An industry survey carried out by independent hardware distributor Window Ware has revealed that almost three quar ters of businesses grew in the last 18 months.
Of that 73%, more than half (54%) grew between 1-24% and over a third (38%) grew be tween 26-50%.
The investigation, put together by Window Ware in conjunction with specialist data supplier Insight Data, invited fabricators and installers to share their
thoughts on how their busi ness has fared over the last 18 months and speculate about what the future holds.
Unsurprisingly, many businesses (41%) agreed that rising prices was the biggest chal lenge they faced in the last year and almost half (44%) predicted price increases will be the big gest issue for them in 2023.
And when asked what key change they would have to make to their business to en sure success over the next six
months, almost a third (31%) also said price increases.
Sam Nuckey, managing director of Window Ware, comment ed: “We know the industry has been buoyant over the last 18 months, and this survey rein forces that, and it’s great to see a substantial number of compa nies have grown.”
“It’s no surprise to see that ris ing costs has been a huge con cern for the industry over the last 18 months and this concern is definitely ongoing following the significant increases passed onto homeowners recently compared the projected austerity in future years.”
“Given today’s soaring energy and raw material costs, there really is no getting around the fact that the cost of producing goods today is going up and up. These challenging global economic factors are outside our control, so we must endeav our to navigate our businesses through them now as we have before. The balance between margin management and vol
ume retention is always going to be a challenge for the end-toend fenestration supply chain but it isn’t something we haven’t successfully faced before.”
“For our part, we will keep doing everything in our power to deliver the high availability, responsiveness and dependable OTIF our customers have come to expect from Window Ware, calling upon our strong inven tory, skilled operational teams, and +35 years of supply chain expertise to provide the best service possible.”
The research also uncovered what products are becoming more popular now, compared to before the pandemic.
One in five businesses (18%) revealed windows were sold more often than other products – something Window Ware, as one of the biggest suppliers of window components, has seen with increased demand for its window hardware.
“While it’s hard to predict exact ly what the future holds, surveys such as this help us gain val uable insight into the mood of the industry and the challenges businesses are facing, and this all goes into shaping and in forming our decisions moving forward,” added Sam.
“It’s no surprise that alumin ium, composite doors and bi-fold doors were identified as products in high demand by respondents. Window Ware has been watching this trend for some time and we’ve already strengthened our offering ac cordingly. In fact, we released a dedicated 132-page alumin ium hardware e-brochure back in autumn 2021, which is now available in hard copy, and packed with products that are perfectly suited to this growing market.”
Scottish precision manufacturer Cube Glass has just landed one of its most lucrative contracts thus far with a seven-figure deal at Western Villages, the coun try’s largest operational Net Zero housing development in Gran ton, Edinburgh.
The Cumbernauld-based tech pioneer will partner with CCG Group, one of Scotland’s largest privately-owned construction and manufacturing companies, to supply state-of-the-art glazed screens for staircases, in a pro ject worth £1.4 million.
Its environmentally sustainable products will contribute to the first phase of the key area of wa terfront regeneration, which will not only deliver homes that have enhanced energy performance but which will also be an exem plar for low carbon transport and active travel integration.
The deal is the latest in a series of major contract successes adding up to close to another £million, which will sustain and enhance Cube Glass’s current growth phase as it develops into a glass and aluminium industry leader.
Gary Thorn, founder and managing director of Cube Glass, said: “The outstanding value of this contract reflects the recognition our firm is now receiving in the wider construction industry for the quality, precision and sus tainability of our products.
“CCG Group is known for deliv ering a service which is of the highest quality, and it partners
with companies such as ours which share its belief in a more sustainable and pro gressive future for our people, our industry and our commu nities.
“We are delighted to be able to contribute the creation of modern, highly energy-effi cient homes and buildings in Granton and to the remarka ble regeneration of the Leith area as a whole”
The new homes in the West ern Villages area will benefit from solar PV panels, triple glazing and airtight doors to prevent heat loss, clean airflow through mechanical ventilation and fossil fuel-free heating powered by a com munal air source heat pump.
The Western Harbour deal come on the heels of Cube Glass entering into a strate gic partnership with high-end French design and engineering specialist Bel’M, as an addition to its prestigious existing supplier relationships with industry-recognised specialists such as Senior Architectural Systems, Metal Technology and Schüco.
It also comes on top of the successful completion of a £600,000 investment in a new factory – double the size of Cube Glass’s old premises –and the opening of a sophis ticated new showroom which will highlight the company’s expanded range.
The latest Builders Merchant Build ing Index (BMBI) report reveals that builders’ merchants’ value sales were virtually flat (+0.2%) in July 2022 compared to the same month in 2021. As in previous months, volume sales were down (-12.8%) yet price inflation remained high (+15.0%).
Ten of the twelve categories sold more in July 2022 compared to the previous year, including nine which outperformed Merchants over all. Renewables & Water Saving (+25.5%) Workwear & Safetywear (+20.2%), Kitchens & Bathrooms (+13.1%) and Plumbing, Heating & Electrical (+10.7%) did best. Only Landscaping (-4.6%) and Timber & Joinery Products (-14.4%) sold less.
Compared to July 2019, a more normal pre-pandemic year, total merchant value sales were +13.3% higher. With two less trading days this year, like-for-like sales were up +24.1%. Three categories did better than total Merchants: Timber & Joinery Products (+23.8%), Renewables & Water Saving (+18.6%) and Landscaping (+17.7%). Heavy Building Materials (+12.3%), Kitchens & Bathrooms (+11.3%) and Plumbing, Heating & Electrical (+2.9%) all grew more slowly.
Month-on-month, total merchant sales were down -2.6% in July compared to June 2022. Volume sales were down -5.2%. Prices rose +2.7%. With one more trad ing day in the most recent period, like-for-like sales were -7.3% lower. Renewables & Water Saving
(+4.8%) was the strongest cate gory month-on-month; Landscap ing (-9.1%) was weakest.
Mike Rigby, CEO of MRA Re search which produces this report, said: “A flat July was probably to be expected by Merchants, as the construction sector was hampered by everything from lost working days due to the excep tionally hot weather to the cost of living crisis’ having a continued impact on consumer spending – particularly in the repair, mainte nance and improvement market. Even the proper return of holidays abroad will have impacted the vol ume of building work completed over the summer months.
“But looking ahead there is cause for optimism. With a new Prime Minister now in post and plans afoot to tackle the energy crisis, we may start to see material pric es come down moderately later in the year and a return to volume driven growth. This may be the kick the construction industry needs to get back on an upward trajectory as we head into winter.”
July’s BMBI report, published in September, is available to down load at www.bmbi.co.uk
Aluminium systems supplier Alutech Systems Ltd has an nounced it is rebranding to Alunet Systems Ltd to allow them more scope to source the best quality products from the best suppliers around the world.
Since its inception in 2016, Alutech has been reliant on one extruder based in Belarus. However, the company says the war in Ukraine and the impact it’s had on sur rounding countries has meant it no longer makes good business sense, both ethically and finan cially, to rely on one extruder in an unstable region.
Managing director, Steve Hud son, explained: “Over the last 6 months, we’ve built relationships with a number of leading European extruders who will now produce our BF73 bifolding door system for us. What’s more, this will allow us to launch the eagerly anticipated new sliding/lift and slide patio door system and the super slim flush casement window. More details about these will follow in the next few months.
“All our company details such as registration number, VAT number and bank account, will stay the
same. The name change simply allows us to continue choosing the best European extruders to work with for our existing products and many new ones in the pipeline. The new products are fully tested and have already been arriving in our UK warehouse. Deliveries will com mence in the coming weeks.
“For our bifold clients, the only noticeable difference will be the protective tape on the profile, which will now be rebranded to Alunet. Each package will also contain a helpful diagram to assist with profile identification. We’ll also be rolling out our new branding on brochures, advertising, and social media, culminating in the launch of a new and improved website.”
Steve concluded, “Finally, I’d like to thank our customers for their continued custom and support. My team and I are very excited about this next chapter and we’re con fident that it is the best decision moving forward. Should you have any questions, please don’t hes itate to contact my sales team or myself directly.”
You can watch the reveal video at: https://youtu.be/oZmw1N6kevI www.alutechsystems.co.uk
Yale Door and Window Solutions and long-time partner Selecta Systems celebrate a relationship spanning over two decades and look towards a future of making homes more secure.
Birmingham-based extruder of PVCu, Selecta Systems, has been an advocate of Yale’s prod uct range for over 20 years.
Andy Green, sales director at Selecta Systems, comments: “The relationship between Se lecta Systems and Yale is truly invaluable. We understand the importance of excellent security and after partnering with Yale for so many years, have devel oped complete faith in not only the product quality, but also the brand’s dependability. We know that everything has been tried and tested to the maximum standards.
“We’ve always promoted a full suite of Yale door and window hardware and have recently produced a series of informative guides and brochures to help as sist our customers with achieving the PAS24:2016 security test on their windows and doors, all of which are fitted with Yale hard ware.”
yaledws.co.uk selectasystems.com
Hardware manufacturer VBH, the company behind the greenteQ brand, has announced that cus tomers who have added the Q-Smart electronic door handle to their door furniture options have seen increased sales recently.
Q-Smart is a stand-alone product that enables the user to gain entry to their home without the need of a traditional key. Instead, they can use their fingerprint, contact card or a phone app to gain entry. Lock ing is carried out by simply lifting the lever.
Temporary or permanent ‘keys’ can be sent to anyone from anywhere via the smartphone app, which is ideal for granting access to carers, or when family members need to be let in unexpectedly.
Companies who buy Q-Smart have the option of joining the Q-Smart Network, which is a list of compa nies that end users are directed to if they contact VBH for a Q-Smart quote or installation.
VBH advise that they have invest ed in direct marketing of Q-Smart to help provide free leads to the
Gary Gleeson, marketing manager at VBH says: “The vast majority of our products mean absolutely nothing to the general public as they are just components on a window or door. Q-Smart is an exception, though, as it is a standalone item, and anyone can easily see what it does and what benefits it brings.
“With that in mind we decided to support our customer base by carrying out some B2C marketing, in a similar way to what we do with our Q-secure consumer security guar antee. We have picked up quite a few sales as a result, which is great for us and great for the members of the Q-Smart Network.
“Many customers have built on the work that we are doing, and have installed a Q-Smart in their own showroom. They are reporting that Q-Smart really is an attention grab ber. We would recommend that installers talk to us about getting a sample in place as soon as possi ble.”
Pilkington United Kingdom Lim ited, part of the NSG Group, has manufactured its 50 millionth square metre of specialist glass at its advanced coating line in St Helens, as the site marks 10 years since production began.
The milestone was passed after the manufacturer ramped up production to meet consistently high demand from building designers and the construction sector over the last year.
The volume of glass produced by its OLC1 off-line* coater at Cowley Hill in the town is enough to cover 7000** football pitches.
This total includes glass that prevents heat from escaping through windows, such as Pilk ington K Glass S, a low-emissiv ity glass designed to provide the highest Window Energy Rating (WER) performance and Pilking ton Optitherm S1 Plus which is
helping building designers meet increasingly tougher regulato ry requirements for insulation, claims the company.
The line also manufactures its Pilkington Suncool range of solar control glass that helps to prevent overheating in buildings by limiting the amount of energy transmitted by the sun through glazing.
The company expects to see higher demand for solar con trol glass in the UK as building designers mitigate against the increasing frequency of heat waves, and work to meet new Part O regulations for overheat ing in new homes.
OLC1 uses advanced glass coating technology to apply added performance to float glass produced on Pilkington UK’s UK5 production line at
Greengate, St Helens. UK5 re cently achieved three world first trials of hydrogen and biofuel to fire a glass furnace as part of the industry’s journey towards decarbonisation, says the com pany.
Neil Syder, managing director at Pilkington UK, said: “Demand for advanced coated glass that helps to deliver better energy performance to buildings is growing as building regula tions tighten and developers go above and beyond to meet their own environmental targets.
“Advanced coated glass is also solving new challenges thanks to R&D breakthroughs, from antimicrobial glass that helps to sanitise healthcare and trans port settings, to glass with a special UV pattern that helps to protect wildlife by being visible to birds.
“Our OLC1 line at Cowley Hill has played an integral role over the last 10 years supplying glass that helps specifiers in the UK and internationally to give added performance to their projects, from schools in Dudley to skyscrapers in Dubai. It’s set for another busy 10 years as industry demands more perfor mance from glass to meet major challenges like net-zero.”
The production milestone falls as the United Nations marks 2022 as the International Year of Glass, celebrating the past, present and future of glass.
For more information visit: www.pilkington.com/en-gb/uk
*off-line refers to a glass prod uct where coatings that give added performance are applied on a separate line to the float glass line – where the raw ma terials are melted in a furnace to create glass.
**Based on a football pitch at 7,140 m²
oped a mutual understanding of each other’s businesses and value the strength and longevity of our relationship.”
Heritage Trade Frames has signed a new five-year supply agreement with Epwin Window Systems. Paul Culshaw, managing director of Heritage Trade Frames, said: “We have worked with Epwin Window Systems for the past 28 years and enjoy an excellent relationship with them. Their award-winning systems allow us to manufacture a comprehensive product portfolio which is well valued by our customers. We are delighted to have agreed to a further five-year agreement.”
Reflecting the value both com panies place on long term supply partnerships, Clare Bailey, managing director at Epwin Window Sys tems said: “Heritage Trade Frames and Epwin Window Systems have developed a strong business rela tionship for nearly three decades and we are delighted that our two companies have now entered into a new agreement. They are a very successful business that offers quality products and a strong ser vice commitment. We have devel
Bolton-based Heritage Trade Frames manufactures a compre hensive range of Epwin Window Systems’ products. This includes the award-winning Optima PVC-U system, the popular PatioMaster sliding patio door system and the multi-award-winning Stellar alu minium system. Paul said: “Epwin Window Systems’ commitment to quality, service and product evo lution mirrors our own company ideology. It has been these three pillars, in addition to the strong relationship that has developed over time with the team at Epwin, that led me to the conclusion that a five-year supply agreement would provide us with the peace of mind that a major part of our supply chain was secured, for what could be a potentially challenging next few years for our industry.”
Paul concluded: “The quality and service we provide for our custom ers is what sets us apart from our competitors. A significant factor in achieving this is by selecting strong supply chain partners whose company strategies align with our own. We chose Epwin 28 years ago and it is a decision that has enabled Heritage Trade Frames to develop into one of the most respected large scale fabricators in our industry today. We are looking forward to many good years trading ahead with our friends at Epwin Window Sys tems.”
The directors of Fensa have report ed the discovery of two historical system anomalies that have been found during the process of re viewing and overhauling the organ isation’s IT-based administration systems. These anomalies con cern the issue of IBGs (Insurance Backed Guarantees) to homeown ers, whilst a second matter relates to the duplication of a number of sales invoices created for certificate registration fees issued to Approved Installers.
During the review, it was found that the computerised process by which IBG providers should have been automatically advised to cre ate a policy for a homeowner, had not operated as it should. Fensa says that approximately 35,000 installations have been affected since mandatory IBGs became a requirement for competent person schemes in 2014.
Although there have been no claims by homeowners to whom IBG policies should have been issued, an appropriate fund has
been set aside for any histori cal claims that may be revealed through a process designed to allow homeowners to make a claim. Any remedial work required as a result of claims being sup ported will be carried out in line with standard IBG policy terms and conditions.
The review also revealed that a number of Fensa certificate registrations had been duplicated. These relate to fees charged to Fensa Approved Installers for the registration of completed installations and issue of Fensa certificates to homeowners. The duplication of invoices will be simply resolved through a credit note of the sums duplicated, with the total number of duplications being less than 0.2% of registra tions completed since Fensa was established – being returned to the Fensa Approved Installers affected.
Anda Gregory, chief development officer for the GGF Group, says that both problems originated in the IT system that had been in
place since Fensa was established, and which were revealed by the present management team as they started to overhaul the or ganisation’s systems: “Fensa has processed more than 15 million records since the organisation was created. When discovered, the team immediately took steps to resolve the problems and provide appropriate support for homeown ers and Fensa Approved Install ers. Ensuring that no homeowner should be disadvantaged by this has been of the utmost importance to both the management team and the Board throughout this process and we’re confident that our re medial fund means that will ab solutely be the case. New system processes have been put in place to address the matters pertaining duplicates and IBG’s as set out above. Fensa is a not-for-profit organisation that operates under a licence issued by the government and as such is financially secure, with safeguards in place to cover its responsibilities.”
Anda continued: “Fensa is man aged to ensure that it has sufficient funds to cover all and any claims made by homeowners and we will be issuing notices on the Fensa website and through other chan nels to ensure that any claims will be fully investigated and resolved as required. All duplicated fees have been clearly identified and automatic refunds will be made as a matter of course.
“The management team that discovered the anomalies has also introduced fixes and checks to the existing system while work contin ues on building new systems that will prevent a recurrence of these issues,” said Anda. “With more than 40,000 registrations each month I am satisfied that Fensa continues to offer outstanding protection for homeowners and unrivalled support for Approved Installers, with independent gov ernance and oversight provided by UKAS.”
Oxford’s New Garden Room Company, part of the New Home Improvement Group, has chosen aluminium fabricator Fentrade as its bifold and casement window supplier. Darren Field, founder and group managing director, said: “We’ve worked with larger aluminium manufacturers, but we changed to Fentrade because we needed a much more personal ser vice tailored to our requirements. Fentrade has delivered in a way the bigger companies didn’t.”
Darren highlights two key reasons why Fentrade is different – both of which have helped his company to grow.
First is the quality of the range.
Darren said: “The build quality of the products is second to none, as is the versatility. Our rooms are bespoke and Fentrade has numer ous colour options so customers can personalise their windows and doors. They can also opt for en closed blinds, which give a sophis ticated finishing touch.”
Second is the willingness to pro vide a bespoke service. For exam ple, Fentrade has created specific paperwork that New Garden Room Company can use with customers to make the ordering process eas ier. Darren says: “Our customers expect a high standard of service. Little details like this add value to their experience and help us pro vide a premium offering.”
The level of product and service New Garden Room Company has received from Fentrade means it is diversifying into the refurbishment market, where it will be supply ing the AluK range of Document L-compliant residential products. Darren comments: “Our confi dence in Fentrade has allowed us to think bigger and expand into new areas. These are exciting times and we are looking forward to deepening our relationship with Fentrade as we grow.”
Eurocell has appointed PCL Building Products Ltd (PCL), one of the UK’s largest independent roof manufacturers, to its net work of fabrication partners.
Based in the northwest, PCL has a strong reputation for product quality and service delivery, the commercial collaboration with Eurocell further extends its market offering and opens new business building opportunities.
The relationship will see PCL fabricate a wide range of high performing, quality PVC-U prod uct solutions, including aestheti cally pleasing conservatory roofs and extension products for its customer base.
Attracted by Eurocell’s ‘one stop shop’ approach and mar ket-leading status, PCL aims to
use the fabrication agreement to broaden its product range and support additional growth ambi tions.
Phil Coppell, managing director at PCL, commented: “Joining Eurocell’s fabrication network will enable us to work in a collabo rative manner to design, manufacture and deliver products that enhance home living spaces and add value to people’s homes. Eurocell has an excellent reputation in the market for quality and service, so it is a natural partner for us as we continue to meet the needs of our customers.”
Gary Driscoll, sales and com mercial director for Eurocell, said: “We welcome PCL, as the latest partner to join our fabri cation network. We only want to work alongside companies that
operate to the highest stand ards and can offer added value product solutions to the market. PCL’s track record is testimony to this, and we look forward to collaborating to create the next generation of innovative PVC-U conservatory roof and extension solutions the market needs, and consumers are demanding.”
To paraphrase the famous com ing of age ditty, TWR Group has never been 21 before, but they’ve certainly got the keys to the bi-fold door market, as the firm celebrates turning 21 this year.
The family-run PVCu and alumini um fabricator has been supplying installers across the UK since 2001. Starting life as a PVCu fabricator, in 2012 TWR teamed up with systems company Smarts and introduced aluminium bi-folding doors, growing to the impressive figure of 100 doors per week in a matter of months.
The secret to TWR’s success?
According to managing direc tor Terry Richardson, the simple combination of quality products backed by outstanding customer support was instrumental in gain ing a foothold in the aluminium sector.
Terry comments: “We recognised early on into our foray into alu minium that a large percentage of our target market were more accustomed to fitting uPVC windows doors, which is why we took the decision to offer a survey and support service where we can measure up on-site, offer
technical support and assist onsite if necessary. This was a great move as it gave installers more confidence to enter the lucrative bifold market and we were able to grow our customer base very quickly.”
TWR’s PR and marketing activity at the time was built around this bifold customer support service, with Terry branding himself as the ‘Bi-fold Doctor’ and answering common questions via a regular column in the trade press and on the TWR website.
“We were receiving lots of similar questions from installers, and we thought it would make sense to share our knowledge with the wider industry through our ‘Bifold Doctor’ column,” Terry explains. “While the Bifold Doctor is no more, the high level of technical support on offer from TWR hasn’t changed and we look forward to offering this out to more install ers as we continue to grow our customer base.”
Over the last two decades, TWR
has invested in new production lines, an automated lift and stor age system and two factories, in Sunderland and Peterlee, with plans for a third based complete ly around aluminium.
The firm has certainly had an eventful 21 years, but what does the future hold? For family man Terry, seeing his daughters Laura and Helen progress through the business and bring fresh ideas to table is going to provide an important focus over the coming months and years.
“My daughters have grown up around the business and they really know it inside out, from operations through to finance, technical and customer account management,” Terry explains. “I will be relying on Laura and Helen even more as we aim to take the business to the next level while
still retaining the excellent level of personal service our custom ers have come to expect.”
TWR also have exciting plans from an operational and product perspective. Terry continues: “We’ve recently invested in an IGU line to start making our own insulated glass units, giving us far greater control over our supply chain, and we have some exciting new products in the pipeline, including the Alitherm 400 system from Smarts.
“This product range has been designed to comply with the updated thermal requirements of Part L of the building regulations and features a pre-extruded gas ket, which will save our custom ers a significant amount of time when out on site.”
Hurst Doors, PVC-U door panel and composite door manufac turer, is launching an Installation of the Month competition com mencing October.
Prize winners will receive a year’s free subscription to the retail ver sion of the Hurst Composite Door Designer, worth £399 plus VAT.
To be in with a chance to win, all the company’s customers have to do is send in their pictures of
recent Hurst door installations.
The Hurst team will then judge the winner, with the help of fol lowers voting for their favourite on Hurst’s social channels, and the company responsible will be awarded ‘Installation of the Month’ and win the prize! In addi tion, the homeowner of the win ning installation will also receive a £50 Amazon voucher.
“We know that every week, our
fantastic customers complete hundreds of stunning installa tions all across the country,” comments sales director Mark Atkinson.
“With our new competition, we want to shine a light on their workmanship and skill, and cele brate their success.
“We look forward to receiving some excellent submissions, and crowning our first Installation of the Month!”
Easily integrated into an install er’s website, Hurst’s user-friendly door designer allows homeown ers to tailor the perfect door to their needs and preferences.
Choosing from a vast array of options, users can specify the exact style, colour, hardware, glass designs and more, as well as add Secured by Design.
The designer can be fully cus tomised to feature a company’s branding, and allows installers to send personalised emails to their customers.
The platform also syncs with Hurst Live, Hurst’s exclusive 24/7 trade-only online ordering portal.
This means that any leads cus tomers generate through the door designer on their own web site can be managed within their Hurst Live account, from quote to order, to delivery.
To enter the competition, install ers of Hurst Doors can either share their project images on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, making sure to tag Hurst Doors or alternatively, send in their im ages to marketing@hurstdoors. co.uk
Terms and Conditions apply, see website for details.
Profile 2000, the Essex-based trade and retail manufacturer and installer, has signed a new threeyear supply agreement with Epwin Window Systems. The agreement means Profile 2000 will have been manufacturing Spectus products for nearly two decades.
Steve Monk, one of Profile 2000’s directors, said: “We’ve been man ufacturing Spectus products since 2004 and the system is as popular with our customers as ever. The quality and system’s aesthet ics have played a big part in the success of our business because our customers recognise what the Spectus name means and the value it adds.”
Profile 2000 manufactures the Spectus Bevelled and Spectus Ovolo Window and Door Systems along with the Vertical Sliding Sash System. Steve comments: “Spec tus products look good, and be cause we are the only company in the area to offer Spectus, this gives
us a clear competitive advantage. Plus, the products meet all the latest Building Regulations, so we know we’re covered.”
Steve also appreciates the strength of Epwin Window Systems. He comments: “They are a strong supply partner for us. Continued investment means they’re always delivering the best in state-of-theart quality, which adds value to our business.”
Commenting on the new supply agreement, Katrina Earl, sales di rector at Epwin Window Systems, said: “We have worked closely with Steve and his team since 2004 and this new agreement demonstrates the strength of our partnership. We are delighted Profile 2000 will be continuing to supply our Spectus system to their customers, and we look forward to further developing this long-standing relationship into the future.”
Aluminium fabricator CDW Systems has been recognised for its contribution towards a greener and more sustainable future.
The Gloucester-based business, along with its sister company Clearway Doors & Windows, received an award from its main profile supplier Technal UK (Hy dro Building Systems).
Having ordered 44 tonnes to date of Circal 75R, Hydro’s high quality 75% recycled aluminium profiles CDW has helped save 378 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
CDW’s group chairman Jeremy Phillips, who received the award on behalf of both companies from Hydro’s managing director Allan Barr and its UK customer services manager Mark Gra ham, said: “Technal UK enables us to provide our customers with a viable green and sustain able option and we are proud to receive this prestigious award from them.
tion. Working with the GGF tech nical team we proposed a revised definition that was accepted.”
That first meeting generated several items for action not least the need for the group to set its terms of reference, “…but in prin ciple, our objective is to provide a focus for GGF members who are involved in aluminium products to best represent their interests,” continues, Jon. “These will in clude technical issues – there are more legislative changes being proposed on which we must have a common view and provide con sistent feedback to the govern ment, as well as developing con sumer guides, a clear presence within GGF for aluminium (such as a dedicated website) and be a point of reference.”
A Plus Aluminium’s Jon Paletho rpe has been appointed chairman of the new Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) Aluminium Group.
The group has been created to benefit the GGF membership who work with aluminium to give them a voice and to be able to provide valuable insight and expertise into the future of the industry.
Jon chaired his first meeting in April which led to the Govern ment making changes to the revised
(vol. 1 and 2) which came into force in June.
“The impact of that first meeting proves the necessity of a work ing group such as this,” says Jon Palethorpe, co-managing director of A Plus Aluminium and chairman of the GGF Aluminium Group.
“It was a combination of feed back from the group members working together that highlighted areas of the new regulations that were inconsistent in the definition of ‘standard’ products for simula
Speaking about the creation of the new Aluminium Group and Jon’s appointment, John Agnew, GGF Group Managing Director says: “This is an important step forward for the GGF. There has been significant growth in the alu minium sector in recent years and it’s crucial that we acknowledge this and provide professional and intelligent support. The group is already well-received. After almost 30 years in the aluminium industry, Jon brings experience and insight from the perspec tive of both the system house and fabricator. Coupled with his leadership skills, Jon is a notable addition to the group, and we are pleased to welcome him as chairman.”
The GGF Aluminium Group con sists of 25 member companies and meets regularly, typically once a quarter. Outside of these times the group is contactable via the GGF or Jon, direct –jpalethorpe@stillwatergroup.co.uk.
If you are a member of the GGF, the Aluminium Group welcomes your valuable input, and if you are not a member, the Alumini um Group says please consider joining and get involved.
Following a challenging period for the industry, trade supplier Direct Trade Windows has achieved a recent £2 million turnover, mark ing the past 12 months its most successful yet.
Director AJ Hassanali attributes the success to increased demand for premium products across the country, matched with the ex ceptional customer support the company offers.
“Demand for home improvement products was at an ultimate high last year, with more and more homeowners wanting to transform their properties with high-end products,” he says.
“At Direct Trade Windows, we managed to meet that demand, successfully manufacturing and supplying installers with high-qual ity windows and doors, and we’re now well on track to more than doubling our turnover by the end of this year.”
Serving installers across the country, Direct Trade Windows manufactures and supplies a wide range of premium products, including the Smart Alitherm Herit age range, Smart AluSpace interior doors, VS600 aluminium vertical sash windows, Smart EcoFutural commercial windows, as well as Visofold 6000 slim bi-folds.
Kall Kwik has expanded their operation with the acquisition of new premises in Halifax. The move was driven by recent busi ness growth, additions to the engineering team and a desire to support the next steps for machinery distribution.
The new premises, a 6000 square foot space located at the former Polyframe factory, includes warehouse storage space and yard, alongside offices. The new location has allowed Kall Kwik to ‘massively’ grow their stock of spare parts, which the company says means ‘even faster lead times for cus tomers’.
As well as expanding the space on-site, Kall Kwik has taken on two new team members. Tom Watson, with more than decade of experience, has joined to manage the parts department and order schedule.
New apprentice engineer Elliot Collinson has joined the compa
ny after seeking out the guid ance of Kall Kwik’s technical director, Danny Jones. Elliot’s decision came after a previ ous opportunity didn’t present enough of a chance to work hands-on with machines and develop his skills as a budding engineer, something that Kall Kwik were keen to remedy.
By recruiting talented young people into the engineering sector, Kall Kwik is hoping to bolster the next generation of technicians whilst delivering its core objective of ‘advice, care and engineering’ (ACE).
“Moving premises has been a huge forward step in Kall Kwik’s expansion,” says Chris Bailey, business development manager.
“The extra space and improved location enable us to provide our customers with even bet ter service, especially with the number of spares we can now hold in stock.”
vide the engineers with all the fasteners they need to assist customers during their visits to factories and hardware fit-ups.
Phil Brown, profine UK’s R&D manager said: “Our new centre is expertly equipped to be a valuable facility for the develop ment of products, whether it is a new concept or improving an existing product. Ultimately it will help us ensure our products will meet the high standards that our customers have come to expect.
“Rapierstar’s fastener expertise has been extremely important to us, both in terms of setting up the centre and their ongoing support with product develop ment. We want to ensure we specify the correct fasteners with our products and Rapi erstar’s technical specialists have helped us to do that. Rapi erstar have such a wide variety of fasteners in their range, that they can cover every type of application.”
Window and door fastener supplier Rapierstar is providing specialist technical guidance and products to profine UK, as part of a package of services for its new training and product development centre at its Not tinghamshire factory.
The international profile manu facturer has been continuously investing in its established UK window & door systems; Kömmerling C70 & O70, Premiline 80 patio, Legend, Vertical Slider and Warmcore since it acquired its new site in 2020.
The 1,700 sq. ft training and de velopment centre will incorpo rate a wide range of specialist equipment that will enable prof ine’s technical team to develop the highest performing window and door products using its var ious systems.
As part of its support, Rapi
erstar has also helped in the de velopment of profine UK’s new advanced flush sash window for Kömmerling C70 & O70 system. This next generation system de livers high standards of security and thermal performance, in addition to strong visual appeal, with a superior build quality that Rapierstar fasteners have assisted with.
Rapierstar is supporting all profine’s technical managers too by supplying them with fully equipped screw cases, complete with the full suite of StarPVCU fasteners. These pro
Rapierstar’s technical con sultant, Mark Calpin, who has worked closely with Phil and the profine UK team since it estab lished the UK extrusion facility, added: “We’re delighted to be able to provide specialist advice and products to Phil and his colleagues to use within their new facility, as well as screw cases for the technical team to use when they visit their fabri cators.
“Given that product quality and performance are maximised when the right suite of fasteners is used throughout the window or door assembly, providing the complete range of StarPVCU fasteners for use in the training and development centre will help profine to achieve con sistency and ensure their sys tems stay at the forefront of the market.”
Greater efficiency, better quality and a raft of new customers are just some of the benefits respect ed IGU manufacturers Sapphire Glass Merchants have enjoyed after investing in automated Super Spacer application technology.
At the end of 2021, the Hinck ley-based firm acquired a refurbished automated line to take their business to the next level – and it’s proving to be a fantastic investment, claims the company.
“We opted to embrace auto mation because we’d realised we were reaching the limits of what we could achieve doing things the traditional way,” com ments managing director Stefan O’Meara.
“We’d always prided ourselves on quality, but maintaining those
high standards while keeping up with demand was proving in creasingly difficult.
“In that respect, investing in automation has been an abso lute positive. Now we’re able to produce 500-600 units a shift just on the line alone.
“It’s also allowed us to focus our resources on other areas. One of our specialities has always been slimline heritage units. Before automation, we were producing 1,000 a week – now we have more time to exceed our targets.”
The firm’s choice to invest in a re furbished line has let it embrace automation while also upgrading other areas of its operation.
“We’ve been able to extend our main building, and bring in a new software system that’s revolution
ising the way we operate, as well as implementing barcode tracking right across the business.
“The refurbished machine, the ex tension, and the software invest ment cost less money combined than a new machine would.”
Best of all, the newly automated Sapphire Glass Merchants has proved a hit with customers, and brought a raft of new enquiries, says the company.
“Both our existing customers and new prospects have been ex tremely impressed with the new line,” Stefan continues. “Everyone wants to come and see it in oper ation, and we’ve gained positive steps to reduce our carbon footprint directly off the back of our investment in automation.
Ian Pickard, Sapphire’s director of operations, concludes: “All in all, it’s been a fantastic boost for our business. I’d highly recommend it to any IGU manufacturer looking to grow.”
Northern Building Plastics has opened a new 33,000 sq ft depot in the Northeast. Based in Birtley, the new super depot gives build ers, roofers and window fitters across the Northeast access to 1,000s of building products, and further strengthens NBP’s delivery service.
Situated at Portobello Trade Park, near Junction 64 of the A1(M), the new depot provides the perfect location for NBP to offer their free next day delivery service to cus tomers across the region.
“Customers always tell us how much they love our speedy and
reliable delivery service, and the location of our new Birtley Depot will allow us to expand this to even more companies,” says Jono Green, managing director at North ern Building Plastics.
“Our delivery service is part of our unique business proposal. We keep high levels of stock and have a fleet of 65 vehicles across our four depots, enabling us to deliver products direct to site next day, completely free of charge, with no minimum order value.
“We already have many happy customers in the Northeast who have benefitted from using our Leeds depot, and the demand for our products and service in the region has been growing. The ded icated Birtley depot will now allow us to strengthen our service in this area.”
The Sash Window Workshop (www.sashwindow.com) has announced that they have achieved Carbon Neutral Plus status.
Having commissioned Carbon Footprint Ltd (www.carbon footprint.com) to conduct an independent audit earlier this year, which found that The Sash Window Workshop had reduced their emissions by an impres sive 39%, the company decided the next step was to offset their emissions.
However, as an environmentally responsible company, The Sash Window Workshop felt that this wasn’t enough. So, they de cided to offset all the emissions that they produced and then go further still and offset additional carbon from the atmosphere to achieve Carbon Neutral Plus.
The Sash Window Workshop be lieve that they are the first timber
window and door company in the UK to achieve Carbon Neu tral Plus status, which means that you are required to offset 125% of your carbon emissions.
When choosing which projects to support to reduce carbon emissions, the company felt it was important to choose projects that would make a real difference to local communities at the same time as reducing carbon emissions.
With the assistance of Carbon Footprint Ltd, they set out to invest in carbon offsetting projects that were Gold Standard CERs, Gold Standard Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) or Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certified.
After assessing the different op tions, The Sash Window Work shop decided to invest in two offsetting projects, one of which focused on reducing deforesta
preventing deforestation in the Amazon
tion in the Amazon and a second which helps provide improved cookstoves in Uganda.
The largest remaining rainforest on our planet, the Amazon is known for its biodiversity. The project works to prevent un planned deforestation in native forests, caused by logging, squatting and attempts to im plement pastures, and provides legal land-use permits for vil lages that actively participate in forest protection. It is expected to help avoid over 22 million tonnes of carbon dioxide over a 40-year period by managing the land to reduce deforestation, through rigorous monitoring and enforcement.
Wood fuels for cooking is one of the major causes of deforest ation in Uganda. Over 95% of the population of Uganda rely on fuels such as wood or charcoal for cooking on fuel intensive traditional cooking stoves, which emit high levels of carbon. The cookstoves project helps reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by distributing fuel-efficient stoves which reduce fuel consumption and reduce the cost for poor families while improving health by reducing pollution.
The Sash Window Workshop are proud to support both these worthy causes and the company is committed to reducing their carbon footprint further and im proving sustainability.
Cookstoves project, Uganda
Richard Dollar, managing direc tor at The Sash Window Work shop, commented: “We are de lighted to have achieved Carbon Neutral Plus status, reflecting our company ethics and belief in the importance of helping protect and preserve things for future generations.
We are proud to be leading the timber window and door indus try in reducing and offsetting carbon emissions and hope to encourage others in the indus try to follow our footsteps and become more environmentally friendly. In the future we hope to reduce our carbon emissions further still and, as the technol ogy continues to improve, we will look to make the necessary changes to achieve this.”
Aluminium bi-fold hardware suppli er AT Precision has invested £110K in new machinery, in a bid to ramp up production and keep up with growing demand.
The Durham-based company has bought in a CNC vertical machin ing centre, an 8-head tapping ma chine, as well as three new saws.
Sales director Michael Hewitt comments: “We’ve seen an increased demand for aluminium products across the board, especially for bi-folds and patio doors, meaning demand for our products has also soared.
“Future proofing the business by investing in new machinery is a vital step in meeting this demand and continuing to deliver the best quality products our customers are used to, matched with excel lent service and competitive lead times.”
AT Precision manufactures the Ev erglide range of bi-fold hardware, which includes rollers, top guides,
pull handles, hinges, cleats and shootbolt handles, as well as the Everseal range of wedge, captive, flipper and bubble gaskets. Both ranges are compatible with all ma jor systems, says the company.
The new suite of machinery is the latest in a series of investments at AT Precision, following the addition of plastic ancillaries, espagnolette window handles, security hardware, as well as aluminium profile, to its wide range.
Michael concludes: “As a leading aluminium bi-fold hardware manufacturer, we pride ourselves on being a reliable supplier that fabricators can trust, and so it’s vital that we’re able to keep up with customer demand.
“Buying in a host of new machin ery will significantly boost our production speed and capacity to allow us to do just that, and has been an extremely worthwhile investment.”
Clearview Glaziers has report ed an impressive year-on-year growth since fabricating Stellar, the aluminium window and door system from Epwin Window Systems. The company was the first fabricator to sign up to the system when it made its market debut at Fit Show 2019, and it’s proved to be a wise deci sion, says the company. Robin Squibb, Clearview’s director, commented: “We knew when we first saw Stellar that it was a step-change in aluminium system design and we haven’t been disappointed. We continue to see year-on-year growth and it’s a trend we are confident will continue.”
He continued: “Stellar is proving very popular with our custom ers because it’s the complete package. Consumers love the high-end aesthetics that can transform their properties with
its flush, contemporary styling. And our installing customers appreciate the speed and ease of fitting high-quality aluminium products.”
Clearview Glaziers is based in Peterborough and works in the domestic, trade and commer cial sectors. It manufactures the complete Stellar portfolio includ ing the newly launched Sellar Flush Tilt & Turn window and the Stellar Slimline bifold door. Robin said: “The Flush Tilt & Turn and Slimline bifold door are the latest additions to the range and they’re already proving valuable additions.”
Growth has been so healthy that the fabricator has recently invested in a new CNC machine that will increase production out put by a further 20%. Robin said: “The new investment will support our growth strategy while con
tinuing to deliver the exceptional quality we are known for.”
Neil Smith, head of sales (alumin ium) at Epwin Window Systems said: “Stellar was designed to offer exceptional aesthetics and it has the slimmest sightlines on the market. For installers, fea tures such as patented knock-in beads speed up glazing and leave a higher quality finish. Add in thermal efficiency that meets new Part L of building regulations as standard, and you have a win ning package.”
Clearview is also benefiting from the support Epwin Window Sys tems offers. Robin says: “We’ve been an Optima fabricator for four years, so we always knew the quality of the product, service and support we would receive. For example, we had two mem bers of the Epwin Window Sys tems’ team supporting us at our recent open days. It helped show prospects the level of commit ment they could expect to re ceive right the way up the supply chain, which added even more value to our offer.”
The startling and emotional statistics from our Glass and Glazing Industry Mental Health Survey have prompted us to take a proactive approach to support those affected. We’d like to provide installers with items to help practice self care, including headphones and therapeutic items to aid exercise, relaxation and sleep.
We’re interested to hear what you’d like to see included in our toolkit that can be used during your day to day life to help lower stress levels and ease tension.
Specialist trade fabricator, A Plus Aluminium has announced the formal opening of a new flagship showroom at its headquarters in Watford.
The 130 square metre space spans two floors and centres around a customer presentation lounge.
Features at the new Watford showroom include demonstration prod ucts from leading systems houses, including Hydro (inclusive of both Technal and Sapa products), Smart Heritage and Cortizo.
This represents a substantial in vestment by A Plus which took the decision pre-pandemic to provide its customers with a large, flexible space showcasing a wide choice of aluminium fenestration prod ucts, including sliding and lift/slide doors, bi-fold doors, and flush casement, tilt before turn windows
and specialist products such as vertical sliders, reversible windows and smoke vents.
Jon Palethorpe, joint managing director at A Plus Aluminium, said: “Having made the bold decision to stick with our pre-pandemic strategy, I am extremely pleased with the new showroom. It offers us tremendous potential and is proving itself to be popular already.
“It will give our sales staff a chance to build closer relationships with our customers, and in turn, their clients. Our enviable location also means we will attract more cus tomers from the South East and be accessible to a greater number of decision makers, while also being close to our second manufacturing facility.”
Entrance is by appointment only and can booked online. This
means that customers of A Plus benefit from exclusive use, treating the space as their own. This is extremely valuable for customers without a showroom, says the company. Steve Lemarie is one such example.
“With no showroom of our own, the A Plus studio is invaluable,” says Steve Lemarie, a long-stand ing customer of A Plus Aluminium. “It allows us to show clients the full product range, with large format doors that slide and windows that open!
“Having worked with Lon don-based architects and survey ors for many years we appreciate their requirements. They wish to understand the technical details and enjoy the ergonomics and aesthetics of a product, especially when making a comparison. It is something that they are more than willing to travel for, particularly when acting on behalf of larger, more prestigious clients.”
Steve believes that sharing this re source demonstrates the strength of the partnership. “Knowing that we have direct access to the manufacturer reassures our clients. They gain confidence from the showroom and tours of the fabrica tion facility.”
The Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF) has chosen the world’s most widely used learning platform, Moodle, as the basis for deliver ing its increasingly ambitious and diverse online training programme. Used globally by more than 213 million users and by a wide cross-section of organisations, including the Open University, London School of Economics and Microsoft, Moodle was felt by the GGF’s Technical Department as being the ideal solution to deliver its training courses online.
Moodle was chosen by the GGF, who are working with GQA Qual ifications and training partners Total Support Training, to deliver its Skilled Pathways Scheme to provide the next generation of skilled workers for the glazing and glass processing sectors. In the development of this, an area for concern was not only how techni cal information would be delivered, but how to assess and record knowledge, skills and behaviours in a way that could be externally assessed and avoid bias. Moo dle was felt to satisfy all of these concerns.
With Moodle now in place, the platform will be utilised to deliver a number of existing NVQ assess ment modules as well as a total of
41 modules in development that will provide up-to-date informa tion on technical, health, safety, environmental and behavioural practices amongst others. The GGF recognises the disruption that training can place on a compa ny’s manufacturing or installation programmes and Moodle will allow all schemes and modules to be accessed with ease and online, providing flexibility. The system can be accessed by mobile, PC, Mac or tablet providing the trainee with the opportunity to use it while trav elling to and from their workplace or site, for example.
For the GGF, chief development officer Anda Gregory said: “The GGF is providing its most ambi tious training and skills develop ment programme ever and we needed a platform that would allow us to deliver this successfully but in ways that allowed flexibility to the trainees and their employers and for us to reach as many individuals and as quickly as possible. Moodle is perfect for that.”
GGF Members signed up to the Skilled Pathways Scheme are already taking advantage of the facility and enjoying the benefits of employees with enhanced skills and job satisfaction.
Inagas, industry specialist for manual gas filling and testing equipment for the IGU market has announced its production partner, John Ellison Electronics Limited (je2) has relocated to the heart of the UK’s science and tech powerhouse, the Culham Science Centre in Oxfordshire. Fitting with Inagas’ strategy of innovation in electronics and technology in gas filling, the Culham Science Centre is a hot spot for enterprise and the home to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, a global leader in fusion energy research.
Inagas director, Chris Kemp comments: ”The opportunity to relocate production to the Culham Science Centre fulfilled our de mand for a larger, better equipped facility to manufacture the UK’s most comprehensive range of high-performance manual gas filling machinery.
“Now that je2 is settled into the new laboratory and manufacturing space, production is underway to meet increased customer de mand across the globe. We’re also working on some exciting new innovations and product enhancements, available later this year. Personally, I’m excited to be out and about visiting customers more – there’s nothing like talking to IGU companies first-hand, to promote and demonstrate our products and explain the benefits, but also to understand what issues and challenges different companies are facing in the current market..” www.Inagas.com
New carbon pledges by interna tional glass manufacturer NSG Group have been certified as science based, as its UK subsid iary Pilkington UK completes a string of world-first trials towards achieving decarbonisation.
The NSG Group will reduce its carbon emissions by 30% com pared with 2018 levels, by 2030. It forms part of a wider plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, from emissions directly as sociated with its manufacturing to carbon produced in its supply chain.
The glass giant’s carbon pledge has been certified as science based by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), meaning it will effectively help to limit the average rise of global tempera ture to well below 2°C on pre-in dustrial revolution levels.
Pilkington UK in St Helens, Merseyside, is pioneering the Group’s efforts to decarbonise its manufacturing operations
after completing several worldfirst trials of low carbon biofuel and zero carbon hydrogen fuels to fire its glass furnace.
Pilkington UK has worked with HyNet, a decarbonisation project working across the North West, to manufacture architectural glass using hydrogen instead of natural gas. The trial established that the float glass furnace, which accounts for around half of the UK company’s overall carbon emissions, can be run with significantly lower emissions without impacting product quality
This year, Pilkington UK also became the world’s first flat glass manufacturer to fire its furnace on 100% biofuel, which emits substantially less CO2 than natural gas traditionally used in the sector. The fuel derived from waste materials powered the furnace in St Helens entirely for four days, and at the time this created 165,000m2 of the lowest carbon float glass ever made.
Additional partnerships support the firm’s efforts to achieve car bon-neutrality by 2050, including a collaboration with C-Capture in its successful application for funding through Innovate UK’s Sustainable Innovation Fund, to test the applicability of its car bon-capture technology in glass manufacturing.
A project with KEW Technology will provide on-site fuel switch ing at both Pilkington UK sites in St Helens, involving Kew’s mod ular gasification units to replace carbon-intensive natural gas and reduce subsequent emissions.
Neil Syder, managing director at Pilkington UK, said: “Glass is an integral material for the con struction industry supply chain. So, it’s essential that we de carbonise the glass production process in order for the built-en vironment to effectively achieve net-zero by 2050.
“Like any energy-intensive manufacturing business, decar bonisation represents a huge challenge for us to overcome. But our teams across the North West, in partnership with ac ademics and industry groups, have made significant strides towards this goal.
“We’re proud that, where the modern float glass process was born 70 years ago, St Helens continues to pioneer the future of the glass industry.”
SBTi is a partnership between CDP (former Carbon Disclosure Project), UN Global Compact, WRI (World Resources Institute) and WWF (World Wildlife Fund), and helps companies set science-based goals for reducing GHG emissions to prevent the impact of climate change. At present, the targets of more than 1,400 companies worldwide and more than 200 Japanese companies have been certified by SBTi. pilkington.com/en-gb/uk
Over the last decade members of the Association have seen a huge rise in Qualicoat specifications for powder coating on a wide range of bespoke installations across the UK and Ireland. More wide ranging than BS EN 12206, the Qualicoat Specification differs from the recently updated British
Standard, requiring twice yearly, unannounced, third party accred itation visits for all its licensed members which ensures that the latest Qualicoat specification is being followed. Any member failing an inspection will be given a short time to comply, failure to comply will result in the coating company losing its Qualicoat licence.
just aimed at commercial projects, the specification is relevant to all architectural aluminium powder coating requirements, commer cial and residential. It is crucial therefore that aluminium used in residential installations receives the same care when choosing and specifying its surface treatment. Members now report that they are coating a growing number of residential aluminium systems for home improvement, as the de mand for aluminium windows and doors continues apace.
Whilst systems companies prod ucts will generally carry a Qualicoat approved powder coating applied by a licensed coater, the Associa tion recommends that if in doubt, all home improvement companies should seek confirmation that they are receiving a Qualicoat pow der coated product. In fact, the specification should appear in all
home improvement contracts with homeowners, which it turn, will offer purchasers further peace of mind when choosing aluminium. It is important to note here that a Qualicoat specification should be no more expensive that a BS EN 12206 powder coating specifica tion.
Whilst supplying a standard Qual icoat approved coating is suitable for most residential applications in the UK there are some some op tions which we should be aware of. It is obvious that a colour reference is required, but there is also gloss levels to consider, the range refer ence is generally as follows:
‘Matt Powders’ are usually be tween 20% and 30% gloss level ‘Semi-gloss Powders’ are usually around 60 to 65% gloss level ‘Gloss Powders’ at least 80% but can be up to 85% gloss level
Gloss levels are easily checked using a hand held ‘Gloss Level Me ter’, colour can be measured using a hand held ‘Colour Meter’.
On more complex home improve ment projects it may be necessary to colour/gloss match different products such as pressed cills, col umn casings and spandrel panels. A close match can be obtained by careful specification, but any Qualicoat powder coater should be able to take a range of unfinished profiles and pressings from various providers and powder coat the complete project in one batch, which ensures a high quality colour and gloss consistency.
Finally, one important area which has caught out many a home improvement installer, is obtaining the correct specification when powder coated products are installed close to the coast. Contrary to popular belief, a powder coating finish is microporous, so if the pretreatment is not properly applied, corrosion under the surface can occur which will lead to premature surface coat ing failure. A Qualicoat Seaside Class of coating ensures that the
pretreatment system is applied in a more robust way and offers a bet ter adhesion and life expectancy in these harsh environments. A quick call to your local Qualicoat powder coater, given the location of the installation, will offer advise and if needed offer the home improve ment installer a more robust ‘Sea side Class’ coating specification and warranty for the homeowners and installers peace of mind.
Growing rapidly, there are currently twenty Qualicoat licenced powder coat applicators across the UK and Ireland with a further four who will gain their applicator licences and join in 2022 after undergoing rigorous quality checks on equip ment and processes. Members details are freely available on the new Qualicoat UK & Ireland website and the Association would suggest that all home improve ment companies should seek out a local applicator who can offer free advice on the correct coating specification for any residential application. Getting the coating specification correct for any pro ject does not take long but it does ensure that as a provider of home improvement systems you are offering your customers the very best of what is achievable. Also important is the level of coating problems or possible failures you may be experiencing will drastical ly reduce as a result.
The worldwide Qualicoat Speci fication is continually and incre mentally revised in real time with regular update sheets, the specification is completely rewritten at year end to include all updates. The Specification, its appendices and any update sheets are always freely available for download at www.qualicoat.net. For details on the availability of various colours and finishes contact any Qualicoat UK & Ireland member for more in formation. For updated information about the use and specification of Qualicoat in the UK and Ireland, please visit the UK & Ireland Asso ciation website at www.qualicoatuki.org.
Stuart Judge, managing direc tor of Tradelink examines what the new Part L of the Building Regulations mean for the glazing industry…
Windows are an easy target when it comes to pointing a finger at thermal inefficiencies: arguably, they form the biggest ‘hole’ in a building’s facade. This is why the glazing industry works incredibly hard to achieve the best possible U-value require ments for windows and doors. As a consequence of continuous innovation, the majority of the market should find it relatively easy to comply with the new Part L of the Building Regula tions: conservation of fuel and power.
The upgrades to Part L are heav ily linked to the government’s Future Homes and Buildings Standard, a set of standards that come into effect in 2025 and will complement the Building Reg ulations. This will require new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency.
The main change in Part L concerns U-values and the requirements vary depending on whether the windows and doors are for installation as replace ments or in new dwellings. In the case of replacement, a window energy rating (WER) band B and a U-value of 1.4 W/(m2K) is a tick in the box. The A WER and a
U-value of 1.2 W/(m2K) required for new dwellings are achievable, but certain parts of the market may find it challenging.
As we move towards 2025, it is rumoured that we will be look ing at a WER band A++ and a U-value of 0.8 W/(m2K). This is perfectly possible and, as a company, we already offer win dows that comfortably meet the future requirements of June 2023 with products offering U-Values as low as 1.08 W/M2K, giving installers and specifiers of new build properties and schemes the confidence to futureproof pro jects.
While achieving this high level of performance is laudable, these windows inevitably cost more, can be heavier, potentially have thicker frames to support the bulkier glazing units and result in higher embodied carbon. With these factors in mind, it is worth remembering that it is not only the glazing industry and the sup ply chain that must continue on a path of innovation.
In some cases, other elements of the building will be used to compensate for a window with a lower U-value and it is the installer’s responsibility to get evidence of this. Installers cannot do this alone; building designers and specifiers must also step up to the plate and present solid proposals that embrace a holistic view of how new buildings and refurbishment projects are detailed to meet the regulations.
Some may see the new Part L and the demands that will come with the Future Homes and Buildings Standard as onerous, but as a manufacturer we can, within reason, achieve what the customer wants. We will guide installers wherever possible and are proud to be part of an indus try creating more energy efficient, healthy and comfortable homes.
Aluminium, since its commercial debut in the 1880s, has shaped our world in so many ways, in fact, if the metal did not exist, much of what we take for granted today, would never have been possible. Aluminium is the third most abun dant element in the Earth’s crust, and makes up 8% of it by parts per million. Once dubbed ‘the wonder metal’ for its light weight and high strength, its discovery continues to elevate human pro gress today.
Aluminium is infinitely recyclable with no loss of characteristics, us ing just 5% of the original energy to produce aluminium, recycling is well established. With ‘clean’
scrap value almost that of new prime aluminium, it is fair to say that we cannot get hold of enough scrap aluminium to meet the current recycling demand. With an estimated total discovered and undiscovered bauxite resources across the globe to be in the region of 55 billion to 75 billion tons we will not run out of new, prime aluminium anytime soon.
So where is the downside? Like all metals, aluminium carries high embodied energy, described today as embodied carbon. This has been historically quoted as high as 20 tonnes of carbon for every tonne of aluminium pro duced when energy from fossil fu els is used to produce new prime aluminium from bauxite. So alu minium smelters have traditionally
been located next to renewable energy resources, such as hydro power for decades in order to use cheap renewable energy sourc es. Now the industry is looking at hydrogen power to further reduce embodied carbon.
Aluprof are proud to be leading this low-carbon revolution, us ing a greater recycled content to prime in aluminium can reduce embodied carbon to a very low parameter of 2.79 tCO2e (Tonnes of CO2 equivalent) for low-carbon billets manufactured at the group’s low-carbon Kęty line at the factory in the southern Polish town of Kęty. These low levels of emissions have been achieved thanks to the use of the compa ny’s cutting-edge plant for the manufacturing process and the high content of secondary raw materials in the form of recycled aluminium scrap at an average level of 65%. Whilst to some this may seem to still be a high carbon price to pay, consider the carbon savings using a product contain ing aluminium during its long life span, compared to alternative materials which can create more carbon in their lifetime.
Architects are understandably wanting to specify low-carbon aluminium for future projects but with global aluminium recy cling running at about 33% of all aluminium output, to source 65% scrap for specific projects will often mean extended lead times should be catered for. The Aluprof UK field team are always on hand to advise specifiers on what can be achieved for any given project and how further carbon savings can be achieved through the supply chain.
OK, so where do Bees enter the cycle of aluminium production? Many companies in the aluminium supply chain strive to save energy and at the same time protect our fragile environment from climate change. Aluprof, together with their parent company Grupa Kęty, are probably the most forward thinking aluminium company operating out of Poland today. The company has acquired and run their own apiaries and produce honey that goes to the charges of the Grupa Kęty Foundation for the Children of the Podbeskidzie Region. Honey is also handed to
employees for dining rooms and used in kitchens of various group companies. Some of the smallest jars are used as corporate gifts for customers. The delicate balance of bees and their environment, re minds our employees of the fragile environment we live in today and ensures that employees continue to strive to improve manufacturing efficiency whilst protecting our own ecosystem.
In 2019 Aluprof released their EPD’s (Environmental Product Declarations) produced by the Polish institute ITB, in accordance with the PN EN 15804 (Con struction Product Environmental
Declaration) standard and verified in accordance with ISO 14025. These are available to specifiers and customers of Aluprof and are constantly being updated and added to as Aluprof continue to update and improve their systems.
Various Aluprof systems are also now Cradle to Cradle Certified. This is a globally recognised measure of safer, more sustaina ble products made for the circular economy. For more than a dec ade, Cradle to Cradle Certified has been helping companies to innovate and optimise materials and products – measured against the world’s most advanced sci ence-based measures that assess the safety, circularity and respon sibility of materials and products across five categories of sustaina bility performance.
Grupa Kęty will be celebrating its seventieth anniversary in 2023. As you would expect, the Group’s anniversary is being marked in an exceptional environmental way, with the group planting seventy thousand trees in Poland. The initiative will carbon offset a small portion of the Group companies’ activities, but together with other initiatives from Grupa Kęty and Aluprof, these are a huge step for ward in the direction of sustaina bility. More information on how the group strive to be at the forefront of our future sustainability can be viewed on the Aluprof website and in particular the company’s sus tainability document, ‘Sustainable future with Aluprof’. aluprof.co.uk
value and ‘clean’ scrap can cost almost the same as new ‘prime’ aluminium. The industry demand for recycled aluminium is driven by the demand for low-carbon aluminium, as recycling aluminium uses just 5% of the energy needed to produce ‘prime’ aluminium from mined bauxite.
difficulty in obtaining scrap is due to the aluminium product, be it in transport or construction, is still in active use due to extensive life expectancy. Some of the oldest installed aluminium windows, installed at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, are over 80 years old and still going strong.
Today we recycle a higher percent age of our scrap aluminium as ex traction rates from deconstruction of our structures has increased to almost 100%, such is the value of the metal. In fact, many aluminium supply chains now see our cities as ‘urban mines’ for the future extraction and re-use of alumini um used in both construction and transport infrastructure.
By Phil Slinger – CAB Chief ExecutiveAluminium has enjoyed an exten sive recycling lifespan since its commercialisation in the 1880’s with the advent of the Hall–Héroult process, in fact, 75% of all the aluminium produced since this time is still in active use today. Aluminium has an enviable scrap
Low-carbon aluminium produced into billet or logs, the raw material used in the extrusion press, can be produced to less than 3.0 tCO2e (Tonnes of CO2 equivalent) when 60% to 70% of recycled material is mixed with a low-carbon prime aluminium. As you would expect, there is a high demand for this billet which comes at a premium. In reality all new aluminium used globally, across all industries, on average contains by volume one third recycled aluminium. The
What is new today is the ability to recycle aluminium back into their original ‘grades’. Pure aluminium is rarely used as it is normally formed into an aluminium alloy which contains other materials that give the alloy special characteristics. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin, nickel and zinc. There are many globally recognised grades of aluminium alloy which are placed into a long list or ‘se ries’ of different characteristics which are used in various appli cations. For wrought aluminium used in the architectural aluminium extrusion process, we generally
use an alloy grade 6063. The abil ity to recycle in a single grade is helped by using modern, handheld alloy analysers. These XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) analysers perform a quick, non-destructive analysis of scrap so grades can be grouped together for recycling.
Keeping the grades segregated means that the scrap aluminium has a higher value to a reprocessor ensuring that former architectural installations can be collected and made back into windows, doors and curtain walls.
There are two recognised areas of scrap collection, pre-consumer and post-consumer. As its name suggests, pre-consumer scrap is offcuts and damaged material from manufacture, post-consumer scrap is aluminium collected from the building deconstruction pro cess or where an existing building is being refurbished. The value of the scrap is based on how ‘clean’ it is, that is to say free from thermal breaks, screws, fittings, gaskets, etc. Modern scrap processes can clean any scrap aluminium into clean scrap by removing these unwanted materials. Whilst pre-consumer scrap can easily be collected and fed back into the aluminium supply chain, post-con sumer scrap often lies outside the traditional aluminium fenestration
supply chain and is more challeng ing to ensure it is recycled through the correct channels.
The Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB) has been pio neering a ‘closed-loop’ recycling initiative which encourages its members to recycle through the in itiative to ensure that scrap alumin ium remains in the UK and remains in the 6063 extrusion grade alloy. Any member of CAB can join the scheme for free and more informa tion is available on the Association website. Whilst the scheme is cur rently voluntary, in Germany such schemes have become mandatory, such is the importance of forming closed-loop recycling. The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has recently adopted the CAB initiative and is promoting the scheme to its own members.
CAB member Alutrade is an advanced scrap reprocessor who collect scrap from across the UK from the aluminium fenestration supply chain and from construc tion refurbishment and decon struction sites. Together with CAB, the aim is to track more architec tural aluminium scrap back into a single grade alloy.
In previous decades companies prided themselves in offering high quality prime aluminium products that contained little scrap, today the tables have turned and companies wish to use as much scrap
as possible to promote reduced carbon content. With a higher rate of recycled content, finishing by anodising can be problematic and many systems companies would recommend powder coating as a preferred finish, however, recently this has also come into question.
The Qualicoat Association, the leading global specification for architectural powder coating, has recently completed an ex tensive study on the structure of recycled aluminium alloy suitable for extensive powder coating life expectancy. Known as ‘Qualicoat 3.0’ the association is beginning to licence aluminium processors and extruders that can demon strate that their extrusion passes three surface parameters which will then further extend the life expectancy of the applied powder coating.
So there is much more to the aluminium recycling process than first meets the eye. CAB and its members continue to pioneer and lead such initiatives in the UK and is working closely with other bod ies in the UK. Based at the pictur esque Bonds’ Mill development in Stonehouse, CAB staff are always on hand during normal working hours to answer any membership, training or technical aluminium fenestration related questions.
For more information please visit www.c-a-b.org.uk
This could be a tough year ahead for the whole of the windows and doors market. The cost-of-living crisis means lots of consumers are already cutting back on their discretionary spending and there’s no sign yet of inflation peaking. It’s true that the aluminium market is likely to be better protected than PVC-U, given that buyers gener ally tend to be more affluent and aspirational, but I think we will see things get even more competitive –and not necessarily just on price.
It’s by no means all doom and gloom though. There are still plenty of opportunities out there for com panies with the right product offer ing and with a proposition which represents consistent quality and value. Today’s tech savvy consum ers research virtually everything online before they make any kind
of purchase, and they want cer tainty that they are spending their money wisely – whether the driver for their investment is better en ergy efficiency, more natural light, improved security, or aesthetics.
As I’ve said before, having an effective website and digital mar keting campaign, which increases understanding of your business and builds trust in your brand and the quality of your products and service, is absolutely key to gener ating enquiries.
When it comes to winning that business though, there was already a shift taking place away from old pricing models based around dis counting of inflated list prices to wards non-negotiable pricing with discounts based almost exclusively around order size and economies of scale – and that is accelerating.
Love them or hate them, we could
probably all learn a lot from the likes of McDonalds and IKEA who have absolutely mastered the art of consistency – with the added at traction of transparent pricing and reliable customer service. When you go into one of their outlets, you know exactly what you will be getting and (if you can resist the IKEA tealights) how much you will be spending.
In the second-hand car market too, big names such as Cinch and Cazoo have pioneered a transpar ent pricing model, and we have all very quickly come to expect that –whatever we are buying.
For years, I think there’s been far too much smoke and mirrors in our industry around pricing – from the systems company all the way to the installer and the homeowner and that just won’t be sustainable in the current market. Buyers at every point in the supply chain simply want suppliers to offer their best price based on consist ent quality and optimum service efficiency, and there’s certainly a competitive advantage available right now to companies who are quick to recognise that. uk.aluk.com
energy bills
it comes to home
looking for one thing
always led the way in sustainability –but now, it’s more energy efficient than ever.
rated as standard, and delivering U Values of just 1.4, it’s the perfect choice when your clients want
style and twenty-first century
The Business Pilot Barometer offers a monthly analysis of the key trends defining window and door retail. It draws on real industry data collated by Business Pilot, the cloud-based business management tool.To find out more see www.businesspilot.co.uk/barometer
22 September.
Year-on-year, sales were down 27% on September 2021 but order values were up 40%.
Despite massive political and economic upheaval, September was on balance an ‘ok’ month for UK window and door sales. There was a small drop of 7% on sales compared to August, but average order values were up 8% at £4,848 and the conver sion rate held firm.
This was despite inflation running at just under 10% and an interest rate rise of 0.5 percentage points on
It paints a picture of a slower but still solid market, the home improvement sector making the inevitable readjustment post-boom and post-Lockdown.
Higher average order values suggest that many homeowners have chosen to invest in whole-house window and door replacements. This is something which we believe can be directly linked to consum er spend on improved home energy efficiency in the run up to the increase in average energy bills under the Energy Price Guarantee of £2,500.
This remains in our view, a continuing area of opportunity for the window and door industry. At £2,500 it still represents an increase of more than £1,200 on where average household bills were before April.
The point to emphasise here is the word ‘average’. For many homeowners, particularly those with larg er properties, the bills will be far higher.
This is the demographic which, despite current instability in the UK economy, is most likely to con tinue to have money to spend on home improve ments.
It’s where we go from here that is frankly impossible to call. Leads were down month-on-month in Sep tember by 14%. This would imply that the market was going to continue to cool going into October anyway.
It is our view that the response of markets to the ‘mini-budget’ on 23 September make it likely that this slowdown will accelerate.
tial gains for buyers from the changes to the Stamp Duty Threshold announced by the Chancellor. This they warn could lead to stagnation in the housing market and a fall in house prices of 10% next year.
If this happens, it will reduce activity in the housing market but also lower the equity that people have in their homes and may impact on their willingness to invest.
Business Pilot can’t help you unpick Government policy, but it can help you maximise opportunities and your profitability, through business-critical management information, lead generation and au tomation of process, saving you time and money in the office and on site.
How you negotiate the next few months may mean the difference between the success or failure of your business. Business Pilot helps you make an informed choice and to run your business better.
Although we would take care not to imply cause and effect, there appears to be a correlation be tween the Government’s policy announcements at the end of the month and panic in the UK pensions sector, prompting the intervention seen from the Bank of England on the 28th September.
The Bank has also made it clear that further in creases in the base rate are likely, something which prompted the scramble by homeowners to secure fixed rates and withdrawal of more than 300 mort gage products temporarily from the market.
This has contributed to a lower availability of credit, something which analysts argue eats up any poten
As OFGEM put it, ‘the good news is’ that the Energy Price Guarantee, means that energy bills will not now top £3,500 as they had been expect ed to do from the start of October.
As it somewhat more mutedly acknowledges, the new upper limit on average household energy bills still represents an increase of more than £1,000 on where bills were, prior to the lifting of the energy price cap in April this year.
In short, the Energy Price Guarantee is some thing that will be of only limited comfort to the millions of UK households struggling to heat their homes this winter.
The energy crisis has served to highlight our over-reliance on fossil fuels – and just as predict ably, the inherent energy inefficiency of the UK’s housing stock, which accounts for around 14% of UK carbon emissions.
Despite this the Government scrapped its flagship Green Homes Grant Scheme in March 2021 – only six-months after it was launched. And it has form in this area.
The Green Deal was axed in 2015 only a little over two years in. Window companies barely qualifying either scheme and offering only very limited returns for those companies that did.
Learning from the mistakes of the past will be important if, as many suggest, the Government is to move forward with a new green home im provement scheme for the UK.
Most importantly, it must be simple. Simple for homeowners to understand and simple for com panies to subscribe to.
Energy prices give people a real incentive to
enhance the thermal efficiency of their homes. This helps the Government to hit its commitment to reduce CO2 and it stimulates the economy at a time when without wishing to talk it down, things appear fragile.
There are many homeowners who will commit to improve the energy efficiency of their properties without government support.
The cut in stamp duty on the first £250,000 of the sale price and £425,000 for first time buyers seen at the end of last week [23/9/22], should at the very least, hold house prices firm, giving people the confidence to invest.
Higher energy prices are forecast to be with us longer term – the Energy Price Guarantee will run out in 2024 after only two-years (something that you may wish to point out to retail prospects who need a nudge to take the plunge!).
Others will, however, need Government stimulus and support to help cover the costs of improve ments and to access finance.
A cut in VAT to 5% (or less), and the availability of a new Government backed green finance package, would be as simple to understand and to adminis ter, as it would in my view – and I know in the opin ion of many others in our industry – as it would be successful.
We wait to see. Ryan Johnson.
If you want to get involved in the discussion, or would like to air your views on a particular industry subject, then Email me at gerald@windownews.co.uk
We cannot guarantee that we will publish everything, but we will do our utmost to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard.
Sheerline’s newest appointments will bolster the sales team and support its ambitious next lev el expansion plans. In just two years, the Sheerline brand has gone from strength to strength, building a reputation for being one of the most innovative aluminium window and door systems on the market.
It was successfully launched after Derbyshire manufacturer, Garnal ex, spotted a gap in the market for premium UK made aluminium windows, doors, and roof lanterns that offered easy fabrication and
installation, thermal efficiency, and stylish, consistent aesthetics.
The newest member of the Sheer line sales team, George Esler, area sales manager, joins to look after customers based in the North. As part of his new role, he is support ing installers and fabricators who are ready to switch to Sheerline’s comprehensively Part L compliant and fully matched system.
Having previously worked for Window Ware as an area sales manager, George brings with him a wealth of valuable industry
experience and will play a crucial role in helping new and existing customers to get the most out of the Sheerline range.
In addition, Tony Basile has been promoted to Sheerline sales director. He has worked for Gar nalex CEO Roger Hartshorn since 1991 at Eurocell, Liniar, and now Sheerline. In his new role, Tony is responsible for the sales team and spearheads growing the Sheerline brand.
Tony commented: “As we grow, the intention is to expand the team and make sure we continue to give our fabricator network the continued high level of support and guidance they have become accustomed to. We want to make sure that all our fabricators feel wanted, needed, and respected.”
Putting new members of the sales team in place now will ensure Sheerline achieves its strategic growth targets without sacrificing the levels of customer service its customers value.
Part of the ethos behind Sheer line is continual investment, both in cutting-edge equipment and the people who help turn the Sheerline vision into a reality. To date, this investment has enabled Garnalex to establish one of the most modern and efficient alu minium facilities in the UK with an experienced and knowledgeable workforce.
Roger Hartshorn, Garnalex CEO, said: “The strategic decisions we are making now will take our business to the next level. We’re putting the right people in the right positions to help us improve our systems while maintaining our effi ciency.”
“It is a pleasure to work with such a dedicated, hardworking, and knowledgeable team and I look forward to seeing our strategic vision come to fruition,” he added.
The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has announced that Kevin Jones has been appointed as senior technical officer for the GGF Technical Department. His ap pointment follows recent changes within the technical team including a new head of department in Dave Borland and will ensure the GGF’s technical offering continues to go from strength to strength.
Kevin comments: “I’m thrilled to have been appointed as senior technical officer and look forward to working closely with Dave to en sure our members get everything they need from the GGF in all matters technical. Having worked for the GGF for more than two and a half years, I’m well positioned to
take a step up in supporting the technical team and of course all our members.”
Dave adds: “Kevin will be well known to many of our members and particularly those in the Home Improvement sector. He has played a major part in discussions with Government regarding chang es within Approved Documents F, L, O & Q, and acts as secretary to most of the Home Improvement Groups. Since a recent reshuffle of the GGF team, it was obvious that someone was needed to assist me in both the running and develop ment of the technical department. Kevin was the obvious candidate for this position considering the excellent work he has done and
the support he has already given me since joining the GGF. We are looking forward to continuing to support our members with a strong bank of technical knowledge in our new team.”
promotion. We value our people and have a culture of rewarding excellence. Suzanne’s promotion reflects her continued commitment and outstanding work which has resulted in major business growth. She is a highly driven and a well-respected, member of the team and brings exceptional customer focus and proven leadership credentials that add value to our business.”
Suzanne commented: “I am delighted to accept this promotion. ODL Europe is a great business with excit ing future plans. I’m looking forward to continuing to build my career with the team and further support our business efforts in line with our growth strategy.”
ODL Europe has announced the promotion of Su zanne Nicholl to head of sales & customer service.
ODL Europe’s managing director, Bryan Bultema, said: “I am delighted to be announcing Suzanne’s
Suzanne has been with the business for over five years and is being promoted from her role as business development manager. Bryan commented: “Our cul ture is always to nurture and develop talent where we see it – and we see it in Suzanne. In my time working with her, she has shown an impressive commitment to excellence.”
In her new role as head of sales & customer service, Suzanne will be responsible for the continued sales growth of ODL Europe and further developing the strong sales and customer service team. She will also head up the internal marketing function, working closely with ODL Europe’s external marketing partner, Team 4 Marketing.
Building materials and property PR agency, Brouha Marketing, says it is delighted to welcome Claire Broxton to the team.
Managing director Fiona Lund commented: “We’re delighted that Claire from well-respected One Shilling Marketing, is joining our team to add extra resource when it comes to the strategic communications we offer cus tomers in the window and door, building materials, and housing markets. Claire hardly needs any introduction having been instrumental in making Glassex and GPT such successful trade shows and has remained a famil iar face in our industry, working on a range of projects for clients including the G Awards, Bohle and PIGS for ten years, to name but a few. Claire’s broad ranging marketing experience is a per fect fit and will help us continue to offer award-winning commu nications to customers across the sectors in which we special ise. We are absolutely over the moon.”
Composite door manufacturer
Vista Panels Ltd has strength ened its sales team with the appointment of a new Business Development Manager.
Andy Meakin is a well-known industry figure, having spent over two decades working for several high-profile businesses, and brings with him a wealth of customer-facing experience and in-depth industry knowledge.
“I am delighted to have joined Vista Panels – it’s a well-re spected business and continues to gain market share with its professional set up and focus on service and quality,” Andy says.
“The company continues to invest in new machinery and
training, and I am delighted to be part of a growing and inno vative business.”
Vista Panels managing director Keith Sadler comments: “Andy will be an excellent addition to our sales team, thanks to his knowledge of the market and first-hand experience of the needs of fabricators and install ers.
“We are delighted to have found a passionate and determined sales professional who will be tasked with ensuring we main tain our high levels of customer satisfaction and retention as we head into 2023 and more uncertain times in this turbulent period of business.”
BFRC Energy Ratings let you prove the energy performance of your window and door products with our highly recognised ‘rainbow’ rating labelindependent, impartial, trusted.
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Your products will
Hardware manufacturer Coastal Group says incorporating smart technology into homes is becoming more and more sought after by the end user, starting at the front entrance door.
Coastal’s BLU-e smart access system has been designed to make doors smart without the worry of difficult and time-consuming configuration and instal lation.
Combining the company’s HAB15 316 stainless steel pull handles with ekey’s dLine smart access technology, customers can now be offered ‘a new age of entrance doors’, says Coastal.
This intelligent access system
allows the door to be opened in the following ways:
Fingerprint – The Austrian-made ekey system allows only author
ised persons access to a prop erty.
Remotely – The ekey bionyx app allows front entrance doors to be unlocked whilst away from home using a smartphone. Alexa Voice Command – The system also allows doors to be opened by voice command. And to ensure maximum security, confirmation of a 4-digit code is required.
Coastal says this provides numerous benefits to the home owner: maximum security pro vided by a fingerprint scanner system and smart experience, with no worries over lost, stolen or forged keys; the convenience of opening the door from any location remotely; and simple touch operation means it only takes one hand to unlock and open the door. Ideal for when the homeowner has their hands full with shopping bags.
Loren Jenner, Coastal’s manag ing director, said: “We’ve made installation of the BLU-e system simple. It’s delivered as a com plete ‘pre-wired’ package with all the components required to connect to the power supply. Housing the scanner unit within the Pull Handle means you don’t have to find an additional loca tion for it on the door, speeding up fitting time.”
Coastal’s ML3120 (Winkhaus AV3 premium autoLock) works in conjunction with the BLU-e pull handle set, activating as soon as the door shuts. The system is flexible, allowing you to choose whether to put pull handles on both sides of the door or a pull handle on the outside and a lever handle on the inside.
BLU-e is part of a suited range of door furniture, allowing a con sistent aesthetic across doors and windows.
For more information or a free live video demonstration, call 01726 871 025 or email
With the trends in composite doors moving towards contemporary aesthetics, installers are seeking out hardware that supports the shift. Total Hardware says its Su perior 25 stainless steel pull bars tick all the boxes.
Chris Pell, general manager at Total Hardware, said: “Hardware is an integral part of the aesthetic of an installation. When it comes to contemporary composite door de signs, our stainless steel pull bars are the perfect finishing touch.”
The Superior 25 stainless steel pull bars have a contemporary ergo nomic design. Plus, as part of the Superior 25 range, they are part of a range of fully suited hardware, enabling fabricators and installers to deliver a sleek and coordinated installation.
The company says they are ver satile too. There are three fixing options: single through fixing, sin gle face fixing and paired fixings. There are also inline, offset and
square variations and they come in six lengths from 400mm to 1800mm. Chris comments: “Cus tomers are increasingly choosing the single face fixing option, which opens up opportunities for differ
Hardware manufacturer VBH, the company behind the greenteQ brand, says it has forged a strong reputation as a supplier to spe cialist patio door manufacturers. The greenteQ range includes hardware and furniture solutions for aluminium bi-fold and lift/slide patio doors and, most recently, PVCu inline sliding doors.
VBH advise that the greenteQ Clearslide lock has been well received by manufacturers of Deceuninck, Kömmerling, Rehau and Veka PVCu sliders since its launch.
ent handle styles on the interior and exterior of doors.”
The Superior 25 stainless steel pull bars are made from high quali ty, 316 grade stainless steel for superior corrosion resistance. The coating has been tested to BS.EN: 2007 Grade 5 and they have a 25 year coating guarantee.
Alongside its Superior 25 range, which is aimed at the premium end of the domestic door market, there is the Quantum range, which is aimed at installers that want to differentiate their own product range. The company also stock a 1200mm inline pair of square effect pull handles for next level aesthet ics.
Chris concludes: “As trends move away from traditional composite door designs to more contem porary styles, it is vital to ensure your portfolio delivers what your customers need. Our Superior 25 stainless steel pull bars combine sleek contemporary aesthetics with the quality and durability these handles demand. They are the per fect addition to any contemporary door portfolio.”
The lock and keep are manufac tured from hardwearing stainless steel, and both are covered by a 10-year guarantee.
Eight sliding hooks and two anti-lift pins ensure that Clearslide locks provide a very strong connection to the frame. The lock meets the requirements of all relevant se curity standards, and is covered by Kitemark KM727991 (Building Hardware used in Windows & Doorsets).
As a consequence of this, VBH have added Clearslide to the Ap
proved Hardware list for its Q-se cure Premium consumer guar antee. This means that Q-secure installers can offer a guarantee of up to £8000 on their sliding doors.
Clearslide can be operated by the greenteQ standard Alpha Patio P-Handle with its 10-year guaran tee, or by the Coastline stainless steel handle set that is supplied with a 25-year surface guarantee. The handles are interchangeable so upgrading when required is easy. www.vbhgb.com
Following five years of research and development, UAP is gearing up to launch an ultra-secure elec tronic door lock, enabling access via a smartphone App.
Manufactured for timber, alumini um and composite doors, the Ionic will be the first in a series of ‘smart’ products to be launched under UAP’s Fullex-ai brand. Claimed to be simple to install and easy to use, the electronic lock is suitable for domestic properties, student accommodation and social hous ing.
Said to be ideal for factory fittings, the Ionic can be adjusted to differ ent door sizes with a design based on the Fullex Crimebeater lock, which is engineered to provide long-term reliability and security.
Featuring an integrated power sup ply and wireless charging, the Ionic enables a door to be opened and closed using Bluetooth on a mobile
phone. To provide flexibility for users, the lock can also be opened using a fob, a push button on the inside, a thumb turn, or an override key if there is an emergency.
To allow even easier door access, the fob can be paired with the App and offers ‘advanced’ security encryption.
“We know that many people are concerned about keyless car theft and could have similar worries about an electronic door lock,” said David Jennings, chief execu tive officer at UAP. “To overcome this, the Ionic fobs can’t be cloned, and the codes can’t be stolen by intercepting the signal. We achieved this by manufacturing every fob with two million rolling codes, which means that every transmission is unique and there are more than four billion unique codes.
“There is no data held within the
provide a very simple and flexible solution, especially for owners of rented holiday accommodation such as Airbnb properties.
“We’ve also created an auto lock feature allowing the user to choose the time it takes for the door to lock, based on the type of accom modation they live in.”
A wireless unit, which fits easily to a door frame, connects to a control unit and is used to power the Ionic. Customers can either use a USB wire with a plug or a power pack to charge the lock via this system. If there was a power cut, a charged lock can operate for up to four weeks without a power supply.
enables the lock to be paired with rose handles further improving aesthetics and allowing handles to be matched inside a property.
Alternatively, users can pair the lock with classic door handles on a backplate or high security front door handles for fabricators seek ing enhanced security.
Specialist doorset company, PDS, is the first company to test the Ionic. Ben Davies, technical com pliance manager, said: “The Ionic is really simple to use and that’s one of the major positives about it. The App is easy to download and it’s very simple to set up the users and the fobs.
design, architects, interior design ers and homeowners have much more choice and flexibility when opting for an electronic lock.”
Concluded David: “Launching soon, the Ionic is just the start of UAP’s Fullex-ai journey and we’re excited about its potential. We’re confident that its unique, patented design will become the standard for all electronic multipoint locks and in the long term, could even set the benchmark for all locks that go into solid frame doors.”
The Ionic will be supplied with two fobs and comes with a 10-year mechanical warranty and two-year electronics warranty. All electronic
New independent analysis com missioned by Mila has revealed that not only is stainless steel door hardware more durable than zinc diecast, but it also has a lower carbon footprint.
That, Mila says, is a powerful message for fabricators and installers to take to all those retail customers who want to buy more sustainably, and to the commercial market, where there is so often a requirement to achieve carbon reduction tar gets.
The analysis, carried out by con sultants Tunley Engineering, re vealed that annual carbon emis sions for a Mila stainless steel door handle are only 17% that of
a Mila zinc die cast equivalent.
In part, that is because stainless steel products have a lifespan which is typically five times longer than zinc, meaning that the carbon emissions can be averaged out over a longer period. But, more significantly it comes from the fact that the emission factors for producing zinc are 60+% higher than they are for steel, and there are more energy intensive processes required to manufacture in zinc rather than in steel.
Richard Gyde, Mila’s managing director, says the figures support the company’s ongoing efforts to encourage as many custom ers as possible to migrate from
buying and fitting zinc to buying and fitting stainless steel. He said: “We’ve massively expand ed our range of Supa stainless steel hardware products over the past three years and we’ve seen sales almost treble as a result, to a point where they now account for more than 45% of all the door hardware we sell.
“Obviously, stainless steel has long been the first choice at the upper end of the retail market for composite, timber and alumini um doors, and increasingly in the commercial and social housing sectors where the enhanced durability can guarantee fewer costly remedials, But we’d like to see it become the default option for all doors so that remedials and hardware replacements because of failures in finishes essentially become a thing of the past.
“As well as the environmental and durability benefits, we’ve worked hard to bring down costs on our Supa range. As a result, for lots of customers, the price differential between this and zinc will be negligible.”
Mila’s Supa stainless steel hard ware includes door handles, let terplates, pull bars, escutcheons and door knockers – the vast majority of which are available in either SS304 extreme or SS316 marine grade material for coastal and high pollution areas. The en tire range has been independent ly performance tested for corrosion resistance to BSEN1670 Grade 5 and has sailed through more than 1000 hours in a salt spray test, enabling Mila to offer a 25-year surface finish and me chanical operation guarantee.
The choice of suited finishes includes polished or brushed stainless, and polished or brushed PVD gold to suit virtual ly any contemporary or tradition al door design.
Hardware supplier Carl F Groupco has reported that sales of its pull bar handle ranges have doubled in the past year. John Crittenden, the company’s managing director, said: “Contemporary designs are a clear trend in doors at the moment. We see this reflected in sales of our pull bar handles, which make a strong contemporary style state ment.”
The company says it has the strong product inventory needed to meet all product trends. John commented: “We have long-stand ing relationships with Europe’s most innovative manufacturers. It means we have the flexibility and competence to ensure our rang es always reflect current market trends in this dynamic industry, as the increase in demand for our pull bar handle shows.”
The company offers Yale Elite T-Bar pull handle. Manufactured to the highest standards using 316 stainless steel, the handle suites
with the Elite escutcheon and Elite central knob for a seamless design solution. The handle is available in two fixing versions, back-to-back fix or bolt fix. A cranked design is also available for applications where increased frame and hand clearance is required. The product comes with a 25 year anti-corro sion guarantee (subject to correct installation and maintenance) and a 10 year mechanical guarantee.
Also available are Hoppe Ar rone pull handles. With a stylish brushed stainless steel finish, the handles are available in inline and offset (cranked) variations and 700mm, 1400mm or 2000mm bar lengths. Bolt through or back-toback fixing options are available to suit the application, with all fixing screws supplied as required to suit timber doors. The range stocked by Carl F Groupco covers door thicknesses of 44 – 54mm in a va riety of lengths to suit the desired look. The handles suite with key wind up or automatic door locks
Staff Ironmongery’s popular Na tional Key Scheme lockset is now even better, with a new Bary Bac coating. Bary Bac is a form of nanotechnology which helps reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses on any surface it is applied to.
In the years following the Corona virus pandemic, adults living with a disability have seen many public conveniences closed due to safety concerns, many are still appre hensive to use the facilities due to concerns over cleanliness.
The new Bary Bac National Key Scheme (NKS) lock alleviates these fears and provides mainte
nance-free anti-bacterial protection to door handles without compro mising on security. Bary Bac works by killing bacteria immediately and is proven to prevent the spreading of COVID-19, MRSA, and E Coli, claims the company.
Bary Bac acts as an anti-bacte rial coating for NKS locks and is immediately effective on millions of harmful bacteria. The handle itself is made of stainless steel and is designed to last in high usage en vironments such as public toilets, says the company.
Toby Staff, MD for Staff Ironmon gery says “Bary Bac is a game
such as the FUHR 833 or Yale AutoEngage.
Carl F Groupco has distribution centres in Peterborough and Cum bernauld and operates nationally, including the Scottish Highlands and offshore islands. The company states the
business goes beyond order pro cessing and is a proactive hard ware partner focused on solving problems, offering advice and finding solutions.
changer, which renders a crucial contact point for the spread of viruses and disease to be neutralised. After washing their hands, people are still susceptible to passing on bacteria. Bary Bac eliminates risk without the need for additional cleaning.”
The lock itself is compatible with all NKS keys and can be retro fitted into any existing mortises without further adjustment. www.staffironmongery.co.uk
important expansion to this prod uct family. Yet alongside appeal ing as an independent option, it will be of interest to homeowners looking for a consistent look across their house from windows to doors.
“The slimmer sightlines enabled by its flush fit design, combined with Rehau’s discreet butt hinge hardware, means the Rio French door will continue the range’s reputation for visually pleasing frames. Additionally, the fact the door is compatible with our range of foils, from Simply White to traditional, wood-equivalent turner oak and the contemporary look offered by anthracite grey, demonstrates its applicability across multiple home types. The fact that fabricators in the North West of England and South Wales have already started manufac turing the frame so soon after its launch further underlines this adaptability,”
Rehau has added to its Rio col lection with the introduction of the Rio flush fit French door.
The new door uses Rehau’s deep bottom rail, which was developed to complement the original window system. Consequently, installers and fabricators do not need a new door sash, further streamlining fitting.
“Our Rio range boasts Total70 compatibility, allowing for a seamless and simple installation,” says Clare Higgins, senior prod uct manager at Rehau. “Along
side this benefit for fitters, we feel this next addition to the range, an open-outward French door pro viding views out to gardens, is an
The new door has been certified to the PAS 24 security standard, having been tested at its maxi mum size – 1900mm x 2250mm. These credentials require the product to meet requirements set out by Secured by Design (SBD), ensuring a further level of securi ty that further boosts the door’s appeal for homeowners.
“The new Rio flush fit French door has been designed to allow installers and fabricators the op portunity to expand the appeal of the popular window system with door options,” Clare concludes. “Yet as well as this distinct, ap pealing, and bespoke look, the door also provides the durability, energy efficiency and security benefits associated with the win dow frame. Fenestration profes sionals can therefore offer this French door solution with peaceof-mind that it is not only easy to fit and aesthetically pleasing, but also provides leading perfor mance levels too.”
Xlaslide has been upgraded with a new ultra-slim interlock that’s 32mm in width.
The three-track aluminium slid ing door allows for large sec tions of continuous glass, which
the company says is perfect for both commercial and contem porary residential settings.
Exlebesa also says its heavy-duty roller system en sures panels slide effortlessly,
and the product delivers a high level of thermal efficiency.
Like many Exlabesa products, Xlaslide also suites with other offerings in the company’s range – it can be coupled with 75mm systems to provide fixed or opening sidelights, for example, and uses beads and gaskets from the 75 and 51 ranges to help reduce stockholding.
Designed and manufactured in the UK with the UK market in mind, Xlaslide has been tested to PAS24 standard, and comes available in an unlimited range of colours and finishes, includ ing painting and anodising.
“Demand for stylish alumini
um sliding door products has soared in recent years – largely because they let homeowners flood their properties with nat ural light,” comments Exlabesa sales director Patrick Burke.
“Xlaslide was already designed to excel in every area – but we decided to introduce the slim mer interlock as a way of making them even more desirable, and help homeowners forge even stronger connections with the outside world.
“We’re confident the new and improved Xlaslide will go on to be a huge success.”
DoorCo has introduced two new Flip Flat Stipple cassette options setting trends for the growing designer door market. Creat ed to enhance Links, DoorCo’s aluminium-alternative compos ite door, Metallic and Twintone, raise the benchmark once again in driving customer demand for choice and individualisation, says the company.
Dan Sullivan, DoorCo MD ex plains more: “The new Metallic and Twintone cassettes were just one of the new concepts we brought to FIT for soft mar ket testing. Visitors to the stand were so impressed with the innovation in design and colour, that they’ve been added to our product portfolio with immediate effect. Both cassettes are part of the Flip Flat Stipple range, which is the perfect partner to the ultimate designer door, Links. The texture and design of the Flip cassette perfectly matches the unique finish of this alumini um-alternative composite door.
“Metallic is a brand new cas sette design that has been cre ated using the very latest paint
technology to add a little sparkle to designer doors, to replicate the shiny finish of popular metal lic cassette designs.
“Twintone is a new design, using the standard anthracite grey Flip Flat Stipple cassette option with one of our many premium grey colours, to offer some serious contrasting design choices. It is available exclusively on the Links Square, Links Augus ta, Links Augusta Long, Links Oakmont and Links Copenhagen door designs.
“Flip is so easy to install that customers are delighted to have these premium options now available to them on our simple, click together glazing cassette option, offering them a competitive edge when it comes to offering designer doors to their customers.
“Door design ideas using both Metallic and Twintone cassettes can be seen in Edition 2 of the Original brochure: https://whttps://bit.ly/3yaf70O or for more information, visit: www.door-co.com”
Composite door supplier DoorCo, has implemented a leading-edge Augmented Reality visualiser as part of their Gripcore marketing portfolio to assist customers with selling the perfect door.
Ben Aspinall, DoorCo’s head of technology & marketing, explains more: “DoorCo is driven by inno vation, not just in our products but our services too. Marketing is an essential part of our customer support package, offering multiple assets to assist our customers to sell doors more easily. Our door designer has always been a key of fering in the portfolio, and you have long been able to showcase a new door design on a property using a
static image. The DoorCo marketing and technology team has taken this a step further by implementing Augmented Reality. The technolo gy is currently being trialled ahead of release of the next edition of the dedicated Gripcore brochure, with one hero door design available now to use.
“Augmented Reality (AR) is a sys tem that combines real and virtual worlds, using real time interaction. To put this into context, the exist ing DoorCo designer allows you to upload a photo of your house to get a visual of the door you have designed, overlaying the new door design to create a totally artificial environment. AR takes this a step
further by overlaying comput er-generated images over the real world. In other words, through a mobile phone camera, you can now overlay the property’s exist ing door with the DoorCo door of choice to visualise exactly what that door will look like once it is installed. The technology will be activated in the new brochure via a QR code programmed with a Grip core door design of choice from the collection.
“When purchasing a new door, we believe it’s important that you can see how a product will look in a home before making a purchase and in turn, homeowners will be more likely to be satisfied with the new entrance to their home. AR has an extremely positive affect on decision-making by reducing confusion, frustrations, and subse quent returns.
“This is the first sales tool of its kind for our industry and an excit ing development. The new tool is being launched to support sales of Gripcore but will soon be rolled out across our wider product portfo lio.” www.door-co.com
The Uni-Blinds W Smart inte gral blind system from Morley Glass is enabling homeowners to benefit from the convenience of a motorised shading and privacy solution for their windows and doors without adding to their electricity use.
Using power generated from a small photovoltaic panel mounted on the exterior frame of the window or door, the W Smart operates completely inde pendently of a home’s mains electricity supply. The ‘free’ solar energy from the sun ensures a rechargeable battery is continu ously charged-up to give the integral blind more than sufficient electricity to operate it under normal conditions.
Available in a Venetian or pleated style, as with all Uni-Blinds the W Smart is manufactured exclu sively using the ScreenLine inte gral blind systems to guarantee superior long term performance and excellent aesthetics, says
Morley. It is simple to operate using a slide touch button control device magnetically attached to the window or by a remote control unit, both of which raise and lower the blind – and, in the case of the Venetian, tilt the slats.
W Smart represents the latest in innovative and ecological Italian design, providing an integral blind that can be encapsulat ed within a 20, 22, 27 or 29mm cavity double glazed unit. The blind does not require hardwiring into a home’s mains electrical
system, which makes installation straightforward without the need for an electrician.
Ian Short, managing director of Morley Glass said: “Never before have homeowners been so con scious of electricity usage which means that energy efficient and 100% renewable energy powered products are in great demand. The beauty of the W Smart is that it can operate total ly free of mains power apart from a very occasional boost using a micro-USB connection, giving homeowners the benefits of a motorised integral blind without adding to their electricity bills.”
Another exciting development of W Smart, due for release early 2023, is a smart home enhance ment. A new plug and play smart hub called ScreenHub, devel oped by ScreenLine manufactur er Pellini, enables the blind to be controlled using a smart phone app – a further benefit in addi tion to the remote control device already provided.
The eco-credentials of W Smart can be enhanced further through the manufacture of the double glazed units by Morley Glass using advanced glass products that offer superior thermal insu lation and solar control. Speci fying glass such as Planitherm One for W Smart blinds will deliver a complete integrated solar powered blind unit with ultra-low U-values, and solar control can be boosted by choosing SaintGobain Cool-Lite SKN 176 glass to prevent summertime over heating.
Morley Glass says W Smart, as with all Uni-Blinds, is supplied in the industry’s shortest lead times – manufactured to order in Leeds by Morley Glass in as little as 10-12 days, when an order is placed by 10am on Thursdays, with complimentary nationwide delivery.
Developed to meet the growing desire for higher transparency, neutral-looking glass for architec tural projects, as well as special purpose applications such as dig ital signage, retail storefronts and museum displays, Guardian Clarity Neutral is an advanced anti-re flective coated glass that provides the highest transparency of any Guardian Glass product to date, providing truer, more natural views through the glass.
With a reflectivity of 0.6%, Clarity Neutral delivers a viewing experi ence like never before in Guardian. Compared to the current version of Guardian Clarity anti-reflective
glass (0.7% reflectivity) Clari ty Neutral provides even higher transparency by reducing the bluish reflections that remain in the glass, resulting in a more neutral remaining reflected colour. Even in low or diffused background light conditions, Clarity Neutral reduces undesirable light reflection and
refraction across more angles and light frequencies. The new glass also benefits from lower haze and colour shift after being heat treat ed, claims the company.
Liam Williamson, European prod uct commercialisation manager at Guardian Glass comments: “Clarity Neutral provides the very highest transparency of any of our prod ucts. In architectural monolithic ap plications such as facades, curtain walls and viewing areas, architects will have more freedom to create visually stunning, crystal clear, transparent glazing that blends the building in with its surroundings. In special purpose applications such as retail storefronts, museum showcases, picture frames and commercial refrigeration doors, Clarity Neutral reduces reflections and glare to such an extent that the glass appears almost invisible, providing clearer, uninterrupted, more natural views through the glass.” guardianglass.com
Pilkington OptiShower™, a range of anticorrosive and durable glass by the NSG Group, has launched in the UK to support design ers specifying glass for use in high-moisture environments.
It is a durable, clear glass, specif ically designed to prevent surface corrosion when exposed to water, moisture and humid environments. The highly transparent glass is eas ier to keep clean due to its special pyrolytic anti-corrosion coating which acts as a barrier on the sur face of the glass.
The glass has a wide range of residential and commercial appli cations, such as shower cubicles or back plates against cooking surfaces in kitchens.
Pilkington OptiShower™’s an ti-corrosion properties also make it suitable for marine applications, such as aquariums, where it pro vides transparency while resisting the ‘cloudiness’ which can start to
show over time when a glass sur face begins to deteriorate in harsh moist or humid conditions.
It’s also practical for maritime vessels, to help them weather harsh environments and saltwater sprays. This includes parapets and external windows in yachts and cruise ships to reduce cleaning re quirements while providing uninter rupted views for passengers.
The range has been extensively laboratory tested at high temperatures and levels of humidity, where it demonstrated that it resists corrosion far better than untreat ed glass. It meets stringent EN 1096-2 standards, which certifies the products as able to withstand challenging outdoor weather con ditions and abrasion.
For more information, please visit: https://bit.ly/3rpTAxm
Since its launch in line with the revised Building Regulations earlier this year, Quickslide’s ex clusive new trickle vent solution for sash windows has become the preferred method for Docu ment F compliance across the fabricator’s range of Legacy vertical sliders, says the company.
The Glazpart modular vent –that allows for full compliance in one sash window – is exclusive to Quickslide, who were heavily involved in its design to ensure it fully complements the herit age aesthetic the window and door fabricator’s name is synon ymous with.
“The Legacy VS carries all the beauty of a traditional design, combined with modern industry thinking that enables us to offer a cost effective, compliant window that doesn’t compromise on aesthetics,” said managing director Ben Weber.
“We’ve worked tirelessly and have done amazing work de signing our Legacy VS with fea tures such as run-through sash horns, timber-looking joints, astragal bars and a deep bot tom rail. But the requirement for compliance to the revised Docu ment F meant that we then had to develop a new vent solution to complement all of this. One
that avoids use of multiple indi vidual trickle vents, which would quickly spoil our windows’ her itage aesthetic, or placing vents in the head of the outer frame to avoid the associated issues that would bring. We’re pleased to say that the new modular vent offered by Quickslide comforta bly fulfils the brief on both looks and compliance.”
To provide installers with a compliant product that will prove attractive to buyers, the vents are woodgrain and col our-matched as standard. Even bespoke coloured windows will come with matching vents. For comfort, a unique closing mechanism on the internal side allows for adjustable ventilation.
“At Quickslide we’re committed to providing our customers with world-class products and so being involved in the design and application of this vent and be ing the first to be able to offer it to our customers gives us a real sense of pride,” said Ben.
Since the beginning of July trickle vents have been included as standard in all Quickslide’s vertical sliders, providing trade partners with the means to comply with the new Building Regulation requirements for ventilation at no extra cost.
“For those customers who are willing to pay more for VS win dows for the right visual impact, we don’t want to only meet them half-way by supplying a product that adheres to regula tions but doesn’t look the part,” Ben explained.
“As a result, all our welded vertical sliders over 775mm in width now comply with the new requirement to achieve 8000 EA in one single window, and we’re really excited to be leading the way with this.”
Kolorseal has seen an increase in demand for coloured trickle vents after the introduction of the new building regulations. The award winning team is now col our coating trickle vents to match the industry’s foil colours on new building projects and renovations.
Whether it is a home extension, a new build or replacement windows and doors, trickle vents are now a legal requirement.
Within every room, on any new project, trickle vents of varying sizes are required to provide the right amount of ventilation to help improve everyday living, allowing air to circulate more freely within
any part of the house or building.
Fabricators have grasped there is a need to match trickle vents to the variety of foil colours they offer in their range, as consumers de mand more from the products they install in their homes and offices.
The colour spraying services from
Kolorseal ensure manufacturers can provide a seamless match to their window and door frames. As well as foil colours, Kolorseal can provide the trickle vents in alterna tive colours if required.
Deborah Hendry, managing direc tor of Kolorseal comments, “With trickle vents now mandatory, to guarantee a healthier living envi ronment, it has become clear that more fabricators want to offer win dow and door products that look as good as they perform.”
Deborah concludes “Fabricators, installers and builders are now fully aware of their legal obligations to provide trickle vents for new pro jects and renovations.
Being able to seamlessly colour match trickle vents with custom ers’ foil colours is helping them to provide broader options for their business.” www.kolorseal.co.uk
Luminia Select PartnerIn addition to offering high-qual ity replacement roof products, tiled-roof specialists SupaLite, are committed to delivering great customer service.
One company that’s benefitted from this service for over two years is Elmhurst Windows.
Since the early 1970s, the York shire-based company has in stalled thousands of replacement windows, doors, and roofs for conservatories and orangeries across the county.
Elmhurst Windows’ managing director Richard Abrahams said: “We have been with SupaLite since 2020, and after having chal lenges with an existing supplier, it was refreshing to buy roofs di rectly from a company that offers excellent service and provides fantastic communication.
“As a supplier, SupaLite tick all the boxes, and this move is one of the best things we’ve ever done.”
Dedicated to offering quality support to its customers through
out the whole process, SupaLite ensures they can quickly answer any queries.
“As far as technical support is concerned, we sometimes find there are questions and challeng es that our fitters have on site. But, SupaLite’s technical team is always on hand,” adds Richard.
“Depending on what we need, they’re happy to jump on the phone or send across any technical information we need via email. Working with the team is such a positive experience that we’d highly recommend.”
The quality of the SupaLite sys tems also receives praise from the Elmhurst team, as Richard explains.
“I always listen to the feedback from our installers because they’re the ones on the frontline, and they say SupaLite products are incredi bly easy to fit.
“Like anything new, there are always a few challenges but once the team is on-site, the efficiency
of the high-quality system means the time to complete an installa tion is very very quick.
“SupaLite goes over and above what we expect to help keep us in the loop and that’s so important when you’re trying to run a busi ness successfully. As a registered installer of SupaLite, I can see first-hand that they’re dedicated to keeping their customers hap py, to help make everything run smoothly.”
Cassie Watters, sales and mar keting manager at SupaLite, said: “We’re delighted that Elmhurst Windows are happy with the service and products they receive from us.
“We’re incredibly passionate and committed as a team to build great working relationships with our customers and this is some thing we will continue to deliver in the future.”
Installers looking to grow can become a member of the exclu sive SupaLite Registered Installer Scheme to access a full range of benefits including, a dedicated account manager and on-hand technical support.
just for Freefoam. We have quite a few registered installers that work with us and insist on Freefoam products. It’s been nice we’ve been able to support them. If we try and do the best for our customers, they’re always going to come us.
“Freefoam want us to grow, and we see a positive future. We’ve been with Freefoam for a number of years now and I can’t see that changing anytime soon.”
Nikki adds: “In the building trade, Freefoam is just one of those logos you know you can trust.”
Building Plastics Direct has been supplying Freefoam products to Barnsley-based Freefoam Reg istered Installer, C&S Fascias, for years.
C&S Fascias is run by Steve Jubb and his business partner, Steve Bray.
Steve Bray says: “Freefoam offers a massive range of products and colours. We get loads of support and if we’ve got any technical que ries, they’re always there for us.
“They support us with guarantees that gets us a hell of a lot of work. The products are great to work with. Even the joints and corner trims make a big difference and look good. We don’t get that with any other manufacturer.”
Steve Jubb and Steve Bray of C&S FasciasYorkshire-based stockists Build ing Plastics Direct says Freefoam has helped them and their installer customers grow.
With two branches in Barnsley and Castleford and a thriving online business, Building Plastics Direct supplies fascias, soffits, cladding, guttering and other PVC products to customers across Yorkshire and beyond. For husband-and-wife team, Scott and Nikki Whitelam,
Freefoam is a brand they trust.
Scott says: “We started off just stocking Freefoam’s fascias, soffits and guttering. We have since add ed different ranges, and we now stock Geo-panel and Fortex clad ding in five different colours. As we’ve expanded the range, we’ve increased our range of customers as well.
“A lot of customers will buy off us
Colin St John, commercial director at Freefoam, says: “We support all of our customers, and building strong and lasting relationships with them is so important to us. We want to help our customers grow and flourish with Freefoam’s support. It’s great to see Building Plastics Direct and C&S Fascias doing just that.”
You can watch a video about the two companies and their relation ship with Freefoam by visiting:
According to Sheerline, when the foundations for the Sheerline system were laid, one of the weak nesses of existing aluminium systems that needed addressing was the sector’s reliance on polyamide thermal breaks.
The company says while polyam ide did create a ‘thermal barrier’ that met older thermal efficiency standards, the material struggled to meet the improved standards required by the UK’s carbon reduc tion commitments. And that this need to improve the energy effi ciency of the nation’s homes has never been clearer than it is right now.
From the start, Sheerline believed that a better solution was required, a thermal break designed for more
stringent legislation, that also over came some of the other ‘inherent limitations of polyamide’. It was this need that led to Thermlock, said to be one of the eureka mo ments for Roger Hartshorn and his R&D team, when they created the Sheerline system in 2018/2019.
Sheerline says Thermlock mul ti-chambered thermal breaks are unique to Sheerline and sit at the heart of every Sheerline product. Made from a special high melting point formulation, which is claimed to be almost half as thermally con ductive as polyamide, Thermlock ‘allows for wider, integrated onepiece designs that add rigidity to profiles, eliminating the distortion that can occur with separate top and bottom polyamide thermal breaks’, claims the company. This,
says Sheerline, means that every Sheerline product meets the new Part L standards with regular dou ble glazing – helping customers supply high performance products without adding cost.
Drawing on their years of experi ence within the fenestration indus try, the Sheerline team also knew
Thermlock needed to be as fabri cator and installer friendly as possi ble, and it says its improved screw retention over polyamide helped Sheerline systems pass the most rigorous of tests with ease.
Sheerline has already invested over £1million in tooling for its own in-house produced Thermlock thermal breaks. The company says Sheerline and its customers are already benefiting from the advan tages this technology brings with ‘better performance’ and integrated on-site manufacture minimis ing the risk of third-party supply issues. Coupled to the ability to re act quickly to any future tightening of thermal requirements, Sheerline believes its customers can be con fident they’ll be ready once again to succeed in an ever-changing marketplace.
According to the latest figures from Business Micros, the indus try is pouring time and resources into updating and enhancing its software at record rates. Calls to the company’s dedicated support team based at Penpont
in Scotland are 9% up this year compared to 2021 and 20% up compared to 2020.
The majority of these calls are program requests from custom ers who are adding new product
lines to their manufacturing set ups or machine enquiries when they are investing in new saws and CNCs. There are also grow ing numbers of customers calling for support in updating costings and pricing and making the most of efficiency focused features such as materials batching mod ules.
Jude Knowles, Business Micros’ head of operations, comment ed: “If you take these calls as a barometer of what’s happening in the industry, then there’s clearly plenty of growth and diversifica tion going on as fabricators in vest in products and machinery; but also a renewed determination to increase efficiency, which of course is what our EvoNET busi ness management software is all about.
“Our core market for both EvoNET and our Evolution man ufacturing and processing soft ware is PVC-U fabricators. Calls were increasing in 2021 when the market was booming, and fabri cators needed their software to help them to do more, and that has continued throughout 2022 when there have been signs of a tightening in the market and it has become more about optimis ing what our customers already have – in order to save on costs and protect margins.
“80% of our customers have a level of support contract with us because it gives access to our expert team on the phone, online or in person when they want to add functions or features to make the most of their soft ware. Only a tiny proportion of our support team’s time is spent solving problems for customers or fixing errors though – it’s all about helping them to use their software more effectively and get more value from their investment.
“We have different levels of support available depending on customers’ requirements. Some need online help with data
changes, whereas others choose to have regular virtual meetings with us so that they can continu ally hone their software to make sure it keeps pace with their business.”
As demand increases, Busi ness Micros believes it has the biggest and most experienced support team in the industry, more than capable of handing the 1200+ calls a month it is
currently receiving. Jude add ed: “The resources within the Business Micros Group mean we can always scale our support to match demand. We have ded icated experts on hand for any type of request – whether that’s something simple like adding a new colour or hardware option or something more complex such as setting up a new ma chine link.
“We want every customer to view our support service as an investment and not a cost, so we make sure our team is easily accessible, knowledgeable and well trained. Our customers tell us how valuable our partner ship and advice can be – and with calls increasing all the time, the industry clearly seems to agree.”
part of delivering high standards.
Charlotte WhelanJack Brunsdon & Son, manufacturer of handcrafted wooden windows and doors, has been delivering high quality products since the 1940’s, but attributes much of its success and longevity to excep tional customer service, which AdminBase has helped it achieve, claims the company.
“Jack Brunsdon & Son has always placed a firm focus on quality and accuracy in the products we make and the service we provide,” explains Char lotte Whelan, managing director. “To achieve that, we use the very best materials, machinery, and workmanship, but as customer service has risen in importance, software has also become an integral
“We started using the AdminBase system from Ab Initio 20 years ago to ensure our service levels and our communication with customers was exception al. As any manufacturing and installation business will know, the day to day working environment is busy, which can make it hard to keep track of all the incoming and outgoing information in the busi ness. But thanks to AdminBase, our small team can easily access every customer record at any time. This means if a customer calls for an update on their order, anyone can answer that call and get to the information they need quickly and efficiently. It’s invaluable having all notes and documents pertaining to each customer safely stored in one place, as well as all the relevant financial informa tion for each order.
“In an increasingly competitive and challenging marketplace, window and door suppliers must not only offer the very best products, but the very best service too. AdminBase has helped us to achieve this for the last 20 years and as it continuously improves its offering with helpful amendments, we look forward to further expanding our use of the system soon.”
tilt-and-turn window systems and door sashes of various dimensions. The intelligently de signed machines optimise sash assembly by combining several processes at one table. And, says Haffner, by taking these operations off a conventional machining centre means you will further increase the output of your existing machines too.
Haffner Ltd has reported an increase in demand for their KT Assembly tables which are helping fabricators improve their efficiencies and delivering some impressive time savings too, says the company. Matt Thomas, managing director of Haffner, explains: “We know that automated machines provide the ability to achieve more output with less skilled manpower, which means they are a powerful way for fab ricators to adapt to the current worker shortage in addition to increasing their output. But their timesaving properties cannot be overlooked as confirmed by two major industry fabricators who recently purchased our KT Assembly Tables.
“One fabricator confirmed that
the automated door table can prep three hinges on a door in under 3 minutes. This has saved them around 40 minutes on each set of French Doors. They also confirmed that their new tilt and turn table will prep a tilt and turn sash in under 4 minutes too which has dramatically improved the speed of their output. Just as important is that the ma chines are fully automated, so they do not need to be operat ed by a skilled operator.” Even more impressive is the fabricator confirmed that the tables had saved the time of around four people, which is hugely benefi cial for fabricators struggling to find skilled labour.
The KT Assembly Tables are designed for use on single and
They have triple drilling for han dles and milling for the espagno lette channel with easy position ing of the tools. There is a punch unit for cropping the single or tilt-and-turn espagnolettes, as well as scissor hinges, which is all done according to sash dimension and without requiring measuring. Hinge holes are also drilled automatically without an operative needing to measure for the location. The automatic screwing unit includes height adjustment for espagnolette and scissor hinges.
According to Haffner, The accu racy is far superior to tradition al methods of a tape measure and jig too. CNC positioning of the frame and sash ensures all hinges are in the correct place, leaving little adjustment on the finished door. This unique measurement system allows for tolerances in welded frames and also reduces the time needed to check and adjust each door on the bench which further im proves production output.
Matt concluded: “We have always highlighted the benefits of automation across our various PVC-U and aluminium fabrica tion machines. Those benefits haven’t changed – but in the current market they’ve become even more central to fabricators’ success. So, if you’re looking for a solution to your current worker shortages, improve your output and save considerable time, our machines are the tried and test ed solutions you need”.
Emmegi (UK) says user error is now the biggest single cause of machinery breakdowns, with lots of avoidable problems stemming directly from poorly trained oper ators.
In response, the Coventry-based aluminium machinery specialist is offering a day’s free onsite train ing for any customer who takes out a new Emmegi service con tract.
Operations manager Wayne Hunter explained the motivation behind the offer: “Component failure on a CNC or saw is ac tually very rare if the machine is consistently operated in line with our training guide. That means al ways running it at correct speeds, always keeping the cutters sharpened and making sure you avoid collisions which can cause hidden damage.
“We see some fantastic exam ples of customers who have kept their machines running reliably for
many years and crucially at opti mum performance levels – simply by making sure everyone who operates the machine has been properly trained.
“The investment these compa nies make in training pays for itself just in terms of avoiding breakdowns, but it also means they make the most of their ma
chine’s features and capabilities – and get lots of valuable advice and tips from our experts.
“Unfortunately, the trap that too many companies fall into is allowing operators to train each other, which means things are inevitably missed and bad habits get passed on.
“We provide operator training as standard when a new machine is installed, but if the product portfolio changes or a new oper ator takes over, then we always recommend that customers call us to arrange an additional train ing session as soon as possible. When you compare the cost of that with the cost of replacing a component which has failed because the machine is operat ing incorrectly, then it’s a pretty simple equation.”
Emmegi (UK)’s offer of a day’s free training to customers who opt for an Emmegi service con tract for the first time is designed to encourage better uptake of training and demonstrate its ongoing value. The training offer is flexible so customers could, for example, choose a half day of software training and a half day of operator training if they prefer.
AW Louvers have commenced with the supply of high-per formance acoustic vents and louvers to the Deanston Wharf project on the River Thames in London, which forms part of a new community in Newham to the east of the city.
Deanston Wharf is being devel oped by Ballymore, and compris es 764 residential units, 1,320 square-metres of mixed-use floorspace, new public and com
munal open space and basement car parking within four buildings ranging from 9-19 storeys in height.
AW Louvers worked closely with glazing contractor Eire Facades Systems UK Ltd to provide ap proximately 1,000 louvers which meet strict performance require ments.
“The ventilation package went out to tender, which demand
ed U-values of 0.6W/m2K and acoustic performance of 48Dnew and 42Dnew,” AW Louvers’ MD Wayne Irvine said. “We met these requirements with the MR34Z-GL high-flow glazed-in louvers, and we’ve delivered the products to site as specified and to meet the phasing requirements.”
The MR34Z-GL louvers provide a 48% physical free area with a small blade pitch. This meant the performance requirements are met with a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
AW Louvers also supplied 685 Tunal Sus acoustic ventilators, which provide a 2500 equivalent area and which also achieve the
48Dnew and 42Dnew acoustic requirements in the open position. This is seen as a key performance indicator, especially in urban areas, where adequate ventila tion is often accompanied with poor acoustics, which can have a negative effect on the health of the occupants.
And it’s important the ventilation specifications reflect the sound reduction in the open position, not the closed position, because you only get ventilation in the open position. The performance levels in the closed position are academic.
While the package that was put together for Eire Facades was
“AW Louvers is a specialist supplier of vents and louvers, but our customers buy-in to much more than that,” Wayne said. “We understand how our products in terface with all the other elements in the façade, and we can iron out many issues long before the glazing is installed on site.
“Our technical consultants will even visit the site to ensure all the components are installed cor rectly, saving costly errors further down the line.
“We also understand the com plexities of powder coating and how different powder coaters can deliver different finishes, even if RAL codes are matched. These may be things either the contrac
tor hadn’t considered or other suppliers.”
Deanston Wharf forms part of the Royal Wharf development in East London, and is considered one of the last opportunities to build a new town within the city.
Royal Wharf has created 3,385 residential units in a prime river side location, delivered in just six years. Jointly developed by Bal lymore and Oxley Holdings, the development incorporates a high street, side streets, and the occa sional mews. The new neighbour hood also includes a new school, GP surgery, high street, pier, pub, and community centre.
Operating from its base in Tewkesbury, AW Louvers can powder-coat products in any RAL colour to Qualicoat standards.
AW Louvers’ range of ventilation products includes over-the-frame ventilators, through-the-frame ventilators and glazed-in ven tilators. They are designed for a wide range of applications, balancing the ventilation require ments with superior noise mitiga tion. Details can be found on the company’s website –www.awlouvers.co.uk – alongside technical datasheets to ensure you specify the correct product.
“one that worked” according to Wayne, his specialist knowledge was also vital to the project’s success.
A multi-million pound redevelop ment project to convert a Victorian church into six luxury apartments has been completed using as sured fire resistant glazing solu tions from Promat.
The scheme to convert the Christ Church in Teddington, Middlesex, by Renaissance Design & Build, has secured the future of the 150 year old building after it had fallen into disrepair over recent years. Given the decline in congregation numbers, income and an ever growing demand for maintenance and repair, the church’s future as a place of worship had become unviable.
The building’s local significance and historic features, howev er, meant that any proposals to convert Christ Church would have to be approached sympathetically with a high standard of crafts
manship. And it was here where the developer, in conjunction with the architects Robert Davies John West, saw the opportunity to cre ate high-specification new homes within the existing structure in a spectacular and unique setting.
The extensive conversion project involved completely modernis ing the building, retaining many original features whilst redesigning the internal space to incorporate the six dwellings. This included installing a spiral staircase, roof garden and extending the original tower to provide a lift to the third floor. Inside the apartments, the contemporary design includes sleek grey-painted kitchens, lime stone flooring and an air exchange system.
One of the key challenges for the architects was to ensure the build ing could be redeveloped in a way
that ensured compliance with cur rent building regulations, including Approved Document B in relation to fire safety. The passive fire pro tection strategy meant introducing compartmentation into what was originally a large open space used by the congregation in a way that provided the best technical and aesthetic solution.
Meeting the architect and de veloper’s brief was the Promat Systemglas range of fire resistant glazing systems. Two versions of this system were specified to provide a dependable level of fire protection to both property occupiers and the building itself, both of which were installed by long-standing Promat Sys temglas approved installer, Fol kestone-based Rated Solutions.
Systemglas Celare EI30, which is a butt-jointed glazing system offering fire protection of 30 min utes with integrity and insulation, was chosen due to its suitability for the modern internal décor of the apartments, and effectiveness in providing compartmentation between the different living areas. It was specified with a feature
anthracite trim, but otherwise Sys temglas Celare appears virtually frameless thanks to its Promatect H frame which is concealed within the surrounding walls, floors and ceilings.
The Christ Church’s centrepiece gothic and trapezoidal windows required a different approach which involved Systemglas Ligna, a timber framed fire rated glaz ing system. An EI60 rating was provided to ensure the original stained glass windows and stone work will be protected in the event of a fire, without compromising the aesthetics of these attractive original Victorian elements.
Cliff Hamilton, managing director at Renaissance Design & Build said: “The building is absolutely amazing, the devil is in the detail, and we made sure that every as pect of the building was finished
to the highest possible standards. The Promat glazing systems were ideal with bespoke frames, slim sight lines and clear butt joints meaning that we never had to compromise on our ambition for the internal appearance of the building.”
Commenting on how the fire resistant glazing solutions were delivered for the Christ Church project, Keith Crouchman, project director at Renaissance added: “I was really impressed by the professionalism and expertise of Promat and Rated Solutions. They worked extremely hard through the pandemic to ensure we kept to our original build schedule.”
In addition to the third party ac creditation that supports all Sys temglas specifications, Promat provides building owners with 360 degree assurance that their fire resistant glazing has been designed, manufactured and in stalled to deliver the performance specified. This includes a pro ject-specific Certificate of Con formity, which is provided after a check of the finished installation. https://bit.ly/3SP9ZHc
Stellar aluminium windows and doors have been installed in a palatial refurbishment project in Ger rards Cross, South Buckingham shire. The attractive five-bedroom detached property was fitted with 25 Stellar aluminium fully flush casement windows and five sets of Stellar flush doors. The prod ucts were manufactured by Epwin Window Systems’ fabricator Cap ital Windows of Uxbridge, Greater London and fitted by Absolute
Windows in Buckinghamshire.
The stand-out residential home is set in a desirable location and exacting standards were needed throughout the whole renovation, including the choice of windows and doors. Stellar was selected due to the system’s high-end flush aesthetics which were impor tant to the homeowner. Richard Embleton, owner of Absolute Windows, explains: “The home
owner was looking to refurbish their property with products that aesthetically replicated the origi nal timber window and doors that were previously fitted. Stellar’s flush detailing on both the inter nal and external faces delivers the sympathetic aesthetics this project demanded and was the perfect product solution for this high-end job.”
He added: “The windows and
doors were manufactured with a black external face to replicate the traditional charm with a clean white internal face to comple ment the interior decor. The use of leaded lights to the glass units also helped to replicate the origi nal window and door features.”
The project also included the manufacture and installation of a 4.2 metre high, three section bay window to the front aspect of the property. Richard said: “The large-scale bay window is a dramatic focal point on the house and the slim sightlines of Stellar were perfect to maximise this large, light filled space.”
The multi-award-winning Stel lar aluminium window and door system was purposely designed to give the domestic market the best in cutting-edge aluminium windows and doors. Neil Smith, head of sales (aluminium) at Epwin Window Systems, said. “Stellar’s flush aesthetics on the internal and external faces are unique to the aluminium market and present a visible point of difference especially within the domestic sector. As this project confirms, Stellar offers the cre dentials that give consumers the aesthetic differentiation they are looking for especially as the market continues to shift towards higher value, traditional flush products. In Stellar you have a range of aluminium windows and doors that gives installers an opportunity to secure business at the highest level.”
Buckingham-based Absolute Windows has been fitting Stellar aluminium products since the system came to market in 2019. Richard concluded: “We work closely with Capital Windows as their product quality and attention to detail is excellent. Stellar is an easy product to install but most importantly, its unique flush aes thetics are next-level and never fail to impress the homeowner.”
A range of hardware solutions supplied by Carl F Groupco has been used on a new prestigious holiday park development. The project carried out by trade, retail and commercial fabricator Total Window Services in Hull involved the installation of new windows and doors in the reception, con venience store and restaurant buildings at the High Farm Holiday Park in Yorkshire.
The windows and doors in the reception and convenience store were straightforward but, with its four large door apertures, the newly constructed on-site restau rant needed something different.
Jonathan Neale, general manager at Total Window Services, ex
plains: “Our customer required a solution that was easy to use and offered exceptional security. They thought bifold doors would be the answer, but, when they saw the Smart-Slide patio door from Aluplast, which utilises the Roto Inowa sliding door hardware sys tem, they changed their minds.”
He continued: “The innovative Smart-Slide doors were designed to accommodate wide door apertures so could easily ac commodate the 3.5-metre-wide openings on this project. The Roto Inowa sliding door hardware system meant the doors would be straightforward to operate, some thing that was particularly impor tant as many of the client’s guests are elderly. Security and func
tionality are also excellent and, overall, the Smart-Slide doors have more than delivered on this high-end project.”
The Roto Inowa sliding door hardware system was supplied by hardware distributors Carl F Groupco who added the system to its impressive stocked range in 2020. Total Window Services has worked exclusively with Carl F Groupco for their hardware requirements since January 2021 and, in that time, has developed a mutually strong relationship.
Carl F Groupco is a major stockist of Roto hardware, and Julie Warn er, Carl F Groupco’s Roto product manager, said: “The Roto Patio Inowa range is a prevalent choice for new build installations like this one. It meets the stringent require ments of the BS EN 13126-17 rain and air impermeability tests and can achieve PAS 24 compliance with its secure locking points in the mullion, V-locking cams and
its lockable handle with drilling protection.”
The hardware solution also offers exceptional functionality which made it ideal for this project. It comfortably slides sash weights of up to 200kg with minimum effort as the sash movement is perpendicular to the frame profile. Furthermore, roller bearings mean that it is not necessary to lift the sash. Soft functionality also gently brakes the sash when stopping in the open or closed positions, en suring safe operation every time, says the company.
Jonathan concluded: “The cus tomer is delighted with the fin ished results and they’ve had great feedback from their guests too. They appreciate how smooth ly the doors run and are pleased with the weatherproofing provided by the unique closing mecha nism.”
Senior Architectural Systems has seen its popular SF52 aluminium curtain wall system specified for use at Nottingham Trent Univer sity’s new purpose-built Health & Allied Professions (HAP) Centre.
The state-of-the-art clinical skills facility is located at Nottingham Trent University’s vibrant Clifton Campus and features an array of innovative resources and amenities, including mock hos pital wards, specialist equipment and creative teaching spaces, to assist students in their study of nursing, para-medicine and healthcare.
The impressive building has been designed by architects Pick Everard and incorporates a number of sustainable features to achieve an ‘excellent’ Breeam rating. Senior’s fenestration sys tems, which offer cradle-to-cra dle recyclability, were the ideal choice and the building’s striking main façade features both Sen ior’s thermally-enhanced SF52 al uminium curtain wall system and integrated SPW600 aluminium windows. Senior’s products were fabricated and installed by supply chain partner Logic Aluminium
Systems for main contractor Hen ry Brothers Ltd. As well as a cre ating a welcoming gateway to the University’s Clifton Campus, the new two-storey building has been designed to provide both visual interest and maximise the use of daylighting. The use of Senior’s slimline SF52 aluminium curtain wall systems floods the main atri um with natural light and provides each of the rooms with extensive views of the campus and sur rounding areas. Ventilation is pro vided by Senior’s robust SPW600 aluminium windows which have been seamlessly incorporated into the curtain wall.
The interior features of the new HAP Centre are just as impres sive, with flexible teaching and study areas interspersed with state-of-the-art facilities including a virtual reality wall, which enables students to practice emergency medical responses in ‘real life’ settings, and mock hospital wards and domestic flat settings which feature robotically controlled mannequins that allow a range of patient symptoms, illnesses, and scenarios to be simulated and studied.
Victorian Sliders have been nominated for a coveted Welsh manufacturing award.
The thriving Ammanford firm has been named a finalist in the Manufacturer of the Year Category at the Made in Wales Awards 2022.
Founded to celebrate the great products, innovation and ideas coming from companies of all sizes across Wales, the event has become a firm fixture in the Welsh manufacturing calendar.
The Manufacturer of the Year category seeks to recognise businesses that have made an
outstanding contribution to the sector as a whole – something which an experienced panel of judges decided Victorian Sliders clearly demonstrates.
“We’re delighted to be a finalist in the Made in Wales Awards,” comments group managing director Steve Winslet.
“From the very beginning, Vic torian Sliders has been proud of its Welsh heritage, and of help ing put the region on the map as a great place to do business.
“In the years since 2005, we’ve invested extensively to support the local community, and pro
vide a solution to both the newbuild and refurbishment window markets.
“We’re helping installers deliver an added-value product at an affordable price, creating valua ble opportunities for thousands of customers around the coun try.
“Our ECOSlide window is num ber one in the market – offering outstanding energy efficiency, robust security and attractive aesthetics, all at a highly com petitive price.
“It’s hugely gratifying to have that recognised, and we look forward to hearing the final result.”
The awards event will be held on Thursday 6th October at the Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel.
Window Widgets has been short listed as a finalist for a Sustainabil ity Award in the Gloucestershire Live Business Awards 2022.
The GloucestershireLive Business Awards is run in association with BusinessLive and is an annual event that rewards businesses in the county of Gloucestershire for their hard work.
The Sustainability Award is a brand new category for the 2022 awards and rewards businesses for their commitment to environmental sustainability. Window Widgets has been announced as a finalist amongst three other organisations and the winner will be announced at an awards ceremony at Chel tenham Racecourse on the 13th October 2022.
This is the first time Window Widgets has entered the awards and securing a place as a finalist in
the sustainability award category demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to their environmen tal impact. Not only did Window Widgets achieve zero waste to landfill in 2021 following a rigorous two and a half years of strategic planning and execution, but they also have a mission to be carbon neutral by 2025. Working towards
that mission, the supplier of uni versal window ancillaries is contin ually looking for ways to improve, including more efficient, low energy manufacturing processes and in novative products that meet mod ern standards of sustainable living. This is reflected in their recent audit for Quality Management and Environmental Management stand ards, after which they received ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification.
Andy Taylor, QSHE manager at Window Widgets commented: “We are absolutely delighted to be nominated for the Sustainability Award as part of the Gloucester shireLive Business Awards 2022. We’re committed to improving the impact our business has on the environment and every one of our staff and contractors work extremely hard to improve our business, as well as the products and services that we offer. We’re looking forward to the awards cer emony in October and can’t wait to find out if we’ll be the winner of the category.” www.windowwidgets.co.uk
As a Technal partner, A Plus fabricates system solu tions made from the high-quality End of Life (EoL) Aluminium Hydro Circal 75R. During the period October 2020 to October 2021, the Watford-based fabricator made use of 87 tonnes of Hydro Circal 75R. This equates to cutting out 549 tonnes of CO2 emissions when compared to primary aluminium.
Specialist trade fabricator, A Plus Aluminium has been recognised for its contribution towards a green er and more sustainable future by systems house, Technal UK, with the presentation of the Circal award.
Tim Adams, national sales manager for Technal UK commented: “We are presenting several awards to A Plus and other customers to recognise the work they have done to lower their carbon emissions by using Hydro Circal 75R and Hydro Reduxa. By working alongside us, and choosing Technal prod ucts, our valued partner A Plus Aluminium has saved 549 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmos phere. That’s the equivalent amount of CO2 that’s released by driving 1,362,732 miles in an average car!”
To mark the significance of A Plus’s contribution towards climate protection Technal UK presented A Plus co-managing director, Jon Palethorpe with a commemorative plaque and medal.
“I’m really loving working at Corn wall Glass,” Maisie enthused. “The whole experience is really eye opening.
“I researched the company before I started, but I had no idea how big it is, and how many opportunities there are within the company. I can see real routes where I could progress, and I know that previous apprentices have made it to senior management level.”
Another recent apprentice is Kieran James, which is currently doing a Level 3 in Glass Processing.
“Both the college and the team leaders are really supportive,” he said. “They ask me what I want to do next, or what job would I like to try, and l like that. I’m not the sort of person to ask to try a different job so it’s nice they encourage me.”
Cornwall Group has developed highly successful partnerships with its training partners. This is based around a regional model, which includes specialist training from Cornwall College, Truro College, GFTS and Focus Training.
The Cornwall Group has been nominated in the Large Employer of the Year category in the Corn wall Apprenticeship Awards 2022, reflecting its ongoing commitment to nurture talent within the region.
Apprenticeships are highly regard ed within Cornwall Group com panies, and many of the group’s senior employees – including board directors – joined the inde pendent family-owned business via an apprenticeship.
The Cornwall Group Apprentice ship Journey is an occupational competency training and assess ment programme designed to highlight and promote a career in the glass and business industry, and to develop new skills and careers. It’s a key element in the company’s strategy for growth post-Covid, as well as bringing a
new generation into the IGU and glass processing industry through wide variety of roles from produc tion through to business adminis tration.
“We have many colleagues in senior positions, including two managing directors, who started out on an apprenticeship scheme,” Cornwall Group Chair Mark Mitch ell said. “It’s this opportunity to progress beyond an initial ap prenticeship and to continue to develop their career with us which we believe makes our programme stand out.”
Maisie Simpson, who is doing an 18-month apprenticeship in Marketing through Truro College, is one of 20 people on Cornwall Group’s apprenticeship pro gramme.
The company communicates clearly what is expected of the apprentices but also what progres sion delivers. This includes regular salary reviews based on attain ment. Other incentives include driving lessons and £100 of high street vouchers.
“Where we believe we are different is the level of investment we make in those colleagues,” Mark Mitch ell said. “Not only while they are apprentices but also in support of their ongoing career development.”
The awards are hosted by Truro and Penwith College. Winners across 16 categories will be an nounced at the gala awards dinner presented by Holly Day and Neil Caddy from Pirate FM on Friday November 18.
Lincolnshire fabricator of PVCu and Aluminium glazing Trade glaze are delighted to share that the business has been selected as a Finalist in two categories in this year’s LincolnshireLive Business Awards. Hosted by LincolnshireLive in partnership with the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, the awards return for the 18th year this year to bring together thriving businesses, celebrating achievements of the business community as well as individual talent in the county of Lincolnshire. Tradeglaze has been shortlisted in two categories, SME Business of the Year and Employee of the Year.
Tradeglaze, with its retail subsidi ary Jackson Windows, has in the last year accelerated the compa ny’s expansion plans to support the rapidly increasing demand for its products. The company has
focused on customer experience more than ever before and has invested heavily in new talent, training, machinery, software, vehicles and office space to en sure they continue delivering the exceptional quality products and five-star customer service the team have become known and recommended for.
Jeremy Wetherall, managing di rector at Tradeglaze said: “To be shortlisted in the LincolnshireLive Business Awards means a big deal to us. The last 12 months have been the most challenging time in the history of our compa ny but we are stronger and more resilient than ever before. Our teams are experts in their area, from our consultants, survey ors, fabricators, installers, to our office teams and our remedial engineers. We are all passionate about exceeding our custom
ers’ expectations and our hardearned outstanding customer reviews are a testament to our efforts. I could not be more proud of our people.”
Tradeglaze marketing manager Katerina Pickup has been select ed as a Finalist in the Employee of the Year category. Jeremy Wetherall says: “Katerina joined our company in early 2020 and while facing unpredictable, fast-changing market conditions, she leveraged new opportunities and helped navigate the business to growth. She is an inspiration al leader who knows how to lift others to success and an admira ble ambassador for the modern, professional glazing industry.”
“Katerina puts a commendable effort in professional development and has been recently elected Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. I am delighted to have her on our management team and excited for the many new projects ahead of us as Tradeglaze continues to grow.”
The winners of the Lincolnshire Live Business Awards will be an nounced at an awards ceremony on 20th October at the Lincoln shire Showground.
Emplas has made it through to the finals at this year’s G-Awards in three categories: the new Ris ing Star Award; Training and Development Initiative of the Year; and the showcase, Fabricator of the Year category.
Having won the Fabricator of the Year title last year, Emplas entered the category for 2022 on the strength of operational efficiencies of up to 15%, which have supported it in making a commitment to hold prices for
six-months, from February this year.
The entry also highlighted Emplas’ apprenticeship and com pany-wide training and develop ment programmes, which have underpinned the operational gains it has made this year and provide a foundation for the commitment it made to its cus tomers.
Ryan Johnson, managing direc tor of Emplas Group, said: “We’re
delighted to have made the Fabricator of the Year shortlist for the second time in two-years and will clearly be keeping our fingers – and everything else – crossed, that we can repeat last year’s performance and come away with the award for a second time.
“It’s a fiercely contested cate gory with some great fabrication businesses shortlisted in it, so all we can do is do our best and see how it goes on the night. Either way, we’re pleased to have made the cut and delighted that the hard work of the team and our commitment to our customers has been recognised.”
The Emplas Fabricator of the Year entry also highlighted its new smart complaints procedure which digitises and streamlines customer complaints, returns and re-ordering process, and its Qual
ity Road Mapping programme, which includes weekly reviews including with its own retail busi ness T&K Home Improvements.
In addition to sourcing energy through its own solar panels, Emplas has also driven the sus tainability agenda with a major upgrade of its fleet to new lower emission engines.
Dawid Hajduk is Emplas’ short listing in the Rising Star category. Now operations support leader, he joined Emplas straight from school as an operations appren tice.
Three years on, and three pro motions, later, he was nominated after picking up significant addi tional responsibility and perform ing a vital role in Emplas’ plan ning and scheduling team during Covid-19 disruption.
This included single handily managing Kolorplas, Emplas’ bespoke paint spraying service, including processing orders, stock control and line manage ment responsibilities – when he was still only 18-years old!
“We’re a big and complex busi ness. If you step back and you look at what we make every day, the vast majority of products that we make – bespoke, no two frames the same – it’s incredible.”, continued Ryan.
“Planning that, scheduling pro duction so that products get made but also are manufactured as efficiently as possible and on time, with multiple competing demands, it’s almost a miracle every day.
“It’s the product of a great team, in the factory but also testimo ny to our planning, the systems we have and those that we’re developing – and Dawid plays a massive part in all of that”, he concluded.
Haffner Ltd has been con firmed as a finalist in the new Machinery Supplier of the Year category at the prestigious G22 Awards. Dave Thomas, chief ex ecutive officer of Haffner, said: “Everyone at Haffner is delight ed to have been shortlisted for the Machinery Supplier of the Year award. Over the years we have continued to invest across the business and we are now the industry’s leading machinery supplier thanks to the dedica tion and commitment of our team. To reach finalist status is a huge achievement and cele brates the hard work and efforts of everyone at Haffner.”
Haffner has seen an impres sive transformation, along with a package of sizeable investments, in the past three years. This has included the company doubling the size of its Staffordshire headquarters, commissioning a new 37,000 sqm purpose-built factory in Istanbul, Turkey, building a new showroom facility and restruc turing its senior management team to support its continued growth trajectory.
Dave said: “Haffner has seen exponential growth in the past few years thanks to our out standing machinery offering and team of industry and technical experts who are committed to adding value to all customers’ businesses.”
Haffner offers one the largest and most comprehensive ma chine portfolios in the industry. It’s the exclusive UK supply partner of Graf Synergy, which offers world class seamless welding technology and pat ented welding techniques. It is the sole UK agent of Haffner Machinery and it also supplies a range of fabrication machines from FOM Industrie, which holds an international reputation for quality machinery that combines the latest technology with skilled engineering and compet itive prices.
Dave concludes: “The G Awards promotes the best in the indus try and we are looking forward to joining our fellow finalists on the night.”
Sternfenster has been announced as a finalist in three categories in this year’s G-Awards, which demonstrates the fabricator’s commitment to its workforce, and investment in technical innovation, says the company.
The Lincoln-based trade fabricator was shortlisted for three categories: Fabricator of the Year, Unsung Hero, and the Training & Develop ment Initiative of the Year.
“Being shortlisted in three cate gories at the fenestration indus try’s most prestigious awards is a fantastic achievement, and recognises the hard work that all of our colleagues have put in to making Sternfenster the success that it is today,” MD Mike Parczuk said.
“The market for windows and doors has been all over the place during the last two years, but I think we have shown strength and maturity, and provided the support necessary to ensure our custom
ers are the best-placed to win work and prosper. I am proud that everyone at Sternfenster stepped up to the challenge, and this announcement is a direct result of that effort.”
Underpinning Sternfenster’s entry in the Training & Development Initiative of the Year category is its commitment to achieve a Gold Investors in People award, some thing that only 19% of business achieve, after being awarded Silver in October 2020, claims the com pany.
To meet this ambitious goal, Sternfenster created a series of bespoke training and development initiatives aligned to the IIP framework to ensure that it is the company’s be haviour that drives its people, who in turn will drive the business.
“People are at the heart of Stern fenster’s overall corporate strategy, with our Family Principles and con tinuous improvement Training and
Development Framework being the bedrock upon which our success is measured,” Mike said.
Judges reviewing Sternfenster’s entry to the Fabricator of the Year category will, in part, assess the company’s investment in a new virtual showroom, which gives customers greater control of the sales process, and sits within its consumer lead-to-manufactur ing, adaptive approach to selling windows.
The virtual showroom is a mul ti-tiered platform that includes elements such as CGI videos, 360º product walkthroughs, sales videos, and a friendly online tour. The result of a £40,000 investment, Sternfenster’s virtual showroom is a response to changing home owner buying habits, and gives its customers the tools to effort lessly manage leads from enquiry through to sale.
“People moved online during the pandemic to research and buy home improvement products,” Mike said. “And it didn’t decline as we moved back to a sense of normality. It is vital we keep up with changing habits, and even pioneer new ways of doing business, which is why we developed the Sternfen ster Virtual Showroom.”
Finally, technical trades manager Kev Wallis was shortlisted as Unsung Hero, thanks to a lifetime of hard work, loyalty, and a commit ment to perfection.
Employees and customers alike queued up to say what a great character and role model Kev is, and how he has developed them as Sternfenster employees, or as valued customers.
“Our business would be very dif ferent today had we not had Kev,” Mike said. “He has been funda mental to the growth and contin ued development of our business, our colleagues, and our customers for many years.”
Euramax Solutions is celebrating after being named a finalist in the 2022 G Awards.
The Yorkshire-based firm is in the running to win the prestigious Fabricator of the Year category.
Despite the major challenges of the last few years, Euramax has continued to be highly successful. It’s formed strong partnerships with major customers throughout leisure, modular and DIY, based on its
service tailored to the needs of fast-paced modern manufacturing.
The company has also achieved ISO 14001, the in ternational standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS), and ISO 45001 for safety. What’s more, Euramax has hired a dedicated Carbon Re duction Analyst to the team. Qualified in geography, Matthew Williams is tasked with planning, designing and developing the company’s decarbonisation strategy.
Euramax is zero-landfill – none of its waste material gets sent to landfill, and is all recycled. The firm also uses 100% renewable energy, and has installed solar panels on its trucks, saving 2.5 tonnes of car bon every year, claims the company.
Managing director Emma Chapman comments: “We’re absolutely delighted to have been recog nised by the G Award judges in this way.
“We’ve always strived for excellence in everything we do, and to have that recognised by the sector’s most respected awards event is extremely reward ing for us.
“We look forward to the announcement of the win ners later this year!”
Composite door supplier, DoorCo has been shortlisted in two categories in this year’s G-Awards – Best Component Supplier and Best Promotional Campaign.
Dan Sullivan, DoorCo MD com ments: “We are thrilled to have been shortlisted once again in the G-Awards for Best Component Supplier and following on our win last year, Best Promotional Cam paign.
“Both categories are important to DoorCo. Last year was a roller coaster, but DoorCo’s agility and boldness prevailed. The brave decisions we took during this difficult time enabled us to con tinue our growth and investment
plans, deliver restructuring and strengthening of the business, and make a marked improvement in delivery. Most importantly, we have remained true to our roots as an independently owned composite door component supplier and continued the effective delivery of a product range and service
focused on making our customers’ lives easier.
“FIT Show was the perfect plat form to bring this all together and demonstrate to our customers and the wider market that we are in control and moving forward. The marketing team put their all into making the event a success for DoorCo, from the showstopping stand to the best party of the exhibition. I am extremely proud that their efforts have once again been recognised by the judges.
“The awards are certainly a high light on the industry’s calendar. They are dedicated to honouring and rewarding excellence in the UK’s fenestration sector and to be shortlisted is a great endorsement to the continued hard work of the DoorCo team. We are very much looking forward to celebrating with everyone in November.” www.door-co.com
Following an extremely successful 12 months, trade fabricator Dekko Window Systems has been short listed in the G-Awards.
As a finalist for ‘Fabricator of the Year’, Dekko has been recognised for significant company growth over the past year, as well as having sold a 70% share of the com pany to European window group Inwido, which has opened the door to product investment and increased production.
Earlier this year, Dekko also launched what it described as the world’s first fully seamless window, thanks to a multi-million pound ex clusivity agreement with machinery
supplier Haffner, which allows the unique manufacturing of reverse butt welding with Haffner’s new Graf Synergy machine.
The seamless sash has also been launched with optional smart se curity sensors, thanks to a partner ship with Kubu.
Dekko sales director Kurt Greatrex commented: “We are delighted to have been shortlisted as Fabri cator of the Year – we’re certainly up against some very deserving competition, and to be recognised by the judges for our hard work and investment over the past year is truly humbling.
“The acquisition by Inwido has been a huge and very promising development for us, while we’re also incredibly proud of the launch of our new, world first, fully seam less window.
“Add to that a factory expansion which has significantly ramped up production and cut lead times to a minimum, a dedication to tackling the skills gap with our new appren ticeship programme, and a commitment to customer support, and we’ve certainly had a very strong year.
“I very much look forward to this year’s G-Award finals, and I’d also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our fellow finalists and wish them the best of luck.”
G-Award winners will be an nounced at a gala dinner on the 25th of November at Intercontinen tal London Park Lane.
AW Louvers has been shortlisted in the Component Supplier of the Year category of the G22 Awards, which recognises the company’s vital role in supplying ventilators, louvers and solar shading to the construction industry.
“We are absolutely thrilled to have been shortlisted for this award,” AW Louvers’ managing director Wayne Irvine said. “It is a reflec tion of all the hard work the team here has put into delivering leading products with a service to match.
“The construction industry is under greater scrutiny than ever before, with close attention being paid to performance and safety. Specialist suppliers like AW Louvers are be ing involved earlier on in projects’
designs, and our knowledge and expertise are being relied on for error-free and prompt builds.”
Alongside providing leading products, such as acoustic trickle
ventilators that boast unsurpassed performance levels, AW Louvers also provides a technical sup port service so that products are seamlessly integrated into prod uct designs, and the company provides tools to ensure that the right product is specified for each project.
Following the revisions to Part F of the Building Regulations in June 2022, AW Louvers led the industry in highlighting the importance of managing acoustic levels when incorporating trickle vents into window designs.
“At a time when the role compo nent suppliers play in windows’ construction comes under greater scrutiny, we lead the way in provid ing the right products and the right technical support,” Wayne said. “Good luck to all the finalists at the G22 Awards – we are looking forward to an exciting evening.” www.awlouvers.co.uk
design has been recognised by the G22 Awards as a New Product of the Year finalist.
Comp Door burst onto the scene in March this year with a product that was intended to be industry leading from the off. According to the company, Comp Door is a solid timber core door that has been designed from scratch to engineer-out common composite door issues from the outset, and which aims to raise indus try standards. Using their combined experience and expertise, the technical team at Comp Door considered every detail of the manufacturing and composition of the door, selecting the best quality machinery and components available. The result, says the company, is a top-quali ty, high-performance door that has gained the praise of installers.
In just six short months, Comp Door is already turning heads and making waves. The solid core composite door manufacturer was delighted to learn that their innovative approach to product
Comp Door technical director, Pierre Mifsud, explained: “We wanted to create a ‘fit and forget’ product for trade customers and put an end to them having to do multiple call backs to fitted doors that should perform well over time. In the current market, this is all too common and ends up with unhappy homeowners and fitters being out of pocket. As a result, companies often end up receiving bad reviews and lose business due to a sub-par product, through no fault of their own. www.compdoor.co.uk
Building Our Skills has received another boost to its campaign to take the industry to the education sector as the starting point for creating a workforce for tomorrow. Six team members from systems company Liniar have enrolled to be a part of the ‘Inspiring the Future’ programme that Building Our Skills is pro moting alongside the Education and Employers charity.
Setting a great example, the group from the major manufac turer and supplier of PVCu prod ucts has signed up to support the campaign by volunteering to visit schools to help inform youngsters about the possibili ties for their future careers, and what they could achieve if they
join the Fenestration, Glass and Glazing industry.
Inspiring The Future has been designed to connect young people with the world of work through volunteers. It is seen by Building Our Skills as key in helping to acquaint school age children and their teachers with the industry, and to communicate to them the broad range of job roles and career paths it offers.
The campaign connects vol unteers to state primary and secondary schools via its free match-making platform. Volun teers are asked to give just one hour a year to the programme, although they can choose to do
more if they wish in order to help inspire children. The first step is to register on the website of Building Our Skills and complete a very simple application form. Teachers who have signed their schools up to the programme can see details of the volunteer, where they are based and the industry they are in, and then invite them to talk to their school about the job they do and the industry they do it in.
Invitations for in-person school visits are based around volun teers being local to the school in question. Virtual visits can also be delivered from anywhere in the UK. Volunteers are support ed by the Inspiring the Future team and are given access to training videos as well as train ing webinars and forums should they wish.
Building Our Skills has highlight ed the education sector as the single most important area for the industry to focus on to raise
awareness of the opportunities it offers and to inspire future gen erations to look to fenestration, glass and glazing as a career of choice.
Sue Davenport, Liniar’s group marketing director said: “Here at Liniar we’re big supporters of Building Our Skills and we’re proud to do our bit to help the campaign to bridge the skills gap. It’s a goal we share, hav ing pioneered apprenticeships throughout Liniar’s history – and this initiative is a great idea to get youngsters enthused about the fenestration industry. The team has already started its school visits, and I understand the volunteers are very happy to be able to make a difference in this way. We’d encourage other employers in the industry to get on board, especially with the support that’s on offer for volunteers through Building Our Skills.”
Mark Handley, Building Our Skills’ partnerships manager, said: “A big thank you to Liniar for agreeing to support the In spiring the Future campaign by volunteering. We’re now well on the way to achieving our primary objective of securing 50 indus try volunteers. I’ve been very pleased with the response, but I urge the fenestration industry to acknowledge the need to get more involved with schools and colleges. Working with Inspiring the Future is a great approach to attracting new talent to the industry, and teaching youngsters about the sheer breadth of roles it has on offer. I think anyone volunteering would find it all very rewarding.”
Those interested in volunteer ing can do so by clicking here https://bit.ly/3SIuGVQ
Or for more information on this campaign and Building Our Skills – Making Fenestration, Glass and Glazing a Career of Choice – visit
One of the biggest longer-term problems facing the modern fenes tration industry is the shortage of skilled labour entering the work force.
Heidi Sachs, Modplan’s manag ing director, said: “The shortage of skilled workers is a concern for everyone in the industry. It’s why here at Modplan we have a series of initiatives in place to tackle the issues.”
The Training Academy is a dedi cated space that allows Modplan to train personnel from across its business from NVQ level through to management training. Hei di commented: ”The Academy helps build on our commitment to developing talent from within and provide a cohesive career path for growth and progression throughout the business.”
Modplan also focuses on nurturing the next generation of talent by working closely with local colleges to further encourage young people to look at fenestration as a career choice. Heidi said: “Fabricators need to remain proactive to build the next generation of talent com ing into the business and looking
to build a career. By reaching out directly to our local colleges, we are taking that step for our own business.”
The commitment to training and development supports Modplan’s offering. Modplan’s mission is to continually exceed customers’ in creasing expectations. It does this with a culture of quality that deliv ers the highest possible standards at all times. Heidi said: “We work hard to make sure every one of our employees has the skills needed to deliver an exceptional package to support our customers.”
Modplan’s approach makes a difference for the business. Heidi said: “We are proud to have a strong staff retention with many key members of the Modplan team having been with us for decades. It also helps us continue to attract local employees keen to further their career with a company that cares about their development. We want nothing less than to be the employer of choice both now and into the future. In turn, this helps us to be the fabricator of choice for our customers.”
Former Glazerite UK Group chair man John Hewitt and a team of industry faces have hit the road Stateside for mental health charity, We Mind & Kelly Matters (WM&KM).
The epic cycle ride across the USA – dubbed the ‘Loneliest Road’ –is the latest in a series of Kelly’s Heroes fundraising challenges set to raise money for WM&KM, while raising awareness of mental health.
The US leg kicked off in Newark, New Jersey, on Saturday 24th September, hot on the heels of the European leg of the challenge, which saw riders cycle from Spain to the HQ of main sponsors, Veka Group, in Germany. The 12-strong team faced extreme heat across the continent for the challenge, which also saw them climb 3924ft up Mont Ventoux.
John is being joined on the ‘Lone liest Road’ by his daughter Amy, Glazerite’s James Westley, and
the likes of Sarah Ball from Balls 2 Marketing, Roy Frost from Listers, DoorCo’s Dan Sullivan, FCD’s Adrian Lewis, and Peter Mew from Mews Windows. The USA route will cover 3336 miles and cross seven mountain ranges along the infamous Highway 50. The team aim to finish the challenge in San Francisco on 10th October 2022,
to coincide with World Mental Health Day.
Glazerite’s production manager, James Westley, who is taking part says: “This is definitely the biggest challenge I’ve ever taken on. Hav ing just completed the European leg we are now on the USA leg. All the riders have a reason and drive for taking part. I’m doing so in memory of Churton Wilson, 40, Nick Taylor, 36, Anthony Griffiths, 36, and of course my niece, Kelly Hewitt, 24.
“Our efforts are in the hope that those in need know that they can talk and seek help with no shame. If it means we can save just one life in the process it makes it all worth it.”
Donations have reached the half way mark. To help the team smash their fundraising target and support mental health, visit: www.justgiv ing.com/campaign/Kellys-He roes-The-Loneliest-Road-2022
You can catch up with the team on YouTube at https://bit.ly/3C3WrRi and contribute to the miles being covered by taking part in the virtual challenge at https://bit.ly/3V77SAs
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