Stand Against Slavery Annual Report 2015

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Chairperson’s Report I am delighted to commend to you the Annual Report of Stand Against Slavery (SAS), on behalf of a dedicated and enthusiastic Board of Trustees.


e have met six times over the past twelve months and in addition to taking seriously our fiduciary responsibilities, it has been an absolute privilege observing the ongoing development of SAS and cheering on the seemingly tireless efforts of our CEO and his team. Many New Zealanders are possibly incredulous at the thought that justice issues such as slavery, forced labour and exploitation of powerless workers might be a part of our 21st century landscape – especially in a country as committed to fairness and human rights as New Zealand. Sadly, while international efforts over the last two centuries made great strides in making slavery illegal, the numbers of people currently trapped in modern day slavery (and its various permutations) are larger than ever. Here within Aotearoa New Zealand there is plenty of work to do in bringing issues of slavery to the public conscience and challenging injustice wherever it is found. SAS is a young organisation and continues to find its feet. Despite being a relative newcomer

in the anti-slavery sector it has been staggering to observe how quickly it has become a significant lead-organisation amongst others who champion a similar cause. Indeed, several news media, government departments and strategic industries in New Zealand are turning to SAS as the “go-to” entity for commentary and advice when issues of slavery, exploitation and human trafficking are unearthed. The following pages of this Annual Report reveal an organisation well worthy of financial support and strategic investment. As a Board we warmly commend the enterprise of SAS and welcome the opportunity to engage further with those able to help fund our work. We are excited at the opportunities ahead of us and look forward to making a significant impact within our nation as we stand for those powerless and voiceless in representing themselves. Brian N. Winslade Chairperson SAS Board of Trustees

CEO’s Report It is with pleasure that we outline the activities of the last twelve months along with some vision casting for the year ahead.


elcome to the second Annual Report of Stand Against Slavery (SAS). This report overlaps with last year’s Annual Report as we align our annual reporting with our financial period to 31 March. As a charity that is still in start-up mode, this report brings with it the classic truth that the only constant we can rely on is change. To be analogical for a moment, it reminds me of snow globes—everything looks settled until you shake it up and the snow dances around for a few minutes until it eventually settles down . It has felt a lot like that since we began in October 2013. Every three or four months we appear to be reinventing, or more accurately refining ourselves into the organisation we will become. In our first twelve months, we have internally used the analogy of jelly to describe the early start-up phase of SAS where we needed to be mouldable as we defined ourselves. This has

proven to be an important approach as we have been morphing as an organisation, developing our relationships across the anti-slavery, public and private sectors. Each change builds on the previous one and it is not an understatement to suggest that we have advanced the dream of SAS at least five years ahead of schedule. This report will outline some of the significant events that have helped us arrive at where we are now. I am also pleased to provide a glimpse of what we see as the immediate horizon in what is solidifying itself as our niche contribution to the anti-slavery movement both here in New Zealand and around the world. However, I’ve learnt during the last twelve months that one needs to take care about solidifying when we could easily morph again. I want to thank the staff and board for their passion, support, guidance and contribution. Without them SAS would not have achieved

anything. I also want to thank the many supporters who have given financially, followed us on social media, volunteered in some way, or made a point of asking me how we are going. We continue to need your support and encouragement so please keep in touch. If, in reading this report, you would like to know more about what Stand Against Slavery is doing and planning please do not hesitate to contact me accordingly. Peter J Mihaere E: P: +64 9 526 6361

The Year in Review 2014/15 During 2014, SAS established its central purpose—its “Why”—as an organisation. In doing so it enabled us to develop our “How” and “What” as we sought to contribute to the anti-slavery movement and the fight for a slave free world.

Our Why

Our How

We gather around the common belief that all humans were made in the image of the creator God. It follows then, that every human being has certain unalienable rights that should never be contravened. Among these is the right to be free.

We are convinced that there are five essential ingredients to creating an environment for a slave free world, and we are committed to investing our entire lives to ensuring these five ingredients flourish in our world. These essential ingredients are collaboration; knowledge; spotlight; action; and strength.

We believe that the only way to rid our world of the tyranny of slavery is for those with the power to work together for those who are yet to have power. Our purpose is to stand together for as long as is necessary to see a slave free world.

Our What Knowing our ‘Why’ and ‘How’ enables us to actively participate. Here are some of the highlights of the past year.

Collaboration We will never achieve a slave-free world working as individuals. We are committed to being an intentional collaborating organisation within the anti-slavery movement both locally and globally. JJ The wider anti-slavery movement here in New Zealand have acknowledged SAS as a key contributor in increasing awareness and mobilising New Zealand in responding to the issue of exploitation, slavery and human trafficking. Our constant message, we must do it together. JJ Research is critical for us to understand the level of exploitation, slavery and human trafficking that exists in New Zealand. SAS is part of the Human Trafficking Research Coalition—a collaboration of six organisations—that has commissioned the University of Auckland to research the prevalence of slavery and human trafficking in New Zealand. Early findings suggest there is much more exploitation going on in New Zealand than first thought. This will be important to prove as we quantify this through sound evidence-based research. JJ Genuine collaboration is more than just working together; it is as much about relating together. SAS established, for purely relational reasons, the Auckland based Freedom Coffee Club where people who work in the anti-slavery space can come together once a month to be in an environment where like-minded people can relate. This has been enthusiastically supported throughout the year. JJ We launched the SAS Victoria Freedom Club, our first university campus club, at Wellington’s Victoria University where like-minded people can come together to learn and to contribute to the fight for a slave free world. JJ Wherever possible SAS is keen to partner with others to work on an issue. A good example of partnership is the work SAS and Justice Acts New Zealand undertook during the year to put a submission before the Government. Following that work, we invited as many organisations as possible to be joint supporters of our submission even though they were not contributors to the submission itself. Twelve organisations accepted the opportunity to be included in the submission. It provided a unifying position when the select committee read our submission.

JJ We made positive steps forward in developing relationship with Government at both the political, policy and enforcement levels. This investment in long-term relationship development is critical, and there is already evidence of trust toward SAS in the conversations that have transpired during the year.

Knowledge From international accords, to collaborative theory, to who is doing what and where, on the slave and abolition sides; knowledge is a key weapon in the war against slavery. JJ It would not be an exaggeration to state that, among the SAS team, we will have read ten to twenty thousand pages of content written in books, reports, articles, and journals. JJ As a team we talk about what we have read, challenge each other, and look to contextualising everything toward the areas where we work. JJ Every meeting we have taken or initiated has been an opportunity to learn more about what is being done, and needs to be done. JJ We have become a source of knowledge. People make a point of seeking our advice whether that be from an enforcement agency, the media, a politician, a school, a community group, a church, or a multi-billion dollar industry. We have found that, as we learn more, we have more to impart to others. JJ In December, we hosted the New Zealand author of the U.S. State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report as she sought to understand our views on different aspects of the issue of slavery and human trafficking in New Zealand.

Spotlight Evil exists in the shadows. We will turn the lights on. We are committed to exposing the conditions that allow for slavery at every level of society, all the way from foreign government policy to domestic buyer behaviour. JJ Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) has been a key and easy spotlighting platform, with good levels of activity in response. JJ Regular articles through our blog also provided some spotlighting opportunities where we felt the need for deeper dialogue on particular topics. JJ SAS had the opportunity on radio and television to spotlight the issue of slavery in New Zealand when, in August 2014, human traffickers were arrested in Motueka. JJ Speaking with community groups, churches, individuals and conferences has provided a significant platform to highlight the issue of slavery and human trafficking, particularly in New Zealand. JJ In partnership with Justice Acts New Zealand, we wrote and spoke to a submission to the Law and Order Select Committee about the Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Legislation Bill supporting the changes proposed for the Crimes Act, as well as spotlighting the inadequacies and complexities of the issue of slavery and human trafficking here in New Zealand.

Action Knowledge without action is untenable. We will act to conquer and remove slavery from its oppressive throne. JJ Using the spotlighting platforms already mentioned we invited people to respond in action.

JJ The year’s most notable action opportunity was around conscious consumerism at Christmas whereby we provided people with alternative ‘slave free’ shopping options for their Christmas purchases. The social media posts around this proved to be popular among SAS followers. JJ In our presentations we often deliver a call to action and there are usually a few people who respond. Ours is an issue that captures some and not others but we must continue to issue a solid call to action.

Strength This war will not be won in a generation. It is essential that those who join the fight remain strong and healthy psychologically, emotionally, and physically. It is also essential that our structure, systems, and organisation are sustainable for the duration of the fight. JJ During the year, SAS staff were provided the opportunity to dialogue with a support person who has considerable experience in dealing with difficult situations where stress could create health issues for individuals, particularly vicarious post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). JJ The culture of the organisation is one where open dialogue is encouraged so that stress is not bottled up in an unhealthy way. JJ The SAS organisational infrastructure, systems and processes, have been intentionally developed to make it easy to operate. This began through the successful registration of SAS as a charitable trust in April 2014. JJ Financially we had a solid year thanks to two key donors who provided the original seed funding and the on-going support for this year and next. JJ The SAS board and staff had a wonderful evening on 2 October 2014 when we celebrated our first anniversary as an initiative.

Financial Result The organisation ended the financial year to 31 March 2015 in a solid position. This was significantly helped by the injection of $150,000 from a new donor in December 2014. This will help provide cover for the next twelve months alongside other donations we need and are receiving.






$346,062 DONATIONS

The surplus is accordingly entered into SAS reserves for future years. Every little bit helps and we have appreciated every gift from every donor during this early stage in the establishment of SAS. We have been responsibly minimising expenditure as much as possible without compromising our services. This has enabled SAS to have a solid financial year as it seeks to provide outstanding service to New Zealand in fighting for a slave free world. For a full set of audited accounts by Integrity Financial Audits please contact us accordingly.












$132,813 RESERVES

The Year Ahead 2015/16 As SAS continues to find its niche, the next twelve months will see a specific development of two key elements of the operation JJ SAS Consulting, and JJ SAS Advocacy. SAS Consulting provides advice and resources to both the public and private sectors on a professional consulting basis. Of particular interest is working with business and industry, companies and organisations that want to actively eradicate severe worker exploitation, slavery, and human trafficking from their organisation or industry sector. This requires bringing all stakeholders across society to the solution table. SAS will provide the facilitation skill and resources in order for solutions to have permanent sustainable outcomes. For the 2015/16 period, SAS will concentrate on one or two organisations or industries as we build experience and competency in providing solutions that work. We envision 60% of our energy and capacity will be deployed to the consulting arena.

SAS Advocacy is about resourcing individuals, groups and organisations that want to be actively involved in fighting for a slave free world. A key service the SAS Advocacy provides is matching people to appropriate organisations that can facilitate their active involvement. SAS Advocacy will support, but also challenge, Government of its obligations both nationally and internationally in terms of helping the vulnerable in our communities who are being exploited, enslaved, or trafficked against their will. If we are better coordinated and resourced we will have a better chance to combat the sophisticated criminal network that drives slavery and the slave trade around the world. A key domestic advocacy contribution is the involvement with the New Zealand Network Against People Trafficking (NZNAPT). Peter Mihaere has recently been appointed to the Steering Committee and charged with the responsibility of re-invigorating the network along with other Steering Committee members.

Internationally, Peter has been appointed to the Economic and Social Justice Commission of the Baptist World Alliance 2015 to 2020. This enables SAS to promote, on the global stage, the need for the global church to be engaged in the issues of economic and social injustices, including the injustice of slavery and human trafficking. Involvement with this commission will offer broader opportunities around the world. We envision 40% of our energy and capacity will be deployed to the advocacy area.

60 40

SAS CONSULTING BUSINESS / INDUSTRY Export Industry Import Industry Business Social Enterprise

OTHER AREAS Governance Healthcare Education Civil Society




ANTI-SLAVERY MOVEMENT NZNAPT* - Campaigns - Legislation - Research - Awareness Freedom Clubs

FAITH COMMUNITY Churches Denominations National Groups Interfaith Groups Invites - National - International

Invites - National - International *New Zealand Network Against People Trafficking

Final Comment Martin Luther King Jr often challenged audiences that all life was inter-related. He would advocate, “I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.� As we consider a world, our world, where poverty, disease, natural disasters, political misadventure, civil uprisings, war, terrorism, financial mismanagement, corruption, disparity of wealth distribution, people fleeing nations in search of refuge, slavery and human trafficking, I am compelled to suggest that our world is not destined for greatness unless we hear these words from a man the world holds up as an example of how it could be. Stand Against Slavery joins the dream that every person can become who they ought to be. Our fight in this world is specific and important and we need many more warriors who will take up this cause. When that dream is realised we contribute to a world where the inter-related nature of life encompasses freedom, equality, sufficiency and belonging.

Come join the fight and be who you ought to be so the enslaved can be who they ought to be.

Stand Against Slavery is a registered Charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC50447). Stand Against Slavery P O Box 12220 Penrose, Auckland 1642 +64 9 526 6361 /sasnz @stoppingslavery

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