The 10/40 Reporter "January 2012

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January 2012 Edition



Breaking the Peace

Maldives: Paradise Or Prison? Saudi Tourism: An Enriching Experience? L O NGING F O R SIGNI F ICANCE M ya n m a r : B r e a k i n g T h e P e a c e Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation WindoWkids™ Afghanistan

Window International Network Board of Directors


January 2012 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:............................... Pastor Edward Smith President:...................... Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:.....................Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:...................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:...................... Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:........... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:........... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:........... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:........... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:............Beverly Pegues

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Š 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : January 2012

Maldives: Paradise Or Prison?

6 10/40 WindoW Watchman

8 Pulling Down Strongholds



30 Myanmar: Breaking The Peace

32 WindowKids™: Afghanistan

34 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

January 2012

Praise Report

“ We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”–The Bible, Psalm 75:1

Afghanistan The war in Afghanistan passed the ten-year mark in October 2011. There have been thousands of casualties and the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and other extremist groups are still active in this nation. Yet God is at work as never before. According to those laboring in this harvest field, “There are more wholehearted followers of Jesus in Afghanistan [today] than there have been since the conquest of Islam. There are more Great Commission Christians from the nations in Afghanistan than at any time since the conquest of Islam.” Give thanks to God for this. Pray for Christians in this nation to be strengthened and encouraged to be bold in sharing the Gospel. Ask the Lord to bring His Kingdom to Afghanistan as it is in heaven.

with 71,000 people in attendance. The Gospel was proclaimed and some responded by choosing to follow Jesus. “I saw signs of the beginning of revival that I have never seen before,” said an Egyptian evangelical leader. Praise the Lord for this awesome event. Pray for it to have a lasting impact on Egypt. Pray for peace between Christians and Muslims. Iran Youth in Iran are becoming dissatisfied with Islam. Christians and even some Muslim clerics in Iran say this is largely because of their exposure to Christian television and websites. An Iranian Christian leader notes that, “The wave of acceptance of Christianity in Iraq is increasing on a daily basis. …Many people in Iran are interested in committing their lives to Jesus Christ.” Give thanks to the Lord for this. Pray for more and more Iranians to seek the Lord. Ask Him to empower and encourage Christians in Iran to be bold in sharing their faith. Petition Him for a great harvest of souls in that nation.

The Lord’s name is very near, as the following praise reports testify.

Egypt On October 9, 2011, many Coptic Christians were killed in Cairo, Egypt. At that time, Christian leaders spent three days in prayer and decided to hold a prayer meeting. In November 2011, that meeting took place in Cairo. It was reportedly the largest Christian gathering in Egypt for over a thousand years

4 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Sources: Mohabat News, SAT7

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people? Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. Pray for an end to corruption and graft. Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.


Jan. 3: EGYPT—parliamentary (stage three) Jan. 14: TAIWAN—presidential; legislative Jan. 15: KAZAKHSTAN—parliamentary Jan. 22: EGYPT—legislative (first round)

“...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)

Maldives: Paradise Or Prison? 6 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

“ Islam is the official religion and all other religions are prohibited.”

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012


urrounded by the clear turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, bordered by white sandy beaches, the Maldives are considered an island paradise. Visitors from around the globe flock to its resorts to experience luxury vacations. But appearances can be deceiving. For the permanent residents of Maldives, it is more a spiritual prison than a paradise. Islam is the official religion and all other religions are prohibited. As “Operation World” notes, “Sunni Islam is strongly promoted for national unity and preservation of the government’s power….” Evangelism is forbidden, along with any type of missions work. Believers can be arrested and deported for any type of Christian activity.

January 2012

For instance, in November 2011 a teacher was deported because he was in possession of a Bible. After being reported by a co-worker, police raided his home and found the Bible. “Police took [him] to another island for interrogation and held him for 15 days before deporting him….” Because of the persecution and restrictive religious laws, Maldives remains one of the least-evangelized nations in the world. Sources: Mission Network News,

“Operation World”

Pray for

Christians in Maldives to be encouraged. Pray for the joy of the Lord to be their strength. Ask Him to strengthen them and give them the boldness to share their faith. (The Bible, Nehemiah 8:10) the salvation of leaders in the government. Petition the Lord for freedom of religion in this nation. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4) Muslims in Maldives to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for satellite television, radio, and internet ministries to reach them with the Good News of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Romans 10:14) the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Maldives in which multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

© 2012 Window International Network

MALDIVES: Christian Deported for Owning a Bible Source: Mission Network News, November 3, 2011 An Indian Christian had been a teacher in Maldives for two years when he was deported. His crime: owning a Bible. A co-worker reported [30-year-old Indian Christian Shijo] Kakkattu to the National Administrative Center after finding Christian materials on a school computer. Reports say Kakkattu accidentally transferred material from his flash drive onto the school’s computer. Mohamed Shiraj, the principal of Raafainu School in Raa Atool, told Minivan News, “The videos were in Indian, so I don’t know what they were saying, but the images were Christian.” VOM confirms that police then raided Kakkattu’s house and discovered a Bible and other Christian materials. They then charged him with preaching the Christian faith in the Muslim nation of Maldives, which recently tightened restrictions on preaching and practicing non-Islamic faiths. Police took Kakkattu to another island for interrogation and held him for 15 days before deporting him back to India. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7


ritrea, E f o nation n a c i r st Af s once The Ea a w , a Red Se e h t s r borde ar which ear w y y t r i h t pia. A o i h t E f 1993. part o n i e c n e ndepend i s t i in resulted has a e r t i r E ent of m n r e v o The g in artner p e v i t an ac n e e b t esolved no r n U . s program m s i r o rterr as an counte d e s u ve been a h s e t dispu border g. peratin o o c t for no excuse

In 2002, religious groups were required to register with the government. This effectively outlawed all independent Protestant fellowships and resulted in the closing of countless church buildings. Those who disobey this restriction are subject to arrest, torture and imprisonment. Eritrea is ranked number eleven on the Open Doors Watch List 2010 of the worst persecutors of Christians. 8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Š 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

Prayer Points

4 Pray for Eritrea to adopt a tough stance against terrorism. Pray for the leadership of this nation to see the value of partnering with others. (Ezekiel 3:19) 4 Religious liberty continues to deteriorate as the government harasses and arrests Christian pastors. Pray for God to transform Eritrea from a center of persecution to a center of Kingdom Life. Pray for Him to cast aside every scheme of the enemy and fulfill His plan for this nation. (The Bible, Ezekiel 18:27) 4 Pray for Christian prisoners to experience the presence and love of Christ. Pray for the Spirit of God to strengthen and empower them to radiate His love to guards and government officials. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10,11)

Eritrea, East Africa ÌÌ Population: 5,792,984 ias Afworki

ÌÌ Political Leader: President Isa ÌÌ Christianity: 1.7%


ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Isla ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 11th

4 ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: lties) ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 5 (16 casua ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 71% 50% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:


The Eritrean government has imprisoned thousands of Christians. Some have been confined to metal shipping containers and others have experienced physical abuse. Many have been martyred for refusing to deny their faith. Yet these courageous Brothers and Sisters continue to testify – with both their lives and deaths – to the truth and power of Jesus Christ. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on

Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook January 2012

© 2012 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9


“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds….” (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4)


he government of Saudi Arabia is actively promoting the nation as a tourist destination. In the past, visitors have largely been Muslims on hajj –a religious pilgrimage to Mecca that fulfills one of the five pillars of Islam. And the economy has been based nearly solely on oil revenues. But Prince Sultan Bin Salman began attempting to change that in 2000 by forming the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities.

10 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

On one website, visitors are treated to a video tour of the land, complete with pictures of sand dunes, minarets, and smiling Saudi women. The theme is: “Saudi Tourism – An Enriching Experience.” Sources: Reuters

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

PRAy for this new and growing emphasis on tourism to be an open door for the Gospel. (The Bible, Romans 10:14,15) the Lord to draw Saudis out from the spiritual darkness of Islam, into the light of Christ. (The Bible, John 6:44; II Corinthians 4:4) Saudi Christians to be encouraged. Pray for them to be bold in sharing their faith. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19) the Kingdom of God to come to Saudi Arabia, as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

January 2012

Š 2012 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11

P O I N T S J an u a r y 2 0 1 2 Day 1



In an ongoing effort to partner with other nations in the fight against terrorism, India signed an anti-terror pact with the Maldives in November. Pray for this to be effective in deterring and defeating terrorists. Ask the Lord to continue pouring His Holy Spirit out on this nation. Pray for every people group to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Petition Him for a great harvest of souls in India. (The Bible, John 4:35)


The government of Mauritania has created a special anti-terror unit. But observers say al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the main terrorist group in the region, is “getting stronger by the day.” Pray for AQIM to be defeated. Ask the Lord to cut off their funding and pray for the salvation of key leaders and members of this group. Petition the Lord to tear down the strongholds of Islam in Mauritania. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this nation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

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North Sudan is charging South Sudan “exorbitant transport fees” to ship oil across its border. President Oman al-Bashir has also accused South Sudan of “provocations” and said he is “ready to go back to war.” Pray for peace between these nations. Pray for the salvation of President Omar al-Bashir. Ask the Lord to set the people of North Sudan free from the lies and deception of Islam. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout this nation. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Sudan. (The Bible, John 8:44)


According to the International Monetary Fund, “South Sudan’s oil revenue will begin declining in the next decade.” Oil accounts for over 95% of South Sudan’s revenue. Pray for the Lord to provide for this new nation. Ask Him to give the leaders wisdom and direction in guiding South Sudan forward. Pray for Christians to be encouraged and to be strong in the Lord. Pray for South Sudan to be a powerful example of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)

President Hamid Karzai is calling on neighboring nations to join Afghanistan in the fight against terror. There is no hope for peace, he says, if the countries of South Asia do not work together. Pray for terrorist groups in Afghanistan to be defeated. Pray for their funding to be cut off and for recruiting efforts to fail. Ask the Lord to open the blind minds of the people and draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Afghanistan. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)


In November 2012, the threat level in Kuwait was raised. “There is a general threat from terrorism in Kuwait,” one agency announced. “Terrorists continue to issue statements threatening to carry out attacks in the Gulf region.” Pray for the safety of the Kuwaiti people. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this Muslim nation, liberating the people from the bondage of Islam. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed to every people group. Pray for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:13)

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012


Drug sales and trafficking along the Bangladesh border with India is rampant, officials say. The profits from this growing trade are being used to fund terrorism. Pray for the Lord to expose those involved in this illegal activity. Pray for the networks to be cut off and the members arrested. Ask the Lord to bring an end to terrorists groups in this region. Pray for them to be defeated and for their efforts to launch deadly attacks to be stopped. Pray for the Gospel to reach every people group in Bangladesh. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 10:2)


The government of Japan is seeking to partner with India in the fight against terrorism and piracy. This strategic alliance is expected to “further build an edifice for peace and stability in Asia.” Pray for this partnership to be successful. Ask the Lord to protect Japan from terrorism and expose any groups who are plotting violence. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in this nation. Pray for the Christians laboring in this harvest field and ask the Lord to send more workers. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Japan. (The Bible, Luke 10:2)


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is now operating in GuineaBissau. This terrorist group is reportedly using the nation to January 2012

transport South American drugs to the Mediterranean Sea. The sale of these drugs is being used to fund their violent activities. Pray for AQIM to be defeated. Pray for their drug smuggling network to be exposed and cut off. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Guinea-Bissau. Pray for the Lord to draw men, women, and children into relationship with His only Son, Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 37:38)


Gospel tracts are now being made available in local languages for the first time. Pray for the Christians involved in this ministry. Ask the Lord to protect them and supply them with the resources they need to accomplish this project. Pray for the tracts to be effective in communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to prepare the hearts of the people in Bhutan to hear and receive the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Bhutan with power, signs, wonders, and miracles. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23)


Saudi Arabia has no minimum age for marriage. “It is perfectly legal to marry even an hour-old child.” According to one news source, “Saudi Arabia has probably the highest number of child marriages in the Middle East and yet there has been almost no international outrage.” Pray for an immediate end to this practice. Ask the Lord to set girls free from this

© 2010 Window International Network

bondage and protect those who are not yet married. Pray for parents to refuse to allow their daughters to take part in this. Pray for the tearing down of the strongholds of Islam. Ask the Lord to draw Muslims out from the lies of this false religion, into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4)


According to a new report, drug smuggling is on the rise in Guinea and other West African nations. The region has become a “major transit point” for South American narcotics. Pray for the Lord to expose those who are trafficking in drugs. Pray for the networks being used to transport and sell drugs to be broken and for those involved to be prosecuted. Ask the Lord to send workers to Guinea to proclaim the Gospel to every people group. Pray for the Church in this nation to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)


The floods that hit Thailand in October 2011 “caught many people unprepared, leaving hundreds dead and tens of thousands homeless,” one news source says. Pray for this nation as it struggles to recover from this devastating natural disaster. Ask the Lord to provide for those who have lost homes and comfort those who have lost loved ones. Pray for this time of tragedy to be used to turn hearts and minds toward the need for a Savior. Ask the The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13

Thailand continued)

Lord to draw many into relationship with Jesus Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4)


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) continues to be active in Niger. Experts say this region is becoming “a breeding ground for AQIM terror.” Pray for this demonically-inspired organization to be defeated. Ask the Lord to cut off their funding. Pray for the Gospel to be preached in Niger. Ask the Lord to set free all those who have been taken captive by the lies of Islam. Pray for them to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 11:15)


According to one source, the nation of Kyrgyzstan is “finding drug gangs more of a threat than corrupt politicians and Islamic radicals.” Pray for this illegal industry to be exposed and brought to an immediate end. Pray for this source of terrorist funding to be cut off. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christians in Kyrgyzstan. Pray for them to be bold witnesses and for the Gospel to be preached throughout the nation. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19)


Several members of the United Nations are committed to using “the strongest non-military 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

means available to reduce the coming danger” of Iran’s nuclear program. The aim is to keep Iran from using the bomb and also keep neighboring nations from attacking Iran to make sure that doesn’t happen. Pray for the Lord to restrain the forces in Iran that are seeking to inflict death and destruction. Pray for the salvation of leaders in this nation. Ask the Lord to bless and encourage Christians in Iran. Pray for their safety and for the Lord to give them the opportunity to share the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Iran with power, signs, wonders, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


In the aftermath of the fall of Libya, some of the Tuareg people of Burkina Faso are becoming involved in illegal activities. “They’re surfacing as shadow agents in a global game of drugs and terrorism,” reports one source. They have been fleeing Libya by the tens of thousands and many have taken up residence in northern Burkina Faso. Pray for the Tuareg people to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to lead them out of crime and terrorism and into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Burkina Faso. (The Bible, Acts 17:26,27)


Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) “has established bases in at least three remote corners of Mali,” reports ABC News. Pray for these

bases to be exposed and for the members of AQIM to be captured and imprisoned. Ask the Lord to bring an end to this group’s reign of terror. Pray for the people of Mali to be set free from the lies of Islam. Pray for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Mali as His Kingdom comes. (The Bible, Psalm 27:2)


International observers stated recently that the terror threat in Azerbaijan is high. Officials in Azerbaijan claim this is unsubstantiated and say their nation is stable and secure. Pray for leaders to take action to ensure that Azerbaijan truly is stable and secure. Pray for the plots of terrorist groups to fail and for these groups to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Azerbaijan. Pray for Muslims to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Plead for a great harvest of souls in Azerbaijan. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in great power and glory. (The Bible, Psalm 12:7)


Benin is now considered to be the frontline in the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. In 2011, there have been at least 20 pirating incidents off the coast of this nation. Pray for the Lord to give the government wisdom in dealing with these crimes. Ask for laborers to be sent to Benin to declare the

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

(Benin continued)

Gospel. Pray for Christians in this nation to be strengthened and encouraged. Ask the Lord to give them boldness in sharing their faith. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)


A new program in Indonesia is seeking to stop human trafficking. “In the program,” a government official stated, “we will empower poor communities – especially the women and girls – to protect themselves against these crimes.” Indonesia currently ranks at the top of major sources for trafficking people. Approximately 90% of the victims are women and 84% of them are under 18. Pray for this new program to be effective in stopping human trafficking. Ask the Lord to set free those who have been trafficked. Pray for their healing. Petition the Lord to bring to justice those who are committing these crimes. Pray for the Christians in Indonesia to be strong and courageous in the Lord. Ask the Lord to use them to help end human trafficking and to share the Gospel with every people group in Indonesia. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Joshua 1:9)


Recent floods have ruined nearly 8% of the rice crop in Laos. This will seriously affect the economy and could result in a food crisis. Pray for the Lord to provide relief to the people of this nation. Ask the Lord to open the doors for Christian humanitarian groups to bring aid and the Gospel. Pray for this time of tragedy and destruction to be used to draw many Laotians to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. (The Bible, Romans 10:17)


According to one news source, “The Western Sahara is becoming a tinderbox with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) expanding its terror and human and drug trafficking activities.” Pray for AQIM to be defeated. Ask the Lord to protect the people of Western Sahara – tens of thousands are living in refugee camps in Algeria – from acts of terrorism. Pray for the salvation of AQIM leaders. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in the


Sahrawi camps. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls among these people. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Western Sahara in power. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)


“Since Mubarak was ousted,” reports Al Jazeera, “sectarian violence and military repression has increased in Egypt.” Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders of His choosing to lead this nation. Pray for the people to seek both political and spiritual freedom. Pray for the Lord to protect Christians in Egypt and give them boldness to share the Gospel. Ask for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


Uzbekistan dropped 13 places on the 2011 Human Development Index put out by the United Nations. It now ranks 115th in the world in terms of the standard of living. Pray for the Lord to bring relief to the people of Uzbekistan. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on this nation. Ask the Lord to soften hearts and make them fertile soil for the seed

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of the Word. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Uzbekistan with great power. Ask the Lord to draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23)


Terrorists are using Nepal as a staging area to smuggle counterfeit money and to recruit members. Pray for this to stop immediately. Ask the Lord to provide the government of Nepal with the resources they need to capture terrorists. Pray for Christians in this nation to be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Nepal. Pray for the strongholds of Hinduism and Buddhism to be torn down. Ask the Lord to bring forth a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Psalm 37:10)


The government of the UAE is partnering with the government of Pakistan to fight terrorism and money laundering. Pray for this cooperation to be effective in combating extremist groups and cutting off their funding sources. Pray for the UAE to be free of terrorism. Petition the Lord to strengthen Christians in this nation and give them opportunities to share the Gospel. Pray for the Muslims of the UAE to be freed from the bondage of Islam and drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6,7) January 2012


“The recent rise of Wahhabis and other Islamic extremists” in Albania “has triggered concerns that the region could become a breeding ground for terrorists.” Pray for the Lord to give leaders in Albania wisdom and strategies for combating terrorism. Ask the Lord to expose and bring to defeat all extremist groups operating in this region. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Albania and for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14)


“Lone Wolf” terrorists or “New Jihadists” are a growing concern in Morocco. Though not affiliated with groups like al-Qaeda, these terrorists are considered to be “one of the greatest dangers facing the world today.” Pray for the Lord to give the government of Morocco wisdom and direction in fighting this new threat. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Pray for blind minds to be opened and for Muslims in Morocco to see the Light of Christ. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls as the Kingdom of God comes in power. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)


There are approximately 2 million women in

© 2012 Window International Network

Iraq who are the primary wage earners in their families. It is estimated that 1.5 million of them are widows who lost husbands in the war and the sectarian violence that accompanied it. This accounts for nearly 10% of the female population. Pray for the Lord to provide for these women and their families. Ask Him to enable Christian humanitarian agencies to reach them with aid and the Gospel. Pray for the children of Iraq to be provided with the food, clean water, medicine, and educational opportunities they need. Petition the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Pray for the Christians who remain there to be courageous in sharing their faith. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Iraq. (The Bible, James 1:27)


The government of Sri Lanka is being hailed for its victory over the LTTE (Tamil Tigers terrorist group), as well as ranking first in terms of human development in South Asia. “Just two years after the LTTE was done away with,” writes one news source, “Sri Lanka is recovering awesomely and making-up remarkably for the 30-year blight which was forced upon it.” Give thanks to God for this. Pray for Sri Lanka to remain free from terrorists and to continue this recovery. Pray for Christians in this nation to be encouraged and to be bold in sharing their faith. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in setting free those who have been deceived by false religions. Pray for the Lord to draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Colossians 2:2)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Morocco continued)


Praying Through The Window 9

Global Terrorism and World Religions Prayer Calendar

You prayed and the Lord is answering. God is moving powerfully in the 10/40 Window. Terrorists are being apprehended and subdued. People who have been blinded by false systems of religion are seeing the Light of Jesus Christ. The harvest is accelerating. Much of the 10/40 Window is in turmoil. Change is in the air. Governments have fallen. Others are in jeopardy. Nations are being birthed. Which is why we have produced the new, 2012 Praying Through the Window 9 (PTTW9) calendar. We haven’t changed our focus – we are still targeting the issues of global terrorism and world religions inside the 10/40 Window. But we have updated the information to help you pray more accurately and strategically.

Go to to order your new PTTW9 calendar today! 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

(Sri Lanka continued)


In November 2011, the government of Israel “called on the world to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.” This came after the U.N. revealed Iran has worked on designing an atomic bomb and may still be doing research. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel. Ask the Lord Himself to protect this nation and its people. Pray for the salvation of Israeli leaders. Pray for the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on Israel and for Him to draw the people into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 122:6)


According to the United Nations 2011 Human Development Index, the nation of Tajikistan is ranked 127th in the world in terms of the standard of living. Pray for the people of Tajikistan to cry out to the Lord for help. Ask Him to give them wisdom, strategies, and resources to build their economy. Pray for the poor to hear the Gospel. Petition the Lord to send more laborers into this harvest field. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. (The Bible, Luke 6:20)


The government of China enacted new guidelines in October 2011 aimed at more effectively combating terrorism. These guidelines reportedly bring January 2012

China “closer to international practices.” Pray for the Lord to give leaders in this nation wisdom in securing their borders and keeping their people safe. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout China. Ask the Lord to protect and encourage Christians. Pray for them to be bold in sharing their faith. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in China. (The Bible, Psalm 18:2)


Djibouti has reportedly been “eager to receive their Somali brethren” as they flee the violence in their own country. Djibouti also continues to be a strategic nation in the fight against terrorism in East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for the Lord to bless Djibouti. Pray for Him to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation and set the people free from the lies of Islam. Pray for the Lord to add to His Church in Djibouti and for Christians to be strong in the Lord. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Djibouti in power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

Day 18

for the Gospel to reach the Yemeni people. Ask the Lord to remove the veil from the eyes of all those who have been blinded by the enemy. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be preached throughout this nation and for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 3:16)


Children from Vietnam are being trafficked by gangs that are “highly organized and ruthless,” according to news sources. Many are orphans who are forced to work on cannabis farms. “These victims are not paid for their work. Victims have also reported being sexually exploited.” Pray for an end to this illegal and destructive practice. Ask the Lord to expose these operations and bring the traffickers to justice. Pray for the freedom of the victims and for their healing. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Vietnam. Ask the Lord to draw men, women, and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 10:14)


In November 2011, President Saleh “urged dialogue with the opposition for ending the current impasse in the country.” World leaders have advised that Saleh resign from office and he previously said he was willing to do that. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders in Yemen who will govern with humility and integrity. Pray for this time of uncertainty to become an open door

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Human trafficking is a growing problem in Taiwan. Women are being trafficked and forced into sexual slavery. Pray for an immediate end to this exploitation. Pray for the Lord to liberate these slaves and minister healing to their bodies, minds, and hearts. Petition the Lord to encourage and raise up Christians who will share the Gospel in Taiwan. Ask the Lord to bring forth The 10/40 Window Reporter | 19

(Taiwan continued)

a great harvest of souls in Taiwan. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:5-7)


Protesters continued to clash with security forces in Bahrain in November 2011. In one incident, riot police fired tear gas at demonstrators after the funeral of a fellow protester. Pray for the Lord to restore peace in this nation. Ask Him to use this time of dissatisfaction and turmoil to draw Bahrainis into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Muslims to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Bahrain. (The Bible, Roman 10:14,15)


In April 2011, the government of Brunei announced the formation of a police unit specifically aimed at stopping human trafficking. But the nation remains on the watch list of countries where trafficking occurs. Pray for this new police unit to be effective in bringing an end to human trafficking in Brunei. Ask the Lord to give leaders more strategies for discovering and prosecuting traffickers. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Brunei in which multitudes of people turn away from the lies of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:6)


As the uprising in Syria continues, 20 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

tensions in Lebanon are running high. The Alawite people of Lebanon, for instance, “belong to the same Muslim offshoot as the leadership of the Syrian regime.” Some now fear the violence will spill across the border and engulf Lebanon. Pray for peace in this region. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on the people of Lebanon. Pray for Christians to be strengthened and encouraged. Ask the Lord to give them boldness to share their faith. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Lebanon. (The Bible, John 4:35)


Fifteen of the terrorists freed in the prisoner trade for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit sought refuge in Qatar. Pray for the government to take a strong stand against terrorism. Pray for the Lord to give leaders strategies for securing their nation and keeping the people safe. Pray for the spiritual liberation of the people of this Islamic nation. Ask the Lord to open their blind minds and lead them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done in Qatar. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)


Drug smuggling and corruption are reportedly rampant in the government of Turkmenistan. Drug profits help fund terrorism and also are used to bribe officials. Pray for these illegal activities to be exposed and brought to an end. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will govern

with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for the Gospel to be declared throughout this nation and for many men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 17:13)


Somalis fleeing the violence taking place in their nation are seeking refuge in camps in Ethiopia. The camps are now home to 135,000 refugees. Pray for the Lord to provide for these people and give them favor with the government of Ethiopia. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to bring aid and the Gospel to the camps. Ask the Lord to encourage Christians in Ethiopia to take action and extend the love of God to the Somalis. Pray for this to be an opportunity for more to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Ethiopia. (The Bible, Proverbs 22:9)


Women in Myanmar – some as young as 14-yearsold – are being promised jobs in China that will help their families rise from poverty. But when they agree, they are drugged by human traffickers and shipped to China where they are forced to marry farmers. “The trafficking of women and girls for forced marriage is quite a serious problem,” says Save the Children in Myanmar, “and trends over the last couple of years indicate that it is increasing.” Pray for an immediate end to this wicked practice. Pray for the

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Lord to protect the women of Myanmar. Pray for the salvation of traffickers. Ask the Lord to give families and parents strategies for earning money that do not involve trafficking. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Myanmar. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Psalm 17:13)


Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, is now active in Chad. “Porous borders and weak government make the area impossible to police,” one news source noted. Pray for this demonically-inspired group to be defeated. Pray for their funding to be cut off. Pray for the salvation of key leaders in this organization. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on Chad. Invite Him to open blind minds so people can see the Light of Christ. Ask the Lord to draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 27:2)


Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) began and continues to be based in Algeria. The group is believed to have stolen weapons from stockpiles in Libya after the fall of the al-Qadhafi regime. Pray for this group to be defeated and disarmed. Ask the Lord to give the government of Algeria wisdom and strategies for combating terrorism. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Algeria. Ask the Lord to draw men, women, and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 5:8)


“Libya’s most senior Muslim figures are forming a new political party,” writes the Sydney Morning Herald, “intending to rule the country on the ‘moderate’ interpretation of Islamic law used in both Turkey and Tunisia.” Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders in this nation who will govern with integrity, humility, and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for this time of instability to be an open door for the Gospel to reach the people of Libya. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Plead for a great

harvest of souls in Libya. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF), a terrorist group based in India, has established a base in Malaysia for the purpose of recruiting. Pray for this base to be exposed and for the members to be arrested and prosecuted. Pray for their salvation. Ask the Lord to protect the people of Malaysia from terrorist attacks and recruiting efforts. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Malaysia. Ask the Lord to draw men, women, and children into relationship with His Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)


Unlike many of the nations where Arab Spring demonstrations took place, Oman is known for its tolerance. Many attribute this to the current sultan. “Before [Sultan Qaboos bin Said], Oman was still a country trapped in the past,” writes the Boston Herald. “Today it is a well functioning modern state.” Pray for

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January 2012

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(Chad continued)

Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to

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(Oman continued)

the salvation of Sultan Qaboos. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to this man and his administration. Pray for the Omani people to be set free from the oppression of Islam. Ask the Lord to draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


According to international security experts, Kazakhstan “may become a terror flashpoint.” They note, “Incidents relating to terrorism have been on the increase over recent months.” Pray for terrorists operating in Kazakhstan to be exposed and defeated. Pray for the salvation of key leaders in these organizations. Ask the Lord to give the government wisdom and resources for combating the threat of terrorism. Pray for the safety of the people of this nation. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Kazakhstan. Pray for every people group to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)


“The Islamist-led coalition formed after last month’s Tunisian election will unveil a government within days,” reports Reuters. Pray for the Lord to raise up the leaders of His choosing. Ask for the Lord to guide this nation forward and to accomplish His will for the people of Tunisia. Pray for their salvation. Ask the Lord to set them free from the lies of Islam and lead them 24 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11)


“The travel industry is inadvertently contributing to ‘internal human trafficking’ in Cambodia,” says Travelweekly. Tourists are encouraged to contribute to orphanages while visiting the nations. However, according to ConCERT (a non-profit human rights group), only about 28% of the children in Cambodian orphanages are actually orphans. Pray for the trafficking of children to end in this nation. Ask the Lord to arise and defend these victims. Pray for their release and healing. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Cambodia. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 12:5)


Scientists say about 1,400 aftershocks have shaken Turkey since the quake on October 23 destroyed homes and buildings. Pray for the people of this nation to call out to the Lord for help. Ask Him to use this time of disaster and fear to draw men, women, and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Turkey as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Psalm 46:2)


South Korean military forces have been engaged in exercises designed to prepare them for a chemical or

biological attack from North Korea. “The threat is real,” one of the officers said. “The regime in North Korea… they claim to have those weapons [and] they’ve threatened to use them.” Pray for the Lord to continue restraining the government of North Korea from using weapons of mass destruction. Pray for Christians in this nation to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ask the Lord to encourage them and use them to spread the Gospel in North Korea. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in this nation and for multitudes to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)


According to UPI, “AlShabaab forces are consolidating fighters in southern Somalia in a united stance against Kenyan forces massed along the border. Kenya responded with military forces after a series of highprofile kidnapping of Westerners in the area.” Pray for the Lord to establish peace in this region. Pray for the defeat of al-Shabaab and every other extremist group in Somalia. Pray for the salvation of alShabaab members. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on Somalia. Pray for the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christians in this nation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Somalia in great power and glory. (The Bible, Psalm 11:6)


In November 2011, the prime minister of Pakistan promised a “new chapter” in Pakistan’s relationship with

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

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T h e



here is a new movement afoot. or at least, there could be. if we choose to join in.

a Generosity Movement has been proposed by certain segments of the Body of Christ. it calls for a return to Biblical standards in terms of giving. a MoveMenT like This Would involve: Christians being good stewards of god’s resources attentive obedience to god an appreciation of and openhandedness with all that god has given us – including money, but also life, breath, relationships, time… generosity as a fundamental part of what it means to be a disciple all believers “excelling in” the privilege of giving

What is keeping the Generosity Movement from taking hold in the Church? “god blesses Christians with vast resources,” says dr. sas Conradie, coordinator of the resource Mobilization Working group (rMWg). “unfortunately, Christians are keeping the blessing for themselves instead of sharing it in god’s mission in the world. We need a movement of whole life disciples of jesus Christ who give and share freely, abundantly and joyfully the financial resources god has entrusted to them.” The lord himself gave us a mission to perform (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20). We know he has provided the resources, yet the job hasn’t been finished. Why? What impact would a Generosity Movement have on completing the great Commission?

at Window international network, we are seeking to reach the least-reached nations and people groups on planet earth. We do that by mobilizing prayer for the 10/40 Window and by raising up and equipping leaders inside this region who will effectively evangelize, plant churches, and disciple others. It’s a big job. and that’s why we need your help. join the generosity Movement today by investing the resources god has entrusted to you in his kingdom. Prayerfully consider giving generously to the work Win is doing in the final frontier of missions. sources: “Consultation document” rMWg

go To WWW.WIN104.cOM Today To learn More aBouT hoW you Can join us in Praying for The 10/40 WindoW and find Ways To “exCel” in The Privilege of giving.

(Tunisia continued)

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute

Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute

Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute

Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the 10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

(Pakistan continued)

India. He said “contentious issues including terrorism” were discussed in his recent meetings with the Indian prime minister. Pray for an improvement in the relationship between Pakistan and India. Pray for this to have an impact on terrorism – helping both nations fight it more effectively. Ask the Lord to expose and bring to defeat all extremist and militant groups operating in Pakistan. Pray for Christians in this nation to be bold in sharing their faith. Ask the Lord to encourage them as they face persecution. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Pakistan. (The Bible, Psalm 34:21)



On a single day in November 2011, terrorist group Boko Haram launched a series of attacks that resulted in more than 100 deaths. A Boko Haram spokesman promised “more of the same.” A government official said that “every step will be taken” to capture those responsible for the attacks. Pray for Boko Haram to be completely defeated and disarmed. Pray for their recruiting efforts to fail and for their funding to be cut off. Ask the Lord to set free all those in Nigeria who have been deceived by Islam. Pray for them to hear and respond to the Gospel. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Nigeria. (The Bible, Colossians 1:13)


Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed assumed the chairmanship of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) in November January 2012

2011. This group focuses on working together to combat terrorism, poverty, and other pressing issues. Pray for the Lord to give President Nasheed wisdom in leading this group and for their efforts to prove effective in keeping their nations secure. Pray for President Nasheed’s salvation. Ask the Lord to encourage and strengthen Christians in this nation. Pray for the hearts of Muslims to be soft, fertile soil for the Word. Petition the Lord for a great spiritual awakening in Maldives in which multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23)

After protests swept across the Arab world in the spring of 2011, Jordan responded by introducing reforms. This included taking steps to become a constitutional monarchy. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes in this nation. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will rule with humility and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for every people group in Jordan to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to bring His Kingdom to this nation with great power. (The Bible, Proverbs 9:10

Pray today. Your intercession for Window International Network and the 10/40 Window is valuable. Please remember to pray today.


The government of Senegal is joining other West African nations to find ways to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. One of the biggest problems, officials admit, is the lack of secure borders. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Senegal wisdom and new strategies for effectively patrolling their borders. Pray for money launderers and those financing terrorism to be

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(Senegal continued)

exposed and arrested. Ask the Lord to encourage Christians in Senegal and give them boldness to share their faith. Pray for the lost to hear the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Colossians 4:5,6)


Eritrea has been accused of supplying Somali terrorist group, al-Shabaab, with weapons. Although the political advisor to President Isaias Afewerki has denied these allegations, intelligence reports suggest that it is true. Pray for Eritrea to stop funding, arming, or in any way helping terrorists in East Africa. Pray for the salvation of government leaders – especially President Afewerki. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Petition Him for a great harvest of souls. Pray for men, women, and children to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 37:32)


A ring smuggling guns from Myanmar into Tibet was busted up in November 2011. Suspects confessed to smuggling arms since 2009. Pray for the people of Tibet to cry out to God for freedom – both political and spiritual – instead of turning to war. Pray for the peace of this region. Ask the Lord to lead Tibetans out from the darkness and lies of Buddhism and into the Light of Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Tibet. (The Bible, I Peter 2:9) 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


The death toll in Syria’s crackdown on protesters had reached more than 3,500, the United Nations reported in November 2011. Syrian human rights activists say the number of civilians killed so far could be as high as 4,200. Pray for an end to this brutal campaign. Pray for the salvation of President Bashar al-Assad. Ask the Lord to use this time of unrest and turmoil to turn hearts away from Islam and toward Jesus Christ. Pray for this to be an open door for the Gospel. Petition the Lord for a spiritual awakening in Syria in which men, women, and children put their faith in Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 91:2)


The Mongolian military has been engaging in training exercises with India. “One of the main focus areas in the exercises has been counterterrorism/counter-insurgency.” Pray for these efforts to be successful in defending against terrorists in this region. Pray for the people of Mongolia to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Plead with the Lord for the hearts and minds of the Mongolian people. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14)


“Corruption and lack of much economic development remain the biggest problems” in East Timor, according to a recent report. Pray

for corruption to be rooted out of East Timor. Ask the Lord to stir the hearts of Christians in this nation. Pray for a revival in the Church. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout East Timor. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to this nation. (The Bible, II Timothy 1:6)


President Yahya Jemmeh was reelected to another five-year term in November 2011. He rose to power in a coup 17 years ago. The Economic Community of West African States said the election “cannot be considered fair” and cited voter intimidation and control of the media as among the problems. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His will and purpose in this nation. Ask Him to raise up leaders of His choosing. Pray for Christians in this nation to be strong and courageous, boldly sharing their faith. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to the Gambia. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


According to new sources, support for Hamas in the Gaza Strip is waning as “Gazans become more and more disillusioned with their rulers.” Gazans also reportedly believe Hamas has become corrupt. Pray for terrorism and corruption to be removed from the Gaza Strip. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women of integrity to govern this territory. Pray for the Christians in Gaza. Ask the Lord to protect and encourage them. Pray for the Lord to provide for Gazans and relieve their poverty. Petition Him to pour out His Holy Spirit on this region and draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 82:4)

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Leaders in the West Bank have been trying to establish a Palestinian state through negotiations with Israel. But talks have stalled over the issue of settlement building. Ask the Lord to use Palestinian Christians to promote peace in this region. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be preached in the West Bank and for the Lord to bring forth a mighty harvest of souls. Pray for the salvation of President Abbas and the members of his administration. Invite the Kingdom of God to come and pray for multitudes to put their faith in Christ. (The Bible, Matthew 5:9)

Window International Network Pray for the WIN staff to be sensitive to the Lord and in step with His will and timing. Ask Him to anoint them to partner with Him in accomplishing great and marvelous things in the 10/40 Window. Pray for them to share His heart for the people and nations of the final frontier of missions, and to communicate that clearly to WIN’s network of intercessors. (The Bible, Revelation 15:3) Sources: The Washington

Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Malay World Prayer Fellowship, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House, International Christian Concern January 2012

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Longing for significance “ Knowing we have limited time in this life, we all long to make a difference that will last far beyond our moment in time, confirming that our lives have meaning beyond the end of our days of flesh and blood.” —Mike Bickle In his book, The Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Mike Bickel identifies the search for

30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

significance as one of the most basic desires in every human being. No matter where we are in life, we all desire to make a difference. We hope and pray that our lives will have lasting value and impact. While that desire is common to all mankind, few people seem to understand how to live a life of significance. According to the Bible, when we die, our works will be judged. Those that are of temporary value will be burned. Only those of eternal value will endure. (See I Corinthians 3:12-15)

© 2012 Window International Network

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– e c n a c i signif nce,

a import e, d magnitu , gravity meaning lasting In order to satisfy our God-given search for significance, we have to invest our time, finances, and energies in eternity. Every time you partner with Window International Network, you are investing in eternity. Because of your prayers and support, the Gospel is being preached to the unreached in the 10/40 Window. Leaders are being raised up in the final frontier of missions. Churches are being planted and new believers are being discipled.

January 2012

As Bickel puts it: “We were created to do that which is relevant and significant. God designed us to desperately want to make a difference in the lives of others.” If you find yourself wondering how to make a difference in the lives of others, the answer is very simple: give yourself to fulfilling the Great Commission. To partner with WIN today in doing just that, go to financialpartnership.

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Myanmar Breaking the Peace Pray for

the Lord to arise and do battle for our Christian Brothers and Sisters in Myanmar. Pray for Him to encourage them to be strong and courageous. (The Bible, Psalm 10:12; Joshua 1:7) the salvation of members of the Myanmar military. Pray for the Lord to convict their hearts and turn them from their barbaric behavior. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4; John 16:8) the Lord to restore peace in this nation. Pray for religious freedom in Myanmar. (The Bible, Psalm 146:5-9) the Gospel to be preached throughout this country and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:14,15)

January 2012


n June 2011 the Burmese army broke a 17-year cease-fire with the Kachin Independence Organisation. The military offensive was aimed at Kachin State, which is approximately 90% Christians. In the months since that event, soldiers have killed, raped, and tortured civilians. They have also set houses and churches on fire, and pillaged entire villages. On October 16, troops fired at Christians as they seized a church in Namsan Yang village. A few dozen worshippers had gathered for a Sunday morning service – mostly women and elderly people – when soldiers arrived and began shooting. This was just the beginning of the assault as the unit continued through the village, taking control of another church and handcuffing a pastor. They then torched the village and destroyed both churches.

© 2012 Window International Network

“Churches have been told that Christians must request permission, at least 15 days in advance, to conduct a range of simple activities, including reading the Bible, conducting a Bible study, holding Sunday school, prayer and fasting,” reports Barnabas Fund. “Churches in [Myanmar] are already required to obtain permission for any events other than Sunday services, but these new regulations impinge even on the daily, private actions of individual Christians.” A pastor who was forced to flee from his home said, “The soldiers took our belongings. They took 18 motorbikes, one rice mill, and all the buffalo, pigs, chickens, everything. They are living in our houses.” Sources: Barnabas Fund

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Kite flying is a tradition in our nation. We don’t just fly our kites, we challenge each other in the air – kite against kite. Before the Taliban made us stop, we would spend hours and hours flying our kites.

Jamal’s Story

But today, things are changing. The Taliban is no longer in control. And we are once again allowed to fly kites! As soon as we heard about this, my father gave me money to go to the market to buy supplies to make a new kite. My father told me that we can dedicate this kite to God and fly it for His glory! I’ve learned from my father that when we pray, God answers. God is faithful, so we can trust Him. I tried to make a kite that would tell the world that God is faithful to hear and answer our prayers everyday. “May the LORD bless you and keep you. May the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace!” My father speaks this blessing over us every time my sister and I go to school. He even prays it when we go out to play. Our country is at war, but we always feel safe when our father prays for us. Before the war, the Taliban ruled our nation. They did many terrible things to control Afghanistan. They even made us stop flying our kites! 34 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Isaiah 40:31 says, “…Those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint!” To show our thankfulness to God, my sister painted an eagle on the kite. When we flew our new kite for the first time, many of our neighbors came outside to watch. They said it was the most beautiful kite they had ever seen. We called it “Soaring Eagle.” Sources:; www.arenhistory.

© 2012 Window International Network

January 2012

Here is your challenge, WindowKids: Pray for the children of Afghanistan each day in January 2012.

“ The Lord protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow, But He thwarts the way of the wicked.” [Psalm 146:9] There has been war in Afghanistan for decades. Children and their families have experienced pain and loss because of the ongoing violence. Some are now fatherless and motherless, and many have been injured. When you sit down to eat dinner, you can pray for Afghan children to have enough nutritious food to eat. When you go to bed, pray for their protection. Pray for them to have restful sleep. Pray that they will have dream and visions of Yeshua. Pray for them when you ride in your car or on the bus. Pray that the children of Afghanistan will be kept safe as they walk back and forth to school, and while they are flying their kites. Remember Psalm 146:9 when you pray for them. And always remember this: Your prayers make a difference! God always hears and always answers your prayers, WindowKids!

The following words describe the nation of Afghanistan and its people: Kabul, Pashtun, Islam, Sharia Law, kite-flying, mountains, land-locked, terrorism, persecution, football Can you find all of these words in the puzzle below?




I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

















































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