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Environmental Biology (ENV
Entrepreneurship 499. Internship in Entrepreneurship
For students who are interested in being entrepreneurial within a small business or nonprofit organization. Requires the consent of the Dean of the Byrum School of Business. Must be approved by the entrepreneurship minor coordinator and supervised by a faculty member. Credit: 3 hours
E N V I R O N M E N T A L B I O L O GY ( E N V )
Environmental Biology 115. Environmental Biology (BIO 115)
Basic concepts of ecosystem structure and function, and varieties of interactions in the environment. Problems of energy and energy flow, resources, disruptive influences, and man’s response and responsibility. Three hours lecture, three hours lab. Credit: 4 hours (Fall)
Environmental Biology 330. Marine Biology and Oceanography (BIO 330)
Study of the Earth’s marine life and ocean ecosystems; ecological relationships among different forms of sea life and their interactions with the physical environment of the world’s oceans. Prerequisite: Environmental Biology/Biology 115 or Biology 101 & 200 Credit: 3 hours
Environmental Biology 430. Wildlife Management (BIO 430)
Basic principles of wildlife management; study of how wildlife populations are maintained in natural and disturbed communities. Prerequisite: Environmental Biology/Biology 115 or Biology 101 & 200 Credit: 3 hours
Environmental Biology 442-444. Independent Study
Individual study of a topic of interest and concern to the student. May involve directed reading and/or experimental work in consultation with and supervision by a biology faculty member. May be repeated for credit (with approval of biology faculty.) Offered on demand. Prerequisite: 2.0 GPA; approval of Biology Chairperson and Dean of College 30 days prior to study Credit: 2-4 hours
Environmental Biology 495. Environmental Biology Internship
Field experience in environmental biology through paid internship or volunteer opportunity. An acknowledged learning agenda between the supervisor and student is recognized; the student and supervisor will set goals to be met during the internship. Prerequisite: Completion of junior year, consent of faculty advisor Credit: 4 hours
Environmental Biology 491-493. Special Topics in Environmental Biology
Special topics of interest in environmental biology. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. Prerequisite: Junior/senior standing and consent of professor. Credit: 1-3 hours
Environmental Biology 497. Exit Examination
Required of majors in the last semester before graduation. Graded on P/F basis. Credit: 0 hours