FEMSA News Summer 2007

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Summer 2007

Official Publication of the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association

Firehouse Magazine, Firehouse.com, and Firehouse Tradeshows & Events are the Official Sponsors of the FEMSA 2007 Summer Newsletter

Message from President Giff SwaYNe - Page 2


Annual Meeting Planning - Page 4 Congress Reconvenes to Press Forward on Appropriations Bills Page 6 FEMSA WELCOMES ITS NEWEST MEMBERS - Page 7 FEMSA…WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? - Page 8 FEMSA MEMBERS ON THE TRADE SHOW CIRCUIT - Page 10 CFSI Hosts 19th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner & Seminars - Page 12 “Every Day is Home Day” - Page 13 GAC UPDATE - Page 14 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE - Pages 15-16 FEMSA 4th Annual State of the Fire Service Survey - Page 16 60% OF USA IS VULNERABLE - Page 17 FEMSA MEMBER NEWS - Pages 18-20 ABOUT INTEROPERABILITY…-Page 20 Understand the Programs and Member Benefits of FEMSA - Page 21 THE 2007 YEARLY PLANNER - Page 23

HILL DAY 2007 September 27

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Charleston Fire Department and their families... Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

On Monday June 19th, the fire service suffered another unbearable loss when nine firefighters in Charleston, South Carolina were killed during a fire in a furniture warehouse. The building was not protected by a sprinkler system despite the enormous fire load contained within the one story corrugated metal structure. After the burials, after the grieving and after the media attention fades, the fire service will still be at the ready to protect the life and property of the citizens they serve. Because the men and women of the fire service will always answer the call, without a doubt there will be another Charleston, another Worcester and another South Canyon Mountain. We will once again have to bear the loss of a group of first responders doing what is asked of them. Emergency response is inherently dangerous. In order to try and offset that danger we depend on training, modern equipment and experienced commanders, but sadly all too often those are not enough. When elected officials cannot support improved building and life safety codes without “grand-fathering” those structures that present the greatest risks, and when those same officials do not support minimum staffing levels on engine and truck companies, it is a matter of when, not if, we will have to suffer another mass casualty loss. Hopefully, with the spotlight of tragedy once again on the fire service, we can gain more support for the FIRE ACT and SAFER grants and improved life safety codes. It is through investment in training, equipment and manpower, and the resolve to implement better codes that we can begin to change the odds. For Earl Drayton, Billy Hutchinson, Mike Benke, Mark Kelsey, Louis Mulkey, Brad Baity, Michael French, Brandon Thompson, and Melvin Champaign of the Charleston Fire Department and their families, change did not come soon enough. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. As we move forward, continually educating ourselves on best practices in our businesses, please remember to register for the Annual Meeting in Monterey, California - October 3rd to October 6th. It is shaping up to be a fantastic meeting with more “take away” content than ever before. The Association depends on your participation to grow and improve, so please plan now to attend the Annual Meeting. Till Next Time,

Giff Swayne

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By: Dan Reese, Vice President

In the spring you may remember that we asked you to mark your calendar for the fall meeting along with all of your other spring activities. As summer is now in full swing and even drawing to a close, it is time to put into action your efforts of spring and actually sign up to attend the annual fall meeting at www.fama.org/annualMeeting The FEMSA and FAMA meeting planning committees have worked diligently to bring content as well as interaction with people across our industry, and with people who affect our industry. There will be an industry buyers’ round table, where purchasers from various types of end users will speak and answer YOUR questions about their processes and practices. In addition, there will be a business speaker who will challenge all of us to take a look at what we are doing regardless of our duties within our companies. Our caucus forums will continue where companies of like interests can sit down and talk about issues that may be more specific to them, and possibly work on topics together that will raise not only that segment of the industry, but maybe even the entire industry. Finally we will receive updates from our activities on Capitol Hill. Monterey is a great place for a meeting and interaction, so sign up and book now to ensure the best travel and your attendance. Don’t miss out on this content- filled opportunity to participate, interact and affect our industry. We look forward to seeing you there!

Meeting Events Schedule (subject to change)

Hospitality Suite Open Daily -11 AM-11 PM

OCT. 3 WED. - Arrival 12:30 PM - FEMSA Board Meeting (Lunch at noon) 6 PM - FEMSA Welcome Reception-Members & Guests OCT. 4 THUR.

8 AM - FEMSA Breakfast-Members 9 AM - FEMSA Membership Meeting Review of 2007 & 2006 Introduction of candidates LUNCH - On your own 1:15 PM - FEMSA Membership Meeting, Caucus Breakouts 3 PM - FEMSA Membership Meeting & Election Committee Reports


7:15 AM - FEMSA Member Breakfast 8 AM - Caucus wrap up & meeting round table 10:15 AM - Joint Meeting-GAC other speakers 6:30 AM - FAMA Board Breakfast 7 AM - FAMA Board Meeting/Reports by Committee Chairs 8 AM - FAMA Committee Meetings as scheduled by Committee Chairs 9 AM - FEMSA/FAMA Spouses Program 11:45 AM - FEMSA/FAMA Executive Committees Lunch 12 PM - FEMSA/FAMA Lunch - All Members & Guests 1:15 PM - FEMSA/FAMA Joint Meeting Buyers Round Table 3 PM - Business Program 6 PM - FEMSA/FAMA Cocktail Party 7 PM - FEMSA/FAMA Dinner


7.15 AM - FAMA Member Breakfast 8 AM - FAMA Membership Meeting Afternoon & Evening-Open OCT. 7 SUN. - Departure

Thanks to our advertisers...

Summer 2007 4 || femsa.org || Summer 2007

Firehouse/Cygnus Group Fire Apparatus Magazine Fire Chief Fire Rescue Magazine Fire Engineering

©Copyright 2007, FEMSA, MA (USA) Editor: Karen H. Burnham Newsletter Committee: Eric Schlett, Chair Melinda Freeman, Board Liaison Simon Steinbach, Layout

The only

Emergency Equipment Magazine in America that writes about ONE subject…

the products you make and sell! That’s right! For the past five years our Editors have had the following written content guideline taped to their desk lights. Now we’ve taken it one step further and etched it in stone. We’ve ordered engraved solid Vermont granite desktop nameplates reading –

“If it doesn’t ride to an emergency on a vehicle with red lights and siren, it is not a subject for our magazine.”

And that same theme is echoed in our BPA Statement defining a Qualified Reader: Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment magazine is targeted at fire and emergency services members–both career and volunteer–who provide community fire suppression or emergency medical and rescue services. Also, this magazine serves as a fire and emergency equipment industry business-to-business publication serving manufacturers, engineers, designers, managers and sales people, and is edited to bridge the gap between the industry and the purchasers of fire apparatus and emergency equipment.

And Emergency Equipment Magazine Published in Vermont • 8 0 2 - 8 8 9 - 9 8 0 0

Congress Reconvenes to Press Forward on Appropriations Bills

By Dave Gatton, GAC Consultant After its traditional July 4th recess, Congress reconvened this week to continue its push toward completing its 2008 appropriations bills by the end of the 2007 fiscal year (September 30, 2007). Democratic leaders in the 110th Congress have pledged to complete as many appropriations measures as possible before the deadline. All the appropriations bills, except Defense and Agriculture, have been passed by the House and reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2008 cleared the full House on June 15th, and was reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 14th. The Senate, which has been waylaid by debates on immigration and the Iraqi war, is expected to take up the measure soon. The bill must then go to a House-Senate Conference Committee to iron out differences between the two measures. The Conference Report (bill) is then passed again by the House and Senate before being sent to the President for final signature. The President has threatened to veto several appropriations measures that exceed his requested levels of funding including the Homeland Security appropriations bill. Several members of FEMSA have expressed interest in additional information on the DHS appropriation measures, particularly funding levels of key programs that affect state and local governments and first responders beyond the Assistance to Firefighters Grants and the SAFER programs. Below is a chart that summarizes the current year DHS appropriation levels, the President’s requested amounts, the House funding levels and those reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Key DHS First Responder Programs Firefighter Assistance Grants Fire Department Staffing Assistance Grants (SAFER) First Responder State Block Grant (State Formula) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Grant (State Formula) Emergency Management Performance Grants Port Security Grants Rail/Transit Security Grants Trucking Industry Security Intercity Bus Security Urban Search and Rescue Metropolitan Medical Response System High-Risk Non-Profit Organization Grants Buffer Zone Protection Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grants Interoperable Communications Citizen Corps Commercial Equipment Direct Performance Grants

Total (in Millions)

FY 2007 Enacted $547

FY 2008 Proposed (President) $300

FY 2008 House (Passed) $570

FY 2008 Senate (Committee) $560









































































*Note, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 created the Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Fund within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Within this fund was created a new $1 billion Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program to make grants to public safety agencies in the acquisition of, deployment of, and training on related to interoperable communications systems capable of sharing voice and data signals on the 24 MHz of dedicated first responder radio spectrum in the 700 MHZ band.

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Richard H. Edwards, Vice President 3281 N. Decatur Blvd., Ste. 130 Las Vegas, NV 89130 Tel: 800-845-7541 Web: www.avcomm.com Email: Rick@Avcomm.com A manufacturer and distributor of communications systems including headsets, intercom and multiple radio interface communications devices.

Firefighter.com, Inc.

Thomas Dent, President 7925 SW Jack James Dr. “A” Stuart, FL 34997 Tel: 772-220-6827 Mobile: 772-215-5530 Fax: 772-287-7867 Email: Tom@firefighter.com Web: www.firefighter.com Distribution of apparel and gift items.

GFG Instrumentation

Allen Lance, Director of Sales 1194 Oak Valley Drive, Suite 20 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Tel: (734) 769-0573 Fax: (734) 769-1888 Email: alance@gfg-inc.com Web Site: www.gfg-inc.com

On-Target Communications

Dr. Paul O. Davis, President 15312 Spencerville Ct. Burtonsville, MD 20866 Tel: 301-421-4433 x 104 Fax: 301-421-9575 Web: firefighter-challenge.com Email: paul.davis@mac.com The creator, owner, organizer and manager of the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge.


Steve Bloomstrand, Vice President 404 N. Rte. 115 Roberts, IL 60962-0098 Tel: (217) 395-2278 Fax: (217) 395-2564 Email: steve@rocketsupply.com Web Site: www.rocketsupply.com Manufacturer of fire apparatus

Western Fire Chiefs Association

Crosby Grindle, Project Manager 727 Center Street, NE, Suite 300 Salem, OR 97301 Tel: (503) 365-0222 Fax: (503) 365-7893 Email: Crosby@wfca.com Web Sites: www.wfca.com    www.dailydispatch.com Service organization of daily email news service, bookstore, group purchasing, national fire service library & fire service association management services

IN MEMORIAM FEMSA is deeply saddened to report the following passings: Margery Dobbs (April 27th) Mother of Ed Dobbs, Spartan Chassis Bruce W. Guard, Sr. (May 4th) Elkhart Brass (retired) Alan Fenton (May 24th) The Will-Burt Company Charleston, South Carolina Firefighters (June 18th) Brad Baity Mike Benke Melvin Champaign Earl Drayton Michael French Billy Hutchinson Mark Kelsey Louis Mulkey Brandon Thompson Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers … may they rest in peace.

Manufacturer of gas detection instruments, air line monitoring.

2007 EDWARD H. MCCORMACK, JR. SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE AWARD The Government Affairs Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2007 Edward H. McCormack, Jr. Spirit of Excellence Award. This award is presented to individuals whose advocacy of the Fire Service embodies the spirit of Ed McCormack, who dedicated over 40 years of his life to the American Fire Service through training, education, and political advocacy. Last year’s award was presented by Representative Curt Weldon and Mrs. Mary McCormack to Andrew Weis, Senior Counsel, House Committee on Homeland Security & Joshua Dozor, Director of Preparedness Policy, Homeland Security Counsel. Please submit nominations via e-mail to Karen Burnham at info@femsa.org by August 31, 2007.

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By: Melinda Freeman, Secretary/Treasurer

As business persons, when considering potential investments, we always evaluate what the return on that investment may be. When determining which industry association to join, we consider how it will benefit our businesses. So why FEMSA? Over 150 companies have made the sound decision to join FEMSA, the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association, and over 95% of those companies have been members for 10 or more years. Each of those members understand the value of maintaining their memberships from year to year. In 2006, FEMSA celebrated its 40th anniversary of dedication to the fire and emergency services industry. During that time, many programs and annual events have been introduced and welcomed by the membership to assist in the conduct of their businesses. Annual Meeting…FEMSA holds its annual membership meeting in the fall each year. The business meeting segment allows FEMSA to conduct the required business of the organization, hold board elections and plan for the future. The Board of Directors and meeting planners work hard to ensure that the time and money spent by members to attend is well worthwhile. With educational content, caucus group meetings, business and planning sessions, and the joint session with the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA), the annual meeting is a busy and productive time. User Information Guides…are official publications of FEMSA, originally established in 1996. Manufacturers of PPE (ensembles and equipment) want first responders to know the strength of their products as well as their limitations. Proper care of garments is also addressed in the publications. FEMSA publishes 15 guides for PPE that are copyrighted and updated periodically consistent with applicable NFPA standards. The interest and participation of members in other product areas will drive the expansion of the UIG program. Trade Show Report Cards…Members are active in the association’s Trade Show Report Card evaluation process, rating a number of trade shows during the year. Members find this of great value when determining where best to place their marketing dollars for the following year. Personal Responsibility Code…In 2005, FEMSA published and copyrighted a Personal Responsibility Code (PRC). Through the PRC, members that provide emergency response equipment and services warn responders of the dangers inherent in their profession and point out that failure to follow the guidelines outlined may result in death, burns or other severe injury. This publication has been endorsed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF), the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA), and the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). Members may order several formats of the PRC or enter into an annual licensing agreement to use the PRC in company literature, on web sites, or wherever it best suits the member company. Emergency Managers’ Database…NEW IN 2007 – Looking for a clean CD-ROM mailing list that includes more than 3,000 FEMA emergency professionals? This amazing CD features easy to use state listings, with USAR Teams separated by regions, as well as FEMA regional offices. The EMD is available only to members for purchase. Governmental Affairs Committee … Keeping the membership abreast of issues on Capitol Hill is the primary component of FEMSA’s strategic plan. FEMSA, in cooperation with FAMA, has become the eyes, ears and voice for all emergency equipment and service providers from the fire marketplace in Washington, DC. Through the restructuring and refocusing of association resources and the hiring of a dedicated Washington consultant, members are (a) actively engaged in the bureaucratic process and legislative matters that impact emergency equipment providers; and, (b) are informed of funding and emergency service grant monies to help members, and the fire departments they supply, to make best use of the available funding. A growing number of members participate each year in the “Home Day” and “Hill Day” events coordinated by the GAC. These programs help to project FEMSA’s critical role in Homeland Security and our political power to legislators and their staffers. Firegrantdata.com…New this year FEMSA, via the GAC, launched a new web site called FireGrantData.com. This web site is a resource for legislators and their staff to quickly understand the impact that the Fire Act Grants have had on their districts. The site includes success stories, facts about the grant program and easy access to grant award history sorted by state and political districts. The site has been very well received and our usage statistics indicate that it is being used quite often by the folks on Capitol Hill. Our industry needs a strong trade association, and FEMSA will continue to represent and support your company’s interests in today’s complex political and business environment. If you are not already a member, please consider joining today because as our membership grows, so does our ability to serve you. FEMSA offers both active and associate memberships. Visit www.femsa.org, our affiliated sites…www.firegrantdata.com and www.famafemsagac.org, or contact FEMSA…info@femsa. org, (781) 334-2911…for a membership information packet.

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at Murp


Photo: P hy

Left Clockwise:

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Bagpipers ring in the opening of FDIC 2007“Bird’s eye” view of the packed Dome at the FDIC- Shelby Gloves- NVFC’s Heather Schafer (Exec. Dir.), Erron Kinney (Tight end of TN Titans), & Maggie Wilson (Dir of Health & Safety)- Fire Research reps Charles Smith, Rick Fix, Peggy McKeever & Jack McLoughlin- FEMSA & FAMA Board of Dir.s met at the FDIC to discuss common interests. Standing l-r: Mike Natchipolsky, John Granby, Steve Lawrence, Bill Bruns, Jerry Halpin, Melinda Freeman, Giff Swayne, Rick Suche, Tim Dean, Roger Weinmeister, Mike Schoenberger Seated l-r: Jim Juneau (legal counsel), Rod Carringer, and Dan Reese- Fire Rescue Magazine’s staffers- l-r:Tom Bates, Station House Supply & John Granby, Lion Apparel- Knox Box- Hurst- Center- l-r: Bill Chalgren (E-Z-EM), with consultants Lisa Kent & Phil O’Dell (O’Dell Engineering)

CFSI Hosts 19th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner & Seminars

On March 28th and 29th, the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) hosted the 19th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner and Seminars. The event, which was attended by over 2,000 fire and emergency services leaders, included two days of seminars featuring prominent speakers from Congress, the Bush Administration, and the national fire and emergency services organizations. The seminars were capped off by the dinner on the evening of March 29th, with the keynote address by former Congressman Curt Weldon, the founder of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus. The theme of this year’s dinner was “Working Together to Protect Our Communities” focusing on the cooperative nature of the fire and emergency services in addressing issues of importance on Capitol Hill and in state houses across America. Several leaders of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus attended the dinner and shared the podium in paying tribute to our nation’s first responders. Among the members speaking at the dinner were Senator Joseph Biden (DE), Congressman Steny Hoyer (MD-5), Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson (MO-8), Congressman Peter King (NY-3), and Congressman Rob Andrews (NJ-1). Senator John McCain (AZ) addressed the CFSI Board of Directors Reception earlier in the evening. As part of the dinner tradition, CFSI presented awards to individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to improving the readiness of the fire service. The Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association was honored with the inaugural Senator Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award. Garry Briese was presented the CFSI/Motorola Mason Lankford Fire Service Leadership Award for his many years of service as Executive Director of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC). Former Congressman Curt Weldon received the CFSI Legislator of the Year Award for his twenty years of leadership on Capitol Hill, championing fire and emergency services issues.

Preparations are already underway for the 20th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner and Seminars. This milestone event will take place on April 2nd & 3rd, 2008. Mark your calendars now.

Denise and Giff Swayne (FEMSA President), Karen Burnham, Senator John McCain, Janet Wilmoth, Jerry Halpin (FAMA President)

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Former Congressman Curt Weldon with Congressman Steny Hoyer

Presentation of the Colors

Peter Webb, son of Bill Webb (CFSI Executive Director) leads the over 2,000 guests of the CFSI dinner in the Pledge of Allegance

“Every Day is Home Day”

Congressman Visclosky pays Home Day Visit to Task Force Tips

A packed house of business people made their way into the Innovators Café, a TFT spring Home Day event.

(From left) Rod Carringer, TFT VP of Marketing and Sales and U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky, (D-IN) share a moment with TFT CEO Stewart McMillan.

VALPARAISO, IN - In its ongoing effort to strengthen Congressional and community ties, Task Force Tips recently hosted Congressman Peter Visclosky (D-IN) and more than 100 key constituents for a luncheon and a tour of its facilities. “FAMA/FEMSA is encouraging all of us to get involved with our communities, as well as to insure and strengthen our legislative ties,” explained Rod Carringer, TFT VP of Marketing and Sales. “Hosting a community event proved to be an ideal Home Day related venue for us. It allowed people to become acquainted with us, our interests, and our facility in a relaxed setting.” The Innovators Café - the event TFT hosted - is an ongoing forum of Ivy Tech College’s Gerald I. Lamkin Center, a group that unites the Midwest’s innovative with its entrepreneurs. TFT Director of Research Robert Steingass, a fellow of the center’s Society of Innovators, served as the luncheon’s guest speaker. “This was a perfect fit for TFT,” Carringer said. “Bob talked about how seeing this adjustable elbow at the local hardware store somehow led him to invent TFT’s Monsoon monitor - which opened the door to a question and answer session about TFT’s products and philosophies.” U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky (D-IN) was among the day’s guests. Visclosky, who has represented the state’s First District since 1984, is a member of the Appropriations Committee and chairs the Energy & Water Appropriations Subcommittee. “From economic development, to community safety, to an improved quality of life throughout Northwest Indiana, one key ingredient that is needed for our success is innovation,” said Visclosky. “I enjoyed attending this Innovator’s Café, which focused on Task Force Tips.” Valparaiso Mayor Jon Costas, a veteran politician and practicing attorney, hosted the event. Costas, a key force in the community’s ongoing funding of emergency medical services and a proponent for fire service expansion, spoke of a strong need for businesses and politicians to attend public forums and similar events. In preparation for the luncheon, TFT designed invitations that contained its new promotional DVD: “Conceived on a Napkin, Built on Innovation: The Task Force Tips Success Story.” Guests also received packets that contained information about FAMA/FEMSA legislative priorities, as well as back grounding on TFT and its economic impact. “The Home Day kit walked us through everything,” Carringer said. “There were checklists, contacts – even handouts to use as leave behinds. Getting a grassroots effort like this going isn’t fun, but whoever put together that kit made things a lot easier.” The Governmental Affairs Committee’s four legislative 2007 priorities are: 1.) Educating Congress on the importance of the Fire Grants program to the nation’s 1.1 million firefighters 2.) Educate Congress on the importance of the U.S. Fire Administration 3.) Support Staff for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Program and 4.) Clarity and Communication in the grant process. You have to pound those points home quickly when you have five minutes to make your case in some DC office,” Carringer said. “What was nice about this event was that we had a chance to tour the plant and talk.” Follow-up will be the key to strengthening both messages with elected officials, Carringer allowed. “As the GAC letter said - ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind.’ Our concerns, and those of our community, are a few of the many our representatives face. I told the Congressman that I plan on seeing him again soon. And I meant it.”

Be sure to share your Home Day stories and photos with us. They will be spotlighted in future issues of FEMSA “News” and on the GAC “micro-site” – www.famafemsagac.org. Summer 2007 || femsa.org || 13


By: Steve Lawrence, GAC Co-Chair

Greetings from your GAC!

August marks the middle of this year’s appropriations and grant reviews, and the 2007 AFG/SAFER grant program (now that it is under FEMA Director Paulison’s group) is back on schedule. The first of the grants should be announced any day. The Office of Grants and Training, under Brian Cowan’s leadership, has done a great job working with the fire service stakeholders to get the program back on track consistent with previous years. It’s great to have the program back under the emergency services side of DHS. On the appropriations side, the House Homeland Security Committee, under the new leadership of Congressman Thompson, gave the AFG program a boost over last year, with the Senate Homeland Security Committee, under the new leadership of Senators Lieberman and Collins, in close proximity to the House request. The understanding from our working group partners is that we could see the AFG program in the $550-575 million range for 2008. There are other programs such as DHS state grant programs, rural grant programs and industrial grant programs that our customers will be eligible for that are all increased over last year. Everything is in conference committee currently so it’s a “wait and see” at this point. Watch for details in your weekly GAC e-newsletter. On the GAC initiative front, the programs currently underway are beginning to get some traction in DC. Our Firegrantdata.com program has been getting a good deal of attention from staff members, with one week in July having over 18,000 views. Data from the site and from the AFG site was used in a recent speech from Senator Kennedy (D-MA) on the Senate floor! It is encouraging to see the site being so well 14 || femsa.org || Summer 2007

received by the audience it was designed for. We are continually evaluating the site and more will be coming as it matures. Representatives from the GAC are on the planning committee for next year’s 20th anniversary CFSI dinner, a “must-attend” gala with many new events than seen in previous years. Again, watch for details in your GAC e-newsletter. The strategic plan is being finalized for presentation at the annual meeting this fall in Monterey. Thanks to all of you who sent back your surveys. To those who haven’t responded just yet, please contact Karen Burnham or any GAC member for help. The information you provide is vital to the success of the program! The GAC is participating again in August in the CFSI golf tournament on a couple of levels. This is a great event to make new friends with staff members in a very friendly environment. “Hill Day” is slated for September 27th, hosted by Congressman Cliff Stearns of FL. It will be held in the beautiful Rayburn Foyer on the Hill. This is the signature event by the GAC, and is your opportunity to visit your members of congress in DC with fellow FAMA/FEMSA members. It’s also the perfect opportunity to get out our message as manufacturers of emergency rescue products, which while similar to our alliance partners, is different from the rest of the fire service. On the Home Day front, many of you are hosting get-togethers during the August recess. Please send pictures and a summary of your event for publication in the association newsletters and on the Home Day site. If you haven’t planned one yet, there is a tool kit link at www.femsa. org (and coming soon on FAMA’s new site, www.fama.org). Give any of your GAC members a call if you need a helping hand. The Committee is designing a new web portal for GAC activities on both websites. Look for more information in the weekly e-newsletter. Exciting news … a working group for Governmental Affairs has been formed in Canada for Canadian members of both organizations. More information will be going out to you this fall on this initiative. GAC involvement continues in the monthly “Fire Side Chat” luncheons in DC,

WUI and Radio Digital working groups, along with monitoring the Spectrum legislation this fall. Look for news on these initiatives in the weekly e-newsletter. If you have any questions or ideas for the GAC, please contact a member of the committee. Thank you for your continued support, and … see you on the Hill in September!

Your GAC… Tim Bendle


Doug Bonney


Ken Creese


John Farster


George Goros


John Granby, Co-Chair jranby@lionapparel.com

Bobby Halton


Larry Konsin


Bob Kreps, Co-Chair rkreps@idexcorp.com

Bill Latta


Steve Lawrence, Co-Chair stevelaw@mac.com

Mike Natchipolsky


John Sztykiel


Bruce Whitehouse, Canada GAC bruce@amdor.com

David Gatton, Consultant dgatton@dinitiatives.com

…and GAC Resource Staffers Karen Burnham

info@fama.org or info@femsa.org

Dustin Joyce


Lynn Powell


Gabe Steinbach



By: Sean Carroll, Director of Government Affairs Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI)


House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2008 Homeland Security Appropriations Act (H.R. 2638). The bill provides more than $36 billion in discretionary funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It was approved by a vote of 268 – 150. The bill contains $570 million in funding for the Assistance to Firefighters (FIRE) Grant program, an increase of $23 million over Fiscal Year 2007 and $270 million more than what was requested by the Bush Administration. The SAFER program also received a significant increase in the bill, being funded at $235 million, $120 million more than FY07. The Bush Administration chose not to request funding for the program in the annual budget proposal. The State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) is funded at $550 million in the House bill, $300 million above the Administration’s request and $25 million more than FY07. The House funded the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) at the Administration’s proposed level of $800 million, an increase of $30 million over FY07. A day before the House approved the spending measure, the Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved the Senate version of the Fiscal Year 2008 Homeland Security Appropriations Act (S. 1644). The Senate bill provides $560 million for FIRE grants, $140 million for SAFER, $525 million for SHSGP, and $820 million for UASI. Both bills provide $43.3 million for the United States Fire Administration (USFA). Following a vote by the full Senate on S. 1644, Congress will convene a conference committee to resolve differences between the two bills before sending them back to both chambers for final approval. After passage of the final bill by both houses of Congress, the bill will be sent to President Bush for his signature.


On Friday, May 25th, the U.S. Senate confirmed Chief Greg Cade to become the U.S. Fire Administrator. Chief Cade was approved unanimously by voice vote. He will take over for Chief Charlie Dickinson, who currently serves as acting Fire Administrator. Cade, chief of the Virginia Beach Fire Department for the past eight years, was nominated by President Bush on December 4, 2006 for the Administrator position. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs conducted a confirmation hearing on March 16 and later voted unanimously to recommend his confirmation by the full Senate. “Our Committee has worked hard to ensure that the Fire Administration has a special place within the Department of Homeland Security, serving not only as the voice of America’s firefighters, but also as one of the Secretary’s principal advisors on first responder issues,” said Senator Susan Collins, the ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee and co-chairwoman of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus. “Chief Cade’s 40 years of experience as a firefighter and emergency services coordinator will serve him well in the Administrator’s role.” The Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Act directed changes to the organizational structure of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. As of April 1, 2007, United States Fire Administration was transferred from the Preparedness Directorate back to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In addition, the Office of Grants and Training which administers the FIRE Act program and SAFER, has also been placed under FEMA’s authority.


On Thursday, June 7th, a bipartisan coalition of 101 members of Congress from both the Senate and the House of Representatives sent a letter to President George

W. Bush urging the immediate implementation of the Hometown Heroes Survivors Benefit Act. The legislation, which was unanimously approved by both houses of Congress and signed into law more than three years ago, provides a one-time financial benefit to the survivors of public safety officers who give their lives in the line of duty as a result of a heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, as of today, the Dept. of Justice has ruled on only 47 of the 264 claims submitted under the Hometown Heroes provisions of the Public Safety Officers’ Benefit (PSOB) program – the department has denied 40 claims. Prior to the passage of this legislation, an unintended loophole in the PSOB regulations denied the benefit to families of public safety who suffered fatal heart attacks or strokes. The PSOB was created to make sure those individuals who served their communities as public safety officers had the piece of mind that their families would be cared for should they be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Fire departments are best equipped to deliver emergency medical service, according to a new white paper. Pre-hospital 911 Emergency Medical Response: The Role of the United States Fire Service in Delivery and Coordination was prepared by top EMS physicians from three different regions of the United States. The 13-page report describes fire service-based EMS and the timecritical role of the fire service in providing emergency medical care. It is critical that policy makers understand the importance of having emergency medical services provided through the fire service. Fire servicebased EMS is pre-hospital emergency 9-1-1 medical response provided by the nation’s firefighter EMTs and para-

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LEGISLATIVE UPDATE CONTINUED... medics. Due to the training, expertise, and equipment of fire service-based EMS responders, they are capable of simultaneously securing a scene, mitigating the hazard, and triaging, extricating, treating, decontaminating (if necessary), and transporting the patients who have been injured to an appropriate medical facility. Time efficiency is a key component of the best designed EMS systems. There is no service more capable of rapid multi-faceted response than a fire service-based EMS system. “The fire service has a proud heritage of providing EMS services in local communities across America,” said Chief Dennis Compton. “What this white paper represents is an awareness that EMS begins the second a 9-1-1 call is placed and highly skilled and trained emergency medical personnel from local fire departments are dispatched to the scene to provide the first level of care to victims.” The paper is intended to help organizations as they continue efforts to educate local, state and federal officials about the role of fire-service based EMS. The paper underscores the importance of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant and SAFER programs in training and equipping fire service-based EMS and the role of the Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services (FICEMS) in establishing federal EMS policies. The Coalition has also produced a video, “Fire Service-Based EMS: The Right Response,” to complement the new white paper. It features a number of highly respected fire service-based EMS advocates who share their views about the important role of fire service-based EMS in local communities. The experts include Dr. Franklin Pratt, Medical Director, Los Angeles County Fire Department; Dr. Eugene Nagle, Miami Fire Department; Chief William “Shorty” Bryson, City of Miami Fire Department; and Chief Dennis Compton, International Fire Service Training Association. The report was written by Dr. Franklin D. Pratt, Medical Director, Los Angeles County Fire Department; Dr. Steven Katz, Associate Medical Director, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue; and Dr. Paul Pepe, Riggs Family Chair in Emergency Medicine at Southwest Medical Center. Members of the Fire Service-Based EMS Advocates Steering Committee include the Congressional Fire Services Institute, International Association of Fire Chiefs, International Association of Fire Fighters, National Fire Protection Association and the National Volunteer Fire Council. A copy of the report is available on CFSI website (www.cfsi.org). Videos can be obtained by submitting a request to the CFSI at update@cfsi.org.

FEMSA 4th Annual State of the Fire Service Survey The winner of the 2006 (3rd Annual) Survey was the Darby (PA) Fire Company #1, one of the oldest volunteer fire companies in the nation, organized on January 27, 1775 and celebrating its 232nd year.

By: Roger Weinmeister

FEMSA Members Take Note: Pass this along to your fire department customers

Survey takers at FDIC from the Indianapolis Fire Dept.

“Maybe it was the season. We reviewed our needs and found out before Christmas that some of our hose did not pass their yearly test. When we learned that our survey was selected, we applied [FEMSA’s] gift of $5,000 to purchase hose to replace the defective ones found,” stated Kevin Carry, President, Darby Fire Company #1. Anyone who would like the results of the 2006 survey who were not present at the Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, can send an email to Karen Burnham (info@femsa.org). Be sure to make plans to attend the 2007 Annual Meeting in Monterey, CA, where we will unveil the results of the 2007 FEMSA Survey on Assistance to Firefighters Grants, and select the winning fire department of this year’s $5,000 survey award. 16 || femsa.org || Summer 2007



By Kenton Pattie, Executive Director-National Emergency Equipment Dealers Association (NEEDA)

In 1983, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funded the creation of the “Central United States Earthquake Consortium” to reduce death, injury and damage resulting from earthquakes in an eight state region of Central USA. Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee are leaders of this consortium. But, 20 years after the Consortium began, Hurricane Katrina proved that we are still not prepared for major disasters as we would hope. Clearly FEMA has undergone a great deal of positive change since Katrina, however a disaster in Central US that would be twice the size of Katrina is being used as a model to answer the questions: What are the lessons learned from Katrina? And, what can we do now if an earthquake with a magnitude of 8+ hit the New Madrid Fault area along the Mississippi River Basin? Why “New Madrid”? Because this area was hit with earthquakes and many aftershocks 1811-1812 and because a moderate earthquake hit Evansville, Indiana in 2002 reminding everyone that the area is vulnerable to a repeat performance. A national focus on disaster in Central USA gives us a chance to apply the “lessons learned” from Katrina and to apply the latest ideas for disaster response to any site in the US. Wherever we are hit, we should be ready and know how to respond. In fact, there is a lot that can be done in preparation for a potential disaster, such as building codes that result in bridges, highways and buildings that withstand a major strike. Despite strict building codes in California, earthquakes there still damage freeways and buildings. June 7 and 8, 2007, I participated in a program organized by the Business Civic Leadership Center, US Chamber of Commerce, titled “Disaster Response and Recovery : New Madrid Fault Scenario.” I was the only delegate from the fire industry. There was a similar effort July 11, 2005 when the Chamber and Booz Allen Hamilton brought together 70 leaders to work on a Global Disaster Relief simulation which assumed an earthquake and tsunami such as the one in the Indian Ocean. Among the conclusions was the view that there needs to be a better model for cooperation, for building confidence in others, and harnessing the information that is available. What may be lacking in the US is a “culture of preparedness.” The concept that everyone effected by the disaster has to be self sufficient for 72 hours while help is mobilized is new to many citizens. In the case of an earthquake such as one in the New Madrid danger zone, there would be no warning such as we receive when a hurricane is approaching. Initially, fuel supply for first responders would be nil or inadequate. Power would be out for hospitals, police stations, and government facilities. Subjects such as mutual aid, loss of electricity, water, fire and law enforcement, pre-positioned supplies, sheltering, relocation, casualties, support of survivors of casualties, sick and contagious citizens, lack of medications, and credentialing and information sharing were all discussed. Some attending said that small businesses are the least prepared. At some point, there will need to be massive help to ensure that businesses can re-open, find funds, and resume serving the area. Ensuring that there will be capital, loans, and a banking system available to businesses and citizens will take time. Among the issues I raised: possible damage to or destruction of fire and police vehicles, dramatic lack of fuel for first responders, helicopters, hospitals and other emergency responders. There is a lot to work on; the two days effort of the delegates just began the process. I know there are emergency equipment dealers and suppliers who will provide their expertise, experience, and passion for this subject in future meetings. And I know we all agree that the fire and emergency response industry has to step forward to participate, advise, and give our unique perspective. We were involved in every one of the big disasters in recent years and we are involved 24/7 in every local disaster ...we have a lot of useful experience and working knowledge of what it takes to prepare and respond and recover. MORE INFO? KentonP1@aol.com

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FEMSA MEMBER NEWS Akron Brass Company

June 11, 2007 [Wooster, OH] – Akron Brass announced that they have added new sales personnel to provide even further customer focus and service in several important markets. For the United States municipal market, first, David Wunderlin has joined Akron Brass as the District Sales Manager for Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Southern Illinois. Based in Joplin, MO, David has a 20-year background in the fire service and has worked in a previous sales role within the industry for 6 years. Kent Clasen has become the District Sales Manager for Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Operating from Bellevue, IA, Kent is a volunteer member and Captain of the Bellevue Fire Department and has been working in sales within the industry for the past 14 years. Next, David Hradek is now the Akron Brass District Sales Manager for Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, and West Virginia. Working from Wooster, OH, David is a graduate of Mount Union College with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and concentrations in Marketing and Business Management. For the OEM market, Brian Barrington has joined the Akron Brass team as an OEM Account Manager for the Bus & Specialty Vehicle segments. Brian’s particular focus will be on Weldon brand lighting and multiplexing products. Based in Waynesfield, OH, Brian has over 10 years sales experience in the bus industry. Also, Jeff Park has joined Akron Brass as an Ambulance OEM Account Manager. Located in Darien, IL, Jeff has over 15 years prior sales experience within the ambulance and specialty vehicle markets.

fighters, RNs and military medics. “I am delighted to partner with EMLRC to present the Bill Shearer International Advanced & Basic Life Support Competition,” says Scott Cravens, publisher of EMS Magazine and EMS Product News. “As part of ‘the largest media source for first responders in America,’ we felt it was appropriate that we also be part of the largest EMS competition in the country. In fact, we feel so strongly about the positive role that competitions can play in preparing EMS personnel to work in complicated environments that we invited EMLRC to present a session on how to put on a local competition at EMS EXPO, October 11–13, in Orlando, FL.” Bill Shearer served on the launch team for the original competition that began with less than 10 teams. His hard work helped produce the event that today hosts more than 60 teams nationwide. It was renamed in his honor following his death. “Over the years, teams from multiple U.S. states and territories, Canadian provinces, South Africa, and several Caribbean countries have participated in the competition,” says Jerry Cutchens, director of marketing. “The competition utilizes approximately 25 volunteers to research and develop the competition scenarios, 110 volunteer judges, 30 volunteer actors and 25 volunteer security personnel.” John Todaro, EMLRC Director states, “The Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center is pleased to have EMS Magazine as our partner in the Bill Shearer International Advanced & Basic Life Support Competition.” The Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center (EMLRC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and advancing emergency medicine, disaster management, pre-hospital emergency care and public health through the provision of educational and research programs. The EMLRC provides lifesaving education for lifesavers.

June 4, 2007 [Fort Atkinson, WI] - EMS Magazine has announced a partnership with the Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center (EMLRC) to help develop state and regional scenariobased competitions in conjunction with the national Bill Shearer International Advanced & Basic Life Support Competition. The annual competition is the largest EMS competition in the world and is open to paramedics, EMTs, fire-

May 7, 2007 – Fire Engineering Magazine is pleased to announce it received the 2007 Jesse Neal Award for “best single theme or special issue of a magazine or newspaper/ news tabloid” for its May 2006 issue “Hurricane Katrina Response and Recovery.” The award was presented at the 53rd Annual Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Awards luncheon in New York City. The Neals are the most presti-

EMS Magazine

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Fire Engineering Magazine

gious editorial awards in business-tobusiness publishing and have been called the “Pulitzer Prize of business media”. When asked by American Business Media to describe the significance and intent of the Katrina issue, and why it was of service to Fire Engineering readers, the staff wrote: “It immediately became evident in the first hours of the U.S. response to Katrina that our nation’s federal response mechanism was no match for the scope of the problems the hurricane posed. Many ‘lessons’ were learned—lessons that had to be heeded if our nation’s emergency response network was to be prepared for future disasters. This dedicated Katrina issue presents an overview of the problems encountered and recommendations for rectifying them prepared by local, state, and federal responders on the scene. Through this issue, Fire Engineering serves as the catalyst for disseminating this information throughout the national emergency response network so that these lessons can be incorporated into the national response plan and the needs of victims of future disasters can be met to the fullest potential.” Members of the current staff of Fire Engineering won a Neal in 1995 for coverage of the first World Trade Center Bombing, a Neal (and the first ever awarded Grand Neal) in 1996 for coverage of the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a Neal in 2002 for an article on search and rescue. 2007 marks Fire Engineering’s 130th year training the fire service.

Firehouse Expo and Firehouse World

July 30, 2007 [Minneapolis, MN] – Cygnus Expositions [Firehouse World/Firehouse Expo] has announced that EMS EXPO will bring its expertise and brand strength to Firehouse Events beginning with Firehouse Expo 2008 and Firehouse World in 2009. The new collocated EMS events will be called EMS at Firehouse Expo and EMS at Firehouse World, and will offer unprecedented access to all elements of EMS as it relates to the public safety industry. The launch of EMS at Firehouse Expo will be held next year on July 22-26, 2008, at the Baltimore

FEMSA MEMBER NEWS Convention Center. In 2009, EMS at Firehouse World will be held in San Diego, CA on February 15 – 19, 2009. The inaugural launches will mark the beginning of the event’s east-west rotation, with each respective event being held in Baltimore in even years and San Diego in odd years. Cygnus is proud to announce that both shows are supported by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT). President of NAEMT, Jerry Johnston, had this to say about their involvement in the new EMS shows, “This continues to be a great partnership for NAEMT. We look forward to continuing to work with Cygnus to improve and expand our educational opportunities for NAEMT members and all EMS providers. We’re grateful to Cygnus for recognizing the importance of EMS educational offerings and NAEMT’s passion for reaching all segments of EMS provider community.” EMS events co-locating with Firehouse events benefit everyone who works in the industry. According to the National Firefighter Protection Association “medical calls have nearly tripled since 1980, with 70% of the Fire Service providing EMS Services. Fire Departments respond to a medical aid call every two seconds.” With these types of statistics it only makes sense that EMS and Fire professionals have the chance to learn and train together. Both EMS at Firehouse Expo and EMS at Firehouse World will provide those kinds of opportunities.

Hannay Reels, Inc.

July 6, 2007 - Since 1933, Hannay Reels, Inc. has practiced customer service backed by experience. Our customers are connected to people who understand our product and manufacturing in relation to the customers’ needs. These two new additions to the Hannay Inside Sales group have a total of 22 years in the manufacture of Hannay products alone Darren Bassler has also moved to our Inside

Sales team. With over 15 years experience in parts manufacturing, shipping and assembly, Darren’s cross-training gives him the varied skills needed to service Hannay’s customer requirements and specifications. Tim Preston is now a customer service representative with our Inside Sales Group. With more than seven years of shipping/receiving and product inspection experience, Tim is able to assist our customers with their questions and provide a source of accurate knowledge for all our products.

L.N. Curtis & sons

June 27, 2007 - L.N. Curtis & sons is pleased to announce two new Division Managers for the company. Mr. Brent Fletcher has been promoted to Division Manager for the Pacific South Division. Brent is a 10-year L.N. Curtis & sons employee, and had been working in full line field sales prior to his promotion. Mr. Nick Lloyd has been promoted to Division Manager for the U.S. Government Division. Nick has a total of 10 years of service with L.N. Curtis & sons, and also had been working in full line field sales.

POK of North America

June 25, 2007 - In order to maximize the features of each product division offered by POK of North America Inc., maintain rapid growth and strengthen market competitiveness, POK has recently sold all of its roll-updoor assets to A&A Manufacturing of New Berlin, WI, manufacturer of the GORTITE roll up doors. A&A will add and continue to offer POK’s wide range of roll-up-doors to its existing product line. POK customers will benefit from A&A’s state of the art facility in New Berlin, WI, and their newly in-house paint capability. POK’s decision was simply made based on economics and to strengthen its primary market in the manufacture of water delivery firefighting equipment, such as, but not limited to, monitors, nozzles, foam equipment, valves etc. POK will continue its operation in Cambridge, MD, and provide newly improved firefighting products.

Streamlight, Inc.

July 1, 2007 [EAGLEVILLE, PA] Streamlight® announced today that Danny E. Williams has joined Streamlight as a Territory Sales Manager – Fire and Industrial Divisions. In his new position, Williams will be responsible for targeted sales to fire fighting agencies in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma, working with Streamlight’s network of independent sales representatives and distributors to provide support, direction and information on customer needs. He also will support Industrial/MRO, HVAC and electrical market segments in these states. Prior to joining Streamlight, Williams was an Account Manager for The Lawless Group, Houston, TX, which specializes in sales of safety, construction and industrial products. He previously worked for Texas Mill Supply, Galena, TX, as an Integrated Supply Account Manager, supporting several major industrial companies. “Streamlight is looking forward to leveraging Danny’s impressive sales background, especially his experience with safety and industrial/MRO products for professionals,” said Brian Correia, Streamlight Vice President of Sales. “His expertise will contribute to Streamlight’s continuing market leadership in these categories.”

W.S. Darley & Co.

July 23, 2007 - W.S. Darley & Co. is proud to announce an asset purchase of Ohler Machinery Company. Ohler is located in Janesville, Iowa and was established in 1947 by Ralph G. Ohler. Marketed under the brand Ohler Pumps, this innovative company has produced thousands of pumps for the US Military, US Coast Guard as well as pumps and related equipment for the agricultural, industrial, mining and marine industries.

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Ohler was recently awarded a contract the employees are extremely devoted, the valued at over $10 million to provide up quality is top-notch and there is room for to 2,300 portable refueling and potable water pumps for the US Marine Corps. Ohler manufactures a complete line of centrifugal pumps. The company was purchased by the Bond family in 2003. The business is run by two brothers, Robert (Rob), who manages sales, manufacturing operations, quality and design engineering, and Kurt, who is in charge of finance, purchasing, human resources and process engineering. Both plan to stay on with the company. Kurt comments, “The feeling was just right with the Darleys: our core values are very Rob and Kurt Bond of Ohler (seated in middle) with the much the same and our management Darley Board of Directors at the signing of the purchase agreement. styles mirror one another.” According to Paul Darley, President of W.S. Darley & Co., “The growth.” fit is incredible. Ohler offers products The acquisition included approxithat we’ve been planning to develop, mately 15 acres of land. Darley already has

plans for an addition to the manufacturing facility, adding new machinery and hiring additional employees. Over the years, Ohler pumps have been primarily marketed on a direct basis. The complete product line will be offered through Darley’s current distribution network of over 500 national and international pump dealers and service centers as well as the current Ohler dealers. Rob Bond comments, “We’ve been highly successful winning bids from the federal government, but commercially, we’re the best kept secret. We are really excited about the sales potential through Darley’s distribution channel. Our products have so many applications for markets that Darley currently reaches.

ABOUT INTEROPERABILITY… The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) established the Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) in 2004 to strengthen and integrate interoperability and compatibility effort in order to improve local, tribal, state, and Federal emergency response and preparedness. Managed by the Science and Technology Dictorate, OIC is assisting in the coordination of interoperability efforts across DHS. OIC programs and initiatives address critical interoperability and compatibility issues. Priority areas include communications, equipment and training. OIC is creating the capacity for increased levels of interoperability by developing tools, best practices, and methodologies that emergency response agencies can put into effect immediately, based on feedback from emergency response practitioners. OIC is also improving incident response and recovery by developing tools and messaging standards that help emergency responders manage incidents and exchange information in real time. Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program Emergency response agencies working to improve the procurement, implementation, and maintenance of their interoperable communication systems may find much needed help from the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program (ICTAP). Managed by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office and Grants and Training, ICTAP provides free, on-site technical assistance to local, state, and Federal emergency responders and officials in Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) sites. Through its assistance services, ICTAP is working to improve the capacity of emergency responders to communicate with each other on-demand. In keeping with its mission, the program helps UASI sites leverage existing resources, and provides services intended to strengthen interoperability planning, policy decisions, needs analysis, and implementation. Last year, ICTAP provided UASI sites with assistance in developing their Tactical Interoperable Communication Plans (TICPs). ICTAP partnered with the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS, to provide regional training workshops on TICP guidance. ICTAP has developed the Communication Assets Survey Mapping (CASM) tool software to help emergency response agencies capture radio communication infrastructure information, CASM provides regions with a snapshot of current interoperability capacities through a graphical mapping function. UASI sites will be able to leverage this tool to perform equipment inventories for their TICPs. SAFECOM is partnering with ICTAP to implement CASM, in order to support the goals of its Public Safety Architecture Framework (PSAF) effort. The PSAF tool will help emergency response agencies compare existing communications systems, and identify system gaps and points of interoperability. Additional information about ICTAP is available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp/ta_ictap.htm. 20 || femsa.org || Summer 2007

Understand the Programs and Member Benefits of FEMSA


Governmental Affairs Committee A joint committee formed in 2004 comprising the government relations committee members of FEMSA and FAMA (Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association).


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Personal Responsibility Code

Firefighting and Emergency Response is an inherently dangerous activity requiring proper training in their hazards and the use of extreme caution at all times. It is your responsibility to read and understand any user’s instructions, including purpose and limitations, provided with any piece of equipment you may be called upon to use. It is your responsibility to know that you have been properly trained in Firefighting and/or Emergency Response and the use, precautions, and care of any equipment you may be called upon to use. It is your responsibility to be in proper physical condition and to maintain the personal skill level required to operate any equipment you may be called upon to use. It is your responsibility to know that your equipment is in operable condition and has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in death, burns or other severe injury.

Developed and published in 2004, FEMSA’s PRC brings realization to emergency responders that their professions are dangerous, and that care is needed to ensure they are properly trained and in top physical condition to maintain the personal skill level required to operate any equipment they may be called upon to use. The PRC has been adopted by many FEMSA members through a license agreement whereby they may use the code in their company literature, on their web sites, and elsewhere. The PRC also may be ordered in available stock forms (wallet cards, hang tags, posters). Contact the FEMSA office for more details.



User Information Guides Official publications of FEMSA originally established in 1996. Manufacturers of PPE (ensembles and equipment) want first responders to know the strength of their products as well as their limitations. Proper care of garments is also addressed in the publications. Almost a dozen manufacturers comprise the UIG consortium, and attach a UIG to each item of their product when it leaves the factory. Currently there are 15 guides that cover structural fire fighting protective clothing, hoods, helmets, boots, and gloves; emergency medical operations protective garments and face protection devices; wildland boots; proximity garments, helmets, footwear and gloves; and Urban Search and Rescue protective garments. The UIGs undergo periodic review to maintain consistency with changes in NFPA standards. Members of the FEMSA UIG consortium include Bacou-Dalloz/STX, Fire-Dex, Fyrepel Products/Lakeland Industries, Globe Manufacturing, Haix-Schuhe, Morning Pride Manufacturing, MSA, Norcross Safety Products, Quaker Safety Products, Swany America, and Veridian Ltd. New members are always welcome.


Emergency Managers’ Database NEW for 2007! Looking for a clean cd-rom mailing list that includes more than 3,000 FEMA emergency professionals? This amazing CD features easy to use state listings, with USAR Teams separated by regions, as well as FEMA regional offices. The EMD is available for sale only to FEMSA members. Contact the FEMSA office for details (info@femsa.org; (781)334-2771).

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THE 2007 YEARLY PLANNER Fire-Rescue International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aug 23-25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Atlanta, GA

Contact: Karissa Jacobs at IAFC 703-273-0911 EXT 338

Contact: Ron McGowan 609 522 1822

Contact: FDSOA 508-881-3114

FAMA Tech Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aug 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Atlanta, GA Incident Management Symposium (Phoenix FD) . . . . . . . . . .Sep 6-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phoenix, AZ New Jersey FF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sep 14-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wildwood, NJ Fire Rescue Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sep 24-26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Niagara Falls, Ont Fall Meeting : FEMSA (3-4) FAMA (5-6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct 3-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monterey, CA Firehouse Central/EMS Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct 9-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orlando, FL IAFC Southwestern Div. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 19-23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wichita Falls, TX F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Design Symposium . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 25-27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charlotte, NC FDSOA Annual Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 29-Nov 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orlando, FL IAFC Volunteer & Combination Officers Symposium . . . . . .Nov 1-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Orlando, FL Fire Rescue Conf. & Expo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nov 6-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Las Vegas, NV

THE 2007 FEMSA BOARD Officers/Executive Committee

Board Members

Executive Assistant to the Board

William “Giff” Swayne President Holmatro, Inc. (410) 768-9662 gswayne@holmatro-usa.com

Rod Carringer Task Force Tips, Inc. (800) 348-2686 rac@tft.com Garey Cozad Wheatland Fire Equipment Co. (307) 322-5350 garey@wfeonline.com

Karen Burnham (781) 334-2771 info@femsa.org

Dan Reese Vice President Akron Brass Company (309) 444-4440 dreese@akronbrass.com Melinda Freeman Secretary-Treasurer Class 1, Inc. (352) 387-0416 mfreeman@idexcorp.com Don Welch Executive Committee Member Globe Manufacturing Co. (603) 435-8323 donw@globefiresuits.com Roger Weinmeister Executive Committee Member Super Vacuum Mfg. Co., Inc. (970) 667-5146 rogerw@supervac.com

John Granby Lion Apparel, Inc. (937) 415-2843 jgranby@lionapparel.com Allen Lance Streamlight, Inc. (513) 583-9041 alance@streamlight.com Steve Lawrence Rosecliff Partners, LLC (603) 563-8929 stevelaw@mac.com Mike Natchipolsky Firehouse.com (301) 486-3224 mike.natchipolsky@cygnusb2b.com

Legal Counsel Jim Juneau (972) 866-8333 jjuneau@juneauboll.com

Travel Agent Bob Grimaldi (315) 337-0560 bobg@rometravel.com

Webmaster Gabriel “Gabe” Steinbach, Windmill Hill Consulting (314) 504-0945 webmaster@femsa.org

Janet Wilmoth Fire Chief Publications (312) 840-8410 janet@firechief.com

Summer 2007 || femsa.org || 23

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Advertising Rates for Newsletter and Web Site Newsletter Advertising Rates (per 8.5”x11” page) Quarter  page ......................................................... $100 Half page ................................................................$200 Full page.................................................................$400

Official Publication of The Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association, Inc. P.O. Box 147, Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147 Phone - 781-334-2771 Email - info@femsa.org Website - www.femsa.org It is provided to members as a benefit of membership. Articles from members are invited. FEMSA reserves the right to edit for factual content, brevity and clarity.

Copy and Advertising Deadlines:

Web Site Banner Advertising Rate

Rotating 468x60 Banner/Display Ad (3 Month Min.) You banner will reach 6400 monthly visitors 3x $175/mo, 6x $150/mo, 12x $125/mo

Non-Members are charged an additional $750 service fee

Contact the FEMSA office.

Postmaster: Send address changes to FEMSA, P.O. Box 147, Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147

Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association, Inc. P.O. Box 147 Lynnfield, MA 01940-0147

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