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Health and Physical Education (HPE
Health 210. Introduction to Holistic Care Concepts (Wellness)
A non-clinical three-hour sophomore course which introduces the student to selected basic concepts in the holistic delivery of healthcare. Purpose of the course is to introduce holistic care concepts to health science majors. The course focuses on the caring professions; professionalism (behavior, communication, etc.); healthcare team member’s roles and functions; holistic caring core values; health promotion and disease prevention; legal and ethical aspects, health care delivery systems; standards of practice; and clinical judgment. Prerequisite: Chemistry 101, Biology 211 or 311 with at least a “C” Credit: 3 hours
Health 305. Human Pathophysiology and Nutrition
Focuses on the pathophysiology of common disease conditions affecting human beings across the lifespan. Content builds on basic anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and chemistry content obtained from earlier courses. The pathophysiologic bases of common human health alterations and associated clinical manifestations are discussed. The six nutrient categories and diet recommendations for health promotion and maintenance will be discussed. Topics include the food pyramid recommendations for individuals across the lifespan, energy balance, and dietary modifications required for common health alterations. Prerequisite: Biology 212 with a grade of “C-” or better Credit: 4 hours
H E A L T H A N D P H Y S I C A L E D U C A T I O N ( H P E )
Health and Physical Education 201. Introduction to Health and Physical Education
Introductory course for students in or interested in the Health and Physical Education major. Examination of the purposes of health and physical education and appropriate teaching behaviors. Credit: 3 hours (Fall)
Health and Physical Education 220. Teaching Educational Gymnastics, Dance, and Rhythms
Develops skill and understanding of educational gymnastics and various dance and rhythm activities, along with an understanding of activity-specific teaching issues, including safety, task design, instruction, and assessment. Only open to HPE or CCR majors or students with departmental permission. Prerequisite: HPE 201/CCR 111 or departmental permission Credit: 2 hours (Fall)
Health and Physical Education 221. Teaching Individual and Dual Sports
Develops skill and an understanding of strategy and rules of various individual and dual sports, along with an understanding of sport-specific teaching issues, including safety, task design, and instruction. Only open to HPE or CCR majors or students with departmental permission. Prerequisite: HPE 201/CCR 111 or departmental permission Credit: 2 hours (Spring)
Health and Physical Education 222. Teaching Team Sports
Develops skill and an understanding of strategy and rules of various team sports, along with an understanding of sport-specific teaching issues, including safety, task design, and instruction. Only open to HPE or CCR majors or students with departmental permission. Prerequisite: HPE 201/CCR 111 or departmental permission Credit: 2 hours (Spring)