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Criminal Justice (CRJ
Computer Science 121. Introduction to Python
Introduces the student to the basic concepts of the discipline of computing, emphasizing elementary facts concerning programming languages, software methodology, and algorithms. Considerable time is devoted to learning how to solve problems. Basic principles of program design and implementation are introduced. Abstract data types, sorting and searching are treated at an elementary level. Programs will be written using a high level language such as Python. Credit: 3 hours (Fall, even years)
Computer Science 498. Independent Study
Designed for students who wish to undertake an in-depth examination of a computer science related topic. The project will be carried out under the direction of a faculty sponsor. Prerequisite: Computer Science 120/121 & Junior/Senior standing Credit: 1-3 hours
C R I M I N A L J U S T I C E ( C R J )
Criminal Justice 201. Introduction to Criminal Justice
Introduction to the components and processes of the criminal justice system. Topics include history, structure, functions, and philosophy of the criminal justice system and their relationship to life in our society. Upon completion, students should be able to define and describe the major system components and their interrelationships and evaluate career options. Prerequisite: Sociology 101 & Psychology 101 Credit: 3 hours
Criminal Justice 205. Juvenile Justice
Covers the juvenile justice system and related juvenile issues. Topics include an overview of the juvenile justice system, treatment and prevention programs, special areas and laws unique to juveniles, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss juvenile court structure/procedures, function and jurisdiction of juvenile agencies, processing/detention of juveniles, and case disposition. Prerequisite: Sociology 101 & Psychology 101 Credit: 3 hours
Criminal Justice 301. Criminal Law
Presents the nature and development of criminal law including the concepts of criminal liability, responsibility, and capacity; comprehensive analysis of the various crimes against persons, property, and morality. Prerequisite: Criminal Justice 201 Credit: 3 hours
Criminal Justice 305. Corrections
Covers the history, major philosophies, components, and current practices and problems of the field of corrections. Topics include historical evolution, functions of the various components, alternatives to incarceration, treatment programs, inmate control, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the various components, processes, and functions of the correctional system. Prerequisite: Criminal Justice 201 Credit: 3 hours