The 10/40 Reporter March 2012

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March 2012 Edition

War On Women


Somalia A Global Day of Harvest of Souls Saudi Arabia: Keeper of the Faith Somalia: War on Women Al-Shabaab: “The Youth” Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation WindoWkids™ Oman

Window International Network Board of Directors


March 2012 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:............................... Pastor Edward Smith President:...................... Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:.....................Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:...................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:...................... Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:........... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:........... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:........... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:........... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

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March 2012

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : March 2012

A Global Day of Harvest of Souls

4 Saudi Arabia: Keeper of the Faith

8 10/40 WindoW Watchman


12 Somalia: War on Women

26 Al-Shabaab: “The Youth”

28 WindowKids™: Oman

30 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

rie h d u o h C r o Dr. Vict


Victor Choudhrie of the Starfish Alliance ministry in Padhar, India has set aside Pentecost 2012 (May 27) as a day to be fruitful and multiply. He has issued a challenge to the Church around the globe to make disciples on that day – and to pray in the months leading up to this event. Pentecost, Dr. Choudhrie notes, is the birthday of the Church. It is also a harvest festival in the Jewish calendar. “Our Lord changed it into a harvest of souls. “Three thousand families were baptized, who immediately started meeting in homes where they had apostolic teaching, fellowship, prayer and broke bread. This resulted in signs and miracles, sharing of material blessings and daily addition of new souls. (Acts 4 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

2:37-47) Very soon, an additional 5,000 families were added (Acts 4:4). Soon the new believers became disciples and multiplied (Acts 6:1,7). “The best way to celebrate the birthday of the church is to replicate the original first Pentecost – i.e. to reap a huge harvest of souls. Aim at baptizing at least 3,000 souls. And why not! After all, you believe in a great and awesome God for whom nothing is impossible.” Dr. Choudhrie has seen God do the seemingly impossible in India: enabling the Starfish Alliance to baptize one-million people between Pentecost 2009 and Pentecost 2010. “Every Christian is ‘ordained’ to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord. The best way to fulfill that Command is to bring forth lasting fruit (John 15:16).”

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

A Global Day of Harvest of Souls Pentecost — May 27, 2012

22 weeks of prayer (January 1

May 27, 2012)

Pray for

the Lord to provide opportunities to share the Gospel with those in your sphere of influence. (The Bible, Colossians 4:6) Christians to be bold in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19) blind minds to be opened to see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) Pentecost 2012 to truly be a harvest of souls. Ask the Lord to add to His church. (The Bible, John 4:35)

March 2012

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 5

March 2012

Praise Report

“ We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”–The Bible, Psalm 75:1 Kuwait According to a Christian Arabic

Jong Il. Praise the Lord for the changes taking

that governs Kuwait “recently denounced

President Kim Jong Un. Pray for the promise

Another Kuwaiti prince tried to publicly

government to address the ongoing poverty

Sabah stated, “I’m satisfied with whatever

are facing.

Bible has guided me to the right way.…I now

Iran A Christian imprisoned for converting

TV station, a member of the royal family

place in North Korea. Pray for the salvation of

his Islamic faith and became a Christian.”

to release prisoners to be upheld and for the

refute this claim. But Prince Abdollah Al-

and food shortages the people of this nation

they do to me, because the truth in the

declare that if they kill me… then I’ll go into the presence of Jesus Christ and

be with him for all eternity.” Give thanks and praise for this. Ask

the Lord to continue using His Word to reach the hearts and minds of Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula and Middle East.

North Korea In January 2012,

from Islam was released after 287 days in

The Lord’s name is very near, as the following praise reports testify.

detention. The



arrested in March of 2011 and

accused of “membership in an

illegal group.” She was convicted and sentenced to two and a

half years in prison. But her

conviction was overturned in

January 2012. Give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. Pray for

the government of North Korea announced

this woman and her family. Ask the Lord to

estimated 200,000 people are currently

all the Christians in Iran to be strong in the

Observers see the pardons as an attempt

to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation and

that pardons will be given to convicts. An

protect them and encourage them. Pray for

being held in political prison camps.

Lord and the power of His might. Ask the Lord

to boost the popularity of Kim Jong Un, the

bring forth a mighty harvest of souls.

celebrate the 70th birthday of the late Kim

Sources: Mohabat News, AP

new president. They are also being timed to

6 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people? Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. Pray for an end to corruption and graft. Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.

March ELECTIONS March 2: IRAN — parliamentary March 17: EAST TIMOR — presidential

March 18: GUINEA-BISSAU — presidential (tentative) March 29: THE GAMBIA — legislative March 31: MAURITANIA — parliamentary

“...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)

i d u a S a i b a Ar When Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD, no one would have imagined that it would be the center of a new world religion. When he received what he believed to be a message from God in that same city in 610 AD it was still merely a center of trade. In the centuries since that time, Mecca and the nation of Saudi Arabia have become known not only as the birthplace of Islam, but as the keeper of the faith and its greatest proponent. Funded by the discovery of oil in 1938, the government has been working hard 8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

to export fundamentalist Islam globally. Saudi Arabia is believed to possess 25% of the world’s oil reserves. (Between 75 and 90% of the nation’s revenue comes from oil.) “Massive Islamic missionary efforts

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

Pray for

the people of Saudi Arabia to become dissatisfied with Islam. Pray for them to begin seeking the Truth. Pray for their freedom from Islam. (The Bible, John 8:36) the Lord to open blind minds and enable men, women, and children to see the Light of Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) Christians in Saudi Arabia to be strong in the Lord and in His might. Pray for them to grow in the Word and faith. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10) all Saudis to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for multitudes to turn away from the lies of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:14,15) the Kingdom of God to come to Saudi Arabia with signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

are coordinated by the Muslim World League in Mecca,” reports Jason Mandryk. “Every year, billions of oil dollars are spent around the world to propagate Islam – especially the virulent Wahhabist brand.” No other religions are tolerated. Any Saudis who choose to leave Islam and follow Jesus Christ risk being expelled from their families, attacked, arrested, and even executed. According to the Open Door World Watch List 2012, Saudi Arabia is the 3rd worst persecutor of Christians in the world. March 2012

Despite the stubborn resistance of this Islamic stronghold, the Lord is at work in Saudi Arabia. The Gospel is being proclaimed by way of radio, satellite television, and the internet. The Kingdom of God is coming to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Sources: “Operation

World: 7th Edition” (Jason Mandryk), Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Sacred Sites

© 2012 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9



is the

nant predomi


the ht to g u o r b s It wa . li a in M tury by n e c h t the 11 n i y r t coun aran h a S s n the tra f o y wa routes. trade

Mali, the largest country in West Africa, continues to be plagued by a lack of resources. The government is unable to control its long borders and is often threatened by tribal insurgents and terrorist groups. It has attempted to comply with international counterterrorism efforts and is one of the region’s largest recipients of military training and assistance. 10 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Š 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

Prayer Points

Mali, West Africa ÌÌ Population: 13,796,354

adou Toumani Toure

ÌÌ Political Leader: President Am ÌÌ Christianity: 0.8%

m ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Isla nked ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ra 1 ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: lties) ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 2 (0 casua ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 76% 36% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:

4 Pray for God to defeat the plans of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (an Algerian terrorist group associated with al-Qaeda). Pray for the Malian government to use wisdom and find the resources to stop the work of terrorist groups. (The Bible, Psalm 27:1) 4 Pray for the Muslims of Mali to see Jesus Christ as more than just a famous prophet. 4 Pray for them to realize His identity as God’s only Son and accept the truth that He died for their sins so they would have eternal life. (The Bible, John 3:16,17) 4 Pray for the protection of Christian missionaries who are often at risk as they seek to reach followers of Islam with the Gospel. Pray for God to provide new, creative, and effective ways for them to share the Good News. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19,20)


Humanitarian work aimed at helping Mali farmers adapt to the nation’s increasingly dry climate is opening doors for the presentation of the Gospel. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on

Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook March 2012

© 2012 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11

P O I N T S March 2012 Day 1 INDIA, SOUTH ASIA

The government of India is “scaling up” its counter-terrorism partnership with Israel. The nation of Israel is now India’s second largest supplier of military weapons. Pray for this partnership to be effective in stopping terrorism in both countries. Pray for the salvation of militants and extremists. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christians in India. Pray for them to be bold in sharing their faith in Christ. Give thanks to the Lord for the harvest of souls in India and pray for it to increase. Pray for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:9)


In January 2012, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) released a video showing a Mauritanian solider it had captured. The terrorists appealed to the people of Mauritania to rebel against President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. Pray for the end of this demonically-inspired group. Ask the Lord to expose them and bring them to defeat. Pray for their funding to be cut off and for recruiting efforts to fail. Petition 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

the Lord to give the government wisdom in fighting terrorism. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Mauritania and for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, John 4:35)


South Sudan has accused North Sudan of stealing 120,000 barrels of oil each day. This accounts for 75% of South Sudan’s total oil production. Pray for the salvation of President Omar al-Bashir. Ask the Lord to tear down the strongholds of greed and Islam. Pray for Muslims to hear the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to North Sudan. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)


A raid by 6,000 armed Lou Nuer on the Murle trip in January 2012 resulted in thousands of deaths. One estimate put the death toll at more than 3,000. Pray for the Lord to restore peace in this new nation. Pray for the salvation of the Lou Nuer and the Murle. Ask the Lord to provide for and comfort those who have lost homes and family members. Pray for Him to give leaders in South Sudan wisdom

and discernment in dealing with this conflict and in leading this new nation forward. Ask Him to accomplish His plans and purposes in South Sudan.


An anti-Taliban leader was killed in January 2012 while praying in a mosque. Pray for the Taliban to be defeated. Ask the Lord to put great fear into their hearts and cause them to be scattered. Pray for the salvation of key members and leaders. Petition the Lord to drive corruption from the Afghan government. Pray for the salvation of President Karzai. Ask the Lord to bring real and lasting peace to Afghanistan. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:13)


“Kuwait is the only nation in the Gulf region not to have criminalized terrorist financing.” Pray for this to change. Pray for Kuwait to take a strong stand against terrorism. Pray for the salvation of leaders in Kuwait. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation. Pray for Muslims in Kuwait to hear the Gospel and respond by putting

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)


Terrorist groups have been officially banned in Bangladesh, but some militant organizations have simply changed their name and continue to operate. Funding of terrorists by Islamic NGOs is also an ongoing problem. Pray for the government of Bangladesh to take a strong stand against all terrorist groups and to work to cut off financing. Pray for the salvation of militants. Pray for the Gospel to be made known in Bangladesh and for multitudes of Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 9:16)


“The New Year has come,” writes the People’s Daily Online, “but Japan’s economy remains plagued by the earthquake and nuclear disaster occurring in March [2011].” Pray for the people of Japan to call on the Lord for relief. Ask Him to provide for those who have lost homes and family members. Pray for this time of recovery to be an open door for the Gospel. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Japan. (The Bible, Psalm 18:3)


President Malam Bacai Sanha died in January 2012 after just two years in office. “Now,” notes the VOA, March 2012

“some in the population are feeling unease about what could happen next.” Pray for the Lord to raise up a leader to govern this nation. Pray for the next president to serve the people with integrity, humility, and in the fear of the Lord. Ask for the Gospel to be proclaimed in GuineaBissau. Pray for Christians to be bold in sharing their faith. Pray for the Lord to bring His Kingdom to this nation with great power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)


Christians in Bhutan, while tolerated, are not officially recognized. They are also not permitted to participate in evangelism. A new clause to the penal code is intended to “deter conversion” because it is “the worst form of discrimination.” Pray for Christians in Bhutan to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for them to be bold in sharing their faith. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Bhutan. Ask the Lord to prepare hearts and minds to receive it. Pray for the people of Bhutan to respond by putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23)


Saudi women are fighting the nation’s repressive laws. Woman must be accompanied by a male guardian in public and are not allowed to work without permission. Pray for an end to the oppression of Shari’a law and Islamic traditions. Ask the Lord to

© 2010 Window International Network

bring change to this nation – just as in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya. Pray for a tearing down of the stronghold of Islam. Petition the Lord to shine the light of Christ into this spiritually dark nation. Pray for multitudes of Saudis to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4)


Demonstrators took to the streets in January 2012 to protest ongoing power outages. At least one person was killed. Pray for this unrest to cause the people of Guinea to cry out to God for relief. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this nation. Pray for the salvation of government leaders. Ask the Lord to add to His church and use Christians to share the love of Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Guinea. (The Bible, Acts 2:42)


In January 2012, Thai security forces arrested a Hezbollah terrorist. This took place just hours after a warning about a possible attack had been issued. Praise the Lord for this. Pray for all other terrorist plots to be revealed and defeated. Pray for the government of Thailand to be vigilant in securing its borders. Pray for the Lord to strengthen Christians in this nation and give them opportunities to share their faith. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Thailand and for men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13


The government of Niger is concerned about an “influx of armed Tuareg fighters.” An insurgency was launched by the Tuareg in the 1990s. Pray for peace in Niger. Pray for the salvation of Tuareg fighters. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this Muslim nation, opening blind minds to see the light of the Gospel of Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Niger with signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


Violence between ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan is on the rise. It is already the second poorest of the former Soviet republics. Located north of Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan is considered strategic in the fight against terrorism. Pray for the future of this nation. Ask the Lord to give leaders the wisdom and resources to fight terrorism. Pray for Him to bring peace between people groups through the blood of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Church in Kyrgyzstan to grow and for Christians to be strong in the Lord. Ask for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)


The government of Iran threatened to shut down the Strait of Hormuz in January 2012. It also warned Western naval forces to stay out of the Persian Gulf. Pray for the 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

salvation of President Mahmoud Amadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Pray for peace in the Middle East. Ask the Lord to restrain war-mongers. Pray for Christians in Iran to be strong and courageous. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Iran and for a multitude of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Joshua 1:7)


The Burkinabe military is being trained and equipped to fight terrorism – specifically the threat from Boko Haram and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Pray for this to be effective and for the government of Burkina Faso to be successful in defeating terrorists operating in this region. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Burkina Faso. Pray for Christians to grow in the Word and boldly share their faith. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Burkina Faso as it is in heaven. (The Bible, I Peter 2:2)


Mali’s military forces launched an attack against Tuareg rebels in January 2012. The rebels were attempting to take control of a town in the northeastern part of the nation. Pray for the salvation of the Tuareg people and rebel forces. Ask the Lord to restore peace and bring an end to terrorism in Mali. Pray for Malians to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Romans 10:14,15)


The government of Azerbaijan is partnering with Western governments in an attempt to combat human trafficking. Pray for this collaboration to be effective in bringing an end to this practice. Pray for Christians in Azerbaijan to be active in fighting human trafficking and in helping victims escape from it. Petition the Lord to give them boldness in sharing the Gospel. Pray for multitudes of Muslims and those who follow other false religions to be set free and led into relationship with Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 10:14)


“In the Western African country of Benin, Christianity and voodoo are not mutually exclusive,” reports Radio Netherlands. Many in Benin follow both voodoo and Christianity – which they consider an “imported religion.” Pray for the strongholds of voodoo to be demolished. Pray for all those enslaved by this false religion to be set free. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in the Church. Pray for the Word to be taught. Petition the Lord for a great spiritual awakening in Benin in which multitudes of men, women, and children put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, John 8:36)


New relaxed visa rules in Indonesia are expected to cause a surge in human trafficking. The government plans to relax

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

(Indonesia continued)

restrictions on nationals from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Pray for the salvation of those involved in human trafficking. Ask the Lord to minister healing and hope to the victims of this crime. Pray for the Gospel to be presented throughout Indonesia. Ask the Lord to draw Muslims into relationship with His Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Indonesia. (The Bible, Colossians 1:27)


An increasing number of women and girls from Laos are being trafficked into China after being falsely promised jobs or marriages. Instead of prosperity, they find themselves enslaved as prostitutes or brides of poor rural villagers. Pray for an immediate end to this evil and destructive practice. Pray for the Laotian government to take a strong stand against human trafficking. Ask the Lord to bring freedom and healing to victims. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this nation. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Laos. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14)


The people of Western Sahara – the Sahrawis – have lived in refugee camps in Algeria for the past 35 years. They continue to call for Morocco to release their nation, but Morocco stubbornly refuses. Pray for this long-standing conflict to end. Ask the Lord to restore Western Sahara to the Sahrawi. Pray for the salvation of the Sahrawi people. Petition the Lord to draw them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Peter 3:9)


Over a year after protests unseated President Hosni Mubarak, the military is still in control of Egypt. Analysts are now concerned the military will “maintain its long-standing domination over government and Islamists to flex their muscles after their big victory in parliamentary elections.” Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes in Egypt. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will govern with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for the Muslim Brotherhood


and other extremist groups to be kept from filling the power void. Pray for the salvation of their members. Petition the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation. Pray for Christians to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


Uzbekistan moved up two spots to number seven on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012. Pray for Christians in this nation to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ask the Lord to encourage them and be present with them as they face persecution. Ask Him to enable them to love and pray for their enemies. Pray for the salvation of those who are oppressing Christians. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Uzbekistan. (The Bible, Matthew 5:44)


Fundamentalist groups active along Nepal’s border with India are a

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growing cause for concern. Many are believed to be associated with terrorism. Pray for these groups to be exposed and defeated. Pray for their funding to be cut off and recruiting efforts to fail. Pray for the salvation of members of these organizations. Ask the Lord to continue moving powerfully in Nepal, pouring out His Holy Spirit and drawing multitudes of men, women, and children into relationship with Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 37:28)


The government of the United Arab Emirates called on Iran to stop threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz. Pray for officials to continue taking a strong stand against Iran’s terrorism in the region. Pray for the people of this Muslim nation to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to draw the men, women, and children of the UAE into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the UAE. (The Bible, Psalm 64:2)


“The recent rise of Wahhabis and other Islamic extremists in Albania has triggered concerns that the region could become a breeding ground for terrorists.” Pray for the Lord to give leaders in Albania wisdom and strategies for combating terrorism. Ask the Lord to expose and bring to defeat all extremist groups March 2012

operating in this region. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Albania and for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14)


Morocco’s new government, formed in January, gives “top spots to an Islamist party but also [keeps] close allies of the king in powerful positions.” The prime minister promised that the new government will seek reforms. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes for this nation. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will govern with humility, integrity, and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Morocco. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation and draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


Violence is continuing in Iraq after the withdrawal of NATO troops. In December 2011 and January 2012, sectarian attacks resulted in more than 140 deaths. Pray for peace between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Pray for both groups to experience the lasting peace that only Jesus Christ can provide. Ask the Lord to open their blind minds and set them free from the lies of Islam. Pray for them to be drawn into relationship with Christ. Pray for Christians in Iraq to be strong and courageous. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. (The Bible, Isaiah 26:3)

© 2012 Window International Network


The government of Sri Lanka is strengthening its security forces in an effort to prevent LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) from re-organizing and rebuilding. Pray for terrorism in this nation to be defeated. Ask the Lord to give leaders wisdom and strategies for fighting militants and extremists. Pray for the salvation of terrorists and of government officials. Ask the Lord to bring a spiritual awakening to Sri Lanka in which multitudes of men, women, and children put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)


If Israel decides to strike Iran in an effort to stop Iran’s nuclear program, experts say it would “trigger a geopolitical tsunami.” Pray for peace in the Middle East and for peace in Jerusalem. Pray for the people of Israel to hear the Gospel and respond by putting their faith in Jesus as Messiah. Pray for Messianic Believers in this nation to grow in the Word and be bold witnesses. Pray for their safety. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Israel. (The Bible, Psalm 122:6)


In 2011, the government of Tajikistan convicted 170 terror suspects. Pray for leaders to continue to be vigilant in defeating terrorist organizations operating in this nation. Pray for militants The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Tajikistan continued)

and extremists to be exposed and defeated, and for their funding to be cut off. Pray for the Gospel to be preached to every people group in Tajikistan. Plead for men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in great power to Tajikistan. (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20)


Untold thousands of women are reportedly sold into slavery each year in China. Many are lured from nations such as Vietnam with the promise of better jobs and pay. Pray for an immediate end to this destructive and illegal activity. Pray for the government of China to take action against human trafficking. Pray for healing for the victims of these crimes. Petition the Lord to continue the revival that has been taking place in China. Pray for the minds of the blind to be opened to see the light of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord for an even greater harvest of souls in China. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)


Food prices and health costs are rapidly rising in Djibouti. It now ranks in the top 25 nations in the world in terms of poverty. Pray for the Lord to bring relief to the people of Djibouti. Pray for Christians in this nation to be encouraged and live in unity. Ask the Lord to give them opportunities to share their faith. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Djibouti. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Acts 4:29) 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Although President Saleh promised to leave office after elections in February 2012, the foreign minister announced in late January that elections would be delayed because of security problems. Pray for the future of this nation. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders of integrity to govern Yemen. Pray for terrorists operating in Yemen to be defeated. Pray for the members of these groups to be saved. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known to every man, woman, and child in Yemen. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 37:10)


Vietnam hosted a regional anti-human trafficking meeting in February 2012. Prevention strategies and cooperation ideas were discussed. Pray for these efforts to be effective in stopping this crime. Pray for the salvation of those involved in human trafficking – both the victims and the perpetrators. Ask the Lord to fill Christians in Vietnam with all joy and peace. Pray for them to abound in hope. Petition the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on Vietnam. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 15:13)


President Ma Yingjeou of Taiwan recently stated that he sees

“glimmers of peace” in his nation’s relationship with China. Pray for the Lord to foster and establish peace between Taiwan and China. Pray for Him to encourage Christians to be strong and courageous. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Taiwan. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Joshua 1:7)


Protests that began in the spring of 2011 are continuing in Bahrain. In January 2012, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Manama. Riot police with stun grenades dispersed the crowds. Pray for the future of this nation. Ask the Lord to accomplish His plans for Bahrain. Pray for Him to raise up leaders who will serve the people with integrity. Pray for the Gospel to reach every man, woman, and child in Bahrain. Ask the Lord to open blind spiritual eyes and draw Muslims into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11)


Because it is so rich in oil and gas, the nation of Brunei has one of the highest standards of living in the world. According to BBC News, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and his royal family “possess a huge private fortune.” Pray for the Gospel message to break through this prosperity. Ask the Lord to soften hearts and enable the people to consider eternity. Pray for their salvation. Petition the Lord to move powerfully in Brunei, drawing

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

many into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23)


The violence in Syria is spilling over into Lebanon. Sects in Lebanon are divided – some strongly supporting the al-Assad regime and others strongly opposed. Pray for the Lord to establish and maintain peace in Lebanon. Ask the Lord to draw Muslims of all sects into relationship with His only Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)


The nation of Qatar has played an important role in mediating Middle East and African conflicts, and is “leading Arab efforts to isolate Syria.” Give thanks to God for the peacemaking efforts of the Qatari government. Pray for them to realize the purpose the Lord has for them and their nation. Ask the Lord to draw leaders in Qatar into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in this Muslim nation. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Qatar. (The Bible, Matthew 5:9)


Turkmenistan is number 18 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2012 of the worst persecutors of Christians. According to Open Doors, “All unregistered religious activity is strictly illegal. Pray for the Lord to encourage and strengthen March 2012

Christians in this nation. Pray for them to be bold in sharing their faith. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Turkmenistan. Petition the Lord for a multitude of men, women, and children to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19)


The government of Ethiopia has been accused of using anti-terrorism laws to suppress journalists and opposition leaders. Human rights groups and the United Nations are urging the government to stop abusing these laws. Pray for officials in Ethiopia to be fair and just in implementing laws. Pray for the government to fight terrorism and protect human rights. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Ethiopia. Ask the Lord to send revival to the Church. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power. (The Bible, Psalm 85:6)


Drug smuggling and dealing is a growing problem in Myanmar. Ceasefire agreements have allowed opium to be cultivated and heroin produced. Pray for an end to this illegal and destructive industry. Pray for the salvation of those who are involved in the drug trade. Ask the Lord to protect the people – especially the youth - from the use of heroin. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Myanmar. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Isaiah 60:1,2)

© 2012 Window International Network


Chad has experienced crop failures caused by drought. Many children are in danger of malnutrition. Pray for the Lord to provide rain and food for the people of this nation. Pray for Muslims to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:13)


The president of Algeria announced in February 2012 that elections for parliament will be held May 10. One leader warned that if the election is rigged, the result will be a “social explosion.” Pray for honesty and integrity in the planning and implementation of these elections. Pray for Muslims in Algeria to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, John 4:35)


According to CBS News, the interim government in Libya “finalized a law to choose a national assembly to draft a new constitution.” Pray for this to be carried out honestly and without corruption. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders in Libya who will govern with integrity and humility. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes in this nation. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 19

(Libya continued)

Pray for Muslims to hear and respond to the Gospel message. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Libya. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


“Human smuggling, and not corruption, is one of the biggest causes for the illicit outflow of funds from developing countries, including Malaysia,” notes a member of the Malaysian parliament. Pray for all human smuggling and corruption to be exposed and brought to a swift end in this nation. Pray for leaders to govern with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Ask the Lord to comfort, heal, and bring freedom to the victims of these crimes. Pray for Christians in Malaysia to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Pray for the Lord to encourage them and give them boldness in sharing their faith. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in this nation. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)


According to the United Nations, Oman ranks number one in the world in terms of progress over the past 40 years in the areas of health, education, and income. When protests broke out in the spring of 2011, Sultan Qaboos increased unemployment benefits and raised wages by 40 percent. Pray for the Gospel message to penetrate this prosperity and cause the people of Oman to consider eternity. Ask the Lord to set Omanis free from the lies of Islam. Petition Him to lead them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the 20 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Kingdom of God to come to Oman with dreams and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


Kazakhstan is ranked number 45 on the Open Doors World Watch list of the worst persecutors of Christians. According to Open Doors, “The government is determined to tackle all kinds of religion it considers as extremist, including Christianity.” Pray for the Lord to encourage Christians and give them boldness to witness. Pray for them to stand firm in the Lord. Ask the Lord to enable them to make the Gospel known throughout this nation. Pray for the people of Kazakhstan to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:9)


Five secular parties have decided to partner together to oppose the Islamists – who are the majority in the new government. “We have a historic opportunity,” a spokesman for the secular parties said, “to shift the balance of power and to fight a battle that will decide the future of Tunisia.” Pray for the Lord to guide the leaders of this nation. Pray for them to call on Him for wisdom. Pray for their salvation. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in Tunisia, strengthening His Church and pouring out His Holy Spirit. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)


ranked Cambodia as number 19 in the world in terms of corruption. Pray for this to be exposed and brought to a swift end. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out in Cambodia. Pray for the salvation of men, women, and children. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Cambodia as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)


A columnist in a Turkish newspaper recently noted that, although Turkey “has suffered so much from terrorism and lost almost 40,000 people to terrorism-related violence,” it is providing overt and covert support to terrorists. Pray for an immediate end to this situation. Pray for the salvation of Turkish leaders. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Turkey. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 9:16)


In February 2012, the government of North Korea agreed to open talks with South Korea. Pray for peace between these nations. Pray for the salvation of President Kim Jong Un. Ask the Lord to encourage and strengthen Christians in North Korea. Pray for them to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Ask Him to pour His Spirit out on this nation. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed and for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

Psalm 21:11,12)


Day 29

In February 2012, Somali militant group al-Shabaab officially joined the terrorist network. Pray for the defeat of both these groups and every terrorist group they are affiliated with. Pray for the salvation of members of al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda. Ask the Lord to cut off their funding and for their recruiting efforts to fail. Pray for Christians in Somalia to be protected and encouraged. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 17:13)


In February 2012, former president Pervez Musharraf stated that Pakistan is a victim of terrorism rather than a perpetrator. Pray for leaders in this nation to recognize that terrorist groups are operating and training inside their borders. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom and strategies for combating terrorism. Pray for the salvation of terrorists and extremist Muslims. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on Pakistan and bring forth a mighty harvest of souls. (The Bible,


According to AP, Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haran is “waging an increasingly violent campaign against Nigeria’s weak central government in its quest to enact strict Sharia law.” Pray for an end to Boko Haran. Pray for the salvation of the leaders and members of this group. Ask the Lord to give the government of Nigeria wisdom and strategies for combating terrorism in their nation. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Nigeria. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 10:15)


According to The Times of India, Islamism is on the rise in Maldives. This is of special concern after Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed was overthrown in February 2012 in a military coup. Pray for the stronghold of Islam to be torn down in this nation. Pray for this time of political instability to be an open door for the Gospel.

Ask the Lord to draw multitudes of Muslims into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Maldives in great power, with signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


After protests swept across the Arab world in the spring of 2011, Jordan responded by introducing reforms. This included taking steps to become a constitutional monarchy, reports Eurasia Review. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes in this nation. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will rule with humility and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for every people group in Jordan to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to bring His Kingdom to this nation with great power. (The Bible, Proverbs 9:10)


In an attempted to win a third term of office, Senegal’s President Abdoulaye Wade is promising to bring peace to the troubled Casamance region. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders of His choosing in Senegal. Pray for them

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March 2012

© 2012 Window International Network

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(Senegal continued)

to be men and women of integrity and humility. Ask the Lord to mobilize more harvest laborers in this nation. Pray for the Gospel to be made known and for Muslims to turn away from the lies of Islam. Pray for men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 9:37,38)


In February 2012, Ethiopia once again accused the government of Eritrea of supporting terrorism. Pray for the government of Eritrea to end its support of terrorist groups. Pray for these groups to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this nation, pouring out His Holy Spirit. Pray for Christians in Eritrea to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for revival and for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)


Self-immolation is on the rise as Tibetans seek independence from China. According to the International Business Times, “[Buddhist] Monks and nuns are killing themselves in protest across Tibet in alarming frequency. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to the Buddhists of this nation. Ask Him to show them that He has conquered sin and death. Pray for the salvation of men, women, and children in Tibet. Ask the Lord to draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 6:23) 22 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


In February 2012 the al-Bashad regime rejected Arab League calls for peace and began shelling civilians again. Pray for an end to this deadly assault on the citizens of Syria. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve rather than murder the people. Pray for Him to bring peace to this nation. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Syria. Pray for Muslims to turn away from the lies of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 1:16)


The Church in Mongolia has grown at an incredible rate. According to “Operation World,” there were only four known Christians in this nation in 1989. Today there are tens of thousands. Every Home for Christ describes this as “an unstoppable wave of church growth.” Give thanks to the Lord for this. Pray for this growth to continue. Ask the Lord to continue pouring out His Holy Spirit on Mongolia. Pray for an even greater harvest of souls in this nation. Petition the Lord to enable Christians to grow strong in the Word, prayer, and fellowship. Pray for everyone in Mongolia to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. (The Bible, Hebrews 4:12)


With United Nations peacekeeping troops scheduled to leave East Timor this year, President Jose Ramos-Horta

says the nation will be able to enforce its own security. Pray for this to be true. Ask the Lord to give President Ramos-Horta and his government wisdom and strategies for maintaining peace. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes for this nation. Pray for revival in the Church. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christians. Pray for them to be bold witnesses. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to East Timor. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11)


Yahya Jammeh, president of the Gambia for the past 17 years, has been characterized as an “iron-fisted dictator.” At his inauguration to a fourth term in office, animals were sacrificed to the god Jolla. Pray for the Lord to tear down this idolatrous stronghold. Pray for the people to be set free from this dictator. Ask Him to raise up Christians to lead this nation. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in which multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4)


Hamas, a terrorist group based in the Gaza Strip, has hired a public relations firm to “lobby for them in the media and on the world stage.” Pray for these terrorists to be defeated and for their attempts to sway public opinion to fail. Pray for the people of the Gaza Strip to be set free from the oppression of Hamas, as well as the lies of Islam. Pray for Christians in this region to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Ask the Lord to encourage them and give them boldness to share their faith.

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to

March 2012

© 2012 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23

(Tunisia continued)

Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

(Gaza Strip continued)

Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the Gaza Strip. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19)


Hamas is becoming more active in the West Bank. Observers are concerned this could lead to an increase in the frequency and intensity of terrorist attacks in the region. Pray for the wicked plans of Hamas to be exposed. Ask the Lord to give leaders in the West Bank wisdom in dealing with this rising threat. Pray for the salvation of government officials in the West Bank. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)

Window International Network Praise the Lord for the marvelous deeds He is performing in the 10/40 Window. Give Him thanks for the WIN Team’s safe ministry trip to South Sudan. Pray for the Lord to guide them and give them His vision and heart for 2012. Pray for them to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and in step with Him as they seek to advance the Kingdom of God in the final frontier of missions. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7) Sources: The Washington Post,

BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Malay World Prayer Fellowship, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House, International Christian Concern March 2012

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26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

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omalia is a land that has descended so deeply into misery that ‘failed state’ is now too generous a description for the country,” notes Time magazine.

services are not being provided; human rights violations are taking place; and corruption/crime is out of control. Somalia fulfills all these criteria. And more.

According to Fund for Peace, a nation is designated a “failed state” when the government has become weak, ineffective, and lost control; there has been massive displacement of refugees; public

Not only has there been no central government since 1991, but in the absence of law and order, the nation has been overrun by war lords and terrorists. Al-Shabaab (“the youth”), an extremist Islamic group affiliated

with al-Qaeda, currently controls much of the south.

into short-term marriages (sexual slavery), and killed.

Somalia, however, is more than simply a failed state. Decades of civil war and chaos have left an estimated 1.5 million dead and more than that displaced. It has caused poverty to soar. Add to this a cycle of debilitating drought and famine, and you have one of the most harsh and dangerous environments on planet earth.

In 2011, Somalia was named one of the most dangerous places in the world for women.

For women, Somalia is hell on earth. Many Somali women have lost their homes and families. They have seen their children either stolen or gunned down by crazed Islamic terrorists. But the damage does not stop there. Somali women themselves are under attack. Members of al-Shabaab, as well as other armed men, are preying on them. Somali women are commonly raped, tortured, kidnapped, forced March 2012

“The Shabab militant group,” says the NY Times, “is seizing women and girls as spoils of war, gang-raping them and abusing them as part of its reign of terror.” So-called “temporary wives” are being used to entice potential recruits to join the organization. “But it is not just the Shabab,” the Times reports. “In the past few months, there has been a free-forall.…More Somali women are being raped right now than at any time in recent memory.” The nation of Somalia is in crisis. And the women are under attack. Sources: Fund for Peace, Huffington

Post, NY Times, Reuters

© 2012 Window International Network

War On Women

Pray for the Lord to arise and do battle for the women and girls of Somalia. Pray for Him to protect them from rapists and all who seek to harm and take advantage of them. (The Bible, Psalm 10:12) the salvation of members of alShabaab and other violent groups. Pray for the Lord to bring an end to their lawless reign of terror. (The Bible, II Peter 3:9) Somali Christians to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Ask the Lord to keep them safe and empower them to share the Gospel. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10) the Lord to raise up leaders who will govern with humility and integrity, in the fear of the Lord. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) the Lord to pour the Holy Spirit out on Somalia.. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, John 4:35) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 27

Al-Shabaab ‘‘ ’’

The Youth T

he crest of al-Shabaab, an Islamic terrorist group active in the Horn of Africa, shows an open Qur’an with two AK-47s guarding it. The message is clear: do things our way or die. There are estimated to be only 3,000 “core” members and about 15,000 total members in al-Shabaab. However, the organization is affiliated with al-Qaeda, supported 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

by the government of Eritrea (and possibly Iran), and now controls much of southern Somalia.

In 1991, when Somali President Siad Barre was driven from office, the government collapsed and clan warlords began struggling for control. Al-Shabaab arose out of the Islamic Courts Union and in 2006 began to gain strength and influence.

“Many of the clan warlords that filled the power vacuum,” reports the Council on Foreign Relations, “have proven willing to cooperate with al-Shabaab.”

Cooperation means allowing the terrorists to impose a strict form of Shari’a law in Somalia. Al-Shabaab has outlawed radios (because they offer modern, western music), ordered shop owners to replace

© 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

Al-Shabaab has outlawed radios, ordered shop owners to replace signs with Arabic billboards, and punishes those who break their version of Shari’a by dismemberment, torture and/or death. English and Somali signs with Arabic billboards, and punishes those who break their version of Shari’a by dismemberment, torture and/or death. They also routinely kidnap, rape, enslave and murder women. Despite the efforts of the African Union, the United Nations, Kenya, Ethiopia, and various western nations – all of whom have attempted to drive out al-Shabaab – the terrorist group continues to dominate southern Somalia. They have even branched out into Uganda and the refugee camps of Kenya and Ethiopia, attacking, pillaging, and raping at will.

March 2012

© 2012 Window International Network

“We have no hope at all,” one Somali said. “All al-Shabaab leaders are here with their fighters and the government has no power to reach us.” Sources: Council on Foreign

Relations, Time

Pray for

the immediate defeat of this demonically-inspired organization. Pray for every al-Shabaab operation to be exposed and to fail. Pray for funding to be cut off. (The Bible, Psalm 10:2) the salvation of al-Shabaab members. Pray for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4) the Lord to protect the people of Somalia from these terrorists. Pray especially for women and girls to be kept safe. (The Bible, Psalm 10:2) an end to the lawlessness and chaos in Somalia. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will govern with integrity. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) the Kingdom of God to come to Somalia. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this war-weary nation. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

Oman us safe. I know that the winds and waves obey You and You can calm them.”

Hassan’s Story

Then my father looked up and shouted at the storm, “In Jesus Name, be still!” The most amazing thing happened! Immediately the waves began to calm down. The bellowing wind became a gentle breeze. My father looked at me and I looked at him. We were silent for a moment, then we both began to laugh and cheer. “Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord!!”

Hurry Hassan!” my father shouted. “Tie down that line!” I was trying to tie the line down, but the wind and the waves were crashing against our boat. Water was splashing over the sides. I began to think we might sink. I could tell from the look in my father’s eyes that he was worried too. When I finally got the line tied down, I looked to my father, wondering what to do next. He called me to his side and together we prayed: Dear Heavenly Father, we know You are God Most High. You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The prophet Jeremiah said You have a plan and purpose for our lives. Your plans are to prosper us and not to harm us. Lord, we need You now. Please protect us and keep 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

WindowKids, my family has fished the waters off of Muscat, Oman for many generations. My father learned about the sea from his father, who learned from his father. But sometimes, storms arise suddenly and can be dangerous even for very experienced fishermen. When I first began to go out on the water with my father, he told me a story from the Bible. Jesus and his disciples – many of whom were fishermen! – were out on the Sea of Galilee when a big storm came up. The disciples were afraid and thought they might sink. Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat, so they woke Him up. When He saw the waves and felt the wind, He simply said, “Be still!” And the storm stopped! My father taught me that Jesus is the Most High God. Whenever we are in a dangerous situation, he says, we can call on God for help. We can speak to © 2012 Window International Network

March 2012

our problems and order them to “Be Still!” in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.

Hymie: WindowKids, Memorize and pray aloud this verse when you face a storm in life. It’s also a great verse to remember when you are praying for Omani children!

“ He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” [Psalm 46:10]

Hassan’s story reminds us that God is a mighty and gives us the strength to face any struggle or storm that comes into our lives. Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still and know I am God.” Friends, if you are ever scared or overwhelmed by your circumstances, be still and know that God is God. Sources:; www.

Directions: Fill in the blanks below to help you remember this verse.

H _ s _ y _, “_ _ _ _ _ _ _, a_d _ _ _ _ t _ _t I _ _ _ _d; I _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ b _ ex _ _ _ _ _ i_ t _ _ e _ _ _ _.”

I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

_ _ _ _ _ 46:10

Bible Word Search Directions: Look up these Bible verses. Within these verses are words that describe Omani culture and geography. Although these verses were not written about Oman, they do describe a piece of what you might find in Oman today. After you read the verses, write down the word which you think might describe Oman. Have fun! 1. Exodus 30:34, Matthew 2:11

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Ezra 8:27

_ _ _ _ _ _ [may be mentioned as bronze or brass]

3. Ezekiel 26:5, Mark 1:19

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. Genesis 24:35, Leviticus 11:4

_ _ _ _ _

6. Genesis 15:9, Leviticus 3:12

_ _ _ _

7. Exodus 15:27

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8. Genesis 13:2, Genesis 44:2

_ _ _ _ _ _

9. Esther 1:6, Revelation 18:12

_ _ _ _ _ _

10. Job 24:5, Psalm 107:4

_ _ _ _ _ _

March 2012

© 2012 Window International Network


4. Numbers 11:5, Nehemiah 13:16 _ _ _ _

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 31


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