33 No. 6 • September 2015
Malahat First Nation the final piece of Steelhead LNG puzzle Page 7
Flood victims suffer as multi-million dollar project made priority Page 8
Stats staggering in fentanyl-related drug deaths Page 9
Subscription rate: $65.00+GST
Accord signed Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day and Premier Kathleen Wynne sign political accord at Queen’s Park Aug. 24. Please see full story on page 6.
September 2015
Photo: Barb Nahwegahbow
Windspeaker • Established 1983
ISSN 0834 - 177X • Publications Mail Reg. No. 40063755
Aboriginal Multi-Media Society (AMMSA)
plus GST /HST Volume where applicable
Inform. Impact. Inspire. Independent. Indigenous.
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