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Community and Commercial Recreation (CCR
Communication 498. Senior Seminar
This is the capstone course for Communication majors. Students devise, conduct and complete a challenging communication project. Students will also learn about career development and prepare for life after graduation. This course is required for all Communication majors. Prerequisite: Senior Standing Credit: 3 hours
C O M M U N I T Y A N D C O M M E RC I A L R E C R E A T I O N ( C C R )
Community and Commercial Recreation 111. Introduction to Recreation Services
Nature, scope and significance of organized recreation services; includes operation of basic recreation units, major program areas, and organizational patterns which serve the recreation needs of society. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 212. Program Planning and Organization
Essential elements and basic principles involved in organization, supervision, promotion, and evaluation of various types of recreation programs. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 301. Instructor Candidate Training
Required certification course for all Red Cross instructors. Understanding students and the learning process, being an effective instructor, how to conduct a course, completing evaluations, records and reports. Credit: 1 hour
Community and Commercial Recreation 306. Youth Development in Recreation and Sport (SMGT306)
This course will examine organized sport for children today. Emphasis will be on children ages 5-18 in non-school organized sport activities. We will examine the impact of sport and competition on children. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 314. Outdoor Recreation
History, development, and trends of outdoor recreation, conservation, and organized camping. Overnight camping trip required. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 330. Leisure/Sport Facility Design and Management (SMGT330)
Identification and investigation of design characteristics and management techniques for facilities used in recreational and athletic settings. Field trips required. Prerequisite: Junior standing Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 340. Water Safety/Lifeguard Training Instructor
Authorized Red Cross course for certification as a Water Safety Instructor, Lifeguard Training Instructor, Professional Rescuer CPR Instructor, Head Lifeguard Instructor, and Waterfront Lifeguard Instructor. Prerequisite: Junior standing Credit: 3 hours, including lab (Spring)
Community and Commercial Recreation 350. Foundations of Coaching
This course will develop an understanding of fundamental coaching skills/issues, including: coaching philosophies, coaching styles, character development, diverse athletes, communication, motivation, discipline, skill and strategy instruction, training, and management. Prerequisite: Junior standing Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 404. Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation (SMGT404)
Concentration on legal issues related to amateur sport and recreation. Prerequisite: Senior standing & CCR 478 Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 405. Sport in Film (SMGT405)
Explores the influence of sport in the psycho-social domains of our society. In-depth study into how certain sport films have been utilized to chronicle hero worship, promote political agendas, and serve to chronicle historical development. Sport films primarily from “top fifty” lists will be viewed inside and outside of class. Students will react to movie reviews of the day and delineate how the film fits into the study of the psycho/social/historical aspects of sport. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 410. Adapted Sport
Covers the basic principles of identifying, teaching, programming, and evaluating individuals with disabilities. Designed to help future teachers and sport leaders understand the concept of exceptionality and effectively design special services and activities for a diverse population. Credit: 3 hours (Fall)
Community and Commercial Recreation 430. Philosophical Foundations of Sport and Recreation (SMGT430)
Culminating experience for students majoring in Sport Management or Community and Commercial Recreation. This is a writing intensive course and includes an in-depth study into the philosophical approaches to sport and recreation in the 21st century. Examination of the purpose and role of sport and recreation in American society. Prerequisite: Senior standing & CCR 478 Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 460. Practicum in Community Youth Development
Students will complete a practicum working with youth in a recreation and/or sport setting. Specifically, this will involve completing a service-learning project with the student actively engaged in a community youth development program. This student will be required to commit 85 hours working at the experience site. The course will also include a one-hour biweekly seminar with the supervising professor. Credit: 3 hours