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Entrepreneurship (ENTR
English 449. Independent Study
Selected topic under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: Permissions: Chairperson of the department; Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Credit: 3 hours
English 455. Internship in Professional and Technical Writing
Intensive study and work at a nearby business or other organization that produces technical writing. A total of 100 contact hours is required. Consent of the English Department is required, and the Department will oversee the internship. Cannot be used for English major or English minor credit, or for Core or literature credit. Prerequisite: English 355 or consent of professor Credit: 3 hours
English 497. Exit Examination
Required of majors in the last semester before graduation. Graded on P/F basis. Credit: 0 hours
E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P ( E N T R )
Entrepreneurship 315. Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship (MGMT 315)
Study of the small business sector within a free enterprise system; examines the startup process; and reinforces managerial techniques for the continuing success of small firms. Prerequisite: Management 302 & Marketing 301 Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Entrepreneurship 340. Social Entrepreneurship
Designed to expose students to the field of social entrepreneurship, this course will develop innovation skills, and social awareness required for success in the field. Topics include development of a sustainable business model capable of providing a positive long-term social impact. Prerequisite: Entrepreneurship/Management 315 or consent of the Dean of the School of Business Credit: 3 hours
Entrepreneurship 410. New Venture Entrepreneurship
By the completion of this course, students will be able to integrate multiple innovative and entrepreneurial factors into a complete enterprise strategy. Included in the topics will be market evaluation, business modeling, business strategies, financial structures and early and late stage funding sources to ensure sustainable growth. Prerequisites: Entrepreneurship/Management 315 or consent of the Dean of the School of Business and senior status Credit: 3 hours
Entrepreneurship 496. Entrepreneur in Action Practicum
Designed to prepare an entrepreneurship minor with the hands-on practical skills necessary to start a business venture. The practicum can focus on launching a student business or a student run on-campus venture. Requires the consent of the Dean of the Byrum School of Business. Must be approved by the entrepreneurship minor coordinator and supervised by a faculty member. Credit: 3 hours