7 minute read
English (ENG
E N G L I S H ( E N G )
English 110. University Writing and Research
Emphasis on writing expository essays, conducting research, and reading discursive prose. Credit: 3 hours
English 111. Writing Studio
This writing studio provides support in reading and writing for students enrolled in English 110. Topics will parallel those being studied in English 110 and the essential reading and writing skills needed to be successful in English 110. Taken with English 110, this is a workshop focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills. Credit: 1 hour
English 203. Early American Literature
Representative American writers from the Colonial through the Romantic period. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 204. Modern American Literature
Representative American writers from the Civil War period to the present. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 205. Global Perspectives in Literature (Global Perspectives)
(formerly Global Perspectives 210) This course is an intersection of global literature, culture, and writing to enrich students’ self-understanding through comparative inquiry. Readings will include texts from a variety of genres, periods, and cultures across the globe. Course themes will vary depending on the instructor’s expertise and interests and will be published prior to registration each semester. Prerequisite: English 110 Credits: 3 hours
English 206. Contemporary Southern Fiction
An introduction to contemporary Southern novel and short stories through the exploration of established themes. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 210. Major British Authors I
Representative British texts from Beowulf through the Restoration. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 211. Major British Authors II
Representative British authors from the Romantic movement through the contemporary period. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 220. Health in Literature (PH 220)
Survey of literature about health to promote inquiry into medical and public health concerns that impact communities and individuals. Readings will include prose, poetry, drama and film and analysis of cultural contexts and works that help students explore narratives about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 255. Professional and Technical Writing
Study of practical writing projects. Emphasis on 1) the process of completing on-the-job writing assignments, 2) commonly used formats, and 3) related communication tasks such as oral presentations and graphics. Not for Core or literature credit. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 256. Desktop Publishing
An introduction to desktop publishing and fundamentals of design, including layout, formatting, imaging, and publishing. Assignments will include letterhead design, brochures, manuals, newsletters, and web pages using desktop publishing software and equipment. Not for Core or literature credit. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 301. Religious Thought in Literature (REL 301)
A study of literary works which address such theological issues as the need to forgive, the role of the minister, the nature of Christ, the status of the church, and the relation of faith to doubt. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 305. Autobiography as Literature
Study of major literary autobiographies from antiquity to the present. Research in autobiographical theory and analysis of the types of literary autobiography. Final project will be the composition of an original autobiographical narrative. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 306. Irish Literature 1880-1949, From Renaissance to Revolution
Survey of Irish writing, including fictional prose, poetry, and drama; from Britishcontrolled Victorian Ireland, through the establishment of the Irish Free State, to the independence of the 26 counties of the Irish Republic. Its aim is to familiarize students with aspects of Irish literature in English, including the influence of politics and history on Ireland’s literature. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 307. Jewish-American Literature
Fiction, autobiography, poetry, cultural theory, and literary criticism related to Jews in America. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 308. African-American Literature: A Survey
African-American literature, including prose, poetry, and drama, from the 18th century to the present. Emphasis on movements and developments in writing by black Americans, from slave narratives to the novels of Toni Morrison. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 309. Native American Literature
Survey of Native American literature and culture from the 1770s to the present, with special attention to contemporary Native American authors. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 310. Studies in Fiction
Novels and short stories from various periods with emphasis on forms, ideas, and techniques. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 311. American Renaissance Literature
Examination of American literature and culture from 1840 to 1880. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 312. Literature of the British Enlightenment
Survey of literature written in the British Isles from 1660 to 1800 with emphasis on European Neoclassical influences, scientific discovery, and the Industrial Revolution. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 315. Women in Literature (WS 315)
Extensive exploration of such topics as images, roles, and life stages of women in literature. Discussion and application of feminist perspective. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 320. Linguistics
English phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, language acquisition, neurolinguistics, and the history of writing. Not for Core literature credit. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 330. Poetry and Creative Writing
Poetry from various periods and countries with emphasis on structure and meaning combined with creative writing techniques. Fulfills literature general education requirement. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 335. Fiction-Writing (Fine Arts)
The study of the craft of fiction (structure, scene, setting, characterization, dialogue, atmosphere, point of view, theme) in published models and in the production/revision of student work. Student writing examined in class and in conference with professor. Cannot be used for English major or English minor credit or for Core or literature credit. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 340. Literature and Film
Selected literary genres and their film adaptations with emphasis on verbal and visual language, aesthetic effectiveness, and critical judgment. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 342. Shakespeare in Film and Fiction
A study of reinterpretations of Shakespearean plays in film, dramas, novels, and other genres of contemporary culture. Exploration of how changing the medium changes the message. Emphasis on issues such as power, justice, love, hatred, and loyalty. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 350. Studies in Drama
Drama from various periods with emphasis on forms, ideas, and techniques. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 355. Advanced Studies in Professional and Technical Writing
Advanced exploration of the interrelation between written, oral, and graphic communication. Emphasis on research, editing, and producing camera-ready documents. Not for Core or literature credit. Prerequisite: English 255: or consent of professor Credit: 3 hours
English 360. Advanced Composition
Advanced instruction in the various types of composition. Not for Core or literature credit. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 370. Middle English Literature
Study of prominent works of Middle English literature, including Chaucer, Langland, the Pearl Poet, and Julian of Norwich. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 371. Old English Literature
Study of the form of English used prior to the Norman Invasion (1066), including its grammar and lexicon, in the service of appreciating and analyzing its literature. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 401. Twentieth Century British Literature
Poetry, drama, fiction, and the essay from 1900 to the present. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 402. Advanced Studies in Literature
An intensive study of a special topic, individual author, or literary movement. Attention to be given to current critical and theoretical issues relevant to the area of study. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: Junior standing/consent of department head. Credit: 3 hours
English 403. Contemporary American Literature
Genres of recent American literature, focusing on the issues and themes confronting Americans; contributions by modern ethnic writers. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 404. Renaissance Studies
Selections from all major genres of the English Renaissance (1500-1650), including writers such as Spenser, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne, and Milton. Prerequisite: English 110 & 210 Credit: 3 hours
English 406. Studies in Romantic British Literature
Studies in poetry and prose of selected English Romantic writers with emphasis on the creation and characteristics of the English Romantic Movement. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 407. Studies in Victorian British Literature
An overview of British prose and poetry written between 1830 and 1901 with an emphasis on dominant ideological Preoccupations of the period. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 408. Scottish Literature
An overview of Scottish literature from its beginnings to the present with emphasis on the relationship between history and literature. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 411. Southern Literature
Significant Southern writers from Colonial to Modern with emphasis on 20th Century works. Prerequisite: English 110 Credit: 3 hours
English 420. Shakespeare
Representative comedies, histories, and tragedies showing the development of his thought and style. Shakespeare’s world and theatre examined. Prerequisite: English 210 or consent of professor Credit: 3 hours
English 430. Literary Theory
A survey of theoretical reflection upon literature and its interpretation from Plato to the present. Capstone course in the major. Not for Core literature credit. Prerequisite: English 110, (6) hours of literature/consent of professor. Credit: 3 hours