodically. If you registered and do not see your name on the list, contact Bob immediately. These procedures will ensure that everyone is accounted for. Room Block - All members are encouraged to book their rooms at the Crystal City Marriott Hotel through the FAMA/FEMSA room block (see on-line registration form). Our group is guaranteed the best available rate for the dates of our stay at the hotel. In order to accommodate all member requests and fulfill our room block commitment, registration deadline has been set for August 14th. At that time we must advise the hotel how many sleeping rooms will be required each night of our meeting events.


1. Meeting Fees: No “a la carte” meeting fee schedules are available to members, spouses and/or guests with the exception of children under 11 years of age. 2. Reservation Policy: FAMA/FEMSA negotiates a special room rate each year. The room block this year closes August 14th. After that date, the FAMA/FEMSA rate might not be available and you will have to pay the full rack rate. We set aside a fixed number of rooms based on anticipated attendance. Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. If our main hotel sells out, we will make reservations for you at a hotel nearby. 3. Cancellation Policy: If you cancel a reservation after August 14th, there is a one-night cancellation fee. Also, if you check out prior to your original reservation departure date, you will be charged a one-night cancellation fee. No-Shows will be charged for the nights missed. 4. Refund Policy: Annual membership meeting fees will not be refunded, but will be credited toward the next annual membership meeting.

2009 FAMA/FEMSA Meeting & Events Schedule Time Arrival

Program Topic /Speaker Wednesday - October 7th, 2009

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

FEMSA Board Lunch

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

FEMSA Board Meeting

3:00 PM


Thursday - October 8th, 2009 6:30 AM

FAMA Board Breakfast

7:00 a.m.

FAMA Board Meeting

6:30 am - 7:30 am

FEMSA Member Breakfast

7:30 am - 10:15 am

FEMSA Annual Business Meeting

10:15 am - 10:30 am

Break (FEMSA and FAMA)

10:30 am - 12:00 pm


12:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Visits to Hill (Lunch on your own)

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

FEMSA/FAMA Reception (off site)

6:30 am - 7:00 am

FAMA Member Breakfast

7:00 am - 9:45 am

FAMA Membership Meeting

Rayburn Office Bldg/Foyer

Friday - October 9th, 2009

7:00 am - 8:00 am

FEMSA Member Breakfast

8:00 am - 9:45 am

FEMSA Meeting

9:45 am - 10:00 am

Break (FEMSA and FAMA)

JOINT SESSION BALANCE OF DAY 10:00 am - 11:30 am

FEMSA Fire Drill with FAMA

11:30 am - 12:45 pm

FEMSA/FAMA Executive Committees Lunch

12:00 - 1:00 pm

Lunch (FEMSA/FAMA Members)

12:00 PM

FEMSA/FAMA Spouses Program

Members are reminded that FAMA policies prohibit direct selling during meeting events and in common areas of the hotel where members socialize and network.

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

FEMSA/FAMA Meeting Presentations

1:00 - 1:30 pm

Economy Insight

Mark Light

1:30 - 2:45 pm

Buyers’ Roundtable

Panelists TBD

If you have any questions, feel free to contact your annual meeting planners directly or the FAMA office.

2:45 - 3:00 pm


We look forward to seeing you this October in Virginia. John Swanson, Chair – jswanson@kochek.com Mark Albright, Vice Chair – albright@4guysfire.com Peter Darley, Board Vice President – peterdarley@darley.com Bob Grimaldi – bobg@rometravel.com


3:00 - 5:00 pm

Business Speaker

6:00 - 7:00 pm

FEMSA/FAMA Cocktails

7:00 - 9:30 pm

FEMSA/FAMA Dinner + Speaker

NEXUS, Attorney on Distribution Law, HR Attorney about all of the new laws on COBRA and recovery bill changes, Social networking (Twitter); other topics TBD


Dr Joseph Mancusi

Fischelson Award Presentation


Saturday - October 10th, 2009

FFM 10.09 Schedule 6.11.09

Summer 2009




nother Washington, DC Capitol Hill Day is approaching! Are you ready? This year will be a defining moment for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Programs (FIRE Act and SAFER). The reauthorization of the programs are up for debate in Congress in 2009. The Administration’s recent budget request to Congress recommends significant reductions in federal grant funds for firefighter equipment and training. There are many unanswered questions about the future of these very important programs that support the first responders our industry serves. This year’s Hill Day will give you the opportunity to clearly express your position in person to your Members of the House and Senate. To ensure your voice is heard, please make plans to attend the annual FAMA/FEMAA meeting this fall and make your voice heard on the hill! The Governmental Affairs and Meeting Planning Committees have a great day planned for you on Thursday October 8, 2009. We’ll get you warmed up with a morning preparation program where we will provide you with a legislative update, meeting tips, literature, and prescheduled meeting itineraries with teams of fellow FAMA/FEMSA members. In the afternoon, we will send you up to Capitol Hill fully prepared to discuss the important issues facing the fire service and our industry. Culminating the day, you’ll attend a wonderful reception held in one of the Congressional office buildings. So what do you need to do? First, make the personal commitment to come to the annual meeting. We all realize this is an uncertain and trying year for our country. However, this is your opportunity to have an impact on the federal programs that are important to all of us. Second, please indicate on your registration forms the Congressional Members you would like to target for meetings this fall. Finally, be prepared to cultivate long-term relationships with your Congressional offices through follow-up phone calls and visits to your local Congressional offices, often working with fellow FAMA/FEMSA

“HOME DAY” PLANNING Has your company made plans for a “Home Day” this year? Home Day activities can range from large events coordinated with other FAMA/FEMSA members in your state or region, or they can be smaller, simpler events involving just your company. The FAMA/FEMSA GAC has developed a “Tool Kit” to get you started. Also, it is designed to help you understand the importance of establishing and building relationships with your local and state legislators in your home towns or districts, and to host a get-together with them at their offices, at your facilities, or at an appealing venue for FAMA and FEMSA members in your state or region. Log on to www.famafemsagac.org and click on the “Home Day” button at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that Home Day events be held by the time of the FAMA and FEMSA fall meetings in October so we can discuss your successes at the meeting. Several members have either hosted or are in the process of hosting Home Days in their areas.


members in your area. These efforts, in combination with our Hill Day agenda, will enhance your ability to get your points taken seriously on the Hill. This is your chance to do so! Our goal is to make the day an experience that will have you confident in your purpose, while making it an enjoyable event that you will remember. Most importantly, is the fact that you are participating in the process that was set forth by the founding fathers of our great nation! There will be much more to come over the next few months leading up to the meeting. Stay tuned and begin your planning now! Sincerely, Mike Power and John Granby GAC Co-Chairs

George Goros and Bill Lawson GAC Events Co-Chairs

Steve Lawrence GAC Contributing Writer

Illinois FAMA and FEMSA members in Illinois, along with the Illinois Metro Chiefs, hosted an Illinois Fire Service Home Day on June 4th. Congressional staffers took part in a fire training exercise at the Carol Stream Fire Protection Districts training center, followed by a luncheon. (A full report is expected for the fall issue of this newsletter.) Task Force Tips of Valparaiso will sponsor its own “Home Day” for federal, state and local officials on September 18th in conjunction with its new facility opening. Further information will be forthcoming. W.S. Darley & Co. hosted Congressman Peter Roskam this spring to tour Darley’s new headquarters in Itasca and to share with the Congressman issues facing the fire service and those who serve the industry. Congressman Roskam has become an advocate for the US Fire Service, and recently joined the Congressional Fire Services Institute. In a recent letter he wrote, “I came to Washington to ensure our nation’s homeland remains secure. One of the most important components of guaranteeing our communities are safe is supporting our first responders who stand on the front lines daily to protect our way of life.”

Summer 2009



Ohio Sutphen Corp. held a small home day in May at its Springfield chassis manufacturing plant. Many local politicians, state legislators and Congressman Steve Austria (R-OH 7th) attended the event. The Congressman is on the Budget Committee and shared information about the budget process. Sutphen representatives were able to drive home the importance of the AFG program to his district.

Minnesota On July 28th, Waterous Company of South St. Paul will host “Home Day” at its offices welcoming other FAMA and FEMSA members to co-host the event including FoamPro, Rosenbauer America, Metro Fire, and Firehouse Events. The event will demonstrate the importance of these companies within the fire and emergency services industry, introduce legislators to some of their over 280 employees, and provide a unique opportunity to discuss with them important aspects and issues facing the fire and emergency services field.

New Hampshire A statewide “Government Official’s Day” is being planned for early October. The event will be hosted at the New Hampshire Fire Academy in Concord and will be oriented toward state and local government officials (City Managers, Selectmen and the like), with a focus on educating them about the training and equipment needs of their local first responders. When you schedule your “Home Day”, please be sure to let us know. The FAMA/FEMSA GAC is available to you if you need assistance. Contact Karen Burnham at info@fama.org.

111th Congress Directory As an added benefit of your membership this year, the FAMA/FEMSA GAC sent to the primary contact of all member companies in April a copy of the 111th Congress Directory. This new, updated directory is an excellent guide to: Legislators - Senate and House of Representatives State Delegations and Governors Congressional Office Buildings Key Telephone Numbers Key Legislative Web Sites The White House The Cabinet Selected Agencies Senate and House Committees, Subcommittees and Joint Committees Map of Capitol Hill ... and much, much more Additional copies may be available to members upon request while supplies last on a first-come, first-served basis. If several copies are needed, they can be ordered for you at cost.


GAC Update “We Need Every FAMA Member NOW” By: Dave Gatton


t is fair to say that the fire service was surprised and dismayed when the Obama Administration released its detailed federal budget for fiscal year 2010 on May 7. The president’s budget proposal recommends cutting funding for the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program by 70%, from the $565 million in current FY2009 to $170 million for FY2010, which begins on October 1 of this year. AFG is one of the most popular programs in Congress, and to receive such a dramatic proposed cut is a shot across the bow for the program. In the last two years, the Bush Administration proposed funding the AFG program at only $300 million, and in both years Congress rejected the proposed cut and funded the program with slight increases. Similarly, the SAFER program, used to hire and retain firefighting personnel, had been proposed for elimination in FY 2008 and 2009, but Congress responded by funding the program with significant increases. In a major shift, the Obama Administration proposes doubling funding for the SAFER program to $420 million, giving the hiring program priority over the AFG program. In the past, the AFG program has always enjoyed significantly more funding than SAFER, although Congress has lessened that gap by giving SAFER the majority of the increased fire grants funding for two straight years.

All Hands on Deck The AFG program is now in a fight for its life and every part of the fire service, including the fire chiefs, firefighters, emergency responders, and every sector of the industry that equips them, must work to encourage Congress to reject the proposed cut in the AFG program. AFG is one of the most efficiently run programs in the federal government, with administrative costs of around 5%. The funds go directly to the nation’s first responders, ranging from rural volunteer fire departments to urban departments. The equipment purchases made possible through the AFG program keep firefighters and emergency responders safe as they make over 20 million calls annually to serve the public. And AFG helps provide universal emergency services throughout the nation, wherever one travels. Calling on Congress to reverse the reductions in AFG funding in the president’s proposed budget will require an all-hands-on-deck response from FAMA members. The FAMA/FEMSA Governmental Affairs Committee will continue to monitor the appropriations process and keep you updated. In the meantime, call and write letters to your Congressional delegation—House members and Senators—asking them to provide full funding for the AFG program in fiscal year 2010. America’s first responders need our help and we need to enlist the participation of every FAMA member in this effort to right the ship.

Summer 2009




he Spring Meeting of the FAMA Technical Committee was held on Friday, April 24 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Indianapolis during the annual FDIC show with 58 member companies represented through 135 individual attendees. The meeting, which was graciously sponsored by Arvin Meritor, allowed FAMA to facilitate for its members a roundtable discussion with engine manufacturers in the ramp-up to the 2010 EPA diesel emissions standards. Mike Apple of Cummins, Russ Nielsen of Daimler and Bob Neitzel of Navistar each presented a general overview regarding the new standard, its impact on fire apparatus, and then detailed information on how their respective companies plan to address the new governmental regulations with their motors. Each company’s presentation has been posted under the resource library on the FAMA web site.

Mike Apple

Russ Nielsen

with and without turnout gear in various positions. Developed by fire service consultant J. Gordon Routley, FDNY officer Michael Wilbur and Jen Whitestone of Total Contact, anthropometry is the age-old science of statistical body dimension data collection to determine specific design criteria for ergonomics, industrial development and – in this case – clothing for turnout gear. At the request of Chassis Sub-Committee chairman Roger Lackore, the data – which is available on www.nist.gov – will be used by the committee to determine safety parameters in chassis, such as stepping heights and how much a firefighter can lift above his or her head while in turnout gear. During the meeting, it was announced that the latest iteration of the FAMA White Paper on Fire Apparatus Improvement was set to be released by Fire Engineering. Authored by Chief Jeff Piechura of the Northwest Fire District in Tucson, AZ, the white paper updates FAMA’s previous document, this time focusing on the application of new technologies in fire apparatus. It was also announced that the Weight & Cube Calculator, which was first introduced eight (8) years ago by FAMA has been updated and is now available online at www.fama.org. The Technical Committee thanks Zach Rudy, a student at Muskingum College in Ohio, for his efforts in revising this project. Finally, Lisa Breu of Oshkosh, a long-time member of the Technical Committee and tireless champion for the high-voltage sub-committee, received the 2009 Chairman’s Award for her dedication and devotion to FAMA and the Technical Committee. Ms. Breu, who spent many years working for Pierce and served the Technical Committee with passion, recently moved over to Oshkosh, which would limit her participation in the Technical Committee. We again thank Lisa for all her years of service to FAMA and to the advancement of safe fire apparatus.

Bob Neitzel The executive director of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Chief Ron Siarnicki, introduced a Firefighter Anthropometric Study, which is a project that employs lasers scans to take actual firefighter dimensions

J. Gordon Routley, Sean Duffy, Jen Whitestone, Dave Durstine, Ron Siarnicki.


Lisa Breu presented the 2009 Chairman’s Award by Technical Committee Co-chairs Dave Durstine and Sean Duffy

Summer 2009



Hilton Hotel 401 West Pratt Street Baltimore, Maryland in conjunction with Firehouse Expo


he Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association has been a long-time sponsor of annual Scholarships and Grant funding to support those projects and individuals who were focused on improving the safety of others across the country. During the spring membership meeting, members were advised of a change in FAMA’s position of these programs. In response to funding challenges currently experienced by the fire service, the FAMA Board suspended the Scholarship and Grant programs for 2009. Instead, the program monies were earmarked to help ensure that federal funds continue to be allocated to upgrade the fire services, including apparatus, equipment and training, that is so necessary for the protection of our fire fighters and the communities that they serve. FAMA continues to recognize the contributions of fire colleges and their students, and looks forward to being able to reinstate the Scholarship and Grant programs when the necessary funding for the fire service has been resolved. Soon after this information was released at the spring meeting, FAMA member Akron Brass Company, by its President/CEO Tom Hudak, approached the Board asking if his company could sponsor the FAMA Scholarship program, thereby reinstating it for 2009.

If you are involved in an NFPA Technical Committee meeting and have knowledge of upcoming meetings, please forward that information to Karen (info@fama.org).

WITH THANKS TO FDIC “We are grateful for the support of Eric Schlett and PennWell relative to FAMA and the Governmental Affairs Committee,” stated John Sztykiel, FAMA president. “Today there is a call for help every 1.4 seconds. Only with the right equipment, with the right training, with the right people can one ensure effective execution when a call is placed. This contribution works to enable that to happen.”

“We are delighted to work with FAMA in the support of education,” stated Tom Hudak, President/CEO of Akron Brass Co. “Education of our youth is the key to keeping America’s leadership position in the world. We want and need to keep attracting young, bright people to our industry. We are confident that by continuing this scholarship, the association will have a positive impact on someone’s development as a future leader.” Thanks to the generosity of Akron Brass Company, the FAMA 2009 Scholarship program is moving forward. Student applications have been received and are under review by members of the Education Committee. A candidate will be selected with a press release and presentation to be made at the Technical Committee meeting in Dallas, TX in August in conjunction with the Fire-Rescue International show.


FDIC Officials presented to FAMA members its 2009 donation to help foster FAMA’s governmental affairs and public relations efforts. Pictured are Eric Schlett (FDIC Executive Director and Vice President of the Fire Group/ PennWell), FAMA member Tom Garrity (Fire Equipment Services), FAMA Vice President Peter Darley (W.S. Darley & Co.), and Lyle Hoyt (Sr Vice President & Group Publisher of the PennWell Corporation).


s a function of FAMA’s sharing of valuable information and communication, and as discussed at the spring meeting, all NFPA Technical Committee meetings, dates and times pertinent to those FAMA monitors will be posted on the FAMA web site (www.fama.org, click on Resource Library/NFPA Meetings). NFPA meeting information known at this time: NFPA 1906 / 1912 July 21-22, 2009 - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Summer 2009




Summer 2009



Summer 2009



John Sztykiel, President and MC of “fun”

“Tube Steak” award to Dave Durstine “Good Egg” award to Larry Dodson

Golf Tournament Winner Greg Kozey (l) with Al Burnham (r) presenting

“Best Dressed” award to Bill Ballantyne

2009 FAMA Golfers

“Star Achiever” and “Past President” awards to Jerry Halpin

Bob and Betts Barraclough, celebrating 50 years dedicated to the fire industry

2009 “Goodwill Ambassador” Martha Albright (center) with past recipients (l-r:) Diane Resch, Linda Ballantyne, Nancy Saulsbury, Teddi Kozey, and Betts Barraclough

Rick Suche (l) is presented the Board Appreciation plaque for his service as a Director-at-Large

3rd Annual “Old Timers” Lunch The “Old Timers” lunch, hosted by Phil & Ann Schwab of Duo-Safety, was held at the Columbia Restaurant (in Old Towne) on Sunday, March 29th, in St. Augustine, FL. The Schwabs’ daughter and son-in-law, Sandra & Randy Vandersee, work with the Schwabs to bring together FAMA members of the past and “seasoned” current members, to remember “the good ol’ days” of the association and to catch up with their personal lives. Those who attended this year are pictured and include (l-r bottom row:) Kate Ruth, Nancy Saulsbury, Hazel Spotts; (row 2:) Roger Ruth, Phyllis Ewers, Ron Ewers, Alan Saulsbury, Jerry Spotts; (middle row:) Bob Barraclough, Jack McLoughlin, Karen Burnham, Teddi Kozey; (back row:) Betts Barraclough, Bob Grimaldi, Phil Schwab, Anne Schwab. (Not in photo: “behind the scenes” photographers Sandra and Randy Vandersee.) The 2010 lunch will be held in Key West, Florida in March around the dates of the FAMA spring meeting. 12

Summer 2009


|| CFSI Update


The dinner concluded with a special performance by the Washington, DC based comedy troupe, the Capitol Steps, co-sponsored by FEMSA and FAMA. Photo courtesy of CFSI


VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN ADDRESSES ATTENDEES OF THE 21ST ANNUAL NATIONAL FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DINNER On Thursday, April 2nd, the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) hosted the 21st Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner. The dinner, held at the Hilton Washington, was a resounding success, with 2,000 fire and emergency services leaders, members of Congress, and Administration officials in attendance. The theme of this year’s dinner was “New Beginnings... New Opportunities” capturing the opportunity presented to the fire service to work with the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress on a broad range of homeland security issues. The dinner culminated a two-day program that included CFSI seminars covering a broad range of national fire and emergency services issues. Congressional staff, administration officials and national fire service leaders participated in seminars to offer their observations and insights on such issues as interoperable communications, fire service-based EMS, federal grant programs, prevention and education, and other salient issues. The keynote speaker for the evening was Vice President Joseph Biden. Addressing the dinner, the Vice President said, “I want you to know our administration recognizes that you’ve all acted bravely just by becoming firemen. And now we owe it to you to make sure that all you do after that in your line of work is as safe as it can possibly be.” While serving in the Senate, Vice President Biden was a co-chairman of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, the largest caucus in Congress with approximately 300 members. During the 109th Congress, he was Chairman of the Fire Caucus, serving as a catalyst on a number of important legislative priorities for the nation’s fire and emergency services. “The truth is, as you commit to saving the lives of endangered Americans, we have to do everything we can to save your lives. Even as we continue to face economic turmoil, we still have to remain committed to America’s bravest domestic defenders,” said Biden. Three of the eight leaders of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus attended the dinner and shared the podium in paying tribute to our nation’s first responders. Congressman Peter King, recently selected as Chairman of the Fire Caucus for the 111th Congress was the first caucus leaders to speak. He was followed by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD-5), and Congressman Rob Andrews (NJ).


Summer 2009

Come out and enjoy some food and baseball while showing your support for CFSI and the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department. A hospitality area will be provided prior to the game at 5:40. Complimentary food and beverages will be served and all guests will receive a free seat cushion for the game. All guests will be ushered to their seats following the first pitch at approximately 7:10 p.m. Can’t Attend? We are sorry to hear that, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t make a difference! Sponsor a group of local firefighters and we will be sure you get the recognition. For information on how to do this please call (202) 371-1277. Visit www.cfsi.org for further details.




By: Bill Kehoe

By: Bill Kehoe

We’re about 365 days away from the start of the largest fire, rescue, disaster preparedness, security exhibition anywhere. June 7-12, 2010, are the dates you want to reserve for INTERSCHUTZ, in Leipzig, Germany. So that you can get your planning team together and start thinking about arrangements, here’s a synopsis of the important factors you should consider.

exhibit with the INTERSCHUTZ exhibit team in Germany. For general exhibit information go to this website: www.hfusa.com/interschutz

Exhibit Space, USA Pavilion: The standard 10’x10’ booth we’re all familiar with equates to a 9cm x 9cm stand (in line); alternatively a 9cm x 12cm or 9 x 15cm (corner) stand, and they call them stands not booths, at this show. The stand come complete with many amenities we don’t furnish here, such as hard walls on 2/3 sides; lighting; headline banner; table and chairs; Internet connection; hospitality lounge for you and your guests; private conference rooms (you make deals on the spot); interpreters; security and more. This is a turn key operation for exhibitors from the USA. The pavilion is located in a prominent location within an Exhibit Hall, and visitors flock to see what’s new in America. For those who have never been to an INTERSCHUTZ, talk to some “old hands” who have been there, they’ll tell you the Pavilion is a good bet for your exhibit money. Contact Donna Hyland, dhyland@hfusa.com, PH: 908-7350559, to discuss specifics about the Pavilion. She has a floor plan and can assist you in a stand location.

Hotel Accommodations: We have blocked rooms at 4 hotels within the Leipzig area. Each hotel is rated at 4 stars in the German system, and a site visit by our US team has been made to each hotel. They all are first class, clean, modern, with WiFi capabilities, “beer gardens” (and you can’t beat German beer), and sleep single, twin, double (some suites are available). Rates will be expensive but our rates will be beat any you’ll get through a travel agent or directly through a website. Again, contact Marie Coleman for hotel reservations.

The observation tower and international flags at Leipzig Messe--the Leipzig Trade Centre/Fairgrounds, Leipzig, Germany-site of INTERSCHUTZ, 7-12 June 2010, the world’s largest fire, emergency services, disaster response, safety, security show in the world.

Donna can also assist exhibitors wanting to do an independent stand—not in the USA Pavilion. Based on your company’s product or service, your location on the fairgrounds is pretty much decided by the overall exhibit layout. Like commodities are grouped together so that all EMS products/services are in the same exhibit hall, all fire extinguishers are together, apparatus is usually on an outside exhibit area(s) (more than one), etc. etc. Donna, can help you make all of the arrangements for your


682-2537, mariekcole@aol.com, can make these arrangements/reservations, or you can contact your own travel agent. The earlier booking the better your selection of flights. Unless the incountry airlines, primarily Lufthansa, and Air Berlin, beef up their fleet size of aircraft, seats into Leipzig will be on commuter/regional sized aircraft, which translates into 40-50 paxs. max. per flight. * Note: Marie lives in California.

Exhibit Transportation: Just remember the name, John Harrison. His company will contact you once you’re signed up for a stand. He will arrange for pick up, transportation, customs clearance, on-site transfer, set up, re-supply as necessary during the show run, and then transportation back to your US home or wherever you may have to ship what you’ve sold. An extraordinary individual and team, he has been assisting the US companies for at least the last four INTERSCHUTZ shows (20+ years).

Our US Team is here to help you get ready and enjoy this great exhibition. Do not hesitate to contact any one of us with questions, no matter how trivial. We’ll gladly answer and also post the questions and answers to our website to help others. Donna Hyland, Project Manager, dhyland@hfusa.com, PH: 908735-0559

Marie Coleman, Hotel/Travel Manager, PH: 916-682-2537, mariekcole@ aol.com (PDT) Bill Kehoe, Project Consultant, kehoefd@ aol.com, PH: 703-751-6416

Exhibitor Transportation (Airline, Train, Car Rental): Marie Coleman*, PH: 916-

Summer 2009


|| U.S. EXPORTERS – LAST REMAINING EXPORT TAX INCENTIVE By: Zee Makhani and Mark Lauber, Paradigm Partners


or U.S. exporters, there is one remaining tax incentive. It is called IC-DISC. The IC-DISC provisions were set forth in the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984.

What is IC-DISC? IC-DISC is an acronym for Interest Charge – Domestic International Sales Corporation. It is the last remaining export incentive available to U.S. exporters. It has been around in its current form since 1984, but did not become popular until the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 lowered the capital gains tax rate making it much more attractive for exporters. It is a domestic ‘paper’ entity that does not require employees, offices, or tangible assets. To be an IC-DISC, a corporation must be organized under the laws of a State or the District of Columbia and elects to be treated as an IC-DISC and is governed under Internal Revenue Code §§991-997.

What are the benefits? The IC-DISC provides permanent tax savings on a portion of a qualifying U.S. exporter’s foreign sales. These savings can be as much as 10% of the exporter’s foreign trade income and the savings can be immediately realized on the exporter’s quarterly estimated tax payments. The tax incentive is completely transparent to the exporter’s customers and does not affect the exporter’s operations.

Which companies can take advantage of IC-DISC? The different entity types that can use the IC-DISC include flow-through entities (S-Corps, partnerships, LLCs, etc.); and closely-held C-Corps. In addition, most exporters need at least $1 million in foreign sales before this is a viable tax strategy. It’s important to note that you do not have to be the manufacturer of any products to take advantage of IC-DISC – you qualify if you export domestically produced products. The industries that have taken advantage of IC-DISC include: Manufacturers Distributors Software Companies Engineering/Architectural firms working on buildings/structures in foreign locations

How does IC-DISC work? As an example, let’s use a fictional exporting entity called XYZ Company. XYZ Company forms a tax-exempt IC-DISC; XYZ Company pays a commission to the IC-DISC based upon the Internal Revenue Code and pertinent Treasury Regulations; XYZ Company deducts the commissions from its ordinary income taxed at 35%; The IC-DISC pays no tax on the commissions because it is tax-exempt; The IC-DISC distributes dividends to its shareholders which are taxed at the capital gains rate of 15%; The resulting tax savings are 20% of the commissions.


IC-DISC Underutilized IC-DISC has been around since 1984 but has been underutilized. Recently, this underutilization was due to the Extraterritorial Income Exclusion (EIE). EIE was a U.S. tax policy signed into law by President Clinton on November 16, 2000 that provided U.S. exporters significant permanent tax savings on qualified exports of American goods (sales and leases). The EIE Tax Benefit was applicable between Oct. 1, 2000 and through Dec. 31, 2004 and was phased out completely in 2006. The benefits were available to sole proprietors, partnerships, S-corporations and C-corporations. So many exporters were taking advantage of the EIE as opposed to the IC-DISC. Now that the EIE is no longer available, we have seen an increase in IC-DISC usage since 2006. Not all companies can make the transition from EIE to IC-DISC because publicly traded companies do not qualify for IC-DISC as they did for EIE. In addition, IC-DISC is more complex than EIE and not as well known by companies and CPAs, hence many companies that are eligible to use the incentive have not.

Should you hire a consulting firm? If you decide to take a look at IC-DISC, should you use a consulting firm? As with most highly specialized tax incentives, it is recommended that a company should use an outside consulting firm with expertise in IC-DISC for the following reasons: To maximize IC-DISC benefits: It is more efficient and minimizes disruption to your company Using a firm’s knowledge, they can analyze the available allocation methodologies to arrive at the optimal commission amount on a transaction by transaction basis Your IC-DISC status is protected by ensuring no unqualified transactions are used in the commission calculations; unqualified transactions can cause significant taxes to be owed to the IRS No need to hire anyone; Some firms offer free audit defense.

Summary The IC-DISC is the last remaining export incentive available to U.S. exporters and is greatly underutilized. Flow through entities and closely-held C-Corps that have exports in excess of $1 million can use the IC-DISC. Permanent tax savings can be as much as 10% of an exporter’s foreign trade income and the savings can be immediately realized on quarterly estimated tax payments. And finally, it is recommended that you seek an outside consulting firm to help you take advantage of the IC-DISC export tax incentive.

About the Authors: The authors are Zee Makhani, a Senior Engineering Director with Paradigm Partners and Mark Lauber, VP of Marketing at Paradigm Partners. Paradigm Partners is a professional tax services firm delivering government sponsored incentives to small and midsized companies. Mark’s email is MLauber@ParadigmLP.com and his phone number is (281) 558-7100 X-105. Our website is www.ParadigmLP.com.

Summer 2009


|| U.S. Census Bureau


Industry data from the 2007 Economic Census are starting to appear! In March, we announced the publication of advance data for sectors and subsectors of the economy. Now we are starting to release the more detailed industry data you may have been waiting for. When will we have data for the industries your association follows? All industries will be published before the end of 2009, but we can’t project exact publication dates. What we can do is send you an e-mail as soon as the data become available. Sign up for our new NotifyMe service. Check off each industry you are interested in--as many as you want. We will send you an e-mail every time one or more of your industries appears. Each e-mail will include urls so that you can go straight to the data. The economic census provides comprehensive industry, geographic, and product detail about U.S. businesses every 5 years. For more information about the census, and more about your industry, visit business.census.gov. • See 2007 data for industries already published, • View graphic Industry Snapshots, and • See if the Census Bureau publishes monthly quarterly, or annual data for your industry, complementing the 2007 Economic Census. Questions? Contact Paul Zeisset, Bob Marske, or Laurie Torene at 301763-2547 or e-mail econ2007@census.gov.

Carolyn Jackson – As many of you know by now, on December 18, 2008 Carolyn Jackson celebrated her last day as a Cummins employee. She decided to take an early retirement package offered by the company. Although she’s too young to completely retire, Carolyn considered this “semi-retirement for now.” She will surely utilize the knowledge, marketing skills and common sense she’s acquired over the years to make the right decision for her life going forward. Carolyn sent FAMA a note and it’s meant for you all. It reads, I would like to make sure that all of you know that you have been the most inspiring group of individuals that I have ever met. People can work a lifetime and never truly enjoy their jobs. My experience has been rewarding; I’ve enjoyed working with the fire truck industry. The energy that you have for this industry is unsurpassed in any market that I have worked in my 29 years at Cummins. I have personal ties with this industry that will always be cherished, from the first day I stepped on the bus for my first FAMA meeting where I was immediately treated like one of the family until today. That’s something for each of you to be proud about and makes FAMA so great. I know that you will treat my replacement with the same dignity and respect. One thing for sure, Andrea will miss tagging along with me to Key West and my FAMA family. Just wanted each of you to know that I’ll miss the people in this industry the most! Carolyn’s personal email is cdjackson@netzero.net – stay in touch!

|| In Memoriam FAMA is sincerely saddened to report the passing of John Gill (Dec. 24, 2008) - Equipment Sales, Texas Firefighters Tools Marilyn Dobbs (Feb. 10, 2009) – Wife of Ed Dobbs (Spartan Chassis) Barbara Rose Barnes (Feb. 22, 2009) – Mother of Stacy (Dan) Peters (Pierce Mfg.) Thomas Patrick Creese (Mar. 2, 2009) – Brother of Ken Creese (Sutphen) Barry Spotts (Mar. 4, 2009) – Son of Jerry & Hazel Spotts (Churchville, retired) William Harold Doebler (Apr. 27, 2009) – Father of Bill Doebler (Crimson Fire)

Garry Briese – Garry Briese’s recovery is “moooving” along well since his aortic valve replacement on April 20th (a procedure he knew would happen eventually although he was able to delay it for some 18 years. It was time to bite the bullet so he could get on with the rest of his life). Garry has a new found appreciation for cows as it was a bovine valve that will enable him to continue hiking, skiing, camping and playing with Grandson Ezra. In a recent communication, Garry reports he is making the most of the unexpected gift of a short break to “enjoy the journey” and he’s looking forward to exploring the future of new opportunities.

Eugene (Nick) Schellin (May 1, 2009) – Akron Brass (retired 1983) Jim Smessaert (May 28, 2009) – Front Range Fire/Pierce Mfg.

Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers … may they rest in peace.


Summer 2009



The Perils of Being Caught Without a Succession Plan … Doing it Right By: Mike Henning lanning for the business, family and the total succession process takes time, skills and money. Small and large companies alike understand the need for succession planning, but most will not take the time to deal with the organizational development issues, relationship problems between siblings, in-laws or generations. Most do not have the skills to plan for potential successor development or the perils involved for the senior generation’s departure from the company. In fact, most will turn to matters of tax savings schemes or business problem solving. Our observation in today’s business world is that the top 20 percent of companies in most industries regularly perform strategic planning for the company. Surveys indicate that if owners of a company are willing to spend the time and energy to plan for their company’s future, they are most likely to plan for the succession of its management, leadership, ownership and control. Of course, this is an important lesson for the 80 percent who fail to plan, thus living and working on a day-to-day basis. For some who are lucky, it might work out, but for the vast majority, their companies and dreams meet their demise long before it is necessary. For those who plan in an orderly and timely manner, they will address the areas that follow. They will hold the participants accountable and there will be clearly stated consequences for unsatisfactory performance or productivity, no excuses.


Business Succession Plan • • • • • • • •

Family career planning Successor training Leadership development Choosing the next leader(s) Letting go policy Financial security for seniors Asset/control transition Role of non-family employees

Strategic Business Planning • • • • • • •

Vision & Mission statements Setting goals & objectives Assigning responsibilities Accountability Compensation Team building Regular meetings for: – management & employees – advisers – planning committee – board of directors


Family Planning • • • • •

Forming the family council Design rules of operation Schedule meetings/retreats Set goals & how to achieve Develop policies: – Family employment – Compensation – Positions & titles – Address relationships – Communications – Time spend at work – Leadership preparation

Estate Planning • • • • • •

Making or updating wills/trusts Creating justice for family Durable powers of attorney/health Life insurance Buy/sell agreement Emergency plans

Addressing the many issues listed above takes time and methodical planning processes. We encourage owners and their families not to expect too much too fast, as career choices, letting go processes, establishing financial security, choosing the future leadership model for the company, and many other areas that do take much thought and discussion must be considered. These challenges are not easy and most change comes slowly, consequently, getting the proper support for the planning process is critical.

Long-term Successful Companies A.T. Cross Co. (Pens) 1846 Levi Strauss & Co. (Apparel) 1853 King Ranch 1853 Anheuser-Busch Co. (Beer) 1860 R.R. Donnelley & Sons (Publishing) 1864 E.I. Du Pont (Chemicals) 1802

Unsuccessful Companies Dart Group (Chapter 11) U-Haul (Truck rental) (many lawsuits) Revlon Cosmetics, (estranged sibling partnership) Mondavi (Wine) (Dad dies, siblings split up) Louisville Times Co. (Non-active shareholders) This article appeared in Mike Henning’s Family Firm Advisor newsletter, for more information about receiving one free copy of our newsletter, visit us at our web site: www.mikehenning.com, e-mail: hfbc@mikehenning.com. or call -- 217-342-3728.

Summer 2009


|| Member News Akron Brass Company Wooster, Ohio — April 13, 2009 – Akron Brass announced today that David Durstine has been appointed to Vice President of Marketing. Durstine will be responsible for leading the marketing group of customer service, technical support, product line management as well as advertising and communication. Joining the company in 2001, Durstine most recently served as Director of Municipal Sales. To continue focus on customer support, Jeff Benson and Jason Riggenbach have been appointed to global product line managers while Randy Tharp and Phil Hodgdon will add to technical support. Rick Singer, Vice President of North American Sales, will assume responsibilities for municipal sales in addition to his current responsibilities with Industrial and Canada. Steve Robertson, Director of Canadian Sales, will continue to lead sales efforts with a team strategically located throughout the country.

David Durstine

2008 Dealer award winners for Crimson Fire, Inc.:

Rick Singer

Bostrom (H.O.) Company, Inc. [May 6, 2009] H.O. Bostrom is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Oemichen to the position of Marketing and European Sales Manager. In his new position, Mike will be responsible for developing and implementing the company’s strategic marketing program, as well as positioning the company for additional growth in the European, Middle Eastern and African marketplace. Mike reports directly to Paul Bostrom, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Mike brings almost 20 years of international sales, product marketing, trade compliance, and customer service management experience to his new position. We are excited to have Mike on board and look forward to his future contributions.

Code 3, Inc. [May 5, 2009] Pat Hester has been named OEM Manager – Western Region and Canada for Code 3, Inc., a manufacturer of emergency lighting and warning products. Pat brings 20 years of experience from Federal Signal to his new role, including a strong focus on fire and ambulance manufacturers. He is actively involved with FAMA (Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association) and has served as Chairman of the Technical Committee and as a member of its Board of Directors.

Crimson Fire, Inc. [Brandon, S.D., February 23, 2009] – New York-based Arrowhead Equipment has joined Crimson Fire, Inc. as a new dealer. The Brandon, S.D.-based manu-


facturer of custom fire trucks, aerials and rescue vehicles said that Arrowhead Equipment will serve 10 counties in Upstate New York from its headquarters in Queensbury. Founded in 1987, Arrowhead is a full-line truck equipment dealer that sells and services all types of truck equipment. “Arrowhead Equipment has an excellent reputation in the truck equipment industry, and we are pleased that they have chosen to represent Crimson Fire as they expand into the sales and service of fire apparatus,” said William F. Doebler, vice president of sales and marketing for Crimson. “Their experience in service and repair of heavy-duty equipment makes them ideally suited to provide support to fire departments throughout the region. Arrowhead is a good addition to Crimson’s growing network of dealers.”

[March, 2009] Dealer of the Year Top Salesman Top Aerial Dealership Rookie of the Year Most Improved

Metro Fire Apparatus which covers the state of Texas Peter Laake, Sr., with FESCO Emergency Sales who covers Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Metro Fire Apparatus which covers the state of Texas FESCO Emergency Sales which covers Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia H & W Emergency Vehicles which covers Alaska, Oregon, and Washington

Eagle Compressors, Inc. [June 17, 2009] Anthony M. Gonzalez, General Manager of Eagle Compressors, Inc., has announced that David G. Rutterman has joined the company as Sales Manager. In this position, Rutterman’s responsibilities will include the development of sales objectives, expansion and management of the Authorized Sales & Service Distributor network, growth of OEM and Government sales and directing the development, maintenance and update of all sales tools. David brings extensive experience in our market, distributor network development and field sales management, which he developed over the last 24 years as the top Regional Sales Representative at CompAir Mako Compressors. He also has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Grove City College in Pennsylvania. “David’s 24 years of experience in the breathing air market makes him an ideal Sales Manager for Eagle,” said Gonzalez. “I am confident that David will have a significant impact in the growth of our business for years to come.” Other recent Eagle employment news includes: David Crews has been promoted to Production Manager. In his new position David will head up all of Eagle Compressors manufacturing operations including the metal plant and assembly. Crews joined Eagle Compressors in 1994 working in the metal

Summer 2009


|| Member News continued plant and since he has progressively been promoted to several positions in all manufacturing areas and product testing, and had been the Customer Service Department Supervisor since 2005. “Dave’s experience in all of Eagle’s procedures, makes him an ideal Production Manager,” said Gonzalez. “He has extensive knowledge about our business and we are sure Dave will continue to propel Eagle as a leader in breathing air compressor industry.” Seth Hartzog has joined the company as Applications Engineer. In this position, Hartzog is responsible for technical support for sales and engineering. With Seth’s background as a Refractory/ CAD designer for Resco Products, Inc., and as a Production Supervisor at InstroTek, Inc., Seth brings the experience needed for offering Eagle Compressors’ customers superb technical assistance. Seth majored in Construction Engineering and Management at North Carolina State University.

Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc. [February 9, 2009] Elkhart Brass is pleased to announce Thomas (Tom) Negley has accepted the position of Regional Sales Manager for our Midwest Region, which includes the states of: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Tom comes to us with over 31 years experience in the Fire Service. He is a past Chief of the Ralston Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad - in addition to having held other offices, including Fire Marshall and Rescue Captain, with the Ralston Volunteer Department. Tom has also served in several capacities, most notably in the office of VicePresident, with the Nebraska Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators. In his most recent professional position, Tom served as a Vice President and a Manager of FireGuard, Inc. Prior to his work with FireGuard’s Emergency Equipment and Vehicle Sales unit, Tom spent 20 years in the insurance industry with State Farm Insurance. Tom also holds a BS in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement. [March 24, 2009] Elkhart Brass is pleased to announce David (Dave) Robinson has accepted the position of Industrial Sales Manager for the United States. Working with Elkhart’s Industrial Monitor Systems Engineering team, he will be focused on the sale of Industrial Systems and Electric Remote Control Monitor Systems (ERCMs). Dave comes to us with over 25 years experience in the industrial fire sector. Most recently, Dave served as National Account Manager, Government Sales Division with Hagemeyer North America. Prior to working with Vallen Safety Supply (now Hagemeyer North America), Dave was a Fire Safety Inspector for 10 years; he has also been an instructor with several private industrial fire schools. Dave attended both the University of Texas and the University of Houston.


[June 23, 2009] Elkhart Brass is pleased to announce Robert Dornseif (Rob) has accepted the position of Regional Sales Manager for our Mideast Territory Region, which includes: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio. Rob comes to us with over 15 years of Sales experience, including more than 7 years with 5 Alarm Fire and Safety. Rob has also been a volunteer firefighter with several volunteer fire departments, including several years with the rank of Lieutenant for the Aboite Township Fire Department.

Ferrara Fire Apparatus [April 15, 2009] Holden, LA – Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. has finished construction of two additional on-site testing facilities, a tilt table and a second pump test pit. The tilt table is built in compliance with SAE and NFPA requirements, giving Ferrara’s customers another compliance option for the new NFPA 1901 standard for vehicle stability. Like the fire pump, aerial, and electrical testing Ferrara offers, the tilt table testing is available from an independent third party, Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. The other test facility Ferrara has added, a second pump test area, is designed to accommodate their growing industrial fire apparatus business. A man-made lake was built on Ferrara’s property and a dry hydrant system installed that allows drafting by up to three 8” hard suction lines at the same time. The water is then discharged back into the lake, making it ideal for testing 4000 GPM or larger monitors associated with industrial fire apparatus, as well as the 1250 and 1500 GPM waterways featured on Ferrara’s line of heavy duty aerial apparatus. Required UL testing equipment is at the new test area, allowing Ferrara to conduct up to four UL pump tests at the same time, when used with their existing pump test facility.

Fire Research Corp. [May 11, 2009] Fire Research Corporation has added two additional Regional Sales Managers to its staff. Adam Edwards, a Kent State graduate, will be covering the New England States as well as several Middle Atlantic States as Northeast Regional Sales Adam Edwards Manager. Matthew Pitzer will be covering the Midwest at the Midwest Regional Sales Manager. Matt is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and has had previous experience as a Regional Sales Manager. Matthew Pitzer

Hannay Reels [May 5, 2009] Employee Changes - Denis Bleile is taking over the position of Sales Manager, from David Guilzon at Hannay Reels. Retiring after 39 years of service is Hannay Reelsí Sales Manager, Dave Guilzon. Dave spent most of his years with Hannay in the Sales Department, serving more than 12 years as Sales Manager, and in that time helped innovate

Summer 2009


|| Member News continued and develop many new products. He now takes a welldeserved retirement with his wife of 46 years, Carol. The entire Hannay Reels family wishes Dave all the best, and thanks him for his many years dedicated to serving our customers. Assuming the Sales Manager title in May, 2009 is Denis Bleile. With over 25 years experience in the industrial sector, Denis comes to Hannay as a well respected figure in the field of OEM sales. Denis is moving to Westerlo from Norwalk, Ohio, with his wife of 23 years, Anne, and their two daughters. He looks forward to partnering with our customers, providing them with the highest levels of quality, quick delivery, industry-leading service, and unmatched support after the sale. We look forward to Denis spearheading our continued market expansion, and leading our sales team through the challenges of the new global economy.

Havis-Shields Equipment Corp. [March 3, 2009] Havis-Shields today announced a merger with LEDCOChargeguard, Plymouth, Mich., a manufacturer of mobile computing solutions and vehicle power management systems. The merger of these two trusted industry leaders will define the new mobile workspace. This partnership truly delivers on maximizing worker productivity. The combination of Havis-Shields and LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD creates a broad portfolio that better serves the mobile workspace by offering a complete line of products. As part of the merger, current Havis-Shields president, Joe Bernert, will become the chairman and chief executive officer of the newly formed company. Michael Bernert, currently the vice president of sales and marketing for Havis-Shields, will become the president of the merged companies, and current LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD president, Mike Zani, will become the new company’s chief operating officer. Havis-Shields’ Joe Bernert said the merger is a win-win for both companies and will provide its respective customers with an expanded line of the most comfortable and safest solutions in the industry. “We think the merger of Havis-Shields and LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD will give us the opportunity to increase the level of service and the quality of products we provide to our customers”. Michael Bernert further explained that “this merger will give our Fleet and IT sales channel partners access to both LEDCO-CHARGEGUARDS’s industry leading docking products and Havis-Shields innovative mounting solutions.” LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD’s Mike Zani agreed, and said the merger will bring two industry leaders together to provide customers with a “one-stop shop” for all their mobile computing, mission critical fleet and vehicle power management solutions. “Havis-Shields is one of the most trusted names in public safety and mission critical equipment. That reputation, coupled with the perfect fit of LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD’s respective product lines gives


us the ability to quickly respond to customer needs with the best and most complete mobile workplace equipment in the market, all from one source,” Zani said. The company headquarters will remain in Warminster, Pa., and the current LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD manufacturing and marketing offices will remain in the Detroit suburb of Plymouth, Mich. Joe Bernert said that each company will continue with a “business as usual” philosophy, and that current HavisShields and LEDCO-CHARGEGUARD customers will continue to work with their current company representatives for products and services.

Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. [May 26, 2009] On May 21st, Pierce Manufacturing Inc. and Harley-Davidson Motor Company announced that $135,000 was raised through their Full Throttle Support campaign and sweepstakes to assist the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF). A special ceremony commemorating the conclusion of this threemonth endeavor was held in Washington, D.C. at the DC Fire and EMS Department, Wilson Jones (Oshkosh Corporation Engine 3 firehouse. As part of the ceremo- executive vice president) and Steve ny, sweepstakes winner Brian P. Vickers St. Thomas (Harley-Davidson Motor of Katy, Texas, a volunteer firefighter, was Company director of worldwide police awarded a Harley Davidson® Fat Boy® and fleet sales) present check to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Firefighter Special Edition motorcycle. Also pictured are Tina Hauk, surviving The NFFF is a nonprofit organization spouse of a fallen firefighter, and Brian that remembers and honors America’s fall- Vickers, Full Throttle Support award en firefighters by providing their survivors winner and volunteer firefighter. with a place to turn for help rebuilding their lives. Spouses and children of fallen firefighters are eligible, through NFFF, for education, scholarship assistance as well as job training. Furthermore, NFFFestablished peer networks offer families and coworkers essential emotional support. “The response we’ve received from across the country to the Full Throttle Support campaign is beyond our expectations and we are proud to put these funds to work through the vitally important efforts of the NFFF,” said Wilson Jones, Oshkosh Corporation executive vice president and president Fire & Emergency. “We believe in and support the NFFF mission. This campaign is just one way we can honor those firefighters who gave the ultimate sacrifice to serve their fellow citizens.” Nearly 12,000 sweepstakes entries were received during the campaign. The winner, Brian Vickers is a Harley-Davidson enthusiast and a 16-year veteran volunteer firefighter currently with the Westlake Volunteer Fire Department

Summer 2009


|| Member News continued in Houston, Texas. Brian was thrilled at the May 21st ceremony to receive the keys to a custom, one-of-a-kind Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Firefighter Special Edition motorcycle. “I still can’t believe that I’ve won. It’s an amazing machine and I can’t wait to take it on a ride,” said Vickers. “It’s really great that this sweepstakes helps such a worthy cause which is why I entered in the first place. The work of the NFFF is so important. My wife and I are big believers in higher education, and we’re especially impressed by the scholarships the Foundation provides to surviving family members.” The Pierce and Harley-Davidson joint Full Throttle Support campaign to benefit the NFFF was supplemented by proceeds from sales of officially licensed Pierce and Harley-Davidson merchandise. Additionally, in April the Oshkosh Corporation Foundation donated a check for $25,000 to the NFFF as part of the Full Throttle Support initiative. (Pierce Manufacturing is an Oshkosh Corporation company.) Attending the May 21st ceremony were representatives from HarleyDavidson, Pierce, members of the Red Helmet Ride (a group of motorcycleenthusiast firefighters and friends), dignitaries from Washington D.C., family members of fallen firefighters and NFFF representatives. “The primary mission of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is to make a tangible difference in the lives of surviving families of these heroes,” said Ron Siarnicki, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation executive director. “Without the help of organizations like Oshkosh, Pierce and Harley-Davidson, we would not be able to sustain and grow our support programs.”

Pro Poly of America [May 1, 2009] Pro Poly is pleased to announce the hiring of Nick Dean as an OEM and Government account sales rep for the company. In addition to serving his country in the U.S. Marine Corp, Nick obtained his bachelor degree in aerospace administration and has many years experience in management and sales with DHL shipping in Orlando. Nick is married to Maureen and when not selling polymer products in the fire industry, Nick enjoys golfing, kayaking, hiking and biking.

“As we continue our growth as a single-source provider of compartment access solutions, Steve has already proven to be a valuable resource for our fire service and specialty customers,” says R-O-M president Steve Briggs. “His engineering and sales expertise, product knowledge and creative problem solving skills help R-O-M’s customers succeed by operating safely and efficiently.” Touchton will help direct a sales team of 20 members, including customer development representatives, sales support personnel and nationwide territory managers. He’ll continue to help the company’s engineering team identify product enhancements and pursue new product opportunities.

Rosenbauer America [June 4, 2009] Lyons, SD – Rosenbauer is pleased to welcome West-Mark as its new Northern California and Alaska dealer for the Rosenbauer product lines. West-Mark has been a trusted and reliable company for decades and is proud to stand behind the Rosenbauer brand and its products. West-Mark is family owned-and-operated and has been an integral part of the Northern California mobile equipment industry since 1967. West-Mark will sell the entire Rosenbauer product line in addition to its own products.

Seagrave Fire Apparatus [May 8, 2009] Seagrave held its 2008 Sales Awards banquet and presentation on Saturday, March 14, as part of its 2009 National Dealer Meeting. The Dealer of the Year Award and the award for Most Pumpers Sold went to Emergency Products, Inc., of Thorofare, New Jersey. Jim Shuster (Pennsylvania), who is a Seagrave sales representative for Emergency Products, Inc., took home the Therese Sell Award and the Salesman of the Year Award with co-recipient Dennis Warren, who is Regional Sales Manager for the area.

R-O-M Corporation [March 17, 2009] R-O-M Corporation, a manufacturer of products for the fire service, food distribution and building security industries, has promoted Steve Touchton to the newly created position of emergency and specialty products manager. Touchton will manage sales of the firm’s compartment access products, including R-O-M Roll-up Doors, Cargo Trays, LED Compartment Lighting and Hose Bed Covers. Touchton joined R-O-M in 2005 as the Mid-Central territory manager. He traveled five states and one Canadian province providing on-site assistance with OEM and end-user design and installation needs. The Air Force veteran holds a BS in Safety Engineering and has over 15 years of experience serving the fire service and other specialty markets.


Seagrave Fire Apparatus Award Recipients: (missing Ken Van Krey), Chairman & CEO Joe Neiner is pictured second from right in the back row. Awards were presented at Seagrave’s National Dealer Meeting in March 2009

Summer 2009


|| Member News continued Ray Dyrcz and Rich Partridge of Rescue Vehicles, Inc. (Bohemia, New York) were presented with the Most Improved Dealer award and Most Aerial Sales award. Susan Furry of Interstate Truck Equipment (Hagerstown, Maryland) was presented with the Most Refurb Sales award. The Golden Wrench Award went to Gene Davis of Maryland Emergency Products (Baltimore, Maryland). Regional Sales Manager Dennis Warren (Maryland) was presented with the Platinum Truck award. Seagrave Engineer Ken Van Krey who was unable to attend the event, received the Special Achievement award for his work on Seagrave's Matrix body design. [June 15, 2009] Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC announced that its commercial vehicle manufacturing and apparatus facility in Rock Hill, South Carolina (Seagrave Carolina), moved to a larger facility within the city. Seagrave Carolina relocated from its former facility of Lesslie Highway to meet its growing needs and to better serve Seagrave customers. The new facility is located at 251 North Wilson Street and has 19,500 square feet under one roof.

Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. [March 3, 2009] Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. was presented the “Industry of the Year Award” by Governor Dave Heinemann at the Nebraska Diplomats Passport Weekend September 12, 2008. The Nebraska Diplomats Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that provides a connection to Nebraska leaders without political, organizational or geographic restrictions. The Diplomats mission is to help build the state’s economy by supporting the Nebraska Department of Economic Development’s efforts to assist the growth and expansion of existing

Accepting the “Industry of the Year Award” Left to right Tim D. White President of the Nebraska Diplomats, Delwin Smeal, Ardath Smeal, Governor Dave Heineman 22

businesses, attract new business, and improve Nebraska’s business climate and competitiveness. The award was accepted by Delwin Smeal, President of Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. and Ardath Smeal, widow of founder Donald L. Smeal. Donald Smeal, Founder of Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. is Enshrined into the Nebraska Business Hall of Fame The late Donald Smeal was inducted posthumously into the Nebraska Business Hall of Fame Thursday February 5th, 2009. Barry Kennedy, president of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce & Industry, recently announced Smeal as one of a select group of business leaders to be inducted. Established in 1992 by the state chamber and the University Of Nebraska College Of Business Administration, the Business Hall of Fame recognizes business leaders whose contributions to the state and its economy make them deserving of recognition. Hall of Fame candidates are nominated by members of the state’s business community, business associations and academia. Don Smeal was the 4th generation of a family that homesteaded in northeast Nebraska. He learned about mechanical things on the farm and took particular interest in the steam engine tractor that was used to operate the saw mill on the farm. In high school he concentrated on math, physics and science. After high school he did custom threshing, saw milling and silage cutting until he was drafted to serve during WWII. Before leaving for the war he married his high school sweetheart, Ardath Renter. After returning to his home town of Snyder, Nebraska after the War, Smeal bought a corn sheller and a baler and did custom farm work until 1954. He then bought a repair shop in Snyder and started a welding business. Though he had been working out of state with an irrigation company, Donald wanted to stay in Nebraska. With six of his nine children already born he worked hard to build and invent a marketable product. Smeal designed and built an irrigation pipe moving machine, a truck body with an auger system, and then a well pump-pulling machine. This product was the basis of Smeal Manufacturing Company. In the early 60’s, Snyder Rural Fire Board asked Don to fix a leak in its fire truck tank. The tank itself could not be repaired so Don being a volunteer firefighter himself and knowing the needs of the community offered another arrangement. If the Board would buy a new chassis, Don would design and build them a new fire truck that would have a portable pump, a PTO driven pump, a 1,200 gallon water tank, an enclosed crew cab and a mounted 42’ hydraulic aerial ladder. This was the first truck in the fire truck industry to include all of these features on one truck. By 1966, Smeal had been named Nebraska’s Small Businessman of the Year. Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. is a major competitor in the fire and rescue industry and has thousands of fire trucks and aerial ladders protecting lives and property throughout North America. The Smeal companies are family owned with four of Donald and Ardath’s children working along with their spouses and children. Don did not stray from his roots and built his companies with folks who have the same values and work ethic as his pioneer forbearers who settled the Nebraska prairies. Don died October 19, 2004. He left his companies in the hands of his family and long-term dedicated employees, who share the same commitment to their customers.

Summer 2009


|| Member News continued Task Force Tips, Inc. [February 6, 2009] TFT offers FAST answer to truck manufacturers’ challenges. With technological advancements and changes in NFPA 1901 standards, the challenges to North American fire apparatus manufacturers are growing markedly. In response, Task Force Tips has come up with a timely answer – the Fire Apparatus Solutions Team – more commonly known as FAST. “This is an industry where the needs are many, and so often, they’re immediate,” said Doug Miller, TFT Midwestern FAST rep who’s a seasoned firefighter and TFT sales rep with some 20 years experience in each field. “People we’re working with need to know if they call, they’re going to get an immediate answer, or at least have the comfort of knowing that someone else is working hard with them to find a solution.” South Bend native Ron Truhler has stepped onboard to fill FAST’s second crew slot. Truhler, also a firefighter, is probably best known for the millions of dollars in sales he garnered during his years of work at two leading Midwestern truck chassis manufacturer/dealers. “I’ve had the opportunity to work with fire truck manufacturers for years, and I’m just glad that TFT is offering me a chance to build on the relationships I’ve already made,” Truhler commented. “Many of these people are long time friends – through firefighting as well as work. Their daily challenges are already mine. That’s why FAST is so great. Joining them gives me the opportunity to work help these manufacturers with everything I’ve got – and hopefully a little more.” Truhler will be working with apparatus builders in the Eastern and Southern U.S., as well as the eastern provinces of Canada. Firefighter Dave Burns – who’s logged 14 years of service for TFT – will round out TFT’s three-member FAST crew. He continues to devote his energies and talents to apparatus manufacturers west of the Mississippi River, as well as western Canada. “In addition to the FAST crew being strategically located to respond to fire apparatus manufacturers needs, our service and technical team is on call 24 hours a day at 800-854-6864,” Burns explained. “Technical, installation, application and operational support is only a phone call away, with much of it available at www.tft.com anytime.” Although team members expect to be on the road for a lion’s share of their work weeks, each plans to continue his work with the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association (FAMA). “When you’re looking at a lean economy like we’re facing now, you have to understand that there’s a trickle down effect that touches every part of every industry,” Burns explained. “Fire Apparatus manufacturers aren’t immune to that. They have customers coming to them whose needs are even more exact because the dollars they have to spend are tighter than ever before. FAST will allow them to tap into a professional fire apparatus equipment manufacturing network for help in working through time sensitive situations.”

For more information about TFT’s FAST crew, please visit www.tft.com


[February 6, 2009] TFT veteran Brian Podsiadlik will spend a better part of 2009 traveling the roadways of the northern North America in his new job as Canadian Regional Manager for Task Force Tips. “TFT has a great relationship with Canada which I’m hoping to make even stronger,” Podsiadlik said. “With the recent introduction of the Technical Customer Service Team, as well as our new Task Force Tips University, we have even more resources to help businesses grow.” Podsiadlik began his career with Task Force Tips in July, 2006, after receiving his Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology from Purdue University. He’s spent nearly a decade as a professional firefighter, working as a paid-on-call firefighter for Dyer Indiana’s force since 2001, and polishing those skills during a twoyear stint as a full-time Industrial Firefighter/EMT at MIttal Steel. “My hands-on experience as a firefighter, along with what I learned during my years with TFT have given me a good foundation for this position,” Podsiadlik said. “Of course, there’s always going to be something new to learn. But with a place like Canada as my classroom, life is nothing but good.”

|| Thanks to Fire Engineering

Lyle Hoyt Senior Vice President

Eric Schlett Vice President—Fire Group

Chad Wimmer Magazine Team Leader

The FAMA Board and Membership gratefully acknowledge the generosity of Fire Engineering management and staff for the design and printing of the Flyer.

Summer 2009


FAMA’s 2009 FIRE SERVICE TRADE SHOW AND EVENTS CALENDAR P.O. Box 397, Lynnfield, MA 01940-0397 Tel & Fax: (781) 334-2911 E-Mail: info@fama.org Web site: www.fama.org



Maritimes Fire Chiefs Conf.


IAFC Missouri Valley Division

Jul 9-11

Overland Pk, MO

Firehouse Expo: Contact: Mary Velline, 800-827-8009

Jul 21-26, (Ex. 23-25)

Baltimore, MD

Fire-Rescue International

Aug 27-29

Dallas, TX

Editors: Karen Burnham John Sztykiel Design: Chad Wimmer Photography Credits: Larry Dodson (Spring Meeting) Paul Darley (Spring Meeting) Pat Murphy (FDIC) Rebecca Schenk (Tech Meeting) Sandra Vandersee (Old Timers Lunch) — © Copyright 2009, FAMA, Inc., MA (USA)

A Publication of Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association, Inc.




Contact: Sara Baeth at IAFC 443-627-2200

FAMA Tech Meeting

Aug 29

Dallas, TX

Incident Management Symposium (Phoenix FD)

Sep 2-4

Phoenix, AZ

IAFC Southwestern Div.


Little Rock, AR

New Jersey Firefighters

Sep 17-18

Wildwood, NJ

Pittsburgh Fire/Rescue & EMS

Sep 18-20

Pittsburgh, PA

FDSOA Annual Conf. Contact: FDSOA 508-881-3114

Sep 21-25

Orlando, FL

Fire Rescue Canada


Contact: Kelly Simon Productions 800-747-5599

National Fallen Fighters Memorial Weekend

Oct 3-4

Emmitsburg, MD

Fall Meeting FAMA and FEMSA with Capitol Hill Day

Oct 8-9

Washington, DC

Firehouse Central/EMS Mary Velline, 800-827-8009

Oct 26-30

Atlanta, GA

F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Design Symposium


Charlotte, NC

Nov 5-8

Clearwater Bch, FL

IAFC Volunteer & Combination Officers Symposium

— calendar UPDATES may be found at www.fama.org — Thanks to Bob Barraclough for developing and continuously updating the events calendar for the benefit of all members.

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