he 10/40 Reporter June 2012

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June 2012 Edition


South Sudan inside

One Year Later

India: Violating Religious Freedom From the Field Saudi Arabia: Leaders A Global Day of Harvest of Souls The Next President of Egypt Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation WindoWkids™ ethiopia

Window International Network Board of Directors


June 2012 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:............................... Pastor Edward Smith President:...................... Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:.....................Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:...................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:...................... Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:........... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:........... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:........... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:........... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at www.WIN1040.com/Resources. Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:............Beverly Pegues

The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:...............................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:.........................................................Leah Sahhar

WindowKidsTM Contributor:...............................................Alysha Kageorgis Website Administrator:........................................................Bill Duggin

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Window International Network P.O. Box 49127 Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9127 Phone: (719) 522-1040 Fax: (719) 277-7148 Email: WIN@WIN1040.com Website: www.WIN1040.com

Visit www.WIN1040.com to Financially Partner with WIN to IMPACT the 10/40 Window. Your online gift will help give much needed hope to the billions of people in the 10/40 WINDOW.

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June 2012

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : June 2012

India: Violating Religious Freedom

6 Saudi Arabia: Leaders

10 10/40 WindoW Watchman


14 The Next President of Egypt

32 South Sudan: One Year Later

36 WindowKids™: Ethiopia

38 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

j o i n

T h e



here is a new movement afoot. or at least, there could be. if we choose to join in.

a Generosity Movement has been proposed by certain segments of the Body of Christ. it calls for a return to Biblical standards in terms of giving. a MoveMenT like This Would involve: Christians being good stewards of god’s resources attentive obedience to god an appreciation of and openhandedness with all that god has given us – including money, but also life, breath, relationships, time… generosity as a fundamental part of what it means to be a disciple all believers “excelling in” the privilege of giving

What is keeping the Generosity Movement from taking hold in the Church? “god blesses Christians with vast resources,” says dr. sas Conradie, coordinator of the resource Mobilization Working group (rMWg). “unfortunately, Christians are keeping the blessing for themselves instead of sharing it in god’s mission in the world. We need a movement of whole life disciples of jesus Christ who give and share freely, abundantly and joyfully the financial resources god has entrusted to them.” The lord himself gave us a mission to perform (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20). We know he has provided the resources, yet the job hasn’t been finished. Why? What impact would a Generosity Movement have on completing the great Commission?

at Window international network, we are seeking to reach the least-reached nations and people groups on planet earth. We do that by mobilizing prayer for the 10/40 Window and by raising up and equipping leaders inside this region who will effectively evangelize, plant churches, and disciple others. It’s a big job. and that’s why we need your help. join the generosity Movement today by investing the resources god has entrusted to you in his kingdom. Prayerfully consider giving generously to the work Win is doing in the final frontier of missions. sources: “Consultation document” rMWg

go To WWW.WIN104.cOM Today To learn More aBouT hoW you Can join us in Praying for The 10/40 WindoW and find Ways To “exCel” in The Privilege of giving.

Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people? Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. Pray for an end to corruption and graft. Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.

June ELECTIONS June 20: LIBYA — legislative (tentative) June: MONGOLIA — parliamentary June: EAST TIMOR — parliamentary

“...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)

India Violating Religious Freedom

6 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Š 2012 Window International Network

June 2012


Persecution of Christians is so common that a human rights organization recently ranked India as one of the world’s worst violators of religious freedom...


rayer meeting attacked by Hindu extremists… Christian woman abducted… Church service disrupted… Congregation physically assaulted… Christians arrested on charges of forced conversions… Though the secular media doesn’t often feature these headlines, they accurately describe events that occur on a regular basis in India. Persecution of Christians is so common that a human rights organization recently ranked India as one of the world’s worst violators of religious freedom – in the top ten with Somalia and Afghanistan. The problem goes beyond the threats and violence committed by radical Hindus and Muslims, the report says. Despite being the world’s largest democracy, the government of India fails to defend Christians or properly prosecute attackers. Of special concern is “the antiquated judicial system ‘that

June 2012

creates a climate of impunity for the on-going intimidation, harassment and occasional violence against religious minorities.’ India’s progress in bringing justice to the victims of large-scale communal violence [continues] to be slow and ineffective. ” Violations seem to occur most in states that have anti-conversion laws – laws that prohibit Hindus from becoming Christians. This ongoing persecution creates an atmosphere of fear that is not conducive to Christian worship, evangelism, or discipleship. It puts the entire nation at risk.

Pray for

Christians in India to continue to boldly share their faith, disciple new believers, and plant churches. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:9) the salvation of members of the Indian government. (The Bible, 1 Timothy 2:1-4) Hindu extremists to hear the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:14,15) the Lord to encourage Christians in India. Pray for them to be strong and courageous. (The Bible, Joshua 1:7) the Kingdom of God to come to India. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, John 4:35)

“Countries that trample upon basic rights, including freedom of religion,” explains a human rights agency, “provide fertile ground for poverty and insecurity, war and terror, and violent, radical movements and activities.” Sources: EFI News, Union of

Catholic Asian News

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7

From The

Field What impact do your prayers and donations have on the 10/40 Window? The following account from one of our many contacts inside this region provides a powerful glimpse.

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” (The Bible, Isaiah 61:1)



uch of my travel was in] heavy rainfall, difficult terrain, lack of transportation, walking hours in scorching sunlight, multitudes of flea bites, no food in the stomach at times… but God is alive and His words ever true.

8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

This is what God did [in the last year]: 200 plus people heard the Gospel for the first time 50 plus people gave their life to the Savior 38 people got immersed I visited 3 restricted jails twice with Holy Scriptures 17 people in jail gave their life to Christ 3 new house fellowships started www.WIN1040.com

Let me tell you from deep down my heart it is all done because of your commitment in prayers, finances, moral support and care. God bless you, your family and people involved in extending hands.


Praise God!

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June 2012

Pray today. Your intercession for Window International Network and the 10/40 Window is valuable. Please remember to pray today.

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June 2012

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Saudi Arabia

In his first letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul strongly encouraged prayer for the leaders of governments and nations. “…I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority…” The Bible, 1 Timothy 2:1,2

10 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

In Saudi Arabia, a few of the leaders in need of prayer are:


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy ruled by King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. He is not only the king, but the “custodian of the two holy mosques” – Al-Masjid al-Haram (Mecca) and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (Medina) – the holiest places in Islam.


In October 2011, Prince Nayef bin Abdel-Aziz Al Saud was named the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. “Traditionally, the king chooses his heir. But Prince Nayef was chosen by Allegiance Council, a 37-member body composed of his brothers and cousins.” He will continue to be the interior minister, but was also named vice prime minister.


Muhammad bin Fahd Al Saud, the son of the late King Fahd, is Governor of the Eastern Province. He met with Saudi leaders during the Arab Spring to help prevent protests. He is known for oppressing Shi’ites (a minority in Saudi Arabia).


Saud bin Faisal bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the son of the late King Faisal. He has been the Foreign Minister since 1975.


Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud is the Minister of Defense. He is the fifth of June 2012

the Sudairi Seven (also known as Al Fahd) – an alliance of seven brothers inside the royal family.


Bandar bin Sultan bin AbdulAziz Al Saud is the former Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. He is known as “Mr. Corruption” because of his willingness to take bribes.


Waleed bin Talal is not involved in the government of Saudi Arabia, but is very influential in business. He is the richest man in Saudi Arabia and one of the wealthiest in the world.


Faisal bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the son of the Minister of Defense, Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz. He is the chairman of the largest media company in the Middle East/North Africa region.


Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al alSheikh is the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia (the highest authority in Sunni Islam). He issues fatawa (rulings on Islamic law issues) and recently stated that all churches in the Arabian Peninsula should be destroyed. “The mufti based his decision on a story that, on his deathbed, Muhammad declared, ‘There are not to be two religions in the [Arabia] Peninsula.’”


© 2012 Window International Network


(religious police), this committee enforces Shari’a law. With more than 3,500 members and volunteers, they patrol the streets looking for violations, including proselytizing and the practice of non-Islamic religions. Sources: BBC News, The Middle East

Quarterly, Fox News

Pray for

members of the royal family and leaders of the Islamic faith to long for the truth and life found only in Jesus Christ. (The Bible, John 14:6) the Lord to reveal Himself to those in places of spiritual and political authority in Saudi Arabia. Pray for them to have dreams and visions of the risen Lord Jesus. (The Bible, Acts 2:17) the men ruling this nation to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for Christians in Saudi Arabia to boldly share their faith with them. (The Bible, Romans 1:16) the salvation of King Abdullah, Prince Nayef, the Grand Mufti, members of the mutaween, and other leaders in Saudi Arabia. Pray for the Lord to make their hearts fertile ground for the Word of God to take root. (The Bible, Matthew 13:23) the people of Saudi Arabia to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:13) the Kingdom of God to come to this nation with great power, signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11


between d e h c i andw

tion, s a n y n i This t upies a c c o , Somalia d n a nce to a Eritrea r t n e at the n o i t i s ic po strateg Sea. the Red

The government of Djibouti has worked with international security forces in fighting terrorism and provided intelligence information in the ongoing search for extremist groups in the region. Djibouti’s population is nearly entirely Muslim. Although officially an Islamic state, other religions are tolerated. The Constitution provides for freedom of worship. Proselytizing, however, is discouraged. 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Š 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

Prayer Points

Djibouti, East Africa ÌÌ Population: 740,528

ail Omar Guelleh

ÌÌ Political Leader: President Ism ÌÌ Christianity: 0.1%


ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Isla ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 36th

1 ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: lties) ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 4 (12 casua ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 70% 42% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:

4 Pray for Djibouti’s leaders to realize their unique role as the gateway to the Middle East and use their resources to fight the forces of lawlessness and violence. (The Bible, Exodus 15:6) 4 Pray for the small band of Believers in Djibouti to grow in strength and passion, seeking the Kingdom first. Pray for the Lord to protect them from the enemy’s attempts to smother their young church. (The Bible, James 4:7) 4 Pray for God to cause the sun of righteousness to rise with healing in its wings, shining the light of Jesus Christ in a way that cannot be avoided or ignored and that chases the darkness from every corner of Djibouti. (The Bible, Malachi 4:2; Luke 1:78,79)


In recent years, missionaries laboring in this nation have shared Christ with Somali and Ethiopian refugees, as well as members of the unreached Afar of Eritrea. The fruit from this work reminds us that God desires all people groups to be represented before His throne in eternity. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on

Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook June 2012

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P O I N T S June 2012 Day 1


India has the second largest population in the world and the largest orphan population. The caste system and poverty leaves countless children without a future. Pray for the Lord to empower local Indian orphanages to reveal the Fatherly Love of God. Ask the Lord to raise up more labors to love and honor these orphans, reminding them that God the Father will never abandon nor forsake them. (The Bible, John 14:18)


One of the poorest and most restricted countries in the world, Islam has dominated Mauritania for more than 1,000 years. Believers in Mauritania have been imprisoned, beaten for their faith, or endured separation from family and tribes. Pray for the Christian Believers to continue to stand firm in the faith. Ask the Lord to give our brothers and sisters the strength to forgive those who are persecuting them. Petition God to influence governmental leaders to increase religious freedom in this Islamic nation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in Mauritania as it is in Heaven. (The Bible 2 Timothy 2:12) 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Northern Sudan’s parliament voted unanimously to brand the government of South Sudan an enemy. This comes after southern troops invaded the North’s main oil field. “The government of South Sudan is an enemy and all Sudanese state agencies have to treat her accordingly,” the parliament’s resolution said. The result of calling Southern Sudan an enemy allows for the North to increase violence against the South. Pray that the killing and especially government sanctioned killing will stop. Pray that the judgment of God would come on these leaders that so unanimously allow for death to be permitted. Pray for the people living in this war- torn land to find peace,, - physical and spiritual peace. Pray that other evils that might be done against this people will be stopped. (The Bible, Matthew 19:18-19)


There are many birth pains for the new nation of South Sudan. The North still is fighting along their border. There are fierce ethnic clashes between the tribes in the South. These are more related to cattle, women, and children. Pray for the government of the South, www.WIN1040.com

that they would have wisdom and understanding during these days. Pray that they will be able to handle all the pressure facing them and bring peace to this land. Pray that the spirit of violence that seems to grip this land will be broken. Pray for Christians to have the peace of God in their hearts and give it away freely to others. (The Bible, Philippians 4:6-9)


A new report released by Human Rights Watch argues, “Despite the expelling of the Taliban, women and girls in Afghanistan continue to live in precarious conditions.” Hundreds of Afghan females spend years behind bars for committing “moral crimes,” which sometimes include being victims of rape. Pray for the Lord to bring to light the injustice in Afghanistan. Ask the Lord for continued courage and endurance for these falsely-imprisoned women and girls. Pray that the Lord would reveal His Son Jesus Christ to these victims in prison by way of dreams and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


Kuwait is pushing to make it harder for people to have the freedom in Kuwait to come to know the lord

© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

Jesus. Recently, Kuwaiti lawmakers voted in favor of a legal amendment that could make insulting God (Allah) and the Prophet Mohammad punishable by death. This would give the government the ability to legally kill anyone that accepted the Lord Jesus. Pray that those who today walk about in the freedom of Christ in Kuwait would be drawn closer to Him and know Him better. Pray that they would delight themselves in Him. Ask that the statutes that the government is laying down will be seen as negative in the eyes of the people and people would seek freedom. Pray that there would be a delight in the commands and decrees of God that leads to more people loving God. (The Bible, Psalm 119:45-48)


Terrorists and insurgents continue to operate from their hideout within Bangladesh borders. Prime Minister’s Special Envoy Satinder Lamba pointed out, “Due to the leaky nature of the India-Bangladesh border, there has been considerable crossborder criminal activity, including illegal trade in arms and explosives, counterfeit currency, trafficking in narcotics and women and children.” Pray that the Lord would expose all terrorist groups and their locations. Pray for the terrorists to feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit, repenting for their evil thoughts, plans, and actions. Petition God for a great harvest of souls within this closed nation. (The Bible, Isaiah 18:5)

Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA While known as a nation with many June 2012

ancestral rituals, 70% of Japanese claim no personal religion, There is another growing epidemic facing this nation - Teenage Suicide. According to Operation World, over 30,000 per year commit suicide due to bullying and teenage prostitution. Pray for the Lord to send these teens the understanding of God’s love, kindness, and purpose for their lives. Ask the Lord to release Shalom peace over those who have been bullied and prostituted, healing all their physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness. Ask the Lord for justice to fill this nation. (The Bible, Luke 4:18)


Guinea-Bissau, one of the world’s poorest nations, is also one of the largest exporters of cocaine. Drug traffickers continue to take advantage of unenforced laws, leading to high-levels of corruption throughout this land. Pray for the Lord to send conviction upon drug traffickers. Ask the Lord for awareness and courage for governmental authorities, so they may stand firm against cocaine gangs. Pray for the kingdom of God to come upon the land of GuineaBissau, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 16:13)


According to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), “Close to one-third of the population suffers from food insecurity.” Over 20% of

© 2010 Window International Network


the population lives on US $1 a day. Pray that the Lord would pour out a fresh supply of crops upon this land. Ask the Lord to increase the fertility of the soil and the strength of local farmers. Continue in asking God to provide meals for those without, and sustain those who have little. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 28:11)


Saudi Arabia is the birthplace and main guardian of the Islamic faith. King ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud’s title is Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - one in Mecca and the other in Medina. Saudi Arabia holds a very key role in all of Islam and is also one of the main promoters of Islam throughout the world. Their oil wealth allows them to be very bold about their faith. Pray for the Saudi kings, princes, and other leaders to have dreams and visions of Jesus. Seek God for the freedom of the Good News of Jesus to spread across this land. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus more and more in this land. (The Bible, John 16:8-11)


With poor health provision, few resources for disabled children, and increasing HIV levels, an average Guinean can expect to live to around the age of 40. Ask the Lord for sustained life in this nation. Pray for the Lord to send greater levels of healthcare, while healing this land from the spread of HIV. Ask the Lord to establish a hedge of protection around the children of Guinea, granting long life and good health. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15

(Guinea continued)

Believe God for an abundance of souls. (The Bible, Proverbs 3:2)


Over one million children in Thailand are subjected each year to the harsh reality of becoming a child laborer. Their numbers are striking to say the least! 40,000 children are sold into the sex trade, while others are forced into backbreaking work with minimal pay. These ‘little ones’, as Jesus put it, are precious to the Kingdom of Heaven. Ask the Lord to arise on behalf of these children who are oppressed and abused by the spirit of greed. Pray for the Lord to open these young ones’ eyes to the true help, hope, and safety, found only in Jesus Christ. Ask God to increase the level of awareness amongst Thailand’s government, while stirring their actions for justice. (The Bible, Mark 9:42)


According to local Niger Christian ministries, one difficult barrier in sustained Christian discipleship is that many local Nigeriens are illiterate. Bible teaching becomes increasingly difficult when faced with oral-learning problems. Pray for the Lord to raise up strategic Christian leaders who are willing to implement literacy programs. Ask the Lord to open the minds of all Nigeriens, increasing their wisdom and understanding for the purpose of knowing the truth that will set them free. Petition the Lord to overcome these literacy obstacles by revealing Jesus Christ in dreams and visions. (The Bible, Luke 10:2) 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Centuries of occult practices, demonization, charms, and witchcraft have all become the force beneath the Shamanism and ancestor worship controlling the lives of the Kyrgyz. According to Operation World, “Shamans still wield great influence.” Pray for the Lord to release angels to war against the principalities and demonic powers influencing this culture. Pray for the light of Christ to shine brightly throughout this dark, Islamic stronghold. Ask the Lord to raise bold and mighty Christian believers to testify of the Gospel message. Believe God for a great spiritual awakening in this dry and thirsty land. (The Bible, Romans 8:38)


“Twelve Christians stood trial Easter Sunday in Iran, where they were called ‘apostates’ in a courtroom and tried on multiple charges,” according to Fox news reports. A year ago this same group was arrested while found drinking wine and taking communion. Pray for the Lord to grant these Christian believers great boldness to stand firm in their faith. Ask the Lord to release His Holy Spirit over these Christians, drawing their eyes to look upon the Lord for their help, hope, and safety. Plead with the Lord for an abundant, tremendous harvest of souls in the land of Iran. (The Bible, Hebrews 12:2)


There is a dire truth to the old saying www.WIN1040.com

about Burkina Faso, “The population is 50% Muslim, 20% Christian and 100% animist.” The occult has yet to be challenged amongst many peoples in this nation. Occult practices have even penetrated the Christian Churches, diluting the message of Jesus Christ. Pray that our Lord would destroy all the divisive plans of the enemy. Ask God to increase the outpouring of signs, wonders, and miracles within the Churches. Pray for the Christian Believers of Burkina Faso to rise up within in a spirit of holiness, opposing all displays of demonic practices. (The Bible, Psalms 55:9)


A Christian leader was recently beheaded after Muslim radicals imposed Sharia law in northern parts of Mali. A Bible college graduate, who recently returned home to spread the Gospel message reported, “We have escaped in the wake of horrible death threats as the Islamists have a list of all the Christians in Timbuktu whom they intend to execute by beheading.” Most Christians have already fled for safety. Pray for the protection of the Mali Christians. Let us pray strength, courage, and boldness over Christians. Intercede for the Kingdom of God to come, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 16:13)


With only 40 Christian Believers in 1991, God has sent increase to the seeds sown over the last 20+ years,

© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

(Azerbaijan continued)

with over 6,000 devoted to Christ. Praise God for the steady growth of the Azeri Church, and the positive influence Christian music, literature, and poetry is having on Islamic minds. Continue to pray for God to water, nurture, and bear fruit from past missionary efforts. Ask the Lord to raise up more Christians willing to testify of the Lord Jesus Christ. (The Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:18 )

Day 10

groups,” Yasmin spokesman Bona Sigalingging said. Ask the Lord to send a spirit of boldness upon Indonesian believers. Pray for the Christian Church to remain brave in sharing the Gospel message, remembering that those that wait and trust in the Lord will have renewed strength. Ask the Lord to send an outpouring of joy upon this nation and the followers of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Nehemiah 8:10)

Day 12


Benin’s economic stability is influenced greatly by the black market (fayawo) and smugglers. Allegedly, tens of thousands of children are smuggled each year from Benin to work as child laborers, according to Operation World. Pray for justice to reign throughout Benin. Ask the Lord for the government to defend against the defenseless, rescuing these children from unjust treatment. Ask the Lord to reveal to these children His love and abundant life. (The Bible, Proverbs 31:9)


After years of holding Sunday services on the roadside in front of its sealed church, and amid intimidation by hard-line Islamic groups, the congregation of the Yasmin GKI church in Bogor celebrated Easter mass at the home of one of its members. “We are constantly having to change our location because our existence appears to be unwanted, and we have to hide so that we are not intimidated by intolerant 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Sahara. Morocco claims the right to occupy Western Sahara. Pray that the human rights of the people of Western Sahara would be respected. Pray that the women will continue to be a strong voice toward solving this continued conflict. Pray that women would also lead their people into the presence of the Lord and away from Islam. (The Bible, Judges 4:4)


Just months after Lao authorizes seized two local church buildings, denying Christian Believers entrance for worship services, congregations began holding services in the confiscated church buildings. Members of these local churches said, “We refuse to allow official order to close down our church and we are willing to risk our own safety as well as the safety of our families in order to defend religious freedom.” Pray that the Spirit of God would remind Laotian believers that the Lord is their dwelling place. Pray that the Lord would place a hedge around them. Petition the Lord to set His words upon the lips of Laotian Christians, releasing the words that can pierce through the hardest of human hearts. (The Bible, Hebrews 4:12)


Saharawi women strongly support the Human Rights Watch´s World Report 2012 that calls on the Moroccan government to respect human rights in the Western www.WIN1040.com


Just a few months after a 17-yearold Coptic student was jailed for reportedly posting pictures to Facebook insulting Islam and its Prophet, Assuit villagers burned down several Christian homes. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured. This has simply revealed the deep-seeded enmity between Islam and Christianity. Believe God for continued protection over Egyptian Christian believers. Pray for the Lord to send the light of Christianity into the Islamic darkness covering Egypt. Ask the Lord to continue His work of mass salvations in this land, accomplishing His plans and purposes to the glory of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, 2 Corinthians 4:6)


The government has begun banning the freedom of movement of Christians. Uzbekistan continues to impose bans on entry and exit from the country of people exercising their freedom of religion or belief, Forum 18 News Service has found. The authorities at the border have also used the crossing

© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

points for confiscating religious literature. Ask the Lord to raise up godly government leaders who will support freedom of religion. Pray that God would use the confiscated literature as a way to reveal the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ, to those in possession of them. Believe God for an outpouring of revival upon this land, so that Christianity will no longer be seen as a false religion, but rather the only way to salvation. (The Bible, 2 Timothy 2)


Despite Nepal being a nation ruled by Hinduism, on Easter Sunday a one-mile open park served as a gathering place for thousands of faithful Christian Believers to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God for the hedge of protection upon the lives of those gathering. Give thanks for the courage Nepali Believers showed in celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to let these Christians’ light shine forth through the spiritual darkness of Hinduism in Nepal. (The Bible, Psalm 135:1)


The ownership disputes over islands in the Persian Gulf are increasing tensions between the United Arab Emirates and Iran. These islands might seem insignificant, but they help control the Persian Gulf and access to more oil opportunities. Pray that the current war on words will not turn into physical war. Pray that God will provide a peaceful way forward. Ask God to make Himself known more to the people of the United Arab Emirates. Ask the Father to continue to reveal His great love for Jesus to these people. (The Bible, John 3:16)


During the 1990’s, Albania for the first time received the Christian Bible fully translated into Filipaj. Since the initial rush after the country opened, fewer and fewer long-term missionaries have stuck around. There needs to be a more strategic and focused ministry approach. Let us pray for God-strategies to fill the hearts of Albanian Christians with new ways


to reach their own people. Ask the Lord to raise up new missionaries with a longing for Albania to become a nation that reveals God’s one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Believe God for continued church growth and prosperity. (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 2:16)


Drought, falling tourism, and woman’s rights are all issues facing Morocco’s new Islamist government. Protesters are demanding government jobs. Morocco’s budget is overstretched, tourism is down and farmers need rain. Pray for rain to fall on Morocco; rain is a blessing and needed. Pray for the government to have wisdom to care for its people. Pray against the spread of Islam; may this government lose favor in the eyes of the peoples. Pray for God’s Kingdom to grow over Morocco and for the spirit of repentance to increase. (The Bible, Matthew 3:2)


In recent months the flow of oil being exported out of Iraq has increased. This is good news

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Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to www.WIN1040.com.

June 2012

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 21

(Iraq continued)

in a land where violence seems to be uncontrolled. The export of this black gold will help strengthen the economic growth of the country. Pray that the flow of more oil will help strengthen the economy of the whole country. Pray for God’s kingdom to be expanded all across this land. Pray for the poorest of the poor, that their needs would be met. Pray that forgiveness would grow between those who have hated each other for years. (The Bible, Matthew 6:9-13)


Within the past 30 years, Sri Lanka has experienced extreme bloodshed and death: from a 25-year-long civil war which killed over 100,000 lives, to the 2004 Indian ocean earthquake and resulting tsunami, which resulted in the loss of 30,000 Sri Lankans. Pray for restoration and healing on this land. Ask the Lord to use the years of turmoil and destruction as a means of drawing this nation to Himself. Pray that the Father would send His Holy Spirit as the great witness of Jesus Christ being the Son of the living God. (The Bible, Psalm 71)


A series of Palestinian newspaper cartoons are suggesting that Palestinian parents should be teaching their children that it is their role to destroy Israel. According to Palestinian Media Watch, “A Palestinian Authority minister stated last month that the Palestinians should unite in order to focus on the destruction 22 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

of Israel.” Believe God for the continued protection around Israel. Pray for the light of the Gospel to shine forth from the land of Israel, drawing the nations to its Savior. Ask God to make the Israelites a great testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Isaiah 60:1)


Authorities in Tajikistan, an impoverished nation that shares a long and poorly secured border with Afghanistan, saw a spike in militant activity in 2010 that led to the death of dozens of troops. Tajikistan recently sentenced 34 people to long jail terms on terrorism charges at the end of a closed trial. They were sentenced to 8-28 years in prison for terrorism, murder, and attempting violent overthrow of the government. Praise God for the capturing of these terrorists and allowing justice to reign in Tajikistan. Pray for these 34 people that God would make their jail cell a sanctuary of His presence. Ask the Lord to send an abundance of revelation upon their minds, awakening them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe God for the salvation of these terrorists. (The Bible, Psalm 150:1)


No more than 30 years ago, printing a Bible in China was illegal. Yet later this year, Amity Printing Company in Nanjing will roll its 100 millionth Bible — legally — off the printing presses. This event is nothing short of miraculous. Maple Yuan, a college student majoring in www.WIN1040.com

teaching English, borrowed the first Bible she ever read from a friend because she wanted to learn more about Western culture.

“It’s so important to them,” Yuan says, referring to Westerners. “[The] Bible is everything.” Thank God for the spreading of His Holy Word throughout China. Rejoice over the fact that millions of Chinese have within their possession the very words of hope and life. Ask God to let His light shine from those pages, revealing and testifying of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that God would sustain His great gathering of souls in China. (The Bible, Psalm 118:27)


Djibouti continues to have a strong loyalty to Islam, with deep ties to Saudi Arabia. There are only a few Somali and Afar believers in Djibouti and relatives seem to make it extremely difficult to stand firm in the faith. Many experience varying forms of verbal and physical persecution. Ask the Lord to send the spirit of strength and fortitude upon Djibouti believers. Pray for God to raise up His remnant in this land, allowing their light to shine among family and friends. Believe God for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Philippians 4:1)


The southern part of Yemen is under attack from Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has been causing unrest in Yemen for many years. But in resent months it has been increasing

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June 2012

and becoming more violent. They are trying to seize more and more control of this land. The newlyelected government is deploying anti-terrorist forces to try to deal with this threat. Pray that the Yemeni government will have wisdom and insight on how to deal with this terrorist threat. Pray for those Yemeni people that are being forced by Al Qaeda to join their forces. Pray for President Abd al-Rabuh Mansur Hadi and his administration to have wisdom in dealing with Al Qaeda. Pray that wickedness and deceit would decrease and life and goodness would increase. (The Bible, Psalm 36:3)


A local pastor in Vietnam was recently sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment because of his Christian faith and his activism on behalf of religious freedom. Vietnam has refused to release the pastor despite international pressure. Ask the Lord to raise up governmental leaders who will stand for justice. Pray that God would empower and strengthen this pastor in the Spirit of His might. Pray for the safety of Vietnam pastors and Christian Believers so that they may continue in the faithful work He has called them to do. (The Bible, Daniel 2:37)

Day 19


There are over 35 islands between the Islamic superpowers of Saudi Arabia and Qatar which make up the nation of Bahrain. Even though they are situated between spiritually oppressive nations, Bahrain does allow the freedom of religion. The openness of this land provides for a great launching pad for Christian ministries looking to impact the Middle East. Pray for God to divinely place strategic Christian ministries in Bahrain, believing God for great favor to rest upon their work. Ask God to stir up Christian Believers to labor for the lost people of Bahrain as well as the surrounding nations. Intercede for the move of God to impact these islands in such a way that magnifies Jesus Christ as Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 9:38)


Taiwan continues to have a strong bondage to many false religions. According to Operation World, over 90% of Taiwanese associate themselves June 2012

with Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Taiwanese folk religion. Ask the Lord to expose the lack of hope within these religions, while spreading the knowledge that true hope is found only in Jesus Christ. Pray that God would release angels over the land of Taiwan, breaking that bondage and spiritual blindness surrounding people’s hearts. Believe God for a multitude of salvations and a great spiritual awakening in this land. (The Bible, Daniel 10:20)


According to Open Doors, about twothirds of the people in this tiny Islamic nation are ethnic Malays. All religions may be practiced,

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though, in reality, only non-Malays are allowed to chose their faith. If a Malay converts, this ‘disturbs peace and harmony’ and they are automatically scheduled for reeducation to Islam. Ask the Lord to spread the Gospel message throughout Brunei. Pray that there will be a great spiritual awakening for the government of Brunei, especially the sultan of Brunei. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in this nation as it is in Heaven. (The Bible, Luke 11:1)


Because of the conflict next door in Syria, Lebanon is becoming more unsettled. Refugees are leaving Syria and this increases the pressure on Lebanon. Even within Lebanon there are many pro-Syrian groups. The Lebanese government is doing its best to prevent arms and money flowing into Syria or to rebels from Syria residing now in Lebanon. Pray for the end of the civil war in Syria. Pray that the ruling parties in Syria will collapse. Pray for the government in Lebanon to know how to care for these refugees that need to escape the regime in Syria. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to the church in Lebanon, that they might be a light and a witness to these refugees. Pray that, as they look after those that are suffering, they will show the Father’s love and be faultless and pure. (The Bible, James 1:27)


Qatar possesses more than 15% of the world’s proven natural gas

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(Qatar continued)

reserves, and has ambitions to become a global energy giant. Once a very poor Gulf state, it has risen to become a global leader. For the Arab world, Qatari TV station Al Jazeera is similar to the BBC or CNN. Pray that the leaders of Qatar would be moved by God to use their wealth for the good of others. Pray against the use of wealth to spread Islam. Pray that the Lord shows the people of Qatar that God is the one who gives power to be successful, in order that they will fulfill His covenant. Ask the Lord to draw the people of Qatar to Himself. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 8:18)


Most Turkmen remain a nomadic people, continuing in the ancestral practices of folk Islam and believing heavily in superstitions. There is a great emphasis on plants, rocks, mountains, and rivers - all containing a spirit and soul. Ask the Lord for nature to cry out and testify of the living God. Pray that God would break through the centuries of spiritual idolatry and release over Turkmenistan the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for a vast display of God’s miraculous power in opposition to the work of the enemy. (The Bible, Luke 19:40)


Ethiopia was one of the first Christian countries in the world, having officially adopted Christianity as the state religion in the 4th Century. With over 51 million professing Christian Believers, Ethiopia is a nation with an openness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to bring unity and oneness of mission upon the Ethiopian Christians. Ask God for Ethiopian Believers to stand firm in the faith, with a desire to live righteously. Believe God for holiness and power to rest upon the Church of Ethiopia. (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:10)


Violence in Burma has been on a steady decline reports VOA news. Over the years, Christians have been a particular target of genocide and other attacks, but according to a local missionary, “There is still some violence and some persecution against Christians and some of the tribal groups, but even that is decreasing.” Give God thanks for the decline in violent activity in this land. Believe

God for the government to uphold righteous standards and justice. Intercede for the love and kindness of God to be demonstrated through Myanmar, drawing many into a relationship with Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Hebrews 12:28)


There are over 180 different people groups in Chad, representing the largest unreached people groups in Africa. The diversity of languages, cultures, and tribes presents major challenges to the spread of the Gospel. Pray that God would place the burden for lost souls upon Christian missionaries to influence Chad for the Gospel. Ask the Lord to equip and empower local Christian Believers with the wisdom to reach their own people. Pray that God would display His glory with signs, wonders, and miracles, testifying of His majesty. (The Bible, Acts 1:8)


The country of Algeria was in mourning in April 2012 after the death of its first post-independence leader, President Ahmed Ben Bella.

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President Ben Bella is hailed as the father of the nation. He was an Algerian soldier, revolutionary, and the first President from 1963 to 1965. Pray for the Algerian people as they mourn one of their modern fathers. Pray peace over this country - there have been many wars since independence. Seek God for the current government to walk in righteousness and justice. Pray for the Lord’s righteousness and justice to move this key North African country forward. (The Bible, Psalm 97:2)


The world news media has moved on from Libya. But there continue to be flare-ups in violence that test the ability of Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC). They have been in charge since a revolt ousted Muammar Qadhafi last year. They are trying to impose their authority on the fractious and volatile country. Pray for Libya that this war-torn nation will start to heal. Pray for the NTC to have wisdom on bringing peace and security to the people. Pray that the weary and burdened in Libya will find rest. Ask that they would take the yoke of the Lord upon them and find that He is gentle and humble in heart. Pray they will find rest for their souls. (The Bible, Matthew 11:28-30)


Within Malaysia, Muslims make up 60 percent of the country’s 28 million people. According to Operation World, there are “over 100 June 2012

radical Islamist groups” looking to impose a much stricter version of Islam. Pray against the uprising of aggressive and hostile Islam. Ask the Lord to send protection over the 2-million-plus Christian Believers. Pray for wisdom and courage to fill the Muslims who choose to follow Christ. Intercede for an abundance of salvations in Malaysia. (The Bible, Isaiah 41:10)


The Strait of Hormuz is the small waterway entrance into the Persian Gulf. The land on the east side is Iran; the west side is the country of Oman. The government of Oman is calling for increased negotiations to bring about a peaceful way forward in the nuclear conflict between Iran and the West. The ruler of Oman, Sultan Qaboos Ben Said, facilitated the release of two US hikers held by Tehran for spying. Pray that the truth would be known about this whole situation. Pray that God might use the leaders of Oman to bring about a peaceful way forward in this growing threat of violence. Pray that the peace of God would fill the hearts of these global leaders. Pray that many in Oman will know the mercy of God and come to know Him. Ask that the Lord’s reputation would be honored in Oman. (The Bible, Psalms 52:8)


Kazakh Christian Believers have very few opportunities for church fellowship. According to the Caleb Project, if a Kazakh desires to attend a church service, they typically

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find only a few Russian or Korean churches, and just in the larger cities. A few Russian believers have caught the vision of reaching out to Kazakhs with the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will send laborers into Kazakhstan with the call to establish new Churches. Petition the Lord for an increase of Russian missionaries to spread the Gospel among the Kazakhs. Let’s believe God for this nation to find the world’s King and Savior, Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Matthew 9:38)


The running aftermath of years of near dictatorship is still being talked about in Tunisia. A national conference is calling for justice for the victims of the Ben Ali regime (former president). For example, many people lost their family’s farm and other valuable resources to the corrupt old regime. Pray that this desire to restore things taken in unrighteousness would bring honor back to families that have suffered injustice for many years. Ask God to bring a blessing on the country of Tunisia as it seeks to right this wrong. Pray that the hungry, thirsty, and stranger be cared for in the name of the Lord Jesus. (The Bible, Matthew 25:37-40)


In Cambodia, 90 percent of prostitutes are sold into the sex industry by their parents. Many of the girls say they feel obligated to stay because their families depend on them for support. Quoted from a local missionary, “They live in the The 10/40 Window Reporter | 25

(Cambodia continued)

pit of hell. It’s the truth,” she said, explaining the victims’ situation. “And they experience horrendous trauma when they come out.” Pray for the Lord to send healing and restoration to the lives of these girls. Ask the Lord to send great conviction upon Cambodian parents who may be considering selling their daughters. Intercede on behalf of those sex trafficked, believing that God will reveal the glorious hope and love found only in Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Jeremiah 30:17)


It has been five years now since a brutal murder of Christians took place in Turkey. Three Christians were bound in chains, tortured, and stabbed repeatedly until dead. Five suspects went on trial, but, to date, there is still no conviction. According to CBN news, “Believers are facing increased persecution and the country is gradually moving away from secularism.” Ask the Lord for justice to be enforced over these murders. Pray that God would affect the minds of the judicial system and sentence these criminals for their brutality. Pray for the witness and testimony of these martyrs to shine upon the nation of Turkey, revealing the Kingdom of Heaven. (The Bible, Leviticus 19:15)


While much of the world’s media focuses on North Korea’s potentially dangerous rocket launches, as Christian Believers, we must not draw our attention away from the nation’s history of 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Christian persecution. Open Doors ranks North Korea No. 1 on the ministry’s World Watch List of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians for the last ten years. They state, “In practice, civilians do not have any rights. There is no freedom to build churches or to worship in homes. Possession of a Bible or Christian materials is illegal and punishable by death. The proclamation of the Gospel is strictly forbidden.” Pray for the Lord to send a covering of protection around North Korean Believers. Ask the Lord to strengthen Believers’ hearts with courage and boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 91)


Somalia has been without an effective central government since President Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991. There are three main areas: “Somaliland (north), Puntland (east), and Somalia (south). Years of fighting between rival warlords and an inability to deal with famine and disease. Recently, the plight of the Somali people was exacerbated by the worst drought in six decades. This has left millions of people on the verge of starvation and caused tens of thousands to flee to Kenya and Ethiopia in search of food. Pray for God’s hand of mercy to fall over this land; there are few eviler places in the world today. Pray for the people suffering through famine and disease. Seek God for the coming together of some kind of government that would bring peace and stability. Ask the Lord for health, healing, peace, and security. (The Bible, Jeremiah 33:6) www.WIN1040.com


According to the Pakistan Christian Post, “No one really knows the size of Pakistan’s Christian minority, nor of the entire population. The most recent census - conducted in 1981 - gave a rough count of 84 million people of whom not quite a million were Christian. The unofficial 1990 estimate is 108 million, with an explosive birth-rate of nearly 4 percent. That could soon mean up to 2 million Christians in this land of Islam.” Praise God for the continued growth and spread of Christians within Pakistan. Ask the Lord to awaken the hearts of Pakistani parents to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that they may raise their children in the fear of the Lord. Believe God for this nation to open its doors with arms extended towards the Christian faith. (The Bible, Proverbs 22:6)


According to USA Today, Easter Sunday became the recent target of a suicide car bomber, which detonated on a busy road around local Nigerian Christian Churches. The massive explosion ended up killing at least 38 people in a city long at the center of religious violence in this nation. The bomb blast took place in the Christian neighborhood of the Nigerian city of Kano. The city was a scene of major attack by radical Islamic group Boko Haram. The group is known for targeting Christians and security forces. Pray for the safety of Nigerian Christian Believers. Ask

© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

YOU CAN’T TAKE ITWITHYOU “You can’t take it with you…but you can send it on ahead!”

Those who have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord know where they’re headed when they die. Praise God for the salvation He has provided for us in the death, resurrection, and ascension of His only Son! But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t take anything with you to heaven. All earthly treasures will have to stay here when you depart to be with the Lord.

Good news, though: you can send treasure on ahead! When we pray, serve God, and give our finances to advance His Kingdom, we are adding to our heavenly treasure. It’s like a savings account. We make deposits by being obedient to God in fulfilling the Great Commission and by generously investing in His work. So the next time you’re faced with a decision regarding how to spend your time, energy, or money, consider this: earthly things get left behind; Kingdom things get forwarded to heaven. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,” Jesus said, “where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:l9,20).

How is your eternal account looking? For an opportunity to “send it on ahead,” advance the Kingdom and, most importantly, honor God with your finances, go to www.WIN1040.com/donate and make a contribution to Window International Network. It’s guaranteed to be waiting for you – with untold dividends! – when you reach heaven. June 2012

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(Cambodia continued)

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute

Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute

Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute

Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the 10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

(Nigeria continued)

the Lord to place His mighty hand of deliverance against those with a desire to harm Christians. Pray that God would allow justice to rein within the Nigerian government, putting a stop to all religious persecution. (The Bible, Psalm 16:8)


Being a Christian Believer in the Maldives is no easy path. Many can expect mockery, incarceration and even torture. The Maldives, which is a string of 1,190 islands boasting numerous white beaches in the Indian Ocean, is regarded as a tourist paradise visited by tens of thousands of Westerners each year. But it’s also a country that claims, like Saudi Arabia, that all of its more than 300,000 citizens are Sunni Muslims. The country’s 2008 Constitution states, “[A] non-Muslim may not become a citizen of the Maldives.” Pray for the Lord to open doors of religious freedom throughout the Maldivian government. Ask the Lord to place the words of salvation upon the lips of all the tourists, revealing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Believe God to overtake these islands with a large harvest of souls. (The Bible, Romans 10:10)


His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan is calling on his people to participate in creating plans to help reform Jordan. He is asking the people to, not only have the right words, but also the right deeds. Pray that God and righteous people will help expose the deeds of evil and darkness in the land of Jordan. Pray for the church in Jordan to have nothing to do June 2012

with evil and darkness. Pray that God would move a spirit of righteousness across this land. Pray that righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit will grow in Jordan. (The Bible, Ephesians 5:11, Romans 14:17)


The Muslim Sufi brotherhood has continued to promote fast growth in the Muslim faith. They are well organized and wealthy, with a strong political influence. Over 85% of all Senegal Muslims belong to this group, as their allegiance to these religious leaders continues to prevent any large number of people accepting Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to break the strongholds of ungodly leadership. Ask God to organize and strengthen the Christian Church in Senegal, setting them as a light over this nation. Believe God for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Matthew 5:14)


Eritrea and Ethiopia have had border wars for many years. This has increased lately. Pray that the political situation would bring a final peace to this embattled area. Eritrea is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sex. As they leave Eritrea seeking work, other people are seeking to exploit them into slavery. Seek the Lord of the Harvest to bring rains and good crops to Eritrea. Ask that good would come to the people and not evil. Jesus came to save lives

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and not to destroy. Pray for the lifegiving power of the Lord to flow over this people and nation. Pray that the trafficking of people be stopped and that people would be valued. (The Bible, Luke 6:9-10)


Tibet remains an exceedingly difficult region for the Gospel. Among the Kahm people there are very few believers, indeed it is possible that there are no Christians at all among the Northern Kahm group. Though still only a handful of believers, the harvest is ripe. The Tibetan church is growing and so is the missions force to reach them, according to local ministries. Pray for the Christian workers who face some of the harshest living conditions on the planet. Ask the Lord to shine brightly into the spiritual darkness of Tibetan Buddhism. Pray for a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Isaiah 60:1)


Though Syria is known lately for the persecution of Christians by Islamist rebels, it can be easy to overlook the nation’s struggle with women and children trafficking. It is estimated around 700,000 Iraqi refugees in Syria alone, stressed by constant poverty, resort to sending their teenage daughters into prostitution. At this point, Syria’s government does not release the exact figures on prostitution, therefore, there is little awareness of this growing problem. Pray for the Lord to release protection and courage over these young teenage girls. Pray for the awakening of government leaders to the mistreatment of these teens. Also, The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

(Syria continued)

pray for the Glory of Jesus Christ to penetrate and draw the hearts of this nation to repentance. (The Bible, Psalm 2:8)


According to Operation World, “Christianity in Mongolia has become a reality. For the first time in modern history, Christian Churches are growing in numbers. There are close to 200 churches in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city.” Despite this great testimony of God growing His church in Mongolia, many rural churches have little support with finances and training. Let’s pray for the Lord to release financial provision and biblical training over the churches on the fringe of the main cities. Pray for the remnant of Christian believers of this land to arise with boldness in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to shine upon those 200 churches in Ulaanbaatar, illuminating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sweeping a harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God. (The Bible, Matthew 6:25)


East Timor is a predominantly Christian nation, however, many people practice a mix of Catholicism and native traditional religion. They lack a biblical foundation which makes them susceptible to Islamic influences and misunderstanding of Christian doctrines. Pray that our Lord would expose all false doctrines, while revealing the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Ask the Father to send 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

His Holy Spirit upon the Christian Believers, establishing a foundation of solid rock upon which to rest their faith. Plead with the Lord for an abundant harvest of souls. (The Bible, Luke 6:48)


The Mandinka of Gambia is the largest ethnic group of people in the country, making up 47% of their country’s population. In the second of half of the 19th century, 99% of the Mandinka converted to Islam. Many have forgotten that the entire New Testament and two-thirds of the Old Testament are readily available in Romanscripted Mandrinka, according to Operation World. Pray that the Lord would bring to the surface the Gospel message in these copies. Pray for every tribe and family to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News. Ask God to set the Mandinka free from the lies of Islam, so they may enter an abundant life in Jesus. (The Bible, Romans 6:18)


The upkeep of the Gaza Strip is a very sensitive issue. Power outages are common and shortages of other things like clean water and food hang in the balance. Hamas and Fatah seem to be further apart as stalled efforts at reconciliation have raised nerves on both sides. Pray for the many people in Gaza that are caught in the middle. Seek God that the leaders of this land would find ways to work for the good of the people. Pray that they will show mercy to the poor and suffering. Pray for God to bring His justice on this land. (The Bible, Isaiah 30:18) www.WIN1040.com


Hamas continues to increase its influence in the West Bank. They are calling for the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. Last October, Hamas released a high-profile Israeli prisoner in exchange for over 1,000 Palestinians captured by Israel. Pray that the planned evil against others would be stopped. Pray for the people living in the West Bank to hear the Gospel and come to know Jesus. Pray that there will be a growing thirst after the Lord and His living water. (The Bible, John 4:13-15)

Window International Network Pray for the Lord to guide and direct the staff of Window International Network. Ask Him to share with them His heart for the 10/40 Window. Pray for them to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and surrendered to the will of God. Petition the Lord to enable them to accomplish all that He desires in this region. (The Bible, Psalm 46:10)

Sources: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News, allAfrica.com, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Malay World Prayer Fellowship, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House, International Christian Concern, Hindustan times, Voice of the Martyrs, Christian Post, Salt Lake Tribune, USA Today, Boston News Life, Palestinian Media Watch

© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

in the election , that followed 2011 s popular uprising in egypt, the muslim brotherhood won a majority of the seats in parliament.

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They also secured the position of speaker in the upper house. Yet they promised not to back a candidate for president.

is now attracting the support not only of young Islamists but also of a growing number of liberals.”

They soon broke that promise.

Abul Fotouh is not officially with the Muslim Brotherhood any longer. However, he is expected to have support from the Brotherhood.

While still maintaining the pretense of not putting forth a candidate, Hazem Saleh Abu Islaim entered the race. A long-time supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, he left the organization just before announcing his candidacy for president.

Then on March 31, the Brotherhood removed all

Another presidential candidate is Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh. He is another former leader in the Muslim Brotherhood. According to the NY Times, his “campaign

June 2012

“It is clear now the Brotherhood are willing to throw their weight into the ring,” says the research director at the Brookings Doha Center, “to support someone who is in line with Islamic values and is sympathetic to Islamic law.” Egypt will hold presidential elections on May 23 and 24.

Ismail is an ultra-conservative who believes Shari’a (Islamic law) should be strictly imposed. He says women should wear hijabs. If elected, he would force them to. “In August 2011,” reports Al Arabiya, “Ismail appeared in an online video praising Osama bin Laden and describing him as a martyr. He said the late al-Qaeda leader spoke ‘the word of truth in power’ and went to the ‘front lines to work in the path of Allah.’”

Observers believe Shater has a very good chance of winning the election.

Sources: Al Arabiya, NY Times,

Reuters, BBC News, CNN, Bloomberg

pray for

doubt by formally nominating Khairat al-Shater for president. Al-Shater is a millionaire businessman who in recent months has “developed the Brotherhood’s economic policy and met the International Monetary Fund team.” He has also represented the organization in “meetings with ambassadors, visiting foreign officials and international investors.”

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the defeat of the Muslim Brotherhood and all of its candidates. Pray for them to be barred from the presidency. (The Bible, Psalm 92:11) the Lord to raise up leaders of His choosing in Egypt. Pray for the Lord to equip Christians to govern this nation and raise them to positions of influence. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Egypt. Pray for Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 1:16)

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rie h d u o h C r o Dr. Vict


Victor Choudhrie of the Starfish Alliance ministry in Padhar, India has set aside Pentecost 2012 (June 27) as a day to be fruitful and multiply. He has issued a challenge to the Church around the globe to make disciples on that day – and to pray in the months leading up to this event. Pentecost, Dr. Choudhrie notes, is the birthday of the Church. It is also a harvest festival in the Jewish calendar. “Our Lord changed it into a harvest of souls. “Three thousand families were baptized, who immediately started meeting in homes where they had apostolic teaching, fellowship, prayer and broke bread. This resulted in signs and miracles, sharing of material blessings and daily addition of new souls. (Acts 34 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

2:37-47) Very soon, an additional 5,000 families were added (Acts 4:4). Soon the new believers became disciples and multiplied (Acts 6:1,7). “The best way to celebrate the birthday of the church is to replicate the original first Pentecost – i.e. to reap a huge harvest of souls. Aim at baptizing at least 3,000 souls. And why not! After all, you believe in a great and awesome God for whom nothing is impossible.” Dr. Choudhrie has seen God do the seemingly impossible in India: enabling the Starfish Alliance to baptize 1 million people between Pentecost 2009 and Pentecost 2010. “Every Christian is ‘ordained’ to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord. The best way to fulfill that Command is to bring forth lasting fruit (John 15:16).” www.WIN1040.com

© 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

A Global Day of Harvest of Souls Pentecost — June 27, 2012

22 weeks of prayer (January 1

June 27, 2012)

Pray for

the Lord to provide opportunities to share the Gospel with those in your sphere of influence. (The Bible, Colossians 4:6) Christians to be bold in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19) blind minds to be opened to see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) Pentecost 2012 to truly be a harvest of souls. Ask the Lord to add to His church. (The Bible, John 4:35)

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Š 2012 Window International Network


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South Sudan One Year Later 36 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Š 2012 Window International Network

June 2012


t hasn’t been quite one year since South Sudan declared independence from North Sudan (The anniversary is July 9.), but it has been long enough to take a look at how the fledgling nation is faring. Almost one year after gaining its freedom, South Sudan is still standing. Some would say it is struggling. They would point to the ongoing military aggression of North Sudan, deadly tribal conflict in Kordofan, and the daunting task of building an infrastructure, questioning its ability to survive. While all of that may be true, it is also true that the Lord is moving powerfully in South Sudan. He is stirring His Church and using Christians to lead the nation forward into His plans.

they held a leadership seminar for 21 Christian leaders – some of whom minister in Khartoum (North Sudan). The WIN Team also had the opportunity to meet with leaders in the South Sudanese government. They shared with and prayed for a minister in the national government as well as the governor’s cabinet in the state of Central Jonglei. The majority of the population in South Sudan is Christian. However, many residents are cultural Christians. They need to personally encounter Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of their lives.

In February 2012, a WIN Team, led by Sister Beverly Pegues, visited South Sudan. During their time in the country,

Pray for

Almost one year after gaining its freedom, South Sudan is still standing.”

June 2012

a revival in the Church in South Sudan. Pray for Christian leaders to preach and teach the Word of God. (The Bible, Acts 8:25) the salvation of government officials. Pray for them to seek God as they make decisions. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Christians to be raised to positions of influence. Pray for them to humble themselves and serve the people with integrity. (The Bible, 1 Peter 5:6) the Lord to fulfill His purposes for this nation. (Jeremiah 29:11)

© 2012 Window International Network


the lost in South Sudan to hear the Gospel and respond by putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:9) the Kingdom of God to come to South Sudan as in Heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 37


Hymie: Hello Friends! This month, we

are traveling to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is located in the northeastern part of Africa. Ethiopia has a beautiful history that has had many victories and many hard times as well. The people of Ethiopia have warm hearts and will welcome any visitors into their homes to share tea or an afternoon snack. This month we are going to visit our friend Paul who was born in Ethiopia.

But that isn’t the only miraculous story of provision in God’s Word. Ruth, remember the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 people with only two loaves of bread and five fish? Imagine, 5,000 people were hungry and tired after travelling far to hear Jesus speak. They were not rich. They could not pay for food. Jesus gave thanks for the little they had, and then broke bread. In return, the LORD fed every single person with even more bread and fish to count!”

Paul: “Hurry! Hurry! I don’t want to miss the

Ruth: “WOW! Our land has seen famine for


Ruth: “Paul, how many times have we heard these same stories told over and over again in the village?”

Paul: “I love hearing the stories about the

disciples! The disciples walked, talked, ate, and traveled with Jesus. They saw Him perform many miracles like healing a blind man, walking on water, and rising from the dead. How can you be bored with such wonderful stories?”

Ruth: “Did Jesus ever feed the hungry? This

is the story our people need to hear. Our village has not had good rain for crops in many years and the harvest has been small. We need to hear a story like this.”

Paul: “Ruth, Jesus did feed the hungry and

our God did send rain when the crop was small. Don’t you remember? In I Kings 18, there is a miraculous story about the Prophet Elijah. The people of Gilead had turned from the LORD and were pursuing Elijah. Because of their sinfulness, it did not rain for a very long time! But when Elijah called upon the LORD and asked for the rain—it rained! 38 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


many years. I think Ethiopia needs to see the floodgates of Heaven open upon the land like they did when Elijah prayed. Let’s believe for God to do those miracles here!”

Paul: “Yes, Ruth, we can! If we pray and

believe for rain to water our crops for the harvest, God can make the rain pour down. Our God is SO BIG, there is nothing too great for our God to handle!”

Hymie: Friends, Paul and Ruth need

our help. Ethiopia has had many years of famine and many people who have become malnourished. For the month of June, join me in prayer for the country of Ethiopia. Let us pray that: (1) God will bless the land with rain so the crops may grow; (2) that God will also feed the hungry through food; and (3) feed the hungry in spirit with the Word of God! Sources: www.cbsnews.com/2100-202_162-20093423


Write me at myhymnie@windowkids.com © 2012 Window International Network

June 2012

Fill in the blanks below (NIV version) to read an incredible story of an honest conversation between Yahweh and Elijah:

Hymie: Hi WindowKids! During the month of June, take some time to study the life of Elijah with your friends and family. He was a mighty prophet of God! To get you started, read 1 Kings 19:11-18.

The LORD said, “____________ out and stand on the ____________ in the ____________


of the LORD, for the LORD is about to ____________.” Then a ____________ and ____________ wind tore the mountains apart and ____________ the rocks before the LORD, but the ____________ was not in the ____________. After the wind there was an ____________, but the LORD was not in the ______________. 12After the ____________ came a ____________, but the LORD was not in the ____________. And after the ____________ came a ____________ ____________. 13When Elijah heard it, he pulled his ____________ over his ____________ and went out and stood at the ____________ of the ____________. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have been very ____________ for the LORD God ____________. The


Israelites have rejected your ____________, torn down your ____________, and put your ____________ to ____________ with the ____________. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” The LORD said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the ____________ of


____________. When you get there, anoint ____________ king over Aram. 16Also, anoint ____________ son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint ____________ son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet.

____________ will put to death any


who escape the sword of ____________, and ____________ will put to death any who ____________ the sword of ____________. 18Yet I reserve ____________ ____________ in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to ____________ and whose mouths have not ____________ him.”

June 2012

© 2012 Window International Network


The 10/40 Window Reporter | 39


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