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Computer Science (CS
Community and Commercial Recreation 465. Research, Evaluation, and Grant Writing
This course examines research methodologies and evaluation processes as applied to recreation and leisure services. The uses and limitations of research for recreation services are critically assessed. Grantsmanship, the nature and professional application of research and evaluation methodology related to leisure services, and the procedures for evaluation and the research process are emphasized. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 477. Internship Experience I
Combines field experience with a career counseling seminar. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 479. Internship Experience II
Combines field experience with a career counseling seminar. Prerequisite: Cumulative minimum GPA of 2.0 Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 490. Special Topics (HPE 490, SMGT 490)
This course will examine current topics of interest in the field of Sport Sciences, and students will be expected to conduct a scholarly research project on the subject. The course will serve as an advanced elective for student majors in the School of Sport Sciences. Credit: 3 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 497. Exit Examination
Required of majors in the last semester before graduation. Graded on P/F basis. Credit: 0 hours
Community and Commercial Recreation 499. Independent Study
Pursuit of a particular project in recreation. Supervision and guidance by a University faculty member. Credit: 3 hours
C O M P U T E R S C I E N C E ( C S )
Computer Science 110. Computing for the 21st Century
Introduces computers as tools for communicating in the information age. Topics to be covered include introductions to computer hardware, the operating system, the Internet, and number of applications which can be used to communicate information and ideas. Credit: 3 hours
Computer Science 119. Web Page Development
Design to familiarize students with back-end and front-end web page development, with emphasis on scripting languages, database connectivity, and software development. Students must complete a major project designing a website. Programs will be written using web page development languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and SQL. Credit: 3 hours (Spring, odd years)
Computer Science 120. Introduction to Java
Introduces the student to computer programming, with an emphasis on object-oriented programming and design concepts, including classes, inheritance, function overloading and overriding, etc. Programs will be written using Java. Credit: 3 hours (Fall, odd years)