SA Connoisseur - Issue 284, Autumn 2021

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I CAN BUY A PERFECTLY DRINKABLE BOTTLE OF WINE FOR LESS THAN R100 FROM THE WINE-OF-THE-MONTH CLUB BUT I OFTEN SEE BOTTLES OF WINE ADVERTISED FOR R500 OR MORE. How do the producers justify this vast difference in price when both products are simply made from fermented grape juice? Many factors are involved in the making of wine, any of which can affect the price of the final product. Some grape varieties—and some areas—yield huge tonnages of grapes from every hectare. In high rainfall areas, or where the vines are irrigated, the juice is rather dilute in character, but cheap to produce. Some high-end wines are matured in new oak barrels, which are expensive and add a special dimension to the flavour. Most top-end wines are skilfully blended by master winemakers, using only the best grapes from each harvest. In some cases, the individual grapes are sorted on a special moving table and any defective, or unripe berries are discarded. Some areas produce wines of a unique and soughtafter flavour, but in limited quantities. Each of these factors add to the final cost of the wine. Remember that a Rolex watch can cost many thousands of rands, but you can buy a watch for less than R100 and it will tell you exactly the same time as that expensive Rolex. If your R50 bottle gives you the pleasure you expect from your wine, go for it. That’s the joy of wine; it gives pleasure to all kinds of people. 8

FAQ.indd 8

ON A HOT SUMMER’S DAY MOST OF MY FRIENDS PREFER BEER TO WINE. Are there any wines that can be served as long, chilled thirst-quenchers without causing drunkenness or drowsiness? Several wine-based drinks could fit the bill. Try an Italian-style Sangria, for example, made from equal portions of red wine and orange juice, or a Buck’s Fizz—orange juice and dry sparkling wine, or a spritzer made of dry white wine and soda water. Or fill a tall glass with crushed ice and pour red Muscadel over it. They’re all summer thirst quenchers.

YOUR WINE FAQS YOUR WINE QUESTIONS ANSWERED How do wine producers justify a vast difference in price? Do all red wines get better with age? Are there any wines that can be served without causing drunkenness or drowsiness?

I RECENTLY OPENED A BOTTLE OF RED WINE THAT HAD BEEN IN MY WINE CUPBOARD FOR ABOUT 10 YEARS. I thought red wine was meant to improve with age, but this was frankly awful. More like vinegar than wine. I took a few sips and poured the rest down the drain. What went wrong with it? Some wines are made to age gracefully and others are designed to be drunk quite young. In this rushed modern world not many people have the patience— or the facilities—to age wine in optimum conditions. For the same reason most modern winemakers design their wines to be enjoyed within a year or two of bottling. This is why each of the wines selected by the Wine-of-the-Month Club panel comes with a recommended “sell-by” date. If you want to enjoy your wines at their best, take note of the recommended ageing potential on the tag.


2021/03/01 17:16

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