Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 3

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January 2015

Issue 3 FREE

The Beauty of

Marchesi di Barolo 瑰麗歷史遺產: Marchesi di Barolo酒莊

Eben Sadie –


South Africa’s Wine Terroirist

在南非展現葡萄酒膽色—Eben Sadie

HKe Wings Blo


New Year's Resolutions on WINE 輕鬆打造全新愛酒的你



the creativity forge

Drink Up, Hong Kong! 香港飲勝!

Ali Nicol Founder of Wine Times Hong Kong


A local Hong Konger who has been working in the wine business for over 15 years. Obviously loves wine and wants to share all the lovely wines with everyone.

ell, a very happy new year to all! I trust we all had a great time celebrating the start of 2015 – I for one cannot believe that we are already half way through the second decade of the new millennium…it seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the start of the year 2000! But, looking back on 2014 there are some excellent memories. We tasted some incredible wines, met some lovely people and, of course, after just over three and a half years of being online, we released this print version of our popular wine writing. Why you ask? Sure, it’s a bit of a risk going backwards into print but we wine people like to have something to hold, something material and tangible that is proof of the hard work we are doing. It’s also a great way to read about wine when travelling home on the bus, ferry or MTR as it shows that you are actually reading – rather than, like everybody else seems to be doing these days, playing games on our phones. This last year has been a tough one for many of us here in Hong Kong. The wine industry took a hit during Occupy Central which could not have come at a worse time for the industry that always suffers through the summer months, but last year the prolonged protests made the whole second half of the year a difficult one. But there were some great highlights – Vinexpo Asia Pacific returned to the city and was a resounding success. The annual Wine and Dine had to be moved to what I can only describe as a ‘remote location’ 2

causing many of us to wait hours to get home (let’s hope it returns to the Central Waterfront this year) and the second annual Wine HK took the honours for the best public wine fair of the year hosting over 800 wines for the first time at the Central Waterfront. So what is in store for the upcoming 2015? Well, in the first issue here we feature the beautiful Anna and Valentina Abonna of the outstanding Marchesi di Barolo winery in Piedmont, Italy. We also have chats with legendary winemakers, Eben Sadie from South Africa and Giovanni Bulgari – yes, of the famous jewellers Bulgari – who makes three lovely wines in Tuscany. The girls give you their look ahead to 2015 and we take a look at the wine regions of New Zealand; a country that in just over 40 years has really risen to fame and taken the wine world by storm. We are expecting good things for Hong Kong this year and are looking forward to a happy and prosperous year ahead. I for one will be on the road a lot next year with trips to Barcelona, London, Phuket and Cape Town confirmed already – although I doubt I’ll be drinking much wine in Thailand! We will also start, from March, to host regular monthly tastings for our readers so look out for some great tastings coming your way! Thus, all that is left to say is “Happy New Year” to all our readers and let’s raise a glass to the start of another new year – one in which we hope to taste many more great wines from around the world. Cheers!

位新年快樂!相信你們為了迎接新一年, 各 已經參與過大大小小的慶祝活動吧!我真 不能相信現已踏入2015年—千禧年之後的第15 年,感覺就像昨天才慶祝過千禧年的來臨!

回顧2014年,這年來的確有些美好的回憶。我 們嚐過許多美酒,認識到許多朋友,WTHK也在 經營我們的網站三年半後,「向後發展」出版屬 於我們的實體雜誌,繼續為讀者們提供更多酒品 資訊。為甚麼?印刷雜誌無疑是帶點風險,但我 們認為喜歡酒的朋友,也喜歡「一書在手」的感 覺,比起線上閱讀來得更實體化,也是WTHK努 力工作的最佳證明。在下班後回家的歸途上,手 裏拿着一本品酒雜誌閱讀,而非拿着手機玩線上 遊戲,你能爭取更多的閱讀時間呢! 剛過去的一年,對香港而言是艱難的一年。佔中 事件打擊了香港酒業,事件正值一向生意淡薄 的夏季,對業界於去年下半年的生意更是雪上加 霜。然而,這年中也有不少精彩的亮點,其中包 括舉辦得相當成功的大型商貿酒展Vinexpo Asia Pacific,時隔一年再臨香港;香港美酒佳餚巡禮 (Wine and Dine)移師到「偏遠地區」的啟德郵 輪碼頭,使我們及參與者均花了數小時才回到家 (讓我們祈求今年的舉辦地點返回到中環海濱長 廊);以及第二年舉行的大型品酒節Wine HK, 在中環海濱長廊展出超過800款美酒佳釀,更被 譽為全年度最佳的公眾品酒節。 來到2015年,想知我們的葫蘆裏賣甚麼藥嗎? 今年的第一期雜誌中,我們將介紹來自意大利皮 德蒙埃Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的美酒,由美麗 動人的Anna和Valentina Abonna這對母女所釀 造;也與傳奇釀酒師來自南非的Eben  Sadie, 以及另一位釀酒師Giovanni  Bulgari訪談—沒 錯,就是名貴珠寶鐘錶品牌Bulgari的承繼人, 於意大利托斯卡納釀造出三款葡萄美酒。我們也 會談談對2015年的目標展望,另外亦會介紹紐 西蘭的葡萄酒產區。 我們期望今年將會是香港更好的一年,香港人會 過得更幸福快樂。在我而言,今年我將有很多 時在外,將會到訪巴塞隆拿、倫敦、布吉及開普 敦,但我也不敢肯定我到泰國時會否喝上很多葡 萄酒!我們也計劃從三月開始,每月舉辦讀者試 酒會,請各位密切期待嚐到各種佳釀!最後,再 跟大家說聲新年快樂,讓我們一同舉杯暢飲,慶 祝新一年的來臨,冀望今年有幸可嚐到更多來自 世界各地的美酒。乾杯! (Christie Chan譯) Contact us via email at

Contents 目錄

2 Drink Up, Hong Kong!

Hello Wine World 4 走進酒世界

7 Barolo: “The King of Wines; The Wine of Kings”

Bulgari – More Than Just 13 High Class Jewelry Bulgari—豈止於珠光寶氣

Panel: Canton vs. South Africa 飲食擂台:廣東 對 南非

24 Say ‘Kia ora’ to wine regions of New Zealand

Top Wine Blogs 27 人氣酒評網誌

p7 Valentina and Anna Abonna

Wine HK品酒節回顧

18 “Join us for Tasting”

As Easy as ABC; New Year’s 22 Resolutions on Wine 輕鬆打造全新愛酒的你


14 Highlights of Wine HK

The Wine Doctor: 17

Wine Fairs: To spit or not to spit 酒博士專欄:酒展上:吐與不吐之間



32 Eben Sadie – South Africa’s Wine Terroirist 在南非展現葡萄酒膽色—Eben Sadie

p34 Wild Mushroom Risotto

Chef Chat with Stephy 34 當Stephy遇上主廚

36 The Pier Bar: One Glass of Wine “To Go”

A Macanese Institution: 38 Fernando’s


The Pier Bar: 來杯葡萄酒「外賣行街」

41 Whine-On: Ask us whatever you like! 讀者專欄:想問就問!

Recruitment 44 in the wine business 行業人才招聘

p38 Restaurante Fernando

p32 The Sadie Family Wines Cellar 3


appy New Year to our Wine Times HK’s readers! How was your Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Had a great one with a lot of nice wine and yummy food - a few days of hangover too! For me, the Christmas holiday was something I was looking forward to for quite a while since it was a long weekend (Thursday to SunStephy Poon day)! Finally a little break after all the PR Executive 公關 magazine deadlines and time to take a few care-free moments with my family and friends without any work. Christmas is always one of my top festivals—it’s full of laughter, red in colour, love and blessing and allows a very homely feeling. Although Hong Kong’s winter doesn’t snow and Christmas last year wasn’t cold at all, I still find Christmas as one of the most fancy and fairytale-like festivals. You might think it’s a bit too commercial now with people buying gifts and restaurants charging a lot more than usual; but it only happens once a year so it isn’t that bad right? For me, I think buying gifts or meals for the ones I care about is somewhat a blessing—seeing the smile on the receivers face is priceless and it makes me smile too. After all, it’s not about how expensive or how luxury the ‘final products” are, but how much effort you put in it and how your companions feel too. Thinking about it, how long has it been since you wrote a card for someone you love? Trust me, sometimes the simplest things make a difference and it even might make a difference to someone’s day. So 2015 has arrived! What are my new year’s resolutions then? As for Wine Times HK, of course I am looking forward to tasting more and more fantastic wines, maybe have the chance to visit some vineyards and wineries and to improve my wine knowledge so as to share with my readers! What else? Stay happy, be positive and motivated are my goals for this year. What about you? Feel free to share with me! Anyway, no matter how good or bad 2014 went for you, it is 2015 already! I sincerely wish everyone a fruitful, healthy and wonderful 2015. 先祝各位WTHK的讀者新年快樂!不知道你們怎 首 樣渡過剛過去的聖誕節和除夕夜呢?吃盡美食和 喝盡美酒之餘,有否宿醉了好幾天?哈哈!我?嗯…因 為放假前不斷在趕死線,忙得不可開交,所以在這個長 週末假日裏,終於可以休息幾天,在沒有任何工作的狀 態下和朋友家人慶祝歡聚,確是有點「得來不易」!

要數到我最愛的節日,聖誕節必然是三甲—紅色、笑 聲、窩心的祝福,這些都令我感到很溫暖。你可能會認 為現在的聖誕節太過「商業化」,不過一年豪爽一次, 都不為過份吧。有時候為自己關心在意的人花點錢和心 意,也是一種福氣。看見對方面露笑容,那份開心喜悅 是無價的。細心想想,你上一次親手執筆寫心意卡給你 關心的人是何時的事?其實,即使簡單如一張小卡片或 一顆巧克力,也足以令對方樂透一整天。 新一年新氣象,2015年你有什麼大計嗎?工作上,我 希望可以品嚐到更多的美酒,到世界各地的酒莊參觀, 增進我對葡萄酒的知識,和WTHK的讀者分享。我祝願 各位都過得開心,「長飲長有」,有個健康身體去迎接 2015年的每一天! 4


n life, every end is just a new beginning.” – A quote from Uptown Girls which I sincerely believe. What you did in 2014 has now been condemned history, so no matter how bad or how great things went last year, it’s 2015 now and it’s time to keep looking forward in order to write an improved or far superior chapter of our lives. As for me; I would describe 2014 as “the Year of Accomplishments” because there were plenty of things that I attempted to accomplish for the first time. As lucky and blissful as I am, I’d say I was quite successful on the new attempts in life in 2014 (at least I think I didn’t taste too much of the bitterness of failure). I truly hope all the love, blessings and luck will be still around the corner and together with a determined mind, work hard to bring all our readers and myself another year full of joy and achievements. The first weekend of December was occupied by another sizable public wine event - Wine HK; which we at Wine Times Hong Kong were the media partner. It definitely was fun for participants but not for me, I mean I had some fun before I accidentally cut my left wrist on the sharp opening of a champagne bottle and got 3 stitches done. It could be said it was kind of bad luck nonetheless I’m feeling fine. Here I would like to thank everyone concerned for all the care and good will I received and, jokingly I hope my blood sacrifice to the imaginary “Evil Wine God” will bring me innumerate awesome, wondrous wines and spirits to enjoy this new year! Last but not least, I wish all our readers an extra happy new year; stay healthy and happy throughout 2015! Raise your glass now to what should be a fantastic year ahead! Cheers!

生活裏,每個完結就是一個新的開始。」—電 「在 影《千金褓姆》(Uptown Girls)中的對白。你 於2014年所做的一切已經被寫進歷史,無論事情是好 是壞,來到2015年該要向前看,也該好好重新出發, 為自己的人生寫下更精彩的一頁。我會這樣形容我的 2014年:能夠達成大大小小成就的一年。在這一年 裏,我經歷了很多的「第一次」,而在得到幸福之神的 眷顧下,這些「第一次」也算得上是成功,至少我認為 我並沒有嚐到太多失敗的苦頭。我衷心希望所有幸運、 愛與祝福會繼續留守於每個善良的人的身邊,也能保持 一顆渴望做好的決心,讓我和各位讀者渡過充滿歡樂、 抱有成就的一年。

十二月的第一個周末,是舉行大型公眾品酒節Wine HK的日子,而作為合作傳媒伙伴的WTHK,我也有份 參與其中,不過意外也就此發生……我一不小心,便不 幸割傷了左手手腕,血流滿地,被立即送往急症室,最 後縫上三針。雖然這明顯是行霉運時 會發生的事,但現在的我並無大礙, 在此我也要感謝各位的關心和問候, 希望我向「邪惡酒神」奉獻的鮮血, 能讓我喝到多點美酒佳釀(說笑)! 最後,我恭祝各位讀者新年快樂!但 更重要的還是身體健康!讓我們為更 還未發生的好事,「飲杯勝嘅」! Christie

Chan Editor 編輯


Barolo: “The King of Wines; The Wine of Kings”

巴羅洛:王者之酒,酒之王者 Italian wines are fast becoming the city’s choice of wine for dinner these days with the multitude of quality Italian restaurants in the city – not to mention the number of Michelin Stars they have been awarded. Now, a nation thirsty for wine looks to Italy for wines that are made to go with food; and not many do as well as the wines from Barolo.

在香港營業的意大利餐廳林立,當中 獲米芝蓮星級的餐廳也不計其數,因 此相輔相成地令意大利葡萄酒也人氣 急升,成為食客必點的葡萄酒產地。 今期的封面故事,我們將為讀者介紹 來自意大利巴羅洛的葡萄酒,最特別 的是,酒莊為配以食物一同享用而去 釀造葡萄酒,作為餐酒。

Barolo is a village of a little more than 600 inhabitants, yet some of the worlds most sought after and collected wines hail from the village within the region of Piedmont that has, in recent times embraced modern winemaking whilst preserving the traditional methods of past generations. Among handfuls of world class wine producers in the region Marchesi di Barolo is one of our favourites so this month we got together with the family behind the label and find out more about the iconic winery.

巴羅洛是一條小村莊,居民只有600 多名,不過卻有着悠久的釀酒歷史, 曾掌握古時最先進的釀酒技術,而這 些傳統技術也被後人留存下來,令該 地區出產的葡萄酒因而受到世界各地 所追捧。在該產區一眾出色的釀酒商 中,Marchesi di Barolo酒莊所釀造 的葡萄酒,被列為我們最喜愛之一, 現在就與讀者分享更多有關這個古老 酒莊的一切。

Text by Ali Nicol

Images: Marchesi di Barolo

譯文:Christie Chan 圖:Marchesi di Barolo 7


he history of winemaking in the Langhe area of Piedmont, Italy stretches back over centuries but the origins of one of the most respected houses can be dated back to 1807 when the Marquis of Barolo, Carlo Tancredi Falletti married French noblewoman Juliette Colbert and moved to Barolo and started the winery that is now called simply, Marchesi di Barolo. Last summer I spent a week travelling around some of the regions of Italy, but one region I did not make it to unfortunately was Piedmont and namely the little town of Barolo. But as if willed by the wine god Bacchus himself, a tasting hosted near Franciacorta found the stars in perfect alignment and two paths crossed; I met with the celestially hospitable mother, daughter and son of the Marchesi di Barolo winery, Anna, Valentina and Davide Abonna. A love for a wine I had only really heard of and only tasted twice until then started and thus a beautiful friendship began to bloom. Upon my return to Hong Kong, I sought out the supplier (Ponti Wine Cellars) and acquired some of the wines for my summer drinking enjoyment and wrote to Anna (righthandside in the picture) and Valentina (left-handside in

the picture) thanking them for their time and emphasising how much I had enjoyed tasting their wines while in Italy. I also said that should they be in Hong Kong at any time I would take them out for lunch and subsequently put them on the pages of Wine Times. A few e-mails later there we were, sat at Isola overlooking the mesmerising beauty of Hong

追溯意大利皮埃蒙特(Piedmont)朗格地 要 區(Langhe)何時釀造出第一枝葡萄酒, 可翻查資料到十多個世紀以前,不過,要數到 該產區其中一個最令人景仰的酒莊,不得不提 的便是由巴羅洛侯爵Carlo Tancredi Falletti於 1807年迎娶了法國貴族Juliette Colbert,婚 後在巴羅洛(Barolo)共同創立的酒莊,時至今 日已易名為Marchesi di Barolo。

在半年前的夏天,我到了意大利數個葡萄酒 產區遊歷七天,可惜未能到訪皮埃蒙特及其 小鎮巴羅洛。然而冥冥中自有安排,我在法 蘭西亞戈塔(Franciacorta)附近的一個試酒會 上,認識了Marchesi di Barolo酒莊熱情好客 的Abonna家族成員,包括母親Anna、女兒 Valentina和兒子Davide。這個美麗的相遇猶 如在古希臘神話中酒神巴克斯(Bacchus)的悉 心設計之下,我一試便愛上了這美酒,而我們 的友誼亦由此建立於對葡萄酒的熱愛之上。 結束旅程返港後,我得悉零售商Ponti Wine Cellars有代理Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的葡萄 酒,便買上了幾枝,使我能在餘下的夏日享 受到如斯佳釀,同時也不忘寫一封感謝信給 Anna(上圖右)和Valentina(上圖左),答謝她 們的慷慨好客,讓我嚐到她們酒莊所釀造的美 酒。我也在信中提到,若她們有機會到訪香 港,我會帶她們外出共享午膳,也會讓她們 及其酒莊出現在WTHK雜誌上。果然在互通幾 封電郵後,我們就坐在中環IFC的意大利餐廳 Isola,在一覽無遺的維港景色下,邊憶起夏 天發生的一切,邊聊到更多有關她們酒莊的發 展,甚至在香港逐漸成為主流的一分子。 近年來,意大利葡萄酒愈來愈受大眾喜愛, 大部分人的口味因而有所改變,由喜好產自


Kong harbour reminiscing about summer and listening to more about a winery that has since become a staple in my Hong Kong home. In the early months of the summer of 2014, the wines of Marchesi di Barolo hit our shores and the portfolio here has been rapidly expanding ever since with the burgeoning popularity of Italian wines in a city whose palates have grown somewhat tired of the usual Claret and are looking for something more approachable when young and that do not need decades of aging before becoming palatable. “Our style of Barolo is not big”, says matriarch Anna Abonna as we discuss their world class Barolo. “You can really enjoy them when they are first released but you can also age them too. This is really what I mean about ‘our style’ and this is what makes our wines so unique”. The family is proud of their wines and take pride in the heritage that comes with it. Like many in Italy, the family have been in the same place for generations and right now, the sixth generation are finding their feet in the business with Valentina working in marketing and hospitality and young Davide studying winemaking at school. “Believe it or not I didn’t want to work with mum and dad!” says the resplendent Valentina. “It took me some

time to understand that this could be my way and eventually I joined the family business 18 months ago after spending some time studying and working in Shanghai. But it was Shanghai that made me realise I was really missing something at home”. Anna beams as she recollects the day Valentina called and told her she had decided to join the family business; “Valentina phoned me from Shanghai to tell me she was looking to come back to us. That day was the best day of my life! She made my day!” The winery is a true family business now with patriarch Ernesto taking care of production and administration whilst advising winemaker Flavio Fenocchino who has been at the winery for over 30 years now. In fact Anna tells me, there have only been two winemakers at Marchesi di Barolo in the last 50 years. It’s that tradition and history that the family looks back at with amour-propre. “There’s a lot to say about Marchesi di Barolo because it has such a long history”, says Valentina. “Originally no one thought of making dry red wines, in the old days wines were slightly sweet and slightly sparking. The revolution was made by the Marchesi when he and his wife, who was French, brought down a winemaker from France as she did not like the wines of Barolo at the time”.

法國波爾多的Claret紅酒,會更趨向選擇無需 陳擺、容易入喉而可口的新酒。因此,去年 初Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的佳釀於香港登場 後,迅速得到熱烈的市場反應。「我們釀造的 Barolo紅酒不會難以入口,你既能以新酒的 狀態下享用,也可以將其陳擺,這種獨特的風 格便是『我們的風格』。」酒莊女主人Anna Abonna這樣形容他們釀造的世界級Barolo紅 酒。 擁有屬歷史遺產級別的酒莊,Abonna家族以 其釀造的葡萄酒為榮。與許多家族持有的酒莊 一樣,Marchesi di Barolo酒莊已經歷六代人 用心經營,現在由Valentina擔起市場管理工 作,而較年輕的Davide則在專業學院學習釀 酒。 「可能你會不相信,最初我並不想與父母一 起工作!」Valentina邊說邊展露出燦爛的笑 容。「我曾在上海進修及工作,後來發現經營 家族事業是我該走的路,於是在一年半前正式 加入了家族酒莊工作。就是因為曾在上海待 過,才察覺到我對家有多思念。」談到Valentina回意大利發展的決定,母親Anna兩眼發 亮地說:「當時Valentina在上海致電給我, 跟我說她希望回來和我們一起經營酒莊,那天 是我人生中最美好的一天!我足足樂透了一整 天!」 他們家的酒莊是個百分百的家族酒莊,家族長 老Ernesto負責生產及行政事務,而顧問釀酒 師Flavio Fenocchino亦已在酒莊工作超過30 年以上。事實上,Anna指出在過去50年中, 酒莊只有過兩位釀酒師,如此正統的釀酒世家 身份,每位家族成員均引以為傲。 9

“Other families in the area then followed the Marchesi’s methods and started taking advice from them”, she goes on to say. “One of these families was actually our family and so we built our own little winery called d’Abonna which was right next to the castle where the Marchesi used to live”. “In 1929 the winery of the Marchesi was sold because there were no children and the Abonna family bought the property”, says Anna who is originally from the town of Alba, just 4 kilometres down the road. “My husband’s family were very proud of the purchase because they had spent all their life seeing the Marchesi living right next door. These days we still live in the house where my husband was born on the top of the winery”. Things changed a lot from the in the 60’s and 70’s as the family began new winemaking methods. Temperature controls in the cellars, green harvesting, and shorter maceration times and although there was a change afoot, the style of the wine remained the same and there was, and still is, that same unique style that epitomises Marchesi de Barolo. The family farm the Nebbiolo 10

grape to make their famed Barolo’s from the notable vineyards of Serragrilli, Cannubi and Sarmassa. The wines are absolutely exquisite and ones for the true wine lover but for those who are just getting started with wines, Valentina recommends Barbera. “We have three Barbera wines; two from Alba and one from Monferrato – Monferrato is the most approachable form of Barbera and even though it’s the little baby compared to the big, important Barolo, we believe in it just as much as we believe in our Barolo. This is the wine you want to start with if you are a young person interested in wine.”

「Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的歷史悠久,可以 聊上的點滴猶如恆河沙數。」Valentina說。 「在很久以前,巴羅洛地區沒有人想釀造口感 乾澀的紅酒,因為古時的人喜歡喝較甜及帶有 少許氣泡的葡萄酒,但Marchesi di Barolo酒 莊卻改變了這產區的葡萄酒特色。當時巴羅洛 侯爵娶了法國女子為妻,其妻不喜歡當時巴羅 洛地區釀造的葡萄酒,於是在隨嫁隊伍中帶上 了來自法國的釀酒師,為巴羅洛葡萄酒帶來變 革。」她接着說道:「此後,其他家族酒莊也 仿傚巴羅洛侯爵酒莊的釀酒方法,也會聽從他 們家的意見,而我們家族便是其中之一,我們 在Marchesi以前居住的城堡傍,建立了自己 的小酒莊d’Abonna。」

“Barolo can be tannic sure, but it has really high acidity so it cleans the palate and really rinses the mouth so that you are really 100% ready to enjoy whatever you have in front of you”, Valentina concludes.

Anna繼續跟我分享故事的發展,她說:「由 於Marchesi家族沒有子女繼承家業,他們在 1929年決定出售其酒莊,所以我們Abonna 家族便購下了其產業。」她本身來自4公里 外阿爾巴(Alba)的小鎮,並非原住在該區。 我丈夫的家族以這宗收購為傲,畢竟他們與 Marchesi家族互相為鄰數十載。現時我們一 家仍住在酒莊高地上的大宅,我丈夫也在這裏 出生的。」

Anna herself adds that, “Dolcetto, even for my husband is a daily wine because it’s easy drinking; they are the grapes that people used to eat. Dolcetto means sweet but it does not make a sweet wine, it’s just that the fruit is sweet.”

酒莊在六、七十年代引入了新的釀酒技術,為 其帶來重大的轉變,包括酒窖內的溫度控制、 採用環保式收割以及較短的葡萄浸泡(浸漬;maceration)時間。儘管在釀酒技術上有所改 變,Marchesi de Barolo酒莊所釀造的葡萄 酒風格依然,其獨有的風格至今仍是酒莊的寫 照。

“Every wine we make is connected to tradition; to the history of what we do”, Anna

goes on to say. “Our wines are made for food; they need to be enjoyed properly and are enjoyed most with food. You can match the wines with any kind of food. While I was in Shanghai recently we had a wine dinner with Chinese food and the pairings were lovely”. “This is the philosophy of Marchesi di Barolo; we are a family and we believe in our own style. We love it when people drink the wines and recognise that they are ours”, Anna affirms. With time running out we wanted to know what Anna thought of Hong Kong. “The first time I came here I thought ‘I have to come back’!” she says smiling. “I will be back again soon for sure because you have to be in Hong Kong. I have a wonderful connection with Hong Kong”. Marchesi di Barolo wines are available from Ponti Wine Cellars and Brix wine shops across the city. For more information, contact Ponti on +852 2306 9199.

他們在Serragrilli、Cannubi和Sarmassa的葡萄園上,種植Nebbiolo 葡萄以釀造赫赫有名的Barolo’s葡 萄酒,絕對是精緻的佳釀,愛酒者定 必對其愛不釋手。不過對於新手而 言,Valentina建議飲用以Barbera葡 萄釀造,其中兩款種於阿爾巴(Alba) ,餘下一款種於費拉托(Monferrato) 。Barbera葡萄於費拉托區最為順滑 入喉,雖然比起成熟而舉足輕重的巴 羅洛產區來說,費拉托區仍處於『嬰 孩階段』,但我們對此產區的葡萄酒 信心十足,就像我們對巴羅洛一樣。 對年輕而又對葡萄酒感興趣的人而 言,這酒是最適合不過的初始選擇。 」 「Barolo葡萄酒保證充滿單寧(乾澀 口感),但其酸度真的很高,這酒的味 道會去掉口腔內的所有味覺,令你可 以完全享受接下來所吃所喝的一切味 道。」Valentina總結地說。Anna也 補充說:「Dolcetto葡萄所釀造的酒 容易入喉,我丈夫也視之為日常飲用 的葡萄酒。以前人們把Dolcetto葡萄 當作食用水果,它的味道雖甜,但不 會用以釀造甜酒,只是這種葡萄甚具 果甜。」

美酒才是真正的享受,所以它們最適 合作為餐酒。你能以這些葡萄酒配上 任何種類的食物,其中一個近期的例 子是,我在上海的葡萄酒晚宴上,以 我們酒莊的葡萄酒配上中菜,其配搭 實在是妙!」 她強調說:「這是我們Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的哲學:我們相信自己 家族酒莊的風格與眾不同。我們最愛 看到人們享用我們的葡萄酒時,不 費力氣地便認出它們是釀自我們家的 酒莊。」聊着談着,時間在轉眼間流 走,我們最後想問問Anna對香港的印 象如何。「初次來港時我已在想:『 我一定要再來!』」她笑着回答。「 因為你在香港,所以我很快便會再來 找你,我和香港之間也有着解不開的 情緣。」 釀自Marchesi di Barolo酒莊的葡萄 酒於Ponti Wine Cellars和Brix酒零售 商有售,詳情請致電+852 2306 9199 與Ponti聯絡。

「我們所釀造的葡萄酒與傳統有緊密 關連,也就是關連着我們世世代代的 家業。」Anna接着道。「我們家的葡 萄酒是為配以美食而釀造,佳餚配上 11



he name Bulgari is synonymous with fine jewelry and is commonplace among the shop windows most of us breeze past on a regular day in a city such as Hong Kong. Bulgari has been setting the pace for Italian made watches, fragrances, jewelry and more since 1884 but with the younger generations seeking to diversify and expand not only the company but their own horizons, there has now been a considerable investment (both in time and money) into their winery, Podernuovo a Palazzone. The Podernuovo estate was bought in 2004 by Paolo and Giovanni Bulgari and is located in the southern tip of Tuscany, positioned within a triangle between Umbria and Lazio. The father and son like to create “something from nothing”, as when they took over the vineyard, it had been abandoned many years before. The challenge was to bring it to new life, and have it produce elegant and harmonious wines; wines that would capture the essence, the beauty and harmony of this specific place, respecting its nature and its history. “Since I was a little boy I have always loved wine”, Giovanni tells Wine Times HK as we ask him how it is that he got into the wine business. “My grandmother had a small vineyard near Rome where she made ugly white wines like Frascati! It was great to see the

Giovanni Bulgari

whole process and sometimes I would get involved too with the pruning and the harvest”. “I am just a new winemaker,” says Giovanni as we meet for an early morning taste of his wines. “I’ve just been doing it since 2004 but I am enjoying it a lot. It’s the kind of job where there is never enough time!” There are only three wines produced at Podernuovo. Therra, a stunning easy drinking wine that comprises of a blend of Montepulciano, Sangiovese, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon; Sotirio, a deep and rich full bodied wine that comprises of 100% Sangiovese; and Argirio, a beautiful, elegant wine that comprises of 100% Cabernet Franc – a grape that Giovanni tells us flourishes in the region and makes quite stunningly smooth wines. Giovanni was in Hong Kong last month and hosted a wine dinner at the prestigious Kee Club which highlighted how well his sublime wines go with food. “The secret is to make sure that your entry level wine (Therra) is a stand out wine. This then says a lot about the rest of your wines”, he tells us. We tend to agree and listed the Therra 2009 as one of our Top Red Wines of 2014. Podernuovo a Palazzone wines are available from Sarment in Hong Kong. For more information call Kim Yeung on +852 2187 3290 or email Kim on kim.yeung@

Bulgari –

More Than Just High Class Jewelry

Bulgari— 豈止於珠光寶氣 Text by Ali Nicol

譯文:Christie Chan

ulgari」是名貴珠寶鐘錶的代名詞,這個品 「B 牌名字響徹各地,當然香港也不例外,我 們時不時也會行經這名店的門外。創於1884年的

Bulgari品牌,不只限於製造意大利腕錶、香水及珠 寶,更擁有屬於品牌旗下名為Podernuovo a Palazzone的酒莊。Paolo與Giovanni Bulgari身為品牌 繼承人,為了擴展品牌業務及使之多元化,決定投 放時間及注資酒莊,於2004年買下位於意大利托斯 卡納(Tuscany)最南端的Podernuovo莊園,其位置 正正處於翁布里亞(Umbria)與拉齊奧(Lazio)的三角 之中。這對父子喜歡「從零開始」,在他們買下莊 園時,其葡萄園已被荒廢多年,要令它重新生長優 良的葡萄,從而釀成和諧優雅的美酒,這實在是充 滿挑戰性的任務。他們希望由其酒莊所釀造的葡萄 酒,能夠反映產區鐘靈毓秀的風土,也代表着對自 然和歷史的一份尊重。 當我們問到兒子Giovanni Bulgari為何踏足葡萄酒 這行業時,他這樣回答:「我從小開始便愛上了葡 萄酒。小時候,我祖母擁有一個位於羅馬附近的小 葡萄園,她會自家釀造白酒,例如Frascati,雖然 不太好喝!不過我從中認識到釀酒的過程,有時也 會參與其中,與祖母一起修剪枝藤及收割葡萄。」 他又向我們透露:「我從2004年才開始釀酒工作, 只是個新晉的釀酒師,但我非常享受這份工作,工 作時間彷彿怎麼也不夠用似的。」 Podernuovo只出產三種紅酒:Therra、Sotirio及 Argirio。Therra是枝容易入喉的美酒,混合Montepulciano、Sangiovese、Merlot和Cabernet Sauvignon葡萄於當中;Sotirio的口感層次較深, 其酒體也較豐盈,由100%的Sangiovese葡萄所釀 造;Argirio是枝優雅的佳釀,由100%的Cabernet Franc葡萄所釀造。Giovanni指出,Cabernet Franc葡萄於其莊園的土地上繁盛生長,釀造出來 的葡萄酒口感順滑。 Giovanni上月到訪香港,於高級多國菜餐廳Kee Club舉行試酒晚宴,為賓客將產自他酒莊的葡萄 美酒配搭美食一同享用。他與我們分享他的一個「 密技」,說:「我們所釀造的入門級葡萄酒必需是 出眾的紅酒,之後便可以多講關於其他葡萄酒的一 切。」我們對此也感到認同,亦把其Therra 2009 列為2014年度的十大紅酒之一。Podernuovo  a Palazzone的葡萄酒於本港供應商Sarment有售, 詳情請與Kim Yeung聯絡,電話:+852 2187 3290 ;電郵。 13

Highlights of Win


ne HK

Wine HK品酒節回顧 15


THE WINE DOCTOR: Wine Fairs: To spit or not to spit 酒博士專欄:酒展上:吐與不吐之間 by Maurizio Galli


A passionate wine aficionado and educator who believes in a non-pretentious approach to wine. Having a soft spot for obscure and exotic wine regions, he quickly gained a reputation of wine nerd under Red Mill’s umbrella.

o spit or not to spit, this is the dilemma”, an inebriated Shakespeare would have said. When it’s about wine etiquette, lots of effort has been made to make sure the proper way a wine is to be stored, opened and finally poured, seeking the elegance in the service, with one unfortunate exception quite common during wine fairs and tastings in Hong Kong: spitting Ugly to see and even worse to hear during wine fairs in Hong Kong, spitting wine into a spittoon during a wine tasting, is somehow perceived as the proper way to taste wine resulting into a mad rush to the closest spit bucket, with people sometimes pushing their way through like if it was the MTR during rush hour. Professionals but also consumers, use all sort of arguments to justify the act such as: “the wineries will recognize you as a real wine professional and thank you for your good behaviour (not getting drunk)” Says who? Wine is certainly not Listerine mouth wash but is a beautiful product that was intended to be ingested and in my modest opinion ingesting is the only way to fully appreciate every single aspect of it. Believe me most producers will approve! Look, it’s undeniable that wine is alcoholic and if you keep sipping (or drinking full glasses) you may end up drunk and possibly show your talents as a singer. But is spitting wine really the only way to prevent that? Winemakers often spit to keep a clear mind in the

making of their product but also because often the wine is just not ready to be drunk anyway. Wine judges spit because it’s possibly the only way to get through hundreds of different wines in one day without getting drunk. You as a consumer may feel the need to keep a clear head to purchase wine (and maybe not to lose your driving license), but please don’t spit. Contrary to what you may believe, you don’t need to look like a pro and start doing something that even us wine professionals reluctantly do and find unpleasant. Even if spitting will keep you sober, it won’t prevent your palate from going numb from tasting too much wine, a problem that wine judges know very well. Instead you could just do as follow: •

You don’t have to try every single wine available at the event! Plan your visit to hit specific wineries that target the type of wine you like. Don’t consume the whole sample. Take a sip and decide whether you like it or not and then dump the remainder in the dump bucket. If the event lasts a few days, plan your trip over several days and don’t overdo any one day of wine.

Assuming that you actually care and you’re not just going to wine tastings as part of a pub crawl or Happy Hour, the end result will be that your mother will be happy that you stop doing something she worked so very hard to teach you not to do - spitting in public.

與不吐之間,是個窘局。」喝到醉醺 「吐 醺的莎士比亞可能會這樣說。在葡萄 酒的世界中,一切都十分講究,人們費盡心 思去設定標準,確保一枝酒被妥善貯存及開 瓶,倒酒時也要顧及其優雅感。不過,在香 港的酒展上,有一點卻是例外—嚐酒時把酒 吐出。

不把酒喝下,反之把酒吐於酒盂內,你不僅 不會欣賞其視覺效果,其聲效更是令人反 感。然而,這卻被視為品酒的正確做法,令 不少人於試酒會上急忙地圍在酒盂旁吐出口 裏的酒,情形就如在繁忙時段趕上地鐵車廂 一樣。為了證明此舉動是正確做法,所謂的 品酒專家這樣說:「酒莊會因你把酒吐出而 認可你為品酒專業人士,也會認為這是好的 舉動(在清醒狀態下品酒)。」所謂的品酒專家 是誰?葡萄酒並非李施德林漱口水,釀造葡 萄酒的原因就是為了飲用。站在中肯立場而 言,我認為只有把酒喝下,才能完全地品嚐 到、欣賞到、享受到葡萄酒每個方面的好與 壞。相信我,大部分生產商也會認同我的看 法! 葡萄酒無疑是含酒精的飲料,若你不停「密 密飲」或「杯杯清」,那當然你會喝醉,更 可能不自禁大展歌喉。那麼,把酒吐出是避 免喝醉的唯一做法嗎?釀酒師在釀酒過程中 嚐酒,常會把酒吐出,原因除了想保持頭腦 清晰外,更因為他們認為那些葡萄酒還未達 到「可被享用」的標準。專業酒評家也會把 酒吐出,原因也只是他們需要在一天內喝上 過百種葡萄酒,若不把酒吐出,難以避免喝 醉。 作為消費者,你可能想保持清醒去決定購買 何種酒品(或者可能不想你的駕駛執照被吊銷) ,但請你不要在嚐酒時把酒吐出。這樣做不 會使你看似「更專業」,即使我們作為業內 的專業人士,不常也不太願意把酒吐出來, 因為我們知道,就算此舉能令你保持清醒, 你的味覺在嚐過太多酒後,也不能作出正確 的判斷。反之,你可參考以下做法: •

• •

你不用嚐遍酒展上的每一種酒!你可先查 考個別酒莊的有關資料,從而看看他們的 酒品資訊及釀酒風格,更大機會可尋得心 頭好。 不要把杯中的酒全喝掉。喝一口便可知道 喜歡與否,然後可把杯中餘下的倒掉。 如果該品酒活動不只舉行一天,應該好好 計劃參與的行程,打算出席的每天也要避 免喝得過多。

假如你是認真地參與試酒會,而非「蒲吧」 或輕鬆渡歡樂時光,請你不要把酒吐出,因 為你的母親也會為此而感到高興—她從小就 教導你不應隨地亂吐。 (Christie Chan譯) 17

“Join us for Tasting” 飲食擂台: Let’s rock wine tasting in a way other than with the “professionals”. Here we present to you our “keep it real” tasting panel, where we invite our readers to join us to taste wines and give real honest feedback. Each month, we will take wines from a particular country and take you out for dinner with your friends and all you have to do is tell us and our readers what you think of the wines and simply enjoy a delightful dinner! It’s New Year and let’s try something rather new! South Africa may not be your first choice at the dinner table but this month we have picked this winemaking country and let our readers taste the beauty in them. Again we pair the wines with Cantonese food at Cheung Ching in Wanchai simply because we wish to innovate our readers to be fearless to drink wine with everyday meals. Ready to read our readers’ thoughts about the wines? Photography & Text by Christie Chan & Stephy Poon


有別於一貫刻板的專業酒評,WTHK每期的飲 食擂台將邀請讀者與我們一同嚐盡美酒佳餚, 讓他們寫下最真實的感受及酒評,並親身告 訴所有讀者。我們每月會挑選一個國家的葡萄 酒,宴請讀者和朋友們邊享用晚餐邊品嚐美 酒,並即席寫下和分享對酒品的想法。 新一年來到,讓我們試試較具新鮮感的葡萄 酒!南非葡萄酒未必是你晚飯時的首選,而我 們本月就挑選了這個葡萄酒出產國,讓讀者嚐 嚐箇中的美,也與上月一樣,將廣東菜配搭美 酒,使讀者習慣把每天吃到的美食,也配以酒 品享用。我們請來了幾位讀者,到位於灣仔的 廣東菜餐廳祥正海鮮飯店一同吃喝,來讓我們 看看他們的第一身意見! 圖文:Christie Chan & Stephy Poon


♛TOP 1

Villiera Gewürztraminer 2013

Colour: Light yellow Aroma/Smell: Very fruity, sweet, lychee and floral Taste: Sweet, fruity and soft. Very rich with nice attractive aromas Why do you like it? This white really matches my sweet-tooth side. I like a white that is more full-bodied with floral and fruity flavours and lower acidity. Best food pairing: Spicy food like the deep-fried spicy chicken joints

Benny Ho

Marketing and Sales Officer


♛TOP 1

Villiera Gewürztraminer 2013

Colour: Pale yellow Aroma/Smell: Lovely floral smell Taste: Very friendly wine with some sweetness with lychee flavors Why do you like it? It’s not a strong wine which many girls would find this white appealing to them. A little bit sweet with no “sour” taste. It would be nice for a bunch of girls to drink for Happy Hour. Best food pairing: Seafood or the Steamed Prawns with Garlic

顏色:淺黃色 香氣/氣味:清香,帶有花香 味道:容易入喉,帶有甜味和荔枝果 味,酒味不太濃 為何喜歡?酒味不會太濃,少許甜但沒 有沒有酸味,感覺是多喝了也不會太易 醉!很適合女生聚會或歡樂時光飲用。 最佳食物配搭:海鮮類,像是晚餐時點 的蒜茸蒸海蝦

顏色:淺黃色 香氣/氣味:濃郁香甜 的果味,還有荔枝和花香味 味道:充滿果甜,口感細膩,層次豐 富,還有極吸引的香氣 為何喜歡?這枝白酒最適合我這個「嗜 甜鬼」!我喜歡酒體較豐盈的白酒,充 滿花果甜味的同時,其酸性不會太高。 最佳食物配搭:辛辣食物,如今晚所吃 的香蒜炸雞軟骨

♕TOP 2

Hartenberg Riesling 2011

Colour: Light yellow Aroma/Smell: Fruity and strong apple aromas Taste: Apple, orange, fresh strawberry and lychee flavours Why do you like it? Actually I think this one tastes a bit like the top one I pick, but this one’s apple flavor is much strong. It’s sweet but not too sweet. A very well-balanced Riesling between sweetness and acidity. Best food pairing: Chicken livers or smoked salmon

顏色:淺黃色 香氣/氣味:濃郁果味,特別是蘋果 味道:蘋果、香橙、鮮甜草莓和荔枝果味 為何喜歡?我覺得這白酒和我所選的 Top 1頗相似,但它的蘋果味更濃。它 的甜度剛好,不會太甜,是枝甜度和酸 度十分平衡的Riesling。 最佳食物配搭:雞腎或煙三文魚

♕TOP 2

Kanonkop Kadette Dry Pinotage Rose 2014

Colour: Pink Aroma/Smell: Rich red berry fruit smell Taste: It’s a bit dry but still quite

smooth and easy to drink. The taste actually isn’t girlish at all Why do you like it? First of all, the pink colour attracted me. I think that works for most of the girls too! Although it’s a dry wine, I still find it acceptable and actually quite special. Not something that I was expecting! Best food pairing: The Deep-fried Spicy Chicken Joints and the Stewed Fish Head in Clay Pot with spring onion both paired well with the wine!

顏色:粉紅 香氣/氣味:很香的紅莓果味 味道:口感較乾澀,但也算是容易入喉,不 會太酸,味道清香 為何喜歡?雖然入口有點乾澀,和它可愛的 粉紅色有點出入,不太「女性化」,但顏色吸 引,特別容易令女生會注意。最佳食物配搭: 香蒜炸雞軟骨和薑蔥魚雲煲跟這酒很配!

Akira Chan Secretary 秘書 19

♛TOP 1

Bellingham Bernard Series Old Vine Chenin Blanc 2013

Colour: Light yellow, reminds me of

Christie chan

WTHK’s Editor


♛TOP 1

Villiera Gewürztraminer 2013

Colour: Pale yellow Aroma/Smell: Refreshing and fruity aromas, very decent Taste: Sweet with lychee and rose flavors. Rich and soft feeling Why do you like it? I like its freshness and sweetness. This white is very good for girls to hang out and chat with. The floral notes and ripeness of the white is something that would hit the girls’ palates. Best food pairing: Seafood. I like the Steamed Prawns with Garlic we had for dinner. They paired well

顏色:很淡,近乎白 香氣/氣味:清 香,微微果香 味道:甜甜的,具濃 郁荔枝果味和玫瑰花味,很柔和的感覺 為何喜歡?個人不喜歡太烈的酒,而這 枝白酒感覺柔和,清新偏甜,很適合女 生飲用。 最佳食物配搭:海鮮,例如 今次晚餐點的蒜茸蒸海蝦


Vita Chrysanthemum Tea Drink Aroma/Smell: Sinking light aroma of citrus fruits Taste: Slightly bitter with well-balanced acidity and rather short length Why do you like it? It brings its flavours all the way to the throat but vanishes right after, making me wish to drink it again to remember what it is exactly like Best food pairing: It’s certainly a dinner wine which is wellpaired with Stir-fried Fish Head with Ginger and Scallions in Clay Pot 顏色:令我想起維他菊花茶的淺黃色 香氣/氣味:往下沉的柑橘類果香 味道:剛好的酸度而帶點甘,餘韻較短 為何喜歡?它的味道一直跑往喉嚨,然 後消失不見,令我更想多喝一點 最佳食物配搭:這枝白酒較適合當餐 酒,與薑蔥魚雲煲頗配搭

♕TOP 2

Villiera Gewürztraminer 2013

Colour: Light watery yellow Aroma/Smell: Dearly sweet and flowery Taste: It’s sweet but it’s balanced.

Its acidity is not high at all so it goes smooth in the mouth Why do you like it? Seriously nobody would resist this lovely white and I would say I prefer not to get drunk with it because I want to stay sober enough to enjoy its aromas and flavours. Best food pairing: Drinking by itself would be better but I would suggest some marshmallows and biscuits if you wish to have something to pair with it 顏色:淡如水的黃色 香氣/氣味:令 人愛上的香甜花香 味道:這酒很甜但 平衡,而酸度不高也令它較易入喉 為何喜歡?我沒有人會抗拒這白酒!我 會說我不想喝它喝至醉,因為想清醒地 嚐到它的味道及嗅到它的香氣 最佳食物配搭:三文魚棉花糖和餅乾

♕TOP 2

Bellingham Bernard Series Old Vine Chenin Blanc 2013

Colour: Pale yellow Aroma/Smell: Light tropical fruits aromas with some vanilla too Taste: Tropical fruits flavors with a bit of freshness and minerality at the end Why do you like it? Personally prefer something that’s not too strong and this white tended to be more light which matches my preference. It’s mild and easy to drink even without food. Best food pairing: Enjoy by itself or the deep-fried spicy chicken joints

顏色:淺黃 香氣/氣味:微微酒香, 熱帶果味之中有淡淡的雲呢拿香味 味道:口感清爽,熱帶果味突出,最後 連點礦物味 為何喜歡?我喜歡較清新 易入口的酒,而這酒很合我的口味,容 易入喉,即使不配以食物也可 最佳食物配搭:香蒜炸雞軟骨

Hazel Chan Salesperson 售貨員

♛TOP 1

Villiera Gewürztraminer 2013

Colour: Light yellow Aroma/Smell: Very pleasant fruity and floral smell Taste: Strong fruity taste; more on the sweeter side Why do you like it? Perhaps I’m a fruity person (I’m kidding!) so I really enjoy the floral aromas and like the taste that is rather intense and ripe. But what caught me most is its sweetness, which suits me well. Best food pairing: Poultry like the Steamed Chicken we had tonight

顏色:淺黃色 香氣/氣味:香甜果味 和花香 味道:濃郁果味,果甜較重 為何喜歡?可能我如水果般甜美吧(說 笑),所以我喜歡這酒的花香味,也喜 歡它的濃濃的熟果甜味 最佳食物配搭:家禽肉類,例如今晚吃 到的蒸雞

♕TOP 2

Hartenberg Cabernet Shiraz 2011 Colour: Dark burgundy/red Aroma/Smell: Strong smell of bitterness Taste: Some pepper and spice is noted. It’s fruit-driven too Why do you like it? I like its dark fruit flavors and I think this red is very smooth and silky. Guys can easily finish it over dinner. Best food pairing: Pan-fried beef with spring onion 顏色:深酒紅色 香氣/氣味:濃烈的苦澀氣味 味道:有點胡椒及辛料氣味,也帶有重 份量的果香 為何喜歡?我喜歡這紅酒的果味,入口 如絲般順滑,男生們可在晚餐上輕易喝 上一枝 最佳食物配搭:牛柳炒洋蔥

♛TOP 1

Kanonkop Kadette Pinotage 2013

Stephy Poon WTHK’s PR Executive WTHK公關

Larry chan

Internal Control Officer 內部監控主任

♕TOP 2

Villiera Gewurztraminer 2013

Colour: Purple-red Aroma/Smell: Red fruit with a hint of oak Taste: Plum, red fruit and spice. Tannins are not too high. It has a nice finish with some coffee and chocolate flavors at the end Why do you like it? Its tannins are quite rounded and I like its medium acidity. Nothing is too much. A nice and reasonable bottle of red for a casual dinner. Best food pairing: Some meat or Roasted Pigeon

Colour: Light yellow Aroma/Smell: Very aromatic floral smell Taste: It’s sweet and creamy with rich white flowers and honey-like aromas. A girlish white! Why do you like it? This white has both the sweetness and creaminess that I can hardly say no to. Very easy to drink with low acidity. I can enjoy this white with some friends and chat for a few hours in a lovely sunny afternoon. Best food pairing: I prefer to enjoy it by itself.

顏色:紫紅色 香氣/氣味:紅莓果味,橡 木味 味道:梅子,紅莓和香料味。單寧不 太重。最後餘韻有淡淡咖啡和巧克力香味 為何喜歡?它的單寧很舒服,沒有「苦澀」 的感覺,酸度也適中,整體平衡做得不錯, 是一枝性價比高的「晚飯酒」。 最佳食物配搭:肉類或是今晚吃的燒乳鴿

顏色:淺黃 香氣/氣味:很吸引的花香味 味道:中厚身,香濃的白花味,有點蜜餞 味,感覺很女生 為何喜歡?我愛偏甜的 酒,這枝也對我口味!甜度較高,酸度低, 又偏厚身,不是爽朗型的白酒,很適合和女 生朋友在一個陽光普照的下午茶聚會時飲 用。最佳食物配搭:單獨喝它也很好 21


015 is a brand new year and it’s the precise time to transform into a brand new you. You might have made New Year’s resolutions last year on life, but have you thought of making them on wine? Setting New Year’s resolutions is all about trying new things, connecting with friends and family more often and staying happy and healthy both physically and mentally, so as to live a better life and be a better person. Now we are telling you drinking wines can actually be involved in achieving the above goals. Doubt that? Continue to read!


Taste wines from a unfamiliar country or area

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – A well known quote pointing out the importance of experiencing something new, thus enabling you to grow and develop yourself. It’s good to know what wines you like and prefer, but if you never try anything new you won’t even have the answer yes or no. When you taste a wine which is new to you and you like it, 22

congratulations for finding a new love! Also when you don’t like it, you can tell the difference between your love and hate and get a better understanding of your personal taste. Drink more is always rule No. 1.


Pair different kinds of food with wines

Having wines on the dining table has not yet become a common dining habit for Hong Kongers. Some of the perceptions of drinking wines for many are: Bars and fine dining restaurants are the only places to drink wines; Food and wine pairing should go like Italian food with Italian wines, French food with French wines, and hotpot with beer. Actually NO. Wines can be part of a meal every day and wines from different regions can be paired with any food you like. In my food and wine pairing dairy, white wines are well-paired with hot pot and Spanish food has been good with Japanese Sake; and there are a lot more to explore. Break these misconceptions and pair the two up to unleash the maximum

Text by Christie Chan 撰文:Christie Chan


015年是全新的一年,而現在就是重新改 造自己的最佳時機!可能你於去年也曾 為自己訂過一些目標,但你有否想過在 品酒方面訂立新目標?在新的一年裏,我們該 作新嘗試,花多點時間與家人親友共聚,維持 健康生活並懷着喜悅的心,從而去過更好的生 活,做一個更好的自己。現在讓我告訴你,其 實以上目的也可與品酒掛鉤。不信?請把文章 讀下去!

1. 品嚐自己不熟悉產區的葡萄酒

「放棄現有的安逸,才可正式展開人生。」這 智理名言指出,只有透過新嘗試,才可使自己 成長,建立一個不一樣的自己。知道自己的喜 惡固然是好事,但若你拒絕接觸新的事物,你 根本不可能知道答案是喜歡還是討厭。當你嚐 到未嚐過的酒而你喜歡它,那麼恭喜你找到了 「新的醉愛」!若不,你也能更清楚自己的口 味,更確定自己的喜惡。多喝酒永遠是第一守 則。

2. 為不同美食配上不同酒品

在香港人的飲食習慣中,在用餐時配上酒品一 同享用並不算流行。許多人對喝酒的觀念可能 是:酒吧或高級餐廳是少數可以喝酒的地方; 食物與酒品配搭均千篇一律,例如法國葡萄酒 配法國菜,意大利葡萄酒配意大利菜,火鍋配



Hold a wine tasting at home

Sometimes you wish you can taste various types of wines but most probably you are not able to finish all the bottles alone. Invite some friends over and all of you can share every bottle that even if no one likes the wine, you can drink only half a glass and the wine won’t have to go to waste. Meanwhile, you all can share thoughts of the wines as well as life or any other topics with each other. Spending a night with diverse wines with lovely friends is plainly one of the best ways to “chillax”; chill + relax.


Learn more about wines

When you like something or someone, you would desire and urge yourself to learn more and know more about them. This should also apply to drinking wines as you indeed intake them into your body. But is there any effortless way to learn? Yes, simply talk to people. They can be winemakers, sommeliers, bartenders, wine salespersons, chefs, restaurant managers or waiters; basically every one you can get to and you will learn more than you imagine. Willing to put more effort on

啤酒。大錯特錯!其實我們可為每次用餐配上 美酒,而產自不同地方的酒品可隨意配上你喜 歡的食物。在我的飲食手記中,白酒是極配合 火鍋的飲料,而日本清酒也與西班牙菜意想不 到地合拍,更有許多的組合未被發掘。就從今 天起打破這些誤解,佳餚配上美酒才是享受吃 喝的最高境界!

learning about wines? Options are abundant: Reading wine blogs (of course read the top one - WTHK), going to mass astings, applying to wine courses such as WSET and Wine Appreciation part-time course at HKU Space. Keep learning because it simply never exhausts your mind!


3. 在家舉行試酒會

Trust your own palate rather than the brand

Repeatedly we tell our readers that taste is personal. Whichever “well-known” critic says anything about the wines he tastes is his opinion, you cannot tell if you agree or disagree with that as you don’t own his palate. No one can tell you what to like or dislike, not only for wines but also in life. In the same way, some famous brands can be not as good as their prices suggest on the grounds that marketing strategies do exist. So, drink before you judge and here weare back to rule No.1 again – drink more!

有時候,你想嚐盡數種不同的酒品,但又幾乎 不可能獨自一人喝掉所有的酒。因此,邀請幾 個朋友一起在家品酒是個最好辦法,你可與朋 友們分享酒品,即使沒有人喜歡那些酒,每人 只需喝上半杯便可把酒喝完,不至於把它倒掉 而造成浪費。在品酒的同時,朋友之間可互相 討論對酒品的看法,也可分享生活中的點滴, 無所不談。喝着各款酒品並與朋友共聚輕鬆愉 快的晚上,誰也不會「放飛機」吧!

4. 增進品酒知識

All these New Year’s wine resolutions are as easy as ABC; if you ever ditch them for any reason, you know it’s an excuse. I hope all of our readers can remain committed to their New Year’s resolutions as this is how to build a strong mind to face obstacles and challenges in the unknown future. Let’s sparkle our colours on the new canvas of 2015.

當你喜歡某事、某物或某人時,你會很想知道 有關他們的一切,同樣品酒也一樣,你也會想 知道多點酒品資訊。若你喜歡喝酒,你也該要 知道你喝下的是甚麼吧。有沒有不費吹灰之力 的方法?答案是:有的,多點與人們聊聊。聊 天對象可以是釀酒師、侍酒師、調酒師、葡萄 酒營銷人員、大廚、餐廳經理或侍應生,其實 也可以是任何人,在別人身上學到的往往比你 想像中的更多。願意付上更多心機和時間去認 識品酒?有很多選擇:免費的有如瀏覽網站( 當然該瀏覽一流網站—WTHK);需花費的也 可報讀品酒課程,例如WSET專業品酒資格課 程,或香港大學專業進修學院非全日制的品酒 課程。學習永不會使你的腦袋疲倦!

5. 相信自己的舌頭多於品牌

我們重複又重複地告訴讀者,口味絕對是個人 的。無論世界知名的酒評家對某酒作出怎麼樣 的評價,那只是他個人的意見,你不能對其 表示認同或反對,因為他的味覺不等同你的味 覺。沒有人可以告訴你,該喜歡些甚麼或討厭 些甚麼,這不僅限於嚐酒,也適用於生活裏。 同樣地,部分響噹噹的品牌實際上也可能與其 價格不成正比,不要被市場策略蒙蔽而付上更 多的錢。在評價某酒品之前,先親自嚐嚐它, 而我們又回到了第一守則—多喝酒! 以上的建議既簡單又容易,你怎會有藉口把它 們拋諸腦後呢?我祝願各位讀者有決心和毅力 去實踐今年訂立的新目標,從而建立更強大的 內心,足以跨越未來大大小小的挑戰。就讓我 們在2015年的白紙上,畫上最豔麗耀目的色 彩!










HE 23

Region: 地區

Auckland 奧克蘭

Top Grape Varieties: Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Auckland is a large and diverse region with approximately 100 vineyards and wineries. The region is home to some of New Zealand’s oldest vineyards with vines first planted in the region in 1819. Known for Bordeaux-style wines the region does however produce the best Chardonnay’s in the country. 奧克蘭是個既廣且大的葡萄酒產區,約 有100個酒莊位於此區,當中不乏古老 的酒莊,其葡萄藤枝在1819年被首次種 植。雖然此產區因出產波爾多風格的葡 萄酒而聞名,但同時也出產全國最佳的 Chardonnay。

Top Producers: Babich Wines, Cable Bay Vineyard, Villa 著名酒莊 Maria, Kumeu River Region: 地區

Canterbury 坎特伯里

Top Grape Varieties: Riesling, Pinot Noir

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Canterbury is a relatively young wine region with the first vines planted in 1977. It is hot and dry in the summer, especially on the Canterbury plains, but this also accounts for cold and frosty winters. The region includes the Waipara sub-region that makes world-class wines. 坎特伯里是比較新的葡萄酒產區,葡萄藤 枝於1977年被首次種植於此。它的夏天 炎熱乾燥,特別在平原,而冬天則寒冷結 冰。位於此區的懷帕拉山谷小產區,釀出 不少世界級的葡萄佳釀。

Top Producers: Giesen Wine Estate, Charles Wiffen, Grey著名酒莊 stone Wines

Region: 地區

Central Otago 中奧塔哥

Top Grape Varieties: Pinot Noir

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色


Central Otago has made a name for itself for producing top class Pinot Noir. It is the only continental climate in New Zealand and is one of the top wine tourism destinations in the country. It has been recently named by Jancis Robinson MW as one of the Top 5 New World wine producing regions. 中奧塔哥這個地名響起始於釀造出頂尖的 Pinot Noir紅酒。只有這個產區屬於大陸 性氣候,同時也是葡萄酒旅遊的首選,最 近更被英國著名酒評家Jancis Robinson MW評為全球新世界葡萄酒產區的頭五名 之一。

Top Producers: Felton Road, Black Quail Estate, Mischa’s 著名酒莊 Vineyard, Mount Michael

There are just over 700 wineries located in New Zealand. 超過700個酒莊位於紐西蘭 Two thirds of New Zealand wine production is located in one region – Marlborough. 三分之二的紐西蘭葡萄酒出產於同一個產區—馬 伯羅 Two thirds of wine production in New Zealand is made from white grape varietals. 三分之二的紐西蘭葡萄酒是以白酒葡萄品種釀造 Region: 地區

Gisborne 吉斯本

Top Grape Varieties: Chenin Blanc, Gewurztraminer, Riesling

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Located on the far East coast of New Zealand Gisborne is a warm and sunny place steeped in Maori culture. It is New Zealand’s fourth largest grape growing region but with only a handful of artisanal wineries. It focuses on white grape varieties as this region is blessed with a high degree of sunshine. 吉斯本位於紐西蘭的東面,氣候溫暖, 陽光充沛,是個深受着當地土著毛利人 的文化所影響。此區為紐西蘭第四大的 萄酒產區,但只有少數的手工藝酒莊。 由於陽光充足,位於此產區的酒莊都主 力種植白葡萄品種。

Hong Kong is New Zealand’s 7th largest export market – with Australia No. 1 and China No. 6. 香港是紐西蘭葡萄酒的第七大入口地區;澳洲的 入口量最多,中國則為第六

Top Producers: Mills Reef, Ashwood Estate, Millton, Mor著名酒莊 ton Estate

Region: 地區

Hawkes Bay 霍克斯灣

Top Grape Varieties: Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot,

Region: 地區

Nelson 尼爾森

Top Grape Varieties: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling,

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Pinot Noir

Cool climate wines are made here although there are a great deal of sunshine hours meaning that there is a great fruit structure to the wines from this region. The region is amongst the smallest wine producing regions in New Zealand. 這產區為紐西蘭最小的葡萄酒產區,其葡 萄酒在冷天氣下釀造,但同時不乏陽光照 射,意味着非常適合葡萄果的生長,可供 酒莊釀出好酒。


The region is New Zealand’s number one destination for wine and food tourism. It is one of the oldest regions in the country for vine growing; dating back to the 19th century and is arguably New Zealand’s best region for age-worthy red wines. 這地區是紐西蘭首屈一指的「飲食旅遊 區」,也是最早種植葡萄的古老葡萄酒產 區,時間可追溯到19世紀。有說這區出 產的紅酒,是紐西蘭各葡萄酒產區中最值 得陳擺的。

Top Producers: Black Barn Vineyards, Craggy Range Vine著名酒莊 yards, Kim Crawford Wines, Vidal Wines

Top Producers: Seifried Wines, Richmond Plains, Te Mania 著名酒莊 Estate, Waimea Estates Region: 地區

Marlborough 馬伯羅

Top Grape Varieties: Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Marlborough is the largest wine producing region of New Zealand and has exploded to fame by way of its internationally recognised Sauvignon Blanc’s. Approximately two thirds of wines produced in New Zealand are made here and is the pioneering region for New Zealand’s greatest white wine export – Sauvignon Blanc. 馬伯羅是全紐西蘭最大的葡萄酒產區, 釀自此區的Sauvignon Blanc可謂全世 界無人不知。理所當然,這區出口的 Sauvignon Blanc之多,約有三分之二的 紐西蘭葡萄酒產於此區。

Top Producers: Staete Landt, Forrest Estate Winery, Seres著名酒莊 in Estate, Spy Valley

Region: 地區

Wairarapa 懷拉拉帕

Top Grape Varieties: Pinot Noir

著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Certainly not the largest growing region of the country, it does however house some of the most boutique wineries in the country. A tough grape growing area for sure, it takes a skilled winemaker to make great wines from here. The town of Martinborough is the centre of this artisanal winemaking region. 雖然這產區並非紐西蘭國內較大的葡萄酒 產區,卻可在這裏找到境內大部分的精品 酒莊,而Martinborough小鎮就是這個 手工藝葡萄酒產區的中心點。在此區種植 葡萄甚具挑戰性,釀酒師需要更多的技巧 和經驗去釀出佳釀。

Top Producers: Ata Rangi, Schubert Wines, Gladstone, 著名酒莊 Escarpment 25


HKe Wings 人氣 Blo



or a country such as Hong Kong that seems to love wine so much, there is really very little that can be read about the wines that are available in our city online. If you Google “Hong Kong Wine Blogs” there are really very few that are independently written, most of them being written by companies that sell wine in a pseudo-marketing exercise that really only promotes their own products and does not offer any truly independent and impartial advice. So, this month we decided to find the ones that we thought would be the most useful to readers that want to learn from others’ experiences with wine. Of course, it’s a rather strange idea for a media company such as ours that has a successful wine website and a magazine to promote others’ work – but we are the kind of people that think that collaboration is a much better way of working, rather than competing. Our blog started four years ago and subsequently we changed it to a website in 2013. The site, offers impartial advice on good wines to drink, where to buy them and what events are going on so you can enjoy them too. But you cannot just read one site and other people have different tastes to us and try different wines than we do. So we thought it best to find the top wine blogs in the city as when you’ve finished reading ours, you can – with a quick click of the mouse – check out what others have been tasting. Take a look at our “Top Blogs” story this month and have a click around the other wine websites in the city. We have taken the best English and Chinese sites (there are no bi-lingual ones like ours) in the city – one’s that we too read on a regular basis. So grab a glass of wine, have a read of our story and then go online and see what others are drinking!

港人對葡萄酒的熱愛與日俱增,但可惜關於葡萄酒的網 香 上資訊實在是少之有少。如果你在Google輸入「香港酒 評網誌」,你會發現有不少網誌間接或直接由某葡萄酒公司負 責,大部分都會集中推廣自己的產品,建議不夠中肯;如果是 獨立而沒有隸屬於任何葡萄酒司的網誌,的確只有寥寥可數的 幾個。有見及此,今期我們找來一些我們認為最實用的酒評網 誌,推介給想學習更多有關葡萄酒知識的讀者。雖然WTHK的 網站和雜誌也是其中一分子,推介其他人撰寫的酒評網誌可能 有點奇怪,但我們認為共同合作總比鬥個你死我活好,這樣大 家才會一起進步。

我們的網誌早於4年前成立,及後於2013年轉為網站www.。我們的網站為大家搜羅優質的葡萄酒的售 賣地點和最新活動等資訊,意見誠實中肯。不過,要嚐的葡萄 酒實在有太多,而每個人對葡萄酒的喜好不一,所以我們樂於 與大家分享其他可信賴的酒評網誌,在瀏覽過我們的意見後, 也可參考其他網誌的意見。我們推介的「人氣酒評網誌」包括 了英文和中文網站,但似乎卻沒有跟我們一樣刊登中英雙語的 文章分享。還等甚麼?來倒杯酒,邊看我們的文章和網站,再 到以下的網誌參詳參詳吧!

Happy Wine Woman The Happy Wine Woman blog is written by Hong Kong expat Simone Madden-Grey. A professional flute player and IT project manager in previous careers Simone is now immersed in the world of wine whilst studying for her Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Diploma. As a wandering Kiwi, Simone has lived in the US, UK, Spain and most recently Australia whilst making regular trips back to her native New Zealand. During her time in Australia Simone was a frequent visitor to the Yarra Valley seeing firsthand the exciting and innovative work being done by smaller producers in the region and it is this theme that characterises many of her articles as well as a recent tasting she presented to the Hong Kong Wine Society. In addition to the Yarra Valley, the Happy Wine Woman also documents numerous tasting events in Hong Kong together with a diverse range of topics related to her studies, including visiting Grover Vineyards in Bangalore, India, touring the Champagne Houses of Épernay, discovering small-batch gin production in the Yarra Valley and meeting the owner of Two Paddocks winery, movie star and fellow Kiwi, Sam Neill (of Jurassic Park fame) – she may just have been a little star struck… As well as writing for the HWW Simone also writes for The Drinks Business DB Reader Online and provides a range of consulting services to her wine industry clients in the areas of management, business process and education. Upcoming Happy Wine Woman projects will include a trip back to New Zealand taking in Waipara, Marlborough, Martinborough and Hawke’s Bay, a visit to the Yarra Valley and more tastings related to her final unit for the WSET Diploma – Still Wines of the World. Happy Wine Woman網誌是由居住在香港的外籍女士Simone Madden-Grey所撰寫。Simone本身是一位專業的長笛家和曾經在多家公 司擔任資訊科技經理,她現正專注在世界各地的葡萄酒,為她在攻讀 的葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金(WSET)的文憑課程作準備。 Simone曾經在多個國家居住,包括美國,英國,西班牙和最近期的澳 洲(她定期會返回自己家鄉紐西蘭)。當她在澳洲居仕的時候,她經常到 訪雅拉河谷(Yarra Valley),查看當地一些細小酒莊的最新動向,這些考 察的經驗和見聞,最近在香港品酒會(Hong Kong Wine Society)的品 酒活動,都是她在網誌分享的特色之一。 除了雅拉河谷的考察,Simone也會分享她在香港出席不同品酒會的 感受和一系列有關她讀書的課題,例如在印度班加羅爾(Bangalore)的 Grover Vineyards酒莊,遊覽法國的Champagne Houses of Épernay,發掘在雅拉河谷小量生產的杜松子酒(Gin)和探訪Two Paddocks 酒莊的莊主和電影明星Sam Neill(有份主演《侏羅紀公園》)等。除了 撰寫網誌外,Simone也為The Drinks Business DB Reader Online網 站撰文,為在葡萄酒行業工作的人士提供一系列管理,營運和教育的 諮詢顧問服務。 Happy Wine Woman網誌未來的計劃包括到紐西蘭的懷帕拉(Waipara),馬伯羅(Marlborough),馬丁堡(Martinborough)和霍克斯灣 (Hawke’s Bay),到訪雅拉河谷和更多與她修讀的WSET文憑課程有關 的品酒會。 27

Top HK Wine Blogs Winebuzz We may be wrong but we think that Winebuzz is actually Hong Kong’s oldest wine blog site having been formed in 2007. Winebuzz is a great site for informative wine news, in fact, it’s more a news and events site more than opinionated wine writing site. It’s updated fairly regularly, although not as often as it used to be back in the days when it was formed, but the content is relevant, well written and informative.

Tersina Wine Journal Tersina loves wine so much that she quit her marketing career and went to study winemaking ten years ago, followed by a few years travelling and making wine in various parts of the world. She was brought back to Hong Kong in 2010 by Simon Tam, who asked her to join him in his wine consultancy firm. She found that most wine articles in Hong Kong at that time were either very technical, full of jargon and terms the average consumer would not understand, or focused only on high profile cult-status wine that most consumers could not afford. She thought, no wonder wine was not that popular in Hong Kong, especially in the middle market—the market that is the bedrock of the wine world in most wine-drinking countries. It was because of this skewed picture that she started writing her blog. The aim is to promote a stronger wine culture in Hong Kong, explaining wine in a no-nonsense way and inspiring the average consumer to appreciate and enjoy it. Many wine articles are little more than tasting notes and she thinks this actually deters consumers from trying wine as they worry if they cannot taste all the aromas described by writers. So, the Tersina Wine Journal doesn’t write detailed tasting notes but rather tells the stories behind the wines, discovers winemakers’ inspirations and airs her thoughts on the Hong Kong wine scene. She hopes this will help demystify wine and encourage consumers to explore it. She also prefers to write about the lesser known producers and regions, which have affordable, good quality wine. The misperception of inexperienced consumers is that wine is expensive, or only expensive wine is of good quality. That is something the blog aims to change. In short, she hopes her blog can simply persuade more consumers to drink wine!

Tersina對葡萄酒的愛,令她十年前辭去她的市場學工作,跑去修讀釀 酒課程,再到不同地方旅遊和親身從事釀酒工作數年。直到2010年,Simon Tam邀請她到其葡萄酒顧問公司工作,她才回流返港。當時她 發現,許多有關葡萄酒的文章都有同樣的問題:太多技術用語和專業 名詞,令普遍「飲家」摸不着頭腦,又或是只着重一些大眾難以負擔 的「神臺級」的葡萄酒(cult-status wine)。這時她發現,葡萄酒在香 港並不普及的原因,以中產階層更甚。就是因為這麼一個不健康的現 象,她決定開始撰寫網誌,透過合乎邏輯又易明的方式去解釋和啟發 讀者,希望在香港推廣葡萄酒文化,令更多人享受品酒的樂趣。 她明白讀者很難只透過她寫的形容詞去感受她試的葡萄酒,所以她的 文章並不只是試飲報告般簡單,她會和讀者分享釀造背後的故事,釀 酒師的看法和她對香港葡萄酒行業的想法等等。她的用意都是希望把 葡萄酒變得容易理解,從而鼓勵更多人去欣賞葡萄酒。 另外,她也傾向選擇較少人認識的生產商和地區,去分享一些性價比 高的葡萄酒,希望一改初入門喝葡萄酒人士的「優質葡萄酒必定是貴 價」的錯誤觀念,使更多人不再抗拒葡萄酒。


The good thing about Winebuzz is that it has completely different events information than other sites in Hong Kong. More for the discerning wine drinker, there is information on the auctions, wine dinners and tastings that are going on in the city. It also features more “large scale” event information such as the big weekend events that take place during the year at places like West Kowloon Waterfront and, of course events such as Wine and Dine. But it is also a food based site that tells you about food and newly opened restaurants so if you want to know where is chic these days and where to be seen dining then you should log on and read what they are publishing. Scroll back through their archives and you’ll find informative writings on healthy eating and more about lifestyle-based issues. Winebuzz’ motto is “Hong Kong’s Premiere Wine and Fine Dining Guide” and if there’s a site we use more than ever to read about new places to wine and dine, this is most certainly it! If you want to know “The Buzz” around town, then get online and check out what Winebuzz has to tell you about the Hong Kong food and wine scene.

我們不會說是這是百分百的準確,不過據我們所知,早於2007年成立 的Winebuzz該是香港最早出現的酒評網誌。Winebuzz是一個不錯的 葡萄酒資訊性網誌,它提供的品酒活動資料比個人意見性的文章多。 雖然最近的更新頻率沒有好像起初時高,但還算可以接受,而且內容 多與葡萄酒相連,文筆通順有理,有着各種資訊。Winebuzz其中一 個賣點是,它提供其他葡萄酒網誌沒有的資訊,例如介紹有品味和較 獨特的釀酒師、葡萄酒拍賣的資訊、葡萄酒晚宴和城中各個試酒會。 此外,網誌也會報導一些本地大型的活動,無論是在西九龍舉行的活 動,或是較早舉行的「香港美酒佳餚巡禮」。 Winebuzz也提供餐廳飲食類情報,為讀者提供近期熱門和新開張的餐 廳資訊,適合喜歡吃喝的你。有時間的話,可以瀏覽一下它們以前寫 的文章,你會發現不少有關健康飲食和生活品味的文章分享。 如果你想找一個網誌去搜尋最新葡萄酒和餐廳資訊,那麼你必定不可 以錯過決心成為「香港優越飲食攻略」的Winebuzz。

人氣酒評網誌 Openwines HK Founded in 2013 March, Openwines is a weekly updated magazine-style website that mainly involves four wine writers, including Mr. Stephen Lau (WSET Certified Educator and columnist), Ruby Cheung, Salina Fok and Angus Lee. They are all wine lovers that have completed formal wine education up to WSET Diploma level. Designed in red and white, the wine blog is very easy to read and eye-catching, with five main categories: “Wine Blog” with wine tips, wine knowledge and some wine trivia, “Update News” with latest wine courses, tasting and promotions, “Food and Wine” with a special “cuisine and wine matching tool” for readers to search for related information, “Wine Shop” with wine shop locations and telephone numbers and “Topic” with feature wine stories. They update their Blog about once a week and among all categories, Stephen Lau’s wine column is updated most frequently. He shares his column for Ming Pao on the blog every Wednesday. Besides not only telling the readers how wines taste, Stephen’s writing also includes many stories behind the wines, fun stories about the wine industry and interesting wine related products. Since they are now more focused on wine professionals, they are planning to move more into the entry level style of wines in the coming months and plan to interact with readers more by asking them to post pictures and comments on their blog.

在2013年3月成立的Openwines HK,是一個如雜誌式經營的網站,由 四位熱愛葡萄酒的人士負責, 他們全都修讀過英國WSET的課程,最高 至第四級,對葡萄酒有一定的學問和認識,包括Stephen Lau(劉信全 老師)、Salina Fok、Ruby Cheng和Angus Lee。網站以紅白色為主, 鮮艷分明,內容主要分為五大類,包括「星級博客」,「美酒活動」 ,「品酒活動」,「美酒與美食」和「專題」,分別為讀者帶來不同 的葡萄酒資訊,以及試酒會和試酒晚宴的活動推介。

Hong Kong Wine Blog

With its first article published in 2013 April and the aim of “Using Chinese as our medium, we would like to be a fair and unbiased media to share wine information with Hong Kong wine lovers”, Hong Kong Wine Blog is another stylish and cool Chinese wine blog. Black and white in colour, the layout and design of the Blog is clean and simple. Each article they share isn’t too lengthy, usually 200 to 400 words which fits Hong Kong peoples “fast reading” style – and highlights the main points as quickly as possible. Their blog also has different pages categories but among all posts, “Tasting Report” updates most frequently; about once a week. Their tasting reports are quite diverse, not focusing on any particular wine grapes or regions but tries to broaden its horizons. Readers can finish reading in a few minutes since posts are only a few lines long, with one bottle shot, the price and where you can get it. Their postings aren’t anything too technical making it good for the average wine-beginner. But if you’re looking for something more about wine, then you should check out their “Wine Knowledge” page. They take grapes, regions and wines to talk about. Again, their writing in general isn’t too long and so it’s good for people who want to learn something about wine within a limited time!

身兼WSET註冊導師及葡萄酒專欄作家 Stephen Lau,他所寫的文章 定期在《明報》刊登,也會上載到網站和讀者分享。網站另外也會介 紹一些有趣的葡萄酒「冷知識」,例如:「酒瓶的標準容量為甚麼是 750ml?」。Openwines HK也留意到讀者對食物跟葡萄酒搭配感興 趣,所以在10月份左右增設了「美酒與佳餚」專頁,列出酒標照片、 價格、食物搭配建議和感想。

翻看Hong Kong Wine Blog的文章,發現它成立時間和Openwines HK差不多,大約是在 2013年4月。網站中的「自我介紹」為:「從香 港的角色,以中文說出葡萄酒的語言。 我們希望成為一個葡萄酒的中 立媒體,為愛酒者分享資訊及發掘更多品嚐機會。」

現在網站內容都較則重於專業層面,但網站負責人透露,在未來數個 月將增加與葡萄酒愛好者的互動,讓讀者上載意見和心得,使內容變 得更大眾化和多元化。

網站設計簡潔,以白色為背景,每篇文章的文字和圖片也盡量精簡, 字數大約在200至500字左右,不會長篇大論,圖片數量也不多,很適 合香港人「馬上入正題」和「看重點」的習慣。 網站分了不同的專頁,當中以「試飲報告」的更新次數最為頻密,大 約一星期一次,分享報告簡短易明,以一張酒標照片連同價錢和售賣 地點,只有五至六行文字,用詞中肯,選擇的葡萄酒也大眾化,不會 只偏重於某類貴價酒品,使人閱讀時沒有阻力。 另外,除了在「最新動向」專頁不定期提供品酒活動資訊外,Hong Kong Wine Blog比較特別的一點是,它搜集世界各地有關葡萄酒的有 趣資訊,並刊登在在「環球新聞」專頁中和讀者分享。 29

Rebecca Leung’s Wine Blog 酒酣意濃

If your wine knowledge is not “kindergarten level” and you like to attend some wine tastings and wine courses, then you might probably have heard about Rebecca Leung. She has the WSET Diploma level and she’s also the Certified Educator of the WSET and a frequent judge at international wine competitions. She’s very popular among different media columns and also features on the radio. From her first article on her blog for Headline News, we know that her curiosity for wine started when she was looking for wine in wine shops and then began reading some wine books in local book stores. But her “true love” for wine started when she studied WSET. Reading her blog, as a wine lover, you might be very jealous of her life! It’s because she always got the chance to visit many wineries, vineyards and wine events. Her sharing about her visits are not only about those “main stream” regions like, France, Germany, Australia and USA, but some remote places in China, such as visiting Ningxia winery (寧夏) and attending the organic wine events in Gansu (甘肅). Recently she shared quite a lot of what’s happening now in the China wine industry. It’s good to know more about some up-coming new Chinese wines with aging potential. In addition to her trips to different vineyards, she gets invitations from different people to help them taste and test wines as well. One interesting story she shared is about her friend who works for an airline company and invited her to get on the plane and see if altitude, air pressure and temperature are relevant to our ability to taste wines. What’s the result? You have to keep an eye on her blog to find out!

如果有對葡萄酒的認識並不是「幼兒班」程度,而你有時候也會出席不 同的品酒會和修讀某些品酒課程,那麼你對梁淑意Rebecca Leung可能 會有點印象。她持有英國WSET Diploma葡萄酒及烈酒文憑,是WSET 的國際認可導師(Certified Educator)和葡萄酒國際評審,在不少品酒專 欄和網上品酒節目等都可以找到她的蹤影。 正因為Rebecca在葡萄酒界「百足咁多爪」,也會經常到不同的酒莊和 葡萄園出差考察, 所以她在頭條日報的網誌「酒酣意濃」的文章,不 單只分享自己喜愛的葡萄酒,更會與讀者分享一些她在當地的所見所 聞,涉獵的葡萄酒範疇既多且闊,令身在香港的葡萄酒愛好者也可以透 過她的文字,學到更多主流或非主流的葡萄酒知識、地區、名詞等。 她的網誌以文字為主,圖片較少,也沒有「最新活動」這類的分享,但 定期更新,而且常常和讀者分享獨家和有趣的葡萄酒體驗,例如她曾受 在航空公司工作的朋友邀請,看看在高空三萬尺和陸地上品酒的感官分 別,分析氣壓、氣溫等因素是否對人體品酒有影響。閱讀Rebecca的網 誌,猶如共她環繞地球一周那般!

Vin Zealot Wine Blog

Vin Zealot Wine Blog has the longest blog history among all these four Chinese wine blogs. The blogger, Manus Ng, himself is a WSET Level 4 Diploma Graduate and studying Master of Wine now. Although he loves French and Italian wines, in particular Champagne and Burgundy, this doesn’t narrow his postings about all wines. His blog rather than sharing the latest news about wine tastings and events is more like personal wine experience diary. For example, he talks about the best restaurant experience he had in Japan that he thought is a must-go for wine lovers. What makes his blog user-friendlier is that he has grouped his articles into different categories, for example, regions, grapes and buying tips. But the most interesting and special part is, the blogger occasionally posts some wine book recommendations and some useful wine websites that he likes to share with his readers. Apart from sharing what Manus likes to drink, as a true wine lover and blogger, he also writes honestly about what wines he doesn’t like or feels disappointed with. That’s actually what readers want to know too right? Moreover, he also shares his thoughts about his studies of WSET, what people should be aware of and how to prepare for it and whether he thinks WSET is worth studying.

網站年資比Openwines HK和Hong Kong Wine Blog長的Vin Zealot Wine Blog,於2010年8月開始發表有關葡萄酒的文章。網誌負責人 吳煒權是一名持有WSET Level 4文憑的葡萄酒愛好者。雖然他在自我 介紹中寫道,他最愛的便是法國和意大利的葡萄酒,尤其香檳和勃艮 第,但他撰寫的文章並沒有只着重自己鍾情的地區,反而涵蓋各國的 葡萄酒,範圍十分廣泛。 該網站對品酒活動的推介較少,個人分享為主,例如是與朋友盲品的 經歷、葡萄酒迷到日本旅遊必吃的好餐廳等等,寫作風格簡單直接, 而且會按不同題目分類(地區、葡萄品種、其他),令讀者清楚地揀選想 閱讀的文章。最特別的是,他會推介一些他喜愛的入門葡萄酒書藉, 及建議其認為最好和最有用的葡萄酒網站連結予讀者參考。

So there you have it. Seven of the best for you to check out once you’re finished reading Wine Times HK’s website! Expect to see more blogs in our city in the coming years as more and more people fall in love with, and want to learn more about the fabulous product we all aspire to drink everyday - wine! 以上便是全城最好的7個葡萄酒網誌,若你想閱讀有關葡萄 酒資訊的高質素文章,緊記在瀏覽過WTHK網站後,登入他 們的網誌查看。我們認為日後將會有更多的本地葡萄酒網誌 面世,原因很簡單—愈來愈多人與我們一樣,愛上葡萄酒!


“All my life I have sought the simplicity of a single line.” ANTOINE WATTEAU


Laurent-Perrier Champagne is exclusively distributed in Greater China area by ASC Fine Wines 罗兰百悦香槟由ASC精品酒业在大中华地区独家经销 31


ben Sadie is nothing short of inspiring. The legendary winemaker has almost single-handedly revolutionised South African winemaking with his own unique style, squarely putting the Rainbow Nation on the winemaking map with his wines that are as diverse and quirky as his personality. Starting his career in at the well known Charles Back winery in Paarl, Eben broke out on his own in 1999 and formed The Sadie Family Vineyards from which he now produces some of South Africa’s most iconic wines. Eben himself is not controversial, but he likes to speak his mind and in a world where commercial winemaking has drawn big money and plenty of space on supermarket shelves Eben makes wines that suit the region he makes them in, South Africa’s Swartland. “People plant grapes in the new world that sell – not grapes that suit the environment”, declared Eben when we last met. “Six to seven grape varietals have become the fingerprint of the New World these days”. Eben truly believes that vines should be planted within a terroir that suits them (the grapes) best – not just grapes that are more commercially viable. The daredevil winemaker plants varieties such as Chenin Blanc, Palomino, Viognier, Marsanne, Semillon Gris and many other varietals that he thinks suits the land he works on the best. If you have tried his wines then it’s hard to argue with him as they are hands-down fantastic at worst, breathtakingly good at best. Sadie Family wines are available from Berry Bros and Rudd in Hong Kong. For more information contact Phebe Wong on

起Eben Sadie,第一個浮現在腦海的形容詞便是 提 「啟發人心」。這位傳奇釀酒師幾乎單槍匹馬革新 了南非的釀酒業,將「彩虹國」畫進了世界葡萄酒產區

的地圖上。他的釀酒風格獨特,所釀造的葡萄酒既多元 化且奇特,體現了他本人的個性。在成立自己的酒莊之 前,Eben曾在位於南非帕爾(Paarl)而廣為人知的Charles Back酒莊工作,及後在1999年毅然決定創立屬於自己的 酒莊,釀造出其中部分最注目的南非葡萄酒──The Sadie Family Vineyards。 Eben並非一個喜以爭論的人,但他敢於我行我素,當全 世界把釀酒業商業化,酒莊大量生產葡萄酒,而又賺個盆 滿缽滿時,他堅持在南非的Swartland(距離開普敦以北 50公里)釀造最適合在當地釀造的葡萄酒。「很多人在新 世界的土地上種植能賣錢的葡萄,而不是最適合在當地 生長的葡萄,在新世界釀造出來的葡萄酒,來來去去也只 得6、7種葡萄種類,酒莊只是『照辦煮碗』地釀製葡萄 酒。」Eben直指現時釀酒業的普遍情況。 他確信,每塊土地適合種植的葡萄品種各有不同,釀酒師 應該因地制宜,為土地挑選種植生長得最好的葡萄品種, 而非只挑最能賣錢的葡萄品種。這位膽色過人的釀酒師, 在南非土地上種植的葡萄品種,包括Chenin Blanc、Palomino、Viognier、Marsanne和Semillon Gris,他認為 這些品種在他擁有的土地上生長得最好。如果你嚐過他釀 造的葡萄酒,你也不能不認同他的做法──每枝酒都好得 幾乎令人無法給予壞評。 Sadie Family的葡萄酒於本港供應商Berry Bros and Rudd有售,詳情可電郵到phebe.wong@bbr.com與 Phebe Wong聯絡。

Eben Sadie


Eben Sadie – South Africa’s Wine Terroirist 在南非展現葡萄酒膽色—Eben Sadie Text by Ali Nicol

譯文:Christie Chan On his last visit here to Hong Kong, we sat down for a beer with the man himself and asked him a few questions about winemaking and what his thoughts are on one of our favourite wines, Palladius are; so here’s what he had to say: WTHK有幸趁着Eben到訪香港,相約與他邊「嘆啤酒」,邊談釀酒及釀自他手的葡萄酒Palladius的看 法,也是我們最喜歡的葡萄酒之一! WTHK: We think your Palladius is possibly the best white wine out of South Africa. What’s it all about? 我們認為Palladius很有可能是全南非出產中最好的葡萄酒,可以跟我們分享一下嗎? ES: Well, the 2009 was in my mind the best white vintage we have ever experienced. Palladius has been a work in progress and it’s been a process. Everyone is driving with mono-varietals these days, it’s the easy sell. But with us being a Mediterranean climate we blend – that’s what we do. It started off with Chenin, Chardonnay and Viognier and then over time the Chardonnay and Viognier got axed so over time we replaced them with Grenache Blanc, Marsanne and Rousanne. Importantly then we mixed in Semillon Blanc and Semillon Gris for aromatic lift and purity. Finally Clariette and Palomino to drive the acidity in the wine – we also added a bit of Clariette Blanc and Verdelho too. We don’t blend the varietals in the cellar; it’s a field blend of all the grape varietals that grow together in the vineyard.

ES:嗯…我認為2009年是我們釀酒以來最好的一個年份,我們仍在塑造Palladius的發展,看得見當中 的發展進程。現時很多人只種植單一的葡萄品種,因為這最能賣錢,但我們的酒莊處於地中海氣候, 我們選擇以混合葡萄品種釀酒。起初,我們混合Chenin、Chardonnay及Viognier葡萄,後來又不再 種植Chardonnay及Viognier,接着又以Grenache Blanc、Marsanne及Rousanne作為代替。而更重 要的是,我們之後也加入Semillon Blanc和Semillon Gris,提升酒的香氣及香醇。最後,為了調較最 適中的酸度,我們也混合了Clariette和Palomino,當中也有少許Clariette Blanc和Verdelho。我們並 不是在酒窖內混合各種葡萄,而是在農地上混合種植葡萄,使它們在同一幅土地上生長。 WTHK: You also make a red of 100% Cinsault. Why is that as it’s not very fashionable? 以100%的Cinsault葡萄釀造紅酒並非流行的做法,為甚麼你會釀造這樣的酒? ES: Cinsault was once the most planted grape in South Africa but when scores became more important and winemakers were comparing testosterone and ego’s it fell by the wayside. I love drinking Cinsault as do many other South African’s, I love Burgundy too but I love Cinsault. People drink Cinsault at home but take Burgundies to parties; it’s like the ugly brother…I always say it’s like your little brother being in jail; you love him but you don’t talk about it! ES:Cinsault葡萄曾經是南非最為廣泛種植的葡萄品種,但由於酒評家給予的得分變得受人重視,加 上釀酒師之間互相競逐,這個品種便落為選擇以外。我喜愛喝Cinsault;與不少南非人一樣,我喜愛喝 Burgundy,但也同時喜愛喝Cinsault。人們選擇在家喝Cinsault,但會帶上Burgundy去參加派對。我 會形容它為「比哥哥醜的弟弟」,情形就如弟弟在坐牢那般,你依然愛他,但卻不會把話說出口。 WTHK: What would be you be if you weren’t a winemaker? 如果你不是一位釀酒師,你會有着怎 樣的身分呢? ES: I wanted to be a professional surfer but I am just not good enough! I love surfing; I have been in the ocean my whole life. I find incredible peace being in the ocean – I feel at home. The ocean is one of the most unnatural places in the world for a human being to be – we’re not designed to be there. When you go into the ocean you’re so dependent on your survival instincts; you have to concentrate when you’re in there and especially when your surfing as it’s an art form, you kind of disconnect from your other being so when I am in the water I am just me – and of course I am on the lookout for an 800 kilo Great White shark and trying to get out if it’s way! ES:我以前想過做職業滑浪選手,只不過我的技術還未夠好!我喜愛滑浪,這生也離不開海洋。在海 洋中,我找到無比寧靜、安謐的感覺,就如置身家中一般。人類並不屬於海洋,我們的身體構造不能 活於水中,因此海洋是地球上其中一個最危險的地方。身處海上,我們的求生本能變得相當重要,需 要全神貫注留意四周環境,特別是滑浪時,我仿如與世界隔絕似的,在水中,我就只是我。當然,我 也可能是一條重達800公斤大白鯊的獵物,所以在海面上也要當心留意。 33

Chef Chat with Stephy 當Stephy遇上主廚

Aberdeen Street Social

Address: G/F, JPC, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central 地址:中環鴨巴甸街35號PMQ元創方JPC地下 Tel. 電話: 2866 0300

Text by Stephy Poon Photography by Christie Chan

攝影:Christie Chan 撰文:Stephy Poon


id any of our readers try cooking the Seafood Paella from December issue? If yes, please do let me know how it tasted! For January, we are going to learn another rice based dish, this time, a risotto. This is another rice dish that you may think not easy to cook to a perfect al dente texture, but don’t worry, Chris Whitmore, Executive Chef of Aberdeen Street Social is going to share his tips on cooking the perfect risotto with you our Wine Times readers! So let’s get in the kitchen with Chris and check it out!

January’s Chef: Chris Whitmore, Executive Chef of Aberdeen Street Social Dish-to-teach: Wild Mushroom Risotto What is Risotto? The history of risotto is not only related to Italy but also Spain and can be traced back to the 14th century when Arabs introduced rice to first Sicily and then Spain during the Middle Ages. It became immediately clear that Italy’s humid weather 34

and abundance of flat land were very suitable for short-grain rice to prosper. Over time it has become one of the main Italian food sources. With more than 500 years of history, risotto has now become a popular dish in many fine restaurants and home kitchens around the world. Why Wild Mushroom Risotto? Chef Chris: “I think this Wild Mushroom Risotto is a wintery dish for us to enjoy during the colder days. It’s rich, creamy and hot! I know people might think risotto is a difficult dish to cook at home, but actually it is not. It’s pretty easy to re-create by yourself and what I like about cooking risotto is you can drink while you cook! This is because we need to add some white wine into the rice to cook together and it’s another way for you to finish up left over wines in your bottle too! But on the whole, you can actually feel free to add any ingredients that you like to the recipe, there are no strict rules. I hope you guys will like it as well!”

家有沒有跟着上期的食譜,試煮西班 大 牙海鮮鍋飯?如果有,記得跟我分享你 的經驗!今期推介的食譜同是米飯類—意大

利燉飯(risotto)。怕這道菜會很難「駕馭」 ,難以煮出軟稔中帶點嚼勁的口感?不用擔 心,Aberdeen Street Social的行政總廚Chris Whitmore,會跟WTHK的讀者分享「快、 靚、正」的雜菌芝士意大利燉飯食譜,和教我 們輕鬆煮出米飯咬感適中的小秘訣。還不快快 準備一下?

1月「煮」廚:Aberdeen Street Social的行政總廚Chris Whitmore 「煮」廚食譜:雜菌芝士意大利燉飯 西班牙鍋飯是甚麼? 意大利燉飯的歷史可以追溯至公元前14世 紀,其土地寬闊,加上氣候潮濕,對種植短粒 大米十分理想,於是大米在意大利飲食文化中 便普及起來。經過500多年的演變,世界各地 的人也會隨着其文化和喜好,為這道菜進行「 變奏」(加入不同的食材,如肉類)。不過,怎 樣變化也好,牛油、意大利米、高湯和酒,這 些都是必需的主要材料。 「煮」廚推介原因 行政總廚Chris:「我認為味道濃郁的雜菌芝 士意大利燉飯,於寒冷天氣下享用的最佳菜 式。你們可能會認為它是個很複雜的菜式,其 實不然,在家中的廚房也可以輕易完成。其中 一個令我愛上意大利燉飯的原因是,有時候我 可以一邊烹調,一邊喝上幾口白酒!哈哈!因 為在煮米飯時需要加入白酒。另一方面來說, 煮意大利燉飯也是一個『消滅』喝不完的白酒 的最佳方法呢。它需要的食材不多,配料又可 以隨自己的喜好來加減,十分隨意。」

Wild Mushroom Risotto 雜菌芝士意大利燉飯

Preparation Time: 20 minutes 準備時間:20分鐘 Cooking Time: 30 minutes 烹調時間:30分鐘 Servings: 2 persons 分量:2人

Ingredients 所需食材 Vegetable stock 600ml 蔬菜高湯 600毫升 Unsalted butter (50g of cold and 100g diced) 無鹽牛油 (其中50克為雪冷並切粒) 100克 Shallot (finely chopped) 1 大蔥 (切碎) Garlic (finely chopped) 1 clove 大蒜 (切碎) 1小粒 Arborio rice 125g 意大利米 125克 White wine 100ml 白酒 100毫升 Parmesan (grated) 50g 帕爾馬芝士 50克 Cep puree (mushroom with but- 100g ter cream vinegar) 100克 磨茹忌廉醬茸 Mixed wild mushrooms 雜菌 Salt 鹽

~300g ~300克 1 tablespoon 1湯匙

Wine Pairing Recommendations 葡萄酒搭配建議

Chef Chris: “To pair with this creamy mushroom risotto, our Sommelier Fergus and I would like to recommend the Barolo DOCG La Serra 2008, a classic red from Giovanni Rosso, Piedmont, Italy which is more full-bodied with rounded tannins to balance the creaminess of the dish. For white, Domaine Lucci Sauvignon Blanc 2013 from Australia, an unfiltered wine with a lot of candied-fruit flavors and some acidity that could balance out the richness of the dish.” 行政總廚Chris:「要為這道濃郁奶油香的意大利飯配 上美酒,我和我們的侍酒師Fergus建議Barolo DOCG La Serra 2008紅酒,是枝來自意大利西北部地區 Giovanni Rosso酒莊的經典葡萄酒,其厚身的質感和 單寧可以中和意大利飯的飽滯感。白酒方面,我們建 議配以來自澳洲的Domaine Lucci Sauvignon Blanc 2013,這酒沒有經過濾程序,顏色看起來較混濁,而 它充滿糖果甜味和其酸度略略高一點,可把奶油的肥 膩感大大減低。」


Rice: 1. 1. Bring the vegetable stock to the boil. Turn down the heat to simmer. 2. 2. In a pan melt the butter, add the shallots and cook for 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes, without browning. 3. 3. Add the rice. Stir to make sure the rice is coated with butter. Pour in the wine and when it is absorbed, add a little stock; a ladleful at a time. 4. 4. When it’s almost absorbed, repeat until all stock is used. If required, add extra boiling water. 5. 5. Then add the puree, diced butter and parmesan. Add some salt if needed. 6. 6. Taste the rice which should be creamy ‘al dente’; not runny or dry. Mushrooms: 7. In a pan melt the butter; sautee the mixed mushrooms for a while till it’s golden. 8. Garnish with the cooked mushrooms, some parmesan and rocket. You may add some red wine vinegar to balance the creaminess of the dish.


意大利米: 1. 燒滾蔬菜高湯,之後較慢火,在爐子上煨着。 2. 在平底鑊中燒溶牛油,加入大蔥,煮大約2分鐘。 加入大蒜再煮2分鐘,小心不要煮焦。 3. 加入意大利米,一邊攪拌,確保它充分吸取了牛 油。分幾次遂少地倒入白酒同煮,直至完全吸收。 4. 當所以白酒完全吸收,可以再加入高湯(或水)同 煮。 5. 加入磨茹忌廉醬茸,切粒無鹽牛油和帕爾馬芝士一 同攬拌。如味道不夠,可多加少許鹽。 6. 嚐嚐米飯有沒有太乾或太稔,是否煮至有嚼勁的口 感。 雜菌: 7. 在平底鑊中燒溶牛油,炒熟雜菌王微金黃色。 8. 與煮好的雜菌,帕爾馬芝士和火箭菜一同上碟裝 飾。如果想平衡這道菜的油膩感,可以加點紅酒意 大利醋。 35

One Glass of Wine “To Go” The Pier Bar:來杯葡萄酒「外賣行街」

Text & Photography by Stephy Poon 圖文:Stephy Poon

物可以外帶,侍酒師可以私人上門(可參 食 考上期的『私人上門』侍酒師專題」), 哪麼酒可不可以外賣,邊逛街邊飲呢?看看 我們今期介紹位於中環愉景灣3號碼頭的The Pier Bar會給你答案!


f you can get your food to go, your Sommelier to go (“Get Your Sommelier To Go” – December Issue), then why not your wines to go? I went to check out The Pier Bar at the Discovery Bay ferry pier (Central Pier No. 3) to get a clearer picture of the idea! Created by business partners Wayne Weber and Y.B. Rai (also the owner of Uncle Russ Coffee), The Pier Bar is a popular spot for wine lovers who are waiting for the ferry back to Discovery Bay or getting off on the way to work. The place is packed with people waiting for their wines to go throughout the day and more so during the Happy Hours between 5p.m and 9p.m. Their wines are excellent in both quality and price since Wayne is the wine importer and he talks directly to the winemakers before sells their wines at the bar. Taking a look down their wine list, there are 12 wines (five whites, one Champagne, one Prosecco and five reds) for you to choose from during happy hour. The prices are exceptionally good value ranging from $30 to $80 (by the glass) and $50 to $140 if you want a double size pour. No matter if you are a New World or Old World wine lover, you are sure to be able to choose something you like as they have wines from France, Argentina, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, California and Chile. Besides wines, they also have 36

beer, cider, mulled wine andcocktails (through all winter until it gets warm again). Beer by glass for Happy Hour is priced from $33 to $53 while cider is $40. “Our customers have been grinding it out all day at work then, rush home to have dinner with their families so; they use that 30 minute ferry ride to decompress. A nice glass of wine for the ride is exactly what they need to unwind,” says Weber. Another cool thing about The Pier Bar is Wayne invites his winemakers to the shop to taste and talk with the people when they are in town. Last month, golfing legend and winery owner Retief Goosen was at the bar! On January 14th, Pete Seghesio, winegrower from Seghesio Family Vineyards will be there so pop in if you fancy a glass of his famous Zinfandel! If you’re interested in any further events at The Pier Bar, remember to check out their Facebook page - thepierbarhk/ If you interested in any wines in The Pier Bar, and could like to order some to enjoy at home, here’s good news for you! Starting from this year, they can do mix cases for you and delivery to your home. Feel free to ask the two lovely lady bartenders for more details!

由Wayne Weber和Y.B. Rai(同樣是Uncle Russ Coffee負責人)所創立的The Pier Bar, 是愛酒人士的熱門「蒲點」,無論是在上船往 愉景灣,或下船到中環的上班一族,都愛到那 裡外買各類的葡萄酒或烈酒等邊飲邊等。每天 的歡樂時光時段(下午5時至9時),來排隊外賣 酒的人龍就會不斷湧現,把The Pier Bar擠得 水楔不通。其實The Pier Bar受歡迎也不無道 理,由於Wayne是葡萄酒入口商,而且每次 設計酒單之前,都會直接與釀酒師溝通,確保 酒的品質有保證之餘,價錢亦合理。 酒吧於歡樂時光共提供12款葡萄酒的選擇( 紅、白酒各5款、香檳1款,以及Prosecco 1 款)。葡萄酒價錢也很划算,每杯$30至$80 ,如果你想要雙倍份量的,價錢則是$50至 $140。不論你是新世界或是舊世界的葡萄酒 愛好者,相信你也能夠從它們提供的法國、阿 根廷、紐西蘭、澳洲、加州和智利葡萄酒中找 到一款合意的。除葡萄酒以外,酒吧於歡樂時 光也供應啤酒($33至$53)、蘋果酒($40)、雞 尾酒和熱香料葡萄酒(mulled wine)(整個冬天 也會供應)。 「我們的客人平日上班已經很累,下班後還要 立即趕船回家與家人共進晚飯,所以他們都 會好好利用這30分鐘的船程來減壓。而其中 一個好的方法,就是在我們酒吧外賣一杯優 質的葡萄酒,坐在船上慢慢享受和放鬆。」 Wayne說。 The Pier Bar另一賣點是,Wayne會定期邀請 一些釀酒師到酒吧和客人一起品酒聊天。我們 上期雜誌的封面專訪訪問了高爾夫球好手和 酒莊莊主Retief Goosen,正是Wayne上月邀 請的主角!若錯過了也不用擔心,Seghesio Family Vineyards的莊主Pete Seghesio,將 於1月14日到The Pier Bar和你一起品嚐它們 有名的Zinfandel葡萄酒!有興趣知道更多有 關The Pier Bar的最新資訊,緊記要留意它們 的Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook. com/thepierbarhk。 另外,如果對在The Pier Bar試過的葡萄酒很 有興趣,想多買幾枝在家中慢慢享受,記得向 兩位酒吧內的女侍應查詢,有關由今年一月開 始新增的葡萄酒送貨服務。

• A 100% natural • A light and • Contains only energy drink that refreshing lychee natural sources of contains no taurine, flavoured drink caffeine including preservatives or made with crushed guarana synthetic ingredients grapes and lime juice 採用具有提神功效的 100%純天然能量飲品, 不含牛磺酸,防腐劑 或人工添加成份

清新荔枝口味融合葡 萄及青檸汁

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• Also contains milk • Great on its own or thistle which can compliments a wide help detox the liver range of spirits 並含有乳薊可幫助肝 臟排毒

可直接飲用或配搭各 種烈酒調製成雞尾酒





TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME Contact Vivi: +852 3591 1044 37

A Macanese Institution: Fernando’s


Text & Photography by Ali Nicol 攝影:Ali Nicol 譯文:Christie Chan


here are places to avoid in Macau, and there are places that just cannot be missed; Fernando’s restaurant is most certainly the latter as no trip to Macau is complete without a visit to this long-standing iconic restaurant. Opened in 1986, the restaurant which sits by the black-sanded Hac Sa beach on the island of Coloane has been an institution for Hong Kongers and local Macanese alike through four decades, serving simple but delicious Portuguese food and wine. Fernando’s has a special place in my heart as I have been eating there since the year that it opened. My parents were often found there of a weekend as it is a great place to spend an afternoon with friends whilst the kids can run about on the beach and swim in the sea. You could also buy small fireworks in the shop next door and this always meant hours of self-generated enjoyment for my sister, myself and our many school friends that would head over there together. Those were the 38

days long before iPads and the like, where kids just ran around, amused themselves and cost their parents very little financially in spending an afternoon outside. The restaurant really hasn’t changed much since those days – it’s expanded a little out the back yes – but fundamentally, it’s still the same. The foosball table is still there and still amuses the kids and the adults who wait patiently for a table on busy weekends, the menu is still the same as far as I remember and the red and white checked table cloths are a thing of legend these days. What is remarkable is the consistency of the food. One staple that almost every table orders is the Camarao Frito c/ Alho (Fried Prawns with garlic - $198) which taste the same today as they did in the 1980’s. The Leitao Assado no Forno (Oven-Roasted Suckling Pig $166) is delightful, soft, juicy and tender meat with beautifully crispy skin is a dish not to be missed too – look carefully out of the windows of the rear restaurant and you may just

Restaurante Fernando 法蘭度餐廳

Address: No.9 Praia de Hac Sa, Coloane, Macau 地址:澳門路環黑沙海灘9號 Tel 電話: +853 2888 2264 / 2888 2531 門有不該花時間到的地方,但同時也有 澳 不可不到的地方,而法蘭度餐廳(Fernando’s restaurant)就是屬於後者。若你未 到過這家屹立已久的餐廳,也不能說是趟完整 的澳門旅程吧。餐廳於1986年開業,座落於 路環的黑沙海灘,廣為澳門人及港人食客所喜 愛,主要烹調簡單而可口的葡國菜,也供應葡 萄牙美酒。

法蘭度餐廳在我心中一直佔有一個位置,我從 它開業那年開始便光顧,可說是「從小吃到 大」。小時候,我的父母喜歡與朋友一起來 到這裏渡周末下午,他們帶上的小孩(我就是 其中一分子)也可以在沙灘跑來跑去或嬉水暢 泳。餐廳旁有間售賣煙花的雜貨小店,我和妹 妹和其他同學總會買點煙花,跑跑跳跳地自製 數小時的快樂。這些日子在iPad出現後,彷彿 比實際上離我們更遠,那時的小孩們會在外邊 亂跑亂跳,不需擁有昂貴的科技產品也會感到 開心滿足。 多年來,餐廳的改變不大,只是面積比以前擴 大了一點,但在根本上還是與舊時一樣。那台

see the pigs roasting out there! After one orders, the bread is served and I really cannot think of a better bread basket anywhere in the world; homemade warm crusty bread with a soft, almost chewy centre is served and is a must to soak up the juices of the dishes you order. It’s best to kick off with the Salada a Portuguesa (Portuguese Green Salad $58) which is a beautiful mix of fresh tomato, lettuce, onion and a healthy serving of Portuguese olive oil and vinegar. There is plenty of seafood for the seafood lover; clams, crab and prawns dominate the shellfish choices, but there is plenty of Bacalhau (Portuguese dried salted Cod) dishes too. There is Sea Bream on the menu too but one fish dish that should not be missed is the Sardinha Grelhada na Brasa (Charcoal Grilled Sardines $98), beautifully cooked fresh tasting fish that are really quite addictive! The meat lover will be in heaven too with plenty of traditional Portuguese steak-based dishes, but other than the suckling pig, there are the outstanding Entrecosta de Porco na Brasa (Charcoal-Grilled Pork Ribs - $142) and my favourite, Galhina Assada na Brasa (Charcoal-Grilled Chicken - $186 for a whole chicken but also available in 1/2 and 1/4 portions).

桌上足球機還在,仍為等候入座的大人和小孩帶來歡樂;那餐牌上的菜式在我印 象中仍然依舊;那紅白格的餐桌布至今仍是經典。 更令人驚嘆的是,餐廳的食物仍然是當年的水準。在餐廳內,幾乎每張桌上都放 着同一道菜,那便是炸蒜蓉大蝦(Camarao Frito c/Alho - $198),充滿着80年代 的風味。另一道不可錯過的菜便是脆皮烤乳豬(Leitao Assado no Forno - $166) ,其肉質多汁嫩滑,豬皮烤得香脆無比,令人垂涎欲滴。仔細看看餐廳後方的窗 外,原來他們正在那裏以烤爐烤上一隻又一隻的乳豬呢。 當客人點餐後,侍應生會立即端上一籃熱烘烘的麵包──在世上任何別處也尋不 着的麵包!那是餐廳自家烘焙的新鮮麵包,外層脆口,內裏鬆軟而帶點嚼勁, 以它蘸上每道菜的醬汁簡直一流。頭盤可由葡式田園沙律(Salada a Portugues $58)開始,新鮮蕃茄、生菜及洋蔥,加上來自葡萄牙的橄欖油及香醋,感覺清新 健康。 喜歡海鮮的食客選擇甚多,除了餐牌上的主打蜆類、蟹類和蝦類外,餐廳提供的 馬介休(Bacalhau葡式風乾醃魚)菜式也不算少。當中還有鯛魚可以選擇,但必食 的魚類菜式定是炭燒沙甸魚(Sardinha Grelhada na Brasa - $98),魚的鮮味及嫩 滑肉質真會令人吃上癮! 對於嗜肉的朋友來說,這裏也是天堂,任何 葡式牛扒的菜式也能滿足你的「肉慾」。除 了脆皮烤乳豬外,炭燒豬肋骨(Entrecosta de Porco na Brasa - $142)與我最愛的炭燒烤雞 (Galhina Assada na Brasa - $186全隻;亦提 供1/2隻或1/4隻)同樣出色。 享用佳餚又怎能缺了美酒呢?我喜歡這餐廳 的其中一點就是,他們根本沒有酒單!如果 你想喝點白酒,點一枝Portuguese Vinho Verde($138)不會有差錯的。我個人不喜歡點 半份半枝的食物或飲料份量,所以我們點叫了 一枝產自葡萄牙的玫瑰紅酒,配搭主菜用餐, 也點了一瓶頗為有名的自家製西班牙傳統雞尾 酒Sangria($110)。在這裏盡情暢飲不會使你 金錢盡灑,啤酒也便宜得很!如果你想喝紅 酒配搭用餐,即管向侍應生示意,他會領你到 餐廳後方,從酒架上挑選他們供應的葡萄牙紅 酒。 很多人可能都會認同,澳門是香港人遊走的好 地方,是個可以喘息,讓生活變慢點的地方。 不似澳門,香港的許多餐廳均是「貴價劣食」 ,並向你收取沒有提供過服務的服務費,令港 人更喜歡不時到訪澳門。不過要留意的一點 39

是,澳門周末旅客較多,等候入座時間往往超 過一句鐘。以前餐廳做法是不設訂位的,但這 次我在餐廳內看到,桌上擺放着「已訂座」的 標誌,為客人預留晚飯時間的座位。不過,我 認為最佳辦法還是提早到達餐廳!儘管等候入 座的時間可能較長,但如果你知道是為了極可 口的美食和便宜的啤酒而等,而且等候的位置 處於室外,你可坐在木桌椅上,一邊放空一邊 看看餐牌,一切也變得無所謂了!

Of course, no meal is complete without a good dose of wine and one thing I like about Fernando’s is that there is no wine list! Just order a bottle of Portuguese Vinho Verde if you want a bottle of white – and at $138 a bottle you really can’t go wrong! I very rarely do anything by halves so with the mains we had a bottle of Rosé from Portugal ($128) and to finish off, a pitcher of their famous home-made Sangria ($110). Drinking here certainly will not break the bank and beers are cheap too! But if you want a bottle of red, just ask, and you’ll be directed around the back and you can choose from the array of Portuguese reds they have on offer. Honestly, it’s a world away from the chaos of Macau city centre and for us Hong Konger’s, a million miles away from many of the high priced, low quality restaurants in town where service is charged for but rarely ever exercised. But beware…on weekend the place is packed and waiting


an hour for a table is quite normal. Reservations were never taken in the old days there but while I was there I saw the reserved sign on a couple of tables in the build up to dinner – but the best thing to do is get there early! But seriously, there is no big deal about waiting for a table when you know the food is going to be excellent, the beer is cheap and the waiting area is outside where they have tables and benches on the patio for you to just relax while you ponder what you are about to feast on. Fernando’s is open every day of the year except May 1st from 12:00pm (midday) until last orders at 9:30pm. Getting there by taxi is easy, but the busses there run from outside Lisboa Hotel. Look for bus numbers 21A, 25 and 26A – but beware, it’s a cramped rollercoaster of a journey – but luckily most people get off the bus at the Venetian!

除了五一勞動節外,法蘭度餐廳年中無休,每 天的營業時間由中午12時至晚上9時半。乘坐 的士到達餐廳當然是最直接的方法,不過你也 可以選擇乘搭停經澳門葡京酒店門外的巴士, 路線包括21A、25及26A,但注意那路線猶如 乘坐過山車一樣顛簸,而大部分乘客於威尼斯 人度假村酒店下車,車廂內不會過於擠擁。

Whine-on: Ask us whatever you like! 讀者專欄:想問就問!

Have any doubts or questions about wine? Send us an email at or leave a message on our Facebook page at and we will bust the answer for you! 你有任何關於酒的疑問嗎?請寄電郵到md@winetimeshk.com或在我們的 Facebook 專頁留言,隨便發問!我們樂意為你解開 每個疑難! Q1: What is the best time to drink sweet wines? – Mindy Tsang; Pok Fu Lam 何時為享用甜酒的最佳時機?—Mindy;薄扶林

Answer: All the time Mindy! We here at Wine Times Hong Kong love our sweet wines be them low alcohol Moscato’s from Italy or sweet wines from Sauternes, France. There is a huge wealth of choice in Hong Kong for sweet wines – mainly from Italy and France – but look out for interesting ones from the United States and Australia too. Sweet wines are best as a substitute for dessert after dinner or, carefully matched with a dessert that is not too sweet. They are also an excellent match for goose liver as this is what is traditionally drunk by the French with this dish. But really, we see sweet wines as a prelude to romance. They are best drunk at home with a loved one where you can just sit back on your sofa, sip the wine slowly and enjoy a romantic night at home in front of your favourite movie – sharing a great glass makes it all the more sweeter.

答: 任何時候!無論是低酒精含量、來自意大利的Moscato,還是法國的Sauternes甜酒,WTHK也一樣喜 愛!在香港的甜酒選擇眾多,價格更是豐儉由人,當 中以意大利及法國產地為主,但也可留意產自美國及 澳洲的甜酒。甜酒最飯後甜品的最佳代替品,同時也 可與輕甜味的甜品配搭享用。傳統上,法國人喜以甜 酒配搭鵝肝享用,兩者味道極為配合。甜酒也被視為 浪漫的元素;若與情人依偎在家中的沙發上,看着你 們最愛的電影,一小口接一小口地喝着甜酒,屋內定 會充滿着浪漫溫馨的氣氛;又或是兩人共享一大杯甜 酒,你一口我一口的,一切也會變得更甜吧。

Q2: Am I allowed to return a bottle that is not up to standard? – Stephanie; Chai Wan 我能否退回一枝品質未合乎標準的酒?—Stephanie;柴灣

Answer: In an ideal world Stephanie, we would like to think so – however, we think it is not the case here in Hong Kong. To be honest, every time you buy anything you should always check out their return policy as if we, the buyers are not satisfied with the product we should be well within our rights to return it. Now, wine is a perishable product so there could be some differences here but imagine if you bought a bottle of milk and it was off… would you not return that to the supermarket and ask for a refund? We think the same should apply to wine. In a restaurant if the wine is not up to standard you are allowed to return it and have it replaced and we’d like to think it would be the same for wine retail. Honestly, it’s a great question and warrants further investigation so check out our website next month and we will try to get the full story for you – after all, aren’t we well within our rights to demand quality these days?

答: 在理想的世界中,這是可以的,但是,現實的香港卻 不容許你退回一枝已開瓶的酒。不妨直言,當你購買 貨品時,每次也應當閱讀退貨或換貨細則,好讓你對 貨品感到不滿時,可以維護我們作為消費者的權益。 葡萄酒與牛奶同是可腐壞變質的產品,雖然兩者實際 上有些分別,不過當你買到壞掉的牛奶,你能不向超 市要求退貨還款嗎?我們認為葡萄酒也應如是。在餐 廳裏點葡萄酒享用,服務生會先讓你嚐一口酒,確保 其品質屬正常;若酒變壞了,客人可要求開另一枝 酒。同樣地,葡萄酒零售也該如此。這確實是一個好 問題,引起我們查證有關條例的好奇心,讓我們於下 月為讀者寫一個詳細的報道,請各位密切留意我們的 網站。說到底,作為時下的消費者,我們不是有權爭 取更優質的產品嗎? 41

Q3: Do points really reflect the quality of the wine? – Josephine; Sai Kung 葡萄酒的得分真能反映其質素嗎?—Josephine;西貢

Answer: We love these kinds of questions, thanks Josephine! Points (be them Parker, Suckling, Robinson et al) reflect the quality of the wine when it is young and the potential of that wine to be a great wine when it is ready to drink. But remember this is only according to one person’s palate. If you like the style of wine that esteemed critic Robert Parker likes (for example) then you will like his 100 point wines. They are a reflection of one person’s thoughts on a product and although a good barometer for the quality of the wine should not be taken as gospel and we urge people to make their own minds up when buying a bottle. Some of us do not like the style of certain critics and thus would look for wines that they score lower. It’s really a matter of taste at the end of the day but we think the best way to make your choice is just go by what you like – don’t be a sheep and follow the crowd, be innovative and follow what you want.

答: 我們喜愛讀者發問這些問題呢!例如由著名酒評家 Parker、Suckling及Robinson等給予的葡萄酒得分, 可反映葡萄酒現時的質素及其陳擺的潛力,但要記 住,這僅限於他們個人的口味。比方說,如果你的口 味和喜歡的葡萄酒風格,與被受推崇的酒評家Robert Parker相似,那麼你一定喜歡他評為100分的葡萄酒。 雖然葡萄酒的得分有其參考作用,但也只能反映某人 對該酒的看法,不應以得分作為購買酒品的唯一考慮 因素。有些人若不喜歡某酒評家的口味,可能會挑選 得分較低的葡萄酒。我們強調,口味是個人的,喜歡 甚麼便喝甚麼,不應人云亦云去購買別人的心頭好。

Q4: What do you think will be the trend in wine this year? – Marcus; Yau Ma Tei 哪種葡萄酒將帶領今年的潮流?—Marcus;油麻地

Answer: Great question Marcus, thanks for asking us! We believe that 2015 will continue to be a tough one for Bordeaux wines – and possibly French wines on the whole - as Hong Kong people look for something a little different. We think that Italian red wines will become more favoured over the course of the year and also that Italian sparkling wines will give Champagne a run for its money too. We are sure that more people will be drinking wine as its popularity grows year on year but don’t expect the lesser known countries to make a huge or influential difference to the market share; however we would like to see a larger presence in Hong Kong of Asian wines from China, Japan, India and Thailand as these wines are great with our food here. We think that whisky will be the spirit with the most increase in market share as more people look to find a unique and special non-wine drink.

答: 好問題,感謝你的提問。在2015年,我們相信波爾多 紅酒的人氣會持續下跌,甚或整體產自法國的葡萄酒 亦然,其原因在於香港消費者對葡萄酒的口味轉變, 偏向嚐試與其有別的酒品。我們認為意大利紅酒會比 去年更受歡迎,而價格較低的意大利氣泡酒,也會更 加能與香檳較勁。按年份趨勢而言,今年將有愈來愈 多人消耗葡萄酒,但預期較沒名氣的葡萄酒產地,將 不會在市場份額上有重大的躍升或改變。我們期望市 場上出現更多產自亞洲的葡萄酒,例如中國、日本、 印度及泰國,這些產地的酒與本地美食十分配搭。在 烈酒方面,我們預期口味獨特的威士忌將會是今年消 耗量的冠軍。

Q5: Is it worth buying wines at auction these days? – James; Central 在拍賣會上購入葡萄酒是否明智之舉?—James;中環

Answer: Well James, it’s true that the auction market here in Hong Kong is nowhere near as strong as it was a few years ago meaning less people are buying wines at auction these days. The auction market has been hit hard by the allegations (true and false) of the amount of fake wines found at auction thus less people feel like they can trust the market. There are some great deals to be found there though on older vintage wines but these are getting harder and harder to find as the wines sold at auction get younger and younger. Our advice would be to do your due diligence and check out the catalogue prior to the auction, check with trustworthy friends about the provenance of the wines and most of all, don’t forget that the prices there are just an estimate and will incur a buyers fee of between 19 and 22%. It’s always best to keep your wits about you. 42

答: 現時的確愈來愈少人在拍賣會上購入葡萄酒,反映其 市場比幾年前疲弱。由於市場上出現不少假酒,大大 打擊了買家對市場的信心,從而令拍賣的成交量下 降。雖然拍賣會上仍有物有所值的舊酒,但卻不容易 尋得賣家,而新酒的拍賣數量則愈來愈多。我們建議 讀者不妨勤力點「做功課」,在拍賣會舉行前先查看 清楚拍賣目錄,也可向可以信任的朋友查證一下拍賣 品的來源,緊記拍賣價格只屬估值,買家需額外付 19%至22%的費用。要做個精明的買家!

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Jobs provided by

以下職位由Wine Jobs HK提供

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Find out more wine job vacancies at 請瀏覽以上網址查詢更多職位空缺

Sales Executive - Private 營業代表 Kerry Wines Limited


- To work with private sales team provide wines solutions to existing and potential customers - To be responsible for customer relationship building and management - To achieve assigned sales and revenue targets - To work closely with Marketing team to prepare marketing presentation materials, and launch business promotional programs for private and corporate clients - To assist in analyzing sales data for the purposes of formulating strategic sales and marketing plans - To assist in assess industry and competitive trends and implications on the business continuously through market intelligence and research - To assist in marketing events and promotional activities to explore new business opportunities - Any other duties assigned


- HKDSE / Form 5 or above - Level II qualification from the Wine and Spirit Education Trust is a plus - Minimum 2 years of sales experience in retail industry with proven good sales track records; wines & spirits industry is preferable - Self-motivated; able to work independently and under pressure; result orientated; good sales, communication, presentation and interpersonal skills - Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (including Putonghua) Remuneration will commensurate with qualification and experience. Interested parties please forward your full CV with expected salary to Human Resources Manager, 30/F, Kerry Centre, 683 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Please mark “APPLICATION” on your envelope or e-mail to : (Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.)

Wine Sales Executive 葡萄酒營業代表 Wine High Club


- To develop sales to on-trade channels, especially for developing new clients - To follow-up the orders and preparing reports - To gather market information and implement sales & marketing strategies - To support the marketing, PR activities and events


- F.7 or above, minimum 2 years exposure to FMCG food & beverages industry is a must - With WSET certificate or equivalent is advantage - Fluent in both English and Cantonese (Fluent in Mandarin will be an advantage) - Excellent communication, negotiation and presentation skills - Self-motivated, independent, and able to work under pressure and multiple tasks - Candidate with more experience would also be considered as Senior Sales Executive or Sales Manager We offer an attractive remuneration package of salary, commission and bonuses. Please email your full resume with your current salary and expected salary, and quote the employer reference to info@ for an interview.

Wholesale Accounts Manager Ref #: (AA-V10552_CM)

Sales Manager – On Trade Ref #: (AA-V10554_CM) 營業經理 Achieve Asia Limited


- To work with existing international key account customers and to develop new customers - To achieve assigned sales and revenue targets - To assist in the formulation of business strategies and action plans - To assist the Director of On Trade Sales to increase market penetration rate - To work closely with Marketing team to prepare marketing presentation materials, and launch business promotional programs. - To assist in analyzing sales data for the purposes of formulating strategic sales and marketing plans - To assist in assess industry and competitive trends and implications on the business continuously through market intelligence and research - Any other duties assigned


- Degree holder with proven good sales track records - Level II qualification from the Wine and Spirit Education Trust is a plus - Minimum 4 years of sales experience in retail industry; wines & spirits industry is preferable - Self motivated; able to work independently and under pressure; result orientated; good sales - Communication, presentation and interpersonal skills - Good command of both written and spoken English Please email or call Mr. Christian McGregor on (852) 2530 1219. All information received will be kept in strict confidence and only for employment-related purposes.


批發業務經理 Vins Rares Asia Limited


- To build customer and individual relationships which generate immediate and long-term sale - Secure key listings and promotion opportunities with wholesale accounts including, but not limited to, wines by-the-glass, wine of the month, holidays sales and winemaker events - To share knowledge, expertise and passion for wine with the local market to gain credibility and build a sustainable customer base - Support the organization of those company events which leverage the wholesale platform and perform ambassadorial duties when attending such events - To gain a deep understanding of the market and support the HK Key Accounts Manager to execute plans which maximize sales opportunities


- 2 years working in the On-Trade and/or Off-Trade fine wine arena in Hong Kong or Macau - Proven track record of customer acquisition and growth - Existing relationships with decision makers at premier HK trade accounts - Proven track record of key brand promotion - Experience hosting wine tasting events - Experience implementing monthly or ongoing wine promotions - WSET Level 2 or above - Ability to clearly and convincingly communicate deep knowledge of fine wine products - Customer database management - Gravitas within Hong Kong wine trade - Commercial understanding - Team-oriented focus, with professionalism in-line with the company core values - Cantonese & English languages required, oral and written Please email or call Mr. Christian McGregor on (852) 2530 1219. All information received will be kept in strict confidence and only for employment-related purposes.

Wine experts since 1698. With two Royal Warrants, three hundred years of history and eight Masters of Wine, Berry Bros. & Rudd is Britain’s original wine and spirit merchant. Offering a range of over 4,000 bottles to wine and spirit lovers, we provide the closest link between those who make the wine and those who drink it.

Suite 2305 - 06, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong +852 2511 2811

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